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>Wake up
>You're a parasite with Mercer abilities
What next Anon?
Turn into a girl
Fusion with machines, the flesh can only do so much.
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consume 100 game devs and use their knowledge to create the ultimate video game
>Go to gang ridden areas
>Slaughter all gang bangers, drug dealers, etc. en masse
>Take whatever money they had
>Repeat until my bloodlust is satisfied
Less filth in the world, and I'm richer for preying upon low life thugs. Kinda like Omar from The Wire.
How does the memory absorption thing work anyway? Is it literally every memory from a person's entire life? If on average the people he consumes are only about 30, even 100 of then is 3000 years of lived experience. Toss in a bunch of PhDs and engineers and his IQ should be off the scales.

Or maybe it's just breif flashes and imprints like the game sows, who knows.
It sucks that the PC version is so damn buggy. Crashed right in the prologue. ER works like that too sadly, games are either shit or buggy I suppose
go to the local universities' girl dorms
Could you faggots please stop making Prototype threads? Otherwise they're going to try and make a new one and it'll be fucking shit.
That wouldn't raise your IQ, you'd just have a lot of memorized knowledge
I go into the ocean and live out my dream of being a kraken.
Some youtuber probably made some shitty retrospective video essays recently and now they're suddenly all fans of the game, which they have yet to play.
t. sheltered suburban white boy
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this is why i keep coming to this cesspit
I guess I'd experiment with the extent of my shapeshifting powers, can I grow wings,can I throw out tendrils fast enough to swing like Spider-Man. You know, that sort of stuff. I'd try to work towards creating a kind of siamese twin connected by an umbilical cord that looks exactly like any woman I want to fuck, and basically masturbate myself with my own vagina. Grow some Doc Ock arms would be cool too.
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It's been one of my favorite games ever since I first played it and the fact so many threads for it are appearing is getting on my nerves and making me fear that they're going to try and reboot it or make a sequel. That's the worst possible fucking thing that could happen. Because I won't be able to live with my headcanon that Alex Mercer ate the black dude from the inside out over time.
I really liked how the city progressively went to shit in this game. From normal everyday life to infected sometimes popping up, a few soldiers showing up and so on more and heavier infected, special soldiers and bases, infected hives, sky turning red and at the end there are no civvies are on the streets anymore. It was great. Nothing gave me the feeling of that kind of atmosphere since.
i shapeshift into a bucket of water
Make a female version of me so I won't be a virgin anymore
Sometimes I wish I could shrink down into a nearly microscopic little flying craft, like Fantastic Voyage, so I could fly up my nose and really get a good look at the mucus there, and use robot arms to scrape it off and remove it, cos sometimes it's difficult to get it with just a finger alone. But I guess with Mercer's powers I could send a little tendril up there with an eye stalk, like that probe thing from War of the Worlds. Really get in there good.
it seems to be an active choice to consume someone's memories since in the games targets of interest have to be killed in specific ways. the way alex talks about it in some of the cutscenes it seems like you see someone's whole life flash before your eyes whenever you consume them.
Well I hope Alex likes seeing foot porn because... Phew. There's a lot of it in there.
>Because I won't be able to live with my headcanon that Alex Mercer ate the black dude from the inside out over time.

I wonder how common this cope is. Because mine is kind of the same. Except i went with: Mercer consumed Heller right on the spot and he is roleplaying as him for some reason.
>Absorb pitbull
>Shape-shift into a buff pitbull
>Immediately start attacking people.
>Police shoot at me but I heal the wounds cuz OP parasite.
I start executing petty thugs and niggers and communists, move on to cartels, work my way up to corrupt governments and just keep culling evil people.
rape women
Some of you'll motherfuckers are cracked in the head.
>eat a bunch of scientists
>become super genius
>invented superpower serum
>inject it into a bunch of guinea pigs
>eat them
>now I shoot fire out of hands
It'd be roight fooking noice mate
having fun with tentacles
I Free Palestine, end the ukrainian war, and guarantee the independence of Taiwan.
The hard way.
Woah! Cool it with the antisemitism.
I CONSUME Sydney Sweeney transform as her and Fuck Timothee Chalamet
Kill as much people as possible. Starting with anyone who's ever browsed this shithole site.
I consume all my fellow white people to become the one true white, and master of VRIL energy, ruling over the brown world I have created as god-emperor, proliferating my white seed into only the finest asians.
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Go to New York.
>Aussie darksouls
So kinda like WH40K except instead of venturing out into the stars, the surface of the Earth just becomes a slum street market with live chickens and trash strewn everywhere. Not the future I'd choose, personally
>tfw I have had a made up superhero story since high school where I have these powers
If you had the blacklight powers, what would be the best way to beat up bad guys in a nonlethal way? How would claws or blades work if you didn't want to kill someone?
I'd start running wef
You ever played spiderman web of shadows? Exact same thing, but you get the spiderman game with the best combat in the franchise, and best webswinging after spider-man 2
collab with the dude from infamous
Why is this my power fantasy? It's just a really nice super power while also not being overbearingly powerful. You'd struggle, but you'd still feel like a powerhouse.
Thinking Mercer isn't extremely powerful is retarded. He survived the fireball of a nuclear explosion.
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I immediately go and talk to a priest about this then secure a contract with my country to replicate this tech via exclusive experimentation only to them and to keep it maximum secure as to gain a massive political technical societal advantage and skyrocket my countries importance GDP and living quality standards. If I'm going to be myself but with this level of power, I don't have the morality to be a psychopath, I want to be a sellout and make sure in the end my own benefit from this rather than getting fucked over.

