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I heard the creation kit came out. Where are the asteroid-based xenophilic worm parasites?
Skyrim would be better if, instead of exploring, you just fast traveled via loading screen 80,000 times
It was inevitable, really. Everyone has been clamouring for it.
That's pretty much what it becomes once you've explored the whole map and just starts fast travelling to a location that is the most near to the map marker. There's fetch quests even in the late game and they get trivialised by the system, best Skyrim experience is on the early levels
Is this being made by the Beyond Skryim people? Because if it is, I wouldn't get your hopes up about it ever fucking coming out.
>Go to planet
>It's just a ugly brown version of a game I should be playing instead
>land in skyrim
>shoot down dragon
>get called dragonborn or something
>plop down an outpost for mining
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Why don't they help the other Project Tamriel in Morrowind or help Beyond Skyrim. Seems like that would be far more sensible.
Also how stupid can they be to use the same name as another mod project?
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Has a single one of these "port previous game to modern game" EVER fucking come out? Some of these shitstains have been in development for more than a decade by now.
Must be a scam, have the skyblivion guys been making money?
does that mean I get to shoot filthy mer with my space gun?
The Morrowind to oblivion one came out can't remember what it was called
The Fallout 3 to Fallout New Vegas port
Play Tamriel Rebuilt.
There's morrowind one.
If you ask why are none of these comes out properly, thats because they are working for free a.k.a. volunteering a.k.a. nobody can govern these people into sitting in one place and asking them to work effectively, not to mention that there's no deadline which contribute to their 'work' culture, no decent project manager.
Volunteers can go in and out as much as they want, quit in the middle of production because they want to work at bethsoft? Go ahead, pass the torch a.k.a your unfinished work to another newcomer who needs time to adapt himself with anything.
Dont get me wrong, their goals are good I think, passion project is cool, but messed up management and production makes them looks like a bufoon, trying to do impossible thing
and it will only take 20 years
>can't even get Atmora and Black Marsh out yet
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b-but Roscrea is coming!
It's been seven years and they still haven't gotten Cyrodiil out yet. And in all that time, Bruma still has fuck all to do in it.
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>using up some literal who island because not enough skill to make an actual playable landmass
a pathetic contribution
>they figured Todd and co were going to cover Hammerfell anyway so they will pitch their efforts out in the bay
Check back in 2041 to see if any changes have been made.
Call of Chernobyl: Stalker SoC, CS, and CoP all in one engine.
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retard behaviour
you need a direction, a roadmap and some longway commitment, not magical thinking

tamriel rebuiltCHADS spend a year or two on a single province's region and, with slow and steady updates, have done more than half of one at this point

meanwhile these niggas spend time making 50,000,000+ vertice blender bullshit that can't ever be put in the creation engine, LOL
I googled that and it says the project has been abandoned, and the only links are marked (demo)
Morroblivion and tales of two wastelands are complete.
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This. Tamriel Rebuilt niggas are the only ones who have figured out how to do a giant mod. Piecemeal releases over time.
Call of Chernobyl was kind of a framework for most other freeroam mods (GAMMA, Anomaly etc.). CoC is kinda barren in content by itself.
>This. Tamriel Rebuilt niggas are the only ones who have figured out how to do a giant mod. Piecemeal releases over time.
true, true
Oh so another overly ambitious project that will never get done. Cool beans.
Imagine feeling any kind of emotion over a mod announcement.
The only way to engooden starfield is to mod TES in to it
Short answer is why not.
Long answer is, as much as I hate starfield, turning starfield into Star Ocean is both hilarious and supremely based.
Tale of two wastelands
though that's more of a sidegrade I guess
Get fucked.
Get fucked.
Get fucked.
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tf kind of bot post is this
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Nigger I just save TES images I find on this board I don't know who this guy is
He wants to make money on Patreon with his terrible art, so I posted the link to steal money from him.
they still haven't finished the mod to bring oblivion into skyrim or the similar mod to bring morrowind into skyrim, and these mods have been in development for 10 years or longer

