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Name the game
Halo 3
I don't understand this meme at all.
Every fallout and elder scrolls fan I know is like this. Thankfully I play shooters which have never been clunky unless you decide to play whatever the fuck id was up to pre-wolfenstein
zoomers don't like older games because engines generally used in older games feel clunky to them (because they are, but its a good thing)
ufo defense
Monster Hunter
saw a zoomer on twitter say that there were no worthwhile games created before the SNES
If you don't like clunky games you look like that and say that
name 5
tomba (series), the legend of zelda (series), diddy kong racing, minecraft, super mario land 2

there's 5 for you
Ok, but why the nerd emoji?
Unfortunately nearly correct. Battletoads, Mario 1, 2, 3, and contra are the only NES games worth playing. Atari sucks dick and so does genesis (except maybe ecco the dolphin)
zoomer tier post holy fucking shit what a dogshit opinion
Witcher 1
You mean the older versions?
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It was massively forced with constant spamming when it showed up and because this board is basically reddit the zombies took the bait and started using this shit low-effort meme.
Old school CRPGs in general
The interface is usually obnoxious as shit, has keybinds to do stuff that I need to remember the sequencing of, needing to do things like using a key on a door instead of just opening the door with the key in the inventory, ect.

I have no doubt that many of these games are great, Planescape Torment, Jagged Alliance 2, Fallout 2. But fuck if I can be assed to figure out how the fuck to actually play it. I'm definitely being filtered by this.
Well where do you draw the line?
I went through about 30 hours of world and yeah it just never got better.
>because they are, but its a good thing
Care to explain instead of being a urinalist who lets AI spits to decide whether being jobless or not?
I love clunkcore, where my clunkers at?

I like the idea of it but its just so clunky
Honestly save for punch out, smb3 and ninja gaiden I think that zoomer isn't wrong
King's Field
I'm older than you and it's refreshing to play games without all that clunkiness
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Diablo < Diablo 2
Thief < Thief 2
Daggerfall < Morrowind
Heroes 2 < Heroes 3 Complete
Warcraft < Warcraft 2
> minecraft
But that isn’t even a good game. Try Terraria instead.
Diablo 1
you haven't played any NES games
Diablo 2 < Diablo 3
Morrowind < Oblivion
Warcraft 2 < Warcraft 3
Neverwinter nights < Neverwinter nights 2
Mechwarrior 4 < Mechwarrior 5
X3 Albion Prelude < X4 Foundations
Civilizations 5 < Civilizations 6
Sins of a Solar Empire < Sins 2
Recently for me, Wizardry 7
But I played those three
Any more I should try? I played megaman and dropped that shit immediately it felt clunky as shit compared to gravity rush. Meanwhile punch out still feels fresh
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How is Diablo 2 clunkier than Diablo 3? And there's no way NWN is clunkier than NWN2, it's totally the other way round. Civ V is just the same game as Civ VI...
>it felt clunky as shit compared to gravity rush.
this has to be bait
I haven't found one too clunky to play yet but I think that might be system shock if I ever get around to it. I've heard things about it.
Dragon Warrior 1 2 3 4
Final Fantasy
Megaman 1 2 3
Deja Vu
Double Dragon
Blaster Master
Castlevania 1 2 3
Zelda 1 2
Adventures of Lolo
Ghosts and Goblins
Gargoyle's Quest
Bionic Commando
Punch Out
Metal Gear
Snake's Revenge
River City Ransom
Ninja Gaiden 1 2 3
Kirby's Adventure
gothic 1 and 2
I finished it but damn it was a buggedy mess.
Point taken. I have my own opinions on some of these but I'll just point out that Ghosts and Goblins is an irredeemably shit game.
Dark Souls
forgot Gimmick!
the first Deus Ex
RE4 remake
Unironically Fallout New Vegas
Game feels like it's falling apart at the seams. I don't care how good your writing is or how diverse decision making is when in a first person game actually moving around the world and shooting feels like hot garbage.