Also probably just like fuck around for a week I guess? I mean sure I can run fast and up buildings and such but that's not useful. I don't really wanna fuck but I guess I'd be fit. A bigger dick wouldn't help me either and I don't wanna eat people and 99% of mercers shtick is killing or being really really really deadly, so I'd like to figure out if this is like making everyone a superhero tier or if I'm just shooting blanks first and foremost because if I'm infertile that's just a major bummer.

Man I feel like I've outgrown my youth when I have a 401k kind of plan for becoming the mass murder virus guy.
I will kill all kikes and liberate palestine
He's literally not. Just because a human can survive 50 stab wounds and one small arts bullet to the skull, doesn't mean they won't die immediately to a stab to their neck or high caliber to their forehead. Mercer panics/remains cautious MULTIPLE times throughout the game. Even while defending Ragland, he freaks out because he's about to be overwhelmed by mutants which even Blackwatch could contain because it never did managed to spread outside of NYC.
What the fuck are you on about?
Mercer virus has infinite potential as long as theres biomass to consume
Well then you better be twice as good as Alex was, or else you won't get to 100%
consoom all female bodies
pop all the collars
He made himself a target instead of just fucking off and going incognito.
Absorb people that have talents and abilities I want.
I would go to expensive steak restaurants, consoom all the A5 Wagu and dry aged tomahawk steaks and then transform into someone else in the bathroom and leave
Alex is definitely a tough bastard but he isn't invincible. Even if we ignore the sequel no one likes talking about he could've gotten fucked by the nuke if it wasn't for a nearby crow and he wasn't even near the center of the blast
Haven't played Prototype. Are both worth playing or only 1? I heard 2 shat all over 1.
>turning into the weakest sex
I hate trannies.
eat the body of a very wealthy crook and retire
Why is this retarded nigger game is so hard to get it running on modern machine? many of older games work just fine.
Its a fun action game, if you like infamous for instance which is quite similiar you would enjoy it
Makes me angry that we don't get games like this nor Infamous anymore but instead get capeshit and nothing.
Right, the guy who can knock a helicopter out of the sky, rip a tank to pieces, run up walls, and survive a nuke isn't extremely powerful. Thanks for showing us how low your IQ is.
I hate to tell you this dude but infamous is capeshit. Its well done capeshit but its literally a comic book hero story including a superheros tragic story, losing his girl to a vilain, time travel shenanigans, government conspiracies, maguffins like blast shards blast cores and power unlocking stuff like ray spheres and later power transfering power stealing and more.

Infamous 1 and 2 do the whole thing about being a guy who didn't really ask for this but is dealing with it as best as he can while also having a protagonist who likes and dislikes being a protagonist. Cole is pretty much superhero bait with how he's effectively a dudebro who really just wants to get by until he's hit with shit like the Plague, his alternate timeline self and yknow, his closest friend betraying him.

Second Son and such are on a technical level prettier and such but they're also capeshit with initial yapper mouthing retard syndrome of the time. They're closer to the term but Infamous 1 was most definitively capeshit alongside 2.
I'll cleanse the world by doing a LGBT murder spree
If I ate someone with cancer, would I also get cancer?
With borderline Nyarlohotep powers
>turn into a woman
>turn back into a man
>compare the two
>destroy israel
I slowly become infrastructure and take over hospitals (and planned parenthood) until I have eaten all of the countries singlehandedly
then I make the Holy Land sink into the Earth, as a joke
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I'd undergo a training arc until I evolve to the point where I could chart the deep ocean and eventually travel space.
Develop a poison that's soporific/paralytic but not lethal. There's probably something like that in nature you could observe and replicate.
You will never be a parasite
You made it into the prologue? I didn't even make it past the main menu
>turn into a black kitten
>charm some random bitch
>live on easy mode for 17 years
>one day dissapear (cats do that when they are about to die)
>in the worst case you are able to punch a fucking tank into a pulp and turn yourself into a meteor
>go back to be a kitten
Realistically? Its life on easy mode. I'm no Superhero. I'm petty. I'm selfish. I would turn myself into the kind of guy who she won't be embarassed to be seen with.
>disable error report in the windows service
>open game
>an error shows up
>alt-tab back into the game and leave the error message there
>game works

