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>Nintendo has filed two lawsuits at a Washington federal court, targeting individuals who allegedly facilitated Nintendo Switch piracy. The first lawsuit accuses Modded Hardware of violating the DMCA by selling mod-chips and MIG devices, as well as shipping modded consoles with pirated games. The second complaint accuses 'Archbox', a moderator of r/SwitchPirates on Reddit, of facilitating piracy and operating various 'pirate shops'.

*dabs on plebbit trannies*
I like piracy slightly more than I hate redditors so this is a bad thing.
if you like piracy you should despise all these retards who dedicate their lives to signal boosting piracy methods to braindead normies, ultimately getting them big enough to draw the ire of Nintendo
This wouldn't have happened if people kept quiet
people helping others steal money from nintendo will always be based in my book, redditor or not.
wtf I love Nintendo now
so its about some retarded moral crusade for you and not about video games at all huh
>Games for me, not for thee
What happened to games preservation?
>game preservation
grifter buzzword
>Game Preservation
There are people that exists who already preserve these games by just downloading it onto their hard drive, and it doesn't need to be preserved by billions of tards and would also be fine in the hands of just a few million with a bit of know-how. By spreading information about pirated game organizations to people who should've known about it already, you pretty much end up hurting game preservation yourself.
nintendo going bankrupt would objectively be a positive for the game industry as a whole, actually.
You're unironically retarded if you think pirates (who make up a VERY small percentage of gamers) is able to make a multi-million dollar vidya company like Nintendo go bankrupt.
We will preserve them, thank you. Everyone else can eat shit.
>Nintendo sues a reddit moderator
Holy based!
>please put your new game on our shitty tablet that literally can't run kotor, oot, or phone games.
you think games unilaterally requiring big dick hardware would improve the state of the industry? lmao
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So you're telling me that a multi-billion evil corporation is going after poor children that help other children play videogames?
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every fucking time
yes portable is king
matter of fact nintendo should return the ds lite sized hardware
>predditor mods
Don't play the game on the tablet?
this but for-profit pirates going bankrupt/jail
Oh my goodness! You pesky little Nintendies are REALLY upset right now! You boys should be happy because a Reddit moderator got sued.

Perhaps the Nintendo should stop creating objectively shitty video games and decrease the prices of their video games.

>urinating in public areas
Not even once!

Only hobos urinate in public areas.
This era of pirates is so blatant, out in the open about it. We used to have forums/IRC for this stuff. You shared it with IRL friends and that was it. But now these people have a whole subreddit, with a discord that people have linked to their real identity. they go on Twitter and @ the companies saying "hahahaha I'm pirating and you can't stop me". Why did pirates become so in-your-face about it?
>just make an entirely separate game like during the DS era bro :^)
I wish. I'm still mad about Made in Abyss.
This is actually true as well, but primarily for the gatekeeping aspect.
you'll survive
This is why you have to gatekeep.
>a moderator of r/SwitchPirates on Reddit, of facilitating piracy and operating various 'pirate shops'.
lol, what a retard
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With Activision knee-capped by Microsoft. Nintendo's IPs would be up for grabs by practically anyone.

