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Why hasn't anyone developed an alternate scenario WW2 online multiplayer game? I'm sick and tired of seeing multiple iterations of D-Day... Why not have a Japanese D-Day on San Francisco or LA? Would that freshen up the WW2 Sub-Genre?
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>japanese winning the pacific theater
>germans winning the european theater
>either of those two invading and occupying the US
at most imperial japan would take Hawaii. and the germans would just install a puppet to run the US.
I already get my daily dose of fascism from US politics. I don't need more.
Obviously, if it's an alternate scenario it would be based more on fantasy, which is the point of freshening up the WW2 genre. I wouldn't say it's entirely stale. I could use a sequel to BIA Hell's Highway but we don't have any more truthful gritty Gen X'ers hired at these companies to make it a reality. Millenials and Zoomers mostly don't give a fuck about WW2.
The idea of Germans being in a place in the 1950s to actually affect the mainland US, much less occupy it, is retarded.
Neither would have defeated the US and the British and Free French would have escaped to Canada
>he doesn't know that Nazis had the secret technology to clone several genetically engineered supersoldiers
Sight me a single American politician that endorse this book, i fucking dare you.

could be done but op's pic is just a fiction book
How about the germans hold at D day and the allies go ahread with their initial plan of saturating the entire central european country side with poison in order to cause mass death and ecological damage.
I used the image in the OP to demonstrate what I'm saying. If it is a fantasy WW2 who says the USA needs to be an ally, why not neural or ally? Or better yet America goes through a civil war 2 and installs a Caesar monarchy that goes rogue once it discovers the Nuclear Bomb...
Hence why I maintain that they adapted the wrong novel
They were sinking ships around New York at one point
cool alternate WW2 premise
>germany stabilizes in europe but fails to take britain
>russia keeps having civil wars and fails to mount offensive against germany but manages to bog down the german offensive enough for it to stop
>the japs never hit pearl harbor and get stuck in a decades long war in china
then you have the game be about american/british/french team engaging in cold war bullshit against the germans
That's a trick question because fascists don't read books, they ban them.
Which books did they ban?
if you want fantasy sure but if you want a realistic alternate premise you need to change a few of those
Kek what a raped and mutilated BITCH.
The only way an invasion on us soil would work is if everyone decided they wanted the invaders to win. Otherwise the US people have enough guns and ammo to fight the war themselves if the army fails.
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>Why hasn't anyone developed an alternate scenario WW2 online multiplayer game?

Wolfenstein: The New Order
Command & Conquer Red Alert
just from the top of my head.
>Uhm this is not realistic!!
You faggots are the same as the people you cry about
Why in the hell would america ever get taken over if we never entered ww2? Makes no sense. Nobody would have a chance at mounting an invasion against the US ever.
Modern day Americans are cowards, the ones with the most guns are the biggest pussies who'd let a nazi rape their daughter if they'd promise to leave them alone.
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If Hitler wasn’t so autistic about le joos they might’ve had a nuclear bomb by then.
For any of that to happen america would have to stay out of the war leading to it being neutral if not on the side of germany during that cold war period. But the idea that america wouldnt join the war on the side of communism and global finance means a huge purge of the (((ruling class))) and their collaborators, probably during the great depression.
nobody can get the hyper balkanization of america right
It's such a ridiculous concept just logistically not even considering anything else. American market economy would be superior to nazi socialism too, it would play out exactly how real history played out with the USSR.
Mussolini was a buck broken bitch
If he wasn't a anti-semite he wouldn't even become leader
He did because of communist terrorists
>free French
Literal propaganda outlet hosted in a single room. De Gaulle accomplished nothing at all in WW2.
Just find some other group to blame, or at least conceal your final solution until you’re done winning the war
An invasion could be feasible if Mexico aligned with the Axis and allowed them to setup operations for an invasion, but even then I doubt it making much headway. The USA would be well aware of it before they could take them by surprise. And this is also assuming they let Axis aircraft and naval powers somehow slip through to let Axis troops stage troops.
At best all that can be feasibly managed is
where are america's weapon and vehicle factories located?
Moslty in the rust belt. So northern midwest.
There was an actual thing to hate the treaty which many Germans resented and saw as harsh. But no this guy was crazy
>a WW2 game about the mexicans teaming up with the axis and aiding them in an invasion of america
sounds kino ngl
Bill Clinton and Janet Yellen made militias effectively illegal in the early 1990s. you can't fed post online without getting harassed by braindead fbi agents.
This makes no sense
They fought in north africa, italy and operation dragoon, there were like 200 000 of them, they just wore american uniforms what are you talking about
I actually brought that up because Mexico and Germany were actually in talks about aligning but it ended up not going through. It was mostly to distract the US though and cause a minor proxy war with Mexico than anything.
Realistically wouldn't it just split into individual state countries?
makes it harder to balkanize america like that imo. What's your idea?
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I only know like 2 "play as the Nazis" games even
>American market economy would be superior to nazi socialism too
your right up until that point the american market economy even more so than its british predecessor functions as an unstable ponzy scheme that necessitates being a monopoly with extreme amounts of stimulus to keep afloat. It was one reason america fought germany in the first place.
>play out exactly how real history played out with the USSR
No it wouldnt the cold war was fake it was a test between two financial control systems by the same people who currently rule over us. America won out becuase making your people fat culturless retards controlled by a web of mega corps is far safer than making them starving cultured people with nothing to lose when fighting the ruling party. Not to mention how easy it was for a strong man to get control of the party and attempt to improve things for the average person.
that was ww1 though
It would be more likely to split along the dixie line again
>Ice cream has Xanthan gum and/or Guar gum, both ingredients linked to cancer risks
He won.
This the french during german occupation were literal jewish middle to upper class twits who everyone hates. One of their genius plans was distributing guns to women so theyd shoot german officers and the germans would hopefully not shoot back.
Gelato is better anyway
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How many of you guys lowkey regret not joining them and just taking over the world? I guess even they couldn’t know how bad globalism would get 80 years later.
They had a small force that would tag along with the Brits or Americans who would do the actual fighting while de gaulle would get pissy about sovereignty in former French territories even though he lost the entire mainland in a week.
Fuck off retard
That was the resistance not the free french force
the axis literally could not have won even if everything went right for them just purely due to resources
>Muh american capitalism
Retard is you
Did they even want to take over the world?
And I'm interested in how the world would be but that's it
You don't understand fucking anything and you are the one who is kikebrained if you don't believe in economics and only power
the american economy is thrown into turmoil every time some tin pot dictator in a third world country across the globe decides to sell their oil at a $0.01 mark up so their people can afford food.
It is not a strong system, it never was, it was the only system that wasnt blown into the stone age after the war.
no. Germany wanted to kick the jews out and have their weird aryan schizo club with more food and resources. Soviets were weird maybe it's the jews. Commonwealth wanted to keep control of the world. America did the usual bullshit. Japan wanted to expand for resources. Italy wanted gelato
Maybe Japan and Italy but I know Hitler literally offered to withdraw from all non german territory as part of a peace offer with britain
De Gaulle was not in charge back then
>Brits and Americans did most of the fighting
I sure hope so when there were less French, since you know, they had to swim to England to escape their occupied country
Fuck off retard
>Hitler literally offered to withdraw from all non german territory as part of a peace offer with britain
What the fuck I've never heard that?
>Did they even want to take over the world?
It's just flat out propaganda. Germany wanted france and poland which modern NATO niggers don't even give a fuck about anyway. The US carried on their war against the soviets immediately after ww2 ended so it clearly had nothing to do with disagreement in ideology
>occupied territory
>lower half of france was resisting
the government capitulated
I would tell you to lurk but this is /v/, a jew tranny board
What? De Gualle was the leader of the Free French the entire time, he started the movement after petain surrendered. The Free French didn’t accomplish anything militarily until after France was liberated by the Brits and Americans.
the only way for the germans to win would be to commit to a unprecedented big arrow offensive to the soviet oil fields. but it would of cost a million+ lives.
>Germany wanted france and poland
is this american education?
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You are correct, I've been thinking wrong for too long about that.
You do not understand the soviet model
you do not understand the german model
you do not even understand the american model
you do not understand how power and economics intersect nor how fake economics really is
You repeat the same kikeslop trite they feed you about the cold war. That america was some great economic powerhouse not because it was the only one surviving and not because it gained favor the with powerful but because it was just that much better than those ebil commies.
Grow up read a book stop getting your knowledge about the world from after school specials.
He said De Gaulle lost the entire mainland in a week
where did you say you were from again?
>Germany occupies France and Poland based on territorial claims and grievances from WW1
Are you pretending this didn't happen? I'm not even saying it was wrong, they had justification to do so IMO
Fuck off retard
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>the canadians were the ones who sold out america to the nazis
do you know what were the grievances? Do you know what the territories were? Germany wanted to get back their territories not all of france or poland as your reply suggested
>dude the le heckin naziss
Germany occupies france because the french declared war on them and lost they planned on returning all its territory.
Germany invades poland because the polish refused any form of negotiation due to british interference and planned to take back the territory that was ethnically 90% german. Also poland was in the middle of ethnically cleansing these territories which is why they invaded.
a true nightmare
All the women would flee to the Canadian Corridor to become Canadian Corridor Cock Concubines and the fascists would lose everything
Yes retard I know. Why are you so fucking butthurt and desperate to make an argument out of nothing when I havent even said anything wrong?
They wanted lebensraum, are you Chamberlain?
They could've won by solidifying their control over Europe by doing an immediate ceasefire with Britain as soon as the French were done, then spending 10 years building up their economy, tech, and solidifying their rule. They'd be the defacto european power and after that much time they'd have jet airfcraft and long range missiles to defend against the inevitable soviet conflict (Stalin would have attacked them sooner or later no matter what), possibly even nuclear weapons.
Hell, at that point they could even talk America into supporting them against Soviet aggression (America had their own camps too, which they could use as political ammo).

