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Why do redditors hate GFE so much?
just turn off it's overlays and then it's just an easy tool to instal the latest driver.
but my shadowplay funny moment....
I am the one who mods
>not nvcleaninstall for the most minimal driver install
I like Shadowplay
OBS is better.
Because it's a piece of shit that turns itself off at random intervals?
I'll just not update my drivers, ez
Sadly OBS can't do do super-sampling recordings.
It's constrained to the actual size of your monitor.
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I need shadowplay tho!
I need geforce experience because shadowplay is literally gods gift to gamers
>b-but muh OBS
Third party recorders using nvenc will always have worse framedata than Shadowplay. They will also always use more CPU.
Shadowplay grabs frames straight from the buffer while other recorders have to go through the DX API.
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GirlFriend Experience?
Steam Recorder for steam games, Shadowplay for 120fps video, RTX HDR, and RTX Dynamic Resolution. (Also no one uses Geforce Experience anymore, we all upgraded to the Nvidia APP now)
I like geforce experience it optimizes my game settings. I have a 4090 btw
Experience was lame but the new Nvidia App is very, very good.
I don't see a shadowplay option in the nvidia app
Was Walter White based or cringe?
And what good is that if the stupid piece of shit turns itself off at random intervals?
>oh that was some cool shit
>lemme just record it
>nothing happens
Happens way too often.
>Was Walter White based or cringe?
If you even have to ask that you are brown or underage
I installed as a kid because it say it'll "optimized" my game lmao
ALT+Z. It's built into the Nvidia APP now(and to configure it click the gear icon on the top)
How do I turn recording off? It says I need to turn it off before configuring (just like shadowplay), but shadowplay had a massive ON/OFF button in the middle of your screen when you opened the overlay and I can't find it in the nvidia overlay
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>tfw it's time to replace the entire pc instead of upgrading parts
ALT+F9 i guess
is this the thread where i can bitch about my ryzen throwing out whea event 18 errors when i run specific low end games but never crashes on high demand games?
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This ones life time aspiration is to pay a prostitute. Fucking loser.
but i like using it to record my epic gameplay
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You didn't beat the game
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But Chuck I only used a spirit ash once...
I switched to steam's new recording and never looked back. I will still use shadowplay for non steam games tho.
Seems like a chore to use two separate things instead of using one thing, even if one of the two things is better at something else
If you play in 4k DSR it records in 4k. Or you want to record a 1080p game in 4k because?......
Worse framedata? It's minus on block only if you're a bitch.
Where did he say that was his "life time aspiration?"
I want a bag of skittles right now. Doesn't mean that's my "life time aspiration."
but i like being able to save 15 second replays...
when it actually fucking works and detects i'm in a fucking game
Turn on desktop capture
I have 4k monitor, but I want to make screenshots in 16k, so I can get curses from people who download my screenshots and lose half of their monthly internets plan.
>They will also always use more CPU
does shadowplay run better than medal?
I have been using medal but my cpu temps get a bit worrying
That's ansel you're talking about?
Have you tried to, like, not hit the hotkey to turn it off? Or just regularly check the on icon in the bottom right corner?
>you need to waste your time periodically checking for new drivers manually to fuel my victim fetish
You never need to update your drivers unless shit doesnt work like its supposed to anyway
he didn't say that
>constantly have to check if the stupid thing is even on
Ooooor I can just use OBS.
I set it up 4 years ago and haven't had to worry about it ever since. It just works.
shadowfag can't even run a month consistently. lol
lmao even
It's overrated. 7/10, I just wanna put it in and get off.
>not DDUing after every install
Enjoy your inexplicable driver issues.
Maybe, but relying on jew shit like (((shadow play))) enables kike companies to do jewey shit to prevent people from recording.

I used to use a 20 year old copy of pirated fraps and saw that it wouldn't record certain games. Maybe it's cuz it was such a an old version, but I refuse to hear it. I believe it was Jewish magic preventing me from recording footage.

So I pirated an up-to-date copy of bandicam and never looked back.
>It's bloatware
>b-because i said so
Obs doesn't have shadowplay
Why the fuck would OBS have shadowplay? OBS has OBS. Fucking retard.
OBS, windows integrated capture tool
if you are not an ugly fuck with no game. Every escort is gfe. When they say no bare I get to creampie them anyway
Obs can't record things in the past like shadowplay can
Take the L
It's called Instant Replay you stupid zoomer fuck.
And OBS does have that option. It's called a Replay Buffer.
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>just check the website for new drivers every day and then manually download and install them 2-3 times every month
>gforce experience downloads and installs new drivers automatically when they're released without you having to lift a finger or ever worry about it
Hmmmmmm tough choice Mr. Whited
Don't listen to this fuckwit. Escorts don't like it when you ask for bareback.

