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Servers go live in about 2 hours.
Will /v/ be playing this?
hell no
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>looter shooter
yep, already pre loaded it
Why do all these sci fi gams have the exact same art style? It's so fucking sloppy and unimpressive to look at.
Because they're all made on Unreal Engine.
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>nexon p2w fomo grindfest
yea i am fiending for some mediocre looting and shooting
yeah, bunnychads where we at?
>p2w in a game without pvp
I will play it until the f2p grind becomes too much for me to bear
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Just in time for the goon sesh.
buy an ad
I don't buy that. Borderlands was made on UE too, this is just a case of incompetent art directors and hiring from the same pool of shitty Artstation scifi artists.
How much FOMO will this one have?
>not 1 but 2 (two) rootkits
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I will play.
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>he thinks nexon can't p2w even in pve
I know nothing about this game
Which qt big titty girl should I play as?
viessa, she is one of the 3 starting chars
not in your dreams Nexon
Yeah probably for a bit, game was decent enough.
1 more hour?
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anon have you heard of a little game titled maple story? spoiler: it doesn't have pvp
i don't play chink shit
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Nice launch retards
Nexon hasn't been nearly as bad (at least in global versions) recently. They've been taking a lot of the p2w out of their older games.
still 50min left dumb dog
1 hour 50 minutes*
Yes please!
no 50min, 09:00 cest
Gley best girl!
launches at 12amPST its currently 11:15PM you do the math
16:00 kst if thats better for you streetshitter
another gook slop?
>free to play looter shooter

Oh boy it's like a second full time job
>it doesnt have pvp
>you can beat every content with starting free stuffs
>its only cosmetic
>they all look ugly anyway
every microtransaction apologizers
I'll play it until something good comes out, does anything good even come out in July?
you can get the paid skins fore free with grinding ;)
Can you get ultimate characters without spending?
yeah just takes some time
they intend for you to grind dailies and weekly activities to be able to earn the ultimate descendants via gameplay
they want you to play it almost like a 2nd job
>they want you to play it almost like a 2nd job
yes, that's the fucking point of every f2p game. they want it to be tedious as fuck, so you'd think "eh, i don't want to spend so much time on it, i wanna have fun", and then you'd spend money. that's literally the most basic psychological trick in all of these games
Post some ass?
cute, who is he?
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Are the chicks cute?
10min bros
I can't stand gook shills for some reason
idk it looks interesting enough for 30 gigs and I have a day to burn tomorrow
it's probably dogshit though lets be honest with ourselves
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Brushed teeth
Got protein shake

I am ready
at least this game is being shilled on the ground level instead of 1 month into release when all the fomo stuff is already on the way out
pretty based for a tripfag
>play for cute girls
>make webms of cute girls
>uninstall when I get bored after a few hours
got a game plan.
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Why won't the game let me adjust graphics settings prior to launch?
buy an ad shill
I unironically hate dailies/weeklies shit, especially if progression are locked behind it like Gundam Evo where you can only gain currency with battlepass progression which can only be gained with dailies/weeklies
what if I can only play during the weekend or whatever
then I wont be able to progress and get anything at all
Be careful I heard some peoples GPU were overheating during the last open beta keep an eye on them temps
slept 2 hours
already had a massive argument with the girls in the morning
have to work from home till 5 and poeple have called in sick
downed 500ml red bull but it dindo nothing
didnt shower yet

ye im thinkin its gamin time
just cap the framerate broe
because it detects your best settings and adjusts them accordingly
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heard bunny falls off late game can anyone that was in all the betas confirm or deny?
why are chinks such paypigs?
Jank, low polished Korean looter shooter which will surely have P2W elements since it's from Nexon.

This is the last game /v/ needs to shill.
mint pickers
Any opinions now become moot once any balance patch lands
game is easy anyways who cares
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it's up
kek my gpu just hit 82c waiting at the loggin screen
There was nothing new released in past month worth talking.
We ddos'd them
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Very epic guys
small indie company please understand
It's working
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>the vulgus
Which starter would have the smoothest early game progression?
Both tech tests were miserable
The game is bland and boring at every level
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Okay poorfag.

Have fun with your unpaid job instead of looking for one that'll help out your situation kek.
Should I sit on the login screen while it spins on "connecting..." or should I re-launch the game to try to connect?
>overdesigned gookshit
>popup on steam about friend starting it up
>remember it exists after merely hours from last hearing about it
LOL no.
I'm not paying any fucking money for something I don't get to own.
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looking good
>no example of new game worth talking was given
>ad hominem out of the blue
>snitch with random nip
That actually looks awful what even is that shit.
as soon as i learnt it was korean i was out
Audio language? Recommendations?
>Showering before exercise
If you're browsing this board and online you should already know what's out. I ain't playing into your bait you retard.
I was pretty drunk when i checked out the open beta, i vaguely remember this being a warframe/destiny hybrid
how long until the porn?
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>check catalog
>sexsexsex, baits, news, ancient games
There is no new games whatsoever, this one is the only one.
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True and ethical SSFHCF2P reporting in
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Damn, looking good so far. <100 render res and sub-60fps in a cutscene.
bro your computer is on fire...
totally organic and no advertising thread here you guys
where is the cash shop?
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Looks like shit.
Why should I care?

