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So BG3 and Cyberpunk are fine, which contain nudity and sex, but Stellar Blade, which contains no nudity nor sex, is a problem just because it features an extremely attractive female in cute clothes?

If you can't handle looking at an attractive female without thinking about porn then you need to stop watching porn, incel. Of all the people that bought Stellar Blade, how many do you realistically think spent $70 just to jerk off to Eve? Do you realize how fucking retarded that sounds?

I'm completely for banning of ALL forms of porn along with nudity and sex in games, allowing ONLY games with sexy females in it like Stellar Blade. Myself and the vast majority of sane heterosexual males who like Eve can appreciate Her divine feminine beauty without needing to jerk off because we're not porn addicted incels.

So realize that the people calling Stellar Blade a coomer game are themselves coomers projecting their own mental weakness and porn addiction.
any game where the main characters are hot and wear sexy outfits gets shit on by prudes, it is what it is
only straight fanservice is bad, anything that makes guys think "oh thats hot" killls real women
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But they're not prudes, because these same people are fine with BG3 and Cyberpunk. These are coomer hypocrites that are projecting their own porn addiction unto sane heterosexual males who simply want to see attractive females in their games. We don't need to jerk off, we just like attractive females. These people are so mentally broken by porn that an attractive female immediately makes them lose their minds and think of porn.

The majority of people who bought Stellar Blade didn't buy it to jerk off to Eve, that's coomer incel projection.
This game is currently on track to meet the same fate as Dead or Alive. And it's a shame, because everything about it is fantastic, imo.
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The Devs and Sony are happy about the sales though? It's a fucking $70 game from a Dev team that does nothing but Gacha. They plan on releasing more content and a PC port. Why isn't that enough? We've got a fun game with a super hot female with more on the way. The people seething over this game are just mentally ill coomer hypocrites.
porn consumption is a very insular thing, the way you engage in it, your brain knows its not normal and you should feel bad about it
thats why when a game has softcore stuff, even non-nude, they have a "this shouldnt be allowed" reflex, they are associating their porn experience with the game
but the game is a game, not porn, you arent (usually) jerking off to it, or at least jerking off to it is not the main form of interaction, playing the game is the main form of interaction, so they are completely two different things but the critics view it as porn anyway
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>Ass fetish game
No no I call Stellar blade a black/american game
Reminder this game sold out in red countries like america
Reminder this game flopped hard in blue countries, like japan
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The critics need to stop watching porn then so they can join the rest of the majority of sane heterosexual males like myself that can appreciate an attractive female without wanting to jerk off. Those same critics again never make the same accusation of coomer game with BG3 and Cyberpunk, which have sex, and make excuses.

To these critics an attractive female equates to porn.

Why are you talking about porn, coomer incel?
Are you really this retarded to take whining of trannies and feminists seriously?

They talk that shit because they unironically think that getting gamers to stop seeing beautiful women in entertainment will somehow make them magically lower their standards and provide a chance for ugly as fuck feminists and trannies to get sex. Even though the beauty standard meme didn't even work before media was even a thing. At the same time they postulate that they'd never fuck men who indulge in entertainment and video games, even though it completely contradicts their previous mantra of battling beauty standards for the very opposite goal.
It's the mindset of rapists, mentally ill cognitively dissonant rapists. Manipulation, gaslighting, coercion, peer pressure, to try and get themselves laid and in control of a segment of men they look down upon even though their are in an even lower position than those men.
You don't take such words seriously from such a mentally retarded and dissonant collective.
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I bought Stellar Blade because it reminded me of the kind of action games that were common when I was younger. It feels like no one wants to make this kind of game anymore.
Is it true that a recent patch fixed the outfits after the outcry? Not sure if meme or not.
Maybe I should clarify.

The title has already established itself. But all the negative press its been getting could possibly get people to dismiss it as a coomer game, affecting the sales of subsequent IP entries. DOA had incredible sales once upon a time. That's why they kept making them. But look what happened.
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shit like BG3 or cyberpunk are "accepted" because they are "mature" games with a "proper story" so they can pretend their shit is okay since it's in "a proper context"
shit like rumble roses was universally shit on, despite actually being fun games, simply because they were all-female wrestling games with sexy outfits and actually having a pretty wholesome tone
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I think these are just incels so damaged by porn that they literally cannot handle seeing an attractive female without immediately thinking about porn. Calling a game like Stellar Blade a coomer game, which has no nudity, sex, nor any lewd posing, just because the female is attractive is due to a person being so damaged by porn use that an attractive female equals porn.

These are just porn broken incels. This is why I say ALL porn should be fucking banned, along with nudity and sex in games. Maybe then these coomer incels can appreciate beautiful women like Eve without freaking out and wanting to jerk off.
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It's coomers gaslighting and passing off their degeneracy as "heckin wholesome" when in reality their shit is far more obscene. BG3 is such a hilariously degenerate fucking lewd game, but I'M the coomer because I enjoy an attractive female in cute clothes?

These are porn broken hypocrites that literally cannot view an attractive female without thinking about porn. Porn needs to be banned, along with nudity and sex in games. These coomer incels would seethe relentlessly over that.
stop trying to force a rivalty, you mentalists
I'd argue Baldur's Gate 3 is not coomer but Stellar Blade is. The former allows you to be nude but the latter is clearly sexualized for the sake of it. We all know it. The real problem is people arguing and not appreciating both. I don't want games ruined by faggot DEI trannies.
this thread reads like a bunch of bots arguing against each other
It’s about her looking under age vs looking like an adult midwit. You wouldn’t like the game and would call it woke if she looked a day over 16.
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Again, coomer incel, if YOU can't handle seeing an attractive female without thinking about porn then you need to stop watching porn. BG3 has nudity and sex, which makes it a fucking coomer game. Stellar Blade has no nudity nor sex, just an attractive female in cute clothes. Imagine being such a fucking porn brained incel that an attractive female makes you think of porn?

If an attractive female with a fat ass were to drop a pencil in front of you and bend over to pick it up, with you crying out "FUCKING WHORE, STICK TO PORN" do you realize how much of an unhinged incel you'd sound like? That's what people who call Stellar Blade a coomer game simply because Eve is attractive are like.

No, it's because She's super fucking hot and incels broken by porn cannot appreciate an attractive female without thinking about porn. These are the people calling Stellar Blade a coomer game.
bg3 is probably the most degenerate out of the praised ones, there full on sucking an fucking scenes and the models are just horrendous looking, its very off putting
the story and characters also suck ass so they have no excuse
Why do you feel the need to defend yourself so strongly if you yourself didn't identify it as a problem as well, and besides, no matter how much you complain about it here there is nothing you can do to change the current social climate of video games you absolute fucking pussies.
the difference is that BG3 and cypherpunk are openly aware of their sexyness, and do so between consenting adults

stellar blade on the other hand has the main character acting like she doesn't even know what sex is

stellar blade has this weird purity act where the designers give her the innocence and appearance of a child from the head up. but then make everything else about her appearance to be this obvious sex symbol where you're meant to jerk off to her. like some fucked up uncanny valley

that's the reason why stellar blade gets scrutinized more. not like i'd expect coomer incels like you to understand this
Just concede dude. Why are you trying to argue something you're wrong about? No reason for her to be designed that way besides blatant sexualization. An RPG having sexual content and nudity isn't equivalent to a game doing this. Stellar Blade wouldn't be coomer bait if Eve had normal outfits BUT you could take them off and make her fully nude, like BG3 has. You don't get the point.
BG3 is art and has soul. Stellar blade is slop for coomers and has no souls nor is art.

BG3 nudity has appropriate context and its optional. Ecchi fanservice in stellar blade is not optional, its literally the whole point.
You dont understand the difference. If they were the same they'd be treated the same, but they are not so theyre not treated the same. Stop being autistic.
And to clarify, this doesn't mean I don't love it and appreciate it. I'm a certified gooner, but at least I'm not in denial about what the game is. It's a mediocre game that you're supposed to goon over with the squad.
>no it’s because she’s super fucking hot
To you she is only hot because she looks like a child. If she did not look like a child, you wouldn’t think she was hot. It’s why you don’t like BG or cyberpunk, because the characters are adults. If the girls are over 16, leftists love it and conservatives call it woke shit. If the girls are under 16, conservatives love it and leftists call it coomer trash. That’s the pattern for sexualized games.
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BG3 is probably THE biggest coomer game I've ever seen in recent history, yet coomer incel hypocrites somehow associate Stellar Blade with porn because it has an attractive female who otherwise is clothed and not even doing lewd poses.

