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I am tired of getting into a new boss room and realizing I will have to spend the next two hours bashing my head against a wall until I have memorized the patterns, is this really "fun"?
To each their own. Common sense exists. Irl at least.
Depends on the boss. Midra, Messmer, and Rellana, yes. Gaius, Putrescent Knight, and Rapedahn, no.
For some reason, this was the only game in recent memory that I forced myself through despite not enjoying it at all. The base game has its merits here and there, but I honestly did not like the DLC after Belurat (first legacy dungeon). A part of it was the novelty of "being there with everyone else on launch", especially completing it before the scadu blessing changes went live.

I have no desire to play the game again though. It's just not for me.
why did 25 million people suddenly decide to buy a souls game and then realize its not for them. you didnt have to follow the hivemind. just stop playing if its not fun or are you incapable of not following the flavor of the month
I don't understand how people beat it in a single day or two, I've been playing since release day and I'm only halfway through. Or they just did not explore at all. Why bother playing ER if you don't explore?
what's wrong with gaius and putrescent knight?
too easy to be fun? surely not since you thought midra was fun
>go through an entire dungeon of annoying enemies, gank squads and instakill traps
>reward is smithing stone (4) and great grave glovewort
NTA but Gaius is loaded with shitboxes and he's so mobile that will fling himself past you constantly so there's very little room for punishment.
>two hours
If it takes you that long you either suck or you need more scadus. The only one smwho should take that long is final boss. If you suck, that's fine, but it probably explains why others find it fun and you don't.
Only bosses that took me more than 2 hours was Rellana and Radahn. Everything else was pretty reasonable.
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I give a boss 3 honest tries until I summon the only bitch I trust and delete the boss from existence. Not about to waste my time with these faggot anime fans and their anime combos.
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then use a shield.
>Play a game with a specific design
>Refuse to use the tools given by the game itself to circumvent design if it's not up to your taste
>Never become good at what you do yet continue to play without change or adaptation
Do you people really? What is the mindset here
It was fun before they started making bosses that read your inputs and don't have proper punish windows. It's just dishonest design.
>Refuse to use the tools given by the game itself to circumvent design if it's not up to your taste
Why even play it to begin with then. Sekiro made more sense.
How the heck you get north to the second fingers place?
I've been looking around this freaking tower forever!!
Fromslop is so predictable. In about ten hours of every new title, you've seen the handful of cheap tricks they've added and changed from the last one, and it stops surprising you. It's not challenging, just glorified rock paper scissors
So that you can play the game however you want?
This is an action RPG. Sekiro is an action game. RPGs are about different approaches and choices to a result, not about different challenges to a single playstyle.
How is this difficult to understand after 6 games of the exact same shit?
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Putrescent Knight might be the worst boss they ever made. Not hard, but the pinnacle of annoying.
No, it's an action game masqueraded as an RPG, hence why there is 10 threads in the catalog how no one actually "beat" the game.
It just isn't fulfilling to beat it with magic or summons. It's tacked on easy mode option for journalists.
liking open world trash is as reddit as it gets faggot
>this is what I say it is, not what the developers say it is, and I will keep not having fun to prove my point nobody asked me for
Yeah, I can see how that'd be the mindset necessary for that situation.
At launch, every single Souls game has both complainers and people telling them to shut up and git gud. Elden Ring became too popular too fast, now the former are outnumbering the latter.
Luckily for us, From doesn't seem to give a shit and they keep making harder and harder games.
This is my third playthrough of the game and I still stop do admire the Elden Tree once I get closer to it to see the side where the entrance is. It's not breath taking like it was the first time, but it's still very beautiful.
Yes, you can enjoy your "story mode" but know there isn't much story in elden ring as it's an action game. You are only cheating yourself.
>You are only cheating yourself.
>A quote by the man that is lying to himself about the game he's playing to create challenge that doesn't exist
>To not have any fun with it, on top of it
Well okay then.
Just pick up a shield. They really want you to use other options than just rolling everything.
Are you rune level 150 because you think the community made cap is somehow set in stone? Do you refuse to use more tools? There are so many buffing items and defensive set ups that require no stat allocation. At worse use a shield and that learning will become 30 minutes tops. Use a shield with a weapon that can attack while blocking and that learning will become 5 minutes. Do you think "No those guys on 4chan will say I didn't beat the game."? You're a loser if you think that.
You're kidding right? The only one I haven't one shot is your pic, messme§r. Constant threads about how difficult Bayle the dread is. What? One shot
I like finding hidden or out of the way stuff that adds to the lore of the game, like the warrior jar geol, or the shaman village or St Trina. I wasn't expecting it so it's a nice surprise when I do find them. For me it's a big part of why I love the game.
>Do you think "No those guys on 4chan will say I didn't beat the game."?
No, I will think I didn't beat the game
People who suffer with bayle are 100% "build" fags who have put themselves in a corner that can't use new weapons. The game gives you a giant dragon killing katana with a weapon art that does like double damage to dragons before sending you up a peak full of dragons with a big dragon boss.
And where did that idea come from? Why do you feel that way?
Based, I can't believe those faggots. I am finally at Radhan having done 100% (bar farming every drop), time to end it I suppose
If you're one of the low IQ retards who take 2 hours to memorize simple patterns then feel more than welcome to use one of the many tools that allows you to ignore those same patterns such as
>spirit ashes
>general ranged combat/spellcasting
It's that easy, if you want it to be.
The fact that this picture never happens in Elden Ring is the exact reason why it is a glorious succes while every other open world is slop.
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just block
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>The fact that this picture never happens in Elden Ring
From myself, it has been since Dark Souls 1 where using summons, range, magic or whatever to cheese any obstacle felt wrong. I'll use and abuse it in later playthroughs though
Same for Monster Hunter, if you do any monster online without having beat it solo, you haven't beat the game
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Sounds like autism. Sorry to hear.
same, I feel like I need to earn the right to be able to use all the cheap shit in subsequent plays. for Monster Hunter I need to learn a monster first unless I become a detriment for other players when I play online, it's just common decency.
Show me where, I'll wait
right here: >>681484468
This is a map of lootables, not a map of dungeon rewards
and that's not even including the upgrade mats than you can readily buy from the shop
>I-it doesn't count!
Mindbroken Fromdog.
>Felt wrong
>I feel like I need to
other anon may just be shitting, but this genuinely sounds like autism/obsessive compulsive behaviour. go figure.
Not even talking about the thousands of useless cookbooks
They are crafting maps. Guarded by random ass mobs.
so dont play it, nobody is forcing you, unless you're one of those retards who has to do the current thing

