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>The "wide range and creativity of games developed in Germany" demonstrated at this year's German Computer Game Awards "must be expanded further, and the potential of the industry must be utilized even more," said Kellner.
>"As the federal government, we want to make an important contribution to this through our new games funding. The funding is to help ensure that games such as this year's best international game also go on to be developed in Germany."
>The funding Kellner refers to is a grant program launched by the German government in 2020 "to promote the development of computer and video games in Germany in order to achieve international competitiveness."
>The German Games Industry Association noted that Canada, the UK, and France have established more substantial game development industries than Germany with the help of similar federal funding programs.
>"Once again, we can see the huge potential of Germany as a location for the games industry, especially as this year there were more games made possible by federal funding than ever before," said Felix Falk, managing director of the German Games Industry Association, of this year's awards.
>With his comment about ensuring that "games such as this year's best international game also go on to be developed in Germany,"
>Kellner clearly meant that he wants to see German games rival Baldur's Gate 3's enormous success, but since Larian has decided not to continue making D&D games, maybe a German studio could literally have a shot at Baldur's Gate 4?
>Get that pitch deck ready, Piranha Bytes.
Will german autism save the vidya industry?
>pozzed faggot libtard goverment wants more pozzed faggot libtard games
Water is wet. Same goverment that allowed actual pedophiles to adopt kids because theh wanted to see of child rape is actually that bad btw.
No because it would have violence in it so they'll refuse to make it and demand it be censored instead probably
>Same goverment that allowed actual pedophiles to adopt kids because theh wanted to see of child rape is actually that bad btw
I'm sure thats real and not some /pol/ shitpost
You can look things up anon. You do not know the depths of which Germany can fall.
>can't back up his insane claim
ah the classic /pol/ fallback
If BG3 was made in Germany half the dev team would have been arrested.
Not worth bothering, you would reject it anyway. Thanks for responding exactly how I'd assume you would to confirm, though.
>Germany wants to embrace bestiality and zoophilia
>imported millions of apes in the last decade
Poetry. Hitler destroyed the gerries in his attempt to make them kikes.
This is a good thing. European games are better than american games
>oh uh you wouldn't believe me if I showed you anyway
thats a convenient way to get out of not backing up your insane claim
Gothic 4 when
germans had gothic
not him but Germany is pretty fucking bad rn. Recently a 15 year old girl got gang rapped by like nine dudes and only one of them was charged, and he got a suspended sentence.
meanwhile a woman was arrested for calling the rapist a 'disgraceful rapist pig', because muh racism or something.
that and they decriminalized cp.

>yet another idiot who doesn't understand the reason BG3 worked is not because of D&D but rather because Larian has decades of experience making RPG's and is not run by penny pinching stockholders

it's all so tiresome
Not that guy, but look up Helmut Kentler. The experiment was conducted from the 60s to the 90s. So technically no the same government, but definitely the same country.
yeah thats all fucked and they are awful for doing that and you can easily prove and know thats real but thats still not as insane as trying to claim "allowed actual pedophiles to adopt kids because theh wanted to see of child rape is actually that bad"
this unironically
>gang rapped
Most good games that were made in the past years were Japanese or European. America is dead
I guess they were very impressed with gay bear scene
Germans are the most boring people to exist ever. They should stick to making cars and coffee makers.
The claim was they were better than american games and they arent. American games are whats keeping the industry alive.
If Japan was as impactful they wouldnt have moved Sony to the US.
Europe aint a country. Good games sure as fuck do come from Europe but to claim theyre united is retarded and akin to claiming canada and the entirety of the south americas are american.
You pedantic, cherry picking zoomers are equally as retarded as troons.
>and they decriminalized cp
They did not. Why do you have to make shit up?
Again, Helmut Kentler.

Which American games are keeping the industry alive?
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Sad but true.
>July 2021
That's not the current German government.
I'm not that guy, and thus I never said it was.
Helmut's been dead since 2008 too.
Whatever shit has the most concurrent players and hasnt died since inception.
What nip games are keeping the industry alive?
What "country of europe" games are keeping the industry alive?
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>American games are whats keeping the industry alive.
Can you list them?
thats when the article was posted the government in charge at the time was from the 60's you know when there was two germany's so its really not the current government
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>The German government wants shit games botted and shilled by China for them
Expected of the pozzed subverted German government. Almost as bad as Czech, Turkey, and Ukraine.
>Europe but to claim theyre united is retarded
It’s like there’s a thing called the EU and Schengen.
Also American games fucking suck, claiming Japan had to move Playstation’s HQ to California is retarded when Nintendo exists and is performing much better than Playstation.
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>Germany wants to make this
Not to mention the guy in charge of the experiment has been dead since 2008.
Still I like the goalpost shift of "that's an insane claim" to "article is not current year so it doesn't count"
>What nip games are keeping the industry alive?
you're on 4chan! get a job you nigger loser! lmfao
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They want to be puppets in a chinese scheme to steal the D&D IP? What cucks
for what?
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>Germany wants to join BRICs
have fun with that krauts
This shit won goty??
If the industry was in decline, for example the abortion producing company of Bioware would be dead. It wouldnt have been given a fifth chance to waste hundreds of millions. Its still going fine, yet an asian dev company that made a surprise hit gets killed. If the US wasnt keeping the industry alive, why is it still alive and making all the decisions (or appears to be) for the entire industry?
how is that a goalpost shift? I said that it was insane that the current government would be running tests to check if child rape is bad and was then proven to be right that it was something shady that happened 60 years ago so that anon was completley proven wrong
not the own you think it is
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>GTA6 is European
>Baldur's Gate 3 is European
>Cyberpunk 2077 is European
>Alan Wake 2 is European
>Jagged Allinace 3 is European
>Disco Elysium is European
>Noita is European
>ECHO is European
>Hitman is European
>CONTROL is European
>Dead Island 2 is European
>Blasphemous is European
>Helldivers 2 is European
>UnderRail is European
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is European
If you like i'll start going back year to year and seek all European games. There are just too many. There used to be maps of European games.
Oh boy, here come the discord troons.
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>but since Larian has decided not to continue making D&D games
Not a thing. Chinese facesaving to cover up this failure >>681479665