Really the only reason they lost WW2 was because they kept opening new fronts everywhere thinking they were unbeatable. They made too many enemies and got beaten.
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>Implying canada of all places would be independent from foreign influence
You dont know what that word mean and what policies actually followed. Do you believe the lie by "Gods chosen" that the germans thought they were the "Master race" too?
>Really the only reason they lost WW2 was because they kept opening new fronts everywhere thinking they were unbeatable. They made too many enemies and got beaten.
Pretty much this
The soviets planned to invade them in july 1941 though so they didn't have that long. Plus didn't they get dragged into africa and stuff because of mussolini being retarded
>implying canadian corridor concubines didn't whore themselves out for quality double-RAKING by tojo and hans
that's their autistic shit nothing to do with france and poland

nigga you say
>Germany wanted france and poland
>but it's only two small territories that were mineral rich and the germans had been kicked out because of ww1 so i'm akualy right
and i'm the butthurt one?
They tried making a ceasefire with Britain like 30 times. Churchill needed to be assassinated for anything to change.
they literally called themselves super humans
They tried multiple times the brits refused anything approaching a peace agreement. The financial powers declared war on germany and the soviet union was preparing an all out offensive which would have overrun europe. This is why they acted so swiftly.
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I always wonder if people would have appreciated their influence as much though
same as JP media being a JP person
britain couldn't accept the ceasefire and america had some interests in aiding them
No they didnt, the master race libel is another example of the big lie they went on about. Every race had its super humans and sub humans, and every race could be a master race by focusing and refining what made them good. It was not a creed of racial supremacy like the projection of Gods chosen people would have you believe.
Imagine the video games though
To be fair it was an international jewish cooperative effort to destroy the German nation since before Churchill was even born. The unification of Germany in the 1800s prompted this action by ashkenazis who previously held power in and profited from the fractured independent German states
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Hoi4 has plenty of alt history mods
Nobody with a brain thought he was being honest. Hitler was devolving into full schizo as time went on and couldn't be counted to be held to his word, he had already betrayed several verbal agreements at the time he made that promise.

Never get your history from /pol/. They're so biased even the MSM seems an honest alternative.
it could have been done in a timeline where the Germans and Russians cooperated instead of betraying each other.
Okay kike
Surely him sending delegates to england during and before the war only for them to be imprisoned and tortured for the rest of their life wasnt an act of good faith.
>he had already betrayed several verbal
such as?
>We just want german territories trust me bro
>Annex all the czech
>What do you mean you are refusing poland we only want danzig
such as building ships with specs way over the ones that were permitted. It's like a country now heavily investing in biowarfare
It would have been if not for the communist revolution. Whites vs. Reds is not just figurative, the Whites were usually of German descent while Reds were often Asiatic mutts.
underrated post
made more funny by the fact no one cared about czech
Alternate history doesn't always HAVE to make sense anon. Some people want the interesting visuals of "Germanified Americana" even if in history their navy was meh compared to the British Navy, and reliant mainly on U-Boats.

Or giving Japan cheat codes to actually deal with China quick enough to even think about going to say, Australia/Hawaii, let alone MAINLAND North America.

Sure the stuff that has a probability of happening are interesting as well, but sometimes we just want a interesting setting for sake of it. Worked for Nu-Wolf before Youngblood.
Prussia is German clay.
>>Annex all the czech
>your country's economy improves tenfold and your people prosper
was china that strong?
Is this true, and does an abnormal demand for steel possibly affect anything?
>this is what chuds dream about at night while cumming their undies
what the actual fuck
niggers really here defending czechoslovakia when the czechs were a minority oppressing various majorities in their country.
Hitler also gave hungary and the czechs their land back he took back german bohemia.
"You Should Cut Off Your Dick For Fun" by John Money
>Due misurini? DUE MISURINI?!
Germany also wasted a ton of resources on bullshit projects that went nowhere, like giant concrete fortresses or 200/500/1000 ton tanks (Land Cruisers).

They had some insane tech either completed or planned by 1945 that only weren't useful because they had no fuel or material to build them. They had fully electronic subs that could operate in full silence and completely submerged, radar impervious jet bombers, etc.

Soviets planning to Germany is a myth created by a soviet defector. In reality they just had their high rank commanders purged around the time Hitler attacked them. They had to get military leaders shipped back from the gulags so they can mount a defense. It was a clusterfuck.
It is true that Soviets would have attacked Germany no matter what, but not so early as 1941 July, that would have been absurd.
>Is this true
Yes fag
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just this chud.
The British wouldn't have needed to escape because the Germans were never making it across the channel. Even if they somehow beat Stalin and convinced the US to stop giving monetary aid, they still would only have gotten a negotiated peace to avoid spending a decade staring angrily across the sea at each other.
No anon. I'm not join an organization that would see me as no more free of a person than a cog in a machine; because you don't like that we call them black people and not niggers, and that a woman is entitled to fuck up her own life as much as we men are able to.