Stop. Insulting. Elden. Ring.

I’m not going to ask again. I’m not being cute. Stop making fun of it. Stop saying it has flaws. You don’t want to mess with us.

we lost…

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No. No it isn't.
It could have been fun, if the difficulty was not hinged on visually confusing attack animations, wonky camera, particle effect obscuring your vision, and damage so high that getting hit twice kills you in 90% of the time, and most combos have 5+ attacks.

While Malenia was a LOT more difficult. She was also way, way more fun, as you could actually see what was going on.
Bosses like this only started to appear in DS3 and even there, they were a minority. In Elden Ring, every single boss save for a few is like this.
Timings would be much easier to learn if you had 10x more hp but 10x less healing. Because right now many players just get into these loops where they get hit once and try to heal while just getting hit more and getting very little learning done per attempt.
git gud used to mean "learn the cheese"
now it means use the retarded outdated roll strat until rng lets you win
>git gud used to mean "learn the cheese"
No it fucking didn't.
We don't use the word "fun" here.
yea it did. when people said "git gud" about gwyn meant cheese him with parry.
Back then parrying was not seen as something easy to do.
same with gargoyles. someone told you to git gud it meant use gold pine resin
oh mother gesture at the statue near gaius opens a secret path
retarded i know
Scadutree Fragments. Exploration makes all the bosses exponentially easier. The devs didn't want people to just rush the bosses in the DLC so they added in a pretty much mandatory upgrade system separate from the main game. If the boss can kill you with 2 standard hits while your attacks barely hurt him, thats a sign you don't have enough fragments. So quickly Quit Game and Continue to exit the boss arena without dying, put a skull mark on the map for the boss you haven't beaten yet, then go looking for those Scadutree Fragments. And those ash upgrades if you fight horseback bosses like dragons.
No. People were told to git gud when they asked for tips on how to beat certain things.
And instead of giving them cheese advice, which is what they wanted, they were told to git gud.
So it was the complete opposite of what you are trying to make it out to be.
just pop an iron jar and flame protect me and spam lion's claw, stupid
What do you mean it doesn't count, it's not even related to the discussion
>go through an entire dungeon
>reward is smithing stone (4) and great grave glovewort

This is the discussion, it clearly states "go through an entire dungeon"
So yes, your map of random items laying on the ground does not indeed count. At no point was is stated that crafting materials do not exist.
Just use cheat engine. Bosses in this game is boring af to play against so they can go fuck themselves while I enjoy exploring the world.
my point is that git gud embodied knowledge of the game rather than mechanical prowess which what it has now turned into.
I did Messemer last night. Spazzy mother fucker. Took him down after about 6 or 7 tries. On my level capped 150 toon. Only partially learned his first phase. That was enough to win.

Now, what's more annoying. Is opening a door, and getting forced into the boss encounter. I just wanted a peek. Not a cutscene!
yes in elden ring he finds nothing at the end
He’s really easy though. I’m not even particularly good at games, but this guy was a breeze. I think it took me two or three tries to work out that attack where he double teams you with his horse, and then when I twigged you jump over his ghost flame attack rather than roll through it, I beat him. A
>Is it fun to use a mix of common sense and experience acquired through prior attempts to uncover and exploit the boss punish windows and adapt my strategy to perform better?
>how people beat it in a single day or two
I started playing on friday when it relased and killed radahn on monday. The next day I checked the wiki to see what I missed and I found everything but the scadutree avatar boss myself.
I even did Ansbach's and Freya's quest correctly.

