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>Get urge to replay Dragon Age: Origins
>Remember Kokari Wilds
>Remember The Circle
>Remember The Fade
>Remember Orzahammer/Deep Roads
>Remember Brecilian Forest
>Remember Ostagar
DA2 is better anyways
For me it's the Fade...
Based. To think about it, second one has no annoying locations.
Is there an area you did like?
Not op but to think about it... Redcliffe?
Can you leave?
I dislike Ostagar/korcari wilds just because I've replayed it way too many times, but I never understood the near universal dislike of the deep roads and the fade.
People don't like the deep roads because it's they are long and I don't like the fade because you lose your companions

I've never had a problem with any of the zones in the game. In fact in my recent replay I felt the Deep Roads were shorter than I remembered.
>plan to play DA as a bad guy
>see Morrigan
>play the exact same way every time as goody two shoes in love with Morrigan
Why can't I stop?
>Getting filtered Kokari Wilds
>fewer specializations
>worse spell combos
>Shittier level design
I had morrigan and the dog break me out of jail and it was by far the funniest dialogue tree I've ever seen in any game ever. Will never forget that.
I like all of those areas
even the fade
>I felt the Deep Roads were shorter than I remembered.
got the same feeling, comes from time distortion when you're younger where a month feels like an eternity
>get urge to play game
>doesn't actually like any part of it
Explain yourself OP.
DAO has the best story and writing out of all of the DA games.
No joke, never understood why zoomzooms liked DA:O so much, maybe because it was their first RPG.
No joke, never understood why boombooms liked Baldur's Gate so much, maybe because it was their first RPG.
>pretending to be retarded, etc etc
Baldur's Gate doesn't have a single icky area to it.
The sewers...
Same. I so desperately want a remaster, if only I didn't know they will fuck it up 100%
You spend like 5 minutes in the sewers and it's a dime a dozen dungeon with nothing wrong about it.
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I been wanting to replay it as well because i played it on the ps3 back in the day, but i might as well play BG3 since they are pretty similar.
DAO is a firmly millennial game.
Not when you're trying to escape the sight of the Flaming Fist.
>Get urge to replay Dragon Age: Origins
>Remember the trash mmo combat
>Remember the dogshit companions
>Remember the terrible side quests
>Remember the awful level design
>Remember the shallow rpg mechanics
>Remember the boring generic main story
You don't spin it up a little?
All kino areas especially the forest.
I replayed the first dragon age recently. Hadn't touched it since 2009. It aged poorly and I say this as someone who almost exclusively plays retro games
Just play Inquisitiion, it's the only DA game you need.
> To think about it, second one has no annoying locations.

They’re all the fucking same. You go through the same areas all the fucking time. Most uninspired level design ever, next to open bloat Inquisition.
then why would you get the urge to replay it
You remember the good first then the bad comes back to you afterwards.
>Remember Kokari Wilds
It's very short
>Remember The Circle
great atmosphere
>Remember The Fade
mod it out or enjoy the puzzles. It's not that bad
>Remember Orzahammer/Deep Roads
sovl incarnate
>Remember Brecilian Forest
boring until you get into the temple
>Remember Ostagar
again, it's very short
True this. Its a once and done type of game. I love DAO but its a shitty column A or B game. Bioware died in the transition to 3d.
>Get urge to replay Dragon Age: Origins
>Do it
skill issue, op
>second one has no annoying locations
instead you have copy pasted city, cave and outer city areas
I tried so many times to stop my family from getting massacred at the start.
Also stupid dog is best companion.
based and comfy kirkwall pilled
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>all the underage b&s that dont remember how much shilling amd damage control bioware did for the abortion that was DA2, going so far as to have their own employees secretly pump up the review scores
>kirkwall pilled
literally dragon age detroit
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>To think about it, second one has no annoying locations.
What the fuck are you on about retard? It copy pastes the same dungeon over and over again.
It was shit but the combat was alright.
I quit about 10 minutes into 3.
I don't remember why though but something must have set off my autism.
BG3 only has better gameplay
DAO is better in every other way
The fucking mind flayers in bg2
Fuck them so much
Shitty enemies in a terribly laid out dungeon full of hallways you can't see behind where the only strategy was funnel summons through to eat up stuns because the ai was retarded
pretty much every old game feels much shorter when you play them a decade or two later
The only thing that stops me from playing is the amount of dialogue and exposition in the beginning. I know the lore and series inside out and it's boring hearing the same shit constantly
>Get urge to replay Dragon Age: Origins
>Remember Kokari Wilds
>Remember The Circle
>Remember The Fade
>Remember Orzahammer/Deep Roads
>Remember Brecilian Forest
>Remember Ostagar
>launch the game