Take-Two Interactive, EA, and Embracer Group get the rights to all of the games.
Cockiness and a bit of arrogance
the same is true for any other company honestly
>reddit spacing
>reddit and morty
go back
Good. Reddit is pure garbage
>piss analogy
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What about on national monuments as news agencies are filming you?
Based PCmasterace chad fuck snoy fuck xjeet fuck nintodler.
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>reddit and morty
You're such a silly boy!
*PC vegan
valve and steam should go bankrupt too
You may as well become a pornstar at that point.
this isn't quite true, the situation on the left still happen and is the main thing
now some people profit of idiots and the second situation happen, but marginally
holy based, toddlers livid.
Epic games first, but I agree. The best PC games come from long stretches of nothing...then again, PC gaming has been one long stretch of nothing.
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>Nintendo is going after random pirates and forums now
This. The stupid faggots that cannot shut their fucking mouths and plaster this crap all over social media are terrible for it. Look at what happened to Vimm's, it's untouched for nearly 3 decades and then normalfags discover it and it's gone immediately. Shiteating redditors are harmful to piracy.
>"fuck nintendo"
>shits themselves every time a new nintendo game releases
pc cucks lmfao
I agree completely.
It's reddit, literally the first result on google. There's no fucking way in a million years this would have lasted.
>specifically targeting one individual is random
If jewtindo weren't a bunch of jews this wouldn't be a problem.
kek it's only a matter of time before they start subpoenaing 4chan for IPs
As much as i hate söytendo, all game companies do things like this
cannot fucking wait until steam dies in a decade or two and every fag with a massive library realizes they spent money on literally nothing.
these, but both
Well maybe if piratefags would shut the fuck up aout it they wouldn't get caught
I won't give a fuck about my steam library 20 years from now
>poor children that help other children play videogames?
More like fat old neckbeard who trades roms for twerking pics on discord.

> go on Twitter and @ the companies saying "hahahaha I'm pirating and you can't stop me". Why did pirates become so in-your-face about it?
Became too mainstream and brought in retards, companies haven't pushed back much the last few years so they don't feel threatened, and they sit in echo chamber communities where they pass cope and propaganda back and forth like "nobody cares" or "they'll never do shit" until they all start believing their own lies.
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>This era of pirates is so blatant, out in the open about it. We used to have forums/IRC for this stuff. You shared it with IRL friends and that was it.
pc vegans literally can't help themselves. if they aren't constantly seeking attention, they will literally die
Those steamies are going to so butt hurt when that happens!

>I'm merely pretending to not care!
I want people to understand and acknowledge that this entire extreme Jewish nickle and diming started exactly when Valuact and Saudi Arabia invested in Nintendo. Whenever big rich people invest a lot of money in a company, there’s always the expectation to make as much returns as possible and squash any potential threat of a hit to their sales. Nintendo has never been this extreme, yes they’ve hit down Roms and flash carts but they haven’t gotten this bad line with the team executor incident. Asking some reddit mod to go to jail for facilitating piracy is a first, no other media conglomerate has ever done this in the US of A.

The sooner you all realize that going public is a bad thing for consumers, the better. Need I remind everyone, Iwata, for how much shit he got as a CEO, didn’t want micro transactions and didn’t want mobile games. But it took a activist investor who bought stock to force them to unless he would cause shareholders to revolt against the company and either dump to lower the stock or sell to a competitor; and iwata had to listen
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Fuck off consolecuck. Discussion of anything to do with consoles should be banned entirely
Why would I care about my steam library when I'm 50 years old and my country has been overrun by niggers
As someone who doesn't pirate, why should I care about some faggot getting busted for stealing? I'm unaffected, and so are the games I enjoy, so what's the problem?
It's because of the Switch 2. Odds are, it'll probably use mostly the same sdk with a slight hardware upgrade the therefore will be easily exploitable in the same way the current Switch is.
So they want to cripple the pirate community preemptively to reduce the chance of an emulator releasing day 1 in hopes of forcing people to buy.
>Hahaha. Cope and seethe pay pigies. I get all them games I want for free and you can't do shit about it. Cry more!
>Noooooo why am I being targeted and forced to pay?? It isn't fair! WAAAAAA
>defending corporations
>As someone who doesn't pirate, why should I care about some faggot getting busted for stealing? I'm unaffected, and so are the games I enjoy, so what's the problem?
>it doesn’t affect me so I don’t care
Im not going to answer your question but I will say this. A lot of those people got priced out of buying games, Nintendo used to be the only outlet where it’s still cheaper to buy than other competitors. You were able to buy $30 and $40 games along with $50. Now everything’s $60 or $70. With raising their prices and cutting corners in quality, nothing is stopping them from increasing prices again up to a $100 games a pop.