Just kidding, don't answer. You're already wrong.
Is this more like Warframe where you can collect metric ton of classes (warframes) or more like destiny 2 where you pick one class and stack with it?
There were literally 3 MMO expansions released this month..
Is there crossplay? I'm downloading it on PS5 right now because of this thread, all without looking up a single thing.
>MMO expansions
>new games
Anon, this may surprise you but expansions and DLC are not "new games"
Sell your radiator laptop and get a PC that can actually run games without thermal throttling.

Holy Fuck, these are just cutscenes and you're hitting 90°C.
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Nice intro stage, but I suck at aiming at higher difficulty with the grappling system.
Im just not good anymore.
What the fuck is this? Only heard about it yesterday.
if its as good as warframe i will play it
I need to clean dust and repaste the GPU
go to the research girl and click on the premium currency at the top right
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Cool, another shitty game that will be obnoxiously and agressively pushed with a bunch of annoying trannies because OMG IT HAS KOREAN WOMEN AND BOOBS AND PUSSY AND ASS only even worse than before because it's a fucking P2W nexon title.
Lower your mouse sensitivity?
>commander Greg
Latter. You're expected to grind up at least a few different 'character/classes' to swap around as needed. Of course near the start beyond your starter + Bunny, the rest are agonizing to get. Including that they have a 'Prime' system called 'True' versions that works exactly as you think it does.
>ultimate characters cost $100
what the fuck
It won't help, lol
Can you get other starters later?
Nigger, it's a shitty korean ripoff of warframe made by nexon who paid more money for marketing than making sure the game is actually good.
100 if you want all the extra shit basic one is 60 still a fucking lot for a skin
>N-nexon will learn guys! they w-won't scam you
>100 dollar skin
Yeah you're right $60 outside of bundle

$60 is fucking insane for what it is, i am in shock.
Is Ultimate just a skin?
No, it has stat changes
so which starter do you pick?
Does anyone have a screenshot ingame of the 100$ skin?
I'm under no delusions that this game is anything but >Nexon fucking up anything decent about it but to this day I'll never understand what people see in Warframe.
No it's $60 for a better version of the character,

I was expecting $25 tops
Intern faggot, stop posting and make a real resume.
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It's not $60 for a skin, its for a better version of a character, you can get a normal character for about $10
>game keeps crashing
zzz this didnt happen in any of the betas
grenade dude have cool skills but he is boring af, bulky guy have awful skills, rolled with girl
>better version of a character
do they have new skills or just better stats?
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>$60 character upgrade

Glad we have this shill thread.
Yep and I have the moving mouse lags the game issue in this game too
If caching shaders wasn't annoying enough god I hate modern gaming so much
And there's the "SEX WITH [random character]", do they pay you a lot for artificially creating hype and "interest" like this?
Think I'll hold off a few days until people can form a proper opinion on how bad the monitisation is or not.

I don't mind grinding but if the grind is really bad to incentivise buying stuff then I'm not touching it.
better all round stats. they are just a straight upgrade for the characters
You have to be an absolute cuck to shell out 60$ for ONE fucking character. And I thought the SF6 character passes were already bad.
I hate the asset load stuttering.
It's the "Warframe Prime" situation. Better core stats meaning better stats post-leveling. Otherwise exactly the same beyond new skin option.
>Girl gets beaten up and thrown away
>Lands with her butt facing the camera
Yep, it's a Korean game
$60 for one character?

Lol, that is a total rip off. You can buy a full game that money. Won't stop the whales and coomers though.

I had hopes for this game but they are fading.
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The beta's also wasn't trying to access parts of my PC it wasn't suppose to.
Is it Unreal? I always get a strange sense of jankiness even though the framerate appears smooth in those games.
you can farm the mats and build the 60$ character for free
I wish they were as cheap as primes, at least when i played WF. It's going to be really annoying leveling a character knowing you are playing an objectively lesser version, and i have a feeling that is the exact feeling they want me to have.
>farm mats
bruh see you in 300hrs when you get it for free
You can only buy the ultimate versions, you can't farm them for free.
Ooooooooor you could instead spend that time playing an actually fun game. Daily reminder that niggers defending microtransactions because "NOOOO YOU CAN AVOID IT VIA MISERABLE GRIND AND TURNING PLAYING A GAME INTO A JOB" are the biggest cucks on this planet.
>Almost an hour into launch
So many retards throwing money at Nexon already.
>she's seething with rage
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>base hero
>shop looks like this
I fucking hate this shit like you guys wouldn't believe, I am going to play for a bit to get a feel how horrible the grind is for getting stuff free, if it turns out its korean tier i am dropping this shit.
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If it was just cosmetics it wouldn't be so bad but having characters and weapons is pretty bad. How do you justify charging $60 for a character? That is just ridiculous. If it was $5-$10 I could understand but $60? Lol, lmao even. I truly hope no one is dumb enough to spend that kind of money on a character.
Yeah, I know that you're seething with rage because you're not generating enough hype and positive engagement. Here's some advice: when Nexon fires you, get forklift certified. You'll be doing actual work and won't go hungry.
>Korean tier
But it already is Korean..
I could accept if the ultimates were just $60 for a sidegrade of the normal characters with a special skin. But $60 for just an upgrade? horrible

And you're right, it should have been $20-30 for an ulti and 5 for the base at best
Yeah, I can imagine that this was part of your "fitting in with 4chan culture" training.
No, I'm just a hetero male that wants to have sex with hot women
>greentext + image
You're missing the cool one liner, kiddo
Maybe it magically avoided the bugman curse, i will find out after a few hours of play. I just know i am not playing a game that wants me to treat it like a full time career.