I always loved the Deep Roads. It's a game where you play a guy who slaughters darkspawn for a living and they send you underground where they live to slaughter darkspawn. What's not to like? It's like complaining that there's too many demons in Doom.
Combat was worse, wtf you talking about? They took out Origins’s skill system and gave it a sterilized skill system to make the most boring “builds” ever. Inquisition barely improved it but it was full of pointless MMO padding.
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based takes. That's why I liked the Descent DLC from Inquisition. Gave me the comfy Origins vibes
>the surprise buttsex party in the sewers
>the surprise buttsex zombies and shades further in the sewers
>the surprise buttsex mind flayers
>the surprise buttsex aliens from another dimension
>the surprise buttsex enemies in the mage prison
>the surprise buttsex drow in the underdark
I genuinely do not understand how BG2 gets so much praise. Literally the only good part of the game is D'Arnise Castle.
I kind of remember using a big sword and smashing everything to death instantly.
DAO I only used magic and it was fun.
is the steam version of DAO any good or is it jank as fuck?
i've only played on 360 an eternity ago
You need to get the 4gb patch for steam version lilbro.
Nigga any PC version is better than the console version. You ALREADY played it with enough jank.
works fine for me, you just need to add the 4gb LAA patch mod to stop crashes. I've had no issues after that.
This! DA:V looks to be a great improvement in the series!
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>learn how to build characters correctly
>game becomes cakewalk, even on Nightmare
I ruined it for myself. I just can't be bothered anymore
my friend had to download a bunch of old outdated EA bloat just to play the OG mass effects, if this is the same that doesn't sound better
the fade is mostly just boring puzzles and annoying navigation, you gotta spend even more time in there if you care about min maxing and it's way too long for how littoe you do
>D'arnise Castle is the only good part
Not true
Hell was cool
I enjoyed Amn and the vampire stuff
The elf city was fine if I remember
Irenicus is proof that all a villain needs is excellent voice work
But it's been like 10 years since I played the game last and the mind flayers in it have forever made me terrified of fighting them even in tabletop games
>how to build characters correctly
>blood mage
>blood wound
I'm something of a minmaxxer myself.
Playing with a keyboard and mouse makes the game so much better, especially if you use magik
Why are arguments about the DA games always so bloody?
Oh my. How did I ever discover this game breaking build?
FPBP as always
because every release in the series is drastically different from the others in gameplay, vibe and direction. People who liked a certain DA game always feel betrayed by how different the others are.
>>Remember The Fade
The biggest nothing burger i've seen. Community meme at this point.
>remember what happened to the rest of the series and bioware itself
and anyone who liked anything after the first is a shit eater
Fade is just fucking Water Temple meme at this point.
That's funny, I quit after about 10 minutes of 2.
>tfw reading all the books and graphic novels
pretty good so far
I'll probably try it again since it's on sale now. You should give 2 a shot again. Just pick the big sword.
So what's Denerim then? Timbuktu?
it's honestly the most refreshing part of the game cause you get to actually control something instead of autoplay and wait 50 seconds till you have enough resources to push the awesome button
>Get an urge to play anything
>Remember I hate playing video games
>Go back to shitposting on the mongolian basket weaving forum
I decided the run duel weapons
Did I pick a bad build Bros?
best girl
>Remember the game