Nobody that praises nazis on this website would find power in the true organization.
The soviets building numerous submarines and attack vehicles isnt a myth. The german offensive caught them off guard which is why it became a cluster fuck. Im not sure when they would have attacked but the germans attacking as soon as possible was the right call with everything they and we know now.
Nah I'd win
this, People see the cool German vehicles, but get confused at the images of horses and then have to be told that Germany had to start it's war with Russia on a major goal of "Get their fucking oil fields to fuel our shit or else we can't fight".

>Nobody with a brain thought he was being honest.
This. It's like Putler saying he won't go after the rest of the eastern european states. You'd have to be a total idiot to believe it.
>Soviets planning to Germany
Soviets planning to attack Germany in 1941 July, fuck.
>still would only have gotten a negotiated peace to avoid spending a decade staring angrily across the sea at each other.
Imagine how kino a british vs german cold war would have been
Exactly its like these chuds dont even watch CNN
in all likelihood I’d be more German than I already am and I’d be better off for it. I’d be taller, smarter, more efficient. Yeah.
>Germany had to start it's war with Russia on a major goal of "Get their fucking oil fields to fuel our shit or else we can't fight"
did they try asking nicely though?
why not say "if you give us oil and help us defeat Britain then we'll help you defeat America afterwards"
the soviets idea was to conquer europe that's why communism was so ingrained everywhere
Germany had enough fuel into the romanians betrayed them
It's hard to say WHAT the Nazis and Empire of Japan would do if they won in any capacity. Nations rise and fall, and what's going to keep these winning nations up in a time of peace when their ideologies at the time dictate aggression and war? Does it last? Does it transform out of it's ideology over time? Or mutate into something alienly different than Japanese Militarism or National Socialism?

I'll say this, Nazis winning means plenty of time to cover up the holocaust.
I'm not gonna argue with you but I want you to know it's because you're retarded and not because you're correct.
Subvert and then have your military back up the revolutionaries. That was the plan and then when you had enough canon fodder zerg rush the rest.
pardon my bottle
no, the germans literally just wanted to get rid of jews (who are cartoonishly evil and actually do want to take over the world) and not live in poverty.
they did
until hitler said slavs were fucking animals because they don't use proper toilets
If they'd truly have just gone after German territory and no other crazy shit do you think it'd still be all united today?
I think people are ashamed to just blunty admit "Nazis look pretty cool" since it's easy to slip from that into werhaboo territory and beyond. But yes, Nazi shit looks cool, even if they're terrible terrible people.
You are on drugs
No since the allies still would attack them and the soviets remained a big problem. The truth is Hitler gave europe a chance by fighting otherwise today would be even worse and gayer.
Of course not, as soon they made their own bank they were done
germany's aggressive ideology was, at its core, stemming from the resentment of how WW1 ended and the massive burden/reparations that was demanded of Germany. if it looked like Germany was going to win the European conflict, the popular sentiment would probably be to flip the tables on their enemies for those 'injustices'. probably would have devolved into other european nations paying 'protection' to germany, buying into an alliance (and thus guaranteeing they wouldn't be invaded)

thats just my headcannon though
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I mean they were already in a Civil war and armed and shit, the Japanese coming unified 'em because they knew the land better, and well, they heard about Nanjing.

Also having US trainers, supplies and a US donated airforce (Flying Tigers) helped as well, at least until the Communists won after the Japs fucked off. But that's how the sands of time spill and all that.
Putin is in his 70s. Even if he took the rest of Europe (which would mostly be the baltic states and Belarus), he'd die soon and Russia would fall back into the same state it was in the early 90s.

Germany was cracked apart after WW2 because literally everyone hated them, if I recall right there was even a plan to keep it as small states or cut it up between neighbouring countries completely. However due to the strong soviet presence, they needed to restore and remilitarize them fast, so the soviets won't just decide to eat up the rest of Europe.
>Nazis winning means plenty of time to cover up the holocaust
I guess Alex jones is right and the nazis secretly won since theres no evidence of it.
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That plan was before the war and it involved castrated all german men. It was published in a book won many awards and was used by the germans as evidence of what the allies wanted to do to them. Shouldnt have to tell you this but it was written by a jew and was added to the long list of reasons to hate them.
Napoleon was right about Germany
he was wrong about the J's.
What's the name of this so famous book?
Stalin was never into the idea of expanding Communism outwards like his future replacements did. He was more adamant to keeping Russia safe with a few satellite states and call it there.

Stalin x Hitler would NEVER last in any sensible world. They're two completely different ideologies despite being the same Dictator. Stalin himself said a war between him and Hitler was inevitable; he just didn't think it happen THAT soon in our time.
Learn what an expeditionary force is.
making that plan doesn't make a lot of sense since stalin couldn't be trusted. Then again an anon in this thread was talking about economy so
Germany must perish
my bad i thought it was 1930s but it was 1941. However it was a result of the extreme anti-german sentiment in the jewish community going back centuries.
>His burgeoning desire to help overturn what he saw as the capitalist exploitation of Latin America by the United States prompted his involvement in Guatemala's social reforms under President Jacobo Árbenz, whose eventual CIA-assisted overthrow at the behest of the United Fruit Company
There were many plans for how to completely destroy Germany forever, they even started moving Jews back in the occupied territories. Patton was one of the commanders who spoke out against this and urged the allied military to stop this insanity (the repopulated jews did create any military value to say the least, some couldn't even use a bathroom and just pissed in the corner) and focus on rebuilding Germany so they can help against the soviet threat.
Needless to say, Patton was removed quick.

>making that plan doesn't make a lot of sense since stalin couldn't be trusted.

