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>stellar level design, one of their best yet
>super interesting lore that really adds to the main game
>but the bosses are dogshit overtuned mess for muh difficulty meme
>fights are either hell if you play solo, or piss easy with spirit ashes, no middle ground
What the hell is going on with Fromsoft? How did we go from Midir and Gael and Isshin to this?
>>super interesting lore that really adds to the main game
At least the Marika lore does anyway. That Miquella shit is retarded as fuck.
>evil twink brainwashes everyone to resurrect his dead brother and marry him
what's not to like?
How is anyone even struggling at this point? You have a well defined build, your mimic never dies because of his huge fking healthpool, and you have at least a year of experience. Not a single boss killed me more than 5 times, and most of them I just one shot.

Only gripe I have is that many of the zones are hidden away behind some secret entrance:
abbysal woods, finger ruins, jagged dragon peak, cerulean coast, hinterlands. You can easily miss these and bolt straight to the last boss
you unironically, sincerely didn't beat the game
Anon you are the retard.
Elden Ring has two encounters:
>dozen trash mobs that might as well not exist
>infinite stamina teleporting rape machine you might as well just run past
Long gone are the days of anything like No Man's Wharf.
>all the bosses are overtuned
god stop with this retarded meme. The only one that might be is Radahn.
You're just bad at the game. You memorized the movesets of the basegame bosses and now when you have to learn new ones you fail miserably.
>Long gone are the days of anything like No Man's Wharf.
Thank god.
>praising DS2 level design of all things
so tired of this meme
none of the mandatory bosses in base game are as aggressive and deal as much damage as the DLC ones, the only exception is Maliketh but he has no HP
you're supposed to play elden ring with a great shield or light roll. anything else is a challenge run. you're supposed to play str for jump attack/guard counter stagger. dex is no longer viable for regular play because it takes too long to whittle away at boss hp now. dex is now really only for gimmick cheese builds as a way to quickly build up status effects. bosses like messmer and gaius have a gimmick where they attack so much that they won't let you heal unless you heal during punishment windows. if you heal outside of a window they input read.
mid roll is now a challenge mode. don't mid roll. get naked or use blood hound step. dex is now a challenge mode. use str. guard counter gaius. roll forward under messmers jump attacks great shield every single thing else.
>infinite stamina teleporting rape machine you might as well just run past

>super interesting lore that really adds to the main game
Marika lore is great. Dragon and Hornsent lore is cool. But the main plot of Miquella, and the side stuff of the fingers and Messmer? That hurts your head the more you look at them, it's dumb.
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The level design is dogshit what the fuck are you on?
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>dude imagine if we fought Artorias in his heckin' prime!
So fucking lame
boring bosses, hitting 2 light attacks feels too greedy most of the time. so, best one hit weapons in game?
it's still miles better than every single soulslike out there, it's honestly impressive how not a single one of them even try to replicate one of the most beloved aspect of the series and focus on the rollslop combat instead
STR weapon jump spam or R2 spam, if you do anything else it's hard mode
Ok how many of you retards crying about muh x is hardmode refuse to level up your skibidi fragments because its apparently cheating?
I just use ash of war instead of attacks.
That one giga tard from yesterday surely has to be an outlier. There’s no way that’s a common opinion
yesterday? There have been threads since release where people refuse to use em.

3 bosses are unfair, commander, leda, and radhan. Everyone else were very fair
Which new spells are worth using? So far, the serpent flame, multi lightning, holy arc, thorns and pest threads seem pretty good.
mid rolling is absolutely a challenge mode
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Elden Ring combat is just memorising. That's the problem. There's only so many ways you can make "Press Circle to dodge and R1 to attack" difficult and what Fromsoft did was create bosses with moves that are impossible to predict without memorisation.

The epitome of this bullshit is bosses jumping in the air and hovering for a physics defying amount of time in order to bait out your roll.
Your shit taste
>No no, the game is actually very easy even without summons
>You just have to use these very specific items and this 1 build
>Why yes I do think making 99% of the gear in the game worthless trash is good game design
>The epitome of this bullshit is bosses jumping in the air and hovering for a physics defying amount of time in order to bait out your roll.
thats just the old artorias jump. all you have to do is roll forward
>enter arena of myrmidon (red), the giant humanoid with dual greatwords or myrmidon (blue), the superfast ninja humanoid with dual katanas
>enemy immediately turbo spin dash towards you, knocking your ass down even with you wearing all the heavy poise shit
>starts flying and stops mid-air with its giant sword held back, is it going to attack???
>it's doing a fakeout delays that punishes you rolling based on perfectly valid instinct
>the delays is 5 seconds long but the attack itself is 0.0001 millisecond
>can't see it anyway because there's already flames and lighting and shit all over the screen
>and the camera is spazzing out because the enemy is 5x your size despite the arena being a tiny square room
>oh and if you do get the roll on correct reaction, it doesn't matter because input buffer and no animation cancel and you happened to press another button a second ago so your dodge won't be registered
>one hit removes half your health bar
>you try to heal
>enemy input reads and is programmed to complete a full attack animation faster than it takes you to take a sip so you're still low hp
>meanwhile the enemy has already transitioned into another anime spamfest spastic combo
>you finally fond one (1) clean opening after waiting 30 seconds for the combo string to finish after panic rolling 10 times through it
>you try to heal again, this time running on the other side of the arena to keep some distance
>it spams magic beams and fireballs at you
>you still haven't attacked the enemy once
>now you try to attack it but the tracking is so bad, you attack beside it despite it being right in front of you
>enemy just teleported on the other side
>it's now spamming an arena wide AOE attack you have no way of knowing besides dying to it a few times
>exhausted, you finally kill it
>oh no it has 3 more health bars and just keeps getting more aggressive by the power of zanzibart
>this is it, this is entire concept of boss design now, no interesting arena, no interesting gimmick.
>stellar level design, one of their best yet
Fuuuck you
>Boss rotates 180 degrees mid swing and still hits you
>stellar level design, one of their best yet
Is there any hint for why I should attack the random hidden wall in a room with the painting to access to the only route to an area of the game?
how long does it take you to memorize a moveset? I always see anons here 'hurr i beat x in 5 tries', man on my fifth try I'm still just trying to understand whatever the fuck its doing
Those people use greatshields and never learned anything.
You don't need to when you use shit like summons/fingerprint shield/bleed. Which is why people are rightfully saying YDBTG.
Otherwise you can beat it when you know ~80% of the fight. Stuff like Lion didn't click completely for me until i started getting summoned for it after i beat it.
Bosses like Messmer or Rellana are honestly pretty intuitive, so it doesn't take long at all.
>honestly pretty intuitive
this shit is so subjective, I found lion very intuitive but utterly suffered through messmer's garbage delays and input reading
yeah Lion should be pretty intuitive because you cannot see shit while fighting him at all
>boss jumps around while spamming wide sweeps and AoE explosions, does this for a string of ~5 attacks after which it stands still for a moment before leaping backwards away from you, or stands still and does one more surprise attack
yeah haha so much fun xD
fights are easy if you're not shit though, radahn is literally the only "hard" fight
t. no ashes/parries/shield/bleed
So far the only fun boss in the DLC has been the Death Knight in the random ass dungeon. Felt like I was fighting a juiced up DS3 enemy much like Crucible Knights which were leftover DS3 designs. Very punishing but definitely fair.
elden ring bosses were designed for great shields. stop acting like you're supposed to mid roll a 15 hit combo
>jump over aoes
>hit in between the attacks
it is fun
>jump over the AoE
>get hit by the swing
Retard, there goes half your health
skill issue, don't jump into the sword, works on my machine
Ah yes. The game is designed around only 1 playstyle, everyone else can get fucked. Truly a masterpiece of design.
I don't really mind this, it's just matter of studying them a few rounds to figure out what's delayed and for how long. where they really went retarded in DLC was concealing the bosses with aoes or having them take up the entire screen so you can't read them so you can have like 10 fights and still not know what they're even doing
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>The game is designed around only 1 playstyle, everyone else can get fucked. Truly a masterpiece of design.
Do you not miss how they used to design the bosses? Where some builds worked better than others, and others had strategies which may have appealed to your sensibilties or painfully yanked you out of your comfort zone? Where you had to know more than just frame data?
Aw, did telling you the truth about the game you have made your entire identity make you cry?
>stellar level design
ruined by Tanimura bonfire placements and marika statues
>muh difficulty
they're not that hard, they're a chore
that's different
>easy or hard
again, it's not hard, there are definitely chore fights like the final boss, where a greatshield with barricade ash trivializes it
Patently false, even Radahn can be parried, blocked, guard countered, rolled, jumped.
Frankly the only real problem with the final boss is the overdone effects making it hard to see what's going on.
DLC doesn't have a single bad boss except the Ancient Dragon before Bayle.
>oh no it has 3 more health bars and just keeps getting more aggressive by the power of zanzibart
the only boss that had this in the DLC was that scadutree avatar and that boss was super easy
>didn't beat the
I miss shaded woods, man
this made no sense
>stellar level design
you don't
Storytelling is shit, I just feel like I am doing random levels, which are fine, but they are just that. I couldn't care less about the 67th random castle full of corpses "lore".
challenge mode
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No other game has had me stop what I'm doing just to admire the views. Bosses being poorly designed sucks but at least they're easy to brute force.
Nigger nobody wants to play with summons because it's boring, so fucking incredibly boring. I don't use the lightning bottle exploit, I don't use the bleed mace, I don't use summons, because using that shit actually makes the game worse to the point of no longer being worth playing.
>le ds2 was bad
so tired of this meme
Yes, summons are boring, but the game is designed around them and if you don't bring them the game sucks even more so what the fuck are you gonna do?
inb4 >skill issue
it's no worse than using a great shield an ignore 99% of the boss' attacks
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>How did we go from Midir and Gael and Isshin to this?
midir fucking sucked and already represented everything wrong with the trillion copypasted drakes and ancient dragons from elden ring
I on't know what the fuck OP is smoking
there's a cool "lore" interaction in the first castle, with the granny talking about the dancer, and visiting later with the head giving you a miracle
but that's about it
there are no meaningful interactions in the entire DLC

