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>hang out with friend to play smash
>use his switch to play
>when I get there friend is playing oot since he bought the online garbage
>pauses and tells me he's gonna take a shit before we play
>leaves room and I look over at the screen
>immediately notice pic related
>take picture and post it here
Is this really the quality of these official emulated games?
Did your friend wash his hands?
What's wrong with it? It looks fine.
Autistic with cleanliness so yes
Why are you on your phone when hanging out with your friend? Play video games or slap each other's dick around or something. Don't be that guy.
thats how it always was, anon
you didn't notice years ago because the fuzz of the CRT screen disguises blemishes like this

like it's barely visible in the thumbnail here unless you enlarge it
N64 used 3-point interpolation filtering on textures, modern graphics APIs use 4-point. When you apply 4-point interpolation filtering on N64 games you get very obvious seamlines on the textures. If you look at the background in OPs picture you can see the very obvious checkerboard of seams produced by using improper texture filtering.
So did you guys fuck or what?
yeah the N64 looks like shit
that's why people are nostalgic over PS1 graphics over N64 graphics
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Nigga did you really just take a picture of a screen?
you'd know how annoying it is to get screencaps from switch to a pc or worse, a phone
It takes 15 seconds are you retarded?
Anon not understanding that you don't play video games right next to the screen.
Move away from the tv retard, you won't even notice it
Lines it's an autism thing you wouldn't get it.
Those weird Gate kids might they're into lines.
The RG nano is great for PS1 games for this exact reason. Old games look like shit on big blown up tvs unless you bother to make them look good and are tech savvy enough to do it and most people just want to play a fucking video game which is hard enough as is cause they're all shit.
/v/video games
why must you curse us with this knowledge
it can not be unseen
Fuck your friend. He just fired one out so he's clean.
Blame Nintendo for gimping the hardware at the last minute to save costs.
I think you might need an eye test anon
Okay sure but what's wrong with it?
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Now when you have posted, everyone will surely start taking screenshots on their friends switches they're gonna start doing screenshot to your standard.
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you'll want to open up OP image again
did a quick shit job of outlining the more obvious bits to consult in relation to the unedited picture OP posted
You absolutely do need an eye test then
sorry not outlining, highlighting
You need to fuck your friend
This, wtf man
Are you retarded or illiterate?
Nice work. I noticed this as well however I didn't let it ruin my experience.
it takes 15 seconds for you to take the screenshot, turn the switch off, remove the sd card, put it into an adapter, putting it into your card reader, and drag it to your local disk? not to mention it requires turning your game off?
anon you're arguing with latinx folx...
He's probably still playing on a CRT then
You would know brown boy
>I-I'm white I swear
sure you are, José
It's not caused by the number of texture sample points. It happens because larger textures must be split into multiple smaller textures, causing linear texture filtering to give undesired results along texture splits. Normally, this isn't an issue because the textures are drawn at their original resolution. However, it becomes apparent when running at higher than native resolution. A more technical explanation can be found here: https://gliden64.blogspot.com/2015/11/improved-2d-and-other-fixes.html

P.S. The 3-point texture sampling meme needs to die. In practice, it has very little impact on the final image.
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that's not why it happens
the menu background texture is actually several separate textures lined up together
the texture filtering gets applied to each, but not between each texture
the same seams appear with bilinear and 3-point filtering, see pic related
you can do it wirelessly
>didn't even deny it
Relax brown boy
I can see two potential lines, both on the right hand side and not even in the same ball park as ops pic. Idk, kys maybe or use a crt to take the photo, cunt troon.
Its far less noticeable here.
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it's just as noticeable with bilinear filtering
it's probably more noticeable in OP's picture because of the color/contrast settings on his friend's TV
how? is it a new feature?
>posting and editing
>send to smart device
it creates a WLAN and you just scan the QR code to download it from there. maybe 3 years old feature
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this is targeted harassment. this is gangstalking.
Yes the Switch Online version is notoriously terrible.
never got this to work
Just look at it with your eyes, it's not some esoteric knowledge only the truly enlightened are allowed to grasp
>only can transfer 10 images at a time
>can't use it with anything that doesn't have wifi because muhh direct connection
typical nintendo bullshit again
Do people actually buy the NSO controllers?
>Bro hung out with his friend
DESU I don't see that shit.
His friend was taking a shit he didn't have more than a minute, he'd need to set up his account on his friend's Switch or use an SD card both take a long ass time.
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I hate that I need to subscribe to their dogshit online service just to have the privilege to buy these constantly scalped controllers.
You can get them on ebay
And if you're playing an online game it disconnects you from the server because Nintendo refuses to make a system that lets you do multiple connections at once
So buying them from the scalpers at 100% markup, no thanks
the best kind of autism
>Is this really the quality of these official emulated games?
It varies, but yeah.
I think you can probably run OoT decomp on the Switch. If you put it side by side with your friend's I bet even your friend would be able to tell the difference, what with all the improvements.
>fans literally have better version than nintendo

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