Germany can't make a good game just like Larian can't because European devs are garbage. Bother Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk had to be saved by Western outsource houses.
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There was also this list that was floating around.
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Awards are a joke now thanks to China

TGAs (Sponsored by West Taiwan)

Every major category was awarded to a CCP-backed game publishing entity.

Tencent is also on the awards advisory panel for every mainstream Western awards production:

This effectively invalidates all game awards as genuine, moving forward:

>Baldur’s Gate 3
>Game of the Year
>Best Peformance
>Multiplayer (actually a co-op game)
>Community "Support" (???)
>Players’ Voice

>Alan Wake 2
>Best Game Direction
>Art Direction

>Honkai Star Rail
>Best Mobile

>Armored Core VI


>Pity awards to non-Tencent titles
>Aonuma rushed off stage
Nintendo was only allowed a little bit of spotlight, given Tencent also owns their entire West Taiwan operation:
Wow one of the big 3. Thats still 2/3 not in europe or asia. If my americunt math isnt off, 66% is higher than 33%, but hey im a euro, if im wrong its the us' fault
Forgot to list KingdomeCome:Deliverance 2, that's also European dev.
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Pic related.
Shut the fuck up you annoying faggot
>diet coke california
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I can't seem to find an updated version of any of those maps.
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Germany already made gems but they stopped
I'd rather not think about kids at all. Only Christcucks/single moms bring kids up.
After Biden blew up Nordstream their industry sector is dead, they need games and games have no need to goto germany. the land of cucks
>Killzone is European
>Battlefield 3 is European
>ARMA III is European
I had no idea.
>Crysis is European
This one i knew.
Oh my god I got Spellforce 2 with my graphics card back in the day and it was PURE KINO.
What will your third Trumpism/niggerism be I wonder?
What's a good game the germans have developed?
Forklift simulator 2010
Is SpellForce 3 still German made?
No german game dev studios don't have the talent, expertise and experience required to make games on this level
All you will get out of this initiative is more shit games with bloated budgets like Lords of the Fallen (both of them) and cancelled projects because they fail to deliver after 8 years of dev hell
>Forklift simulator 2010
kinda grim for the german government's ambitions then.
Not saying a good game can't come out of germany but setting up a studio to do something like BG3 takes time, experience and passion.
Unless the german government wants more simulator games, then they're in luck.
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Yes but is shit nothing like the first one and his expansions or even spellforce 2
>he thinks the US blew up Nordstream
Ok Vanya
>German BG3
It's not even german that's just a meme
The game was made in Brazil
The entire german game industry is a scam run by a bunch of bulgarian companies who exploit the system our senile politicians set up.

Ever wondered why Germany has a million simulation games? Surely, those game are popular in Germany and thats why they keep making them right?
Nope, those bulgarian companies exploit government programs by claiming at that they develop educational, feature rich and innovative games for players - and so they shit out the most bottom of the barrel simulator trash imagineable - getting millions through those government programs even though nobody is buying that shit. The only simulator game actually making the charts is Landwirtschaft/Farming Simulator and its also the only Simulator that isn't an outright scam.
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Goymany has an infinite money glitch if you 're prepared to grift with blatant asset flips.
You know why so many of these shitty work simulator games get made?
Goyman autism? Maybe.
Goyman government subsidizing local developers with taxpayer money? You bet.
You quickly churn them out with newer assets and change the year in the title, and the production costs are already covered.
It's the same shit with Goodbye Volcano High, which was subsidized by the Canadian government, but on a larger scale.
Yeah see, this requires hiring actual talented people. Germany probably thinks you can make something like Baldur's Gate 3 with a million Pajeets.
>he thinks the US blew up Nordstream
You have to be a really smoothbrain to not know that, even Trump was in favor of blowing the Nordstream and said it, Biden just repeated it because it makes zero sense from an American perspective to have your enemy trading like that while the EU don't put a single penny to maintain the OTAN.