All women are parasites. Whores are just more honest and cheaper because they won't divorce rape you.
Blatantly false
Yeah sure you can maybe perhaps make it work by super-sampling from your desktop and then configure your OBS to your new resolution, then open the game and play super-sampled from there.
But I just want to take a high resolution video on a quickie, not go the whole 9 yards of setting that all up for a 10 seconds clip.

Meanwhile on shadowplay you just super-sample the in-game resolution and it records it at whatever resolution you set it to without a hitch.
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>spent a shit ton of extra money to "future-proof" my new rig 7 years ago
>upgraded last week
>needed a new MoBo because of new chipsets
>was missing a modular wire for my PSU, needed to get a whole new one
Only thing I ended up keeping was my case and SSDs
Oh no. This guy actually believes that Shadowplay can time travel back to the past and record the clip. No lol. Shadowplay is actually recording your desktop ALL THE TIME. You can just choose to keep the last X seconds with a button.
Ever since it wants me to create an nvidia account with forced pw complexity and 2FA I uninstalled it. Like who the fuck cares about his fucking nvidia account.
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>changed old green gpu for new red gpu
>run DDU
>didn't format OS
>buncha shit doesn't work no more
fellers, any tips on how to extract shit from my windows drive before formatting? it's such a hassle to check appdata and program files
quit windows, install an arched based distro, and do your paru like every sane person do, and never care again in your life of being "up to date" or dealing with bloatware
If you use geforce experience you can just do a clean driver install and solve the problem
dogshit program
Bro just go get an actually girl friend you only pay like 10 bucks a day for it and can cancel anytime.
>update isn't tested and breaks compatibility with a game you're playing
happens often, I'd rather give it a couple weeks before installing and then needing to rollback
>try to use the GFE screen capture
>it doesnt capture only in game audio and video
Who cares, the end result is the same: a recording.
Why are you using literal shit instead of OBS?
Shadowplay is pretty convenient when you stumble upon something cool or something cool happens ingame and you don't want to have OBS running for the entire session.
7 years is already plenty of years. I wish every "future proofed" PC lasted that long.
For the last time you inbred fucks.
OBS does the exact same thing as shadowplay.
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>TFW I lost the chance to get Transformers Devastation
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The fuck is a Game Ready Driver?
the AMD installer has a clean install option which nukes shit as well, but DDU should've cleaned it out. If you do an actual format and clean windows install you won't have to worry but that's the nuclear option IMO.
>turns itself off at random intervals
I've literally never had this happen in 6-7 years of usage
>The fuck is a Game Ready Driver?
A driver that has been (allegedly) optimised for a specific game.
Whoa what I thought the GTA games on Steam are all the """remastered""" versions
>AMD Installer
I'm not using your fucking shitty Radeon shit even if you fucking paid me
I like it because of nvidia freestyle which makes all my games look better with some tweaks
After GFE +3.0 it'll turn itself off whenever an update is due.
You're just not using it often enough to notice.
I've been running a Vega 64 for like 6 years with no issues aside from some driver compatibility bullshit with the occasional chinesium game like PUBG, even with the whole software package. It's really not that bad. So... works on my machine?
>he felled for the propaganda
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>updating drivers ever
they decrease performance on purpose so you buy a new card
Except I need to manually start OBS every time while Shadowplay starts by itself every time I turn on my computer
you can definitely add OBS to your startup programs, anon.
Forsen, is that you`?
Does amd have ai upscaling in their pc app?
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A slow motion recording. Shadowplay actually works.
What's wrong with being brown?
You fucking zoomers can't do anything unless the "app" does it for you, huh?
You just add OBS to your startup and give it launch-parameters to start the replay buffer on launch.
Fucking inept retards.
This doesn't really work if it's not a big rant.
That's a man
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You still haven't told me what it is and why geeforce wants me to install it so badly.
I just run pacman -Syu and it gives me the latest drivers
Holy shit she's perfect.