Why do these coomer incels feel the need to call Stellar Blade a coomer game while excusing BG3? Eve isn't naked nor getting fucked, nor is She even doing lewd shit like Bayonetta. She's literally just a hot female and somehow that makes Stellar Blade porn.

These are porn damaged incels that need to stop watching porn.

You're literally equating an attractive female to porn because She's hot, You're a porn damaged incel. Ban ALL forms of porn, period. Porn is a cancer that causes coombrains like you to immedietly think about porn over the mere appearance of an attractive female.

BG3 is the actual coomer game because it has nudity and sex.

Again, coomer incel, beautiful women aren't porn. Stop being such a sexless loser and lay off the porn. You worship porn and sex so much that you literally cannot handle an attractive female without losing your mind. You're fucking pathetic.
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>I'm a gooner

And so is everyone else calling Stellar Blade a coomer game, thanks for admitting it. Maybe stop watching porn and have sex, incel.
ctrl + f "without"
>"without thinking about porn"
>"without wanting to jerk off"

every single one of these threads has those lines
has this board been invaded by bots?
"coomer" game is something you made up. It doesn't fucking mean anything, that is a fake fucking word you god-damned psychopath
hey didn't this game flop??
I think it did. Especially in Japan
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Bruh youre fighting windmills and sound insane, youre just making stellar chuds look bad.

Stellar Blade is a perverted fanservice game, by design, by intention of creators. BG3 is an adult RPG game, where you can engage in sexual stuff or choose not to. That's a big difference.

She not just "attractive female" , she is intentionally hypersexualized. The modern Tomb Raider games are an example of attractive female but not hypersexualized, so it's not seen as coomer bait.
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The people who hate fan-service are also ok with letting groomers be childcare workers.
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The people crying about Eve call Stellar Blade a coomer game while excusing the actual coomer game BG3 which has nudity and sex. These people are so broken by porn that to them the mere presence of an attractive female equates to porn. These are hypocritical coombrain sexless loser incels projecting their own mental illness onto others.

Have sex and stop watching porn, incel. If you were getting laid you wouldn't be seething over a game.

It's not perverted nor is it fanservice unless you're a coombrained incel who literally cannot handle seeing an attractive female without thinking about porn. For sane heterosexual males with a healthy and happy sex life we don't see Eve and think about porn nor jerking off, we just appreciate innocent feminine beauty.

Again, have sex and stop watching porn you fucking sexless incel loser fuck.
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Does anyone have a turntable webm of her model? As in just her standing as the cam rotates around her.
I'm sorry that your game flopped
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I'm sorry you don't have a woman to suck the cum out of your dick, porn damaged incel.
>sane heterosexual males with a healthy and happy sex life

right, nice larping m8. That's something youll never have. Women would be ashamed to have a man obsessed over korean doll game.
she looks like a porcelain asian doll with the face of a literal child, get over yourself dude
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Again, sexless incel coombrain loser, men with a happy sex life aren't freaking out over seeing an attractive female to equate them to fucking porn because we can get sex and don't need porn. You're such a fucking pathetic loser freak that you destroy your mind with porn and then have the nerve to project your own mental illness onto everyone else.

Have sex and stop watching porn, fucking incel loser.

Have sex and stop watching porn, incel loser.
>Women would be ashamed to have a man obsessed over korean doll game.
They're not going to have much of a choice soon enough...35-80 is a loooong fuckin' time to live and work alone.
>But they're not prudes, because these same people are fine with BG3
What do you mean? There's always people here on /v/ decrying BG3 as a weg without gameplay.
I don't understand why women seem to hate attractive women in games or media as a whole. When I see the buff, gruff, chiseled jaw looking dudes as heroes in movies and/or games, I just wish I could be as cool as them. Maybe they inspire me to work out some more or something.
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this has to be a troll
BG3 and Cyberpunk have ugly women. That's why they give those games a pass.
It's immersion breaking
Women aren't gonna dress like that for combat and black people aren't samurai
Asians have neoteneous faces you racist
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You have coombrains in this thread defending their coomer game while equating Stellar Blade to porn just because Eve is an attractive female. These are coombrain losers damaged by porn that can't handle seeing an attractive female without thinking about porn.

Eve is a fucking Robot, you clown. The entire game is immersion breaking. Nothing about it is grounded in reality, so why does Eve being attractive make it immersion breaking and porn but Her being ugly somehow makes it ok? You're again a porn damaged incel that needs to stop watching porn and have sex.
women shouldn't be in combat anyways. How does that not break your immersion on it's own?
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coomer not coomer I just want fun games

BG3 is fun Stellar Blade is fun
>don't mention porn
>some guy writes an entire seething paragraph saying you did
It's not even ecchi you retard, and sorry your battle robot being a kpop barbie in slutty clothes doesn't say "combat" to me
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Porn damaged Incel.
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Again, coombrain, you calling it slutty is because you're a coombrain incel damaged by porn. You're such a seething sexless loser that Eve's beauty offends you and reminds you of how lonely you are. The first step to healing is to stop watching porn, then maybe you'll get a healthier view on females and manage to find a woman of your own and have sex. That way you'll stop seething over attractive females.

No sane heterosexual male with a wethole to unload inside of gets this angry over an attractive female.
A wild mountain slut...
Looking at Eve makes me want to goon and there ain't NOTHING wrong with that.
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>It's immersion breaking
>Women aren't gonna dress like that for combat
Who gives a fuck what they think about bikini armor and jumpsuits, they knocked up or injured on purpose to AVOID combat. They're kind of hated in militaries for it.
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If you had a woman you could have as your slut you wouldn't be seething over a video game female and calling Her a slut, incel. Stop watching porn and have sex.
But you're literally screaming the same "porn incel" phrase at every single post no matter what they say, you are clearly the upset one here?
And yes, dressing like a slut makes you look like a slut
There's nothing wrong with sluts, I just wouldn't put them in combat

You need help if you think she looks like a child. Try going outside.
That's not what they think that's what I think, I wouldn't let a male soldier run into combat in swim trunks so why would I let a girl run into combat in what is essentially lingerie?
Gooks are so retarded
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Because I'm tired of sexless loser freaks projecting their own mental illness into my hobby. You're porn damaged degenerates who can't get laid and attack anything with an attractive female because it makes you feel bad. Stop watching porn and get laid so you won't feel so bad seeing a beautiful female in a game.

Fucking porn damaged incel loser.
>criticize a fake woman
>some dude has a literal fucking meltdown about porn and incels
You could go to Reddit, they moderate comments there?

It is a deranged coomgook trying anything possible to get people to talk about their irrelevant game
its meant to appeal to straight males, therefore its bad. it's that simple to these hypocritical bigot NPC retards.
I think it's ChatGPT or literal autism
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Why are you seething over an attractive female in a game? If you weren't a porn damaged incel and have access to pussy then you literally wouldn't give a fuck. You're a fucking loser, and I'm tired of you loser fucks ruining my hobby. Fuck off and stop watching porn.

Have sex, incel.
Why are you seething over the same woman?
You own the game, you have the webms, you should be happy and yet you let criticisms of a fake woman make you THIS angry.

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If it's the kind of thing you would see lifeguards at the family pool wear, it's not porn.
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Again, if you had access to pussy then you wouldn't be crying over how hot a female character in a game is, incel. Stop watching porn and have sex.
How many sex do you have?
I actually complained about how it's immersion breaking, I like hot women just not in combat roles.
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>I wouldn't let a male soldier run into combat in swim trunks
That's not always gunna be your decision to make.
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I have sex every week, and I don't watch porn either. I like Eve because I can appreciate feminine beauty without thinking about porn. I'm the standard and everybody crying about Eve are fucking sexless loser incels that rely on porn and form their view of women based off of that.
Those aren't swim trunks those are gurkha
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You're a fucking incel loser who lacks pussy to give a fuck about a hot female doing cool shit in a game. As I said, nobody with access to good pussy gives a fuck about Eve and Stellar Blade to complain about it and call it porn. Stop watching porn and have sex, fucking loser.
but i bet you'd let a male soldier run into combat wearing completely impractical bulky as fuck fantasy shoulder armor because you're a dishonest faggot and you don't actually care about practicality at all
Tomato - Tomaato
Sure I can be any number of the copes you guys come up with while blatantly ignoring my arguments
Now THIS is a feminist ally
Every single day i have a threesome. I'm a /v/ goer GODDAMMIT can't you figure it out?
I love Eve btw
and you're an incel
yeah it's just anti-asian racism like always. game journos will jerk off any level of depravity if it comes from their buddies in the west, but if it's from asia they hate it.
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You don't have an argument other than being a sexless porn addicted loser.