Also the real kicker is that you need special drops to craft things like heros free, and we know how nexon is with random drops and fucking people over. so my hopes are already in the dirt, i dread seeing how many hours it will take to make an ultimate free.
Wow, that's why you simp for nexon P2W shit with generic korean coombait?
New 'characters' planned once every 2 months please understand.
Legit there's a core item you can only get from the Hard version of the Raids and you need 3 of them to craft one.
Shills mad
>Legit there's a core item you can only get from the Hard version of the Raids and you need 3 of them to craft one.
I don't know if you're trying to inspire hope or dread, but i only feel dread reading this knowing you also need other random drop material first to get the item from raids
Lol, the pre battle pass looks like shit too. No skin. No wonder ow has 100 mil players
>inb4 more $60 characters that power creep the cast every 2 months
>harder content that requires these meta characters and builds
>this harder content is the only way to get meta characters free
>drop rates insanely low for the mats you need
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It has a hot girl and is on PC so I will play it. Simple as.
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What did you expect from Nexonslop lmao
/v/ been giving the warnings
I assumed this game was fucked, i just hoped it wasn't.
I was wondering why the game seemed so fucking blurry. Forced TAA.
its literally just warframe
its much more expensive more grindy warframe actually
Does UE5 come with its own assets? It really feels like the same game visually most of the time.
i mean that ultimate bunny skin is pure sex i might just buy it too
It's the same with all unrealslop where shitty devs don't let you choose in the menus, we'll have to wait for one guy to write up a .ini edit to change the forced TAA to something else and increase lod bias settings
Probably tomorrow. I'm finishing off ER today. If the monetization is atrocious I will drop the game tho regardless of how much I like everything else about it.
I look forward to listening to a YouTube essay on why this crashed and burned.
Kill yourself tranny.
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looks like trash, oh wait it's nexon of course it's trash
I h8 all these rented engine games that all look the same
/v/ lost
If you want a game that is worse than destiny or warframe but expects you to spend way more money this is a 10/10.

TLDR: If you are retarded this game is for you!
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>Game with a grapple hook in big open environments
>Buildings have invisible walls to stop you from jumping on top of them
Are you fucking serious?
Honestly, hour in and it seems fun.
>If you want a game that is worse than destiny
Bullshit, Destiny is trash. Warframe is gold standard I'll give you that but sometimes you want something new even if it's worse.
The Hook legit just feels like an awkward dash on CD then it does a real movement tool. The game honestly doesn't expect you to spiderman around.
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>another nexon game designed to generate a fuckton of money from social rejects with the lowest effort possible
i'm lr4 in warframe and the next big update is in 2025, till then i'll try other games like this one
pretty based game so far
not gonna spend a single cent but its pretty smooth
I'm already EXTREMELY bored holy shit.
Also the lag sucks from Ausfailia.
Seems fun to me.
lmao I don't want to play that shit. Warframe is like a decade old and has a learning curve bigger than your mom
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this game is objectively shit but the girls are hot so there is a very big conflict going on here with my wallet
valby and gleyna look like the move
>more grindy warframe
Hard to believe that's possible, but I suppose the Koreans would be the ones to pull it off.
didn't have lag in WA, but yeah, after a couple of hours and 0 challenge I have no intention of playing again
I don't know if I should spend 100 Euro on Bunny, Gley or Viessa
is it just me or this game is gunning for goty
is there any way to just do a long shader build instead of doing it every time i load a new area jesus christ
All I'm seeing is generic korean bitches
buy an ad
it is
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will hot girls be enough to save the game
gun for an ad
I did two missions as Mr. Grenade Man
Story is ass, game runs like ass, gameplay is average and below Destiny (I do not like Destiny) so why bother?
why can't I play as marcus?
Warframe isn't as grindy as it used to be unless you count kuva/tennet weapons. Now for frames they have a "pity system" where you can go to a shop and exchange your pity currency for what you want.
A shame it took them close to a decade to add that fucking system.
t. farmed Nidus the hard way back in the days and quit warframe for 3 years after that
You arent homo enough for him yet
do they still have fully modeled nipples if you clip through clothes?
Not hot enough. They need to be ultimate bunny tier at least.
they removed the ability to clip the camera into characters
ill just wait for the models to get ripped and fap to the porn
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its not looking good for us sisters...
>168k in game
wonder how hard its going to drop in a couple days
been playing for the past 20 mins, why are these onions descendants trying to stop the chad karel?
So this is Warframe but 10x more expensive? Is there any way to get the "Prime" versions of the descendants or are they just completely locked behind 60-100 dollars?
I left a bad review a few minutes i saw the price of the ultimate characters
>game runs like ass
it does just fine on my mid ass pc
I expect the numbers to double by the end of the day
You can get the "primes" ""FREE"" but expect at minimum maybe 300hr of grinding if the beta material drop rates hold true, but it might be much worse now
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It is more expensive but let's not act like it's 10 times worse. Yes you get plat with a prime access but look at the prices.
wfsisters what's this?!?!?!?!?!
bro just look at all that value
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as usual the chinks are practically critics on steam, they've already gamed the system to leave a negative review at launch so that the developer make changes/demands they want as soon as possible
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Im sold
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I am just gonna wait for the porn, not worth $60
Don't get me wrong, I hate nexon too and think these gooks are too greedy. I just don't want people to act like DE aren't greedy jews too especially when you need to buy slots with plat for just about every new bullshit they keep adding.
I hope TFD does well so maybe DE will finally release some actual content because let's be real the last real content was Duviri (lmao whispers in the wall fuck you it was just a new tileset and shitty alchemy) and Duviri was fucking shit.
>inb4 but muh rebecca engoodening
Engoodened fuckall.
Do I have to wait a week for my armor and guns to craft? If not, playing instantly.
Wow, this looks souless as hell.
Average Nexon shill.
You can earn prime stuff in Warframe without ever touching platinum. And you can get platinum without ever touching your wallet.
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>warframe clone
>no sexy robots
why take away the one good reason to play
With this and Shadow of the Erdtree, I wonder if/when Valve will split the review score on the store page into different languages.
They need to put an Ultimate Premium bundle on 40-50% sale each month and the game is fixed.
>a single character costing more than a AAA game? Ridiculous!
>a single character costing slightly more than a AA game? Sure, that's fine.