Thats what i did and managed to beat the game that way.
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You had a very good opportunity to be a twlight a bitch, and didn't. For shame.
Start out confused since suddenly I'm aware of all of my body. I'm usually conscious of only my arms and legs.
Then fuck with the shapeshifting for a few days, making claws, swords, muscles, etc.
And go off grid or consume people to live their lives once every few decades, I guess.
Idk what happens when I need energy. My body is now entirely the Blacklight virus, and I think virus needs living bodies to multiply, so normal food probably won't work? I'm uncomfortable with cannibalism every few days or so.
turning into bigfoot and other cryptids to be filmed in HD is also a good option just for the lols.
eat biomass
doesn't matter where it comes from
Animals work then? I could start a farm. Always want to try out that farm life.
>Newfag doesn't know how t. works with greentexting
Thanks for telling us you're a sheltered suburban white boy, kek.
even plants counts as "biomass"
>there are actual viruses that work on plants
Cool. Didn't know that.
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Get stomped by Infamous main character and Bullet Witch. Mercer virus is a bitch to higher beings than him.
Dante and Bayo will completly mog him. Don't know about Ryu from Ninja Gaiden. Also Aya Breya from PE will kill the Zeus virus without problem.
Your post gave me nostalgia
In the age of ai, you'd have to be on livestream. Imagine bigfoot on livestream in the woods, talking about his simple life, like, 3-5 sporatic streams times a year. That could kill.
You will just spread the virus and turn town population into zombies until you will get nuked and get nigged in the sequel. The Thing is dead end plot.
Just play Superhuman, it's the same premise, but better.
Aren't you playing as The Thing in Prototype?
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Become a vigilante who saves random people before disappearing into the night. Need the edgiest costume possible.
It's going to be fucking sick.
Black Light is a dangerous. So there's a chance that where is a Super beast exist to hunt you down.
Intercontinental unapologetic political massacre with fervent spirit.

Then steal a hundred million & hold a gamedev studio hostage so they can make Disciples 3 in the style of 2 and I can pay the bastards if it's just as good. That would be all.
What about zombies and the apocalypse? Black Light is literally Doomsday device.
The zombie clean up process will be the boring part of work
I mean not even humans will be infected but also animals. Blacklight is a T-virus on steroids.
>Start out confused since suddenly I'm aware of all of my body. I'm usually conscious of only my arms and legs.
Wait. Is it not normal to be aware of your entire body?
Carnage rip off.
Cole only wins because Mercer's entire body is a nervous system
If you make magic real in the setting, all the virus has to do is chomp something magical and suddenly it has access to that magic.
>he's a newfag
greentexting means (You)'re saying it, tourist.
Infamous verse mogs Prototype verse, due to time travel plot. Even Silent Hill verse mogs Prototype. The Thing is lesser verse.
We're not powerscaling, bro. Although let's try applying the question to those characters.
Cole's powers are neat, but mainly geared towards combat. I like Psychic Vision though, might try becoming a detective.
Dante's powers are all combat. But he doesn't seem to need anything to sustain himself so I might try becoming a hermit.
Bayo's powers are pretty cool. Magic like Witch Time, Beast Within are busted. But the demon pacts are iffy. I probably just use them to play pranks on people.
Not familiar enough with the others.
Yeah, and you didn't do that you dumb faggot. You didn't greentext it, so you're saying it about yourself. Lurk 2 years before posting.
In other verses, like Devil May Cry Dante Gods exist. A Prototype can only do something because it is allowed to do it.
Either baiting or genuinely retarded.
Greentexting a reply means you're saying the other anon said it. A simple t. is in regards to a second anon saying it to the first anon. I know school's out now, but please study more when it picks back up. Unless you're a Burger, in which case, my condolences.
>We're not powerscaling, bro.
Well Prototype is about power anyway. So this is ok thing to do. Mercer is weak to comparing with others.
>A simple t. is in regards to a second anon saying it to the first anon
Saar moment.
>American education
Thanks for confirming any doubts.
>A Prototype can only do something because it is allowed to do it.
or because it gets everywhere
there's a reason why the Thing took place in Antarctica
I can't actually believe I share a board with such retarded newfaggots in 2024. Here, I'll explain it to you dumbfuck. t. is an abbreviated version of terveisin, which is finnish for "best regards" or "sincerely". the thing that comes after t. is the person writing it. I know this because I am finnish. When I say for example