it will never be done
there is no umbra, sacrilege, and convenient horses to a lesser degree make regularly traveling the open world manageable. Like the only times I use fast travel with those mods is if it's on the other side of the map.
arent all these mods just scams?
they just pocket donation money for 10 years without actually doing anything and then just abandon it
dont look at this gif while high
Probably because the game was bad enough that the really good mod makers aren't going to move over to it so it means there is an easy opening to make some big sounding trash for e-peen
you should watch this while on shrooms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7dA-DRkfgM
eh, it gives some traditional nords at least so that's fine.
oh if anyone from beyond skyrim is lurking. Use the huskies from dg and spiders from dragonborn for roscrea (a size increase is all you need to make them feel new).
The huskies are more than good enough, and you can just say the owl or snake cult made their own chimeras to guard the tombs
Skyblivion is the only one that will come out. They’ve set a target date and it’s run by non-trannies
>gayest depiction of cyrodil in tes is the only one that will come out.

also should've used the blades and legion armor from vanilla skyrim. oblivion's armor design is gay and not canon.
Uh sir how will I be able to fill out my portfolio if I don't make extremely high poly models for the mod that don't fit the game and needlessly tax the hardware?
>Release date: never
Bethesda is paying modders to try and bring people back to the game, no one wants this
Another Elder Scrolls project that will never finish or turn out to be colossal dogshit.
We'll literally all be dead by the time that comes out. kek
Sunken cost
....Just focus your efforts in areas that actually need it. I mean I like most of the ones they've showcased to be fair tho.
how would you have preferred interstellar travel in starfield?
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What comes out first? Starfield: Project Tamriel or Star Citizen?
haha bro weed
Why? It's to make those who got scammed by Todd have an actual game worth playing. (me)
Fallout London.. Any day now.
That mod being effectively shitcanned as the devs insist on it working on the newest update is tragic but also kind of hilarious. I was a dunce for ever thinking that it would come out last year, or even this year.
True. The devs are absolute cucks for bending over for Bethesda. It would've been a great middle finger to BGS's timing, if they just encouraged players to roll back to the previous update to play their mod.
I said it from the start and euroids called me a liar.
isnt the oblivion into skyrim really close to be finished?
they promise a 2025 release, but no exact date and who knows if it won't just be delayed again
Relatively. They claim that it will actually come out last year, and the videos make it look much more complete than any part of Beyond Skyrim.
Like all of these projects, there will be 4-5 of collecting Patreon donations before the project leads, who are always troons, have a mental health breakdown and cancel the project.
Is there a version that ports HD Liberty City to GTA 5?
(I know of GTA underground doing something like that for the 3D universe games)
Its the most impressive mod ever made for any game.
Having to sit through dressed up loading screens where you fuck around on a ship for 5 minutes waiting for the warp to finish.
any time a release date is promised, just add another 18 months to it.
legitamtely just delete the space between systems and most of the space between planets. Yes I know the universe suddenly contracting is unrealistic but it's a hell of a lot more believable than space magic.

