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I finally fucking did it bros... praise the elden ring...

Now that I finished it allow me to complain.


Thanks for listening.
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>Why no I did not learn the moveset how could you tell?
n1 op
Shield chad...
When a boss is cheap, you gotta be cheap back
Everything about the fight is cool thematically but fuck me it's BS
Can someone explain why Radahn is the final boss despite having no hints whatsoever? This lives rent free in my head. Just why? Out of everyone?
Because the femboy is hungry for some bara cock.
Is it supposed to be a berserk reference? Godywn could have the same.
>he’s dead

This is a series where Gods are fucking stars shut up
Bros, I gotta confess...
I resorted to the Lightning perfume bottle to beat him, I just couldn't do it legit....
Pretty sure he's based on on Grunbeld, Miquella is clearly Griffith
>80 years later
>Do you have any last words after living story full of adve-

Why was Radhan the final boss of the Elden Ring dlc?

This shit is never gonna get out of my head because it is so fucking genuinely dumb.
It's okay bro. The fight is fucking ass so I understand why you would resort to such drastic measures...
Whatever based you beat the game
Fromsoft ran out of money.
I beat him with no major alterations to my build. Took me like 5 hours. His first phase is actually ridiculously easy, and his second phase is like getting knowledge checked on a fighting game except he touch of deaths you. I still don't know how you're supposed to avoid any of the attacks other than his base swings.
>when fucking demon slayer has more hype than the Elden Ring final bosss

Berserk taught me. Life is suffering
They did a DS3-style callback, except forgot that it's still the same game and you killed the guy like 5 hours ago.
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>hidden stats and loadout
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Here you go.
>single head turtle
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Impressive, very nice...
>lvl 100
why do you torture yourself like this my nigga
Why’re you doing a challenge run
You have to play the game to understand the story
Are you masochist or something?
Because the Battle of Aeonia was a content for Miquella to kill Radahn in battle and have him serve
Oh sorry, that was a day old screenshot, I already uninstalled the game but my build is still the same pretty much.

I raised my level to 123, changed 2 of the talismans, the scarseal to the 2nd hand sword and the single head turtle to a 2 headed turtle.