Don't care about this looter shooter turd
I'm waiting for the new Vindictus from them
koreans are like if jews went all in on fucking the world out of as much money possible instead of meddling in affairs, this monetization is wild
absolutely not, jesus christ man
I would accept a blowjob from a plastic korean but I would never, EVER play a korean video game.
opposite for me
>lil bro's first freemium game
What? You just want to get everything for free? Go shovel some more cow shit, Rajesh.
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>that eng dub
kind of reminds me of a soulless huxley with worse gunplay so far.
I will simply pay for, and play, complete games.

i played like 1 hour of this game and took screens of the coom so (you) wouldn't have to
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yes I see now
reeee disconnected from server during boss fight
Hey nexon dev how do I get more ammo?
It’s a lot of fun so far. The only similar game I’ve played is destiny 2, but I’m worried this one is going to be heavier on the microtransactions. When I played destiny, it was basically the season pass and everything else was gay skins and dances. Is that the case with this, or do they withhold actual good stuff behind a paywall?
and that's kinda it. don't spend money on this lads
Seems cool but now I'm bummed out I missed out on the beta rewards.
But destiny wasn't f2p at first, made you pay for expansions and then removed some of the content they made you pay for. It's clearly not the same model.
season every 3 months
new hero every 3 months
Anon these games always start out good, you will hit the wall that tries to milk you later.
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>Wow, this looks souless as hell.
yeah, if you have any interest this gonna be the best time. the next step is player count declining as they milk the remaining whales and then do a "revamp" in 3-5 years where they bring people back for a few months and then shut down
Nah, the chinks are just better at voicing complaints compared to westerners being corporate bootlickers.
>not leaving bad reviews on f2p game as means to force devs to comply
learn from chinks, they bend each and every developer to their will by negative reviews
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The suit stays on.
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This is 60$?
So before I waste my time, how p2w is this slop?
what do you think
Then tell me how it’s different, because to me it’s a carbon copy. I don’t mind paying for season passes, but I expect to have access to everything worthwhile with a little grinding
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>all the women have literally the same body
>not in a "waah everyone is sexy" way but literally the same body with just some minor changes in height and arm length
i very much remember bunny and valby having different butts
Aside from the $60 pricetag on the Ultimates, the most ridiculous thing is being able to buy Bunny at all. You get her at like level 10 in the crafting tutorial.
>its only cosmetic
That one is and always will be valid.
only in this case it's not only cosmetic
No it's not, because cosmetics USED to be only awarded for progressing in the game,finding secrets and completing challenges, and therefore were an actually fun part of a game. Now it's "GUYS CHECK OUT IM WASTING MONEY ON SKINS AREN'T I COOL?!"
>uncheck boxes
>click "Start"
There's no character customization?
I cant. My whore sister needed a place to study
for her exams because she had enough of our parents and she is in my tv room.
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oh baby love me some bnuuy
>Base version of Bunny is hotter than any of the paid alternatives
Works for me.
Have her sit on your face
This game isn't gonna last long. It's a f2p meaning it needs to reach a huge playerbase and all the poor people still running a laptop with a 1060 won't be able to run it.
you still need to level them anyways because their mastery works just like Warframe, so your levels as the base version contribute seperate from the ultimate(prime) version
Does this game have founders packs or anything of the sort
giving bunny for free will singlehandedly boost playerbase by billions
What even is a "Socket Type"?
so is the premium currency earnable at all or should i just tell the game to fuck off
If shes a whore why arent you fucking her? Some kinda cuck? That stuffs bad for you mentally. Fuck your whore sister.
Ultimate descendants work exactly the same as Warframe, where you go get relics and crack them open for Ultimate parts
It's this game's version of Forma, where if you hit max level and then apply the socket type to reduce the cost of a mod, it resets the level of the descendant(frame). Basically you can't level to max, apply a forma, and level again for more mastery. you only get it once
Get back to me when the models have been ripped.
I think trading is either in or coming soon, the devs didn't really seem to specify. If it works like warframe, you'll be able to farm ultimate parts and sell them to other players for premium currency
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Just like in my doujins. You know what to do, Descartes would agree.
ohh i see
Warframe didn't really click for me, maybe this will
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>progress too fast now the areas are empty and im just doing missions alone