Which admittedly I do prefer space magic to fucking warp drives.
A revelation led me to it.
Honestly, they'd be better off making deadric realms in starfield.
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>Beyond Skyrim projects have been in development for nearly 10 years
>only one small map is only release
can't wait for another small city be release in 10 years
If you can't find a way to make X fun don't make a game about X, dumbass.
To be fair 3D open world development is a huge bitch. Even AAA studios with infinite money can't do it right, just look at fucking CP2077 or hell Skyrim itself.
Mod groups who aren't getting paid, or if they are completely rely on positive word of mouth to support crowdfunding or patreon etc, are going to take their sweet ass time.
Todd Howard said Starfield didn't become 'fun' in its development until 2021. This game had no chance.
>never ending grift you can take donations for
>the grander the grift the longer the scam is believable
tbf Todd wanted to make his space rpg for like 25 years and he's coming up on his retirement after a bunch of massive successes. If he didn't say fuck it and try to make his dream game he would be a giga cuck. Every open-ended space game like that has failed miserably (except maybe for old games like Elite/EV/SC2 which had a much lower bar to clear) but respect to him for trying.
Also, pretty please to any roscrea dev lurker. Please let us marry a big woman. You don't even have to make a new marriage system just let us marry her in riften.
That shit is never coming out and was doomed from inception.
Todd Howard's dream game being boring crap that doesn't live up to 1:100th of its potential really tells you all you need to know about the rest of Bethesda's big hits and why they're so goddamn shallow and repetitive.
This is why I constantly make new characters and never allow myself to fast travel for any reason. I don't think I have played a single character past level 40 in more than a decade now and Skyrim is still my most played game.
KCD's horse travel system ruined games like Skyrim for me
>try to port a previous game to the new engine
>a lot of time passes and the port isn't still out
>a new game is released
>your unfinished port is now old
Unironically I think the KCD fast travel system would be the solution to Starfield space travel being shit.
>open map
>watch your ship make the plotted course on a stylized sci fi map while time passes at a fast rate
>depending on path taken, run into random encounters

There is basically no way to make real time space travel engaging, but you can abstract and skip over it. Modern games being unwilling to do this is why space games suck now.
Convenient horses and improved camera my dude.
I usually do the word wall dungeons and quest without leveled items rewards as a werewolf to avoid leveling up. Then max everything out before doing the rest.
They're just cloning beyond Skyrim or what?
Shouldn't they at least wait for Elder Scrolls 6? That's their next game and will likely be the last major TES entry anyways.
looks like it. I'm shocked they didn't ape Apotheosis desu. That would at least be possible.
Modding skyrim doesn't make skyrim better, it just makes you take longer to realize you're still playing skyrim

Crazy how a multibillion dollar games development studio couldn't come up with or implement this. Eurojank is the last haven of real gamedev.
It does and kdc is worse than butterlord in every way.
It's got an isekai tier story about a royal bastard, zero role playing options, worse combat than skyrim (which is an accomplishment) and was just as buggy on release.

Also, it somehow deleted my save when I was playing it.
Competent remakes are a pretty big undertaking regardless of engine. Black Mesa did finish in the end but they nowhere near got the mod version done in the deadline they thought they'd originally hoped for back in 2009-ish, and it ended up going commercial regardless.