Piracy is wrong but going after these people is also wrong and gives them leeway to fuck you and everyone else over. Piracy existing gives companies a reason to act right and provide good quality and priced games. Plus some of these people who pirate are a non factor, they don’t buy games because they can’t afford it; they wouldn’t have ever become customers. Those that can buy but pirate do it out of spite because of shit like this. Some of the biggest Nintendo youtubers encourage emulation because they can not justify the prices sometimes.

It’s wrong but it’s a necessary evil. Sony is doing fine with people putting their story games on YouTube, Nintendo isn’t losing any money on the table either
Lose weight.
I've seen consoomers post about how excited they are to share there steam libraries with their kids, like they would a real game collection. You would be shocked how little some people have going on
Virtue signaling. It's in basically every facet of life now. Politics, sexuality, etc.
If you're brown, you should probably spend your time finding food and clean drinking water instead of worrying about video games.
Game preservation is stupid.
Game maintenance however, is something that needs to be addressed. Every game with online elements needs to put a until date for how long they're going to support the game, and if there's elements that don't require online to actually run then the game needs to drop the online requirements for those parts when they are ending service.
There's nothing "random" about a retarded redditor going "YOOOOO IM SELLING NINTENDO FLASHCARTS FOR HACKED SWITCHES DM ME ON DISCORD AT faggot#1287!!!"
When will these retards learn that if you profit from Nintendo piracy you're putting an enormous target on your back
Nintendo basically never goes after people that do open source / freeware, at most a cease and desist.
not realy
yuzu devs fucked up by trying to sell shit
dolphin team received ton of cease and desist and ignored them all because nintendo have no legal ground to stand on in this case
sounds like the bad ending.
Nintendo killing the cancer that is reddit
Nintendo are thugs. They're no different from the Yakuza. In fact, I suspect they're one and the same.
That's my point. If you don't sell anything, or you don't make some original game using the Nintendo IP (and in almost all cases ask for donations), you're not going to get sued
A few months ago people said yuzu would btfo Nintendo in court so don’t be so sure dolphin would win. Everyone knows “emulators” are piracy software and no one plays legit with their own games and dumped firmware
>defending corporations
Ironically it's the modern communist that defends these corporations and protects them from competition.
Shocking as it may sound to zoomers capitalists actually don't like wasting money or getting ripped off.
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>they’re like a crime syndicate because they don’t let me steal and resell all their products with no repercussions
>If you're brown, you should probably spend your time finding food and clean drinking water instead of worrying about video games.
That doesn’t address anything he mentioned in the post
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genuinely curious how much are those modded consoles
10 dollar rcm jig is one thing but you would have to be a grade a retard to spend like 100 extra on a modded console is hilariously retarded
>or you don't make some original game using the Nintendo IP
on that, pokemon romhacks hare still going strong, some of them even have their own category on twitch
>steal and resell
eh it's the unlawful copying and distribution but no reason to argue over it
but that's not happening. it's mostly free. some take donations for services rendered, or so they can keep their operations going, but nobody is selling illegal copies of breath of the wild or whatever. at least, not online. you have to be mighty fucking stupid to fall for that one.
>vee is full of piratefags
>but it's reddit
A moral dilemma to be sure.
People can find emulators and games if they devote themselves to looking.
The problem is the same as it is in every other case from fan projects to code leaks. Dumb shits who want to make a name for themselves and/or want to profit as bootleggers, rather than do the job, drop it out so it can never be taken back by anybody, then fuck off like nothing ever happened.
>take donations for services rendered, or so they can keep their operations going
That's such a blatant lie, don't pretend faggots like this aren't making a career out of it.
>I just need 300k a year for coffee and sever fees.
>patreon provides exclusive service in exchange for money
>it’s a “donation” though not a sale
Semantic garbage but regardless how does this make Nintendo like the yakuza when you are the one breaking the law again?
>they devote themselves
eh, it's just a google search away, all of it, has been for years
well all I can say is I've never paid to pirate anything so if that sort of thing is happening there are a lot of dupes out there.
>how does this make nintendo like the yakuza
I never claimed to say that, that was another poster, but if I had to hazard a guess, it's probably because they always go scorched earth over the tiniest infraction of their intellectual properties (fan games made with passion and for free get taken down without recourse, for example)
>Asshole gets fucked over by corporate overlords
It's a wash, like when power goes out for 3 hours because a homeless nigger tried stealing copper from the transformer.