Also 2>1
>gondola thread gets deleted
The mentally ill think anything that uses any resources at all is some israeli plot to sodomize them, because they're too poor to afford hardware that isn't 15 years old and wasn't outdated, underpowered garbage even back then. Then you have other schizophrenics like >>681495012
Total /pol/troon death.
>i7 8700k was basically best cpu on the market at the time
>7 years later need more storage for my PC desperately
>think about grabbing a new NVME SSD since that's most of what's sold now and they're all on sale
>can't use one with my mobo
>will need to upgrade mobo, cpu, and ram, just to be able to use the current standard for storage
>modern midrange cpus don't even offer much over the 8700k 7 entire years later if I wanted to rebuild on a budget
feels horrific
You're delusional if you think modern cpus have nothing to offer over an 8700k. A 13th gen i7 has tons to offer over a 3000 series ryzen 7 for fuck's sake.
>>modern midrange cpus don't even offer much over the 8700k 7 entire years later if I wanted to rebuild on a budget
Poorfags delusions
obviously cpus are getting stronger, I just mean there's been diminishing returns in needing that cpu strength. I can't think of anything inside or outside of gaming I'd need more than the 8700k for. Even high end games like Cyberpunk will run at 60fps with it
Well if you don't play games then you don't need anything new. That's true.
what is a good new game that requires more power to run than Cyberpunk of all things?
> Cyberpunk
Optimized for an AMD Jaguar from 2013. It's not difficult to reach an high framerate in that game. Try Baldur's Gate 3.
I use both but OBS is not as good as Shadowplay yet, sadly.
In fact it's probably not even better than Window's Xbox media bar recording function.
>what is a good new game
Ask easier question. I'm not a professor dude
turn based games don't need high frame rate like a first person shooter
I do this
what's the issue, recording quality or ease of use?
The point is, the 8700 will be a colossal bottleneck on games like Baldur's Gate 3, Flight Simulator, Anno, to name a few. The framerate difference between that an a modern 14600k is more than double. Probably reaching tripple.
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>You didn't beat the game.
I what?
>You didn't beat the game! "Dex sorcery build", for Christ's sake? And you played online too? What a joke! I worked my ass off to get to the ending! And you take these shortcuts and you think suddenly you're my peer? You do what I do because you kill bosses faster and have fun? I committed my life to this! You don't slide into it like a cheap pair of slippers and then reap all the rewards!
I thought you were proud of me...
>I was! When you stopped playing Roblox and tried out things like Ocarina of Time, I was very proud!
So that's it, then, right? Keep ol Anon down playing Zelda, cause he's not good enough to be a Souls player?
>I know you. I know what you were, what you are. People don't change! You're a fucking casual! And a casual I can handle just fine, but a casual who displays his fake achievements is like a chimp with a machine gun! The Souls games are sacred! If you abuse those builds, casuals come in and force the devs to casualize further! This is not a game! And you have to know that on some level, I know you know I'm right. You know I'm right!
don't all the modern intel cpus have some issue where the performance degrades due to the E cores unless you disable them? Seems annoying
how else am I gonna capture gameplay conveniently
If that's the case than a 7800X3D will also offer huge gains in performance without having to mess around with Estrogen cores.
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>trying to fix a problem I think is driver related
>delete the driver to see
>geforce immediately reinstalls it
>disable geforce and do it again
>geforce immediately reinstalls it
>boot into safe mode and do it again
>geforce immediately reinstalls it
>uninstall geforce and do it again
>geforce immediately reinstalls it
>find and uninstall all 10 instances of geforce that were left behind and do it again
>after an hour I now know it wasn't a driver issue
I hate fixing other people's shit man
Don't buy Intel
Drivers are never the problem.
Recording quality and performance, the thing I notice the most is audio quality, OBS has really bad audio recording compared to Shadowplay.
It's also fairly CPU heavy compared to the alternatives, which is a shame since I love how much control you have over your recording with OBS compared to Shadowplay, but it's just not there yet when it comes to the rest, which is a shame since I much prefer it to most recording software out there.

I guess less tech savvy people might complain about OBS being less "plug and play" compared to Shadowplay, but it's not really an issue for me.
I am not a casual! I know he used spirit ash. I knew he used magic. Rivers of blood. As if I could ever be such a casual. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn’t prove it. He covered his screen, he summoned that idiot at the copy shop instead of me. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This... this plebian? He’s done worse. Beating Malenia! Are you telling me that a man just happened to solo her for him? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He used sleep against the Godskin duo! And I appraised his messages! And I shouldn’t have. I summoned him into my own world! What was I thinking? He’ll never change. He’ll never change! Ever since the Drake Sword, always the same! Couldn’t keep his hands out of the keyboard ! But not our Jimmy! Couldn’t be precious Jimmy! Looking up the best builds! And HE gets to be an Elden Lord? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped him when I had the chance! …And you, you have to stop him! You...
Unequivocally based.
So fucking tired of company's making dedicated pos software for everything. And it HAS to run in the Background.
The GUI's are ALWAYS shit. The settings are non-existant and just consist of a tech-support button because they think you're too retarded to fix/diagnose anything yourself. Most times performance is dog shit like in the case of razer synapse and it's always closed-source. ALWAYS.
I run unintrusive, open-source software that doesn't require bloated installers trying to make you download 20 diferrent apps before installing. I also don't have to agree to 4 diferrent contracts permitting them to watch me jack off and sell the way I grip my cock to Chinese marketing firms.
Anyone who defends these shitty practices is a boot licking, brown-nosed shill.