the archives hint at a good level, with the hanging statues and moving platforms
but you pull a lever once and that's it
+6 bonfires across the map
>midir sucked
t. ankle biter
For me, ER is more about the exploration and settings/areas. The combat is only OK and the bosses are poorly designed. Nioh 2 mogs is as far as boss design and combat goes.
as if you were mid rolling every 100 hit combo
>what the fuck are you gonna do?
Not play the game. It's shit, so play something better.
Even Dark Souls 3 mogs the game in boss design.
to bad it's ruined by the gearslop system
>>super interesting lore that really adds to the main game
highly questionable
it added a bunch of bullshit on top of already poorly explained bullshit and failed to explain said bullshit before adding to the pile
we sorely needed some godwyn, melina, gloam eyed queen, or even fucking torrent
>fights are either hell if you play solo, or piss easy with spirit ashes, no middle ground
Radahn isn't any easier with spirit ashes.
It only becomes easier if you use a powerful build that you then copy with a Mimic.
t. tried him for 20+ tries with a regular int build without success before switching to the chicken leg.
open world and good level design doesn't work together. instead you have some parts of the game that are well designed separated by an empty field.
Mimic doesn't work for casters. The ai can't handle spells. It uses HP to summon because it's for unga bunga builds.
Nice buzzword
i didn't try mimic but yeah the only spirit ash that i tried that doesn't get pretty much instakilled is andreas because of his big ass shield and even then he doesn't last all that long most of the time.
I wasn't using spells
Or well, I was, but I make sure to have my offhand empty, spawn the Mimic, and then go about my business. That usually means the mimic only uses the MGS as it's suppose to.
I tried Tiche, Tawly, and Jolan and Anna.
The last ones died fast but also did great damage due to bleed.
I also tried Mimic before switching. He survived okay but he couldn't really keep up with Radahn.
Once I switched to the chicken wing it was mostly okay with or without the Mimic.
>enemy drops gear
>it's either shit or some slightly better piece that you'll replace in 10 minutes anyway
yeah it's gearslop alright
Sounds exactly like ER.
That's just not remotely true.
>20 medium shields in the game
>1 of them has better stats than everything else, making the 19 other shields pointless
Sounds the same to me.
Dude you are an absolute shitter at the game to the point you are pissing yourself thinking you need to cheese it to win.
How can you fail at something and your first thought is
>yep that was someone elses fault, game is poorly designed

Heres your greatshield required bro
>stellar level design
Stopped reading there. Shut up imbecile.
the point is they have static stats
you don't have to grind for slightly better shits
You where the one who said the game is designed around 1 playstyle in the first place. I know you are retarded and all, but come on.
>elden ring bosses were designed for great shields. stop acting like you're supposed to mid roll a 15 hit combo
my first post was the crying baby, making fun of you and the other guy
Damn. You better go tell all those PoE and Diablo fans that they where wrong all along.
Ah I see. So you are not just retarded, you can't even read a simple reply chain before shitting out your retarded opinion. You might just be the smartest Souls fan in the world.
>>fights are either hell if you play solo, or piss easy with spirit ashes, no middle ground
This is huge problem.
Same with greatshield. Either it's one little bit of cheese and the entire fight becomes a cakewalk or you'll grind for 4 hours. There just isn't a sweetspot anymore.
>oh no it has 3 more health bars and just keeps getting more aggressive by the power of zanzibart
>>this is it, this is entire concept of boss design now, no interesting arena, no interesting gimmick
THIS shit is one of the biggest issues. Little to no creativity whatsoever. Now it's 95% of the time what you mentionned, even with overworld mobs. An armored humanoid with a big sword super trained and ultra fast coked up retard. These games really became dumb as shit
I can't believe a dlc is goty
Love seeing fake fans having a fit over it
dude just stop embarrassing yourself even further
>Heres your greatshield required bro
>easiest boss in dlc
now show me gaius
I don't play without those things because to me it's no longer fun to play without them. Every boss being a stupid AOE spamming niggerfaggot of a fight where every hit is minimum 50% of your HP + staggers you is what's boring to me. I just roll my eyes once I hit a boss and it does 2@% of his HP regardless how how strong my stats/weapons/buffs are but I get hit once for 60%.

The game has a massive problem with boss "difficulty". Their only difficulty is their annoyance, it's a test of patience and not of skill.
I disagree, I think it's really well made
>N-no u
Cope harder faggot.
i don't have a save thats near him, otherwise i would
post your commander gaius run faggot
It's the same fucking retard making threads every couple of days, notice how it's always about his +25 Niggakiba
>stellar level design, one of their best yet
huh? I'm fine with the bosses, some are just unfun sure, but the level design sucks dick and balls, map is fucking empty with almost nothing to be found, I expected it to be like early Elden Ring, not late
Of all the fucking levels you could've chosen you chose a dogshit DS2 level.
Why in the fuck would I have been recording my playthrough? Not everyone is a Twitch tranny with 0 viewers like you.
You have no idea what level he is talking about, do you.
Ganksquad town: dark edition.
Yeah, thought so.
>map is fucking empty with almost nothing to be found
In other words, it's like Elden Ring
>why isnt the open world like ubislop i need watchtowers to feel like i accomplished something
painfully obvious who joined in just because elden ring was talked about
They're also trying to make the mobs more cancer. Every area has like 15+ ambushes. I don't even bother to read the player messages near doorways, since it obviously says "be wary of left/right".
Zones are also barren as fuck and you have a few that are very large with nothing of value in them, like the finger zones. And no, a dumb side quest isn't enough to excuse this.
>what's not to like
The gay faggot part.
>large swathes of empty land with nothing but these shit mobs
shit dlc
yeah enjoy mid rolling gaius don't bitch out pussy
Sounds like typical From DLC
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Demon's Souls and Bloodborne are the only Souls games you need. Demon's for the slow, immersive and unique experience, Bloodborne for the fast paced and fun action game with a kino setting. These two games are the peak of each respective quality people play Souls games for, every other game fails to recreate these qualities or are just genuinely worse.

Elden Ring is just too much of a generic blob of a game that prioritized quantity > quality.
And straight back to only 1 correct way to play. Couldn't keep the stupid in check huh?
Abyssal woods.
true and real except replace DeS with first half of DS1
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>fingerprint stone shield
>lighting perfume cheese
yeap, I beat the game.
>stellar level design

don't need to read more. Frompigs really do eat shit out of the ass of Miyazaki/Tanimura hey?
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Here ya go, midrolling just for you. Quality(Dex) instead of Strength this time.
I'm not very good at this boss and am a bit high in skibidi powers since this is my cleared save, and Gaius was resurrected with cheat engine.
But still.
Tell me you didn't fight mother of fingers and the count without telling me
had the potential to be kino with a 3rd phase where he shrugged off miquella and goes all out just this once.
I get bored after 3 deaths. I just mimic'd the majority of the bosses.
Correct opinion.
Bloodborne is a damn near perfect game and there is almost no other game that can properly capture Lovecraftian horror with visual/sound design.

Also, Demon's souls was the game Miyazaki had the least amount of outside influence in directing the final outcome of the game but had the most restriction in resources and Bloodborne was the one that had the most amount of outside influence for the outcome but also one of the first times Miyazaki had effectively an infinite budget for a project.

Conclusion: Miyazaki needs restrictions so he doesn't choke on his own cock
Kek lore its dogshit we went to the main antagonist in lore being a tranny to RADAHN IS GAY
Also only hell is radahn aoe diarrhea solo
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>have a good build
>dont be shit
>suddenly every fight is doable solo
except for that Ds2 Tier gank before the final boss, that shit sucked
Strange this dlc fordnt have any gank besides le meme npcs
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>stellar level design
I just gave up, no idea how to access anything in red area. I think I checked every ledge in all posible places, guess I'm completely stuck.
>Grasslands filled with nothing
>Enir-Ilim totally isn't just another Anor Londo (holy place of apotheosis/godhood that holds dark secrets of deceit)
>Shadow Keep totally isn't just Astral Clocktower + Grand Archives minus the unique atmosphere of either
>Dark and Yellow forest with nothing in it, only unique mechanic is wintern lanterns, without the creepy sound design and unsettling likeness to the doll that Bloodborne had
>Another hogwarts but smaller and less secrets
>Half the fucking Map is just empty
>Most of the shiny is cookbooks

they really like to guzzle cum straight out of Miyazaki's cock.