It was a common policy of both
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All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.
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This apparently
meanwhile the entire reason Larian could grow to be the company it is, is precisely because Belgium gives literally 0 fucks about the videogame industry, so they never had to compete with government subsidized scams and retards

the double irony is of course that BG3 by itself has more international profit than the entirety of Belgium's movie, book and theater industry, which do receive subsidies
Im voting Biden, suck my cock you pederast loving troon.
Muhammad not existing in DnD universe.
And yet Trump is prepared to throw America’s allies under the bus and suck more putin cock because the MAGA republicans are trying really hard to be russian assets.
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>MAGA republicans
Jesus, just fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from.
>America’s allies
America has colonies and pawns not allies
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>german gaming industry association CEO refers to study done by ministry of economics
>german studios get just a quarter of funding studios in places like France get
>as it stands, they cant stand up to their competition
>earlierst applications for new funding can be send in 2025
Something doesnt add up
Damn. Is there anything Europeans can't do?
Nigga, I saw this thread months ago already. Slow news day?
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>American games are whats keeping the industry alive.
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the Greens, one of the parties who make up the German government right now, openly advocated for pedophilia from the 70s up until the early to mid 90s
they even ran child rape rings in Berlin and Southern Germany with their own kindergartens (for small children) and halfway houses (for runaway teenagers) where they would give these children directly to mostly homosexual male child molesters
they didn't even keep it a secret, instead bragging about it on German (and French) TV, publishing books and magazines about raping children and even wrote "academic" papers on the benefit of their degeneracy
the only people inside their party who complained about it were the feminist wing, but the fags assured them they were only interested in raping young boys and didn't care about the girls, so the women were okay with it (this turned out to be a lie, although their victims were like 95% boys)
almost none of the people were ever punished for it, a lot of them are already dead, but some are still politically active and in high positions
one of the worst and most outspoken people is Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a French-German Jew, who was one of Macron's top advisers until last year or so
Sad state of things but its true.
>Wants game made there
>Has excessive censorship laws

Lmao, no self awareness from the German government.
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>Reptillians aren't r-
Just like Hollywood where they want good movies that make profit but they have to follow the giant ruleset of pozzed shit that doesn't sell and then they cry because people don't care about cines anymore
germans are too clinical to make good games. to make a good game you need a soul which their stuff lacks.
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>there will never be an AAA The Dark Eye CRPG with delicious tulamid wizard tummy
This isnt fair bros.
There hasnt been any noteworthy vidya censorship in like a decade. You´re living under a rock
hitler in hearts of iron
You're right. Hopefully they keep it that way.
>it only counts if i say so
Lmfao. Youre mentally disabled. Fact.
>Germaj govment
For what studios? The only worthwhile studio was PB, and they haven't made a banger since G2 (maybe R1) and now had to close. Where were the gubment bucks for them?
They still haven't lifted bans on certain games, once they do that they can justify giving a fuck about the industry.
Name 5 game that have been censored within the last 10 years. Hard mode: No Nazi iconography.
She already had a sentence for stealing and broke her parole by not showing up to the defamation hearing, thus getting an actual jail time of 2(two) days, not because muh racism
>There hasnt been any noteworthy vidya censorship in like a decade.
The government needs to fund more games to own the far-right chuds!
Every western game with a woman in it
See >>681482305
>want people to create works of art
>how do we achieve this?
>give them a bunch of tax money
and this is why this entire continent is fucked
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Please just put Germany out of its misery at this point
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I can tell you what i am missing.
I am missing that kovarex screenshot explaining why he and Factorio wasn't qualified for a goverment grant as being ''too ambitious'' and what kind of games ultimately did instead of his.
Yes, they were all mobile tier trash
why are leftoids always like this
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>That's not the current German government.
Ah, democracy™ at work!
It's so good not be accountable for anything!
So a job simulator with tits.
I stand corrected. All i can find is the many, many Sony censored games. Also nips are paedos.
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If you're in Germany right now you're a fucking retard. This is not up for discussion.
und ve vant more games zat dont let you fug ze goblin girls
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>the phrase is illegal in Germany
And I bet they still have the gall to say they have "free speech".
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They really scraped the bottom of the barrel to include them lmao.
>Will german autism save the vidya industry?
No, we lost the ability to make good games because there is no talent anymore. It's gonna be a bunch of trashy elex clones. And elex was already terrible and that was made by the "pinnacle" of the german rpg makers
German developers just want to make point & clicks like Daedalic Games' catalogue.
Beste Deutschland wo gibt vallah schwöa auf Döner seine Mutter <3
Bitch, please. Don't compare animals with such vile subhumans
Weimar won
Germans realized you can feature demonic/animal sex in video games without breaking international laws
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>retarded government, no the afd won't be improving things, they will lep*n or m*loni out as soon as they get anywhere near the government
>refuses to support anything vaguely pro-German, would rather support anything outside of the country
>unlike woke rainbow lefties elsewhere, the woke intellectual artsy types in Germany legitimately hate the German nation/people and go out of their way to harm it if possible if they don't fuck off to california or toronto.

