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>not having fun
>leave the game
>this is somehow considered a bad thing
competitive was a mistake
>having fun
>teammate leaves
>the game is no longer fun
OP, how would you feel if you didn't have breakfast today?
a game shouldn't depend on a dozen people all doing the right thing at the right time in order to be fun
>can't comprehend other people
just play casual then retard
Then why are you playing a 5v5 shooter in ranked mode? There are thousands of 1v1 games instead.
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I bought the game on launch day and I have never even once played a competitive match. Fuck that, fuck you, I'm not here for a second job, I'm here to have fun.
>guys I play for le heckin fun stop being meanies and let me le win
I run almost exclusively 5-7 and Tec9 because it's more fun than staring at corners with AK trained at head level. If I cared about winning I'd be grinding the ladder like the rest of you faglords.
>I play for fun
Yes. People play games for fun. If you play games for any other reason, you're objectively wrong and a stupid fucking autist.
imagine caring about being good at a fucking video game of all things, good lord
Play casual and flashbang your own team.
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I only play bot matches.
not my problem
You just have to get used to committing to a whole match and making the most of it even if you're losing. You do have the option of playing casual if you want.
I actually don't have to because I'm no a slave to valve's good boy points
I had this attitude until they kicked me out for a week. Call me a bitch (I am) but I follow their rules now.
Don’t do ranked if you’re going to leave. I don’t really care regardless but that’s what non ranked is for. I quit halo infinite because motherfuckers like you ruin solo queue for everybody. Don’t waste my time that I choose to waste I will fucking stab you.
Gonna give you a hint "I play for fun" is a cope term.
You just ruined the fun for your teammates, but of course being a non-white you wouldn't think of that. Next time just don't play competitive.
Play casual
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Play casual if you don't want to commit
>competitive was a mistake
don't play in competitive then faggot, there's some other casual modes you don't need to ruin competitive for everyone else, i really can't understand retards like you
Why not?
I don't think all games should, but why shouldn't any game.
You're right because "for fun" also means literally anything any individual can personally define.
So in full your statement is "people play games for the individual reasons they play games" which is an idiot non-statement, make an actual point put a fucking line in the sand
NTA and I'm not disagreeing with you but I definitely did not finish MGS for the traditional meaning of "fun"
>I deliberately queued into a game mode that goes against everything I like, and I am not having fun. How could this be happening to me?
Fair enough I basically disagree with what they were saying just agreeing as a kind of "You're right because you aren't being specific", like you imply with a non-traditional view of fun you can say you did. I'm more just tired of the endless use of poorly defined words on this site.
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>Launches CS2
>Plays deathmatch or arm race
>Never plays any other game mode
>Quits game
A player who isn't having fun or no longer wishes to play shouldn't be obligated to keep playing due to the fact that the game stops being fun for everyone else if they leave. The game should still be fun even if a player drops out
ive played lots of fps over the years, and ive had much more fun on various cods, siege etc. compared to cs, but people still lap it up, i just dont get it
That's okay. I can't understand how anyone could enjoy Halo. Different strokes for different folks.
>A player who isn't having fun or no longer wishes to play shouldn't be obligated to keep playing due to the fact that the game stops being fun for everyone else if they leave. The game should still be fun even if a player drops out
I'm sorry but with this reasoning literally any team game, video or otherwise, would cease to work. Somebody taking off their helmet and walking off the field halfway through an American Football match would screw things up for others. Same with Basketball. Same with Hockey. Same with Paintball, or Manhunt, or Mafia, or even Tug of War.

If you cannot commit to the length of time a single match takes, don't opt into playing one. Play solo or 1v1 games instead, where forfeiting only impacts yourself
>play cs is europe
>hear russian in voice chat
>disable voice chat and never touch it ever again in any circumstances
Deathmatch in CS2 is literal AIDS, there's plenty of other games that do deathmatch better I have no idea why you'd ever voluntarily play CS deathmatch on Valve servers other than practice
AmeriGODs don't have this problem
Because I don't play multiplayer often and I sometimes want to play a mindless shooter game against other people
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>Play my very first game of deathmatch yesterday
>Some squeker dude(?) is screeching in the mic about hackers
>Some Russian guy starts screaming so loud his mic is clipping in Russian
>Other guy starts making popping noises and man handling his mic
Deathmatch is fun with bonus weapons but most of the time the lobbies I end up in are full of AKs
>only play for the weekly drops
>got a 3 dollar case this week
>now I have enough funds to get cyberpunk 2077
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CS2 ranked is full of cheaters
Faceit is full of cheaters
Valorant is full of cheaters

comp 5v5 fps games are literally cancer

please never get into these games for your own mental health...

After 20 years of playing these games I wish i never would have started, i'd rather be a souls fag
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The "games aren't competitive" crowd has arrived
I probably play 1 ranked game of cs2 a week. Just pace yourself and you'll have fun with anything.
>the lower/unraked matches are cheater free
>but you only get people who go afk if they lose too much or middle schoolers/russians who don't speak english
Good, then it's not our problem you get punished for leaving and not enjoying the game.
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bruh i'm lvl 7 faceit you have no idea how soul crushing these game can be when you take it serious...