Because the dialogue options are retarded. You can’t be evil without being stupid in these games. There is never a moral dilemma, there is always a good choice that is also the best choice that makes Morrigan scoff because she wants to be evil and do stupid things.
>Alistair: I say we give the cat back to the orphanage
>Morrigan: I say we kill the cat in front of the orphanage, burn it down and slaughter everyone inside
>Thank you for finding our cat. Here, I have a reward for you. This sacred talisman will kill all enemies for you making the rest of the game a cake walk
Exactly. DA2 doesn’t have annoying locationS, just an annoying location.
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>get urge to replay DAO
>remember I rerereplayed it last year with all the mods I could find
>can't polish those turd grafics any more
>DA2 is the worst piece of shit game I ever played, not even an option
>replay Inquisition instead
None of you faggots stopped me.
At least DAI lets me right some wrongs of 2, I guess.
descent was cool.
the main theme was fantastic.
The most contrarian take in existence.
You faggots don't even have arguments to back it up. Inferior, smaller to Origins in every way but oooh the qunari got a redesign and it's set in medieval Taris

This is why you don't recruit the qunari spy
But I want to kill the troon squad and then him for maximum bitchfits
I guess but, if u recruit Iron Bull he ruins Dorian as a character.
So it turns of This Is War by Thirty Seconds To Mars was first debuted in Dragon Age Origins
Origins is one of those games where I hate the gameplay but like literaly every other aspect. 700 hours of hating gameplay
Do they gay out or something?
I never use the qunari, it's Cassandra and all the mages on rotation. Only use him when it's time to leave the troon squad to die.
Blackwall is for bullying.
Sera can fuck off.
Simple as.
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Arcane warrior chads.
I think what happens is if u have them both you're treated to a marvelesque scene of people interrupting their crust session.
>Blackwall is for bullying
What did you guys actually do with Blackwall at the trial?
There was a trial?
lol it must've bugged out, he's rotting in his cell
Basically Iron Bull is the nexus of a lot if not all pozzed content in the game
Make him become a real warden
Yeah, you get a wartable option to use your inquisitorial influence to break him out of prison only to pass judgement yourself.
The options are IIRC:
>Pardon him for free. (he joins the inquisition as Tom Rainier)
>Condemn him to death by darkspawn. (he sticks with you also as Tom, gets conscripted into the wardens after the game)
>Force him to keep up the Blackwall facade in service of the Inqusition. (he really hates this)
The 4th option is of course, just leaving him to rot in his cell.
For me its Dalish Elf Mage, Arcane Warrior, Spirit Healer, Blood Mage, Keeper
I love this game. I'm so sad we never got a sequel
We did it was Awakening.
>Dalish Elf Mage
You can't play a Dalish mage tho. Elf mages are forced into the circle.
Allister and Morgan had the best bantz I think they we banging behind my back.
I feel cucked when I think about it.
It also turns me on.
>esl post
>mentally ill
He should've been the villain that moved between games, not Boreypheus
NTR is the best.
I'm going to play NTR games all day long today.
THP and NTRPG2 are masterpieces
I'm currently playing escape room.
You and your girlfriend get captured by some Cia guys and put in a closed off building.
You play games with the 3 bulls that are trapped in there with you and you need to win enough times to get these coins that you can use to buy your freedom.
If you lose your opponent will use his coins to purchase your girlfriend for 3 days.
You can peek on them through the doors and get some hot silhouette scenes and use coupons to unlock the full scenes.
Talking to her afterwards and seeing how she slowly gets corrupted is super hot.
I always lose BTW.
I still need to do the route with the old gardener but I'll need a couple days of recharging before I'm ready for it.
Today I'll probably pick this onsen one that I found the other day or one from my spying on her cheating list.
Why did they reuse a DLC villain, goddamn bioware hacks I didn't play 2 that far, it was horseshit
Maybe because the Architect can be killed off? Corypheus in the DLC for 2 is "killed" but you can tell he's possessed one of the Wardens. It's proven as well that he can do that in Inquisition and regenerate from people he possesses.
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For my love, Neve.
Yet it isn't annoying. Learn to understand what you read.
Everyone says this game is easy but I'm playing on normal and getting fucking destroyed in the Urn of Sacred Ashes quest. 20+ enemies every single fight, multiple mages, multiple yellows, drakes that overwhelm and instakill you whenever they feel like it, shit is hard as fuck. Wynne is dead and I didn't bring Morrigan along this time, and I only just scraped through after using my entire health potion supply and throwing every bomb, poison and the kitchen sink at them. Gotta come back later for the dragon boss.