>don't talk about piracy
Nah fuck that. Thats a false assetion, sounds like it comes straight out of some CEOs mouth.

The more people you get pirating the better. More file availability, more testing, more reviews, more contributions.

Only a fucking industry shill would try and pretend like not talking about it is going to stop corporations fucking kek. They have entire multimillion dollar departments whose ONLY job is to monitor piracy.

You only hurt piracy by fracturing it with private trackers and withholding information. I bet you don't even seed faggot.
>plebbitor sued
Sounds like a win to me
>private trackers
NOT my problem loser. Get an invite
>There's no fucking way in a million years this would have lasted.
what did he mean by this
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>Ever going bankrupt
Tendie delusion
They literally earn billions of dollars by doing nothing absolutely nothing
It's more likely that Nintendo going bankrupt than Steam as we've seen how they went from Wii to Wii U
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>games unilaterally requiring big dick hardware
Retard logic. Luddite thinking. The availability of high end hardware does not force all games up to that level. It is a maximum limit, not a minimum floor. You can easily own a $5k PC and play games like oldschool runescape whenever you want.
On the other hand, pushing dated hardware onto mass consumer markets DOES force games to stagnate and support that lower level of hardware. Otherwise devs lose on that market segment.

With Nintendo exclusively publishing to their own shit hardware, it's a given that all their games will be technologically inferior trash.
More importantly, you get 3rd party turds like monster hunter rise that might've had potential if not for the taint of nintendo. This is real damage that extends beyond the direct scope of nintendo.
>if you like piracy you should support less piracy
This is the dumbest shit I've ever read.
I will and then I'll invite federal agents and industry plants and shut down your pathetic little private tracker so you have to use public trackers. enjoy while you can
nintendo loves intimidating small people like that, it's really sad to see
i never hacked my switch but i will be archiving everything after this
others should too
braindead retard
>You can easily own a $5k PC and play games like oldschool runescape whenever you want.
It's remarkable how many console zealots don't know this. I've been asked what "generation" PC I have before and also how backwards comparability works.
I am pirating not because i genuinely believe that i am literally saving the west by doing so but because metroid prime trilogy for 0$ is a damn fine deal you faggot
>The more people you get pirating the better. More file availability, more testing, more reviews, more contributions.
Either false flag or actual retard zoomer.
Prime example of the kind of normalfag attitude and mainstreaming that caused this situation.
>Piracy is muh heckin hobby and I love being part of the 1337 haxor scene with all muh bros
Piracy is only allowed to exist because the cost (both in money and PR) to stop it is greater than the cost to ignore it.
If most people start pirating that changes and the company will use all of their power and influence do everything they can to prevent it.
This includes, suing everyone they can get their hands on to make examples of, adding always online DRM, working with governments to shut everything down, making new draconian regulations and tracking everything you do at all times.
I'm sorry but I HECKIN LOVE RICK
They are already doing all that shit anyways so who cares.
I'm sick of you leeches taking and taking contributing nothing in return.

It'll be your problem when your tiktok piracy videos get banned and you can't download emulators from the apple store anymore.
The oldfag pirates actually don't give a shit because they already got what they needed years ago when the getting was good, they don't keep their shit on the "cloud", and modern games are trash anyway.
Zoomer retards are a problem that will ultimately solve itself.

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