>be better never start this crack addiction full of lies
my friends who play LoL talk the same way. I hope you manage to change your mindset
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Casual and Competitive have their own merits. I just wish Casual had side switching instead of relegating you to being CT swarmed for 9 rounds straight.
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the only hope i can give people is


at the beginning of every match and don't use your mic. this fixes 90% of any cancer
the people at the bottom are much better than the people at the top. I work fulltime and I play games to turn my brain off and have fun, not min max everything. If i'm going to do that I'm going to do it for a game that's actually fun like quake 3 and not half broken with server matchmaking that funnels you into rounds filled with AI despite the million playercount
I get that you think that, but it's still not an answer to why.
To answer why I need to understand what makes that imperative, the most important thing above all other design choices preserving the "fun" (not really possible everyone has their own kind of fun). For instance some people only have fun when ruining it for their team by leaving. How do you preserve their fun?
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>game warns you about penalties for leaving a comp match early
>still do it anyway
>complain about being penalised
CS2 lower ranks are mostly cheater free, I've had people blatantly walling in matches though its pretty retarded. This might just be a comp thing though and not premier.
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premier and comp are literally the same sheeiit when it comes to the amount of cheaters, unless your premier 5k>you.

In those ranks you're literally playing against actual tards or people with physical disabilities
Yeah I haven't touched premier since the beta. I've just been chilling fucking around on the maps I actually give a fuck about playing, I refuse to play mirage for the 34243645th time because thats the only map faggots know and refuse to ban.
>have fun
>teammate leaves
>game balances the teams out
>keep having fun
>no rank
>just enjoying getting better and have a good K/D
>not having fun
>shittalk own team
>goad them nto shooting me
>run into teammate nades and get them a 7 day vacation
:) fun.
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you won anon... you won
true and real, fucked up that they removed the red text ban notification
Yes they do. Just replaced Russia with Brazil.
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Tangentially related, does anyone know how many people still play CSGO? I know server hosting wasn't really big with GO but are there any normal servers that aren't surf/bhop?
what's the fucking cope? That they'd rather enjoy the game than treat it like a career?
I play CSS deathmatch with random weapons when I wanna turn my brain off. There's definitely better games for it but I really enjoy the old Source maps sometimes

makes me wish Ground Control for GMod wasn't dead or there was some modern equivalent
>stand in your molotov and get down to five health
>bait teammate into throwing a decoy
>kill yourself on the decoy
good times
>Ultrakill is le bad
He’s saying you suck ass dude.
I work 60 hours a week, have a gf and a dog, and i play games for fun and to relax and i always reach the top. Ive reached top 250 in SFV and 6 at evo for years now. Your brain just sucks, and this is your way of copimg with it.Faggot
Retards like (You) turned games into competitive garbage.
I was just explaining to you what the “cope” is. You were very confused by his post and seem really triggered still. Just trying to help.
>having fun
>teammate leaves
>the game is no longer fun
>leave without penalty
>find a new match and continue having fun
Ranked match is a cancer.
lol based. I went 50-10 in deathmatch but would never play normal counter strike. Too many faggots memorizing angles.
when you grow up, the calculation becomes very easy. Uninstall csgo, its not worth wasting your life
>>leave without penalty
lol you wish
play casual mode. fewer cheaters as well. get ready to see extreme retardation though, players are all over the map but mostly it's low to high gold nova like playstyles you have to deal with. some genuine silvers, very few players better than ~DMG. very few cheaters!
And the point of forcing 4 players to stay in a 4v5 is beneficial because...?
Is this the new esports nigger cope?
It is a mystery. It used to be they'd at least give you a bot player to make up for the leaver, but now you don't even get that.
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>load up Casual to fuck around the new community maps
>watch round after round of the whole server funneling into the same door every time like it's operation locker
kino tbqh. you could never get this in comp
Because people will bitch and whine about sweaty tryhards or whatever and how they play for le heckin fun.
I don't get it either. I'm of the belief that video games are best played by yourself and if it's with other people it should only be with close friends.
I think it's more about that one fucking Ultrakill shill that you can somehow find in ANY social group you try to join to
Honestly, with bot it was manageable most of the time, since you could use radio commands to make him stay at spawn and don't move and then you could take control over him once you die, now you're just fucked and can't even surrender because of that 1 nigger that keeps voting 'NO' like it's a League of Legends with fucking endgame scaling
I was actually enjoying CS2, having never played ranked in a tactical shooter before, until I had my first match with a leaver and I learned how the game just does not care for the team now in disadvantage, not even doing something as simple as rotating one of the opponents each round so as to make it a fair 4v4. I was shocked. The second time it happened I just gave up and went back to fightan games. I never realized before how much better the 1v1 format values your time.
Yeah, ever since CS2 launched playing rankeds is pointless if you don't have at least 4 and ideally 5 premades to play with. 4 is okay since you can makeup for 1 person with coordination and teamplay, 3 is a gamble, cause if both randoms are shit you're fucked with 2 we tend to get trolls/premade trio that refuses to communicate more often than normal teammates and I didn't dare to try solo queue yet.
god I hate the five seven, 1 tap to head with 20 kinda accurate bullets is such bs for a $500 pistol

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