That's why they didn't bother to completely destroy Germany and instead reinforced western europe as soon as possible with the Marshall plan and formed NATO (and before that the Treaty of Dunkirk which was between Britain and France on the event that Russia attacked them or Germany).
Reminder that hitler didn't kill himself and went to Argentina to fuck latinas
desu, Ive no idea what he thought of them
That sounds interesting but occam's razor makes me feel like the jews didn't like germany for another reason.
>reads wikipedia
lol the guy who wrote it is a complete nut. Germany using it as "evidence" after they had already been fucking over jews is stupid propaganda for obvious reasons, though.
I want an Axis victory AU where Italy actually gets something
egypt is rightful italian sand
My Reich Game Idea:
>Choose background. Either Heer, SS, or Fallschirmjäger. Different units based on army obviously
>Either 4x or Men of War sort of game. Maybe combination of the two.
>Start as a Platoon commander. Promotions as game progresses assuming you don't suck.
>Campaign difficulty and available missions change depending on level of success or failure during missions.
>Options to be noble and honorable or as evil as the sterotype is with how you wage war and treat the enemy.
>SS army can get occult units.
>Given perfect performance victory is possible. Total defeat also possible.
>Pacific War Expansion
>r. Wikipedoin non-knower
fun fact, the canadian pm at the time admired hitler quite a bit according to his diary
he was just more loyal to the crown is all
he also was somewhat of a schizo in private and paid mediums so he could speak with his dead mother
make it a rpg and have the promotions work like seed levels in final fantasy
U boot sneak attacks is a world apart from a full scale land invasion and forced surrender.
Mackenzie was a traitor to his name, the Mackenzies were the first anglo canadians to rebel against the british, a year after the french
Sunlight causes cancer, hope you don't go outside
... You probably don't
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I was thinking of something more along the lines of picrel
There was no fighting in these scenerios. They willingly joined. Better to speak german than niggerese, get fucked cunt.
America joined the war on the side of the British. It's not their fault that Hitler stabbed Stalin in the back with Barbarossa six months before the Japs attacked Pearl Harbour
Jews were the aggressors against the germans in every interaction.
>wikipedia damage control
A complete nut that won multiple awards and resonated with the political classes of the time and compiled numerous other sentiments that were present in the jewish community.
my stupid nigger they couldn't even invade britain let alone the us.
Other anon's info is 50 years out of date. Sunbelt has massively increased its industrial output in the 21st century, meanwhile the Midwest has stagnated economically.
I wanted some RPG elements too forgot to put that. Kind of a mix of genres. But like actual role playing not stat bullshit.
Hitler didnt stab stalin in the back they were never allies and neither side thought they were.
would be nice to see the balkanization then
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Potential fictional where America joined central powers in 1917 seem lot interested.
stalin gave oil and more to hitler
my nigger there were talks of letting the USSR join the Axis. What a kino timeline we could have had of the US facing an opponent its own side for one without nuke for once.
and? Putin gave europe oil until america blew up the pipeline.
The wikipedia didn't do any damage control. I know you conspiracy types hate wikipedia but I just took a quick glance to check the contents of the book and him being a nut is 100% my own conclusion based on that.
>Jews were the aggressors against the germans in every interaction.
See now you're just painting the jews as comically evil. I don't know how you can call Anne Frank an aggressor (maybe she made for a poor upstairs neighbour?)
Americans were never going to join the Germans, language triumphs over genes
>people there speak our language so they and their land belong to us, not you
By that logic the US rightfully belongs to the United Kingdom.
>Work day started in israel
well it was a fun thread guys
america was never going to join germany because their government and media had already been infiltrated by communists
fdg was in a wheelchair so he wouldn't have to be on his knees to suck stalin's dick
it would have to be more like roller coaster tycoon
*gets absolutely obliterated and loses everything*
well yes it does but that logic is indeed stupid
The Americans (White Anglo Saxon Protestant ) elite sided with Britain in WW1 & WW2.
You still have to try and find some way to justify it logically, otherwise it completely breaks suspension of disbelief. Might as well turn Hitler into a magical girl cyborg at that point
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>man in the high castle had to go completely insane in season 3 because they realized that without question the most righteous and self-sacrificing characters they made were the Nazi SS officer and the Japanese Imperial Intelligence officer.
germany lost less than any of the other allies not named USA lmao
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Too much autism involved, not worth it
I agree that much of ww2 is overplayed in vidya though. Different theaters would be a breath of fresh air but honestly I think it should be another 20 years before we make more WW2 games
>wikipedia a credible source when even middle schoolers get in trouble for using it
>weimar germany didnt exist
>judea declares war on germany didnt happen
>anti german sentiment and propoganda didnt exist
>the jewish exploitation of europeans never happened
>muh anne frank holocaust gaschamber Oy vey
whatever kike
Jews are comically evil. One let the mask slip which the other jews rewarded him only for the smarter jews reigning to reign them in and recton. See the entire israeli media calling for and justifying their genocide much to the dismay of the rapidly dwindling intelligent ones.
Honestly, make it a game that goes full autism and adds hyperborea and occultism into the mix.
make it a strategic game with RP elements like for example having your own character with certain types of background
still so crazy that that was proposed consdieirng Mexico was falling apart in a civil war
it really is a cycle
>they gain power
>they grow complacent and less intelligent
>the less intelligent go too far and get overthrown
>flee and repeat
Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. They jointly invaded Poland together, which is why Poland fell so quickly
Communists in the US were so mindbroken by the news that Nazis and the Soviets allied that many of them defected from the Communist Party and ratted out the Soviet influence on the American labour movement and media, which is what kickstarted the McCarthyist era a few years later as the gravity of the situation filtered up to congress.
if the game can go full autism the best thing to be done is to kill hitler and have someone better take the position like rommel
why do that when you can go full true autism and have your own character become the fuhrer without killing hittler.
Molon labe, redcoat

Germany lost its entire overseas empire and 50% of its domestic territory for decades. Modern Germany is smaller than any previous state to bear the name barring West/East Germany.
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What if France won the 7 years war?
It was a PACT not an alliance. Neither side ever thought it would lead to any kind of peace. the soviets were planning on invading the rest of europe and thought hitler would let his guard down hitler simply struck first.
You're not discussing in good faith anymore so I'm going to stop interacting with you
The uk lost all of its colonies outside of a few shitty islands, the french lost all of its colonies outside of a few pieces of land
keep on pretending that germany was off worse when the "winning" side lost more shit
that's the end of the game. Hitler was sick or dead or whatever the fuck. Rommel is appointed reich and turns to you to lead whatever. Your results are so good that Rommel asks you to lead in his stead
i was thinking that it was easier to kill hitler before his descent into battle royale territory
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burgerstan should have been controlled by england or france, anything with an older history and culture
the us is the teen of the world, with too much money and no idea on how to use it properly
>Weimar Germany
Overblown, modern day is worse
>Judea declares war on Germany
After Hitler declared war on Jews. 'Judea' was being used poetically to refer to the Jewish race in that news article, and if you actually read it it was saying wealthy Jews were refusing to do business with or in Germany as a form of protest
>anti-german sentiment and propaganda didn't exist
Should I post the things Germany said about the British and the Americans in their propaganda? "Mutt" originates as a Nazi slur against Americans.
>Jewish exploitation
Citation needed
>Anne Frank
You never started in good faith when you started calling him a nut despite obviously being taken seriously at the time.
Meanwhile i gave you multiple examples of jews being the aggressor and examples of their cartoonish evil. maybe you can find an article about how netanyahu is a nut who was never taken seriously as he and his country launch cluster bombs into a gazan hospital.
lets pretend that the civil war during ww 1 didn't happen and wasn't led by jews and then yes, you would have a point.
but no, the jews were the ones that caused germany to lose ww1
>Russians were planning on invading
Factually incorrect, the Soviets had been utterly humiliated in their attempt to invade Poland in the 1920s and caused them to abandon internationalist communism and instead focus inward. Stalin was a hardline nationalist, postwar Soviet expansionism was mostly taking advantage of the circumstances having left the door wide open for them.
Dude you're nuts
Unironically true
Britain and France didn't lose any domestic territory, Germany did. British and French empires lasted into the 1970s, German empire died in 1945. Cope