It's because most games are so shit that Fromslop looks good to them. If you have been eating sewer garbage, slop is a lot more exciting
I'm on my third character run through this DLC and this is patently false, I've made FTH+ARC and INT runs, now it's a STR run with sword and board, you can beat anything with anything, provided you know what you're doing.
You access both areas through dungeons. The DLC map was really confusing. In the base game it's easy to find everything.
>You access both areas through dungeons
What dungeons? I can use Messmier;s something to burn shadow tree roots in dancing Lion castle, but I assume this is some kind of last plot related dungeon?
Those top areas you can enter when you clear the water in the church in Shadow keep. Also gesture to a certain statue to unlock further zones.
The zones down south east is a bit trickier since you need to go through some hidden paths and a certain dungeon
>fast paced
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>ywn play elden ring for the first time again
I keep making new characters trying to recapture the feeling but it's just not the same
I think I am going to do this too
It's so laggy I can hardly get close to beating him normally
Sorry, you mean,
>Bl odb or e i a d mn ne r per t me
(Simulation of your proto-DS3 kusoge running at 18 FPS)
man you are retarded lmao
Cathedrial is thought Moorth ruins.
Black keep has a back gate site of grace.
Black keep has a statue of marika you need to do the o mother gesture in front of.
Black keep has a way to go to that water area where you can find a dungeon called darkight catacombs to get to the area where you don't have the map piece.
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actually this but after learning the movesets the game starts becoming fun again because you can actually try stuff now, its the learning process that is a painful experience
Tranny buzzword.
>Very top areas
Find a lever in Shadow Keep's church district

>Lower flooded northern area + more
Shadow Keep

>Higher northern area
Either exit through the church district, or a hole in Moorth

>Big mountain
It looks like you literally went to the way leading there, it's the path where that guy is laying on th ground screaming
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>Bloodborne is a damn near perfect game
Baffles me that people sincerely and ardently believe and promote such nonsense. The zealotry of Bloodborne fans continues to mystify me, it's like they've played a completely different game from me. How can a game with a section like Rom the Vacuous Spider be perfect. I've even seen similarly vacuous people argue that particular encounter is somehow good.
Bloodborne for instance, heavily prioritizes quality over quantity by having a whole load of garbage bosses, dull mid-late game areas, chalice dungeons, and repetitive environs, reused content, in DLC, blatantly unfinished lore etc.
>No no, the game is actually very easy
>You just have to use the red key to open the red door, and the ice beam on the fire boss
>Why yes I do think making gear cosmetic so I can dress how I want is a good idea
I like the bosses but thought the world design was poor in places, particularly the finger ruins, and the lore was generally not that interesting.
>boss is attacking NPC summon, 180 mid attack to hit you when you sneeze

But worse, and I’m looking at stupid sunflower
>boss is attacking spirit summon but projectiles home in on you anyway.
All the enemy attacks follow a certain rhythm. That's why you can beat late game bosses in one try.
After the honeymoon period I hated it

>retarded map design, i.e go to the opposite side of the map in order to access the other side of the map through a cave system that leads there underground, as opposed to having a way to get there that makes logical sense
>skibidi fragments that demand you explore the map, but if you explore the map the game will punish you and auto fail NPC quests because fuck you for going too far into the map and having fun
>NPC quests are retarded and vague as usual, St. Trinas is bafflingly obscure and retarded with no way for the player to know what they are doing is working, pretty much designed with the mindset that players just use guides now
>Whole chunks of the maps are empty, Abyssal Woods and Finger Ruins are complete wastes of a concept, yet take up massive chunks of the map
>Enemies being fucking annoying and also placed in spots that dont make sense lore wise i.e sudden rot at the end of Rauh Ruins
>Bosses are fucking garbage and annoying, also divebomb you the moment you step through the fog, save for a few
>Lore that doesn't answer any questions of the base game and actively retcons things
>The worst final boss in From history due to how horribly designed it is, to the point you can't even see what's going on

I fucking hate this DLC, they had two years to work on it and it feels fucking unfinished, sloppy, and half-assed.
Weird how I can dodge attacks the first time I'm seeing due to EXCESSIVELY OBVIOUS TELLS IN THE ENEMY ANIMATIONS. I must be a Newtype or something.
Literally just keep your eyes on the boss and stop pretending things are unpredictable. The actual trial & error part is squeezing in as much damage with your kit as you can, which involves experimenting with positioning and different attacks.
Radahn - you just use one of the popular builds to beat him easily. Or just use a great shield and a pure thrusting weapon with bleed/status infusion.

Bayle - use dragonhunter katana, with enough mind and use the charged weapon art after any big combo. It has bonus damage and the art tracks the head well.

Gaius - greatshield/deflect build.

Everyone else can be handled multiple different ways.

Midir and Isshin were considered bullshit fights at the time for the antifun weak spots, and or having multiple stages.
Getting attacked once is enough to know how that move works.
Panic rolling retard can’t grasp you can simply walk out of many moves, and run out of most of the rest.
>cheat engine
opinion discarded
>How did we go from Midir and Gael and Isshin to this?
Midir has such an inflated health bar with such a boring moveset that the fight feels like an active waste of time, Gael is the epitome of every issue with Dark Souls combat where they go all in on the presentation and make this fight that should be really cool but mechanically is so dull and so similar to every other fight you've been doing the whole game that it's just boring and Isshin is also very well presented but also feels too similar to every other boss in the game. I found Shadow of the Erdtree's bosses generally more enjoyable than any of those bosses, even though the presentation of the bosses in SotE was generally poor.
too faggoty for my tastes
where your player arrow is, is a dungeon darklight something. Just finish that and you get to the area below.
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>Midir & Gael
They'd be middle tier in DS2 even, LMAO
>pretty much designed with the mindset that players just use guides now
I think it's designed with the mindset players will look at messages, which isn't unusual. Even without that, just operating under the assumption that there must be something you can do with St. Trina can easily lead you to figure it out with trial and error. I also dislike From's quest design, but this is a fairly inoffensive example of it.
The only play style that doesn’t work is mashing light attack and dodge while you blame the game.
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one entire side of the map is hidden behind an illusory wall in a place you wouldn't expect, i shit you not. genuinely shit design.
>Isshin were considered bullshit fights at the time for...having multiple stages

Who the fuck daid that? My general impression is that Isshin is one of the most popular final bosses Fromsoft ever made both from a story and gameplay perspective.
he pulled that straight out of his ass that's why, also no one seriously complained about Midir after the first week
With only 30 faith I just flame Serpent’ed it to death.
>All the awful awful awful platforming at the beginning of haligtree with casters sitting on branches above your position and ants throwing acids and bubbles popping you off the tree
Forgot how bad it was. Just lost 480000 runes very nice
>>skibidi fragments that demand you explore the map, but if you explore the map the game will punish you and auto fail NPC quests because fuck you for going too far into the map and having fun
>>NPC quests are retarded and vague as usual, St. Trinas is bafflingly obscure and retarded with no way for the player to know what they are doing is working, pretty much designed with the mindset that players just use guides now
Which quest fails, why are you lying about this? There isn't a single quest that fails if you explore because I managed to complete all quest without a guide, honestly it's very easy in the dlc.
>Whole chunks of the maps are empty, Abyssal Woods and Finger Ruins are complete wastes of a concept, yet take up massive chunks of the map
that's legit criticism but since it's based on how the world is designed it's not really one.
>Bosses are fucking garbage and annoying, also divebomb you the moment you step through the fog, save for a few
they do that so you can't put 100 buffs on you retard also easy as fuck to avoid
>>The worst final boss in From history due to how horribly designed it is, to the point you can't even see what's going on
It's actually the best boss they have ever done. You're just too shit to appreciate it. The only thing criticism I would let go through is that the boss fight is radhan again. Like this is the peak of their boss design.
I can't believe how much trouble people have with Radahn. I fought him once and enjoyed him and thought maybe I was just enjoying it because I used the deflect and so I didn't have to dodge his moves, which people were making out to be unreasonably hard, but then I fought him with another character and dodging him was not that hard. He is a hard boss, but he's a long shot from the completely overtuned, cheating bullshit that's impossible to dodge or punish that people make him out to be, he's no more difficult than I'd expect the hardest boss in a DLC that's intended to challenge people who have already beaten every boss in ER to be.
I just wasn't interested in playing all of this shit and two bosses. I ran out of stamina when reaching the end of sekiro.
>another thread plagued by pic related and their trannyborne counterpart
I just play with lothric straight sword and cloth armor. I don't use shield and my weapon art is kick. Only people complaining about difficulty are 3fags that got filtered by DS2.
It also spams consumable items for free
Singlehandedly the worst response you could’ve written lmao your counters are all so dumb
Gaius is so fucking easy how are you people having trouble with him, just roll to the side and he is a complete joke, the same strategy works for radhan but you have to be more precise
>>stellar level design, one of their best yet
>implying Midir, Gael, or anything in DS3, was good
lmao what the fuck is this post
>>retarded map design
Map design is good though, it's a step up from the main game too.
>>skibidi fragments that demand you explore the map, but if you explore the map the game will punish you and auto fail NPC quests
No such thing happens.
>>NPC quests are retarded and vague as usual
Factually less vague than previous games, and also made with failproof states so it's impossible to complain
>>Enemies being fucking annoying and also placed in spots that dont make sense lore wise
Enemies are fine and there's nothing lorewise that says the Rauh ruins are somehow immune to rot
>>Bosses are fucking garbage and annoying
Bosses are great though, outside of Metyr and Romina which are too easy.
>>Lore that doesn't answer any questions of the base game
Except it does, there can also be no retcon because as usual the narrative is way too vague for that to work
>>The worst final boss in From history
That's not SL IBIS, Nashandra or Shadow Tower's final boss
>I'm a pussy ass bitch so the boss is bad
Thanks for letting me know your opinion is worthless
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Second phase is bullshit and I loved this DLC, better than Old Hunters. The second phase is fucking wrong and forces you into 1-2 playstyles, period.
>Final boss is the LGBTQ
>Open world
>Some areas have only one way to access them
Nah dog.
>enemy drops it’s cool pants for me
>wear them and murder his friends
>murder boss and wear fancy dress

What’s your problem, need more mitigation?
I hope you realize that you just effort replied to a discordtranny pasta
The block value being so high means the weight isn’t a penalty. You can be naked and never get hit.
Honestly feels like they designed this whole thing for the deflect tear, that or either great shield or parrying. If you just roll like regular Elden Ring the bosses feel unbearable.
first phase and second phase are the same he just gets lighting thingies on his attacks, and you dodge left side on the second phase.
your mid rolling skills are shit tier and you use torrent to nope out of attacks yet criticized great shields. i can tell you don't even understand the boss with how much you get hit and panic attack instead of waiting for windows. with a great shield i was going hit less in phase 1 just waiting my windows out guard countering his combos then circle strafing behind his back to bait the kick and guard countering that. you dont have to believe me but i can tell you haven't learned the boss like i did with how sloppy you play. plus you used buffs like a bitch
No, stop spewing bullshit. He turns into a fucking Armored Core boss in the second phase.
it's literally the same move set though
>Marika had a hard life and sacrificed a lot of herself to create a better Order
>Also did a lot of horrible shit that was arguably justifiable
>Everyone talking shit about Marikas mistake is some degenerate like Ymir or Miquella

I want to be Marikas consort even more now and help her reform the Elden Ring and temper her fears and anxieties. With my cock.
You're literally a disingenuous nigger though
>Shadow Keep
Place with Messmeir bossfight? I run through it twice or thrice, cannot find any levers or new paths.