I'm playing 2h warrior, still using medium armor which sucks but my only other option so far without resorting to soldier's peak for the overpowered warden armor is heavy chainmail which doubles my fatigue for 2 more armor points which doesn't seem worth it.
Based + real
because he's a pussy and has no ambition to actually cause mass destruction
all of those areas are great except the fade. Just mod that shit out. Infact mod the shit out of the game in general. Vanilla is a bugy mess
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>there is a height slider so you can make a very short human woman.
i don't find DAO annoying but i'll take some annoyances over pure unfiltered uncreative boredom
>he didn't read the book
oh he has plans
did they show the character creator?
You are suppose to stack cun on rogues. scrub
Will only touch (pirate) the new game if I can kill this guy
Pull some multiverse bullshit so all Origins wardens are canon, all I care about is the warden, fuck everyone else
nah, not yet. but there is a height slider for all the races. so you can make a taller than average dwarf or a shorter than average qunari.
the game will kill him for you
Morrigan was a virgin.
i'm sure it's going to be the bare minimum so it's easier to deal with and not risk having human and elf women be "too short"
>Morrigan becomes loving mother
>Leliana becomes greenie edgelord
What the fuck is her problem? I she any better if dicked by the Warden chad?
there's also a bulge slider as well as customisable dick
>Blood Mage
Not my warden.
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Doing it just because of this thread. (I don't where my CD is)
No and thats typically what happens to women once they become mothers.
Leliana was a physically and mentally broken rape victim plus an ex prostitute.
Morrigan may have been a cunt but she was the most like an actual person than the joke that ginger cunt was.
based mongolian basket weaver
>I desperately want a remaster for a perfectly functioning game that hasn't aged wgich has extensive mod support (which would be broken with a remaster)
What kind of brain damage does it take to DESPERATELY want this? And terrible products will keep being successful thanks to morons like you.
It figures that DAfags are all cucks.
>What kind of brain damage does it take to DESPERATELY want this?
console kiddies
No fucking way.
She's in her mid-to-late 20s in Origins
Tucked away in the wilds, preserved for the HoF
She used to transform into wolves and run around and get fucked by them
You're thinking of Holo from the anime Holo the Whoro
No he's thinking of morrigan and one of her dialogues in the forest you first meet her. Bioware has always sucked at releasing polished games. You shouldnt be able to fuck morrigan immediately after ostagar yet you will 99% of the time.
Why dont you look up the dialogue on wiki? They have every piece from every companion in the game. Its a lot less than i remember.
>You shouldnt be able to fuck morrigan immediately after ostagar yet you will 99% of the time.
the DLC that adds gifts for all companions into the party camp is partly to blame for that. You can max their friendship in minutes
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DA:O was one of the very few games I've dropped. Coming from classic CRPGs expecting the spiritual successor to BG2 that BioWare promised I was pretty disappointed. The story as well as the lore were lukewarm and at least serviceable. But the combat and skill system was pretty bad even for the time. You really noticed the lack of depth from creating their own system instead of relying on DnD or something similar. This was apparant even when compared to contemporary jank like Drakensang. Skilling and combat more or less felt like the low to mid-level expierence you got in WoW or even some strategy games like Spellforce. The tactics menu also didn't work half the time. So the only saving grave of DA:O could have been the characters, which except for Morrigan aren't pretty memorable. They weren't badly written by any means, but also just serviceable most of the times. In the end it was just an okay game carried by the claim of following its predecessors and the rather strong start with the handful of origin story lines, which quickly stopped mattering though.
Only the Fade was annoying to me.
No I don't think she did that
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Speaking off mods, has this been completely scrubbed from the internet?
Oof. How do you make her uglier?
downgrade. Anyway it's her personality that needs modding, not her appearance.
I know that's not perfect but she should be an orleasian
It's been a while but I dont think she was that bad, at least she was the best choice for Divine.
She's a bitch but she knows it and she knows her place
Now Leliana, she has the shittiest personality
It only needs one mod :3
based femanon
All the other DA games are unmitigated trash.
We ate too good with Origins, sisters.
another balding boomer acting like dao was perfect
For me it's Dalish Mage, Arcane Warrior+Shifter+Keeper, DEX tank with dagger/shield
Not exactly super strong, but fun and useful
It was perfect with nude mods
Yeah my favorite style of weapon is also the worst playstyle in the game. I refuse to change for a build that can trivialize the game on nightmare
Both will solo the game. Just thought dex was more obvious thus funnier desu
Going through the same shit over and over again is indeed annoying
Just dabble in each area. Go as far as you can till you get filtered, then retreat and go somewhere else. That's how I did nightmare and it wasn't that hard.
No she doesn't. She tries to influence the inquisitor any chance she gets. She's an awful gold digging frenchie. Only thing worse would be if she were a troon.
So you remembered 70% of the game? Seems like that's a good thing in my mind.
fpwp kys retard
>Be OP
>Get urge to suck cock
>remember yum yum
Its just GoT with the names swapped around.
No gamepad support.
Any mods to make the dog romanceable as a female warden?
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Dalish + mage
best origin combined with mages interactivity only a mage gets to rape a desire demon.
The transexual looking ones that people like david gaider find hot but the normal, hetero male does not?
>tits = female
Wrong. Pussies = female and that thins is not on show.
Yeah its male.
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>areas get covered in darkness the more you advance in the story
It was soulful.
>change the taint because americunts were upset about a reference to the gooch
And in one fell swoop all the soul is gone.
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Go play this part saar, watch her crumple as you have your way and she gets nothing, then comeback here and tell me you wouldn't
I know more about dragon age than anyone in this thread, I can cofidently tell you origins is easily the worst game and it's a good thing they keep moving away from it