Makes for some boring gameplay
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I'm kinda busy this week, there's any event I shouldn't miss?
nah, it looks like the pre season shit lasts for a month so you should be fine
no blurry upscaled girl is ever gonna save anything except my money
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Warframe slot stuff. Match icon with mark, mod costs less. Otherwise mod cost more. Ult's are 'Primes' and have one more slot keyed by default.
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>check The First Descendant
>"oh it's free! gonna paly it and not spent a cent on it"
>2 hours of playing later
>check store
>se all the skins
oh god, oh lord. Give me strength to not fall and give in to these Jewish tricks.
Yeah I was the same way with some of the Tennogen skins in Warframe
>battlepass doesn't have currency to unlock the next one for free
Its over. This is fairly common to retain players with fomo. Every major live service does it. Game won't survive.
PVP doesn't have to be direct, leader boards/rankings are a form of pvp. now if it doesn't have those than you can say it's not p2w
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>f2p online shooter
>KOREAN f2p online shooter, no less
What the actual fuck did you expect?
My first impressions:
Like the graphics but the pixels seem a bit fizzly in some scenes especially around the hair.
I didn't have any performance issues.
Story is inoffensively generic. It's to be expected for the first few hours of a live service looter shooter so I don't hold it against it. Gameplay is way more important for these types of games. Maybe it'll get interesting later.
Gameplay is kind of shallow at the moment? Again, I've only experienced the first few hours so I might be unaware of existing mechanics or just haven't mastered them enough to find them meaningful or maybe it'll get deeper later but it kind of feels like progression will only make the numbers bigger and there won't be new core mechanics or deeper gameplay. The gunplay and character skills don't feel remarkable.
Grappling seems to have potential of opening a wide range of moves if you master it. You can kinda swing like Spider-man and if you somehow build momentum it's quite faster than running. That's kinda fun.
Right now, I don't hate it but it hasn't won me over either. But the female characters look fucking hot so there's that.
Moar liek GHEY code lmao
anon thats now how you spell gey
The enemy's AI is mentally retarded. The gun feels mediocre and lacks the sense of impact. Optimize the rashi and the server also rashies at the same time.

It’s better to play the mechanical copy of Destiny 2, Warframe’s Meat Pigeon, or The Division’s gun-mixing skills.

There is a lump in the stool. Doesn’t it look like it was copied?
>play live service game on launch
enjoy your 10 hours of content retards
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wow, totally organic
It's boring. Have you ever played the missions you wrote?
Did I play a beta of this a year or more ago, or is it just another reskin of those games?
tripfag on the eldar path of the well-adjusted
Turn up the quality....it's so laggy.....turn down the quality, it's not that laggy for a 2008 web game......
How long do I have to play to unlock Bunny?
great post
Just remember that you're going to drop this game in a week.
Most people ain't like that.
yep I'm thinking it's GOONING time
This is really bad. It will just scare away the female playerbase with oversexualization. Your whole audience will be only men.
Turn on DLSS, it was turned off by default for me.

Very fast, just couple of missions, and when you craft her she's already lvl 10
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Reach the first raid fight for the 'Blueprint' to put the parts together. The game will speed build bunny as part of the training but it otherwise takes 72 hours to put together. You also get each of the 3 'not chasis/systems/neuroptics' parts prebuilt where otherwise you have to still build them yourself.
Is this the best marketeers can come up with?
I had a bluescreen crash, playtime 3 hours
i think that is upscaling problems (i turned it of cos it looked shit and did not increased framerate)
for me the issue is the higher res textures loading 2 seconds too late in cutscenes in closeups
The characters have the charm and personality of wet cardboard. The lines of dialogue are atrocious. Very typical of korean garbage.
>for me the issue is the higher res textures loading 2 seconds too late in cutscenes in closeups
are you on a M.2 drive? might be slower standard SSD speeds causing that
It's a nexon game. They'll shut it down by next year.