>Black keep has a statue of marika you need to do the o mother gesture in front of.
I don't have mother gesture, no idea what are you talking about either.
>Kill Gaius
>Then kill his wife
>The steal his pants

These games love making you feel like an asshole.
I'm white though and very honest.
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BASED, you truly understood the DLC unlike millions of fluoridated NPCs out there and here too. Pat yourself in the back.
>deflect tear
Wow I had no idea this existed, sounds fun af
I don't think it is, it's functionally not that different from his first phase. You can still dodge and punish a lot of what can be dodged and punished in the first phase, it's just more difficult to do so and you suffer more for fucking it up. If you take his combo he starts with a stomp for example, that's one of the most consistent instances you can punish him in both phases and the whole sequence can be dodged with medium rolls in both phases, only difference is you need to make sure your positioning isn't going to get you hit by the beams and the final attack is more difficult to dodge.

What can be avoided in the first can still be avoided in the second, and he even opens up more punish opportunities in the second phase with his grab that's extremely easy to avoid and punish and with his rock throw being followed up with a slam, that can be threatening, but also is a good opportunity for you to get some damage. His most bullshit move isn't even new to the second phase, it's the two slashes into the cross slash. I haven't beaten him on every build of course, but I can't think of a build that it would be unreasonable to the point you have to respec on.
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>one shot
zoom zoom
it is, it makes the game easy as shit though
>frompig seeing someone making a neutral statement about a game
>goes apeshit because that person wasn't licking the crust off Yamamura's ass

You want a more corrosive opinion? Your game was trash with no variety, no engagement outside of pressing L1 from start to finish and I had enough of doing it by the end because it wasn't going to give me anything I didn't saw in the entire game. The only thing making me persevere was the art direction and I wanted to see every sets and bosses and maps. I understood it, saw the final boss, and was content with it and moved on because I also knew there wouldn't be anything of worth after beating the boss since fromslurp can only make disappointing 18 seconds endings.

Sorry I wasn't as thrilled as you by pressing l1 simulator.
The lore is interesting but the DLC utterly fails on its narrative aspect after the first boss and gets worse as it goes on - I’m not sure how a two year development cycle of a DLC whose planning was admittedly done before the base game released felt rushed, but holy shit did it. Miquella being the big baddy behind the core of Elden Ring was set up from the get go: his charming of the nobles, his charming of the Black Knives (look at Ordina), his betrayal of the Golden Order after the failed death of Godwyn, his manipulation of his younger sister, the very clear and explicit connection to Griffith, it was all set up rather surreptitiously - and the DLC follows the trend until it decides to pull Radahn out for some reason (most likely rushed considering how reused the assets are), and how despite Messmer being the older brother to Melina and Melina being featured in the promotional material of the game… she’s nowhere to be found nor does she have any interactions after killing her closest living relative. The addition of the Hornsent and their connection to both the crucible and omens is a genuinely good addition and adds weight to why Marika threw her own children in the sewer. Miquella shedding his humanity (both literally and figuratively) to create his age of kindness as a literal psychopath by the end is neat enough and completes the Femto transformation analogy… but then it whiffs it with Radahn. Ignore the entirety of the Eclipse narrative, ignore his direct explicit connection to both Godwyn and the NoBK, ignore his attempts to stave off the rot god, it feels like they took the aesthetic of Miquella from the base game and ignored literally everything else. At least the “numen can merge together” addition is neat and both explains Marika/Radagon and D’s character.
Nigger are you retarded, i literally fought this guy once before.
I critizied the faggot saying greatshields are the only way to beat these bosses.
Yes the boss is tons easier with a greatshield, literally everything gets trivialized by it.
You can beat the entire game just using the Fingerprint shield and poking/guard counter without dodging once.

There is a reason you can use Torrent in the fight, because the fight is balanced around being able to use torrent so of course i'm gonna use it. I swear you people get dumber by the day.
>Then fuck his wife*
t. bleed and frost user
I actually got kind of emotional discovering her Village. Shit was sad.
Yeah this is 100% getting patched.
>Sorry I wasn't as thrilled as you by pressing l1 simulator.
>video games boils down to pressing a button

wow you sure owned somebody here retarded child.
As much as shattering the Elden Ring was a bit of a woman moment, Marika is one of the least villanous characters we meet in terms of motives. She fucked up here and there but so did literally every other demigod to the same degree or significantly worse.
same I cried. in fact I am still literally sobbing right now.
Or you could learn how to use your options correctly considering rolls aren't your only evasion option, in fact they're the worst one in most scenarios.
People really need to understand that this isn't Dark Souls, just because the game isn't baby shit like Sekiro that always tells you what to do doesn't mean you don't have options.
The first time I fought him I didn't apply any status effects at all. I applied bleed on my second character though, I didn't think it was worth it with my setup to apply frost seeing as you need to do it for both phases.
Sorry I can't read your post. I just ran out of stamina because I'm an anemic little twink. Im sure you can relate
>infinite stamina teleporting rape machine you might as well just run past
Revenants have to be one of the most poorly designed enemies From has shit out, ever. I would unironically take running through 100 jailers from DS3 or the retarded rolling cats from DS1 over this trash. No, the heal bullshit does not redeem them. They are a fucking horribly overtuned enemy that serves no other purpose than to cheese and move on with your life or frustrate the fuck out of players for no other purpose other than being a nigger vindictive dev
I honestly have no idea how this works. I got all items and buffs and still could not do this massive damage with the perfume. I used to kill radahn, yea it did good damage but the fight was still hard af and still took a while to kill him. maybe because Im in NG+5.
t. shield/spam deflection and pray user
>I'll defend sekislop by pretending like every games are as static as my l1 simulator

not going to work frompig
wait and every fps is just m1 nothing more what did I win?
>They are a fucking horribly overtuned enemy
>Folds to basic ass heal spells
>Take ungodly damage from any Holy source
>Can't get through any shield with more than 60 GB and staggers instantly, Barricade shield on any unupgraded shield can stun them out of their attacks even in the haligtree
>Just rolling sideways completely invalidates them
They're not overtuned, your brain is undertuned
you fucking suck at this boss and every hit barely scratched your hp whereas every time gaius touched me he wiped out my hp. with a great sheld i still had to actually learn his whole moveset and wait for every single window to attack whereas you just used poked strat that didn't require you to learn his moveset at all which is clear from how much you get hit and how sloppy you attack him. and you used buffs like a bitch
this is what you did as proof that shields are cheese? you use even more cheese?
>normies who hate these games are forced to play them because there's not else coming out anytime soon

eh, get fucked.
I can't believe Radahn is a fucking fag.... wokesoft never again.
So? Imagine wasting time “learning” a boss when you can just tank up and move on. These games are for the atmosphere, not boss encounters. Go play Sekiro if you want that
It's a copy pasta only because I'm too lazy to write my grievances again and I'm not from discord
>>but the bosses are dogshit overtuned mess for muh difficulty meme
>>fights are either hell if you play solo
Git gud faggot
>stellar level design, one of their best yet
Until you enter of the more remote areas.
I don't want another fucking cerulean host, charo grave, hinterland, and finger ruin ever again.
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It's certainly more fun with deflect, but I don't think it's unbearable without. I enjoyed deflect more because it makes fights feel more interactive and like there's layers to your defense beyond just timing your rolls, but when I played without it I didn't feel like I was dealing with an unreasonable challenge.
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All the people calling Rellana unfair and impossible on release really demonstrated how this is just Chained Ogre 3.0 lmao. Radahn phase 2 is the only real bullshit in the dlc.
Radahn isn't bullshit either.
>Radahn phase 2 is the only real bullshit in the dlc
while they're not nearly on radahn's level fuck the putrid cunt and the big evil sunflower
Which table did you use? I don't need to spawn items or other bullshit, I just want bosses able to be respawned
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kinda enjoy it the first time when the combat still feels new. I had fun fighting the difficult bosses in this game even if I die more than 50 times.
I decided to do a playthrough of the other soul games, and I am just fucking bored of it now. Kinda destroyed the self-satisfaction of beating the bosses in the DLC.
I've read that you can fuck yourself with npc progression if you explore the dlc areas too much, is that true?
kek it do be like that
>man whose only played elden ring: stellar level design, one of their best yet
>stellar level design, one of their best yet
lmao even
>many of the zones are hidden away behind some secret entrance
I liked this, exploring and finding hidden paths is fun
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Its a memorization game, not a skill game.
Play Riven for real difficulty.
>blantantly untrue outside of 1.5 attacks
You did not beat the game
not him but the world is truly amazing to look at. sadly its completely empty
the catacombs and caves are also way better than the base game
How hard is the puzzle in comparison to Outer Wilds?
Subjective, but I don't feel like Elden Ring is a world worth exploring.
Just a bunch of enemy mobs and smithing stones, some vague "everything is awful" backstory, no interesting characters to meet.
Nice visuals on the environments but thats it.
This one i think?
And then under
>World/NPC Flags->Revive Bosses