Nostalgia fags NEED to die
dragon age fag here too, explain why you think that
In Denerim what is the 3rd item that Gorim sells?
DAO is notoriously "That Part: The Game"

Bait used to be believable
Origins has no clear idenity, it's a melting pot of a bunch of other fantasy univeses; Tolkein, DnD, Warcraft - it's understandable because they were building the world, but it does mean the game doesn't have any real identity beyond the fact it's grimdark

2 and Inquisition move away from this and become more stylised and high fantasy, the silly twirly staff attacks, the over the top animations etc - it's campy as fuck, just like mass effect - that's the point, it's the bioware soap opera style, but in a fantasy universe rather than scifi

Just because people like Origins, which I do, doesn't mean they like Dragon Age - you just like that one game - if you don't like 2 or Inquisition you just don't like dragon age because that's what dragon age is supposed to be

Also it doesn't help that they should've kept to their original plan and make origins turn based, because it is utterly unfun and a chore to play and replay; no honest person can say DAO is actually a fun game to play moment to moment but you certainly can make the argument that 2 and inquisition are
first post absolute tranny madness post
hmm, can't argue with most of that but I hold the opinion that all games are good so I'm biased about the series
Oh I think all dragon age games are good; easily some of the best western RPGs available
I just think we should basically consider Origins a standalone game, because that's basically what it is at this point
this is the one vidya opinion that trolls me every time
the launch of DA2 was a legitimate loss of innocence for me, I had never been so disappointed before in all my life
Not playing this shit again. I spent too much time playing the game and supporting bioware before they went full retard to ever do it again. Especially with what the series became. Should've known it would turn to shit the moment david gaider was promoted. And no, i wouldn't. Baldness, short hair and glasses are 3 boner killers for me. Theres something so unattractive and ugly about dyke do's and four eyes.
I mich preferred beating it to the individual slit creases each of the female comps have on their panties. Bioware did the same prior in KOTOR. Their artist was commited and i praise him for that.
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>not loving the Deep Roads and Orzammar
What a fucking faggot.
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>tfw the bioware forums guessed all the dlc story beats before they were ever announced because bioware cant into writing
There's not a single game in existence where hyper autist fans weren't able to predict the plot
based and both dwarf origins are kino af
Orzammar and Redcliffe really carry the game
The other zones are shit and awful
>create a dragon age origins thread
>dragon age 2 trannies invade it
create your own thread and go discuss your game somewhere else
Dead Space faggots didnt and that forum was filled to the brim with autistic dick suckers.
i managed to convince the guy somewhere at the start of the game to leave his cage, and everytime i replay it, i cant seem to repeat it.