t. non-retard

I'm talking about myself. I'm saying sincerely, not a fucking retarded ESL faggot like you. If I were to greentext that while replying to someone else's post, I would be signing another anon's post with an insult of my liking. Kindly kill yourself you worthless jeet.
>Burger education in full effect
Dios mio...I'm so sorry, lard-kun. I guess I should say you're a sheltered brown boy.
>A simple t. is in regards to a second anon saying it to the first anon.
this is some serious newfag shit i've never seen before kek
Hulk can do all that and he gets kneeled by the human military on multiple occasions.
Time travel and splitting dimensions will kill the Blacklight in very beginning. This is why Infamous and Silent hill are superior.
>samefagging because he got BTFO
>t. streetshitter
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>t. streetshitter
Lmao assblasted jeet
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>Saar you don't understand the finnish adverb or the greentext
>will kill the Blacklight in very beginning.
unless the Blacklight gets those powers or they don't know where (or when) it originated like 12 monkeys
for all they know Redlight's been doing progenitor virus shit since the beginning of time
>all Goku victims
fake my death and immediately start fucking around in other peoples bodies, test my powers but I won't kill like Alex, I'd simply kill who I like as a normal person and then take a new form so I never get caught
>unless the Blacklight gets those powers
We are talking about Infamous and Silent Hill verses. They are literally a pokeball for bad people and monsters. Negdiff.
Nuh uh. Dante from dmc is stronger.
The nigger from Misfits did this. Iirc he got pregnant cuz he used the same tissue for both masturbation sessions.
what are you talking about "pokeball", the whole point of the Thing and Prototype is that they get *everywhere* since they're just viruses and viruses spread *everywhere* and can have multiple hosts since they're viruses
hell you were there, you've seen that happen before
the nigger had time travel powers. The irish kid had the clone powers
Yeah but getting everywhere in Silent hill and Infamous means nothing. Same with Doom verse.
There was one guy that had the power to transfer other powers and at the end of season 3 or 4 they all bought new powers from him. Nigger bought the power to change genders and had lost the ability to time travel.
Become the top of the food chain.
There is always Someone higher.
most of the plot of Infamous 2 happens because a virus got everywhere
lol and failed. Well depends on the endings ofcourse.
Become the little girl.
only because there was a global "cure all" device
they don't really do anything to stop its spread in the Beast ending
>Death Battle
how about you death battle yourself with a gun and pull the trigger
if you have a better source of dealing with the Thing virus bring it on.
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>anon gets godlike virus powers
>just turns into a girl and lives a normal life
the film?
Im breaking into area 51 to see just what really they are hiding there.
i have severe gaming PTSD. its where i get triggered by PNGs of old games. i just had such an awful time playing these discs. so this happens because most of you are from india, and cant earn enough money to play recent stuff like me.
Consume some random, retired rich fuck to have a comfortable life to fall back on
Engage in the occasional vigilantism
Make crazy POV parkour videos
Because they don't really have to. Conduits are immune, therefore, awaken all the conduits, everyone else dies off, virus becomes a non issue once everyone that can die to it has died.
The film? Do you mean the game?
i think theres actually only 4 games that aren't going to be defined as literal torture one day, once humanity catches up. so that means i'm literally defining the act of playing the game in the OP as torture. and, i dot think anyone is gonna disagree, that game was ass
you mean the novella titled "Who Goes There?"
Different crips.
except unawakened conduits can still be killed by it because it gets everywhere, not just in one direction
you just unlocked a hidden memory. DAMN that show got retarded
I'd still fuck the shit out of that black chick though
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Really, I'd just go run and fly around the mountains of Colorado.
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Retard-chan, Blacklight has a lethality rate of 0.999999%. It's Redlight that starts up zombie apocalypses, Blacklight will only make shitty sequels.
That show should have ended with the first season. How fucking perfect would that have been?
wow, a less than one percent lethality rate, incredible!
Go around committing crimes as a different minority every day to stir up racial tension in various countries
Leave my old life behind and move to another state/country. Run an antique or book store since I won't be dying anytime soon. Wait for the insanity to kicking before going sane once again and go back to running another store.
Blacklight virus is offspring of Redlight which is literal evolution personified.
Nyar is the Son of God.
What an annoying moron. You vsbattle types are so tiresome, it hurts.
>Blacklight will only make shitty sequels.
Rude, it wasn't the virus that killed P2. I'm still mad.
>What next Anon?
you're so boring
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>prototype went to shit and died
>parasite eve went to shit and died
it still hurts
But anon we had to get a random forced plot where the incel kid becomes a superhero out of no where. Except not really. It was cop out the whole entire time.

Honestly the first season was middling but I liked how that one kid's powers didn't get revealed until the very end
>Consume Chad
>Win at life Ă—1000
Time to be happy.
His power is insane. If you're not a retard, you're never getting caught. A swat team or gangbangers, which is the most lethal force an average person can encounter in a life time, are a joke to him. It would take a well prepared, and equipped special force to deal with him. Which means he not only is compromised, but they had time to study him and his weaknesses.
Mercer ain't top of the list. Not cool, bring in up mc's that even not the strongest in thier own game.
Reality doesn't work on power level feats and irrational, ill-thought out thought experiments, and neither do stories as this is both antithetical to their content, and to their meaning. Powerlevel faggotry is a disgrace.
>Reality doesn't work on power level feats and irrational
Say whaaaa? IRL is about power balance, water beats fire, fire beats trees etc.
IRL is a bit [astronomically] more complex than that, and none of those examples are in actuality axiomatic. To you of-course, they are, but that's just you.
Mercer's power is evolution. It by its nature exceeds.
>Mercer's power is evolution.
and getting fucking everywhere
dude got nuked and all it did was send Mercer goop everywhere so there's probably copies of him running around now
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Eat Elon Musk so I can leak all the SPH porn he's liked.
Unlikely, that's just a fan theory.
And one unlikely to be true, they'd spot each other either through sense or by running back home.
Black Light is garbage for power level fanwank, but it's one of the best powers in all of fiction to get as a normal average man who wants to use it for his own gain. The best powers are ones that allow you to do anything, without painting a giant target on your back.
Set up an outbreak in Israel, Palestine, America, and the UK. Cus funny.
holy based
You'd have to learn all the non vital areas of the human body and where all the veins you want to avoid are. So just eat a doctor and then practice using knife hands like a martial artist but with actual knife hands.