And no, X-Wingism won't solve any problems, to actually produce german vidya, there must be a unique German way of thought and experience in life, which does exist, but is thoroughly rejected and opposed by those that would usually make cultural goods.
There must be a shift of the Leitkultur to change this.
Unfortunately, the older people who are NOT ashamed to be german are, for the most part, regressive idiots with no interest or capacity to produce high quality cultural products, mashallah gen z MEN are turning things around. Too bad the demographic situation here is totally fucked and will be south korea tier if no solution to the boomer menace is found.

No free speech and i doubt anyone actually thinks there is, but Höcke is a complete retard and nothing but a grifting agitator, if he were legit and came anywhere near the government he'd be found dead in a ditch a day after.

The Greens are a transatlanticist plant and literally everything they stand for is retarded/american

walla komm berlin da gehen hauptbahnhof mit den kusengs dann haun allmans auf fresse wenn der bei mohammed döna gekauft hat und nehmen weg der hurensohn
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Seriously, there aren't that many but there are much better examples
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You now remember how Mimimi sabotaged themselves by hiring Sweet baby inc and quitting early so the two founders could walk away with the government's money
>we invested millions
>all we have to show for it is this video game maker simulator.
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Meddl Loide
Dieser Ehrenbrudi weiB was los ist.
The EU is no ally of the US, they just pretend they are to have power over the group most likely to replace the US as the dominant empire.

Blue or Red they would do the same shit.
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Sacred 2
Sweet Baby INC. is Canadian/American consultant firm. No wonder 99.99% of the games they touched turned to shit.
>unlike woke rainbow lefties elsewhere
>put heavy rain
>not dishonored
May your bread be moldy and your wine watery.
Find me a girl who would fight for me as hard as eurotrash fights to defend their unelected oligarch run shithole countries
This and obviously the gibs are only handed out for projects that fulfil an educational mission. Indie shit that talks about being trans and cllimate change.
Why would people come to Canada if
is an option?
Even Canadians pick the latter for sports and computer programming due to the lower taxes and government investment in facilities.
Didn't some germcuck cop die because he tackled a guy who was holding down some crazy muslim, then the muslim dude got up and stabbed the cop in the neck?

Survival Horror, as a genre, has been completely carried by Europe during the last 10-15 years.

>Amnesia: The Dark Descent
>Amnesia: The Bunker
>Nobody Lives Under the Lighthouse
>Who's Lila?
>Pathologic 2
>The Void
>World of Horror
>Northern Journey
>The Sinking City
>Alan Wake
>Alan Wake 2
>Will german autism save the vidya industry?
No, they tried this with film and the only person who wasn't exploiting the program to rip off the government was Uwe Boll.
Completely ignoring race, I've never seen a less threatening and less capable-looking pirate crew in my life. Who approved these designs?
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Hebes für das Volk.
>Battlefield 5
>Set in WW2
>Not a single swatiska
World of Tanks is MMO.
Castlevania LoS (and Metroid Dread) is mid at best.
They allow gay adoption which is basically the same thing
For making a violent game.
>made a bunch of shit video game movies for the sake scamming german government
>beat the fuck out of angry nerds who were upset over his movies
>beat the fuck out of lowtax
>could give a fuck what other people think of him because he gets to hang out in hollywood and fuck hot models
Find me another person as based as Uwe
>Survival Horror
>>Alan Wake
>>Alan Wake 2
BG3 gayshit notwithstanding obviously
>American games are whats keeping the industry alive.
You mean asian countries, an only when they don't cater to the west
>This shit won goty??
>gayshit was voted by woke journos and alphabet shills
a mistery
>Completely falls flat because of retarded censorship laws
My favorite game from germany was kz manager
Germans are incapable of making art so this will just be a disaster
>>Baldur's Gate 3 is European
>>Cyberpunk 2077 is European
>>Alan Wake 2 is European
>>CONTROL is European
All bad
Nintendo is keeping japanese gaming alive. It has 0 effect or impact on the western market. If it did, they wouldnt ban so many games from entering their country and would stop trying to disseminate paedophilia to the west. Fact is, nips only cater to nips and nip loving race traitors. They could collapse tomorrow and nobody would care. The devs they own would just jump ship.
Germans are incapable of human emotions and by extension art. Scandinavians have the same problem.
It's the most fitting genre for that title. Pathologic 2 is also considered "survival horror", even though the horror elements are minimal.

For fuck's sake, Resident Evil is considered survival horror...
>Shitfield fagio shill starts posting his trash again
If you think that everyone has forgotten this, you are mistaken
There are "illegal phrases" in every country, including the US.

