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uhm. you're not supposed to be able to save the game after you complete one stage. you're supposed to learn how to kill all enemy types without taking damage and finish the whole game in one go. what were they thinking?
>SOR3 has running
>SOR4 does not
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Ughhhh sounds gross.
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>Without taking damage
Wtf are you talking about
The fuck are you talking about nigger, the game saves after each stage.
>you're supposed to learn how to kill all enemy types without taking damage and finish the whole game in one go. what were they thinking?
Zoomers will not like this. Casuals would not play a game doing this. They see it as old outdated trash from the days of arcade games which they have never even touched.
because the game is mostly about sucking SOR1 & 2 cock and laughing at 3
Why is the art design for this game so bad? It looks like one of those cheap slop cartoons that younger people are into.
I'm a zoomer and I beat the game on Mania + arcade. Death to millennials.
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The game does have an arcade mode where you have to clear it in one go, but I think you have to finish the game once to unlock it.
the game is like an hour long, get good you adhd brain addled zoomer
>zoomer reading comprehension
ignore all retards shitting on this game, either they're terrible at video games or never played it.
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I'm terrible at the game and still love it.
But the game actually does have a true arcade "no saving" mode where you can adjust how many credits you start with?
the issue is that the game lets you beat it without getting good
Play arcade mode then. It's fun.
This picture needs a DLC equivalent where you start running into the red Bongos and your run is just fucking OVER.
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Post your Mania+ clear rank, anon.
Here are my arcade 1CC ranks.
So did every other Streets of Rage game, you could just continue for free.
>So did every other Streets of Rage game
You had limited continues in SOR 1-3
SoR4 is the blandest beat'em up in the 15 years since the genre revival, only brits praise this shit out of nostalgia and misplaced loyalty to a franchise.
Then I got to the end by the skin of my teeth when playing SOR1 as a kid, because I'd die constantly.
just got the game yesterday and it's fun as fuck
what's the difference between story and arcade?
.... but that's wrong. it works for me.
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That you could walk.
Because mobility is interesting to design around hence why they DID implement a sprint for one of the characters whose kit is about rushing opponents down. Not being able to sprint makes dodging harder so characters like ffloyd who do massive damage from grappling need to position themselves more from carefully to see benefit from it. It's straight up a better system. If you want to see what happens when you let characters have too much coverage/mobility go play paprium and see where your high skill play ends up.
I'm trying to get the platinum, but I'm too shitty to get S ranks. That is the only trophy I'm missing.
Story lets you save between levels. Arcade makes you do the whole game in one go with no continues.
>galsia steals the halberd
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4 does have running, it's just specific to certain characters which differentiates them far more than if it was universal. People always bring this up like it's an obvious inclusion the devs mustn't have thought of rather than one they did initially work on (pic related) before removing because they recognised that the game's more interesting without it.
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Silence, you faggot.
You never played the games.
Are you meantally ill?
If only modern games looked like that
You're a polfag who just wants to screech. People been wanting Adam back over Skate for years. Go cry in a culture war thread.
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Game is fucking great. So are 1, 2 and 3 (and the 3 OST is fucking fantastic hard techno that filters EDM babbies). Skill issue.
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Stop talking to braindead election tourists, brother.
Shiva is a fucking mulatto mexican/chinaman lmao, you are pathetic, you can't even make sense within your own retarded racist headspace.
Imagine not using Blaze Boobing
>Do you faggots ever played
Good morning sir!
Sounds like an Elden ring thread. Get good.
Mega Man 2 syndrome. SoR2 is just too fellated by casuals compared to 3 especially, so they had to ignore all the objective improvements and scale back gameplay to that level.
You sound like how FPSfags do when a game doesn't have sprinting.
Just play remake, nigga.
I kinda enjoyed 4, but I'd rather go remake.
running is for pussies
>antis have to scrape the bottom of the barrel for complaints about sor4
The option to restart the whole game after dying or taking one punch was not removed.
That's what arcade mode is for.
Are they not over Hillary losing yet? It's been like eight years.

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