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Never fall for indie game hype.

Alien Isolation is the one game I wish was 30 hours long rather than the 16 I played it.

Meanwhile, I could barely put up with 2 hours of the shitty prologue and opening gameplay of Darkwood. No, I don't want to do survival crafting, I want a horror game. It's like they took Project Zomboid (a good game) and tried to cram it into the wrong genre.

>B-b-but Alien Isolation has crafting!

It also has a better interface and controls.

My question is: How do you go back and play unappealing games like this?

>Y-y-y-you just don't like 2D games

Blasphemous is great. This isn't.
Probably because Darkwood is cheap as shit? I don't know, I haven't played either.
I don't know what you're saying but both of those games are gay as fuck.
Project Zomboid is an awful game so your taste is shit and your threads get raped by feral packs of niggers
don't forget to tell me how steamies don't play games, niggerfaggot, and use the same pics as all those other threads, porch monkey
also tell me everything about re2, re7, and whatever that NES port shit, you retard
dox and hang all trannitors for refusing to do their job
You have made this thread like 50 times.
It’s free. The dev made his own pirate copy and put it online because he still thinks you should have a good experience even if you didn’t pay for it

I didn't read all of your stupid shit but it seems like you're crying because a game is different from some other game in a completely different genre. Maybe you should read game descriptions more accurately before buying? Anyway, good luck with your suicide.
Blair Witch was fucking garbage.
why do you post this every day, schizo?
that's based as fuck, holy shit
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>blair witch
>people actually liked that blooper team goycattle psychological "play as an annoying retarded faggot with mental illness and he was le bad guy all along!!!" walking sim pig slop
you're why horror games are all dogshit now
>why don't people ONLY play the game I like?????
Have yourself evaluated for autism, anon.
>Never fall for indie game hype.
>Alien Isolation is the one game I wish was 30 hours long rather than the 16 I played it.
>Meanwhile, I could barely put up with 2 hours of the shitty prologue and opening gameplay of Darkwood. No, I don't want to do survival crafting, I want a horror game. It's like they took Project Zomboid (a good game) and tried to cram it into the wrong genre.
>>B-b-but Alien Isolation has crafting!
>It also has a better interface and controls.
>My question is: How do you go back and play unappealing games like this?
>>Y-y-y-you just don't like 2D games
You type exactly like the Resident Evil schizo who makes hate threads for games he's never played and spergs out in them
Are you him?
>I like x but I don't like y
>how could this be happening to me???
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>why do people play X when Y exists
This may come as a shock to you, but people have different preferences, and also because you can enjoy multiple games instead of just one
This is like asking why do people play Terraria when Minecraft exists, the games are similar but they have special appeals
I don't like using Pirate Bay but since this is from the developer himself, i'm gonna let it pass
yes, this is also him.
i could dig out more of his autism spam but I couldn't be bothered enough
now be a good boy and thank tranny jannies and nigger mods for doing their job
White people like walking in the woods, even virtually. Sorry about you guys being black
>how do people play this one type of game when another completely different type of game exists?
This question that you asked is extremely stupid. You must be extremely stupid.
>No, I don't want to do survival crafting
wtf, you just praised Alien Isolation in your title
Both are different.
Lmao the prologue took you 2 hours? Absolutely filtered.
It's also not a survival crafting since you don't have to manage shit like hunger, thirst or whatever. At most you put boards on windows. Wow such craft.
No I played a bit after then idled the game for the cards.

Sorry you got filtered by a superior game (Alien Isolation), unless you can prove you played it on hard with your steam achievements, bitchass faggot.
The Blair Witch Project and Alien are both horror films and both highly effective, but I can objectively say Alien is the better film even if no movie scares me as much as BWP besides [REC].
Maybe because they don't want to solve 500 baby puzzles in a 30 hours long game
>in a 30 hours long game

Not a bad thing when it's all good.
None of it is good in A:I. All you do is solving same 5 puzzles and slowly opening locks with QTEs.
>He missed the forest for the trees

Go back to Darkwood lil nigga
I haven't even played Darkwood. But I doubt it will be worse than a game entirely about solving baby puzzles and doing some baby stealth.
Nice opinions OP. It's a shame you're wrong
>why do people play title A and B instead of C
Maybe people already played title C, are not poor, and buy other titles as well?
>this fucking gay post again
do you not have a life or something
>How do people play games like Darkwood when Alien Isolation, Outlast, Blair Witch, etc exist?
You just play all of them. They are all pretty short experiences. Darkwood is longer but not to a significant degree.
Darkwood depicts desperate survival that doesnt just immediately revert on death like your other games. You die in outlast or alien isolation and you cut back to 2-3 minutes ago and just do it again.
Darkwood also sets up multiple layers of horror through its own gameplay systems. You need to explore and help the townsfolk but to do that will be subjecting yourself to the shit that is out in the woods. You need to prepare your house/base for defence but you need to scavenge and kill to do that.
You need to defend your base during the night but to do that means facing abject horrors. Its completely different to linear stories where the horror comes from things you are railroaded into doing. In Darkwood the onus and urgency is entirely on the player to commit to.
this is such a bizarre shitposting campaign. just why?
bot or autism, no other explanation
>retarded plebbit spacing
>hating on darkwood
Yep, OP is a flaming faggot as always.

Get mobik'd pidor
You couldve refunded the game and never made these posts yet here we are
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Probably because of me.
I always make a point of bringing up Darkwood in Isolation threads or whenever it's mentioned I say Darkwood is better as a reply.
And I will continue to do so.

I like both games equally really, they aren't comparable.
one of the most common complaints about Alien Isolation is that it’s a couple of hours too long, but I thought it was awesome. shame there never was a sequel.

The dog interaction UI was such a mess, who the fuck approved that shit?
completely different games. op is a faggot.
Darkwood managed to actually scare me without a single Jumpscare

that's it. 10/10. I haven't even seen what's REALLY at night because I'm scared
>none of those are deleted
so this faggot is a friend of some trannitor or is a trannitor himself, got it

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