Also tell us about the story anon, I too have been thinking about something inspired by Prototype.
How jewish of you.
>that thing in the corner
Is that fucking Adventure Quest Worlds?
Fuck off to space
What pisses me off about marvel, even more than all their woke bullshit, is how bad they did Toxin wrong, killing off his host offscreen and sacrificing him in that shitty retarded symbiote god arc.
Fuck marvel.
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>Mercer's power is evolution.
Evolutions is for lesser beings. Because Perfect life form exist. This is why OP is a fag.
That's not how evolution works, and neither perfection.
Do AIDS and other STDs affect Alex Mercer at all
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Alright say we get a Prototype 3. What enemies that aren't basic soldiers would you add or make up?
Hard Mode: They must be fun because the hunters in 1 fucking suck to fight.
ULTRA HARD MODE: Make the fun boss fight in the series.
and the perfect life form is a big lizard on life support in space but also a hedgehog
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what the fuck
Mercer isn't top tier by powerscale. That's why Infamous verse is better.
No you are cancer
Robots that cant be absorbed and have a variety of weapons
new virus strains (yellow light, greenlight ect) that play like weaker versions of you. Maybe they even run away at low health to munch on civies
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Some of the story events get crazy.
Those are video games with progression. Ya miss the point.
>move to Japan
>become a star in tentacle porn javs
>spend the rest of my life fucking cute Japanese chicks and playing vidyas
>wanting to kill criminals and make areas safer is exclusive a white thing
Guess you're right.
Based. The Evolved were really fun to fight it's a shame they weren't in the open world. You basically only got to fight them in a handful of missions right at the end of the game.
Grinding exp is boring and time wasting. Better start game at the full power and deal with equals.
unironically go to new york and become spiderman
More like Venom.
Hey, he stole that guy's pizza!
That's him! That's the Spiderman! Shoot him!
Power means nothing, if someone stronger exists.
Unlocking the whipfist or tendrils in a new Prototype and unlocking Spider-Man style movement that you could turn on or off on top of the regular parkour sounds like it would be pretty fun.
Okay Vergil.
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If you want some Prototype and Spider-Man action I have the fic for you, because I'm autistic and read the whole thing.
https:SLASH SLASH archiveofourown DOT org SLASH works SLASH 45356110
Thought: Prototype, but it plays like Dishonored.
Go kill the people I hate, probably.
more heavily modified super soldiers that are like Blacklight without any of the shapeshifting or information consuming (DNA+Memories) but can still operate things like whipfist or claws perfectly fine if they're ripped off a hunter (which can now be disabled or dismembered if they're hit hard during an attack, they try to pounce and you cleave them in half)
if you fuck up you will get your arms ripped off and used against you (unless you quickly switch to something that's slippery like tendrils or sharp like blade that will force him to lose his grip) and if you're in an infected zone you're gonna have to eat all the potential weapons and heals he can use
Nature is a trash. Space and Black holes with Super novas that matters.
Absorb dead people and animals since they're already dead anyway and I can gain biomass without hurting anyone innocent.
When I feel like I'm strong enough I'd go eliminate areas with criminals at night. I'd eventually eliminate people in positions of power and when I'm strong enough just do it in the light of day because no one can stop me.
Tossing dramatic statements and insulting things, especially baselessly and wantonly does not make you correct.
Both space and celestial objects are part of nature, literally, as well.
More like higher powers will fuck you up.
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That's a good idea anon. Stealing it for my game.
Not down here in Brazil
>Both space and celestial objects are part of nature, literally, as well.
They exist to put an end to nature. Try to be a tough guy, out of your league, and the huge Black Hole will deal with your planet.
make sure to tell me about it when it's done
I came up with it when I was playing too much Killing Floor Incursion and thought about a VR Prototype game and what abilities would fit that kind of format best
That's not how reality works, and neither do celestial mechanics. Black holes fulfil other purposes.
Teleports you to near Black Hole. Now what?
Pardon my directness, but are you mentally unwell?
he'd probably spray blood into the black hole so he'd get away from it
Or just bored?
Nice. Anyway powerscaling is fun.
I slyly operate in the background and start spreading my viral influence across the human race, bestowing random people with superhuman abilities and utilizing them as vectors to infect and ascend the whole of humanity.
when i was a kid i used to think being alex mercer was the coolest thing possible
I'd eat babies and turn into a housing project
Meteorite strike would to put an end to you like to dinos.
You'd need bosses that aren't as big as Greene but aren't the same size as you because most of the bosses in 1 had you blasting right past them with your only option to get close reasonably being to locking on and using the dive kick which usually ended up with you getting hit.