I'm just really patient :)
same, greatshield+bleed did short work of him
Because it's cool. Radahn was one of the better and more spectacular fights in the base game but we weren't fighting him at full power. Now we get him at ultra+ power. I don't give a fuck about the lore.
Gay Radahn is way lamer than Starscourge though, anime flashbangs and light clones (which are NOT his power) do little to hide the fact that his actual moveset is a hard resounding meh. It's also not even Prime Radahn either, it's literally a meatpuppet fashioned from Mohg's corpse
>Gay Radahn
not gay
>is way lamer than Starscourge though
I disagree, it felt like an actual fight ajd less of a summon gimmick.
I love how unapologetically over the top it is. A literal JRPG boss battle is a perfect conclusion to the game
>w-whats that sme-ACK
mogh spear, plus chad shield is the Kino lore based ending that gay boy deserved. Dont debate me.
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I beat this boss in five tries with a Greatsword and I have no idea how.
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Good Job. Took me way longer than I'd like to admit, longest any boss in this series has taken me yet... but I don't care I won with the fucking big lizard sword.
The boss does suck yeah and in about a month, you'll see a ton of posts pretending that it's great with webms of some hitbox porn because they practiced it a ton.
technically miquella is, he needed a strong person to control, and he did it by implanting radahn's soul into Mogh's corpse. Apparently he sent Malenia to fight and hopefully kill Radahn in the first place so he could use his soul in the shadow realm. Mohg was used to feed his cocoon and give him entry into the shadow realm.
Depends, they may fix it like they've done to other bosses
Did you not do the Ansbach story?
I don't even know what they'd fix since the issues are fundemental. Launch Radahn was only a problem because of his hitboxes and damage output, they just toned those down and that was that. The only good thing they patched there were the hitboxes, I didn't mind the damage decrease but it was kinda unnecessary.
The problem with new radahn isn't any of that, it's his moveset.
Congratulations my friend. You truly beat the game.
The problem is the speed and succession of how he does it
The visibility is also a problem
>Final boss from the $40 dlc is a recycled boss from the base game
>basic roll(bloodhound step)+r1 setup
good that you enjoy the game however you want but, aren't there better action games for you? this is meant to be played as an action RPG
I'm at the shadow keep, should I assist Leda or Hornsent?
describing anything as 'anime' when talking about this game just immediately makes me stop reading.
it's not the same boss
Hornsent. Trust me, both are assholes but the Hornsent actually helped you out up until now and he’ll help you out in the future. Leda is dumb, she doesn’t know who you are.
You mean a completely new model with new moveset, arena, backstory and, most importantly, without Leonard?
Yeah, complete reskin/recolor.
Still, they could've come up with something more original. Most underwhelming final boss in any Fromsoft dlc
>without leonard
you paid $40 for this? he was the unsung hero…
replace that with a naginata and you have my anti-Rhadan build
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1.5x HP?
Higher Resistances?
Kneel before the shield chad.
Do you mean in the base game? Because I'm pretty sure one of the character quests outright says Miquella is looking to bring back Radahn
Messmer fun
Radahn not fun
They’re all fun except for Radahn, even the Divine “dance you into the wall” Beast once you… don’t let him do that.
>most efficient way to beat him is to just turtle and poke him so he bleeds to death along with scarlet rot
I just did my first try and saw that my bolt of gransax did 1 40th his health bar and just stood still and died because I knew I wouldn’t even come close to enough FP to kill him, let alone if he had multiple phases, even if I kited well.
Not sure which weapon I’ll be using instead, since ol zwei carried me this far and the only other weapons I’ve liked in the DLC are the backhand blades which are cool and the rellana swords which actually suck but look cool.
Is Radahn weak to lightning? I could rock Vykes lightning on my zwei or the backhand blades and see how it goes, but fuck seeing the gransax 2.5k damage not even scratch the health bar was disheartening.
The most efficient way is killing him in like four hits with Rolling Sparks
From should add a perfumer starting class
>entire time you're told that this guy is the biggest badass in the universe, so much that he's holding the fucking stars, but you only fight against his zombified version
>DLC has you go back in time to fight him in his prime
>and this is supposed to be a bad thing
Based and perfumepillled, my tarnished is literally just a perfumer cosplay with the erdsteel daggers and the shield and the bottle. I would never.have believed how fun and strong it can be.
This is how I usually play souls games and no I won't change my playstyle.
>go back in time
That’s not what happens, but the problems are
>he’s the final boss
If he was some optional, hidden boss, then it’d be fine. And,
>he’s not even in his prime
He’s lacking Leonard and his moves still have the same weight behind them, just with bigger numbers. His biggest buff comes from Miquella, who enhances all of his moves to give him shadow clones and divine holy light.
The real fight starts in phase 2, and at that point it just feels more like a fight against Miquella than Radhan at that point because literally everything annoying about the fight itself is Miquella’s doing. Phase 1 would’ve been pretty cool for the hypothetical “secret Radahn fight” if, in phase two, he went on horseback again.
The final boss is technically 3 demigods in one (Mohg, Miquella and Radahn) which sounds kino on paper but the execution is beyond lame.
The only thing that Mohg does for the fight is give Radahn a bloodflame slash, which is just lame. There are so many better ways they could’ve done this fight but it just came out creatively bankrupt even though it had a lot going for it.
edge, lord
why this game always looking like ass when posted here
What are you refering to?
This whole DLC can be summed up as "let's come up with the most satisfying and cool looking skill/spell then give it no hyper armor, stagger or poise break so you can never use it against our spastic enemies"
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>when do you ever get a chance to hit the spastic enemies
why do none of you nerds EVER use the tools given to you while complaining about it. fine crucible feather talisman. same applies to the deflect tear. I was doing the same with beast claws to even greater effect.
You're a chad don't let anyone tell you otherwise. the only way you could possibly be more based if you used the Chadmore
>uninstalled the game
so fucking zased... if I was a woman I'd offer myself to you anon
>You guys are all shitters and I'm cool you should use this tool
>Posts a webm of him just poking the boss and not using a cool spell or skill as was anon's complaint
You sure showed him
>I was doing the same with beast claws
literally replace the poke with beast claws, its what I recorded. sorry I dont have clipped webmd videos for every occasion. it was intended for a retard complaining about boss openings really, but it applies here too.
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This is the 3rd shittest boss in Elden Ring, after Malenia and the Valiant Gargoyles. The joy I feel at being done with it is immense.
1st phase was pretty cool though, coliseum vibes and a fair moveset.
>A literal JRPG boss battle is a perfect conclusion to the game
Just give it a little time and people will praise it as some sort of genius by both Miyazaki and Martin, both of them unlikely had any involvement with it.
>perfect conclusion
Holy cope. The only lead to Radahn being final boss comes from DLC and DLC only. The whole thing about Malenia fighting him to send him to shadowlands was just a retcon. This boss looks and feels like something modders would do. People refused to believe that he was a final boss when leaks came out and after fighting him myself I can see why.
If you want to actually have fun beating this boss, use the carian thrusting shield.
>fine crucible feather talisman
Well I would have used it I had fucking found it.
messmer took me longer than radahn to be honest
i hate having to chase bosses and the fucker was just leaping all over the arena and spinning around before slamming into the ground and exploding
It's Radahn and Mohg -- the two demigods you're required to kill in order to enter the dlc. Thematically, it may have been more apropos for it to have been Malenia as Miquella's champion/consort, but that would have come across as even more ... whatever these shitheads are complaining about.
I used the black steel greatshield and Scorpion Stinger.