Record yourself saying "I want to kill the president of the United States of America" and publish it on the Internet. Then see what happens.
So it's a gatekept community that isn't bothered by pozzed westernshit?
I guess they are keeping games alive after all
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They are completely delusional and perceive everything they even vaguely disagree with as problematic and evil, partially because it is in some way related to le ebil nazi Germany, which is basically the woke version of satan and the original sin at once.
Now consider how fanatically such people would act when driven by the intense guilt of being directly related to those responsible for the ultimate evil and living inside what functionally is a "redeemed" hell to them.
Do you not think they would do everything they can to oppose the reemergence of the ultimate evil and attempt to tear anyone down who doesn't similarly self-flagellate for their sins or even dare to try to return the old ways or even strengthen "hell"?
Other europeans are merely demonized due to proximity.
I probably don't have to mention who play a major role in the entire western woke movement and what they think about Germany and Germans.
At least other nations were on the "good side of history", and aren't essentially pure evil from their perspective.
That's part of the reason why picrel is a major issue for them, and has really started screwing them over.

Those were just two examples of woke culture hotspots related to videogames.

>implying that isn't due to day-to-day life being survival horror and anxiety
Signalis and Blasphemous are fantastic and great examples of local culture and experiences being used as material for games!
>government made rapists serve less time than people criticising rapists
I hope the germans rise up violently again
It is also one of the best CRPGs ever made. That was mainly what won it. Starfield was even more DEIfied and it is universally loathed for the same reason: they both stood or fell on their merits as good games.
plenty of people said that when trump was president and nothing happened to them
>chinese buy stake in gaming firm
>firm produces the best game its made in 25 years, and one of the best games of all time
If that's all it takes, then so be it.
>tranny govs want more tranny games
You don't get me - you have to use that exact phrase, not something similar.
God, I hope this is real. Imagine the purges that would follow.
fpbp, also the same government gave harsher sentence to the woman that called mudslime rapist a pig than the mudslime rapist
Gothic 9 confirmed
>Get that pitch deck ready, Piranha Bytes.
These hack fraud fucks are bankrupt and for good reason. Everyone remotely talented left them a long time ago and they haven't made a decent game since 2009.
>Helmut Kentler
>guise, let's allow pedophiles to adopt these kids unsupervised, I'm sure they'll be good dads even with a little too much physical contact
>oh shit, guise, turns out that shit is fucked up, nevermind
what a retard
Germany is in an inescapable death spiral, which really pisses me off
>full of old fucks, not enough young people
>90 trillion subhumans of different kinds imported within the last 10 years
>birthrates are in the shitter and population is decreasing even WITH all of them
>schools are full of shitskins that don't speak the language, there already was a teacher shortage and now they're all quitting
>infrastructure is and will always continue to be shit because the government is run by clowns
>rent and house prizes are just as fucked as anywhere else in the world
>industry is fucking off like never before because they're tired of pissing away money
This is a success of well planned policy. Really only have yourself to blame for going along.
Germany is spiritualy dead, so inspiring or fun art is impossible. Everyone I know here still making art is intentionally making the most disgusting stuff imaginable. Adventure games of misanthropic nihilism or cynical cashgrab mobile shit. nothing in between
I love Sacred 2, but it's not a good game.
Wiemar Republic 2.0
didn't the german government fund cross-code's development? that game was great
Germany lost the right to exist after they did the Holocaust only to end up also supporting Zionists.
You forgot the best part:
>Somehow manages to create one of the best and most tense scenes in all of cinema
It's 100% real. You have to consider that the German government was mostly sociopathic Nazis after WW2.
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You gonna get pozzed games like this.
we made crysis and gothic and settlers

were not made for big rpgs unironically
>only one of them was charged
Why do you say verifiably retarded shit with such confidence? Where do you get your information from? I don‘t even know where you would read about this event and not know this very basic fact
DAO would be that, and with women who look like women, men who look like men, people being normal, setting being non pozzed, with no millennial writing and all that.
bg3 is just ugly pozzed doghsit higly regarded by people who have high regards for pozzed ugly pozzed dogshit. Those were its merits
im just so tired of everyone using unreal engine. americans, japanese, chinese, europeans, etc.
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Nah UE5 is sick but nobody is using it to its fullest extent
Gothic 1 & 2, Risen 1
Elex and Gothic 3 get a participation prize each
>It is also one of the best CRPGs ever made.
Bitch, please. If it was good it wouldn't have been woke, pozzed, ugly and written the millennial way.
Any game that don't do that is better by default
mfs seriously so quick to jump to the defense of a pedo government
You're probably a pedo yourself though. Actually kill yourself pedo scum.
The biggest German gaming franchise has now been completely memoryholed despite being quite hyped back in the day.
we already know what it looks like at its fullest extent. epic made the engine and created demos/games showing them. its still has the same problems and third parties make it worse.
Crysis, Gothic uuuuhhhhhh
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>Germany re-unifies and becomes third-largest world economy
>doesn't have a notable tech or entertainment sectors
>Japan and America completely eclipse them in terms of cultural relevance
>Russia stops selling them cheap oil because kikes wanted another war
>instantly turn into the laughing stock of Europe alongside Bongistan
I played it. It wasn't special.
Do you praise it just becasue it has lesboshit?
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pretty much, less than 5% of the money went to PEGI16+ games
>indie tranny simulator made by like two people
>it's about life being absolutely miserable
>also Soviet shit for some reason
BG3 has a few attractive females.
Because companies don't stay in italy to avoid paying the giant taxes, they do business outside
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>BG3 worked
Honestly, most of european countries became a fucking joke worthless shitholes in the last 4 years. But Germany, Britain and France are probably the biggest fall from grace examples since most of them used to be continent spanning empires and industrial powerhouses
>cultural relevance