I don't need to pretend attractive females in games offend me to get laid, I have sex every week just fine and I don't need porn either. Only sexless losers are crying about Eve's beauty and seething over attractive females in games.
>these niggers in the thread are freaking out about sexy girl outfits and comparing it to another game with literal homosexual beastality
Normie shit
I have one sex a week and I don't watch porn I just appreciate female beauty while your brain is a pile of porn addicted dogshit gooner slop!
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Eve is hypersexualized, and I like it. Her characterization is dogshit tho, they really fucked up. Otherwise, fantastic game and Eve is hot. I do think the people who defend this game to an absurd degree need to accept that she is sexualized a lot. It's okay to accept that she's a buxom girl with little to no character development or personality.

Then you got these stupid motherfuckers on the other end who SCREECH at the mere thought a game has an attractive woman. The game wasn't made for you. It's made for people who aren't going to lose their minds at a woman (probably) being more attractive than them. It isn't made for losers who are chronically online, virtue signaling and angry that ywnbaw. Nobody invades your spaces and tries to change your shit, so shut the fuck up and keep it moving.
You do however have to make up arguments for other people.
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nah he's been at this a while, probably just some autist/schizo. There seems to be one for nearly every game these days
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Eve is an attractive female, period. Don't use the buzzwords of sexless porn addicted losers.

Have sex and stop watching porn, fucking loser.
Go to Reddit if you don't want criticism
>ugly gook characters
still unbought
money saved?
>So BG3 and Cyberpunk are fine, which contain nudity and sex, but Stellar Blade, which contains no nudity nor sex, is a problem just because it features an extremely attractive female in cute clothes?
The very simple answer is that a lot of left wing people have this pickle-brained idea where they view "queer sexuality" as something to be celebrated. They're like people who want to ban smoking but legalize weed. Their thought process is that queer sex is good, therefore portrayals that are "queer friendly" are good. But sexy women in a traditionally sexy (read: not queer) sense are bad.
To be fair weed doesn't have an entire industry backed lobbying group, it's not really comparable.
Keep whining incel, i can smell the lack of pussy from your reply.
Maybe install Tinder and be less obsessed over 3d woman? maybe try to watch less porn and jerk off every single day?
I don't know. Keep sething and i will keep fucking my 2 hot babes everyday.
Criticism is good when it's in good faith from people who actually play the video game in question and have meaningful feedback. Anything else is white noise and should be ignored.
Trannies hate looking at females that look pretty. BG3 and Cyberpunk full of ape looking """women""" so they felt safe.
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Yes, exactly. Any sane heterosexual male with access to good pussy doesn't freak out over hot females in games, only sexless losers addicted to porn do. Thus, you unironically need to stop watching porn and have sex.

Pussy is fucking amazing.
I am simultaneously stimulating all four clitorises and appreciating the female beauty present in the smash hit Stellar Blade (at the same time)
While you live in a cardboard box and masturbate to Japanese cartoons every single nanosecond okay sexless loser incel?
Find yourself a wethole KID
>Stellar Blade, which contains no nudity nor sex, is a problem
No one is talking about this game outside of /v/. No one has given a shit about this game outside of /v/ for months. This weird persecution fetish you have about literal nobodies on twitter from 6 months ago makes me think you're a closeted tranny that can't come to terms with it yet.
Stellar blade is shit
Cyberpunk is shit
BG3 is shit
Aka anyone who agrees with you
95% of the times bg3 having bear sex is mentioned by the same people who salivate over gooner blade.
I've seen it mentioned outside of this board maybe like 5 times total, here it was mentioned hundreds of times per day.
In other words you should stop being a basic bitch that gets excited by anything female and stop annoying people who've gone through this when they were 14.
You people are the reason why I tolerate furfags now, at least they have some niche fetish and not just "omg naked women!!"

Kinda pointless to say that though, considering how stellar blade enthusiasts look. Can't expect generic four-eyed chud #810931 to be cultured.
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I don't know about trannies, but I DO know that no sane male with access to good pussy is seething THIS hard over a hot chick in a game, only sexless loser freaks damaged by porn are upset.

I've seen some incel seething about this game over the past few weeks and I'm calling it out in this thread. If you're not one of those incel losers then ignore the thread, because I'm not talking about you.

Wanting to ban cigarettes has nothing to do with lobbying. They don't want anyone to be allowed to smoke at all, anywhere. But they also want weed to be legal. This has always been a demonstration of how political positions are not necessarily logical, especially if they're anti-establishment or contrarian in some way.
But anon you're talking about everyone
You reply the same porn thing to everyone even if they don't mention porn
You're the sperg dude how do you not see this
what kind of mental illness is going on in this thread

I've had disagreements with people who think there isn't enough combo expression in the game. I disagree with that idea, but I wouldn't be opposed to seeing combat fleshed out more, maybe with additional weapons to switch out during fights. But you're not the type to discuss in good faith, obviously.
These coomgooks are unhinged
I-i...i don't even know what to say...
I didn't know that you fucked so many pussies at the same time...4? I don't even know if i even met 4 women in my whole life...
I'm sorry if i upset you, i'm shaking and crying right now, hugging my Funk Pops
Could you please help me to achieve something in my life like you do? my dream is to kiss a woman, i can't even grasp the idea of putting my dick in one...
Anyway i'm sorry i should never mess with stellar blade fans..
But I did, I stated my position simply and rationally and some guy wrote an entire paragraph screaming about my porn addiction and simultaneously my bitchless state of being.

Somehow I'm the dishonest one here because I don't see women in combat roles as realistic especially not dressed in latex and lingerie.
She should have big boobs instead
Game wouldn't have flopped if that was the case
>face of a literal child
Least face blind anon
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>Her characterization is dogshit tho
As opposed to who exactly? The only time I every hear female characters being praised as "well written" these days are the ones that are sad or angry.
Jeets and bots.
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Because as I said, I have sex every single week and I love Eve's appearance. I don't understand how a sane heterosexual male who can also get sex easily every week like I do would complain about an attractive female in a video game. It's very clearly porn addicted losers ruined by porn complaining about how Eve looks.

Pussy is a truly miraculous thing, so much so that it can do wonders for you and make you less bitter and angry. So it's clearly losers who cannot get pussy and demoralize themselves with porn that are upset.

Just stop watching porn and blow your load in a wet hole and you'll stop crying about Eve, incel.
That's right Leftist, don't ever consider saying a bad word about my Stellar Blade again.
You're a fucking ChatGPT bot aren't you
People who have sex don’t brag about it you silly gook. The only people obsessed with sex are those who don’t get it, such as yourself
Hahaha, you feel for my trap, jesus you're so predictable and pathetic. I now can confirm that you haven't even touched a woman hand in your life, you call everybody an incel but the incel is you.
Now i will let my 2 girlfriends type for me.

Hi, i just want to let you know that you will never lose your virginity
Heeey i feel sorry for your sad life anon, hope in the future you can get someone to love you, maybe if you pay someone idk
He's a lunatic.

Are you really expecting realism in video games where someone like Raiden can grab a Metal Gear Ray, stop it from crushing him, flinging it into the sky and chopping it into bits and pieces? I'm not really sure what you're getting at.
>now I will let my 2 girlfriends type for me
Holy shit my sides went into orbit
I liked Saeko in Like a Dragon, Estelle Bright in Trails in the Sky, Serena and Veronica in DQXI.
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I'm not bragging about it, it's just a simple fact and I was asked about it first. If you have access to good pussy, like I do, and don't watch porn, which I don't, then why does an attractive female in cute clothes in an action game make you upset?

Pussy is fucking incredible, so any sane heterosexual male with access to it shouldn't be so bitter about some hot chick in cute clothes doing cool shit in a game. That's loser incel sexless behavior.
I'm not talking about Metal Gear, or BG3, or any other cope game.
I don't see women as combatants.
>porn consumption is a very insular thing, the way you engage in it, your brain knows its not normal and you should feel bad about it
>thats why when a game has softcore stuff, even non-nude, they have a "this shouldnt be allowed" reflex
this only applies to americans whose sexual mores are warped to fuck
protestantism was a mistake
I think your marketing strategies are having the opposite effect of what you are aiming for
Don't call me that you beta male i'm an ALPHA you wouldn't dare to challenge me in real life!
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If anything I'm marketing pussy and am strongly against porn, because it creates sexless loser incel freaks that ruin games because sexy women in hot clothes makes them insecure.
Catholicism actually
Protestants can use condoms
Cathocucks can't have sex without procreation
It's where the joke about huge Irish catholic families comes from

To be fair, America is pro violence con sex because of Christcuckery in general
How am i an incel if i go every week to a brothel to have sex with my girlfriend there? i don't understand you cope
I can give you the address but you have to promise me that you will not mention anything about Stellar Blade and she being your waifu
check the eye again. Stellar Blade only decent
I'm still not sure I understand. you don't think women can be combatants in a video game based on fantasy? Is that it? That's your feedback/criticism about this game?
Nah it's shitty koreasnoyslop. Nier automata is better
sex drive
This is a tranny game and gookoid discord marketers know it. Their whole MO is to distance the game from itself.
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You're an incel because you don't have a happy sex life and a sexy female in cute clothing makes you upset. I get good pussy every single week and have no problems with Eve nor any sexy female in any game, but I also don't watch porn either. So either you're a porn damaged degenerate not getting good pussy, or entirely a sexless loser lying.