I did need to learn the 1st phase hitless though because that was fun.
The fight's fun. Did you skip it?!
Why hasn't from nurfed the finger shield yet?
>they nerf fingerprint shield
Oh no!
>keep using verdigris instead
I died way more times to that annoying hippo than miqussy x chadahn...
ASS |---------|-------------------------| GOOD
This is where I stand on the Radahn Promised Consort fight.
It wasn't terrible, but I did find it pretty unfair - especially with the FPS drops.
Because it's not necessary. That shield is overkill, many other heavy greatshields will do the trick.
nerf it how?
It just happens to be the best of a class which all do basically the same thing.
You did beat the game. Congrats
It's Mohg's corpse that Radahn is inhabiting for the fight, according to Albrecht.
>there are so many better ways
Just jerking yourself raw there, aren't you? Letting your post devolve into seething slag.
I mean you have to to beat him and it's not fun in the least bit
Can't believe AVGN actually beat Elden Ring.
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>The only lead to Radahn being final boss comes from DLC and DLC only.
The Battle of Aeonia is in the base game
>The whole thing about Malenia fighting him to send him to shadowlands was just a retcon.
No it wasn't, Marika used herself as vessel due to her Empyrean nature at the Gate of Divinity, but Miquella had no option, he needed the soul of a fitting Lord and a vessel to put said soul in. It makes perfect sense and aligns with Marika/Radagon lore, it's just not aligned to the headcanon you wanted. Consort Radahn is also a fanstatic boss and the criticism of "flashbangs" is just disingenuous bitching by the same people that whined about any AoE boss in Elden Ring since area of effect gets in the way of their mindless DS3 rollspam.
so anything good for spellcasters in the DLC?
I just beat him as well. Level 171, scat level 17, and spirit level 9. I did use a great shield (ancient dragon one that looks like a claw), deflecting tear, and mimic but it was still hard as hell and complete bullshit. For my weapon, I didn't change anything but just stuck with my cold backhand blades wielded one handed. Easily the worst boss From has ever made, that second phase is the most insane shit with him fucking darting around like sonic the hedgehog on cocaine combined with some lunatic light show going on. I like challenge but he really has a lot of unfair garbage going on and is ridiculously over tuned. They were going for pure spectacle but I don't think even that was great, Gael was done a million times better.
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I did Radahn in 5 tries using mimic tear with bleed weps. I knew after 3 tries this fight wasn't going to be fun.
I didn't beat the game and I don't care, it wasn't worth my time
If you kill the final boss then you beat the game.
kek, the fact you can powerstance perfumes is ridiculous
>I didn't beat the game
Doesn't sound like it
>all those cool colors when you powerstance perfumes
It's fine. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone. If you judged the fight isn't worth the effort that's completely ok.
>I didn't beat the game
He fell for the meme
Camera issues, 9 out of 10 times I died was because I couldn't see what's going on
>Mi-Muh-Miya*sputters as he loses oxygen* MAYAMOTO-sama, as I have told you NUMEROUS TIMES *desperately gulps for oxygen* I am an EXCEEDINGLY busy man these days *pours bucket of KFC over head* I have only so much TIME to write yet MORE lore for Eh Eyuuh, er Eyylen, UH, Ellen's Ring, or whatever you may so call it. *takes sip from Big Gulp of deep fryer grease* Oh hhrrmm hrumm, I suppose I can offer some MERE suggestions. *flatulates in consternation* Mick, urhm, Michelangelo, you know, the young, feminine little godling *licks lips* is actually aheh hurhm heh, homosexuuuaaal, *heart audibly pounds* and uh, Raphael, you know, the big strong fellow, his brother, he's enamored with him in an intimate way as well, you understand??? *feebly paws at crotch* Hmm yes, and, and, perhaps during the, erhhgm, encounter with the player character, he can, ahah, 'steal their heart', so to speak, aye? *sweat pours down red face* Ah well, these are all just my uh, my musings, as it were, on these matters, old chum, ahheheh. Do with them as you will! *fans himself with his captain's cap* I bet stodgy, dusty old Tolkien would NEVER contemplate such SORDID, uehm, G-GRUESOME and GLORIOUS taboos in his books, ahehhh...? *passes out from oxygen deprivation*
This fight was 10x more cancer than fighting Defiled Chalice Firedog or Amygdala.
I hope from never makes another boss like this one ever again