hollywood is literally dying and nigger music is not even american, that's just nigger thing
>Shuts down nuclear power stations early in favour of solar, wind, gas, and lignite coal
>Destroys heavy industry with high energy bills
>"We should make more woke games guys!"
The pedopgiles adopting kids was part of the humanitarian policies of the denazification process imposed by the US cartel.
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It wasn't about seeing if child rape was actually that bad. The logic was that people who really love kids would make great parents.
>France's game rep is a fucking David Cage game
Christ that's depressing.
It doesn't. Eveyone looks abysmal, on top of being insufferable
Yep, sad truth
So why did East Germany not have this problem under the USSR's denazification?
Ah yes, the Council of The Game of the Year. Truly an unbiased source and not hundreds of microawards given by each and every journalist publication.
>one of the best CRPGs ever made
Nah. Levels sucks, despite how known the setting is you're not really somewhere, only "close to baldur's gate", Baldur's gate itself sucks. The writing is extremely hit or miss, with almost nothing being taken seriously. It's the zoomer's idea of a dnd game.
Legally i cant tell you.
It's their worst game since Dragon Commander fag
France still has a secret empire in Africa and they occasionally make good animated shows. Ubisoft used to make iconic games, but now they are completely soulless.

Meanwhile Japan got nuked but got to keep the most influential and prosperous country in Asia. People see them as a role model, especially when it comes to anime and videogames.
Niggers are 200% American.
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Sadly, it will end in nothing. The potential for at least a couple of propaganda games is there but they don't know how to do it.
Probably because of the massive other problems they had like being occupied and not having real control over industry and being forced to continuously pay a massive "debt" that left them in poverty
Oh and also they were shot to death for trying to cross a street.
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It will just end up like Canada where you have state sponsored crap like Goodbye Volcano High
The German people have no soul
I honestly thought you were taking the piss at first because everything in the first half is AIDS
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>Government that constantly fucks their own citizens in the ass as hard as they can in any way possible
The answer is no
About that...
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It's gonna be great gaming is saved
I love how americans have a melty everytime somebody says some other country is better at doing something than them.
Trudeau funded Goodbye Volcano High? LMAO
>If Japan was as impactful they wouldnt have moved Sony to the US.
They were forced to do that since Amerimutts raped their economy with Plaza Accords. It wasn't just Sony. They hijacked multiple companies.
I can't even tell what I'm watching. That's how innatural it looks
Yeah they got a lot of grants from the governments gayming programs
no, if it's backed by the german government it will be inherently pozzed
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LMFAO what a surprise!!
why did he only adopt boys?
whats behind the clit door?
I don't think germans are capable of creating anything that isn't gothic or forklift simulator
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Anything government sponsored turns into shit.
Government should not have this amount of power
None of you understand taxation and how much money your government waste with pointless and propaganda.

And it is always leftists/jews.
Every single time.
Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 were made with goverment money
>the game >>681479595
You've been bumping your own thread for how long now?
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>American games are whats keeping the industry alive

American open world game, 25 years in the making, from the biggest American software company (Microsoft) and the open world trendsetters from America - Bethesda.
Released September 6, 2023


Japanese open world game, asset flipped from the previous franchise, from Japanese developer that was a literal who a decade ago - FROMSOFTWARE
February 25, 2022

Also included a Dark Souls 3, a Japanese game from 2016 from the same company. Just to shit on you harder. Nobody likes American slop anymore. It's over.
where does the right waste money then? not on fixing the country.
They send all t he money to corporation #546849 then they quit their government job and get a job in the board of directors for corporation #546849