Don't use it with the Anti-cheat enabled obviously
Also i don't know if its save to go back online with that character after you've resurrected something.
>>stellar level design, one of their best yet
I agree, even though the open world has issues with how it uses and relies on the map
it's a shame the game completely falls flat in terms of rewards and enemies, makes so much of the level design feel pointless
those are easy as fuck wtf?
I spent hours trying to figure out messmer. and I mean like 6-8 hours. and in that time I entered phase 2 maybe ~5 times. It took me a good night of sleep to rewire my brain so that I could beat him the second day.
needless to say I wasn't that patient for radahn and just resorted to using a greatshield. fuck this shit
>Radahn phase 2 is the only real bullshit in the dlc.
idk anon, I think Radahn p2 is the only one that actually impedes you and makes you unable to progress but there's a lot of bullshit on easier bosses, they're just easier because you can outlevel and tank the bullshit
There's an event that occurs that progress all NPC questlines when you get within a certain distance of the Shadow Keep. I don't think it can actually cut you off from completing any quests and getting their rewards, you can miss some dialogue though. There's also an event that happens near the end that can keep you from completing NPC quests, but it's something you actively do, it's not something that you'll do accidentally like getting too close to the Keep.
No, exploring a certain area breaks Miquella's seal in a specific dungeon and progresses some NPC states a bit so at best you miss on some dialogue.
Here's what can "fuck up" some NPC quests
>(You) being a retard and not talking to them
>(You) being a murderhobo and killing them before their quests are complete (you still get their armor anyway)
>Choosing to support Leda or Hornsent in their duel in the Shadow Keep leads to mutually exclusive rewards
>Choosing to kill Ansbach or siding with him rather than Leda leads to mutually exclusive rewards
>Killing scavenger pests locks you out of some cookbooks if you don't talk to them beforehand, if you kill them Moore's quest will be slightly different, if you kill them before Moore gives you the black syrup you fuck up Thiollier's quest
>You need to fight Dane near the Moort Ruins by making the gesture "May the best one win" in front of him if you want the Dryleaf weapon and his hat, you must do this before fighting Messmer
>You need to find St. Trina, killing yourself four times by imbibing her nectar and bring Thiollier there+speak to him repeatedly and triggering his invasion before burning the shadow tree roots or his quest will fail
>You need to speak to Hornset Grandam in Belurat BEFORE you kill Messmer if you want her shit, otherwise she'll be stuck in a sleep cycle and you won't be able to interact with her
>Ymir's questline must be done before burning the shadow tree roots as well
>Queelign and Jolàn's quest ends with the Iris of Grace/Occultation lead to mutually exclusive rewards, Iris of Grace gives you their spirit ashes while Iris of Occultation gives you their weapon
>You must summon Igon for Bayle's fight if you want his shit, especialy his greatbow+ash of war
>Florissax has two mutually exclusive quest branches, first branch requires simply killing Bayle, second one requires to wait at nighttime, put her to sleep with Thiollier's poison, then speaking to her before and after killing Bayle
it depends on much you play these games and how good your build is, it's not hard to notice patterns in bosses if you play these games a lot since most movesets are a mishmash of previous games' bosses

if you have a good enough build you can just kill the boss trading blows before he kills you, which is what most people do
you spent 8 hours on messmer because messmer was literally designed for a great shield. thats why his attack chains are so long. radahn was literally designed for a great shield and you intuitively know that. and no buffing and cheesing doesn't deny the fact that mid rolling is an optional hard mode. you would have beat messmer in 1 hour if you just used light roll even without buffs and cheese. because great shields and light rolls are what the bosses are tuned for.
The gank boss pretty much requires you to have a big fuck off aoe if you're trying to solo. Thankfully there's a good amount of them in this game
I agree they could do a better job of filling the world with points of interest other than enemies and items, some NPCs to meet outside of gravesite/altus would definitely have been nice. But it's still good enough to do the job for me - the environments are pretty and interesting, they do at least have a unique boss waiting for you at the end of each path, and the process of seeing an unexplored location in the distance and finding a way to reach it is always intrinsically satisfying.
>You need to fight Dane near the Moort Ruins by making the gesture "May the best one win" in front of him
how the fuck was I supposed to know this?
I beat Messmer with a Bloody Helice and offhand incantations just fine though, maybe you just suck at the game
you get a note telling you to come and challenge him, think reading that note may also give you the gesture, can't quite remember
I just beat this faggot last night. It was a cool fight and had good music but I absolutely cannot stand the literal 3 random paths that his fag fire attacks go, you literally cannot predict them from the first attack and it makes punishing impossible
>spear jab, delayed sweep, delayed upward thrust that has tracking turned on for way to fucking long
>spear jab, 2 more jabs, delayed final jab
>spear jab, normal sweep, final strong thrust
Its so fucking bullshit, on top of that gay fucking homing fireball that blocks your vision when you dodge. Don't forget
>any first attack that can be automatically chained into his anime spinning giga fire spinning sword that can also either chain into another 2 thrust combo OR another anime 10 thrust attack and delayed spear strike that ends with yet another explosion where the fucking swords popping out of the ground don't even have to hit you to shoot you in the air and damage you
>I beat Messmer with cheese just fine though
Maybe because the game literally gives you a note and a gesture that tell you exactly what to do?
there are hints, these games' quests and secrets are supposed to be community driven efforts anyway, you'll always miss stuff on your first playthrough
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you get the letter with the emote
>Everything that isn't roll+R1 or sitting behind a shield is cheese
>But the bosses are totally designed around greatshields, believe it
>>stellar level design, one of their best yet
Huh? Where? You mean hallways that lead to a Grace with a ladder that leads to another Grace you've visted?
messmer is perfectly fine with midroll, don't know what you're on about
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>How is anyone even struggling at this point? You have a well defined build, your mimic
>well defined build
you never even started playing the game. im not sure which is worse. using mimic tear so the boss ignores you for a few minutes, or being a wikislave
dude don't even bother with that guy. Hes either just baiting or severely mentally disabled. Probably both
you never even learned his moveset. thats the epitome of cheese. might as well summon.
>spear jab, 2 more jabs, delayed final jab
if you stay close to him he'll never do this. I basically rolled to his left or towards him when he does the backflip fire shit. also my favorite one is his grab attack. happened to heal or attack when he starts the grab animation? gg. nothing made me drop my controller and sigh more than this OHKO bullshit.
I genuinely don't get how people aren't tired of the combat system after playing through their previous games.
messmer is one of the fairer bosses when it comes to punishment windows what are you on about
And then you fuckers dare to ask to return to DeS and DS1 design.
did you cheese
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looks like I made the right choice of talking to everyone after the message about the great rune being shattered appeared
Leda wanted to know who she should kill, but I gave her no answer but I told Moore to get over his sadness, dunno if that was the right choice.
The Mohg guy was whining about Miquella owning him in a fight, the Redmane chick went to find answers about some vow and poison guy just told me he wants to fuck Trina.
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>serpent hunter doesn't activate during Messmer's second phase
>Melina never comments on Messmer at all
>can't tell Malenia what's happening in the shadow realm
>no special interaction with Midra if you've inherited the frenzied flame, can't give use Miquella's needle on him at all
>can't side with Leda and Miquella at all(pretty sure this was planned at some point but cut because of those cutscenes in the trailer that never made into the game)
>can't tell Hornsent you intend to destroy the erdtree and abscond with the elden ring if you side with Ranni
>dragon priestess never comments on your fight with Placidusax
Perhaps the most egregious of all
>no option to give Gideon any fucking intel on the real of shadow
This entire DLC was soulless. Shadow Keep in kinda cool if you go through it backwards but the regular method makes it 3 minutes long. Belurat and Enir Illim are alright. The main game dungeons were better. A lot of bosses just felt phoned in with no buildup. This DLC probably has the worst setup since the Dark Souls 2 ones.
i see, godfrey was fucking his lion
I would have paid full price + deluxe edition. highly worth it.
It literally is. And you are retarded? You don't feel obligated to cheese anything in demon or dark souls at all, maybe the blighttown dart niggers on your first run or the worms in 2-2. This has to be bait
I have no idea what you consider cheese, I was using the rakshasa red katana with a wonky build because I didn't get talismans from the main game, I just learned how to dodge and punish, he's also easy to stagger
>You don't feel obligated to cheese anything in demon or dark souls at all
I don't feel obligated to cheese anything in ER either.
Those games are also piss easy and something as simple as fire spray or a zwei can be rightfully considered cheese since they trivialize everything.
>he's also easy to stagger
not more easier than radahn in my experience. they both stagger after 4 unga bunga jump attacks
>stellar level design
so 1 castle and an incomplete hogwarts school?
Hmm, I'd say more difficult but also more frustrating. It doesn't have the modern conveniences that Outer Wilds does

But Outer Wilds was probably a more fun "adventure game"
if you claim to mid roll and are attempting to use it as bragging rights but your playthrough doesn't look like this
then i don't want to hear you talk about mid rolling
depends on what you're using I guess, I couldn't get a single stagger on my kill on radahn because the time between you hit him is so big, messmer you can just hit consistently
>The gay twink is the most evil thing in the world
What did Miyazaki mean by this?
I just answered your question, I have nothing to brag about, I just killed the boss like everyone else, idk what you want from me
>Map design is nice, I like the variety of the maps. They arent all just flat plains like the base game.
>Dungeons seems to be more in depth, though it may be because they are fewer
>Most of the bosses are fun. The only problem one is Radahn, who has a BS slash/slash/cross attack move that near impossible to dodge, and in second form staggers. The rest can be handled by getting fragments
The bad
>overworld enemies suck. 80% of the game is damn shadow people
>few middle tier enemies. The fire collosals are trash to fight
>dungeon rewards are bad, not sure why some dont reward fragments or something
>new weapons seem overkill especially when brought back to the base game. seems like this was a test run for a future more actiony game.
>lots of lore strands seem to have been dropped or ignored
>game past black castle is pretty empty and quick. You beat mesmer then fight the bud centipede lady for some reason and immediately final dungeon.
Just summon retard. And use a decent shield so you don't have to roll constantly
I killed Radhan/Miquella with impenetrable thorns. No regrets. If the game throws bullshit I throw it back
How to defeat fire giant with armored legs? Jumping on top of him with torrent stream do nothing.
climb on top nearby cliff and throw ice pots in him. its trash i know.
take the tornado to the cliff and throw fire pots
What a fucking trash. Are you serious? Does he drops anything good?
>>stellar level design, one of their best yet
stopped reading there
apologies, i meant fire pots. And probably not.
I'll never understand why people who use summons or play with coop will always feel the need to say "but the game isnt hard why are you complaining".