Either way, you don't have a good sex life and that's why you're upset over Stellar Blade being too sexy.
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>i-it's not p-porn I'm just appreciating the sexy female form!
>*faps furiously*
Welcome to the conversation
>sane heterosexual males like myself that can appreciate an attractive female without wanting to jerk off.
That is actually a problem too. Madonna whore complex
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I don't need porn, I have sex every week. Good sex. That's why I'm not crying about sexy females in cute clothes and associating it with porn. Stop watching porn and have sex, incel.

Well, Madonna whores aren't the ones seething over sexy females in cute clothes in games and calling it porn.
They’re not projecting, they just hate you. They hate ‘gamers’ and have been on the attack against them for over 12 years now. The gamergate resistance just pissed them off. How dare someone stand up for themselves against them. The indignation of it all.
Coomgook game
I still don't understand your cope, incel means involutary celibatus or something like that, how i'm an incel if i have sex every week in a brothel (i'm the best costumer), does incel for you means that i'm not obsessed over a 3d game for incels and sexless virgins?
porn game
Coomgooks know the game has a raunchy loser image so now they are trying to project that on everyone else. Fuck these people, honestly.
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Have sex and stop watching porn, incel. Sexy female doesn't make a game porn unless you're a porn damaged incel.

You're still an incel because you're not getting good pussy like I am, and probably watch porn, which I don't need because I get good pussy. No sane heterosexual male who is getting good pussy is crying about sexy females in games.

You're a fucking unhappy loser without good pussy and a porn addict too.
>don't jerk off
>divine female form
>I have sex
tranny detected
The difference is that the women in BG3 are all fucking ugly as shit
How's the gameplay?
Can you give me money to purchase this porn game?
I think we're far too gone, but it would be nice if people stopped trying to police things people enjoy. Women read their smut in public and have shelves dedicated to them in the nearest Barnes and Nobles and no one bats an eye. Let them have their shit and their spaces, who cares. This culture war shit fucking sucks and I'm going to continue to enjoy this 'coomer' shit for as long as we have it in the privacy of my home.
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Eve's beauty is divine, yes. It's because I don't destroy my mind with porn and have access to good pussy that I can appreciate Eve's divine beauty without thinking about porn. Have sex and stop watching porn, incel.

Sexy females aren't porn unless you're a porn brained sexless loser incel. Get access to good pussy every single week like I do and you won't be so angry about a sexy female in a game.

How dare you say that? i have an average of 3 pussies per week, 2/3 of them are good, and one of them are ok (i'm not a liar), the only porn i watch are fan animations of Eve from the hitgame Stellar Blade.
Why you keep seething?
Nudity and sex in games is tasteless, they take all the charm away unless you are jerking off.
Revealing outfits are much better.
Same reason as why a white girl with uncensored white underwear mod is tasteful, while a nude mode is not.
We need a PC port!
Inform Sony...
Is the game fun?
Yes you incel, virgin, porn addicted.
It's fun. But i don't think you can understand the nuance of the game with your rotted coomer brain.
Coomgooks are really something else. Worse than jeets
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Stop watching porn and have sex, incel. Maybe then you'd stop seeething over Eve.
So you’re saying the vast majority of people who bought Stellar Blade are in Africa? Kys lying tranny. Can we ban this spammer already?
when will zoomers realize that ragebait is the only form of marketing that reaches them and they engage with it willfully and enthusiastically?

there is no "they", you're being baited by tranny jews to keep their dying industry relevant. stop talking about liberals as if they're real people. no one is actually a shitlib in 2024. they all came to their senses or went full commie. ignore and ridicule them, don't flatter them with sincere arguments
has anyone got some real problems to complain about?
yeah, things are only going to get worse.
not even you had the will to ignore, you had to come here and preach on how we should react to a ragebait.
i will only say one thing: it's over.
Imagine if the game actually had substance
>akshually youre not allowed to point out my retardation
i don't care if it gets "worse", i'm here to tell you you're retards being manipulated into getting mad at phantoms

there's an entire genre of youtube videos pandering to retards like you
>the HUMILIATING downfall of this popular streamer you simultaneously hate and follow closely for some reason

its gay and i'm going to tell you you're gay for falling for it. soz
Its coombait cause thats all you fucking post, this isnt rocket science
>hey didn't this game flop??
Lol it sold only a million copies, so uh, it did
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Because you're a sexless incel loser addicted to porn an attractive female in cute clothing equates porn. Stop watching porn and have sex, incel.
based niggernoticer.
oh my god you're so based and so redpill for saying that.
yeah, you're not different from the tranny jews and non-existent libtards.
keep seething, you're not helping and nothing will change.
you are correct yes, because the former are actual good games made by actual studios and not a gacha studio
look how fucking stupid that looks
>anti asian racism
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BG3 has nudity and sex, thus it's a coomer game. Stellar Blade doesn't have nudity nor sex, just an attractive female in cute clothes. It's not porn unless you're a sexless incel loser so damaged by porn that an attractive female to you equals porn.
What tranny jews?
it sold less than a million copies*
Actually you're an incel, porn addicted and never had sex in your life, maybe try stopping watching porn and have a good pussy in your life for once.
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Because I have access to good fucking pussy every single week and don't need porn, so I'm not insecure about a sexy female in a game.
You realize you've been at this for two hours now
ah yes, cute clothes
>posts a webm of whatever the fuck that is
A lot of people are just conditioned now to have certain reactions to things. Even if they wanted to leave well enough alone, they couldn't because of social pressure.
is this the new narrative xisters? complaining about incels hating our game on /v/ of all places?
nuh uh its YOU who's perpetuating this trend and you're EXTRA DOUBLE not allowed to respond to this or you prove me right. i'm the adult and you're the tiny baby and there's no takesy backsies. GG
No i'm not.
I'm having a good sex while browsing 4chan, so this don't even count as using 4chan for me, it's more like sex with extra steps.
Maybe if you stopped watching porn and being an incel you could have the same life as mine.
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Yes cute, incel. I have women I can dress up like this too before I fuck them and it's wonderful. Rather than watching porn and destroying my mind, I can just have good sex. Thus I'm not insecure over a sexy female in cute clothes.
I like the design
I just love the female body. That's all.
my sides
Do you have something against /v/? because for me this is just a place like anywhere else, maybe if you stopped watching porn and have sex once a week you would have the same mindset as mine.
post your woman or you are the incel
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It is a coomer game but you should hate yourself for liking sexy girls. That's what they want.
Why once a week?
It's such an oddly specific amount of time
Do you buy sex? Once a week?
Real question, it just seems too autistic to not mean something. Any normal person would just say have sex but you keep saying once a week
you are the one who attacked /v/ and "incels" you retarded trannoid
you're not even pretending to fit in anymore holy shit
It's infuriating, but ultimately just.. sad and pathetic.
no you should hate yourself for buying games due to coomer appeal and encouraging vidya cancer like gacha to continue existing
70 dollars for this shit plus a ps5 brick (500 dollars at minimum)
just look up porn of said games and let retarded whales buy them
>That webm
Hope we get the uncensored version of that outfit in a patch down the road.
straight male sexuality bad
queer gay faggotry good
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>create bait thread
>get angry in your own bait thread for 2 hours
what causes this
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I don't take pictures of them, I just fuck them. I don't rely on porn in any capacity and I'm not going to supply you with ammunition to goon and destroy your mind to, coomer incel. I have GOOD sex each week and can dress my women up just like this.

Stop watching porn and get yourself a good woman to fuck and you won't find Eve so upsetting.

They want you to equate beautiful women in cute clothes as porn because they're porn damaged incels that can't handle seeing attractive women without thinking about porn.