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>Wanting to win Golden Joysticks
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Just make a big donation to the CCP. You, too, can be like BG3.
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>almost a year on
>still seething
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>almost a year on
>bg3 still can't break even
How many millions in the hole now? Are the /v/ shill threads making a dent? Ask your shill manager.
i did not make those maps
BG3 was self funded with money from DOS. It doesn't need to break even.
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DOS2 also had the Tencent stake, which explains how it "made" money.
>Never has to report sales because behind chinese veil
>Claims whatever they want
Both games are massive botted flops. Proof is the lack of continued development for the alleged "cash cow"
Tencent-Larian is gaming's Evergrande
If all politicians would drop dead world would be a better place
>China invented trade secrets
Weird... I thought wotc was involved. They made all the woke parts, right? oh right, they didn't actually invest any money. It's an indie title after all.
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>trade secrets
They certainly invented reporting "sales" as estimates on chinese social media
Germans are too left brained to be artistic enough to develop a good video game. Same reason they can’t into comedy. Leave video game development to the poles
Wizards literally didn't spent jackshit on BG3.
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this. it´s also nothing new since germmoney says the same shit all the time when europe produces anything popular.
last time they said the same shit was when witcher dropped.
they will never allow games be games and will only try to push a (((certain))) agenda.
just imagine every single western gov being a bunch of poos trying to copy anything remotely successfull
The same clowns that let pyranha bytes and crytek nearly go bust now suddenly want to invest in vidya as soon as they hear that homosex is involved lol
>slavic scribbles
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Correct. They siphoned $90M out of Tencent's marketing budget after they failed to flip a profit, wasting any on bots and shills.
They hoped it would pay out when they took the D&D IP from WotC, until like everything West Taiwan does, they failed at that too
>get subsidy from government
>instantly goes to shit
many such cases
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No one has forgotten how you got baited in your own witcher thread by based Larishill exposer. The only question now is:
>Uyghur prisoner forced to shill this garbage >>681479595
>Actual retard roach supporting B&I
but... the woke parts were forced by them?
Taiwan doesn't exist. Name is Republic of China
>The only simulator game actually making the charts is Landwirtschaft/Farming Simulator and its also the only Simulator that isn't an outright scam.
And the best part? That one isn't even german. It's made in Switzerland.
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Surely it will not result in a bunch of garbage games and tax money being siphoned by talentless parasites
That would explain why only one guy got charged.
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>t.swen, who can't say Taiwan because he totally didn't sell his company to Tencent (he did)
That image says it was a licensing deal. Aka Larian paid to use the IP.
What places do most game devs even operate out of anyways? Does the video game industry even have some "hollywood" equivalent? The closest thing I can think of is maybe Montreal but even that seems tenuous
I just said Taiwan.
Redditor northern Mexico lmao
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Tencent paid WotC via Larian for the contractually agreed amount and then stopped all development after they paid. It flopped. They didn't get the IP rights.
Massive L for Beijing. Even more massive L for Larian being used and discarded like the inept company they are.
Germans are easily the stupidest european race around
they truly wish the be on the level of meds and nords but they are more like kinsmen to africans like the irish.
I would rather dare to rest my whole life upon the shoulders of a pole or a woman or a polish woman, than any kraut.
>german government sponsored game
a game about climate change and brave nigger immigrants saving the world
I know about every single one of this list except GTA.
I thought that rockstar north stopped producing GTA around V and since then it´s murrican made but I could be wrong since V was already very murrican and it was also done by R*N
Holy shit what mental illness is this?
Well they can annex Belgium
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>Germany wants this in their marketing
>What places do most game devs even operate out of anyways?
California and Shenzhen.
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In case you need another reminder, you lost, schizo shill
steven ma balls
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Just ignore it and move on, anon. He's been doing it for almost a full year and he isn't going to stop any time soon.
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Don't reply to yourself. It's cringe.
The last time the German government got involved with video game we got Uwe Boll's entire filmography.
I'll pass thank you.
ten replies and no proof
Wizards probably got a bad deal in relation to the success of the game and decided to bail out.
>germany wants a game that made millions and pulled a ton of critical acclaim
Wow stunning news
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IP holder sets the terms. It's their IP.
China promised bagillions in profits and then came up short when their bot and shill campaign failed to sell a crpg. Historically the worst performing genre in the West.
WotC said "tough shit. we agreed to $90M. pay up."
All of the sudden Larian saves face and announces they never wanted to work on DLC or a sequel. Instead wanting to work on a sci fi crpg no one asked for.
Embarrassing levels of failure.
That is a direct threat on the president. Germany is a guy using a roman salute, threatening nobody, but rather, possibly offending some people. Germany's laws regarding that revolve entirely around the concept of "hate speech", which the US regards as being part of free speech. Nearly every European country has incredibly cucked laws regarding speech, especially in regards to not being allowed to insult your replacements.
Schizophrenic narrative.
swedecucks and chyna bots on suicide watch
True, but Uwe Boll's filmography led to Lowtax getting punched by Uwe Boll and crying so the end result was worth it.
If the game ended shortly after Act 2 I would have agreed, but Act 3 was just such a slog, usless mess that I have to disagree. Act 3 should have been Wyrms crossing with the sewers and cazadors mansion in it too, and that's it. Game should have ended without actually reaching Baldurs Gate.
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Literal fact.
Tencent owns 1/3 of Larian. A private entity between 2 Belt&Road supporters and the CCP. AKA the CCP owns the company:
The only source of "sales" are estimates on Chinese social media, released by a CCP state affiliated embassy:

Do you know why you still deny these things wumao? Because it's factually correct. And I'm glad it failed. Get this cancer out of our faces.
>CCP 2 Belt&Road supporters
Lmao you're infused with chinkseethe. Literally all of your posts are irrelevant and would better fit into the Youtube comment section under Chyna collapse report.
Sven, get off the net and fucking work on your next cash grab. Preferably not another Eerie Abscess for 4 years. Would be great to keep the faggshit out this time but who am I kidding.