is there a way to get the big guy out?
No. We will discuss all of dragon age in every dragon age thread.
Yeah. Get permission of the head nun bitch nearby and convince him to battle the blight as a worthy warrior from memory.
I kneel to Arishok
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peak qunari design. How the mighty have fallen...
> Panahedan Hawke

I kneel, most based dragon age villain
but he's too demoralised, last i tried. is there a pattern?
>tfw Sten is the new Arishock
I still have no idea how they went from Sten and Arishok in Origins and DA2 to the likes of Iron Bull and whatever >>681502608 is. Arishok is the absolutely best looking Qunari, both bestial and intimidating and yet fully in control of himself.

Plus, his scenes are the absolute best.

>Maraas toh ebra-shok. You alone are basalit-an. This is what respect looks like, bas! Some of you will never earn it!
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>get the urge to replay Dragon Age: Origins
>remember the gameplay
Sten missed like 2 redesigned Qunari looks lmao
they moved too far from the stylised fantasy of DA2 to realistic Inquisition. Iron Bull is also a terrible design. His body is too large and his head is too small. Annoying voice too.
Freddie prince jr is shit and was only considered a good actor for one year of his multi decade career. List some movies besides the two his wife got him into (scooby do 1 and 2) and "She's all that" that he's celebrated for.
Being able to guess the story beats is good writing, dipshit. It means the story follows logically from the preceding events.
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Freddie Prince jr plays 2 annoying as fuck BioWare characters
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The Fade wasn't even THAT bad
You never liked the game and you are a poser tiktoker.
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Which way, champion?
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The Fenrisway
Why does the Fade dump so many stat increases on you? I hate it. It makes your Mary Sue so much stronger than the rest of your party in pretty much every attribute.
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Some of you Templars are alright. Don't go to the chantry tomorrow.
>not making sweet, sweet love with Merrill in the missionary position while kissing, while having Isabela give you a rimjob and lick and suck your balls
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I refuse to go to the Chantry because I am a virgin and I can’t be around women.
I'm starting to think Anders did nothing wrong
Deep Roads felt interesting to explore, like strolling through ages of dwarven history to uncover the reported source of the darkspawn blight. Everything after the first game was a big downgrade for gameplay, lore, exposition, everything
pure zoomer take, holy shit
Retard. Each game only gets better.
Is awakening worth playing? never played it.
DAO lite
>Everything after the first game was a big downgrade for gameplay, lore
idk how you can say that
Yeah, especially if you import your warden. It's probably the most gruesome of the DA games too
It's literally worse on evey front, on top of being wokeshit
DLC was better. I liked that shut in autistic mage who didnt like going out, he was literally me
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>he was literally me
are you also a gay terrorist?
The Witch Hunt DLC?
Worse, you mean
>shut in
nigga he tried to bail from the circle every chance he gets
> Shamelessly moving the goalposts.
You asked him to point out an 'icky area' in the game and he did.
The fact that you spend little time in that area is immaterial.
Have some dignity and accept the L dude.
>a gay terrorist
That's what they call me, yes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>Remember Kokari Wilds
>Remember The Circle
>Remember The Fade
>Remember Orzahammer/Deep Roads
>Remember Brecilian Forest
>Remember Ostagar
Origins is shit premise with shit execution. Dragon Age 2 is just shit execution.
I miss Duncan...
Hi Alistair. You should read the book 'the calling' for more Duncan tales. It's good.
hurr durr git off mai vidyer faggit
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The Fade is so fucking bad holy shit, I thought it was worse in my memories but no it's complete dogshit
New Delhi. Have you seen a single toilet in Fereldan constructions?
Of the list you laid out only the fafe sucked to me. It has 2 levels worth of stats in there too so all the more reason to do it first.
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The most interesting thing about Anders is that shortly after DA2 was released there was an actual terrorist called Anders Breivik who killed like 70 Muslim kids in a school in Norway. It was a PR shitshow for BW at the time.
They weren't muslims. He killed mostly white Norwegian children.
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Im playing DAI for the first time and literally locked myself out of content because of this gay waiting table.
Do i mod it the fuck out or not?
Mod it out. It’s all unimportant, just read the stuff for little lore drops.
he killed the children of politicians begging to import more muslims
>fade bad
Is this the biggest meme that retards that never played this game keep repeating?
>Whole section is played solo except for the boss fight at the end so no party banter
>Playing solo increases the likelyhood of getting stunlocked by cone of cold/stun
>Absolutely braindead puzzles
>Way too long for it's own good
>Gimmick makes you backtrack constantly
>Whole area looks so fucking ugly it can give you a migraine
>That is if the song that plays in that area hasn't already
>Attached to the circle which is already a slog depending on your party composition
It's shit.
>Im playing DAI for the first time and literally locked myself out of content because of this gay waiting table.
How did you lock yourself out exactly?