I'd say giant infected beasts that have a varied enough moveset that they don't all just fall into the pattern of three attacks that you dodge then try to punish over and over in the same exact way.
Kills Blacklight Dead
Take a plane to Israel
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Viral fleshbeasts that don't pull Greene's bullshit. Jumping over big tentacles in a limited arena, having to use your dash to avoid follow-up strikes while you're in the air, weakpoints that would require different powers to reach like your hammertoss or claw pounce. Using your hammer fist slam to lift up something covering a weakpoint, switching to muscle mass to pry open a protective cover.
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The boss could spawn smaller monsters SPARINGLY, NOT CONSTANTLY that you can eat for health but are difficult to deal with if you aren't paying attention, so if you're doing bad you have to focus on dodging until they finally spew out some food for you. Maybe some can be explosive enemies that you can throw.
>Using your hammer fist slam to lift up something covering a weakpoint
or crack open a shell
True, it could be the same process as hijacking a tank but you have to time it right so you aren't in any danger of being hit by a tentacle or claw.
Say goodbye to your kneecaps, Chucklenuts.
Weird how Bloodborne and Prototype crossovers are so common. As common as a dead fanbase can have that is.
Morph into a 10/10 guy and get a job as a model for some easy money.
Chuuni kino
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The appeal of edge is a powerful thing.
>>can do pretty much anything you want, no one and nothing would stand in your way
>get a job as a model for some easy money
jesus christ anon have some ambition
I've seen posts like this a lot now whenever an older game is brought up.
Well, that and maybe fly and bungee jump with my extendo arms. Not too much I can do with these powers without infecting the entire world.
Same here. I also stopped wanting to get isekai'd or hit a reset button to change how my life went in the past. Which is probably a good sign because it shows that I like my current life enough to prefer it over escapist fantasies and that I'm free of regrets.
Too bad they were all woke retards.
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I want a new one.
What are you really expecting to happen once you do? Your life won't suck less. You won't suddenly be more interesting. Why do I sense people like you treat switching gender like people treat an anti depressant. It doesn't solve your issues. Creates its own set really.
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>Yeah, and you didn't do that you dumb faggot. You didn't greentext it, so you're saying it about yourself.

What kind of teenager plays meme police in 2024?
>reading so much into it
are you retraded? it's just his fetish you dumb faggot.
Run as fast as possible, jump as high as possible and then glide through the air. Enjoy a new type of freedom and movement that no other man will ever get
Turn into a chad and have pervy tentacle sex.
idk play videogames
Utterly idiotic, but you're a sellout, so whorishness is expected.
I would masturbate as a girl to be more specific. I do not care for the rest.
I miss the based vengeful protagonists era so much /v/bros....
>fetishes that stray into self mutilation and delusion
Sort of retarded, don't you think.
Satisfying curiosity is the most sane take
>Kinobachi and Prototype
Now that's a crossover I never expected
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Needs more body horrorkino
those guys have BIID for their dicks
First I'd spend days / weeks in front of a big mirror crafting and finetuning my 'default' appearance to the tiniest detail. It's the ultimate narcissist's dream. You don't have to kill anyone for that.