Nobody who's getting good pussy is crying about Stellar Blade and calling it a coomer game.
this is where you draw the line? and not western publishers selling bullshit games with 4 different editions, piecemeal DLC/mtx, and live service elements in a single player game infested with DRM? i hate gacha as much as the next nigga but let's be fucking serious here
Look if you got wet hole once a week like I did you would understand making a bait thread and getting mad in it for two hours okay but instead you're a pussyless virgin beta cuck incel porn addict
I cant tell if Im low test or just not enough of a coomer for eve to do anything to my dick. Like my brain sees it, knows it is sexy, but it just does nothing for me
i shit on any retard buying ubislop and triple A slop too
you should be ashamed for even discussing ass creed let alone buying it yes
i did not draw the line anywhere, you are assuming shit
Once a week?
No, i do not buy sex. It's more like an exchange, she has pleasure and i have a good pussy, i can even choose what she dresses, i don't think a porn addicted, coomer incel like you can grasp the idea of fucking a woman once a week.
What country are you from?
It's not Ameriva
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Enough and orgasmic enough every single week that I can handle seeing an attractive female in a game without getting upset, incel. Stop watching porn and get a good woman to fuck too.
actual mental illness, just as much mental illness as the lgbtq

fair enough. you can hate the coomer shit as much as you want, but sex will, for better or worse, always sell. at least for a coomer game it's actually designed well. it's a full length video game that plays like a video game, and i'm sure you'll disagree but it's been more of a video game than the AAA crap that gets shoveled up by normies.
You wouldn't call me a retarded trannoid to my face while i fucked a woman in her good pussy, you would probably start to jerk off because porn destroyed your brain you incel, porn addicted loser.
Damn dude once a week that's wild no one has ever had that much sex
Any good porn of this yet?
Yeah, your porn addicted brain couldn't ever fuck a hot babe once a week, maybe if you grind for 10 years you could fuck someone, but you will never be me. (You will never be a woman also) so, yeah, it's pretty over for you.
I love Eve you incel, porn addicted coomer.
It really is. 20 years ago we'd be worried about people like this for all the same reasons. Difference is that we'd be mocking them heavily, from both sides of the aisle as being out of touch weirdos.
But now the out of touch weirdos are in complete and utter control and the typical 'normies' are just doing their usual tactic of capitulating to powerful parties to survive.
i love you
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I enjoy coomerbait games.
I haven't seen a single clip of this game that hasn't been about the main character's ass so far. Is it any good? I'm tempted to buy it.
Porn? Ha, you just outed yourself as an porn addicted, that's pretty pathetic you know? when i see Eve i only image one thing: Wow, she is such a beauty queen, look at these curves!
And you know why i think like that? because i have sex once a week and don't watch porn neither jerk off like you. Maybe stop being a virgin and a porn addicted will help you in your life.
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I didn't say once a week, but it is every single week and enough and good enough for me that I'm not seething about a sexy female in a game wearing cute clothes. If you seething incels stopped watching porn and found a good woman to fuck then even just once a week would do you wonders.
>Stop watching porn and get a good woman to fuck too.
If only it was that easy.
>not thinking about the CUTE OUTFITS
it's like you're admitting you don't have sex ONCE A WEEK
when asians make action games they don't know how to preserve the tone of their game because they're bound by law to stuff each scene with fan service and anime tropes.

when the MC is wearing a fucking bikini while fighting monsters it just feels stupid
once a week bros
I just want to fap bros post your best links
It's really weird to think about how things were that long ago and then compare it to now. Sometimes I have a hard time believing that any of it was real. I used to think that people who claimed society was on the brink of collapse were exaggerating (tinfoil hat shit) but.. i dunno, maybe they were onto something. lmao
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what? you don't have sex once a week? holy shit get out of here incel
How dare you? How dare you say that? Every single week i have wild sex with a good pussy.
I have a notebook with notes about everyday i have sex, you can't say that i'm a liar if i have material proof of that, you're the liar, you're the incel porn addicted, not me.
how come stellar blade shills never actually post gameplay?

inb4 this is the guy who posted a screencap of someone posting a webm of gameplay
both of these are still censored btw lol
If it makes me hard, it's porn. Your lifeguard photo is no exception.
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I never said once a week, incel, but even just once a week of sex without needing porn would completely change every last single one of you porn damaged incels. You wouldn't be crying over a sexy female wearing cute clothes.
>cute clothes
Unfathomably based, correct, and poignantly said.
>t. heterosexual male
Yeah, you can larp as me, you can pretend you're me, you can make fun of me, but you will never have sex once a week like me, hence your pathetic over exaggeration of my posts. Stop it, get some pussy, and stop watching porn, it will do wonders to you.
Stop with the capslock, you're not funny, you're not original and you surely ain't having sex once a week, it's pretty pathetic how you seethe over a cute female in a videogame, could you please have sex so i can stop interacting with incels online?
they're busy having sex once a week
noone has ever had sex like he did
>get some pussy
>please have sex
tell me how chad
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Unironically yes. If you didn't have to rely on porn and had steady access to satisfying sex then you literally wouldn't give a fuck about a sexy female in cute clothing.

Stop watching porn, have good sex, and you'd be able to appreciate Eve's beauty without freaking out and getting upset.

Even once a week and not needing porn would be an upgrade for you incels and change your entire worldview. You can't even have sex once a week, and thus you rely on porn. This is why you equate a beautiful woman in cute clothing to porn.

You're a sexless porn addicted loser.
Is there a porn thread anywhere else?
You buy a ps5 and play stellar blade and worship sony and submit to blackrock
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you can't make this up if you tried you just can't
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>70 dollar game is a cinematic hallway simulator
>but it's supposed to be good because IT HAS LE ANIME TITTIES

Yep, this is right about the time when sony reverses its californian sjw policies and tries winning back the weebs. Happened around the mid cycle of the Ps4, kinda surprised nobody here remembers that.
just this one!
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How many of the porn addicted incels seething over Eve and equating Her to porn even have access to good pussy even once a week? I'm serious, for you losers dropping porn and finding a woman to fuck you good would change your world and make you stop being such bitter losers.

Even if she only fucked you once a week or less, you'd still be better off mentally than being the porn damaged losers you are now.
bro you're literally responding to a guy that made it up.
are you fucking stupid or what?
Ok, i don't know why you would go to the trouble to search webm of my favorite game and tell me to have sex "even" once a week, i don't have sex once a week, i have more than that, you can't tell me to do something that i'm already doing, i love Stellar Blade and i love having sex, and i love even more having sex, while i play Stellar Blade, while my hot babe cosplay as the main character of Stellar Blade (Eve), so you can't tell me nothing.
Keep seething, you will never be a true gamer like me.
this must be your first stellar blade thread
I'm a sexless incel and I like Eve. What's your take on that?
Koreans trying to distance themselves from their disgusting culture…it’s kinda funny
porn is banned there so they're all once a week sex havers
>Even if she only fucked you once a week or less, you'd still be better off mentally than being the porn damaged losers you are now.
>Even if she
Is she Eve? are you fucking your Eve bodypillow think that this is real sex? You will never have a taste of a good pussy in your life incelboy, stop watching porn for once, it would do wonder to you.
BG3 and Cyberpunk are fine because none of the women have stupid sexy bodies like Eve. It's really that simple.
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Yeah, you're not. You're not a real fan of Stellar Blade. You're a pretender. Maybe if you had sex once a week you could appreciate her nuance even more, but no, you're porn addicted incel, you will never be a true Stellar Blade fan.
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I'm just saying, you're focusing on "Once a week" when I never said once a week, I said I get good sex each week. However, for you incel losers seething over a sexy female wearing cute clothes in a game, dropping your porn addiction and getting a woman to fuck you would do you WONDERS even IF she ONLY fucked YOU once a week or less.

I'm saying that pussy is so game changing, combined with dropping porn, that it'll transform you as a person. Such a man with access to good pussy isn't going to be seething about a sexy female in a video game and calling it porn.
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Yes, you outed yourself as a coomer, jesus, do you know the benefits of once a week sex? you would be a totally different man. Stop watching porn for the first time in your life.
>I love (corporate product)
Look at me, I have sex once a week so I am better than you.
Dang you get sex once a week?
thats fine, ban it. sex is always cringe in games anyways.
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So what? Can you have a better argument you pathetic incel?
Literally yes, you have no value in life, i don't even think a woman could look you in the eyes. Stop watching porn for your own sake and start playing Stellar Blade.
Not all of us have the money to pay a whore every week. The fuck are you even arguing here?
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If YOU only got sex once a week and stopped watching porn then it'd be a massive improvement to the sexless porn addicted incel you are now. Nobody getting get good pussy is crying about Eve being too sexy.
chat gpt thread
it's anti east propaganda
If it didn't do pedo "jokes" with the forced little girl character it would be a great game, as is it's just another reason to wish death on the Asians
I have sex twice a week. Kneel
once a week
wtf what pedo jokes??
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I'm arguing here to protect this game, it's the best piece of media that came out in the past 10 years, but incels, coomers and porn addicts can't enjoy it because it's "porn material", the thing is: if they had sex once a week they would understand that there's nothing wrong with having sexy outfits in a game, and it doesn't make it worse. As for paying a whore i don't call it a payment, i call it an exchange, if you can't fuck a good pussy i'm sorry, maybe you will have to die as an incel.
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This is coomer incel talk. Nobody getting good pussy thinks Eve looks like a little girl.

