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>Posts a post
>immediately went to page 4 after getting bumped by 4 24/7 dalle generals
This is the prettiest girl in Argentina btw
The AI menace must be purged
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Did anyone else notice it's the same guy posting the dalle op everytime with whatever character he's obsessed with this month
>makes shit up for a retarded thread that completely fails to make any sense just to seethe about AI
Every time.
Nuh uh
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There is literally no reason not to move the Dall-E thread to /vg/
>but it would kill actual generals
Then fucking ban it, who gives a shit
>>but it would kill actual generals
This is such horseshit lmao, /vg/ has a catalog of over two hundred active threads, with its userbase only posting in a third of that. Slopfags would have to go into a /dbs/-tier bitchfit to knock anyone off the catalog.
However a more valid reason is that /vg/ is diet /qa/ now with constant cross-shitposting into here, spambots, troonery, gay lingo and so forth. Putting the Dall-E thread there will have countless CP/gore/illegal content workarounds in the algorithm found within a day.
I don't care where it goes it just needs to be kicked out of /v/. They could ban it from the site entirely for all I care.
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So miku threads is every money
Console tans are every Tuesday

But dalle gets to have a thread everyday

AI won
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>hmm i shall create a vidya thread
>please wait 5 minutes before making a thread
is that fucking walten files lmao
at this point its obvious they just wanna make the site as shitty as possible to piss people off more to promote engagement, twitter has been doing it for years
why did they take off the ip counter?
why dont they ever delete off topic threads until they are at least 250 posts in?
why are there generals on /v/ when theres a whole fucking board for them?
ill tell you why, its because hiros a jew
>Waaaaaah my thread made it to page 9!
>It's definitely the fault of that ONE AI thread
Based on shit threads like this one, OP's last thread was probably equally terrible. Keep seething dumb faggot(s).
not necessarily completely disagreeing here but the AI threads are shit either way
I think everyone who still keeps that general afloat should legit lose internet access for a month or flat out kill themselves. But it's still funny to laugh at delusional retards thinking maybe, just maybe if there were just FOUR more slots on the catalog, then their dogshit thread would have got replies.
T. The 100th Political bait poster
Nah I hate /pol/ shit, I come here for video game news, porn, and lulz
Generals aren't allowed unless it AI shit apparently
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AI Chuds winning
I don't understand why mods don't create an /ai/ board yet
AI dumps threads are destroying archives
>literal chinkpost
On what?
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Holy fuck
I need to start posting more AI throughout /v/ if it makes people seethe that much
They'd have to create two boards for SFW and NSFW slop.
>>please wait 5 minutes before making a thread

Why is this a thing? Does it have to do with posting in other threads?
Gotta push 4chan pass subs
Probably to combat with spam or something since jannies get raped daily by ban evaders
i still don't get why they went with 5 mins
just make it so you can't make a new thread until your ip+cookie combo has first posted 24 hours ago
that'll bore the ip hopping ADHD retards well enough
Very bad idea
The solution: /ai/ containment board. We've needed it for months at minimum. Maybe even over a year by now.
Why would they? There is a board for gacha /vmg/ yet gacha fags keep spamming their shit here and mods allow it.

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