Then I'd spend however long it took practicing my powers to switch between forms accurately because I'd imagine it's not like loading a preset on a computer. It's all biological and actually sounds incredibly fucking difficult. Every time you switch to a new form do you have to account for the precise number and configuration of hair follicles on your head? The angle of the hair follicles under the skin which denotes if your hair will be curly or straight? And that's just getting your hairstyle right. What about conservation of mass? Does it apply? I'm assuming it does and I can't just shapeshift into a fucking ant and then back into a person but what are the limits? Can I be an inch shorter? If I turn into a woman do I have to completely change my internal organs, bone density, chromosomes?
Nevermind shapeshifting sounds like stupid bullshit actually. It's either magic or it doesn't make sense how you could do it instantly
He IS the STD
you only have to turn off the one gene
>The hard way
Through politics?
no, by turning them all into women
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I know it's generic, but for me it's gotta be the Blade and Armor combo.
You will get nuked. You are not immortal.
and then he eats a crow and gets right back up again
The only way I see it being used in non lethal way is that if you, one by one, picked up every bady by the throat and carried them to police station.
>I want to be a sellout
Nah, looks like you want to be a zogbot. There are far better ways to be sellout than that you offered.
you'd be cutting tendons and crippling people for life
Realistically you could probably just eat people until you have a wide selection of DNA that you can pick and choose "the best" features for any face you want, male or female. You know how superheroes have secret identities? You can create ten of them. If Alex could instantly disguise himself as someone else then change back into himself I assume it works by using "templates" in someone's DNA that tells the cells how you're meant to look. Just create a bunch of those for different faces and one that covers your face in armor or turn your face into a giant maw or something equally inhuman so no one could connect your other forms to it and you're all set to be a Lethal Protector.
Fulfil my rapist dream to the fullest.
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It's so kino. I imagine if we weren't limited to a human shape the armor would be horrifying.
Like a cross between a scorpion, centipede, and a praying mantis covered in spiny, chitinous black armor
Nah, he was far away from the blast and still got fucked. Imagine if it's right in his face, where wouldn't even be a puddle of blood left.
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If all my cells are considered me like the game implies I fully intend to use my new powers to scare the shit out of people. Eating soldiers was good but I want to go Alucard on anyone that shoots me. Get shot into a gorey puddle then get right back up and come after them while my body comes back together.
Shit like that is why I bought Dark Sector only to find out it was a shit game
Nothing, being a vigilante is too much of a hassle.
Nice to know that I at least won't get sick and can regenerate from any physical wounds though.
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You're very boring.
Infect women to make them real life futas.
Games like Prototype?
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>not infecting women with redlight so you can have your own glistening red fleshy skinned monster wife
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The poster above is Elizabeth Greene. Don't listen to them.
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>tfw those monsters are actually kind of hot
Same but I'd also go into public places and gradually increase the size of my boobs to see how long before somebody notices
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I just realised that Alex's armored form is probably a leftover from when Greene made more insect like creations.
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Explain yourself right now.
You should shapeshift into a pokemon creature
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Well it sure as hell isn't a basketball American thing
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You didn't see anything.
Have some cute Alex x Dana bonding via fucking around with his superpowers to ensure your silence.
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They should have had some missions that were just fun races across the city with Dana clinging to you. It feels like you barely interact throughout the whole game.
Start masturbating
Then do >>681448658 and masturbate some more
thats a prety good fic
Do you think Dana freaked out upon finding out the Alex she's been around with the entire time isn't actually her brother but a sapient virus that's a simulacrum of her brother from the few memories of the man it could consume before he fully died?
Wait am I Blacklight or an actual parasite that needs a living host body?
I feel like there's no way the "exclusive experimentation" part will have a happy end for you. The superpowers are threatening beyond that of a nuclear arsenal, and they're in the hands of some literally. Nobody will simply trust you and nobody can control you (especially ad hoc). All countries on the planet would have a vested interest in defusing the threat that you pose. That's gonna have to be the goal before trying to doing something fancy like acquiring the tech for themselves.
I mainly just liked the art. I'm not too into fics, but that one with Alex creating a body for the original Alex Mercer imprint in his mind so he can save Dana was fun. I liked Alex struggling to deal with manipulation since he's characterised in the game as someone who grew used to using brute force and intimidation in every situation since with his powers it's never failed him.
>BIG muscle monster girl who rips tanks to protect you and back at base rips you clothes to breed, wake up between 3-4 of them every day
>absolutely loyal and playful like a dog in private
Become the God-Emperor of Mankind.
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Get this man to the Based Department. NOW.
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Ironically the fake Alex is a better brother than the original
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That's very sad.
You can't reason with self mutilating homosexuals
Did the game ever mention what kind of relationship Dana had with her brother? All I remember is her saying that they hadn't had any contact in ages before he dumped the Gentek stuff on her right before getting gunned down.
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This is why she needs two brothers!
Was sort of implied the original mercer contacted Dana after years just to get her help
>absolutely loyal
Thats all I really need. Dont even have to be a girl (although I would prefer that) or a human even.
Someone who has my back out of their own volition while the whole world is against me.
>dubstep starts playing everywhere I go
He did protect her IIRC, carried her from slums or some such.
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>Dont even have to be a girl
Time for Hunter seggs.
Man of taste

>or a human even
Thats the best part, their appearance while monstrous is a poetic juxtaposition of how pure they are inside while the avarage human is a barely disguised monster more inhuman inside than the monstrous being is on the outside.
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You need to consume a girl first dough.
Ew human female. Truly the worst of the worst.
Turning into a fucked up looking sentai villain is the dream of all men.
>self mutilation and delusion
>thread premise is literally being a shapeshifter
Nigger what the fuck are you on about?
Holy shit, this. Bullet witch and Bayonetta crossover when?
I always found the parasite in prototype fascinating. Technically if mercer has the memories of the people he consumes it means they don't really die because their life experiences and consciousness just merged with the virus and form a collective
Zeus existing in a world without Blackwatch already aware of him would be a god.
Hulk can't turn into a cute girl and fuck off when it starts getting too spicy
>bring your best nameless civilian and go bodyboarding
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I just realized the helmet really looks like Seu's from Blame!
>Satisfying curiosity is the most sane take
Curiosity is NOT always sane or good, mister.
It's extremely dangerous and killed or ruined many things.
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Turn into a shota and date older women
So fucking real. I just wanna roleplay as the og skullman bros...
Why? Bullet witch need a proper ramake. What about The Krion Conquest
Virus literally gives you unlimited potential. So with enough biomass youd be tanking nukes easily.
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My long-term goal would be to procreate and transform people with the right attitude. To be the progenitor of a new Parasite-Human species. A more perfect Humanity.
I sometimes have dreams where I have prototype powers. Even though I don't really do much with them outside of superman parkour they are fun. I just wake up whenever I get used to them and want to do someting more serious tho...
same here, anon. I have a whole set of characters whose entire thing is that across every story I make, there's at least one with those powers.
Travel to Israel and start blasting.
Someone needs to make them, that's why. We probably won't get any new Bayo games considering how things went.
Came here to post this
We don’t unironically sign our posts here
Wonder if there are any girls who are into him and want to be absorbed by him, lol.
Not really since it's more akin to copying all the pages from one book to your own notebook, or copying data from a pc to another. Memories are just things stored in the brain
Turn into my 19 year old self.
do my hair like I used to but strengthen it so I never need to use any product or restyle it.