Stop watching porn, go to the gym, eat properly, and get a girlfriend then. The key part is to drop the porn, because that's what makes you associate attractive females like Eve to porn. It's only coomers that are calling Stellar Blade a coomer game. If you're not addicted to porn and have access to good pussy then you're not going to seethe about sexy women in games.
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Pedo jokes you say huh? pretty pathetic, so you're telling me that when you see a cute little girl in a sexy outfit the first thing your porn addicted brain think is "i want to fuck that child", that's on you. I have sex once a week with a good pussy, i'm not an incel pedo like you, i can appreciate a good game when i play one, and Stellar Blade is an amazing one.
it is funny how the type of people who praised bald n gays customize a cock feature cried over this game.
>porn addict
Where did anyone say this was a tranny game?
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I never said i only have sex "once a week" i said that if YOU (an INCEL) had sex once a week it would make you a better person.
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Less than once a week of good sex, without needing porn, will transform you sexless incel coomers crying about sexy women in games. Please, do yourself and the rest of us a favor and stop gooning to porn, it's harmful to your mind. Go an entire month without porn, start working out in that period and eating right, and get a girlfriend.

You'll realize how much superior to porn actual pussy is and you'll stop associating sexy females in games with porn and seething over them.
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holy keks. it's been 2 months since release and you brain rotted snoys can only talk about coom shit when steller blade comes up.
If they would have made a good game then you idiots would have won. Steller blade was just another mediocre cencored turd.
The bald n gays customize a cock feature people cried over this game first.
It's not a coomer game. They bend the knee and censored themselves. I didn't buy because of that.
>Less than once a week
so you admit you get no sex lmao look at this gooner incel
x contains nudity y doesn't is a bad argument

titillation is the name of the game
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It's coomer incels that are calling Stellar Blade a coomer game because to them an attractive female in cute clothes equals porn to jerk off to. These are sexless losers who need to stop watching porn and have sex. Then they wouldn't be seething over sexy women in games.

Even if they didn't censor the game it still wouldn't be a coomer game. Sexy women wearing cute clothing isn't porn unless you yourself are a porn damaged incel.
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Can you prove that this game flopped? Have you even played this game? I guess not, you would last 1 hour playing this game without cumming all over your pants, your porn addicted brain can't grasp the idea of a game where the main character has a cute outfit and big ass. Have you ever tried having sex? you don't even need to have sex once a week, you can have it once a year.
This image is older than pepe meme.
lol why do stellarshills have a meltdown every single day?
Especially not if they have sex once a week
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I'm not admitting anything other than how amazing the least amount of pussy would do for sexless incel losers like you who are addicted to porn and thus associate sexy women with porn. You're going on about "only" when literally ANY sex you losers would get without needing porn would completely change you.

You get ZERO pussy and ALL of your sexual pleasure comes from porn. That's why you're so upset over sexy females like Eve.
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Is that a coomer joke in the 4chan community? I do have sex in a regular basis, can you pathetic incel loser keep it on topic and talk about the game?
Porn is sexy females though
No one bought their flop game
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Any amount of sex these sexless incel losers get, while dropping porn, will change their lives and they'll stop seething about sexy women in games. Pussy is incredible, and porn is cancer.

Porn is cancer to the mind, but pussy is miraculous and life changing. Quit porn and get pussy.
once a week sex does that
Stellar blade is porn
If you truly get pussy then name all the parts of the pussy
Honestly, I don't find that girl that attractive. I don't know what it is, but her body shape is strangely weird to me. Like, objectively, I am attracted to her ass, tits, thighs, and face, but when you put it all together it just looks off? It's so weird, and I don't know what causes it. Do any anons here feel the same?
1/4 of all ass enjoyers are poojeets, its over for you assfaggots
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Have sex and stop watching porn and it'll pretty much fix your lives. You'll be a better person than you are now and you'll also stop seething about sexy females in games.
That one anime clip assfaggots are so fond of has the guy admit that they are subhuman monkeys
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why does her belly button look like a humanity sprite from dark souls?
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You only say Stellar Blade is porn because you're addicted to porn and don't have sex. Stop being a porn damaged incel and have sex.
How many times a week?
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Stellar Blade is not porn, it's a game, an artistic masterpiece of a game, but you will not understand that until the day you get pussy. It's easy, get pussy, get a life, and stop watching porn, it's pathetic. You're an incel loser.

No, only you. Maybe if you stopped watching porn you could see the appeal she has. Also, fucking pussies once a week will help you understand how cute and beautiful she is.
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However much you can get, it'll only be a net positive as long as you're not watching porn.
once precisely, only with wet holes
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Just stop watching porn and have sex. Any amount of pussy you can manage to get while not consuming porn is going to do you wonders, and you'll stop being a bitter angry incel seething over sexy women in games.
If this game is so good post some gameplay.(you can't because it is a coomer game with none)
>BG3 has nudity and sex, which makes it a fucking coomer game. Stellar Blade has no nudity nor sex, just an attractive female in cute clothes. Imagine being such a fucking porn brained incel that an attractive female makes you think of porn?
I have seen plenty of webms of BG3 gameplay in threads over the months. Gameplay. Like turn-based combat and puzzle solving and shit. Every single Stellar Blade webm I've ever seen posted is just a close up of jiggling tits or ass during a walk cycle or climbing a ladder. Look at this thread alone. I haven't seen one compelling demonstration of gampley. You say it's not pornographic or sexual because "look she's technically not nude!" while obviously obsessed with her tits and ass.
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Sexy women in cute clothes aren't pornographic unless you're a sexless incel addicted to porn. BG3 has literal sex and nudity, thus it's literal fucking porn and a coomer game.
What, no wet holes?
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I'm not obsessed with ass and tits, you're obsessed with porn and being a virgin, have you ever thought how much your life would improve if you stopped watching porn and started working on yourself and getting pussy?
Stellar Blade is a good game and don't have sex. BG3 is a coomer game with tons of sex.
he doesnt do it once a week
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Have you ever had sex in your life? How pathetic is your life to pretend that you're me? You want to have sex that much but you don't want to put up the work to go to some woman and fuck her. Stop watching porn and start getting pussy.
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Just have sex, no matter how much you're able to get. Drop the porn and just have sex, it's that simple. It'll fix your life and you won't seethe over sexy females and call it porn.

Pussy is a gift from God, it's a wet hole of healing for the body, mind, spirit, and soul. It can only be fully appreciated without being addicted to porn.

I have sex every single week, good fucking sex. I have access to nice WET HOLES and get to nut without needing porn. For this reason I'm able to appreciate Eve's divine beauty without losing my mind and thinking about porn and jerking off.

Not a SINGLE person seething and crying about Stellar Blade has a happy sex life. It's incel losers broken by porn abuse.
Trannygook game
i've seen the freestellarblade movement, i am truly woke to what my eye divined
why do people on 4chan never acknowledge how cringe they are?
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I don't believe you have ever fucked a smoking hot babe like i did, and kid, i do it every single week. You don't even like Stellar Blade, you probably just search threads on X and 4chan about Stellar Blade to jerk off to the game, i don't do that, i play the game, i enjoy the bosses and the art design, you know why? I don't have a coomer brain, i'm not an incel like you.
Get a life kid. Get pussies.
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It's sexless incel losers addicted to porn that feel the need to simp for feminists and pretend to be outraged at sexy females in games in hopes of getting sex. It's because I can get sex easily without bending the knee to the matriarchy that I can appreciate Eve's divine beauty without pretending to be angry about it to score good boy points.

Stop watching porn and have sex, incel.

Nothing is more cringe than crying about sexy women in games while being sexless and addicted to porn, incel.
lmao this pic is vintage in internet years, chinlet
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You preach some much about sex but everybody here knows damn well you don't even had sex in your life.
Stop jerking off to Stellar Blade. Start having sex and after that, play the game, you will probably enjoy it.
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Bankers and kikes want Hollywod productions to have monopoly on sexy women.