>openly admitting he is just jealous of American prosperity
Lel, have you ever stopped and considered why America is so strong is because it isn't a slave to "old history and culture"?
The only reason Hitler invaded Russia was because Finland humiliated them
>america having a salt tax until late 1900s
>cheese country neighboring bean country
>muh napoleon
sacre bleu what an improvement
Britain lost Ireland
and now who is the economic power house of Europe?
oh right Germany
keep on coping faggot
Germany lost WW1 because she declared war on the entire world and did everything in her power to antagonise the US into joining on the side of France.
>stab in the back myth
Lol they had been on the back foot since 1916.
>caused them to abandon internationalist communism
you've mentioned it twice but who was financing the communists with weapons if the international communism was abandoned? You know guns don't grow on trees
It's a stupid scenario
If Germany won the U.S. would probably stay independent and just become fascist. Probably not even through a coup or revolution, just an election.
Nous aimons le fromage
In 1922. Not even related to WW2. And Ireland is technically overseas. Germany lost Prussia, which is literally next door
>economic powerhouse of Europe is Germany
Because the EU was created by Germany to funnel all industry and wealth into Germany at the expense of the other member states.
incorrect, austria declared war on serbia after a serbian terrorist killed the heir of the Austria Hungary empire.
and no, they were winning constantly even after the Americans joined they were still winning in Europe.
They were building them internally, you're just scattershooting accusations at this point. Unless you have evidence Mosins and T34s were somehow designed outside of Russia.
and it doesnt matter, the so called winners ended up worse than Germany
you are just coping trying to pretend that somehow any of the retarded allies benefited from it when the only country that benefited was the USA
Yes modern day is worse because its completly run by kikes the problems we face today started back then.
>After Hitler declared war on Jews
Hitler said germany would no longer be abused by jews and the jews demand they have a right to exploit everyone else as part of their culture. Jews were not mistreated until they and their people abroad started causing problems. they started a global boycott against germany which germany responded with a boycott of jewish businesses within germany not the other way around.
>Germany said about the British and the Americans in their propaganda
German propoganda is well noted as being primarily internal when it did when it did face outwards it rarely dehumanized the race they fought against but rather they were being controlled by jews and there was always an intellectual critique to back it up. Compare it to the allied jewish propoganda the germans are subhuman huns that eat babies stick them in gas chambers and ovens. Complete nonsense we see repeated in palestine today. Never did germany want to destroy britain or america, sterilize its people, or mass poison its livestock. Even their propoganda against the slavs was no where near as bad.
>Citation needed
you're an idiot
"how to suck dick for 8 year olds" the progressive new best seller
>most of the war debt pardoned by the allies
>intense investment in germany to thwart the ussr
>still rich in minerals
germany is mostly doing well because of certain aligned ideals with central banking in conjunction with deterrence
Modern Germany is disgusting, they are literally destroying farm lands to find fucking coal
France is unironically the most intelligent European country
>y y your just crazy man
france is a shithole
and in exchange what did they have to give? ah yes all of their colonial empires
the Allies sure ended up in a winning position.
you are just a pathetic retard pretending that somehow anyone but the Jewish states of America won anything from it
i'm asking because i don't know but i don't believe you're right
communist fronts in europe and south america were properly and well armed, from what i know, that's why spain had so much trouble beating them into a pulp. It's hard to finance a constant losing streak you know?
Dont forget
>promise polish sovereignty
>start war over it
>just kidding you're a soviet state now
And the war would've stayed in Serbia if Germany didn't declare war on France and then invade Belgium for no reason (dragging Britain into the war), and then try to bribe Mexico into attacking the US, dragging the Americans in
>they were totally winning
They had been fighting defensively and consistently retreating since autumn 1916. By the time the US joined the western front was in Belgium.
That's a great idea
the allies, america, ended up in a great position
as for germany and its colonies i'm sure you know how late to colonize germany was
>you are just a pathetic retard pretending that somehow anyone but the Jewish states of America won anything from it
you need to take your meds before the shadow boxing

and france was indeed the smartest european country. Good on de gaulle for getting nukes and tell americans to fuck off
It's actually because Chiang was being schizo and has to be kidnapped to unite the warlords, while the Japanese are pushing the plain.
And Chiang ended up using most of his troops in Shanghai/Nanjing, to ensure loyalty and stop being a schizo, with German trained troop and equipment.
It's true that US end the war and saved China, but IJA already over extended and unable to push deeper into Chinese territories
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>france is a shithole
And Germany isn't? At least France is still green
Hitler was elected on the promise of hunting down and eliminating Jews. If the roles were reversed you would be saying the Germans would have every right to defend themselves from such blatant aggression.

>it's well noted for being internal and not attacking allies

>ad hom
Concession accepted
>All of established history is wrong
>How do I know this? I stopped taking my medication
>Yes they covered it up because they've always been in control
I'm talking about flat earth
>ignores russia
pointless post
germany is in a better position, had less colonies in the first place than the french and British, but hey lets keep on pretending that they were equal in size shall we?
After the war, yes. That was the result of the cold war and changing priorities and changing foreign policy. Remember, Stalin died in 1953. What the Soviets did in Cuba and Afghanistan and Rhodesia were far removed from what Stalin before and during the war. No different than the changing politics of the US in say 1934 vs 1984.
Russia capitulated because of the Bolshevik revolution (which Germany funded, BTW), which should've helped the Germans because they didn't have two fronts to fight anymore. It didn't help.

>Americans sacrifice millions of young men to rescue France from their hubris, thrice
>France thanks us by spitting in our faces for the next 75 years
Why are we allied with those surrendermonkeys, again? Worthless degenerate culture, worthless degenerate nation.
No he wasn't. Germans didnt start systematically persecuting jews until the war broke out unless you consider having your power limited in a country you dont belong in as oppression.
i get what you mean but the spanish civil war was in 1936
so you're saying there was a drought period but it didn't seem that dry
lmao thats it? them saying how their enemies regime is corrupt and doesnt care about its people.
Oh fuck off, France loved americans until De Gaulle found you with your hand in the cookie jar, literally stealing European gold, americans LYING and refusing to share nuclear researchs only made everything worse

Nah it's super easy. Just nuke everything first. Once literally everyone in US is dead it'll be trivial to take over.
these threads are why i browse v
don't forget about the mass rapes the americans were performing on the french as a reward for 'liberating' (occupying) them
Americans hate the French because of this btw
They brainwash them
Jews were outlawed from holding political office and were required to paint big 'Jew owned business' signs on their businesses within months of the Nazis taking power, and it only got more explicit from there. They weren't allowed to own businesses for very long. In 1935 they were declared not legal citizens and basically given the ultimadum of "leave or else".

Nigger we fucking died to save you from being slaves of Germany, we have the right to take whatever the fuck you want and you should be grateful we didn't slide into the Nazi's power vacuum.
>gibsmedat fo free
I will lynch you, you filthy ape
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would be better
nazis sent men to the moon
>slaves of Germany
France had significantly better living conditions under the Germans than they have under the American-Israeli alliance today.
americans fought the reserves who were unfit to fight the real war on the eastern front and still cope to this day how bad they got whipped by a retreating army
You only saved your own interests
You only hate France because unlike the UK they refused to become your puppet
A plausible Axis victory would look more like an early EU (probably extending up to the borders of modern Russia but not much further) but without the migrant shit and more centralized; Japan acquiring a bunch of land in China, failing to hold it, and eventually falling back to just having Korea, Takasago, and Manchukuo in their empire; and America doing Cold War shit but against fascists rather than communists. Rather than NATO you might have some kind of Pan-Arctic Treaty Organization of the US, Canada, Britain, and remaining USSR.
Modern France is the result of French policies. We spent the entirety of the cold war warning to to not elect leftism, you called us fascist imperialist pigs and then elected communist pedophiles for decades. Go look up the French response to the Vietnam War, a war we got involved with literally to clean up a mess that FRANCE MADE. Backstabbing subhuman mongrels, always have been. Epicenter of everything wrong with society, cultivators of all degenerate filth.