Move to new area, meet cute girl, if she shoots me down change my facial features slightly and move to new area.
repeat until I find the girl for me, live happy full life.
Even if you would only make one offspring it's inevitable all of humanity would in time become virus blacklight infused since any offspring from you is 100 percent empowered and their children too
jerk off and go back to bed
>be a merciful hero and don't kill people
>instead just cripple them and make them live in pain for the rest of their life, financially dependent on their family or the government
>"I'm a hero btw"
why the fuck would you create others like you? they become a threat.

wait? could I still produce normal sperms cells and have normal kids? what would happen to my GF if I fucked her?
Does this ruin my plan for a normal life?
Consume gordon ramsey, and become a cannibal chef. Break into people's homes in the middle of the night screaming about how im going to eat them fucking RAW. Or consume trump, sneak up on women, whisper in their ear "im grabbing it by the pussy" before gouging out their uteruses via vaginal fist perforation.
Imagine how strong Mercer would be if he consumed Eve (not Ava)
If you only consume evil/bad people, eventually you will become just like them.
Better wife than Karen Parker (proto-MJ PS4)?
Eve is original Blacklight.
Turn into a girl but keep my penis
The best of both worlds.
Systematically murder everyone that ever crossed me then rape their females to death. That or buy a Nintendo Switch and play Animal Crossing. IDK.
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Reenact Nitrotitan's Ami.D - Wormies.swf
>slowly infect and assimilate NWO jews
>bring the whole thing down
Not paying attention to you is not "crossing you"
>You're a parasite with Mercer abilities
If I'm the parasite then I'm not me anymore
If you control your shape shifty powers you could make normal sperm with a normal dna from before you got Blacklighted.
>why would you want others like you
It's in a parent's instincts to want to give the best for their kids
Could this be done with just blood/genetic samples or do you have to actually eat them?
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Find Elizabeth and start the KCMNI operation. Kiss, cuddles, marriage, nakadashi, impregnation
You've crossed me for the lass time anon. You better be glad I don't have videogame rape related superpowers.
Superhuman is basically prototype porn game.
>what would be the best way to beat up bad guys in a nonlethal way?
Just grab them? You're strong enough to lift cars and can shrug off automatic fire even with no armor around you, you literaly need nothing else other than your super strenght and durabilty to stop a person
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Actually it was supposed to be Ami.D - Cock Fun.swf but that would be alright too I guess
I liked the idea from the early footage where his mass actually increased as he consumed people.
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Destroy Isreal and India. than create the perfect waifu using my powers and breed her 24/7
alex mercer is dead. the thing you play as is just a virus that can create and shape biomass. presumably you could infect it with a disease that matches its current form but it could just expunge the biomass and get more.
for a true copy you'll need the full body but you can get away with a genetic sample for becoming their twin which is all that matters really
>they become a threat.
unless you're the actual virus itself instead of just a host, then you've got yourself in the back of their head to keep them in line if they act out
Not really, I think. When he died the virus infected his body and rearranged his DNA. He's basically a super virus in itself at this point. I don't think any viruses or diseases would do anything to him anymore.
>Real Alex Mercer is a complete piece of shit, genuine bad guy
>Fake virus Mercer has more humanity than the human he thought he was, and continues to be so after the reveal
This will always be kino to me.
Until the sequel
Eat some little girl, shapeshift into her and start raping women with my BTC (Big Tentacle Cock)
>why the fuck would you create others like you? they become a threat.
In the words of a voice in the back of my head, "What use have I for broken, rusting knives strewn about? What use have I of a kingdom of dust? Let the masses be beaten into mighty blades, and let them endeavor to shape things of glory and splendor."
I believe in free will and an armistice born of brotherhood and equity of arms. The stronger you make everyone, the less able and willing the few are to try to climb up as gods, kings, and warlords. Cooperation and mutual respect becomes fundamental and logical for survival. I'm sure they'll still feud, but they will, in theory, be able to do less damage by being able to do more.
Elfen Lied x Prototype
I go on a spree consuming all the prepackaged biomass at walmart (chicken nuggies)
Blackwatch is unable to stop me.

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