Nobody who uses summons complains. Litteraly nobody. Summons make the game piss easy even with a shit build. Yeah we got it, you "used all the tools in the game and it was easy", congrats, you did beat the game, that's not the matter at hand here.

The matter at hand is that in earlier versions of Fromsoft games you could pick the build you liked the most and it was more or less balanced. Some were better than others, but if you wanted to play arcane or Eileen in BB, you could beat the game equally. If you wanted to play speed dex or heavy shield in DS, some bosses were more fit for one playstyle or the other, but you could beat the game equally.

People complain about the bosses in ER because some builds are litteral shit meanwhile other make the game ridiculous. Fighting Gaius, Rellana or Radhan as a dex dodge build is torture meanwhile heavy poise/shield builds destroy the game, even without summon.

Nobody complains that the game is hard, people complain that the game is ridiculously balanced, and that you can't beat the game as "freely" as you used to in previous itterations.

Yes, Havel set was OP in DaS. but the dex build were strong too. Yes, "skill issue / git gud/ i managed to win with a dex build" but it requires way more skill, patience or investment meanwhile shield build don't.

that's what people complain about, why can't summong fag shut the fuck up is beyond my comprehension.
basically a lot of people claim to beat bosses by mid rolling but actually used buffs and cheese which invalidates the entire feat. elden ring bosses are designed with mid roll catches and extremely long attacks that make pure honest mid rolling much more difficult to do than previously. of course noobs have no concept of this
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I'm using a guide to bypass the open world so I can actually enjoy the game. I honestly feel bad for anyone that played the game blind.
Whoa, so this is what its like to not cheese the fights
glad that one retard opened my eyes that Greatshields truly are a thinking mans weapon
(catbox is down and this shit replacement has a 64MB limit)
NTA, but the only boss I had to switch to light rolling for was Radahn. Every other boss was perfectly reasonable with mid rolling
Honestly this. I was using Bloodhound Fang, a very good weapon, through the base game and solod every boss up to Radahn. For the DLC I occasionally used backhand blades. Radahn I couldnt proc bleed or knock him down enough, I couldn't jump attack as effectively as say double hammers and my autos just didnt DPS enough to justify using the weapon. I HAD to summon for Radahn unfortunately after not using one the entire rest of thee game. After I did I beat him first try, knocking him AND bleeding him twice when I could barely do it once originally. Summons make the game significantly easier, and that was with the most difficult boss in the game arguably. I didn't even use the shield, perfume, or the fucking bleed hammer strat.
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ding dong motherfucker
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>try out STR for the DLC in my second playthrough
>the dramatic drop in difficulty compare to my dex build in my first playthrough
This shit is not even funny
I really don't care about any of that anon, I killed the boss with midroll, there's nothing there that impedes you from doing it, worst case scenario if you get hit, you heal.
the only boss where that's a concern is Radahn, I also killed him with the same build but it was the most miserable experience I've had with a FROM game and I would actually cheese it if I could go back
you're still using a poke strat you cheesing faggot? will you faggotry ever end? now use your cheat engine to do it with an iron greatsword no buffs
>fights are either hell if you play solo, or piss easy with spirit ashes
Bullshit, Radahn tore everyone a new asshole even with spirit ashes and you were no exception.
Best bosses in the game are the dudes in armor in the mausoleums.
Dark Souls 2 has it right all along.

But for real why did they mess it up so bad. Fix the camera before you make everything a murder tornado.
I already used up enough of my time to entertain the downies, but you go ahead
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>super interesting lore that really adds to the main game
you're a fag
good but did you cheese is the real question. realize that many people who claimed to mid roll cheesed it
You no rike big bosses in small arena and terrible camera?
lmao no
>but actually used buffs
Mate everyone has access to the physicks flasks don't pretend you don't chug it before you enter the fog. Lets also not pretend that 99% of buffs you use for faith builds have a respectable length, by the time you get a few attacks in, its over and you're not going to get a chance to recast. Golden vow and FGME suck, and shabribri howl has a huge cast time and makes you take more damage.
>Fighting Gaius, Rellana or Radhan as a dex dodge build is torture meanwhile heavy poise/shield builds destroy the game, even without summon.
but i beat the game with a dex dodge build
>neglects to mention cheesing the fuck out of the game
>Fighting Gaius, Rellana or Radhan as a dex dodge build is torture meanwhile heavy poise/shield builds destroy the game, even without summon.
Fucking this. I wish they add a new mechanic to encourage dex build like how Fromsoft wank stagger for STRfag in this game.
>inb4 bleed
Why would you not use the mechanics in the game? Why is rolling allowed but buffs not? Rolling is way stronger than buffs
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>Radahn is canonically a fanboy of Chadfrey
>copies his look
I see no issue here
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I wanna go full tank mode with Verdigris armor and shield, should I level End to retarded levels for mid weight or embrace the fatso?
hmmmmm beeep booop y ou used ... mechanics of game... run.... invalid... beep boop the retard robot has logged on (thats what you sound like)
>Trash level design, fucking garbage trash
>Trash lore, fucking faggots and trannies that destroy the base game
>Trash bosses, they are fucking boring
i NEVER used buffs in any souls game try again part of the reason i used shields in elden ring is so i wouldn't have to wimp out and do that

I want all Joseph Anderson fags to 41% themselves. The bosses are fine.
>>serpent hunter doesn't activate during Messmer's second phase
holy fuck that would've been kino
too bad nuFrom doesn't think that far ahead
unless you're light rolling then no, mid rolling is not way stronger in elden ring its actually way worse and bosses will specifically punish it
There's only one dangerous attack they do and it's the one where they're plummeting the shit out of you with all their arms going through all your stamina if you guard. And what can be done to render it ineffective? Rolling past them in a diagonal.
That's all.
Never understood the complaints about this enemy. The people crying must be playing with camera speed set to 1.
at that point embracing the fatso is part of the experience, you're probably not gonna take any damage if you get hit anyway, so no point even using dodge, just walk
Yeah the visuals are top tier
The ->level design<- though is mediocre in the open world, and legacy dungeons aren't as good as base game
healing is cheesing, the boss doesn't get to why should you?
>i used shields in elden ring
Objectively worse, buffs don't let you bypass mechanics and attacks so you don't have to learn them. FYI I'm talking about base game tears, not shit like the sekiro tear, you have increased stamina regen or an extra 10 primary level stats is not going to make or break a boss. Pretending they are on the same level as using a shield is just fucking dumb, but (You) knew that already
Rolling means you take no damage at all. Buffs just slightly increase the amount you deal, unless you're BUFFMAXXING
Bullshit, had enough of that piece of shit, took off all my armor and just rolled through everything and killed it first try with this tactic.