all games that cost a lot of produce have a WHALE paypigs milker offers, witch is fine, those pll funding those games

what is bad is if they make max level battle pass lets say 100 for example but next 15 levels of bp give you more of some big special currency that allow you to buy some special fused/upgraded stuff
but the only way to get those levels is to spend 3 times more than battlepass cost itself
just an example
Surprisingly, CSN: Z is still alive.
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Ultimate = Warframe Primes
You can grind them for free or buy the bundles. Exactly how Warframe does it. They are not skins. I dont know why this board loves to spread misinformation and everyone just believes it without questioning.
The current 6th-most-played game on Steam isn't going to shut down within a year.
Nexon literally has a 30 year old mmo still up and running
what is the first 2 options? a random decendant?
i want to play vampire mommy Gley
You said the same about Battlebit and even a free weekend couldn't save it.
>grind them for free
Bro it would probably take more raw hours to grind one in this game than it took me to get qualified in machining.
Can you trade premium currency with other players in this game?
No shit. Its a grinding game. You grind it. Thats the point.
Random materials or a chance to get a material that goes to unlocking a Descendant
See >>681486527 (Me) which I got out of the first one
Not really, but it's not like I'm rooting for its downfall to anything.
No. And i know shills will be defending how this game does it, but primes price wise and ease of access for grinding free are MUCH better than ultimates.
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>Game has inventory slots
>Also not!warframe slots
Oh boy
>Can't trade for the not!plat and you're on your own for materials
Also by 'early game' they mean all of the 'Normal' raids. Hard's are for ult's and the second set of not!warframes.
Sadly this game will land a few wales and make a bezzilion dollars.
it's not a mobile game anon
I swear I played this exact game a couple years ago, same exact models and all.
I think there was a beta event last year or the year before that you might have played.
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That was First Sector, the prequel to First Descendants
Knew nothing about this turd game and still instantly knew it would have mixed reviews kek
>UI is still generic
Well at least it runs significantly better for a UE5 game. Hopefully this goes anywhere but I won't hold my breath. For now it's a nice excuse to mindlessly chill online with friends
>i think that is upscaling problems (i turned it of cos it looked shit and did not increased framerate)
I do not have any upscaling enabled.
I bet it's because of their previous CEO suiciding, I have no faith in nexon after what they did to Vindictus and Combat arms
But I do wish TFD fags dont end up with the same fate as unlikely as that is.

Personally I got too much Nexon fatigue to ever play any of their games again.
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Bros she's so cute...
I played for an hour this morning and it feels extremely fucking janky.
What languages are available for dubbing? I absolutely HATE the eng and I'm even willing to put it on korean dub even if I don't understand a word.
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did i have a fucking stroke and develop face blindness or something? how are these not really bad compared to the average gook cuties?
>P2W garbage that was even too much for koreans
Uhm, no?
English and Korean.
So how pay 2 win is this?
Just as pay to win as Warframe and Destiny.
You made that? Well done.
There is no character creator
It's all pre-made models
Is the gameplay as boring as the trailer make it seem?
No, you're right, they look awful compared to shit like Vindictus or anything else really.
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Mixed reviews are a given these days for anything on launch day. "People" and especially not people (Chinese) think steam bombing is going to matter. I'd guess a 3rd of the bad reviews are from chinks or SEAnigs with a 1050 gtx laptop trying to run a shitreal engine 5 game.
Kind of.
It's a slower Warframe with much less fluidity in motion and movement.
I played the first five missions and 1-2 tapped the enemies. There weren't many.
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3 hours max before uninstall
prove me wrong nexon
What did Korean players say?
Do you at least start with a sexy waifu character, or are they all behind a paywall?
You can start with >>681489269
and quickly unlock Bunny
Koreans are very mad at Nexon lately for all kinds of other shit, and that is definitely bleeding over into this game.
At the start you can pick >>681489269
There are several other girls but you need to farm for them.
its unreal engine 5. never trust the fps meter in unreal engine. the frametimes dont match the framrate. thats why it doesnt feel smooth. everything always feel like 33.3ms with the stutter.

all these unreal engine games in 2024 and beyond are genuinely TERRIBLE. wuthering waves, this shit, and more all have shader stutter, blurry as hell TAA, retarded game design that just screams in volumes "i'm a gaas slop thats still in beta and i couldnt give a fuck because im designed to sell mtx before i eos"
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>HRT Frost
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Oh no... Don't show this image to circumcised bros they will get mad.
Hard agree. Wuthering waves looked like shit and I had to lurk reddit for some guy to post a engine.ini edit to remove half of the filters and the blur to make the game show more than 5 meters away and it still had texture loading issues. Wuwa used unreal engine 4 though. Dropped it in less than a week anyway.
so games with trans fat fucks characters means developers are extra confident in their gameplay, you fucking mongoloid?
Is there Vanguard or any other root level anticheat in this game?
>already mixed
And yet every game with ugly characters is flopping these days. Retard.
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Game has some high tier cuties.
>another coomer game flopped
who woulda thunk you need gameplay
Use the handgun early on, it's pretty OP against sponges
At least it can auto generate generic looking brown environment that looks identical between every single game that uses the engine.
Kys faggot, the game is ludo
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Something called blackcipher64 but you can legit have windows defender block it and the game'll run just fine as a result.
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>spending money on destiny skins
>could have bought sexy hot slut skins instead
I feel sorry for destiny niggers lmao.
This shit won't last more then a few months, they tried to be Warframe with tits but didn't innovate as much as warframe. Hell, it seems like Destiny Lite more the anything else gameplay wise, and I don't see the gameplay getting anymore interesting.