End result of being under Fr*nch command

What interests did we have in Europe? Retard. We didn't even get involved until Hitler declared war on us to stand in solidarity with Japan. Watch your tone when you speak to your superiors, you squalid frog-chimp homunculus
You seem to have a very personal interest in deflecting jewish blame onto french people
>Jews were outlawed from holding political office and were required to paint big 'Jew owned business' signs on their businesses
So? they dont belong there its not their country and whenever they have power they make things worse for everyone like today. People have a right to know where their money goes, funny the english did that with german businesses too but unlike jews it actually increased german profits.
>They weren't allowed to own businesses for very long. In 1935 they were declared not legal citizens and basically given the ultimadum of "leave or else".
This was because of constant subversion and political terrorism the jews were doing domestically and abroad they were told to leave and this was facilitated by the state.
They were not oppressed they just couldnt handle not being in control so they were acting like niggers and told to leave.
France gave up on Vietnam because they realized it was pointless with Vietnam bordering China
You were the one who obsessed over it because muh gommunism
>what interest
You trading american dollars FOR FUCKING EUROPEAN GOLD
France is controlled by jews those leftists are jews the right are jews it doesnt matter who you vote for when ever politician is a jew or a puppet of one.
>my empire lasted 425 years instead of 400 so suck it!
Europe is dead
>what interests did we have in europe?
spreading communism and americanism
you do realize that the american government was infiltrated by comminists in the 1920's, right?
you don't honestly believe the cold war was anything more than than a dick measuring contest to see which flag gets to spread their brand of marxism, right?
Should be like looking into a mirror for you
What an insane kike projection. Kys
>they didn't belong there
Okay, but that wasn't your argument. Your argument was that the oppression didn't begin until after the war started. The war started in 1939, several years after 1935.

>having your citizenship status revoked and being forbidden from owning property or being employed in all but the most menial of hard labour isn't oppression, all the while surrounded with propaganda that declares you subhuman
What, praytell, IS oppression to you if not that?

France gave up on Vietnam because a literal communist revolutionary group tried to overthrow the French government "in solidarity with their Vietnamese comrades". It scared French politicians so bad that they immediately capitulated and asked the US to move in and 'contain' the issue instead. So they did, after having spent time studying the tactics the British used in the Malayan Emergency. Funny how the bongs never got shit on for dumping agent orange all over Malaysia but the US is considered Giga Hitler for doing it in Vietnam.
>euros now seriously trying to argue that America were the true communists during the cold war
More things change, more things stay the same. Always comes back to defending the cold war Soviets with you lot. Really aught to have left them to it, complete waste of time protecting eurofags from Bolshevism.

Protip: why don't you look up where the majority of communists lived in the 20th century. I'll give you a big ol hint, it was the countries with open communist parties holding significant power in their parliaments; countries like France and Britain and Sweden and Germany and Italy and Spain.
It just seems really unlikely for Germany and Japan to not only be able to conquer and defeat their allies in their own theaters prior to US involvement and then defeat the United States and occupy it.
This still holds true even if:
1. You have both Germany and Japan develop nuclear bombs at around the same time the United States does.
2. You give Germany a technological edge of about 1-2 years ahead of what they had IOT.
3. The Soviet Union never industrialized to the same degree and the great purge left their high command far weaker.
4. Let Hitler not be as paranoid and allow his commanders and advisors to make sensible decisions that got overruled IOT.
5. Somehow fix the horrific issues with the logistics created by Germany's Nationalist Socialist's Autarky state.
6. Had the KMT and CCP fight each other more than they fought the Japanese.
7. Italy completely conquers the Royal Navy in the Mediterranean, take the Suez Canal and stop landings in Southern Italy and Sicily.
8. Have the RAF somehow less competent at defending London from German bombing and fail to bomb German infrastructure.
9. D Day never happens.
10. America never joins the war.
11. America has a civil war during the 1930s or 40s

Because, even with all of that. The sheer fact of the US's geography, robust industry, large and well armed population, and formidable terrain makes waging a war from Japan and Germany onto the United States and winning, nearly impossible.

I will give TNO shit for many many reasons, but regarding the United States's position in a timeline where nearly everything I said happens to allow for an Axis victory, is rather realistic and not pulling bullshit out of the asshole like Man in the High Castle or Wolfenstein.
Hitler was right, and the bad guys won ww2.
No it was that they werent oppressed until the war started unless you considered them not being allowed to run things oppression.
You obviously do think jews have a right to run society which we fundamentally disagree on.
>having your citizenship status revoked and being forbidden from owning property or being employed in all but the most menial of hard labour isn't oppression, all the while surrounded with propaganda that declares you subhuman
Lol jews literally do that today in other peoples countries but the second someone does it to them in a country they dont belong in then its bad.
I thought they primarily caused their premature surrender right before they could invade Paris.

I mean eventually they would have lot no matter what since America was now against them, but the whole "we lost WW1 because we were betrayed by jews" thing was rooted in the fact that they had a fresh army about to beat the French and then they just... surrendered without a fight.
>Being openly and explicitly treated as second class citizens and then subhumans isn't oppression because "they deserved it"
Setting aside whether they did or did not deserve it, your argument ultimately boils down to "my side always right, therefore always justified in anything they do no exceptions; other side always wrong, they are never justified in doing anything no exceptions". You're pulling the exact same 'rules for thee' power play that you criticise Jews for doing.

The only possible way the Axis wins is Germany asspulls nukes before the US does. In which case, they nuke Russia out of the war and then use the threat of nuking London/Paris to force the British and Americans into a stalemate ceasefire.
he just pointed out your moving the goal posts and your response is to immediately do it again. The jews accidentally took your brain in lieu of your foreskin
They surrendered because the 100 Days Offensive so thoroughly routed the German army that demoralised German troops were surrendering in droves, and any that stood and fought were basically running around without orders. Germany made the tactical choice to surrender then and there so that the allies wouldn't push the war eastward into German territory which was a very real possibility. Hitler "learned from this mistake" and it resulted in the Soviets and the western Allies pushing all the way to Berlin and splitting the country in half for 45 years.
The fucking globalists have an ideology that basically is if you made national socalism even gayer and egalitarian.

I don't understand why so many morons think that the Nazis where like some conservative Christian nationalists and not the gnostic control freaks that wanted to control every aspect of your life because of your race. Seriously if you remove all of the anti-semtic elements of National Socialism and look at what it is, it is just a cult focused around a race based cast system that wants each member enslaved by the government to fit their leader's view as to what each of them should be.

It is honestly hard to actually have National Socalists talk about their actual beliefs beyond antisemitism. They just want to talk about the Jews. I don't like Judaism either. But usually if they do they will just try to say they want whatever policies the NSDAP implemented because of a half truth they where told and don't actually fully understand the context of the economy Germany had in 1933-1939 nor the actual impact of those policies.

The Malaysian Emergency is not remembered by normies.