Also, Pathfinder shits on BG3 while holding the crown of modern WRPGs
Trudeau funds lots of fucking stupid shit, this is just the icing on the cake. Shitposting is just how we cope with our country burning down around us.
Studios usually prefer to work on their own IP since it means they don't have to ask permission or make profit sharing deals.
sometimes it actually not about the message. it's to move money around. Videogames seem to be good for that nowadays.
>Alan woke 2 (sweet baby inc edition)
>STALKER 2 (niggers in the USSR edition)
get these out of the list
Pathfinder is cuckshit desu.
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I kneel
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You are so obvious because you shills are just not smart. If you insist on shitting up the catalog this will continue to be painful for you.
Yeah, nah.
I tried applying for one, as I live in Canada. Good fucking luck getting one if you dont have a bunch of minorities, gays/trans, or women on your team. It's been around 2 years I looked at it but from what I remember they make it a not so secret hidden requirement.
The thread is about German video games.
A significant portion of the population are too stupid to play a CRPG. Not joking.
Tell it to >>681519765
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my ideal wife
I meant to quote that schitzo.
but fucking gay bears isnt, got it.
How is a federal grant going to allow a studio to make a game like BG3, of which the main draw is the responsiveness of the world thanks to a gigantic budget? Are they going to give a 100+ million Euro grant to a random studio?
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It is. Both are gross.

Eliminate the westacuck gaming industry.
It's even worse in the UK.
I've played the Australian/German version of L4D2 and it feels like an alpha test because of how they removed half the animations and blood effects from the enemies and maps.
If your government is that cucked about censorship then forget them making anything.
I'll say the same thing the last time I saw this thread. I wish them luck but I'm not holding my breath. Modern day Germany is incapable of good entertainment. Just look at the likes of Daedalic. Those faggots grew up playing Monkey Island and decided to make their own Monkey Island, except shit in every way (Deponia).

When it comes to European countries making good vidya, only bet on Poland, Scandinavian countries, Italy and Spain. France is just as bad as Germany.
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Yeah it's not like the West has ever done anything bad anyway.
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man gothic 2 was so far ahead of its time I'm surprised german bros couldn't build it up into a billion dollars franchise like polacks did with witcher. I'm skeptical anything worthwhile might happen when any government is involved, these things should happen organically, staring from a dedicated, passionate person or a small group of visionaries otherwise it will be like throwing money into the well.
The Anno series is still at the top of the city building genre and looking at the last few entries, I think it's on a positive trajectory. They still experiment with new stuff and learn from their mistakes when it doesn't work out.
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>Image is Larishill talking about BG3's alleged "success"
>Entire thread is bots and shills posting about BG3
Is coffee good for you?
> own chuds

The Only reason this is happening.
>Germany's Interior Ministry has introduced new citizenship requirements, including recognizing Israel's right to exist. People applying for naturalization in Germany will now be required to affirm Israel's right to exist, under changes to the country's citizenship law.
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I don't know why I bother checking screenshots like that.
German government wants games like Baldur's Gate 3 to 'also go on to be developed in Germany'?
How the fuck is any game like bg3 going get made in Germany?
Don't they have absurd censorship laws?
>country that invented government sanctioned spiritual torture (zersetzung)
>party in power filled with former members of that government
>wants to make state funded media
Shan't be consuming this
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Why are the Germans not praising the Simulator game market that they already own?
those dont score ally points nor get free funding
Hunt: Showdown
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From a country that does this? No thanks, I'd rather have my games made in a free country. Not a third world niggerhole.
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What a moron you must be.
My lord those games were mindblowing when I was a kid AND had hot babes on cover.
What's that supposed to be? Shitskin welfare payout list?
how is this related to the german vidya industry
Taxes, half of your salary to taxes
>german "languague" be like
>uajhuawudjawudjawudjawuj dnjawjudjauiowdjuawdhuawhdu diakwidjaiwjhaftyuwhrt
JoWooD Entertainment, a defunct publisher of many German games was apparently Austrian. Many such cases, huh.
I remember that as soon as I managed to make my dating sims my job, there was a newspaper report that my shithole of country was setting aside money to invest in small game developer companies. The idea was to give an initial boost to various indies in the hope of fostering the industry.
I was interested to see the details and after I downloaded the documentation that the government had made available, the reality hit. It was something like this:
>50% of the funding goes to female game directors
>the other 50% goes to black directors, homosexuals or any kind of minorities
>if there's anything left over, and you've got a dick and skin less dark than a black hole, maybe you'll get something
>a government committee will analyze your game to see if its theme is valuing diversity and tolerance

It was the most pathetic thing I've seen in my life, they literally wanted to fund women and black faggots making games that spread globohomo propaganda. Meanwhile the market was rewarding people like me, who made a dating sim where you had to convert feminists to normality using your huge dick.
good morning sir
Maybe GERMANY shouldn't have let Piranha Bytes roll over and die so we could still be getting Gothic Jank Kino games
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