It's serviceable and that's why I hate it. It's not trying to be anything but safe.
If this game is different than Warframe it means it has a chance to be good.
What I'm trying to say Warframe is SHIT.
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>They give you the hottest girl at the start

Have fun grinding or whaling for bunny girl or whatever
that will get fixed soon i bet. dont trust anti cheats like gameguard,xigncode, and other chink/korean based ones.
>This shit won't last more then a few months
Every time you retards say this, the said game proceeds to be very successful and last years.
>works fine on linux
winbabbies BTFO again
How? How Destiny 2 is the only game of Looter Shooter that is able to pull good numbers? Borderlands 3 and Tiny Tina was a flop, Warframe is bleeding players, Anthem failed hyper hard and this gook game looks like generic souless gook? How? How can Bungie trick so many retards on playing that dogshit?
I just played it for the last two hours, and while it looks and feels alright, it's not doing anything special, the weapons aren't unique, the abilities aren't anything new. It's all just shit we've seen before repackaged in Korean flavour.
Really, which _____ killers have lasted years?
How is Wildstar doing?
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wake me up when korea makes S4 League 2 or a true successor to Gunz instead of this low energy cashgrab bullshit
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One more and I can unlock bunnywife.
games like warframe and poe didnt start out being autism incarnate, they slowly made the transition
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Oh boy don't bring this name on this board, pajeets are still recovering from the massive flop that the game was after almost 2 yeras of campaigning and shilling hardcore the game.
You retards never learn huh?
Fuck off Bungie make Nexon look like f2play friendly.
I sure hope culture warring retards try to rally behind this game because of le sexy wahmen. Imagine the mouthbreathing moron who'd eat this slop after nexon got discovered to manually changing their drop rates to 0.00% for 10 years without getting caught.
It's more like they're naive zoomer coomers who havent gotten stung yet, most people here werent even born when maple story or any of the other nexon tragedies were a thing.
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How long until I get bricked by content I'm too poor to be a part of
thats a big no
western tier uggos
Why isn't she screaming? She should scream to show her woman power
So how many weapon/character slots do you get at the start?
And can you get more without paying?
2 warframe slots and 8 weapon slots
Every time I move my mouse game freezes. If i don't touch the mouse i can move around with wasd and it's fine. Haven't had this problem in beta. Uninstalled.
What the hell is Ecive Display time?
Unreal Engine games are SO fucking damn generic god DAMN.
How about earning more without paying?
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you get 8 slots for characters and like 75 slots for all the other shit, that will still fill up quickly so I just scrap or sell all the junk that I get. you get more slots the higher mastery rank you go
I want to fuck Gley.
i dont think you know what ludo means
Pressing Tab triggers a wireframe that shows enemy locations and item pick ups. That's Ecive Display.
wont stop stuttering on my 4090 system
>He doesn't have a 5090
Probably your CPU, it's a UE5 game.
Enable DLSS and set to balanced
Turn off V-sync
Set max fps to 95
Turn off Motion Blur
turn on dlss. UE5 is a bane upon the industry and isn't made to render anything natively. it assumes the user will always be upscaling
you have to buy with premium currency, doesn't seem like there's a way to grind it in-game but they are planning to add trading in the future
its a 7800x3d. theres no other faster cpu for unreal engine/gaming since intel crashes/throttles.

dlss just makes the visuals worse but frametimes are the same stuttery mess.
vsync doesnt do anything on a gsync display unless you exceed your hz.
motion blur is already off because the taa blur is so bad.
Is the endless mission not working or did they limit it or something? The one where you grind XP
Show me a hot character you like anon.
>this game is objectively shit but the girls are hot so there is a very big conflict going
average /v/ poster 2024
also they all have same disgusting short fat legs, 1 body type
You mean defence? It's not endless per se but very long
I'm on a 5800x3d and 2080ti. No stutters at all. Feels smooth as butter. Sounds like you just don't know how to set up your PC properly bro.
This one, it just end right away, must be bugged
Wait hold on. These are supposed to be different characters and not just 1 person in different outfits?
Putting time in these types of game is practically worthless until there is a final verdict on the endgame which is the only thing that actually matters
But at the same time there's so much fun to be had at launch...
If it's like any other Nexonslop, you will be fine until you reach "max" level and then the suffering begins
This feels more like destiny than destiny 2 does. Drop in drop out coop play on maps is really nice.
Purchase an advertisement banner, faggot.
Shut your fucking mouth tranny before I shut it for you.
The sunk cost is real
I have a friend who constantly complains about how shit the game is but he always buys the new expansions saying
>I've already put so much money into the game, I want to know how it ends
everyone is saying its unreal engines fault including digitalfoundry. this engine stutters no matter what hardware you have. its even stated in the dxvk faq.
Do you use a mouse with over 1k polling rate? Not even joking, many games don't support over that and start stuttering if you use a 2k/4k/8k mouse.
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Why does she dress like this?
Circumcision was a mistake.
The artist had too much time to make her and continued adding shit long after he should have stopped.
Pvp Is PLAYER VS PLAYER, doesn´t matter what kind of competition is. If the microtransactions affect the "performance" of the one who buys them, its p2w
My condolences. During the Beta people were complaining about performance on that one card in particular for whatever reason.
Guess they never fixed it, lol
try restarting your pc
Check if you have any programs running on the background
I had this weird stuttering only when moving my mouse and I found out it was Easy Anti Cheat not liking this mouse gesture program I was using
This is based though
Hahaha, what a dumpster fire, 80 dollars for a single skin.
hows the end game content if any warframe power fantasy shit got boring way too quick i want a challenge
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>looks great
>runs great on my old low tier 2060 rig
>sounds great
>plays great
What am I supposed to be angry about again? Looks like I've found a new bullshit timewaster. Thanks, gooks.
New world also had an issue with 90, or was it 80, series high end cards, I wonder if there is some connection
The korean and japanese don't really buy into pc gaming like we do
The game just released? How people would experience endgame already?
shit game just like warframe and destiny
jerk off, touch grass and save money
don't think with your penis
t. wasted 70$ on stellar blade
Dilate stupid nigger shill.
i dont underestimate autism
>Try Destiny 2
>Shit and slow
>Try Warframe
>Grindy and fast
>Try this game
>Grindy, slow and expensive
Mmmm, wouldn't it be better to buy a full price game for the cost of one skin?
It's worse.
>Mixed reviews are a given these days for anything on launch day.
Pure cope. Good games don't get bad reviews. Every single complaint on Steam is actually quite legitimate.
Actually turned out pretty good. Significantly less P2W than Warframe since you don't have to dump hundreds of dollars buying prime warframes or on platinum to be granted the privilege of burning hours of your life attempting to trade for vaulted parts, rare modules, or a $500 Riven so you can compete in P2W PvP that is only rivaled by shit like EVE Online.