For commercial re-releases using a sequel's engine, there's a few like Escape from Butcher Bay and 'Return of Rome' for AoE I on AoE II DE's engine.
Like honestly the only thing kdc legitimately did well was make you feel weak at the start.
That's literally it.
Thing is, the mod is not even complete. The lead dev relegated the work to his army of discord troons who spends most of the time goofing instead of finishing the mod. This whole excuse of updating the mod to the current version falls apart when you realize the GOG version of Fallout 4 doesn't even run on the next gen update, and they signed a deal with them to host the mod in their store
So does that mean you have to own it on gog to even run it or how is it going to work?
based fellow getting-out-of-cryosleep-and checking-every-5-years-er
Literally what's the point of that? They're the same game.
See you in 30 years
Starfield was originally going to have underdeveloped medieval-style planets you could land on but the idea was scrapped because they were worried it would trigger twitter leftoids to draw comparisons with colonialism.
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>both this and fallout miami are still in development 5-6 years after announcement
Jesas christ man, I get it's really just a passion project for novices but at what point do you just stop trying to add more and more features?
Just focus on making a good experience, even if its relatively short.
happening never
the fucking retards behind putting morrowind/oblivion into skyrim still aren't close to finish and the game has been out for like 13 years
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>slaps u with a cease and desist
Make a DLC sized mod, not a whole ass game.
An 8-15 hour quest mod is already very impressive, and awesome. And gives you time to work on other projects.
Making my cult wife watch as I kill the Great Serpent (Alduin)
This is just silly
It lets you enjoy the mod support of FNV in F3, vanilla FNV features like iron sights, and also you can play both on one character if you want to do that for some reason.
But also the main point being that FONV actually runs on modern hardware, especially with bug fix mods. The only real, current stability mod setup for FO3 uses TTW. It is the only good way to play 3 now, sadly
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>fallout: london is a week, maybe two from release
>puts out a huge trailer
>gets a lot of attention
>project is basically finished
>everyone is excited
>todd comes in to "update" his shitty game with a miniscule amount of creation club garbage nobody wants while also taking a huge dump on F4SE, breaking every substantial mod
>almost 3 months later they have not recovered
I wasn't super hyped or anything but I was planning on re-installing the game for it. Unironically Bethesda should just release their games and then never update them. They're not even good at bugfixing, modders consistently do it better.
I looked into this and it turned out to be a joke post on Reddit.
Mental illness. Bethesdrones spend their years working on ''remake'' projects they won't even benefit monetarily. People are STILL remaking Morrowind and Oblivion on Skyrim's engine and it's not done yet. There is a higher chance for Bethesda to remake them before those remake projects comes out.
Please tell me this isn't an AI generated stunt
gonna subscribe now, thanks
Dumbass bucks for profit, join my pateron for early access of something that will never comeout but im definatly doing and need funding. Also clout.
A group of idiots do this with every bethesda release. They're going to spend 15 years of their life doing this and it won't be finished.
It is. Look up the original post.
I'm sorry anon but you need to stop being so gullible. Fallout london was clearly not complete, they needed an excuse and they found one. They could just bundle in the open source downgrader if they wanted a solution, but they don't want a solution, they wanted an excuse with the hopes that people like you would fall for it.
>they wanted an excuse with the hopes that people like you would fall for it
Yeah oldest trick in the book. Can't believe so many people fall for this excuse. I've seen it like 50 times.
>We were so so close man, for real, but now we gotta start all over because of a slight change that was inevitable due to how long we were stalling.
Deadlines made the games unfinished shit in the first place.
Oh great another large scale Bethesda fan mod that will never come out yippee
please no
Because it will come out after Morrowind mod in Skyrim.
Which means never ever.
No Man's Sky or Elite Dangerous style realtime exploration.
How far along is Morrowind in Skyrim going?
There are several fundamental problems.
First off people come in with initial enthusiasm, it's going to be a fun project, they're going to make something they love and want, they're going to contribute to the community and get a ton of praise.
All is well for the first couple months, they throw together a massive amount of content, start showing it off, everyone loves it.
Then it shifts and it's all downhill. Enthusiasm of both them and the audience dies down. Now it feels like a job, nothing is new or surprising. People now have expectations because they made a bunch of promises. So instead of being motivated by praise they're motivated by not being a liar.
Next you have fags who don't actually write code and want to "be involved" so they join the "team" and they start bogging down the handful of smart people who can actually make things, with their hot takes and shit demands.
So now in addition to it feeling like work they also have a bloated team, office politics, and asshole bosses making demands so it doesn't even feel like their project anymore. They might as well just be working at a company and getting paid.

So they don't want to do it anymore, they spend most of their time just debating with the bloated team about doing this or that and having democratic discussions with people who don't deserve to have a vote since they aren't tangibly contributing.
They don't want to admit failure so they make constant excuses to the audience and try to release small crumbs of updates to prove the project isn't dead. Until eventually they just drop completely which at that point in not surprising to anyone with a brain.