The Jews (Bolsheviks) literally signed a peace treaty with Germany ending conflict in Imperial Russia. They literally took out of one of the largest threats they had and almost completely ended the war being two fronts.
The Jews unironically helped Germany out more than perhaps any other demographic.
Also Fritz Haber, a Jew literally invented the Haber process, allowing Germany to have the fertilizer, bombs, and chemical weapons it needed to sustain their war effort in WW1.
Why does every alternate history shit boil down to >what if Rome never collapsed
>what if Germany won WW2
>nobody remembers Malaya
That's my point. Because America was the main stalwart against the Soviets, America was the one constantly under the microscope for anything that could be considered a transgression of "proper order". Much like what the British had to put up with during Pax Britannica. Except in this case, the people combing through America's trash were all radical leftist agitators who had no problem blatantly lying to get their way. Practically every modern social problem comes from European socialists critiquing American foreign policy so much that anything even remotely resembling anticommunist attitudes is decried as fascist and rapidly snuffed out. Just look at how people squirm if you reference McCarthyism or the Vietnam War or Ronald Reagan, even people who otherwise would consider themselves 'based and redpilled'.
The problem with nuclear weapons in WW2, is that there would have to be both the ability to not just have the bomb, but also to deliver it, and ensure that more will be on their way.

By the time the island hopping campaign of the pacific reached Japan, their air defenses where basically destroyed. Fire bombing actually did more damage to Japanese cities than both nukes did. All they did was promise that America was more than capable of wiping out Japan without the need of a invasion force into the Japanese Home Islands. And even after that it took Hirohito stepping up to announce a surrender, because even after losing the entire empire, countless fire bombs, two nukes, millions dead, the children being given weapons, and everyone left is injured or starving, the Japanese high command still wanted to fight.
Because only history autismals would care about an alternate history where the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth never dissolved.
My position is pretty perfectly consistent but you've yet to explain how jews not being allowed to ruin a country that isnt theres is some how oppression.
Goal post never moved try again jews werent oppressed just as a shitty guest isnt oppressed when the owner of a home kicks them out.
Can you explain how Nazism is good without Jews?
Or rather this, suppose you where given total control on how to run a country and every Jew alive today magically disappeared, what policies would you want to see?
That's why I said they would've nuked the Russians, because they could feasibly have used a long-distance bomber to hit Moscow because the Soviets didn't have high-altitude aircraft. And why it would've led to a stalemate rather than forced surrender against the western allies, because even though the Germans realistically couldn't get through Anglo-American air superiority the mere threat that just a single bomber sneaking through and wiping an entire city off the map would mean they'd effectively have no choice.
That assumes they were destroying the country, you keep stating that as if it's accepted historical fact.
Your position is consistently "Jews bad, anything done to them is justified, therefore they cannot be oppressed"
If the Axis powers won, the way that Europe would probably shake out is something like Germany at the peak of the war, so modern-day Czech Republic, Austria, and Poland get permanently absorbed into Germany, the other European countries remain independent but either are Nazi vassal states or get fucked with reparations. United States would stay the same way, though Hawaii would be lost to Japan.
They were destroying germany economically morally racially just as they are doing today in europe. But again your missing the argument jews were a tiny transient population and were free to leave at anytime the germans kicking them out or preventing their populace from being influenced by them isnt oppression.
> the mere threat that just a single bomber sneaking through and wiping an entire city off the map would mean they'd effectively have no choice.
Not really. Considering Britain had some of the best radar detection at the time, anti-air defenses, and plenty of their aircraft where capable of operating at altitudes that would be expected of strategic bombers.

It would absolutely terrify the British, but I don't think it could force a surrender unless one managed to get through London in spite of every single defense they had.
What would Korea look like at this point? Over 100 years of Imperial rule, culture erasure, mandatory Japanese and Japanese names, etc. would surely take a toll. Would they be considered normal Japanese, or would they still be considered second class citizens? Would it be like Sicily is to Italy? Or something else?

Alt history often focuses on big strokes, but I think it’s more fun to focus on the details.
Global finance would happily allow london to get nuked if it meant destroying germany or ending more european lives. Maybe the people would finally rebel with how much they hated their government and the threat of annihilation if said government didnt stop.
Don't forget
>what if the South won the Civil War

There's probably a reason why one question isn't asked more often:
>what if Israel was never founded
You're deliberately deflecting from the fact that you refuse to define 'oppression' because you want to justify anything the Nazis did or feasibly could have done to the Jews as having been morally righteous.
Again, setting aside whether Jews did or did not corrupt Germany, that has no bearing to the average Jew on the street. The majority of whom in 1930s Germany would been regular middle class small business owners and working class industrial employees same as ethnic Germans. They would not have been "in on it", so to speak. By any sane definition of the word oppression, it was absolutely so to strip them of the citizenship they had been born with as had their ancestors stretching back centuries (remember, they weren't like modern migrants. European Jews were born and bred in Europe a thousand years and therefore could've been considered just as much a European race as any other). Arbitrarily deciding they are no longer German and then telling them to abandon their homeland is oppression, no matter how you want to cut it.

I can guarantee that in the same breath, you believe what blacks do to whites in post-apartheid South Africa and Zimbabwe is abhorrent and inhumane. Am I right?
Which is why I said stalemate ceasefire. Like Korea.

Idiot. If that were the case, France Belgium Holland Poland and so on would've all fought to the death but they didn't. France is meme'd on to this day for how quickly they surrendered.
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/pol/cels are mentally ill who worship a schizo low IQ pagan heretic.
Hydrogen bombs and ICBM’s are not that far down the tech tree from WW2 level stuff, so to speak. You essentially just need a bigger V-2. Delay ww2 by 10 or 15 years and maybe it’d happen.

Anyways, nukes are a strategic weapon not a tactical weapon, and Nazi Germany was fucking retarded in terms of strategy.
>main villain goes full retard halfway through the story
This old trope....
tno if you can stand the autism
When will people learn Japan has never changed its flag?
that's ridiculous anon, next you'll tell me austria-hungary didn't have a national flag!
>refuse to define 'oppression'
Oppression is malicious or unjust treatment of, or exercise of power over, a group of individuals
the actions they took against the jews were not malicious or unjust.
>that has no bearing to the average Jew on the street
yes it does to an even greater degree than the average german due to how the jewish community works. The jews themselves didnt see themselves as german or of germany there is no average jewish man on the street who did not benefit from the privileges and nepotism his racial collective provided. This was racial struggle for power and your only argument is that jews have the right to germany more so than the actual germans because an imaginary jew had an ancestor born in a getto somewhere in prussia a century prior, despite them never considering themselves german and hating the germans.
>blacks do to whites in post-apartheid South Africa and Zimbabwe is abhorrent and inhumane. Am I right?
yes because its malicious and unjust. the blacks did not establish those territories or lands they were invaders that came during the bantu migrations then stuck around. South africa and rhodesia were white countries with a minority of tribal nomads unrelated to the current majority of bantu. Those nomads were given autonomous territories in order to save protect them from the other blacks btw.

But frankly Yes if we look at reality and not this gay theory shit you're trying to pull. Jews are in the wrong they do not belong anywhere and their ethnic strategy involves oppressing others thus they cannot be oppressed by the people acting against them in the same way your body doesn't oppress a virus by getting rid of it. Maybe if jews founded their own country, rejected their culture of parasitism and stop being such cartoonishly evil sub humans we could all live in peace. But looking at history and current events thats probably not happening anytime soon.
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>See now you're just painting the jews as comically evil.
Because they are. it's funny how you kikes always approach this point by making it taboo to villify your kind, but you never claim it's incorrect or inaccurate to villify you.