Just now starting a 2nd playthrough to get tholier's quest because I killed a kindred of rot in my first 2 hours or so and then missed out on that entire line.
Yeah he feels like I'm suppoed to be playing a thrid person shooter or something because he's always out of range.
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Those are zoomers that look up guides on what to do because they are terrified on "missing content"
Bosses like that ARE fun, but only if they're properly spaced out. In base Elden Ring I could clear 9/10 fights reactively without learning them in a couple of goes, which meant the 1 I had to sit and learn was a change of pace. The DLC is more like 1 in 3 that requires fully learning in order to beat, which wore me down long before the end. Was playing just to finish it from around the halfway point.
>riding huge field of nothing for shitty loot
>eyerape colors and outdated graphics
>lazy level design and architecture reminiscent of DaS2
>most of the new enemies are pushovers that get r1'd or backpedaled to death with some boss tier combo machines out of ass
>bossfights are about dodging or blocking 3-6 hit combo with arena sized range to do one attack
>lots of "rope" loot, the first bell sphere you find lets you buy strings
Fromsoft knows their fanbase pretty well and seems to hate it with a passion.
>forced to unlock the dlc in NG+
>Lvl 180
>Walk 20 yards into the first area and find a tomb with some knight in it
>"Heh this will be easy with my over levelled bleed build"
>Barely scratch it and I die in 1 hit

What the fuck
You do not have to continue playing a game you are not enjoying.
messmer was one of the better ones, didnt feel cheap at all
Bosses have massive health pool. It helps to stagger lock them because you're going to be there a while.
Don't listen to this guy, he wants you to miss out on the cool new thing everyone is talking about. You want to be part of the conversation, right? You're not some loser who doesn't like the current thing, are you?
>trying to bleed a ghost
retard alert
>enter arena of myrmidon (red), the giant humanoid with dual greatwords or myrmidon (blue), the superfast ninja humanoid with dual katanas
>enemy immediately turbo spin dash towards you, knocking your ass down even with you wearing all the heavy poise shit
>starts flying and stops mid-air with its giant sword held back, is it going to attack???
>it's doing a fakeout delays that punishes you rolling based on perfectly valid instinct
>the delays is 5 seconds long but the attack itself is 0.0001 millisecond
>can't see it anyway because there's already flames and lighting and shit all over the screen
>and the camera is spazzing out because the enemy is 5x your size despite the arena being a tiny square room
>oh and if you do get the roll on correct reaction, it doesn't matter because input buffer and no animation cancel and you happened to press another button a second ago so your dodge won't be registered
>one hit removes half your health bar
>you try to heal
>enemy input reads and is programmed to complete a full attack animation faster than it takes you to take a sip so you're still low hp
>meanwhile the enemy has already transitioned into another anime spamfest spastic combo
>you finally fond one (1) clean opening after waiting 30 seconds for the combo string to finish after panic rolling 10 times through it
>you try to heal again, this time running on the other side of the arena to keep some distance
>it spams magic beams and fireballs at you
>you still haven't attacked the enemy once
>now you try to attack it but the tracking is so bad, you attack beside it despite it being right in front of you
>enemy just teleported on the other side
>it's now spamming an arena wide AOE attack you have no way of knowing besides dying to it a few times
>exhausted, you finally kill it
>oh no it has 3 more health bars and just keeps getting more aggressive by the power of zanzibart
>this is it, this is entire concept of boss design now, no interesting arena, no interesting gimmick
Feels like Tarnished mostly get discount versions of the spectacles bosses get to use.
>You rike it?
Why are the goblins wearing sombreros?
I disliked most bosses in the base game for being unfun to fight, but Messmer was surprisingly reasonable and is by far my favourite ER boss now.
Same, that's why I just use Spirit Ashes
anyone who played the game know youre lying, there are literally TREASURE CHESTS With some fucking leafs or butterflies in it , that's all. Its complete dogshit.
anyone claiming they beat him without summon or painful memorization is lying, he has zero opening for healing unless you memorized the moveset and punishes any healing outside of incredibly tight windows
I put on the bullgoat set and staggered him to death
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do i look like a dragon fucker?
Doesn't look that hard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7VAnzwBE1o
No it isn't. And you know it isn't, so why are you asking? Do some critical thinking about why it isn't fun and how it could be better, and stop wasting your time on things that are blatantly unfun just to fit in on a board chock full of losers who have no accomplishments in life beside beating a difficult video game.
>let me solo your wife while host watches in the cuckshed
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that's why you show the game zero respect and just abuse the shit out of every single unbalanced dogshit mechanic the game gives you because these games stopped deserving respect a long time ago
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>spend the next two hours bashing my head against a wall until I have memorized the patterns
this sounds infuman, like the difference between ppl who learn languages by memorizing rules vs ppl who just get it and don't have a problem. never spent more than 1h on any boss, never intentionally memorized their moves, just went by feeling and reflexes. and like always if you are not enjoying some media, maybe it's not for you, it's silly to complain about it
>not 2 minutes
to be fair elden ring was designed to encourage you to not even bother with dodging considering everyone has an egregious feint into roll catch but not a single motherfucker has a real guard break to stop shields
>that pic
is this peak combat form if you want to go all out? you can shoot enemy, and if they want to capture you for interrogation you can off yourself, and the enemy cannot do shit, what they gonna do, shoot your head?
You get enough time for one attack per boss window and that's why everyone's using colossal/2handers
With skibidi buff and talismans and buffs you can just tank bosses and spam jumping r2.
>40$ for a DLC
you're just poor
>scadu fragments are artificial difficulty
git gud
>the lore is trash full of retcons
who cares about the lore