That's the deepest core of our problems. And we have no way to retaliate on them.
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leftard woketrannies literally admit they are hypocritical with this nigga
they did the same thing with Hades
They had several articles from their journo faggot friends repeating this ad nauseam.
These parasites don't care about having any ideological consistency, just about "winning" over you since they think you are their arch nemesis.
I've been penetrating it with my finger, sorry.
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Just call the losers crying out as the sexless incel coomers they are. Men with access to good pussy aren't crying about Eve being too sexy.
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I have a pretty attractive gf and get pussy on the regular basis and i think there is nothing wrong with coomer games or people enjoying them. only brainlets get mad about what other people enjoy
but do you fuck her wet holes once a week?
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Stellar Blade isn't a coomer game, BG3 is. Eve is just really hot, but She's not doing anything lewd or anything. You have porn damaged incels that cannot get sex that associate attractive females with porn, and it needs to be called out and mocked.
it's just a bit too much. I mean I appreciate an attractive character but some of these outfit just make her look like a prostitute. kind of cheapens the whole experience honestly
You should not base your self worth on sex. God loves you. Why not go and serve Him?
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If you're bothered by an attractive woman and feel the need to comment on it then you're in fact an incel addicted to porn that needs to quit porn and have sex.
So now the bot is talking to itself.
I do not believe for a second anyone real that keeps posting these exact same images, using this exact same rhetoric would have access to pussies, let alone good pussies. It would have to be bad pussies, very bad pussies.
But does that result in wet holes once a week?
>Just call the losers crying out as the sexless incel coomers they are.
That's just the symptom. We have no way to retaliate on the people behind them.
I appreciate attractive women but I do not appreciate sluts. If a woman I was interested in showed up to a date in out of these outfits, I would walk out immediately
Agreed. And godforbid an actual woman have a differing opinion on this shit, I've seen these 'inclusive' folks dogpile on women who either express total neutrality ("I won't play it, I don't care") or women who do like the sexualization. INTERALIZED MISOGYNY!! or a 'pick me'. I hate these niggas so much. Nobody sane likes these people.

Nobody is putting a gun to their head and forcing them to play the coomerbait. Shut the fuck up and play BG3 or whatever the fuck it is they do.
I think one of them is an impersonator who is either trying to make fun of him or another shill
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Again, it's because you're a porn damaged incel that you even think Eve is a slut and are upset.
usually more

never said it was my man. ultimately it doesn't matter if a game is coomer or not only thing that matters is (You) having fun with it. anybody that worries about what someone else is playing should go play more video games
I just hate gooks
do you even see the images that you are posting? are you retarded?
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It matters that coomer incels that have no issue with BG3 and defend it, which has nudity and sex, are calling Stellar Blade a coomer game just because Eve is attractive and wears cute clothes. It's fucking retarded and hypocritical and is the result of porn damaged incels.

I don't watch porn, I just have sex every week. I'm not bothered by Eve's beauty nor am I insecure. She's beautiful and I can appreciate Her divine beauty without getting horny or uncomfortable.
You're not a bot, anon?
Just let chatgpt post for you
these can't be posts you type with your own fingers right?
you are repeating yourself over and over again for like the last 100 posts you have made in this thread alone
I guess this is what happens when you have sex once a week. your brain just gets fried and you become something equivalent to a bot
I'm pretty sure this guy is responsible for like 50% of the posts itt. very much the behavior of someone who has sex regularly
Ok i've been in this thread for over an hour it was fun in the beginning but now this retard only repeats the same thing.
You will never be a woman!!! Bye.
i swear this schizo is talking to himself
Is that dirt or bruise marks on her butt? The answer might determine whether I buy this game
Don't worry he has sex once a week
Yeah i was larping as him but it got pretty tiring, he just repeat himself.
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Just stop watching porn and have sex, however much you can get, and you'll become healthier than you are now and won't be so miserable. You'll be able to handle sexy women in games without getting angry and uncomfortable.
>Stellar Blade, how many do you realistically think spent $70 just to jerk off to Eve?
i want to buy it for computers so i can hang out and have fun with her and guide her along the way because she's so pretty. i haven't fapped in front of a video game screen in over twenty years and ot wasn't even good. soul calibur II if anyone was interested
People are always like "What 0 pussy does to a mf". Well I've seen what pussy does to a mf and it's not better.
Pretty sure it's dirt

>he has sex once a week
can't lie this shit is funny as fuck anytime i see anyone else post it
He has
>Sex once a week
>Play Stellar Blade
>Don't watch porn
>Game is not for coomers
You are an
>Porn addicted
>Don't fuck wet pussy
I can't tell who's trolling who anymore lmao
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Both sides are retarded but for different reasons.

Side A acts like a puppet for their master, retarded but at least they get money for their trouble.

Side B get assmad at the puppet, but can never act against the puppet master.
It's once a week
Im fucking scared, bros.
It's just one guy now, i stopped pretending to be him.
now the schizo is talking about himself in the third person
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The only people that think 0 pussy and porn is better than pussy and 0 porn are incels that are addicted to sex and can't get pussy. These are the people crying about sexy women in games.
Should've had sex once a week
Have you tried fucking a pussy once a week and stop watching porn?
it's always been this way
>no, we just want to hang out with the pretty girl
because you shouldn't confuse the latter with the minority of ultra coomers who are very vocal about it
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Yeah but it's all you're fault so who's the real asshole here.
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>only once a week
those are rookie numbers, OP
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It can be more or less than once a week, you just need to stop watching porn and have sex at all. Once you get some good WET HOLES wrapped around your dick until you nut, you'll be a changed man and will be able to appreciate Eve's beauty without getting mad.
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Ok this shit is funny
i was not expecting this, jesus christ lmao fucking lunatic
Bro you are just mindlessly repeating yourself. Eve is not real she won't fuck you once a week.
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porn: unwatched
sex: once a week
yep, it's time to play stellar blade
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This is why you don't ever engage any argument with them in good faith. Be as juvenile and bad mannered as possible while not completely sperging out.
Don't actually argue, it's just a waste of time. Mockery is the only way. At most like some one liners countering what they say and then call them a clown at the end or something.
Full blown arguments are for people you actually respect and you know will be consistent in their beliefs, or who will actually own up and admit mistakes.
The woketard cult is not that. They will be more than happy to abandon yesterday's sweethearts if they even remotely step out of line. JK Rowling was their absolute darling for her insane feminist cuntery, and then the exact INSTANT she said something anti-tranny they cannibalized her.
They will throw women and minorities under the bus as well. The DMs they send to pretty, well endowed ladies online I bet would make even some of the most bitter /r9k/ incels recoil, and the shit they say and do to the non-whites who leave their plantation would make the most BFE hicks take a step back.
You are dealing with subhumans with no set creed, blood ties, or any other bond other than "make my ideological enemies submit NO MATTER WHAT". Soulless, insectoid automatons who have been more than explicit in taking great joy in "seeing your beloved history, culture, hobbies and pastimes destroyed".
that shit's years old now
This is supossed to be deep btw
>tfw i'm a whore
(This is what once a week sex do to women)
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Just get pussy, whether it's once a week, twice, or less. Drop the porn and have sex. The next time you see a Stellar Blade thread you won't get angry.

I'm mindfully repeating the wonders of pussy and the cancer that is porn. Stop watching porn and have sex however much you can, whether once a week, more, or less. It doesn't matter, just quit porn and get a wet hole around your dick and Eve won't upset you anymore.
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This guy understands. These "people" cannot be engaged with any more than you engage with cancer.
i don't do porn either and i'm going to go outside and engage in the thrill of quick-thinking, on-the-stop, unscripted improvisation through recreational sports
they should have sex once a week
that tranny wishes
Anyone complaining is literally this bitch.
/pol/: how do you do, fellow trannies?
but does it involve having sex with wet holes once a week like stellar blade
Not trying to brown nose but thank you for this reply, going to screenshot it as a reminder to myself because sometimes I do catch myself trying to have a good faith discussion or argument and it, typically, goes south pretty quickly. 100% wholeheartedly agreed and I wouldn't have been able to word it as succinctly. Thanks, Godzilla.
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Stop watching porn and get pussy. Once a week if you can but you can do it slightly less frequently if you have to. Don't do it too much and don't do it too infrequently however. Around once a week is best. More if you can but don't overdo it. Sex. Have it. (Once a week).
she looks like she has sex once a week
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At some point, you need to realize that these people just hate straight men. That is all it boils down to.
this journalist clearly doesn't have sex once a week
I'm married with two kids, dipshit.
I do, thanks for your concern. Anyone complaining about cute women in videogames is still an egregious jealous cunt.
Why does it feel like we have this exact same discussion every single day about every single game that features something that looks even remotely close to an attractive woman?
>it's all a big /pol/ conspiracy
Okay Hillary Clinton
What the fuck is happening in this thread ?
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Wet holes are wonderful, and women are a gift from God. Get yourself a woman to make you nut and drop the porn. Eve is completely harmless towards men that have access to good pussy and aren't coomer incels. She only upsets losers that can't get laid and need porn to get off.
It's naive of women and white people to play with them, they will be their enemies in a heartbeat.
If you're in a cis person, sympathizing with these people, don't get surprised when they turn into you.
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because some people don't have sex once a week
>people who like looking at pretty women are all virgins.
Why is this cope still prominent?
Because you act too civil to the woketards.
If you had sex once a week you would understand.
genuine mental illness
he's been at it for hours
Shut the fuck up bitch, no one was talking to you.
You werent talking to anyone in particular faggot. Get your head checked.
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It's getting near bump limit, i will miss you guys (except the once a week sexhaver) the thread got pretty good near the end
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Put your dick in a wet sopping pussy. Just stop complaining and do it right now. And then do it again the next week. And then a week after that too. Keep doing this once a week and all your issues will be resolved. You won't be angry at Stellar Blade threads anymore
have sex at least once a week
godspeed bro

and have sex once a week
Indeed may we all acquire wet holes
Stop being a jew.
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Just have sex and stop watching porn, it's that simple. Eve can't harm you in any way unless you're a sexless loser addicted to porn.

