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How was this scene portrayed in the video game?
In graphic hyper real graphics of course.
video game?
It's like a game but with graphics...
>dad walks in
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Dad is picrel...
Feces is a natural crust-forming material and hair provides abundant surface area to form a gnarly crust. Added to which, deformation and scar tissue from repeated crust-busting creates even more favorable crust-forming conditions by releasing clotting blood and pus, and creating further surface area in lesions.
i f*cking love science
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>is it in? my ass is so loose.
>I just made it past the crust hair barrier and I’m entering the crust hole, feels like I’m poking a breaded chicken cutlet with my dick
>break that fucking crust hymen
>I'm through, it's in, crunchy on the outside soft on the inside
>oh your dick in my ass is making me need to shit
>shit on my dick…
>fuck, shit right into my urethra…
>I did blast the shit-dick spaghetti down my throat!
>I'm shit-cumming! *long strand of shit from his dick laces his lips*
>the brown stache… I needed this
>I'm gonna shit, I’m shitting out my ass and dick at the same time
Mammals are extra disgusting, yes. They don't call us the glanded species for nothing.
reminder that bill being a fag was very much a vague and nondescript thing in the game. reminder that fags took circumstantial evidence and ran with it to push the idea that he's gay. reminder that these people are retarded. reminder that cuckmann is a hack for making it political. yes, it's political because, with this scene, he's directly appealing to the fags who thought
>finally, some gay representation!!!!
that was barely discernible in the game and cranking it up to 11 in the show. whether he actually wanted the initial character to be gay doesn't matter anymore, because with this blatant gay relationship, it's a flagrant FUCK YOU to anyone who ever said
>pfft you fags are dumb and stretching evidence to validate your perception.
and is effectively a retconning of what happened in the game. I'll bet, if he could go back and remake the game, he'd put this gay faggot scene in if sony let him. and all just to own the "chuds"
the parasites imagine
More like dicksuckman
lmao what's the difference?
Woke mind virus worms
Joel arrived in town and Bill was bending his male partner over a bar.
The audio was that of balls slapping against ass, and then when Joel entered, a loud grunt was emitted as Bill ejaculated in another man's asshole.
Ellie says "holy fuck dude" and Joel nonchalantly proclaims "love is love, Ellie"
It was pretty powerful
I have no idea.
why is everything so gay these days?

As a straight white man who is aware of Jewish tricks, it feels like there's barely any media that caters to us.
It wasn’t there, hell they weren’t lovers in the game, they were partners. And Bill was the only one who was a homo.
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And then joe biden father clapped as he was walking down this same street with lil joe
Media is propaganda 9 times out of 10, there are rare instances of actual entertainment, but the general intent is sending/reinforcing messages.
White men don't succumb to the propaganda via media, white women and fags do, white men get it through education.
The rest of white men are instead appeased with bread & circuses (sportsball) while everything goes to shit.
Because they are desperately trying to play catch-up with the amount of straight stuff out there that already exists and continues to be made.
gay as fucking fuck and not interest.

go watch my hetero stuff you fucking faggots.

The next episode of the show, had the only scene from the game. Ellie picking up a sticky gay porn mag up in the back of the seat of the truck. This fag episode was all made up from the mind of (((Drukmann)). They even cut the booby trapped town from show. Instead it was a culdisac street, with shitty electrified fencing he gets from home depot.
It wasn't, but the fact that it has all these 2IQ faggots seething over the fact that two homos found love, during an apocalypse, but they can't even talk to another human being without shitting themselves has given me a lifetime of joy.
>over a billion people on the planet
>more than half of them women
>literal faggots exists so not even that much competition for women
>standards of women so low they will literally take anyway with a nice personality and grooming
And still you faggots fumble the ball and blame homos. It's comedy that will always send my sides to the cosmos because you can't make this shit up!
>a vague and nondescript thing in the game
from memory (havent played in 10 years) Joel probes him on his "friend" but the "friend" is dead and he's really cut up about his "friend" being dead, and when they leave Ellie finds explicitly gay porn in his truck and makes a joke about it.
they never kiss and fuck and scream "were gay" but I wouldn't say it was "vague" it was more like the character is dealing with the loss of a lover and it also just so happens hes gay.

compared to the show though yeah, it's only passingly mentioned.
I love this meme because it makes people realize how fucking nasty gay sex really is
>And still you faggots fumble the ball and blame homos. It's comedy that will always send my sides to the cosmos because you can't make this shit up!
wtf are you even saying. who tf is saying homos steal women or some shit. I simply don't want to fucking see homo stuff. don't care and i will call it out when i see it. my penis inverts when i see this shit. SAME AS YOU FAG AREN'T INTERESTED IN PUSSY, SAME I'M NOT INTERESTED IN DICK. idk why that calculation is so hard.

>reminder that bill being a fag was very much a vague and nondescript thing in the game.
>reminder that fags took circumstantial evidence and ran with it to push the idea that he's gay.
no man. he is explicitly gay. and i don't care for it. his dumbfuck life partner actually left him cause he couldn't stand his guts. (literal quote I think).
it's was vague.
>cut up about his friend being dead
no. what happened is he was mocking joel for carrying this teenage girl on his back, and recounted to him a story about how he had a "partner" in his life that turned out to be more trouble than they were worth. point 1) the "partner" in question was never referred to by any particular gender, so it could've been a male or female he was referring to. point 2) their relationship was never clarified to joel or the audience, the nature of it was vague, even when we found frank hanging from a noose and the angry letter he left for bill. bill didn't cry, he didn't do anything that would be typical of a person who lost a lover. in fact bill says, while reading the angry note, "well fuck you too frank" almost as a "fuck off" sort of reaction. now you could point to this and say
>yeah well he was just being a hardass, just guarding his emotions
and fair enough, but the fact remains that we as the audience never get any clarification as to the nature of their relationship. it just as easily could've been someone he had the misfortune of being in contact with for whatever reason, an "associate" who circumstances had him fraternize with. why should anyone assume they had a sexual relationship, even when witnessing bill's immediate reaction to encountering the corpse?