Why are fromdrones like this?
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Yeah I have fun playing the game. Some of you guys are way too obsessed with winning and instant gratification. It's a toy.
>enjoyed ER
>the exploration was kinda boring
>the core was good
>beelined to the good bits and finished the game
>DLC comes around
>exploration is now mandatory
I had to beat Radahn at 14 Scadu cause I couldn't be bothered looking through empty fields and barren ruins anymore. Dick move, Miyazaki.
>be in fire themed castle
>see fire boss
>eat pickled liver

Op took more than zero (0) attempts to work out how to beat him.
I hate that he has a shoulder check he can do immediately out of a charge attack.
For every attack they auto dodge, is an attack they’re brainless against. Every time you can force an opponent to do something is exploitable.
Super bomb the tube. And O Mother near Gias bonfire.
Sadly this is the case.
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Soul. They can't make cool bosses anymore. Zoomers need aneurysms during bosses.
I play these games for the exploration, adventure, discovery, lore, characters, environmental storytelling, AND the sense of triumph that comes from overcoming challenging encounters. It seems that somewhere along the line, there's been a divergence of two groups who could only appreciate one aspect or another, or perhaps, one group who only appreciates the former, and they have been shitflinging ever since.
Why this schism of unparalleled autism has reached maelstrom-levels of shitposting with Elden Ring and not Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne, I do not know, perhaps because it's their most difficult traditional souls-like. Fundamentally however, I welcome the more difficult, more dynamic, and more intelligent bosses and enemies, and I strongly believe that were From to retrograde their design philosophy back to the markedly more simple AI and mechanics in Dark Souls 1 and Demons Souls, that you would find it boring and derivative regardless.
Furthermore, I think souls is a series of games condemned to an eternal cycle of warped player reception tainted by memories of older games, and the initial playthroughs of them.
you're a retard if you rush to each boss, then proceed to trial and error it with no fragments or new build for hours. I had hippo, gaius, and avatar available to me, I explored a bit then went back to beat up the hippo and proceed to Rauh.
>spend the next two hours bashing my head against a wall until I have memorized the patterns
yes? this is literally the only reason i play soulslikes
what else does do souls games even have?
Lore? go listen to a video about it
Exploration and level design? They're the weakest part of soulslikes, the real fun is learning the bosses moveset and eventually making them your bitch.
The only case where souls had good level design was ER's Stormveil and DS2, but /v/ isn't ready for that conversation because you retards somehow get filtered by SOTFS iron keep
i killd her first try only using my balls on the controller
Yes. I had lots of fun just experimenting what moves Rellana has that you are able to parry and when I could get extra pokes in with my Epee. Do people expect to encounter a boss and just unga bunga jump R2 and mash roll and dodge everything? Actually after being summoned lots to help people fight Rellana I assure that this is the case.
Messmer is one of the least cancerous bosses in the game
>fight dancing lion
well maybe it was just hard because I didn't play in a long time + not many skibidis

>fight second dancing lion
ok this boss is bullshit
Putrescent knight is the fairest boss in the expansion.
yeah its fun as long as its not undodgeable bullshit
You already played the base game
You knew what you were getting by spending another 40 bucks on it: more of the same that you already experienced
Why did you buy it if you didn't want more
This. Took me like 70 hours on my first playthrough, Radahn being the last boss for me.
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It's fun for me. Maybe you should stop playing these games if you don't enjoy them because clearly you're not the target audience anymore. I'll keep having fun and you'll keep being mad
The shaman village was the most memorable and striking moment of the DLC, moreso than even Chadahn or CURSE YOU BAYLE!
Ironic because the dragon hunter katana blows fat ass compared to most things you could be running at that point, even against dragons.
you are playing a game where memorizing attack patterns is part of the core gameplay.
You are supposed to enjoy video games, not to torture yourself
What the hell? Did I somehow miss dryleaf arts/Dane's footwork having greatshield stats?
>I'm having a way easier time with this guy thanks to scat and having already fought this boss, maybe this won't be much of a probl-
>Deathblight phase
>Summons four basilisks
What the fuck were they thinking
He's using the deflect tear. I haven't tried it but apparently it's broken as shit if you git gud with it.
It's kind of why I dropped off the Soulsborne train. What was considered hard 10 years ago is now considered easy. The genre is already headed into DBZ power levels of increasing difficulty. I'll get back into Soulsborne again when I'm really in the mood for it.
but thats what i'm running with. what's a better option?
>The shaman village was the most memorable and striking moment of the DLC