I've cleared it on 2 of my characters so far, and I really don't ever want to fight it again. It doesn't even feel satisfying, I just feel glad the frustration is over.
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Yeah actually that's fair.
There is zero reason to believe Malenia was sent to Caelid so that she would force Radahn to be Miquella's cockslave/upholding some bullshit vow
i beat it on ng+9 rl490. could only have crossed the finish line when i respec'd from 60vig to 99vig, but he ended up taking less tries than orphan of kos, melania, midir, and even gael. glad i got almost everything out of my first playthrough
He's gonna bring you back to the past.
To fuck miquella right in the ass!
An item description blatantly says it
>Valiant Gargoyles
I can't beat them l, thanks for reminding me
I uninstalled ER after 2nd playthrough because of Radhan. Fuck Radhan.
Where do I summon the faggot? I don’t see his sign anywhere near Bayle
It's in the room. Maybe three steps forward and one to the left. Pretty close. I assume you got the item to summon him.
All greatshields should be nuked. They've been trivializing their games for 15 years now.
Because it needs heavy investment into STR. Nerfing it would make it utterly useless.
It's only "heavy" if you do care about PvP, which most of the playerbase does not + respec is a thing.
Inside bayle room or outside? Yes I have the finger he gave me
It's few steps to the northwest after you enter the boss room, probably hidden by player messages.
It is actively in the boss room. There's one or two other fights where they do that. It's nice because it doesn't scale their health up if they're in the room but you also need to not have the boss instantly inside your asshole to menu to summon them but that does not happen
they mistakenly thought this was a roleplaying game like the previous ones
I've played too many Souls games one too many times. Elden Ring is boring, especially on a second playthrough.
I got the challenge rings in DS2 without a guide and now I have to handicap myself to have fun...
aren't BB and Sekiro the previous ones?
The games are more fun when it actually has level design, not open world slop where you run around and pick up items off fields and open liminal spaces. You either do the open world slop, or you run past enemies to do the next boss rush. Not a good game. Overrated