It's like you claim that no one could ever be comically evil. but at the same time comically evil is exactly how you depict Nazis. and anyone who'd criticise you for your hysterical views toward them would immediately be interpreted a s closeted Nazi. but that never applies when you're doing it, you're always just an average Joe who's standing up for our wholesome greatest ally. never a pilpuling kike yourself.
>Maybe if jews founded their own country, rejected their culture of parasitism and stop being such cartoonishly evil sub humans we could all live in peace
not if the muhammadans have anything to say about it
If the pacific northwest was a Japanese colony it would be the best place on Earth
Founding a welfare queen state off of terrorism and ethnic cleansing doesn't qualify.
Yeah that's right, walk away tail tuck up between your legs faggot.
I think you failed to make fun of me
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Shitskin /pol/cel hours
Anybody who speaks against jews is a nazi, and anyone who speaks against nazis is a jew. What a world.
>Funny how the bongs never got shit on for dumping agent orange all over Malaysia
Because the number of people affected was much lower and unlike in Vietnam the British government understood that spraying health-destroying chemicals everywhere was a bad look so they kept it quiet, unlike in Vietnam where it was used in biblical quantities and everyone and their dog knew about it.
Its about 09:30 in israel the work day has started and is well underway.
just saying probably not relevant to anything going on in the thread.
I wish they'd stick to their containment zone like they apparently want jews to. Fucking hypocrites.
>no argument
>jew kvetching
well its been fun lads time to pick the kids up and get the wife started on dinner
Heil hitler
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>pagan heretic.
>Nazi Germany breaks every single promise and treaty it ever signed
>durr why didn't Churchill accept a ceasefire???
because he was a puppet of the banks and an alcoholic retard
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>schizo low IQ pagan heretic.
>Japan or Germany invading the US... Instead of the US joining them v Russia after the Asian and European theatres are secured.
American aluminium was in German tanks. All it would have taken was Japan giving up the pacific and saying sorry if anything Australia might have looked like this split between Japan and the US
>low IQ
armchair war strategists on my basket weaving forum? Can't be.
>unrelated chart we're supposed to infer some esoteric argument from
Take the jewish meds
Reminder that the man who coined the 'stabbed in the back' tale was one of a group of generals who approached the military government suggesting they start negotiating an end to the war because the military situation was hopeless after the 100 Days Offensive.
''swastika = symbol of nazi gernany'' is correct
''rising sun flag = empire of japan'' is basically a post ww2 revistionist bullshit that people were brainwashed to belive
Japan has never changed its flags and has always been using both the national flag and the rising sun flag
>Japan and US split half of the pacific between Hawaii and Japan, split Australia. Japan ethnically clenses Asia, Germany does it to africa and the Middle East, Japan, Germany and the US split Russia, US continues its imperialism in south America.. Earth reaches an uneasy peace with this triumvirate of super powers - Jewish people are wiped out.
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/pol/cel in shambles
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lots of catholics are coming over
you don't have to worry about polcels
Why is it alway alternate WW2? Why is it never “what would have happened if the U.S. joined Germany?” Or “What if Napoleon took Britain?”
Roosevelt did everything in his power to join the war against Germany short of actually declaring war (because he needed Congress for that) for a long time before Pearl Harbour, if you think the US was ever likely to side with the Germans I've got a bridge to sell you.
I dont think your waifu body pillow is going to make dinner
>American aluminium was in German tanks.
And? Soviet titanium was in American planes.
cant get too based now
>Britain had some of the best radar detection at the time
Germany developed stealth fighters by 1945, just didn't manage to build them. Horten 229 I think.

of course, it wouldn't be able to carry nukes, it had a payload of less than 1 tons.
the Jarkarta Method explains post WW2 America
then you'll realize no side matters, only economic interest and gains. that's why America has to prop up the 3rd world and keep everyone in line, and if it loses that.
economic stability goes to the shitter
Because leftists would go crazy and demand the Nazi supporting game be shut down.
Personally I'm tired of shooting Germans and Russians. I'd like to see a game where you play as a German shooting at Brits, French and americans.
>was china that strong?
They were large. That alone necessitated a huge Japanese presence in China during the war (and to be fair, given the character of the fighting elsewhere it wasn't like those troops would be doing anything else).
But Operation Ichi-Go demonstrated that even after years of direct US support and training, China was fucking hopeless and a non-credible ally.
The defeat of Japan could never come from China. Despite being the largest theater in terms of manpower, it was a sideshow.
There's zero evidence he even wants the rest of Ukraine, he doesn't give a shit about the rest of East Europe. He just doesn't want NATO expanding onto his doorstep, which is pretty fair imo.
Let's face it Pugin has been more honest and has done more to try and end this war than anyone in the west. UK, Germany, Poland and the US keep telling Zelensky not to accept any peace deals. Doesnt sound like it's Putin causing the problems to me.
>They could've won
Stopped reading right there. They were never going to win and there was no way for them to ever win.
Anon he started the war. He even got away with his little annexation in 2014 but it wasn't enough.
Don't forget that the greatest rocket physicist himself was also working in Germany, Americans extracted him later and made him build the moon rockets.

So yeah, delay everything 10-15 years, and nazis would absolutely have developed ballistic intercontinental ballistic missiles.
>There's zero evidence he even wants the rest of Ukraine
Is this the new cope?
>He just doesn't want NATO expanding onto his doorstep
Why the fuck do you think invading a country would deter countries from joining the alliance against invading countries? Also, the guy that started the war has been doing the most to end it? Fucking really nigger? How are ziggers this fucking stupid?
You'd have to be a total idot to think they believe themselves to be in the capacity to drive further west. Russia is in no place to challenge NATO,
even if Putin had interest he'd be smarter than that.
epic image
Maybe if Huey P Long wasn't assassinated I might have bought that bridge.
Soviets flip flopping support isn't a secret. The yanks helping arm the Nazis however, keeps getting memory holed for some reason.
Real shame about those buildings they always looked very cool.
He is literally alive in Agartha right now
uhmmm, it just is, ok chud? g*d's chosen people are the rightful owners of all goyim and their property
In the series, the Gers develop nuclear weapons first and nuke Washington or something. The US then surrenders. It's not absurd.
The US would invade Mexico, and the entire Axis invasion force would be sunk in transit.
soviet union rule over america would be more interesting aesthetically
>No games where the US and Germany team up post Hitler’s death to crush the Soviets
Jews wouldn't fund a AAA one and indie devs wouldn't bother
US and West Germany did team up and the Soviet Union fell. Close enough.
Sounds like a made up scenario.
Ugh so boring, when is ww3 coming up?
Red Alert 1
Israel is quite literally trying to provoke it right now to follow their Torah prophecies
Really you could even classify WW3 as the neverending global proxy war system that's been ongoing ever since WW2 ended.
No you couldn't. At that point, the term "world war" becomes meaningless.
>wars happening all over the world
>dozens of countries participating in said wars(NATO, UN)
>said wars cause the lowest most degenerate period of human history ever
>this doesn't count as a world war
You should be a lawyer.
Only one dynamic functions as Jewish revenge porn.
Look, we can make an argument that the War on Terror or whatever you wanna call it can be seen as another WW, but "the neverending gobal proxy war system [since] WW2 ended" is just too fucking vague and includes too much.
Hahahah... you are ABSOLUTELY going to die from getting diversified in the back of the head at 3 AM on a street corner some day.

without german scientists to steal tech from america would have been assraped once missiles are developed by the nazis
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>No crimes
>Clean street
>Booming economy
What did bethesda meant by this?

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