Until you see it's not a viallage it's just 3 houses and a tree with a sad music in the background. They should have spent less time on those fuckng useless and empty finger ruins.
you typed all of this and nobody replied, have a (You) so you don't kill yourself
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you don't even have to "git gud" with it desu, people really overrate the execution required for it when you can just mash it out for multi-hit attacks. the only learning curve is still the same as without it; knowing when to counterattack.
>an actually intelligent post in a ER thread
pleasant surprise
So far (and I'm not far into) the DLC has been more empty fields sprinkled with mostly empty reused buildings. Most of the rewards are crafting items and semi-forced scadutree blessings, which are frankly a waste of my time. There continues to be not a single game series that has benefitted from going open world.
It's shit compared to Sekiro because there are no cues with it. No sparks or sounds mean you have to look at your life and stamina bars to make sure you timed it right.
There is a sound if you do it.
There is a distinct sound and hitspark when you do a proper deflect.
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if learning bosses isnt fun then just use summons and cheese builds. the game is as hard as you make it. for me the bosses are the highlights of elden ring, not that parts i want to "rush" through so i can get to another empty plain with 3x hefty animal bones and another death bird
there's also a sound effect when you do it right
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>I am tired of getting into a new boss room and realizing I will have to spend the next two hours bashing my head against a wall until I have memorized the patterns, is this really "fun"?
never workout in your life, you little bitch.
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thanks for financing my favorite games OP you retarded nigger kek.
That's Romina though. Putrescent has a bit wonky hitboxes which demotes him to a good second.
Okay, based explore chad, but only halfway? That can't be accurate in the slightest, once you beat Messmer you can basically hold forward and get to the final boss
I think in total the DLC took me one full week.
I know for a fact there was just a couple bosses I didnt hit (for example the deathblite lion) but I did every rememberance boss and cleared out most field bosses. Only place I didnt thoroughly explore was Ruah ruins I guess. Just didnt like it. Every corridor looked the same and it was too mazelike and long. I torrented through most of that part which is probably how I missed deathblite lion.
Is there? I was a god at Sekiro parrying so maybe the timing is different. I'm also using an UGS so.
Theres no way OP is black
In current 4chan? 80% he's some nigger mutt or spic south american.
mutt isnt the same as being a nigger
Mutt detected
Today's American don't have any roots to their European ancestors anymore, so yes it's the same.
Uhhh get good... win without memorising it.
Pic unrelated, right? Wolnir sucked an ungodly amount of ass.
>His right arm is always in the misty death zone
>If you get bad RNG on his moveset he'll just keep crawling forwards until you're stuck between him and the wall and you die from the mist
>Spawns ads constantly
>Can't tell what the hell he's doing or what the fuck is going on because his attacks always come from directly above you or far off to the side
>Attacks are super delayed
>Best case scenario, he dies before you get to suffer through any of this
He's a different flavor of cancer to ER boss cancer, but still cancer.
Literally anything your build has the stats for. If you're the kind of sociopath who runs like 30-40 dex and strength and doesn't already use weapon buffs, I don't know if I can help you. Even great katana with dragonwound grease is better, since afaik the damage boost on dragon hunter katana is only on the ash of war.
>Messmer, and Rellana, yes.
>try invasions
>shot in the face by sleepbolts while chainstunned by swiftslash

