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>Really liked the first Fear and Hunger
>Can't get into the second one for the life of me even though the setting should interest me more
Sneed and Chunger.
Why not? Who'd you start with? How far did you get?20T0XS
I put the captcha in the post, holy shit I'm retarded.
People often cry about medievalish fantasy, post apoc, and space sci-fi making up 95% of game settings but then they try something else and its invariably less interesting, because they mistake novelty for interest.
Termina is just a woke Fear and Hunger so it's not surprising.
you should kill your self
Termina is a better game mechanically but it lacks the soul of the original.
not with that save system
worst shit i ever played
Termina was made for the fags who cared more about shipping characters together and who's gay over being a fun game.
Cope incel.
Marina is trans.
Marcoh is gay.
You lost.
Not really an issue if you already have experience from the first game, especially if you've done hard mode runs where there's no saving. It creates tension for exactly one playthrough as you ration your saves but on replays you destroy the game so badly with all your knowledge it just becomes a mechanic you use to trigger different events. Hell, didn't the old resident evils do limited saves too?
>Marcoh is gay.
Wrong Marcoh is for Abella to make strong and sturdy ubermensch with.
My experience in the first game was an initial struggle but eventually I was such a bad ass I could spam save in the prison beds and killed everything that would ever bother me and had free saves.
Right that's one approach but one of my points is that once you reach a similar level of badass in Termina you don't bother to save at all, especially because we don't even have a Terror and Starvation difficulty yet. Day 1 morning runs were the stepping stone challenge runs prior to attempting Masochism mode back when the game launched. Limited saves gave you tension for your first run, after which it no longer matters because you know you have way more than enough saves to do everything you need to.
It might be because it's less open, breakable and longer? I feel like these in combination also made me less enthused about it than I feel I should be.
I don't know how you can bad ass your way out of the mob randomly appearing when you aren't ready or Needles pathing fucking you over day 1 morning. Not to mention shit like Dysmorphia. There is way, way, way more trial and error in Termina and I got bored of it and quit. You spend too much time restarting and doing the exact same shit before ever overcoming the learning curve compared to 1.
And I meant less breakable.
Crossdressing isn't the same thing as being a tranny.
>less open, breakable and longer?
That's a good point, the effigy hunt in particular just drags on replays. Actually entering the city is fun because you have so many options but after that my interest plummets.
Needles isn't much of a problem, he resets when you change location unlike the mob and is doable with 2 party members and a mine/glass. The mob is some shit because it requires good knowledge of layout to dodge them, don't reset so they can corner you easily, and are in general a pretty hard encounter, but I enjoy the flavor they bring, the first time I heard the broken glass and got mob'd I almost shit my pants, it was great. In combat they're also much less bullshit than crow mauler, especially if you have Abella because of the wrench throw stun.

Either way I still think you have enough saves, just like the first game after a few runs you know to take a while before making your first one (I like to take the free one after zooming to legarde) and I'd argue that early game Termina is easier if you use your sense of caution to avoid the obvious big bads because the average enemy is weak and can't mutilate you. Meanwhile early game guards in 1 were gruelling encounters if you didn't know the precise way to deal with them, and even then you had something like a 10% chance to miss so your run could end turn one if you whiffed the cleaver arm.
>the effigy hunt in particular just drags on replays
Next patch supposedly adds new midgame areas and possible effigy locations, and the game randomizes them at the start of a playthrough.
I thought it was just adding the carnival (which is an additional route into prehevil) and only does effigy randomization to mix up the midgame.
Was there a new ending being added in the next patch?
Not that we know of. I'd rather he flesh out the ones we already have. I feel like ending B took all the effort, so the rest seem very thing by comparison. Especially C.
just wait 10 years until hiroshima fixes the game like he did with F&H1. newfags don't know this, but F&H 1 was almost unplayable on release and confused as hell, it got fixed with assloads of patches.
Marina is a crossdresserchad with his personal goth girl slave
>most of /v/'s complaints about the game are once again them being bad at the game
kek everytime
no idea, but from twitter previews, it seems like he will add so much content the patchnotes will be several pages long. and iirc, he kept putting new endings with every major update of F&H1. and i also imagine a lot of people have complained about the endings, since he also changed them / retconned them in F&H1. so likely
Being a solo dev must be brutal as fuck.
i am a solo dev, not really. it is fun as fuck to have 100% creative control.
What about the workload? Doesn't it take forever to get to a finished project?
not really, if you do it like miro (and me) and just use an engine you are familiar with, grab the sounds off opengameart and freesound, and make the music out of some slow played sample ambience, all you really have to focus on is the graphics (and even those can be outsourced) and story/your vision, which is very doable. i have to say that miro does fucking miracles with the broken mess that RPGmaker is though.

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