Just go light load and full rollslop mode.
the boss has infinite stamina so it's only fair I get to heal
that's litteraly what he said
Oh nevermind didn't read the end of your post about light load
ok but just don't brag about mid rolling. that's a completely different thing. mid rolling all of radahns after image aoe combos is not the same as buffing and cheesing and mid rolling sometimes. even shield users mid roll sometimes.
Just enough End to fat roll and more into Vit than usual for extra tank feeling
exactly the bosses are specifically tuned for light rolling. or great shield. its why they behave so aggressively now.
>Fighting Gaius, Rellana or Radhan as a dex dodge build is torture
It sounds to me like you're just not familiar with the game. My first playthrough of the dlc was with a dex build. No summons, no blocking, no bloodhound step iframe bullshit, etc. 90% of gaius and rellana's attacks can just be strafed, leaving you with a million openings to hit them. Radahn can be hit in between nearly every attack if you're using a small quick weapon, to the point the fight is easy once you learn how to dodge the beams in phase 2, because 90% of his moveset is exactly the same but with beams on top. Took me about 4 hours.
Second playthrough I did a strength build. Rellana and gaius are retardedly easy to stagger to death. Some other bosses didn't even get a phase 2 because you can stagger them right on the threshold then hold r2 while they get up. With the stagger flask I could pretty much skip radahn's phase 1 in 20~ seconds, so it was far easier to practice phase 2.
Right now I'm on my third run through learning to parry everything that can be parried. Next I'm probably gonna try the sekiro crystal tear. I've been able to beat the game in 2 pretty distinct ways and I'm about to do it a third and fourth time while you guys whine about how it's literally impossible and your crutches are absolutely necessary because "m-muh playstyle isn't viable".
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you absolutely didnt beat the game if you used a shield
post webm
Midir fucking sucks, but other than that I agree with you.
The lore sucks and the level design is bad outside of legacy dungeons.
You find a letter or a message on the ground I believe with clues about it. Something that sounds like "one who whishes to get stronger would be wise to reach X at X time and do something something", can't quite remember.
It's like the message in front of the statue in messmer's castle to tell you about making a gesture.
Yeah GV and FGME were basically just there to speed up phase 1. When Phase 2 started I would drink my physik and cast divine fortification for more holy res. and the stupid thing is it was just regular DF. I didnt know Lords DF existed until after the fight.
>"took me about 4hours"
yes. and it took me about 10min with the greatshield build. Thank you for proving my point. I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm saying the investment required is ridiculous in comparison to the greatshield build, which is why I say the game is awefully balanced.
every souls game has had retardedly easy ways to cheese it. you're just whining about it now because you think it's too hard.
>terrible open world
>legacy dungeons are much shorter than in the base
>longest one is a shittier grand archives
its shit
Easier than flamelurker
and you're still a cheesy bastard and i'm not going to let you brag about not using a shield. you cheesy bastard
I'm destroyed. I had mixed feelings about elden ring and thought the dlc could only go up in quality. And in the end it doubles down on everything I hate + smaller and simpler legacy dungeons.
If it wasn't for armored core 6 I wouldn't believe in fromsoft no more. It must be the work of team B
AC6 is the work of team B, retard.
Then team B is now more talented. Also fuck you.
What the fuck is with that damage
every souls game as some easy ways to cheese it, yes, but "by playing the game normally without looking up guids on the internet" most of the time you couldn't find them on your first playthrough. using greathield + spear/rapier takes 0 skill or thought to cheese it this time, and 100% of the DLC's bosses are weak to it. That's what I'm complaining about. It's not about "creating an OP cheese strat that'll destroy the boss in 2 jump attack thanks to all my buffs", it's just "why play any other way if just carying a greatshield makes the game an auto-win".
AC6 is fucking shit, and I say that as the most loyal Fromdrone ever.
>most of the time you couldn't find them on your first playthrough
you could easily find magic or pyromancy in ds1 and trivialize every boss outside the dlc because they were simply not made with ranged combat in mind.
B team also made Elden Ring though
fair enough
>using greathield + spear/rapier takes 0 skill or thought to cheese it this time
...as opposed to every other dark souls game, where a greatshield with a thrusting weapon was, of course, not cheese at all.
With that jump you could roll forward at any time and avoid it because he tracks your last known location at the time he jumps in the air. Can't do that with Elden Ring; so many bosses act like a heat-seeking missile with how absurd their constant tracking is.
>$70 for the game + dlc
Should I buy?
that's just how the devs designed it. for what its worth light roll also trivializes the bosses only to a slightly lesser extent. so if you don't want to use great shield you're option is to light roll. you will see the difficulty go down to the same level as other souls games if you do
I wanted to try that in a second run but I don't know how I should approach it. Playing NG+ will ruin the balancing of the boss/level won't it? And I really don't want to replay the game from scratch to go farm the scibidi and weapons again.
It's not that hard. No harder than the base games hardest bosses. The post ds3 souls community really is a disaster. What is this "overtuned" shit anyways? What is wrong with zoomers?
I accept your concession
He's saying the bosses have their moves covered in particle effects, or by taking up more than the whole screen. The only build that works on that would be ranged magic, I guess.
alex shard + godfrey + holy talisman
golden vow + flame strength
holy tear + bloodletting tear
scadu and weapons stay but sites of grace must be re discovered. and yes bosses are stronger unless you're really overleveled and even then they're still really strong late game. i was 240 on a ng+ and malenia was still one shotting/receiving chip damage from my +25 broadsword
Sekiro is way better than Elden Ring because you can actually fight enemies, rather memorise them.
>stellar level design
>Elden Ring
This is bait
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>now show me gaius
ok here's my gaius run. I think a good dex weapon might be able to poise break even faster since some weapon arts are insane
In the north of Moorth ruins, there is a hidden section you can fall down into, which leads to an underground section which brings you into a Jar village, from there you can access the circled sections of the map
I fought the enemies in elden ring just fine. Just stagger them and stop treating the game like It's shitty ass ds3 and It's unlimitd roll spamming. And I love sekiro too and It's combat but memorization of when to deflect, when to roll, when it's safe to get a few swings in, how many gunshots Ishiin will do, all of that shit involves memorization.
The final boss is an absolute fucking joke, he just spams relentless AOE attacks and there's no solid build to use against him, you basically have to be incredibly lucky.
I haven’t beat Bayle or Rahdan yet, as I’m doing a basic melee, no summon, shield, or ash run, but I haven’t had any problems. I thought most were better than the base game with learnable patterns and less delayed roll catching.
Gaius was my favorite fight by far.
>what is "overtuned"
Go and fight the bosses with a longsword and your starting armor like every other souls game, your ash of war has to be kick so you don't cheese your way out of fights, no spirit ashes or cheese either because they can be abused and make the game trivial either. Let me know how fun the fights are, that's what overtuned is
>and there's no solid build to use against him
Dies to greatshield poking among other things
Total horseshit trying to actually dodge him normally in phase 2 though yeah
if you want me to give you credit you have to turn off buffs and actually learn his moveset. i can tell by how sloppy you attack you still don't really know what his windows are. and dont shit talk shields if you're just going to block. i want to see you mid roll everything with just a sword
>raptor of the mists
>shitter's easy mode weapon
>great runes
>pre pull buffstacking
sorry, you didnt actually beat the game, lil bro
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I've been playing From stuff since 2017. man, for some of these fights like Messmer I feel like it's absolute chaos and when I win by the skin of my teeth. there's no "enjoy the dance and the ambiance" for me, it's Kill the Fucking Boss As Quick as You Can. i don't use summons or ashes, so its just me and the boss. maybe the rush is part of the enjoyment. I have to fight the boss 20-40 times before I get a feel for it's moves, I've never beaten a boss who is considered "tough" on the first 2-3 tries.
I agree. I guess if you were one of those people who said “Imagine fighting Rahdan in his prime!” way back you might think its cool. Just kind of bland to my eyes, another Godfry swing/stomp clone boss.
>I've never beaten a boss who is considered "tough" on the first 2-3 tries.
Thats because you're actually playing the game and not lying on the internet for e-street cred
I used ledas sword and medium armor. It was very fun. Oh and no spirit ashes or summons or any of the shit you had to use since you are too ass to beat it like a big boy. And I went into the dlc at level 85 since I was concerned it would be too easy on a higher level build. As far as "Like every other souls game" Uhh no I didn't stick with the default starting gear in every other souls game since that would be boring as hell.
I think the issue is Anon, that you are confusing your skill level with other peoples. No, just because It's stressful and unfun for someone like you doesn't mean It's a fair challenge for others.
am I the only one who had trouble beating Jori, Elder Inquisitor?
>Assuming everyone else is as bad as you or else they are lying.
Lol. What even needs to be said?
They murdered poise and tanking in general, it's become some gay action game where the only skill being tested is patience and memorization.
>to tank in modern soulsborne games you need to
>get to mid/end game for the best armor
>eat 3 different consumables
>wear the talisman that increases poise
>use spells
>can finally poise through 1 arrow or the weakest attack a soldier can do
and it's like for what purpose? why did they make tanking such a joke?
>yes, i built my entire character around taking a hit
>oh that's cool, how many extra hits can you take?
>just 1
Elden Ring is just boring, 'oh wow, another ledge with a nigger hiding in some alcove they designed specifically so you give it a glance and think it's a wall' or 'oh look it's another nigger standing next to an item, facing away, i sure hope there isn't some kind of GANKSQUAD waiting for me to touch him' or 'we literally hate the player and want them to just die so here are some moves that are specifcally designed to trick you and 'shake things up' (trial and error bullshit where you need to memorize how the boss swings his ballsack around before he ACTUALLY swings)
The game isn't made for old people and people with shit reaction times. It's not chaos, It's just not for little old you. That's okay, you don't have to play it.
This. Parts are sort of cool, like the jars. The fingers shit was pretty uninspired.
I'm 64 and i beat it using my shield
>if you want me to give you credit you have to turn off buffs
Why? I'm willing to trade to break poise faster. That's literally my gameplan and why I'm using malenia's rune.
>i can tell by how sloppy you attack you still don't really know what his windows are
It's not a boss that requires heavy memorization, a greatshield or light roll since you can still get through with sloppy play.
>and dont shit talk shields if you're just going to block
what? are you seriously saying that the greatsword block is too powerful to use?
>i want to see you mid roll everything with just a sword
Why would I mid roll everything when I'm trying to break poise as fast as I can with my loadout?
Looks almost as good as Skyrim, Almost. Japanman banzai!
Then the game is for you. People who can't handle it without a mental breakdown and crying on /v/ that it's too hard, or in their cope terms "overtuned" need to find something more suited for them though.
I only hated Rellana. Bitch is broken as shit and is the classic example of a boss with movement abilities and damage and attacks that are simply superior to the tarnished. Bitch is dodging around like Sekiro but we are stuck with dark souls 3 movement and rolls. Gay as shit.
Even the final fucking boss is less agile until he has literally God granting him super powers in phase 2
You just know a Fujo wrote this. Which is based.
Don't get summoned to Leda. Shit host will get you killed and you will lose all your souls.
boss balance is a thing of the past. gotta place random shit items on this open world map instead.

how the fuck was leda unfair? literal npc fight that staggers on any r2 or charged attack. maybe you slept through the other leaping anime combo faggots.
because our whole argument was about mid roll's viability as a tactic against elden ring which is what pushes people into playing great shields/lightrolls. if mid roll is still viable you can beat gaius with just midrolls and a sword only right?
I found jumping worked a lot less in the dlc. I couldn’t even jump the waist high sideways magic sword swing of Rellana’s.
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Does anyone actually use the crafting menu? Devs seem to think crafting recipes are something players care about
You belong on twitter. Go back.
What was your problem with him? A bit of an annoying fight on torrent, I’ll admit, those dragon’s lock on point is in the worst place, and the head moves too much.
>now you try to attack it but the tracking is so bad, you attack beside it despite it being right in front of you
This shit right here. It's yet another massively overlooked problem. Considering how slow your attacks are, having shit hitboxes tied nearly 1:1 to the weapon model is criminal in an action game. Especially with guard counters, I've lost count how many times the attack straight up whiffs while the enemy is standing right in front of my fucking character.
Same ancient dragon fight as usual but you're in ankle deep water so you need to jump after every attack
the only time I opened the crafting menu in the dlc was to make that huge pot to wake the magma golem
what's wrong with 40 times on a boss if you had fun? practice makes perfect zoomers don't know this anymore because it's a beaten pathetic post covid sitting online 24/7 generation
The game is truly gorgeous to just stop and look at, everywhere.
i was at midroll weight using a sword. I rarely midrolled because raptor provided bigger payoff. Neither a light roll or great shield was used. Also not the guy you were arguing with, I just happened to have a webm of fighting Gaius at midroll weight without a greatshield.
You're looking at 200-300 hours of entertainment with all the stuff there's packed in this game.
i die to bosses so much. i also almost always go hit less in phase 1 because i learn their move sets so well.
Am I glad I didn't use my ng+ save for the dlc.
Yea same, what's wrong with that? That's the fucking video game.
dude not only did you still block everything you buffed and cheesed into a face tank strat like that proves anything
>tries to subtly leave out all the crutches you used
hehe anon come on I'm not retarded like you, people can read between the lines. You didn't beat the game
All fromsoft games have harder dlc than the base game. Sekiro has no dlc zo you can't compare it to sote.
Nothing in base elden ring is overturned unless you're talking about the rot bitch and it's up to debate+ she's an optional boss in a hidden late gale area.
The dlc just goes farther in the difficulty scaling same way all from dlc did.
>dude not only did you still block everything
>raptor of the mists is a block
better update fexalife
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>>stellar level design, one of their best yet
How do people UNIRONICALLY think this? Just how? I know OP might be shitposting but there are people who genuinely believe ER has great level design, even heard people say it rivals DaS1....
Your posts have just devolved into coping since you can't come up with a response to people being better at the game than you, and enjoying it more as a result. How sad. Well have some more of my attention regardless.