Played far enough to get my two additional free characters. It's the only game that runs optimized enough to actually let me turn on ray tracing and maintain over 100fps, so that was nice.

Not in the fucking slightest you absolute dumb cunt of a secondary.
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it's weird because it runs flawlessly on my ps5 @4k90fps, tough luck kiddo
How much are you getting paid? Warframe is far more generous than this piece of shit.
>Forced TAA
For fucks sake, yellow niggers, please
my nigga
Performance is fine most of time, performance inside the instances tanks however.
I'm playing with high settings, dlss performance, 144fps, vysnc off. frame generation OFF it makes game textures glitch out it made everything really hazy and fine detail like hair had extreme dithering effect to it. some people were reporting other issues with it causing stuttering and crashing with it turned on. Using abilities causes you drop anything you are holding. It thought it was a glitch, but its just bad design. on the mission you have to place the mine just jog there don't try to speed up with a movement ability.
I kneel
Shill harder.
I maintain triple digit FPS and no stutters with a 3080, 3700X, all settings on high, ray tracing on medium, and DLSS on quality. You are having a genuine skill issue somewhere.

Update your Nvidia driver. Yes, you have to do that, because Nvidia GPUs are optimized entirely on their software. Running modern Nvidia GPUs with drivers older than the game you are playing is a major FPS loss due to how they handle their driver, which they update with each major game release for this very reason.
i think you underestimate how many fem gooners there are
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Kek, so not a single player will be lost?
>already saw a paypiggy ingame with ultimate gley
just like overwatch scared all the female players who are now playing halo or call of duty which doesn't have scary women in them?
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dont be fucking retarded all your life. Its gonna definitely be p2w, its a f2p nexon game you dumb fuck, that doesnt mean its got pvp.

Warframe has pvp but its considered garbage and nobody likes it, the devs made it completely unnecessary to play.
This except instead of being better at voicing complaints, they actually are the corporate bootlickers working to leave negative reviews on the 10-cent-per-day payroll of competing corporations. 99 out of 100 Chinese reviews would be positive if it were the exact same game with no changes but published by Mihoyo.
Cod added Lilith, and she has like cup a boobs, but they are like still visible under the clothes so no woman is able to play cod now :((((
And it runs like ass on my mid end pc unless i play at mid settings and lock to 60fps which is just shit for a shooter. At least lag is gone now but in public nobody is joining.
Just a few days ago people were leaving bad reviews on elden poop's dlc because they were too stupid to find the fragments.
Steam reviews are 90% low iq people or poor people (often goes hand in hand) and 10% legitimate issues.
they will never be real women
>Also by 'early game' they mean all of the 'Normal' raids
No, they mean you get a free descendant both from the first and third zones. It takes less than two hours to get both of them if you're not shit at casual shooting games. Most people who have played it should have both by now.
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>Just a few days ago people were leaving bad reviews on elden poop's dlc because they were too stupid to find the fragments.
You can just read them yourself, most of them complain about the bad performance and predatory monetization.
>main quest bugged
>restart and try again
>terminal hack still won't work

nice shit trash game
>you get a free descendant both from the first and third zones
Can you choose freely or do you get a specific one?
>no oceania, not even indonesia server

what even is THAT

The game just came out and people are already paying for premium currency?
/Thread for me
yeah they can't stop consuming by buying skins + premium battlepass like good slaves
>buzzwords and coombait: the game
OP please kill yourself. tonight.
Why don't you like coombait? You circumcised or something?
paying to skip content is pay to win in the context of pve games. if you could pay to skip to the end of, say, dark souls, that would be paying to win.

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