it absolutely deletes Bayle, what are you on?
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play a different game then you stupid nigger
The DLC is literally the manifestation of the zanzibart meme. It's hilarious how many bosses are pretty fair in their first phase then ahhh..... cutscene and AoE spam
I think he might be baiting
Aren't you glad that Messmer's nearest site of grace is literally outside his boss room?
Imagine if this was Dark Souls 1/2 or Demon's Souls.
Instead of having the nearest site of grace be the Dark Chamber Entrance, it would be the Storehouse, Seventh Floor site of grace. Think of how cancerous such a runback would be. It would be Cainhurst or Flamelurker tier in how bad it is.
I really hope SOTE's bosses finally bury all community delusions about boss runbacks being things that enrich the boss experience.
Not as loud as Sekiro but there is a distinct sound if you get it right. The thing you block with also light up a bit, but it's probably most noticable on a shield. I never had any problems knowing when I got it right.
Boss runbacks are fine when the boss is supposed to act as the final hurdle for progress. In DeS and DaS1, the boss was part of the level, and acted as the crowning challenge. You didn't beat bosses in those games, you beat levels. Then, through a gradual process, the bosses became harder and harder, while the levels became easier and easier, until we finally arrived at the endpoint that is SOTE: where levels are just vessels that get you from bossfight to bossfight. It's pretty sad.
>noooo you used the tools given to every player to beat the game it didn't count !!!!!!!!!!!!!
the best bosses in the game are death knight and gaol bosses
gaol bosses you can beat with like 5 flasks left after exploring the whole dungeon
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According to everybody who thinks Sekiro is good, yes it apparently is fun, at least it's fun to people who have miyazakis dick in their mouth while playing.
Only move he had that gave me trouble was the blast he would do after a stab. As for his mobility I chased him on foot with a colossal weapon and didn’t have to much problem finding openings. The Parry physick rapes him(as it does everything).
So far the only bosses that have been egregiously bad are bayle and gaius. Scadutree avatar is also pretty annoying.
World anything with holy damage and he melts. I used the Shadow Sunflower and he died in like 6 swings.
lower the outer eyebrows a bit, he should look slightly more like Plague of Gripes
other than that, yeah
The levels and normal enemies in DeS and DaS1 are way easier than in ER.
Imagine trying to argue that the levels in between bosses in ER are easier than DeS/DaS1.
That one ice lion knight right and all the spastic birds before the Leda gank summon site and Radahn in Enir Ilim is harder than anything in those two older games.
I'm not a mutt, I'm American
>That one ice lion knight right and all the spastic birds before the Leda gank summon site and Radahn in Enir Ilim is harder than anything in those two older games.
bullshit, neither of those ever even slightly damaged me. i get that DeS and DaS were easy as shit but at least the Anor Londo archers and the Bonewheels and the Big Skeletons in the Tomb of the Giants mog any generic enemies in all of ER
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Literally this. Bosses were simple and typically intuitive without a lot of stuff that would unpredictably kill you because it's the first time you're seeing this attack and you have no clue how to avoid it. Boss runbacks weren't a big deal.