Just don't be a coomer incel.
Stop not having sex at least once a week.
Im ngl I want to post porn in this thread really badly
I will think about you anon when I have my weekly sex session with my wife
(she isn't real, I made her up in my head)
Jesus, you can feel the depression and drug addiction through your screen lol
No problem.
Another favorite of mine is just wasting the hell out of their time. Just play dumb as shit, and if they bite and start "educating you" just wait like 20-30 minutes while ignoring them and be like "So what was (first thing they said) again?" or something like that.
Or even better, "agree" with them at the end, but tack on some abrasive shit when they're done with their diatribe.
>"Haha yeah, just like those fucking faggots, man." Or whatever slur, really. Decent chance it'll piss them off and then you just duck out and go about your day.
Don't watch porn
Have sex
Once a week
With a wet pussy hole
only do it once a week
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Drop the porn and find a woman that'll fuck you and it'll change your life. You'll be able to enjoy Stellar Blade without thinking about porn and getting mad.
I hope you don't plan of having sex this week in that case
I would much rather enjoy a better game like mario which lets me have sex more than once a week
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Just don't be sexless incels addicted to porn.

It's because you goon to shit like this that Eve makes you upset. These are the degenerates crying about Eve being too sexy; these are the sexless incels that rely on porn because they can't get wet holes wrapped around their dicks.

Drop the porn and find a woman who will fuck you and get rid of that degenerate trash, incel loser degenerate.
Reminder that leftists don't give a shit about realism. Appeal to realism is just the mask they wear when they get angry about a hot female character in a game. They don't give a shit about the character doing unrealistic superhuman shit, they just whine about realism when a female character isn't ugly enough for them. They are pathological liars.
Their faggots anon, a scantily clad woman is not what they want to promote, they wish to promote degeneracy of the highest order, Sodomy and Beastiality is their agenda.
I distinctly remember not one single journalist talking about 5the gameplay of BG3 when it first came out. It was ONLY about the sex.
Wet holes you say?
Does she do it once a week?
BG3 and CP2077 have actual gameplay
this outfit is really cute
the way she cutely jiggles her pussy in my face is so cute
i hope she braps in my face in a cute way ofcourse BUT only after my weekly sex
It's weird how Hilda is always paired with Rosa. I haven't played pokémon since Emerald but I don't think they're even from the same game.
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An incel seething about Eve literally just posted porn of some Pokemon bitch shoving a massive animal dildo up her ass. These are the people seething about Eve being too sexy.

They also have nudity and sex, Stellar Blade doesn't. Eve is just attractive and wears cute clothes. BG3 is objectively a coomer game, but Stellar Blade isn't unless you are so porn damaged that you associate beautiful women with porn.
>It was ONLY about the sex.
once a week?
>They also have nudity and sex
was the sex once a week?
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Drop the porn and have sex; you'll be able to appreciate Eve's divine feminine beauty without getting upset.

Stop being pornbrained incels.
literal face scans
Yeah I'm just (you) fishing
>Drop the porn and have sex
ok I want to do this. how often should I have sex?
atleast once a week anon
it can be with anyone aslong as a WET HOLE is involved
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Just have sex and stop gooning to porn. You'll appreciate Eve and She won't upset you anymore, incel.
Eve is not sexy
She is divine beauty incarnate
She is THE wet hole
ok got it. will look for the nearest wet hole first thing tomorrow and have sex with it. thanks anon
I'm trying to but you're not being very helpful right now
>She is THE wet hole
wtf can I have sex with her (once a week)?
I still don't know how to feel about this game. On the one hand, I kind of want to play it because I like sexy ladies. But on the other hand, Koreans can't make a single game worth half a shit.
This whole thread is projection. Kinda amazing the psychological buffoonery gooks are capable of.
Not a single person with access to good pussy would play a game like that (trust me, I know, because I'm one of them)
It's "Democrats are the Real Racists/Fascists" tactic but used against SJWs with the 'incel' slur.
But do you have sex once a week, thoughbeït?
the reason western games don't have sexy women is because you chuds didn't learn how to draw and the tublrinas did. which is why they run the the art departments at game dev studios and decide how games look.
uhm excuse me but the accurate term is WET HOLE
also your opinion is discarded if the sex isn't a once a week type thing
sorry I don't make the rules, the resident stellar blade schizo does
all me btw, also im trans! :3
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It's precisely because I get good and easy sex each week, without jerking off to porn as well, that I can appreciate Eve's beauty without SEETHING about it like the coomer incels posting porn in this thread to prove me right.

The mentally ill are the incels posting porn and seething about how sexy a female character is. These losers need WET HOLES and to stop gooning to porn. Eve won't hurt you unless you're a sexless coomer.

Have sex and stop watching porn, incel.

But they literally ARE incels addicted to porn though, because if they had access to good pussy and didn't need to jerk off to degenerate fucking pokemon porn then they wouldn't be crying about sexy females in a video game.

These people are fucking sexless porn damaged losers.
the faggot larping as christian got scared using god's name to shill his coomer game so he switched tactics to whatever this is
oh that's so cool! quick question though - do you have a wet hole??
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I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... A man who enjoy a sexy character in a cute outfit... I watched the schizo repeat the same thing over and over again, telling how he everyone is an incel addicted to porn. All those posts will be lost in archive, like a sex once a week... Time to reach bump limit.
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I'm still that same person, and I'm favored and blessed. That's why I get good pussy each week, and that's why a certain orange man is going to become King in November. I've been made the main character, and everything is going to go wrong for you sexless pornbrained incels from here on out.
I think it's actually a larper now. if you look through the thread, there's been at least 2 people trying to out schizo him
There was 2 larpers, one who was not posting pictures, and one who was. Both gave up after some time.
The sex once a week guy is still replying because he is the only one who has so many stellar blade ass clips saved.
kek I thought the once a week thing was a larp. he kept saying "I NEVER SAID ONCE A WEEK" earlier in the thread. I guess he embraced it or something
nta, i do
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It's two incel losers, along with the one posting porn, upset at being called out for the sexless porn addicted losers they are. Just have sex and stop watching porn, it's that simple.

A nice wet hole on your dick will make you realize how silly it is to seethe over Eve. You don't need porn, just a nice wet hole.
Ok this one might be a larper, the schizo don't type like that
As opposed to BG3? You flaming faggot?
>What do you mean?
What's confusing about what he said? Faggots, trannies, and queers always cry about porn (for straight men) but then strip themselves nude and present themselves in front of children in pride parades while doing simulated sex acts and gestured. They're not prudes at all
enough of the boring ass main girl, post more of the pear shaped short hair girl please
Speaking of schizos and larpers, has the dude that kept posting the #freestellarblade chads image and the one that follows up with the image of the gamingcirclejerk mod still post in these threads?
Yeah well. Good luck with that tactic. It really shut them down in other areas of debate.
Last 3 posts, godspeed.
Last post.
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Thank you schizo, hope theres lots of once a week sex in heaven.
Why can't americans just accept stellar blade is coomer game.
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Why can't coomer incels stop watching porn and have sex so sexy women don't make them think of porn?
Eve's tits need to be at least 3 cup sizes larger.
PC mods will fix this problem.
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nah I mean canonically
if someone masturbates to their kitchen tiles is it porn?
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Just have sex and stop watching porn, incel. Eve won't hurt you anymore.
Tilefucker is long gone, I think.

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