as for the gay magazines, we didn't even know where she got them precisely. they just showed up in her bag, she said she got them back in bill's town, but that doesn't mean they were in his possession or that he blatantly owned them for the express purposes of getting his rocks off. he inhabited an entire town filled with the remnants of its past inhabitants, why should the audience assume that this particular item was bills, and that it says anything about his personality/sexual orientation?
Exactly! These faggots have either not played the game or lack read comprehension. They are just looking for someone to blame for them being alone and miserable and I'm here to laugh at them
now that the crust has settled, whats the verdict on video games being adapted for /tv/?
the crust of us
qrd? Not watching this slop
I always thought it was a bit distasteful to have Bill start fucking male Clickers up the ass as a gameplay mechanic, but I'm not a developer.
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Like this.
The fact that they really tried to pass on gay men instead of just doing the safe route of women that everybody pretends is progressive is just astounding to me. What a fucking disgusting human being Druckman is.
it was a movie to begin with. ... made by Sony with Sony movie tech duh. literally a shooter on rails.

Why are people surprised this slop translates/d well into motion picture?
I think you're downplaying it a lot, it's obvious he's gay with his reaction to the finding frank.
also Ellie even says it's his porn https://youtu.be/eimK5YPT9Bk?t=13

gonna be honest I've seen a lot of complaints over the years about him being gay, but ive never seen someone straight up deny he was gay.

imagine thinking dick is superior to pussy. I wouldn't want to walk around with that moist shit but I sure love fucking eating it. and: the older the better.
My sides anon, please stop!
>me so straight
>sight of two men kissing make my penis invert
This is the definition of call from inside the house!
>fags aren't interested in pussy
Doth protest too much anon. Please, with your definitely not 1st hand knowledge of the fag mind, tell how you know fags are revolted by pussy rather than being indifferent to them?
they legit just drew 2 men having sex and called it heterosexual

also ive become aware that zoomers dont know the "hand on the shoulder" meme

to millennials/genx, hand on the shoulder is a direct gay sex dog whistle
sorry man all I see here is a girl having fun with a porn mag, it says nothing about bill at all. again, the point still stands; he lived alone in a town filled with artifacts left behind by the people who evacuated. how do you even know that magazine was his? how do you even know the "pages are all stuck together" and she isn't just fucking around further? just saying, if they wanted to convey the idea that bill is gay, the did a poor job doing it with the information they provided.
homosexuality is so filthy.
>Im shit cumming
>what if simply all of the hints toward him being gay were merely coincidence
and what if John McClane from Die Hard wasn't trying to save everyone in the building but was instead had a mental problem that made him crave violence, we simply dont know plenty of people have mental health issues.
>"I'm so proud of you, my wife's son!"
People who say this don't understand the horror of the human vagina, which is uniquely cursed among mammalian vaginas. Mammals are just gross and filthy period.
>Game features homosex and some poor young girl's reaction to seeing a dirty magazine
Wow great game Sony, definitely not fucking weird or anything
>Hmm i'm living in an almost apocalyptic world, humanity is on the verge of dying out.
I know! Instead of impregnating a woman, and possibly impregnating her and improving humanity's chance of survival... i will choose to ejaculate in the grot-slot of a sweaty bearded man!

What's wrong with the writers of this crap?
You are extremely naive if you think most normal people would ascribe some higher value to humanity as a whole over selfishly catering to their own immediate desires.
Who cares about Bill?
Ellie is literally immune, bitches that it isn't spread, then chooses to eat carpet
I thought fags are supposed to be grossed out by anything unclean but they would get blasted in the face by the putrid scent of hot moist ass anytime they had sex
I think if the internet fell apart 90% of homos would stop existing
Hold triangle to bust the outer crust layer.
Mash tringle to bust the inner crust layer.
Hold L2 + R2 to deliver pozzed post apocalyptic nut into anus.
Fags are either extremely degenerate (Standard Fuck Party) or doing it for attention.
It's porn addition and grooming
He was definitely gay in the game (gay porn and love notes were the evidence). But it was only talked about and not shown.
Ancient Greece and Rome say otherwise
If you want to stop being retarded, feel free to watch this, and the Rome video.
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To the tune of "Take On Me" by A-Ha, as I recall.
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There’s nothing wrong with being gay.
God disagrees.
movie game. now adapted.
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He wants that up his ass
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I wanna fuck my hot neighbor so bad. it's come to the point where I lay down on the floor close to the entrance just so I can listen for when he's walking down the hallway to throw trash. i've seen him a few times in short shorts and i've lost count to how many times I jerked off to him.
also, i'm pretty sure he plays video games, but I dont know what kind
you're mistaken. moist sweaty musky ass from a hot guy is hot as fuck. swamp ass from a 4chud ugly loser is gross as fuck.
>Gave a gay side character a one hour episode of his sad gay love story instead of how it played out in the game
>people treat the episode like it's the coming of christ
God I fucking faggots so much
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this 100%
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Ellie and Bill are gay btw.
and revenge is le bad
Nature disagrees.
haha, that gay porn mag made Ellie gay haha
and Bill is gay too btw
"we are.... we are the last of us gays, amirite"
Break the crust like an ice p(d)ick?
Would it make a crunchy noise?
Millennials made that slop you retarded meme sprouting tard
anal is still worse.

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