Now if they had the same style of runbacks, ER would genuinely be unbearable because the bosses have become complete trial and error and you WILL die several dozen times unless your entire plan is to summon and cheese it with magic.
This is actually a really good image even if I hate soijaks. Elden Ring is incredibly easy if you actually use all the tools available to you, however compared to God of Cinematic QTEs and The Last of Us Epic "Accessibility" Edition Remastered Part 2: auto-aim edition its """"hard"""" for the normies and non-gamers. So they beat it by the skin of their teeth using the most broken builds they look up from fextralife and say "OH WOW I BEAT LE HARD GAME XD LE HARD GAME LE ELDEN RING!!! I DID IT GUYS!!!"
Really cringe and sad if you think about it
I suppose that's easier than becoming good at the game.
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I'm glad i didn't buy the DLC. Looks like a bunch of reused assets and bosses. Dodged an expensive bullet.
Eh they're still really easy to just run past
Its also like the only long run I remember in the DLC since it's really generous with the stakes of marika
I am so fucking tired of hearing about Sekiro, a game where you had to use a gay-ass katana and light armor. I swear it's the character building that filtered you retards.
bigger boobs please
For every brand new non-boss enemy, the DLC recycles 4-5 non-boss enemy from the base game.
Normal enemies yes, but the areas in the older games were often far more treacherous with environmental hazards and claustrophobic spaces, making the simpler enemies feel somewhat more threatening.
Summoned my wife tiche and second tried him. don't know whats the issue. don't even know his moveset. game is too easy
>Literally this. Bosses were simple and typically intuitive without a lot of stuff that would unpredictably kill you because it's the first time you're seeing this attack and you have no clue how to avoid it. Boss runbacks weren't a big deal.
this is true of Dark Souls but in Demon's Souls you had stuff like the False Idol who you could not beat unless you murdered a specific guy outside of the boss arena or the entirety of the Dragon God fight
>Finally get to Gaius
>I beat him very easily
>Mmh, this boss was very easy, I wonder what everybody is complaining about?
>Realize he does the charge at the start of the fight
>Which means that summonshitters won't be able to summon at the start
>Finally the all bitching starts to make sense
Nigger its 40$. Is that really a financial threat to your minimum wage lifestyle?
How do you afford food?
false idol is a soulful puzzle boss that rewards you for exploration, which typically helps you defeat any of the bosses. dragon god wasn't really a puzzle tho.
Minor correction: you could *beat* the boss, but it would just come back until you figured out you had to kill the guy. This was fine, since, again, the boss wasn't very hard, and perfectly fair.
Sekiro is one of the best games of the last ten years.
How insecure are you that you have to bring up something like this instead of recognizing that it's COMPARATIVELY expensive. ER's base price is $60, the DLC is $40. This should mean the DLC should have about 2/3rds of the amount of content that the base game does but uhh it doesn't and it reuses stuff from the main game, has a ton of empty fucking fields, and even re-uses bosses that are introduced in the DLC. It's about twice as much as it realistically should be.
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It's literally a rhythm game.
It doesn't take me that long but yeah, the bosses aren't fun in Elden Ring. The bosses are there to perform sick anime moves with a bunch of particle effects and AoE stomps/sweeps, doing sick combo's that continue forever if you position yourself wrong. I honestly don't know why they went full ham into the 'we designed every move with retarded movement and momentum just to trick players into rolling early in a game where you get deleted in 3 hits, also we made a huge buffer that holds onto your roll even after you get hit so you can get HIT AGAIN BECAUSE EVERY COMBO IS DESIGNED AS A ROLL CATCH'
Honestly, they focused on the wrong parts of the game. Every fucking game after Dark Souls 1 has left me with 'I'm glad it's fucking over' feeling more than anything else and the worst part is all the stupid clones decided to copy the worst meme of the games, the 'PREPARE TO DIE' part and made their games even MORE gay and bullshit just to market towards 'hardcore players'(a joke because they are playing against NPC's which never has the same intricacies and depth humans do in PVP)
>fight annoying elite enemy
>open chest he was guarding
>10x Mushroom
>3 legacy dungeons compared to 6 in the base game
>10 remembrance bosses compared to 15 in the base game
it's fine
>ER's base price is $60, the DLC is $40. This should mean the DLC should have about 2/3rds of the amount of content that the base game does
Based retard.
Don’t get the beef with Gaius, he was the best boss in the dlc.
>Sekiro is the best game of the last twenty years
Took me a good 40-50 hours I think to explore and clear everything, taking my time with the amazing sights. I’m with you.
Gaius has slow attacks and likes to attack in slow combos. If you roll to his side or behind him, you can almost always punish him. He just his incredibly hard and has a back kick which will catch you if you get too far behind him
Every time he charges past you, and you roll dodge, you can chase him down for a jumping attack as he turns around, just to start.
Dragon God is kindof a puzzle: you're supposed to hide behind the pillars whenever he's looking in your general direction, then make a break for the next hiding spot when he looks away. A lot of people didn't realize this, and instead just ran for it like mad without ever hiding, hoping their fire def was high enough to tank his breath. I can't really blame them; the mechanics of the fight are badly communicated. It's not a very good boss, and also not all that fun once you do figure it out. But hey, it's something at least.
No they don't.
I agree the DLC bosses are a bit too spastic, but they do all have very clear combo endings where you get to attack/heal. I could name all the clear openings Radahn has if you want me to (I can see his moves on the insides of my eyelids, jesus fucking christ). Same with Messmer, Gauis and the Dancing Lion.
and I also understand I'm not good at the game and my opinion isn't worth much
i do like a lot about the game but some bosses leave me with a sour taste in my mouth, due to frustration or whatever have you
If you don't want to be challenged, play a different game. I thought the bosses of the DLC were pretty easy and intuitive, amd I've had fun beating them.
No they literally meant learn his movesets and learn to fucking roll through his shit because it was practical
I mean I get why: their combos take ages and the openings are short, so we've basically gone back to DS3 on crack, where the gameplay has been reduced to roll, heal, r1. For all their flashiness, the way you beat bosses can be reduced to those three actions (two if you never get hit). Gone are the days of using the arena to your advantage (they're all a perfect circle or a square), and gone are the days of figuring out a boss' weakness and exploiting it. You either knuckle up with a greatshield, or you roll. And roll. and roll. And roll. And roll one final time before stabbing the boss once. Repeat twenty to thirty times. Some people find that fun, hell, I kinda do. But you gotta admit we lost something along the way.
Sure man, I'll play a different game, what games would you say are similar but obviously easier? The answer is they don't exist because the clones all copied the gayest part, the meme difficulty which is just bosses having quick animations that you need to memorize or get dunked on.
You don't know what word means
I just started playing co-op for the first time, do you take extra damage? Radahn just killed me before I even stepping into the arena
like kinda like if ... in an rpg action game... the rpg element of armor ... mitigated damage? and like... maybe! lol WOAH you'd find better and better armor as you progressed?hahah
so that sounds like a wild thing, rpg mechanics fully embraced!
"learn his moveset" is newspeak within the community that didnt exist until ds3
>I am tired of getting into a new boss room and realizing I will have to spend the next two hours bashing my head against a wall until I have memorized the patterns, is this really "fun"?
For some people, it's extremely fun and rewarding. That's basically the whole point the speedrun and no-hit communities exist.
I find the idea of memorizing boss patterns borderline cheese however. It's one thing to use your brain to understand what the boss(dev) wants you to do to defeat a boss, another having to just master a specific rhytm in doing the same shit. That's just boring and pretty much the irl equivalent of overleveling: you're getting to the point where shit becomes easy due to having done it a billion times before even beating the boss once.
Very boring and immersion breaking.
Thankfully From games are tuned in such a way that seeing the fight a couple times and properly preparing yourself for the challenged presented by the boss is enough to beat it.
Too bad the community is full of masochistic retards who genuinely believe they need to avoid half the gameplay From put in the game to beat the boss "fairly".
>I find the idea of memorizing boss patterns borderline cheese however.
>It's one thing to use your brain to understand what the boss(dev) wants you to do to defeat a boss
>another having to just master a specific rhythm in doing the same shit.
>That's just boring and pretty much the irl equivalent of overleveling: you're getting to the point where shit becomes easy due to having done it a billion times before even beating the boss once.
>Very boring and immersion breaking.
anon, the whole point of overleveling is to be able to gain such a stat/numerical advantage in the amount of damage that you receive or deal, that whatever challenge that was initially offered by the boss in terms of their defense and/or damage output is rendered impotent. memorizing their moves is the opposite of overleveling, it's the gradual development of skill at that particular boss. the skill, in this case, is multifaceted; you have to 1) have the powers of observation that allow you to see patterns in real time; 2) have the ability to memorize those patterns, which will then allow you to anticipate what will happen; 3) develop an understanding of what constitutes an appropriate response to any given pattern at any given time, because patterns aren't executed in a sequential order and are randomized; 4) reliably execute those actions as required, so as to avoid incoming damage and respond in kind with damage of your own.