>no verification required.
of all things I wasn't aware of an issues with Audio. I suppose it probably takes some fiddling with settings but I like having multiple audio tracks based on which program it's actually assigned to. Also unsure about the overall system toll when using something like replay buffer compared to shadowplay, I don't have any A:B comparisons ready.
Yeah, but I didn't want to start by testing every stick of RAM and wire in the case. His problem was that launching any game more intensive than stardew valley would make his pc hard crash, so drivers seemed plausible
I'm not queueing up to grind missions in Destiny 2 with you right now waltuh
They are now, the originals got delisted after the poo versions came out
works on my machine :) at least it wont freeze my game for 20 seconds everytime i take a screenshot like steam overlay does.
I stopped using it when they made it require an account. Needing to log in to use driver software is just goddamn ludicrous.
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Good effort.
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You didn't remove the driver files.
>fucking retard installing all that nshitia bloat

at least one anon itt wasnt dumb as shit.

It requires an account instead of being a simple app to download drivers and record shit.
I haven't updated it in years. Because every time I updated it, it would always force Monster Hunter Rise to have this really long cache bootup that lasts like 3-4 minutes.
at least it hit the image limit
my computer is 8 years old and I know it needs to go but I can't let go
How do I manually install drivers though? Like is it just a EXE that installs itself and removes the older version? Or do I have to manually find the files? Genuienly asking because I didn't even know you could just download the drivers from their website, if I can learn to do this I'll just uninstall experience
First Step

Stop being a windows baby duck tech illiterate boomer
>just use literal garbage so you can feel special for not using the one operating system that works
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>tech illiterate lecturing others about garbage

I know more about the operating system YOU are using, lad
brown = wrong
>my ignorance is a position i will proudly boast from
the internet was a mistake
maybe learn about transparent images first, "maam"
I just use mesa desu
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>he took 10 minutes for this "comeback"
holy shit
>tranime reaction image
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>trannies live rent free in his head

Maybe use this wasted brain capacity to learn more about technology and operating systems.
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>Younger cousin can't start Steam without it getting stuck in a loop of opening the chromium dependency, having it crash, then trying to open the chromium dependency again over and over and over
>After a couple hours of trying steam forum "fixes" get bored and ask him to boot in safe mode
>He does
>Now the PC can't display anything to his monitor
>Ask him to plug the monitor into the other HDMI socket (either mobo or GPU)
>He swears up and down there isn't one
>Ask him to bring his PC over to my house
>Turns out he has never connected his monitor to the graphics card in like 10 years of owning the PC
>Also he had two versions of drivers for his GPU installed and Steam kept crashing because it couldn't figure out which one to use
>Delete both + reinstall
>Everything just werks (TM)
Baffled by both my cousin and AMD 2bh, at least I got his PC working again
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If you're talking about shader compilation, that has nothing to do with GeForce Experience
It will happen every time you update your drivers, even if you don't use GFE
kek thanks for reminding me of this thread
I deleted it from device manager but I didn't crack open the registeries or anything like that. I wantes the generic driver and watched as geforce kept replacing it in 10 seconds
are you saying the graphics card lacked HDMI? how damn old is this GPU?
why the fuck is breaking bad still relevant?
I assume it's because people are now starting to watch it
I didn't watch breaking bad, el camino, BCS until literally just last year
Because it's good. Next question
Why are you gay?
Because you are projecting. Next question
Why are you mad?
Because you are imagining things like a schizo. Next question
But that's what consoles last....
I need it because my lossless low latency desktop streming service, Moonlight, doesn't work without it (sadly)
Why do you keep replying? Got nothing better to do?
>not using nvcleaninstall
You're done.
Playing tower defense games and alt-tabbing. Next question
Apparently it scans your chrome tabs and will disable if you have any streaming services open, like spotify or netflix. Fuck GFE.
>cry "tech illiterate" because you see a post about using an OS that works
Linux is only useful if you do not value your time.
>coping about having to use EMULATION SOFTWARE to run any programs with actual function and use

NVIDIA drivers and other software are stored in your C:\ folders.
Just use linux
>turns itself off at random intervals?
user error is so funny
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>tech illiterate lecturing other people despite not knowing the difference between emulation and a translation layer

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