Same thing happens all the time with EA indie games but in that case they are making money along the way.
I think people generally underestimate just how much work goes into a full game sized project and realize that even after 100+ hours worth of work they have barely scratched the surface the original passion fades
i'm glad that skyrrowind will never come out because people who can't stomach early 2000s 3d should be gatekept for being gay
these are both good. i honestly thought either one of these was what starfield was going to be. then day 1 i watched some streamers play it. it didnt have any actual space traveling so i ended up not buying it and i never will. to this day im still asking "what the fuck was the point?"
It looks like most of their assets are done going by their last update. Eventually it'll get done, I think.
you know im kinda surprised todd didnt do a nod to Tamriel desu
Honestly, I'm looking forward to the tilesets being made open sourced whenever it gets done more than anything else.
>quest without leveled items rewards
This is entirely why I installed Morrowloot. Autism wouldn't let me quest until I hit max level for rewardmaxxing.
Oh look another one of these projects.
Wake me when September ends.
Is there something like that but just for quest rewards? I'm using a bunch of other mods that conflict with it.
Nexus is down for me, so I can't tell you anything for certain, but Googling "Skyrim se deleveled quest rewards" gave quite a few hits.
>Another meme mod that will never come out
>Nexus is down for me,
Yeah they've been making some weird updates the last couple days and the site hasn't been working consistently. Probably some amazing new ways to monetize and fuck people more.
They banned my account i'd had for years out of nowhere yesterday because I signed up with a temp email.
skyrim allows you to not use fast travel if you so desire, even has carriages and horses to make traveling the map more convenient of you choose to do so

starfield cannot be played without it at all
you can also release the mod in sections. start with a small area and a main quest befitting of its size, then add another, and another. those main quests become faction quests and you can built a new main quest based on them.
I feel somewhat bad for Todd. I believe his wish of making his dream game got monkey pawed hard. Not only did he have to rely on Bethesda devs to make it (they can't make a good game) but the game also is full of present day DEI agenda.
Every time new Bethesda game comes out this kind of shit happens. Yet to see a single one actually coming through with their promises.
why not contribute to openmw? its already the most stable way to play morrowind and the devs are dehardcoding morrowind specific things with the explicit goal of supporting other bethesda games.
Vaporware until I have a download link, just like every Beyond Skyrim project. Let me guess, they have a patreon?
Tamriel Rebuilt does actually have a lot of content released, no idea if it is any good though.
seems the solution is to not let anyone on the team if they can't contribute with tangible assets.

And also, no democracy.
> Every open-ended space game like that has failed miserably
The game was half ass. Has nothing to do with the genre or open world.
They could've just made no man's sky with quests, some unique cities, and companions and it would've been a hit.
There is plenty of cool stuff to do in space, it's the writers fault for lacking any soul or creativity to make compelling stories, or motivated characters or different cultures.
The fact that they cheaped out and wouldn't even make aliens is indicative of how lazy their world building is.
Their core design philosophy in every aspect of this game was "too hard", "too much work", "where can we cut corners and slack off".

In comparison Outer Worlds had a decent setting and decent world building but the characters and dialog were all shit and it was unpolished from a gameplay perspective.
I played a newer build that leaked a year or so ago and it's not much further along. Cities are there, but empty. A few unvoiced quests here and there. It just reeks of bad project managment. Enderal (basically Gothic x Skyrim) and like 5 DLC sized mods have all come out before a single Beyond Skyrim mod. So it's clearly possible with a competent team
This. The reason these always fail is because YOU nay sayers in the forums destroy the devs confidence and motivation with your criticism and complaining.
Because of YOU arguing in the comments and calling them grifters, the devs have a mental breakdown and can't work for another 6 months. YOU are the reason they fail.
They do this for free, remember, they run on our support and love.
If ONLY we had kissed their ass hard enough and donated to their pateron they would have found the strength to continue on.
Excessive ass kissing leads to shit like the Legacy of the Dragonborn community being filled with the worst dev-worshipping cockriding teacher's pets imaginable. When in fact they're only marginally better than the Beyond Skyrim loony troons.
>Odyssey in dev hell forever
>let's add 12 more features to Legacy

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