I'm at 14 hours and I'm almost to Consecrated Snowfield. I could probably complete this game in less than 20 hours because I skipped most of the content, but the content I did do still amounted to running around on horse or running past most enemies. I hate this game and the fanbase that surrounds it
Fromsoft is too busy making dex builds unviable in pve
Yeah, it's by far the most boring and creatively dead final DLC boss in Fromsoft history. Compare him to the Manus / Ivory King / Friede / Gael / Orphan. Pretty sure they ran out of time to create an original character and went with slightly tweaked Rahdan out of desperation.
>STR easymodo
>Bloodhound Step
You did not beat the game. Reinstall and face it like a Man.
Bleed Sword Lance might actually better for this both because it has longer range than antspur so you don't just sometimes randomly whiff thrusts and because it has excellent scaling regardless so you're still doing chunk damage, also Radahn like doubles his Rot resistance in phase two but not bleed
Pre-dlc, you disingenuious fuck.
>umm the fanbase thinks radahn is cool so lets just use him again lol
pretty simple really
You see Malenia whisper to Radahn in the original cutscene before the game even released.
The item just confirms what she said.

it was always the plan
I used the regular one and it was great
Perfect balance between greatshield poke cheese and having an actual fight
Wish this shit was fun with more than just one weapon class
Nope, I beat it.
I'd be way more accepting of it if it actually looked like a fucked up fusion of Radahn and Mohg instead of just being Radahn with a little bit of omen horns sprinkled on and a bloodflame attack
i chose those because elden ring is closer to DS 2 or 3 as far as gameplay. sekiro is EVEN MORE of an action game and less of an RPG so why even mention it. and bloodborne basically invented aggressive enemies in from games. note that in all but pre ds1 stats and items matter more than skill, thus when they dropped this over a decade ago (why are anons only getting the message now) they became action games with RPG elements. hence the "action RPG" not understnading what
>>681482240 even means, they have not been pure "RPGS" since fucking kings field/eternal ring.
>two years for a dlc
>walk into weird castle
>fight a green ulcerated tree spirit
Okay? You want us to clap or something? Elden Ring is literally an easy game for the common normie like Kai Cenat fans. You want something we'll give a shit about then go beat Sekiro and Bloodborne.
You were denied the bloodflame meteor shower.
I don't give a shit if they're harder than shit. Elden Ring is not fun. I do not have fun playing it. The world is lame, the lore is lame, the bosses are lame, the level design is lame, the weapons are lame, the armor designs are lame. Everything about the game sucks, but it sold more because of George and every zoomer retard sucks the game out of his shit-encrusted asshole
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Yeah i beat radahn how could you tell
>blah blah blah
Just say you're bad my man.
No. No more memes. It's a bad game, pal
git gud
I mean, if you can beat Consort Radahn without compromising your build's theme then that's pretty good.
Bloodborne was easier tho
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kino, simple as
doing invasions and seeing a fingerprint shield wielder is basically a "100% sale on Unblockable weapon art hits" sign
they will NOT roll no matter how many times the extremely telegraphed single-hit blasts them
Because they cut a ton of stuff and rushed the finale.
Just look at the cutscene that was cut from the ending that they showed part of in the trailer just weeks before the game launched.
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fuck this stupid fight
what's crazy is that I only found out this morning about the Golden Braid, it makes a massive difference, I realize now I was doing this in hardmode like fucking rock lee with the leg weights, it's the difference between getting one tapped and surviving most of his combos
I was ready to pull out the finger shield but I one shot it after equipping the trinket, it's night and day

>Just look at the cutscene that was cut from the ending
what cutscene?
Good job and i agree with you, second phase is trash, i hate AoE autism.
Miquella's a lucky gal. TWO Radahn's for her consort?
messmer is one of the best bosses with an aggressive moveset but openings for punishment and he feels fair, now do this shit with phase 2 radahn
not my problem
>despite having no hints whatsoever
you're told explicitly that this will happen like halfway through the dlc
Where are the performance issues that everyone is talking about?
go lick Myazaki's ass faggot
the lore sucks
Mohg is /ourguy/ because the bloodflame slash is one of the few things that doesn't fucking flashbang you in phase 2.
Miquella is also an empyerean and this doesn't line up with Radagon at all. By all accounts Godfrey was the first lord and didn't need to do any bodyswap shit. Hell as far we know Marika became a god with no lord.
Imagine if Phase 2 Radahn and Miqussy had Mohg's Nihil...

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