Going from ds3's utterly abysmal level design and well, utterly abysmal everything to elden ring does make elden ring look better in comparison to be honest. Still I don't think the level design is as good as ds1's.
Yeah I literally held out my Brass Shield and killed him with a normal ass straight sword. He's so easy. But this run I think I'll try him with rolls
>better at the game than you
interesting way to spell cheese
Actual souls fag vet and barring ds1 yea it mogs everything else.
Or are you telling me ds2, 3. Bloodborne and sekiro have better level design? They're all linear. Bloodborne gets close but the warping from start ruins it so wcyd. Nice shortcut good thing I'll never need it.
Ds2 dlcs get close to good level design but ds2 sucks and feels bad to play.
More like stop wasting your time playing something that you hate so much that you have a full blown meltie over it. It's illogical to waste your time playing something that is going to make you shit your pants.

which cheese did I use sweetheart?
mid rolls and straight sword only. i'll enjoy seeing that
I did it on NG+2, it was tough but not unreasonable except in a couple places. Gaius was a problem until I got off the horse and learned deflecting, though that worked against me once I got to Radahn since he would've been easier if I had went for parrying instead.
>DS2 and Bloodborne are linear
Why do you make it so easy to out yourself as being a dipshit retard who literally has no clue what you're talking about?

You don't even explain how ER has good level design, you just shit on other games.
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Never played the game. What is going on here?
naur this run im going to str/int, never used ranni's milg sword before so thats what I'll be using
New weapon type perfume bottles that gives Arcane builds a magic focused weapon
The normal moveset is just okay but the Rolling Sparks weapon ash hits a gorillion times if you point it straight at the floor instead of actually at the enemy
>Nobody complains that the game is hard, people complain that the game is ridiculously balanced, and that you can't beat the game as "freely" as you used to in previous itterations.

Nailed it, too little room to show off your own ideas vs From's.
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>stellar level design, one of their best yet
>super interesting lore that really adds to the main game
Literal mental deficiency
>nigga summoned
You used a shield.
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Summoning in this game has no purpose and ruins the gameplay because it has no lore purpose like Solaire, and they have to design the bosses around having a distraction so you can beat the Hell out of the boss.

This game is the worst Souls game since Dark Souls 2 and you are all retards with low IQ
Igon, Hornsent, and Ansbach's quests in the DLC all involve summoning them
The coping never ends with some of you people. When are you going to realize that your slow reaction times do not mean that the bosses need a distraction. Just play better lol.
Worst Souls game since Dark Souls 2. Rollslop boss rush with Ubislop side missions
>shes mad that she just can't beat it like she could the slower, older games :(
there there
Why did you reply to me
where do we scoop st trina's nectar from?
he needs as much attention as he can get
I haven't even played the DLC. If you think doing a boss 50 times or whatever or doing all of the bosses in rapid succession is good gameplay, you missed completely what was good about the others.

This Elden Ring has bad lore, bad environments, bad weapons, bad armor, bad bosses in style, bad everything. It is THE worst game since Dark Souls 2 and that game was universally hated
Because you replied to me. I see your (you), retard cumstain
The fact that the game isnt worth playing if the difficulty is lower shows that Souls games are overhyped
from her sticky cunny...
But it doesn't take me 50 attempts to beat a boss. You are confusing your skill level for everyone elses.
just say you are noob
>no middle ground
Use one of the several dozen mid-level ashes instead of mimic tear for everything.
But enough about DeS, Dark Souls 1, 3, and Bloodborne.
>I've lost count how many times the attack straight up whiffs while the enemy is standing right in front of my fucking character.
Roughly 60% of the time you seemingly miss for no reason whatsoever.
Doesn't happen to me. You probably need glasses to help with your depth perception issues.
>the bosses are dogshit overtuned mess for muh difficulty meme
They arent, youre just really bad
I bet the Redditdahn chungus were basedfacing until they realized the terrible boss is the zombie rape victim of a femboy.
>>Folds to basic ass heal spells
Yeah dude good luck getting those off without being interrupted dipshit.
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t. light rolling sissy
Both are trash areas
>fights are either hell if you play solo
The only fight that's like that is Radahn Forma de Gay tho, sounds like a proficiency problem on your part
Hora Loux
>boohoo i don't want a challenge
>i want to beat the game and move on to the next game
Play a different game. This game is for men that like challenging bosses, exploration, good level design, good enemies, and a moody atmosphere.
That statue is extremely out of place and you get an emote for it along the way
>Long gone are the days of anything like No Man's Wharf.
And nothing of value was lost
He's talking about crazy forest
That gank squad fight was fuckin kino! I found the chest piece for ledas armor afterwards, wheres the rest of the set?
what? i went through the catacombs and found the forest
They're great. They make you shit your pants whenever you see them. The fact you call them out specifically is proof that they have an amazing design.
>ds3's utterly abysmal level design
Holy fuck you don't know what you're talking about. Just shut the fuck up.
This. The base game bossess are a lot worse when you go back to them
And you aren't substantiating anything to the contrary. Your argument is essentially
You know Dark Souls 1, which you played for the first time on your fourteenth birthday in 2022, can still be a good game while Elden Ring is.
There’s only the chest piece I believe. It’s kino looking too!
And yes, the gank squad was my favorite part of the dlc
>Stop having an opinion that's different than me, stop spreading it too!
Ummm no I won't do either of those things. I know exactly what I experienced with ds3 and how uninteresting it was. It must really sting for you that you can't silence people with different opinions than you, for you to react like that.
Reminder that people couldn’t beat the vanilla bosses for WEEKS until they found out about the mimic tear
Sunflower was a walk in the park compared to consort Radahn, I probably beat him in under 10 tries.
Radahn is fucking bullshit.
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>Calling you out for failing to answer my question is me forming an "argument"
Holy shit, you are terminally fucking retarded. You have said absolutely nothing about elden rings level design, you've only said other souls games are shit with the only thing you pointed out as the reason they're shit being "linear" which is a blatant fucking lie to anyone that's played those games.

Now tell me, how does that answer the question of how someone could believe elden ring has good level design?
Miquella was easily the worst part of the DLC. They massively dropped the ball with him. His cut content from the base game was more substantial than what he got in the DLC that obstensibly focused on him.
>a place you wouldn't expect
>literally a dev message and a marika statue 2 feet from a grace the map clearly shows leads to it
That was my first reply in the thread, I didn't say anything but call you a retarded faggot.
Why did they cut so much from the base game? First the big ass merchant quest line and now Miquella as well?
It makes complete sense. He tried a bunch of different things in main game to fix things, failed, then used his power to manipulate Mohg into doing his bidding for him, so he can get to the Shadow Realm, and brought back the only person that could stand up to his old consort Malenia: Radahn.
Elden Ring is not designed to play solo without ashes. Yes, it's an easy game.
>>stellar level design, one of their best yet
This is making me insane
>legacy dungeons are literal hallways that you go through in 5 minutes and are extremely uninspired visually
>open world devoid of content in many areas, Cerulean Coast, Finger Ruins, Abyssal Woods, and the dragon area is just embarrassingly empty

The only thing that was improved were Catacombs
And yet I did it anyways and never had any major roadblocks. Wonder what that means.
The rest of it is the oathseeker set
I gave myself enough SCUD Launcher fragments to get blessing level 10 right after divine beast and the exploration is so much better now. I don't have to autistically search every nook and granny just to find a not-rowa-fruit anymore.
What do you think it means, retard?
Then you're even more retarded because I still never made an argument, I was literally just pointing out that he's wrong. Good job dipshit. Learn to read reply chains.
That a lot of people have a serious skill issue and NEED to start using the spirit ashes rather than try and play like the skilled players, then whine that they can't keep up. The game is not made to be beaten with spirit ashes, It's made with multiple skill levels in mind and there are lot's of whiners out there who think they can do it without the easy mode gear and then whine that it is too hard. People need to get a better grip with where they really are skillwise, and stay in their lane.
Make shield a dedicated button even when dual weilding and move caster shit to the item bar. The use item button is relevant for too little time right now so it can absolutely take on more utility
what was the miquella cut content
It's called Keen or Quality dueling shield
Please tell me the skibidi fragments carry to ng+, I don't want to go digging for them all again.
Concession accepted. Don't worry, 5 million more copies soon.
In cut content Miquella had his own ending, intervened in Malenia phase 2, and Trina sleep stuff had a dedicated questline.
>Bloodborne gets close but the warping from start ruins it
Like it ruins ER
So just like the base game, except the bosses, I guess. Too bad my computer stutters like crap now. Is this video still relevant or are the solutions outdated? I´ve also heard turning off the anti-cheat reduces the load on my system.
You should try out Okami.
>Bloodborne gets close but the warping from start ruins it so wcyd. Nice shortcut good thing I'll never need it.

You didn't play it
>The game is not made to be beaten with spirit ashes

It actually is tho. You being good enough not to use them doesn't change that.
Yeah, doing the colony drop on Leyndell. I´m fucking sorry, Goldmask!
>What the hell is going on with Fromsoft? How did we go from Midir and Gael and Isshin to this?

There's no good dragon besides flaccidsax
>second line proves you don't know how to play this game
Poise is only in play when two handing, scrub. I stopped there, called you dumb, and won't read the rest

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