that is skill. in other words, that is the antithesis of overleveling.
I dropped the game at Mohg and Fire Giant when it first came out because I just wasn't having fun. I was arbitrarily restricting myself to no summons (including spirit ashes) and "fair" weapons (no Moonveil, Rivers of Blood, etc). But From has lost the plot with these games, with bosses that could be out of a fighting game. When I came back for the DLC I got a +10 mimic, put all my points into STR, and proceeded to dunk on everything. The game is not compelling enough for me to spend eight hours on boss attempts.
Let me guess you just use your weapon and/or a shield and none of the other tools the game gives you?
Every other boss in dark souls is slow and doesn't require any learning. You can just react to their tells and wing it. Gwyn is an exception to this with his aggressiveness that is completely out of character to the rest of the game. Vast majority of players did not suddenly start studying this boss because that is not how 99% of the game before him was played. This is precisely why parrying him or going full havel was so popular, i'd even argue even more popular than doing the boss "properly".
Shitters pan Sekiro for being a rhythm game, but at the same time don't recognize that DaS and especially ER have become memorization games. I should be able to enter a boss fight and defeat it if I play well enough. That includes looking at the boss to see what to expect (a big boss will probably be slow, powerful attacks, a smaller one with two swords will probably be agile, etc), but also my reactions with quicksteps or parries. Where is the skill in memorizing a boss' patterns until you finally get a good attempt?
I don't even like Sekiro and I still dislike that this has become a such a common meme criticism of it. Most actual rhythm games are better than Sekiro, and those among them which hybridise rhythm with action tend to have more engaging combat than it too.
Skill is just overleveling your brain :^)
Nah you're just slow. No guides here and I got all remembrances then beat Radahn at 18 skibidis on the Wednesday following release
>it's different because I'm cheesing the manual dexterity bit instead of the character building bit
>hurr I can recognize what mechanical weakness the boss has
>durr I can memorize what piece of gear to use against each situation
>hurr I can understand the underlying character building process
>durr I can actually build a character to fit the requirements
Tell yourself whatever feels good anon, I'm sure it helps. Oh no wait, it doesn't.
That's why you have to tell others they didn't beat the game if they choose to cheese the game differently than you. Because it makes you seethe less at the time you wasted.

>The game is not compelling enough for me to spend eight hours on boss attempts.
It's not, for you. It is for others though. Which is why Mike Zaki gave us a lot of gameplay options, so most people can enjoy the game at a reasonable challenge level. He uses himself as the difficulty tester rather than some nohitrun streamer, he knows where to put the limit (more or less).
Because it's stupid to cater to the hyperdifficulty crowd and he knows it, they're always going to find ways to make life more difficult for themselves anyway.
>Shitters pan Sekiro for being a rhythm game, but at the same time don't recognize that DaS and especially ER have become memorization games.
I'm pretty sure Sekiro critics are the people complaining about the dlc, not the opposite.
>Where is the skill in memorizing a boss' patterns until you finally get a good attempt?
where's the skill in memorizing a character's frame data, match ups, and entire list of combos? this could be considered knowledge. knowledge that allows you to play against another like-minded person who perhaps has similar knowledge. at some point the knowledge stops being enough, and execution is a factor. in fighting games, high level play happens between two people of similar knowledge and execution level. it becomes a game of "footsies" or being able to anticipate what the other person will do and react in kind. you need both knowledge and execution to best your opponent, and maybe sometimes a little luck will happen in your favor.

just because you have knowledge of one game's characters, their frame data, their match ups, and list of combos, doesn't mean that knowledge will apply to another game. some of what you know will be transferable, but a lot of new knowledge will have to accumulated, and this will ultimately affect your execution.

skill is knowledge + execution. in elden ring and souls games, the knowledge is learning the game's rules. each boss has its own rules that you have to abide by. execution is when you apply that knowledge to overcome that boss.

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