>Do i mod it the fuck out or not?
There's a mod to make it instantly finish anything that's not main-quest related from what I remember, just use that.
Its pretty bad. The shitty screen border effect makes me nausous. Its a ton of backtracking if you want all the bonus points. It can very difficult if you are support or an archer. I did a nightmare run as a Dalish Archer, and got softlocked since there was an arcane horror that could one shot me before I could do anything. It ended my run.
You should definitely mod out the timers and mod in infinite resources. They are just waste of times otherwise.
>mmo combat
>How did you lock yourself out exactly?
I couldn't unlock new maps or missions because my advisors were doing other shit. Also did everything in coast, swamp and hinterlands at that point.
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Zoomers were 13 or younger when DA: Origins came out.
Anon? DAO came out 15 years ago.
Fuck you James is the only good Human Squad Member unless you count Zaeed.
own your keep
Yeah… the oldest Zoomers are 28.
dao is a good game. don't make fun of each other.
The Fade is good. It's only bad on repeated playthrough but it's the sort of game you should maybe replay after five years.
The deep roads are also good. My only gripe isn't that they are too long but that you stay too long without a camp so you're stuck with the same party for what feels 1/4 of the game. They should have included a couple of spots where you can swap around.
How's Inquisition? I got it as a gift a while ago and never really had the time to give it a fair shake. Worth a go?
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'tis cold in my tent, all alone
It's ok. Bit MMOish but ok.
Worth playing if you like the series. Just focus on main quests and ones you think seem interesting. There's a lot of unnecessary
I only played DA: Origins once and had no problem with either of those parts.

If anything, the Brood Mother fight towards the end of the deep roads was the best combat experience in the entire game for me.
Get a thicker blanket
>There is never a moral dilemma, there is always a good choice that is also the best choice that makes Morrigan scoff because she wants to be evil and do stupid things
Nailed it
People just give Morrigan's shit a pass because le hot bitch
I can handle MMOish. Guess I'll try it out!
make sure you play the DLCs too, especially descent and tresspasser. Descent adds some cool lore and tresspasser is basically the epilogue of the series
And? What do you want me to do about it?
give me an autistic son
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forgot pic
I forgot how much her titties shrank between O and I.
>canon Grey Warden from DA:O is a white man
Holy based
What an underwhelming resolution that was.

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