Games like Deus Ex and Thief have better movement, shooting and player control despite coming out way earlier from smaller studio so it's not an age thing either. Fallout should have stayed an isometric CRPG series.
Diablo 1 absolute mogs diablo 2 with atmosphere
Saying some old games play like shit is taboo.
Why is the nerd supposed to sound like Woody Alan?
stop perpetuating shit memes
sonic 1
megaman 1-3
dragon quest
super mario bros 3
super c
castlevania 3
tecmo bowl
bubble bobble
Keep on seething about it zoomer, don't companies have a "shinier", "newer" remaster of an existing game to bait you with. And while you're at it, don't you have to kvetch about voting for RFK Jr.?
I'd say doom but i got used to it
Wizardry 6/7/8 has the most clunkiest UI ever.
Elden Ring.
games like this usually have huge descriptive manuals that are fun to read and they are part of mandatory experience that zoomers always skip
that being said majority of old games have issues on newer hardware and no compatibility patches
I'm 35 years old and hold the same opinion.
I tried to get back into a childhood favourite but have been spoiled by more modern UX that I cant stand playing it anymore.
Dungeon Keeper 2
yeah but you're just a regular retard
I picked up Dungeon Keeper 2 a few months ago and was having a good time with it. Other than not being able to control your dudes the game is great.
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As a child I loved it, but I tried to replay recently and I just couldn't. It doesnt help that the rendering is forced at 400x280 or something ridiculous.
I'll eventually play the remake, but I think it will not have the same charm as the voxel version
not being able to control them without doing all the first person group shit I mean*
Resident Evil.
The fuckin dogs, the consumable knives, the door animation. Jesus fucking Christ, the door animation every time you change room is suicide inducing.
On the other hand DMC was a very nostalgic playthrough a couple years ago even though I had never played a DMC game, and the controls were fine. I didn't even mind the underwater bit people complain about.
Gears of war 1. Ultimate edition looks so good but for whatever reason the coalition decided to remake the clunkiness of the old game and it just fees frustrating to play, especially after experiencing the smoothness of 3, 4, and 5
The Witcher
Geneology of the Holy War
these are all mediocre games that doesn't stand the test of time except for smb3 and tetris
It’s the opposite for me
>played through RE 0-4+CV no problem
>playing through RE 7 felt like torture
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It's just the normalfag version of a søyjak
Here's a translation
Silent Hill. It's probably the best example of the "huge fan of the game is excited to play it for the first time!" thing
That's correct, if a game has a high score meter it's not a proper video game, just a shit reminiscent of arcade slop, with snes and master system games became more than just a slot machine.
there are genuinely people so ignorant of the medium that they think this
I liked Zelda 1 and Mega Man. Crystallis was pretty good too
that's simply not true
>that being said majority of old games have issues on newer hardware and no compatibility patches
The majority of them have issues because of poor backwards compatibility in Windows, not because of hardware incompatibility. And in most cases you can just drop dgvoodoo2 in the game folder and it'll work fine.
Fallout 1
kek I remember first time playing it I got stuck on the first stairs because I had no idea how to climb it and clicking over it was doing nothing. Well turns out that I had the click on the exact pixels of the stairs, clicking on the center of it was not enough
fallout 1 and 2 truly are the ultimate pleb filters
syphon filter. besides being a tank control game with terrible framerate that forces you to lethargically turn to see what enemies are shooting at you is has one of the worst running animations I've ever seen from a major studio. like a higher up hired his cousin as animator or they got a programmer to pull double duty.
Any console shooter without gyro aim.
Lock's Quest DS
how? Are you gen alpha?
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Name the game
Xenoblade Chronicles.
ps1 third person duke nukem. for 5th gen tps they would have been have been acceptable enough if not for the single worst, most unintuitive implementation of strafing I've ever seen.
dark and darker
Fallout one and two. I tried to play those games and got like 20 minutes into each one of them. It's like playing a board game
Metal Gear Solid unironically. I don't care how much you praise it or how good it is because the gameplay is so bad it's unplayable. Anything before 5 is worthless.
skil issue
unironically try fortnite, its essentially a smoother pubg
I know it gets a bad rap because zoomers but it plays well
This. Might try it again with mouselook.
Resident Evil
Devil May Cry
All the zoomies are just fake fans who only played the remakes and 5
I think you'd have to be really sensitive for this to be the case.
>le unironic "what does this mean? *winks*"

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