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In August it's going to be 11 years since the last Rayman game released. Will /ourguy/ ever get a new game bros?
maybe someday
If a new Rayman game were to get released today it'd be an absolute turd. Just wait for Ubisoft to die, maybe by then a second game crash will have happened and some better company can buy the rights and actually make a decent title then
I’m not hopeful. There’s also the question what ubisoft would even turn it into these days.
Rayman fans love to shit on Ubisoft but the truth is with Michel Ancel gone we actually have a chance at getting a new game. Michel Ancel is an amazing developer but he spent nearly a decade working on that vaporware Beyond Good and Evil 2 and Wild. If we waited for him to make a new Rayman game it would never come. Davide Soliani loves Rayman and the franchise and he said he hopes to make a new entry some day. Rayman in the Phantom Show showed us that he has the skills and talent to pull it off.
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>relic cutscenes in the Vita version of Origins
What the absolute fuck? How canon is any of this shit?
Canon isn't a thing in Rayman. The series has never been consistent. Remember when there was 1000 lums in Rayman 2 and then there was an infinite amount in Rayman Origins and Legends? or when they retconned Rayman's species into teensies in Origins and backpeddled in Legends and said he isn't the only one of his kind? Don't think too hard about Rayman lore.
I don't want a new Rayman game unless it's the same style as the first game: slow paced precision platformer
I like to believe that everything changes based on Polokus' whims especially given enough time, and it's why the same concept takes on different forms through games. But saying Rayman had a GF of his species (which hasn't been a thing since the first game) and that he's fucking BALD is pushing it way too much for me.
The first game was fucking shit anon. Rayman 2 was the peak of the OG series, and Origins was it's first good 2D game
>The first game was fucking shit anon
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This game was literally DRIPPING with soul. What the fuck was Ubisoft thinking cancelling it?


Here's two other cancelled Rayman games


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For me, it's Rayman CP.
>Ubisoft cancelled Phoenix Studio's Rayman 4, Michel Ancel's original version of Rayman Raving Rabbids and Rayman Guardians in favour of the shitty Rabbids minigame slop we got.
Not with Ancel being retired
I don't trust any modern devs to treat Rayman with respect and make an honest effort at trying to make a fun Rayman game. Some people will point to Rayman 3 but that was 2003, 20 years ago, and the people that make games now are very different from then

Rayman community scene has been building up more though so I'm hopeful for fan projects instead of hoping Ubisoft will make some lazy garbage. I think it's more likely Ubisoft will sell Rayman then make a new game with him that'd be good
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>According to the ex-Phoenix Studio employees who leaked the concept art, gameplay footage and storyline script of Phoenix Studio's Rayman 4 aka Rayman Ghosts, Ubisoft has been out for Ancel's blood as far back as 2006. Remi Gazel (Composer of the original Rayman's music) and loads of other people who worked with Ancel get extremely aggressive whenever Ancel's name is brought up.

Full document on research into Rayman 4, Phoenix Studio and Ancel

>I don't trust any modern devs to treat Rayman with respect and make an honest effort at trying to make a fun Rayman game.
>he doesn't know
>but instead the ghost would phase in and out of existence—akin to virtual assistants of sorts—where they’d help you out during specific gameplay segments: copying the player Rayman’s actions with a bit of a delay à la Tails in Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
God this already sounds like shit.
Here's a gameplay mockup that was created during the development of the game


also here's concept art for the game

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Oh fuck now I really need to read this to the end. This shit's gold.
I‘d agree but the new prince of persia is very good so clearly there‘s some good devs at ubisoft still. I want a new 2d rayman so bad. I swear origins and legends didn‘t even flop
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People actually thought this was a good retcon. It's literally soul vs soulless
I think the ones on the right are meant to be the teensies from Rayman 2.

Or are you talking about the art style?

The backgrounds in rayman origins and legends are good.
I only liked Great Escape and the one with the sexy fairies and viking girl.
Some thought magician teensie was Mr. Dark
The Magician, previously a Rayman-like being was turned into a regular Teensy (and an evil one at that), that's what he means.
If I recall legends flopped due to poor circumstances
>originally was going to be a Wii U exclusive but was delayed to be multiplat instead
>ends up releasing on the same day as fucking GTA 5
I think similar circumstances befell origins as well with a bad release window but don’t know much about that
Rayman origins > legends
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Lord have mercy if this is considered a flop. Sure, it might have had a slow start but this is not an unpopular game at all. With companies trying to dig up IPs for the brand recognition surely it‘s worth making a new rayman game
man this model looks weird as hell
They went back on the "Rayman's species is all teensies" one game later in Rayman Legends too. Why can't they make their minds up?
What i hate about origins are the lums in bubbles and enemies that you have to kill twice to get full lums. That‘s why i‘d rather play back to origins levels than origins itself
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Michel Ancel said he wanted to make a new Rayman game after Beyond Good and Evil 2 and Wild but now he's retired.
Wasn't the last mario vs rabbids game a financial flop? A new 3d rayman game would be a good next project pivot for that team
>release 2 10/10 2d platformers
>nobody buys either except me and 3 other people
they shot themselves in the foot by delaying legends a full year, but it was probably doomed either way
You know what's even worse? Getting 350 lums on the moskito stages. Jesus fucking Christ it's like they made these as obnoxious as possible on purpose.
The Rayman Legends team was forced to scrap two entire worlds because Ubisoft forced them to rush the game's development. Ubisoft made them add Back to Origins so people didn't think they were getting scammed. Fuck Ubisoft.


the 10/10 platformer was Rayman 1 and Rayman 3 GBA because they kept the same formula.

I'm still waiting on a Rayman 1 sequel that's similar to it. That game was kino
Explains why legends was so light on content when you take out back to origins and invaded levels. Even the last world is just rehashes of previous music levels
To be honest, the four additional worlds in Origins required to unlock the last area felt pretty damn rehash-y. I felt bored as soon as I started playing through them.
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>no hooves
Into the trash it goes.
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>definitive edition
>only extra shit is the shitty murphy levels from the PS Vita version, all of the costumes exclusive to each console and the UbiRay costume
Can the costumes be modded into the PC version?
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Nobody has made a mod for it as far as I know. Also fun fact: Ubisoft locked the Funky Ray costume behind UbiConnect in the PC version and when they changed/updated the UbiConnect client it made unlocking the Funky Ray costume impossible.
There‘s also kung foot tournament but the murphy levels are so bad that including them pulls this version down a lot
Would you want the next Rayman game to be 2D or 3D?
I don't trust Ubisoft to make a cartoony AA 3D platformer, much less a good one.
The switch version also runs like absolute shit. It has long as fuck loading times because Ubisoft didn't way to pay for a bigger cartridge size. The Wii U and PS Vita versions load faster than the Switch version.
I prefer 2d but a new 3d game is long overdue
I wish Rayman 2 and 3 would be ported to Switch. I haven't played them, and I can't get enough 3D platformers.
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Ly was meant to be in Rayman 3 but got cut. Here's concept art Ubisoft drew of her Rayman 3 design.
I want to go back.
just buy a deck instead of waiting for every game on earth to be ported.
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Never forget what they took from you.
Did this really get canned because of the massive backlash? lol if only that worked more often
literally emulate them you dingus
why does /v/ cope so hard? The last game Rayman Legends was trash. 2/10 easily. That's why no more Rayman.

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