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Will unions save the industry?
Unions have only ever destroyed industries and ruined people’s opportunities to earn a good livelihood. They are a direct link to socialism and need to be killed
I was just thinking game development needed to be more expensive, sclerotic, and liberal.
look at what jewnions did to voice acting, no thanks, now people just find a va on twitter
I've always wondered why Anons like yourself make bait posts like this. Are you just that bored in life?
no but the industry deserves unions none the less
Only the union of straight white men
no niggers
no trannies
no faggots
and most importantly
Wagies that have to sell themselves and their dignity to large corporations don't deserve nor shouldd expect respect from them. Actual artists contract per job, and by doing so set their own conditions. They don't need a jewunion to do so.
If your game's budget is less than ten million dollars you should not be required to hire union workers
Several contractor industries have unions. What makes this any different?
It might help for a while but it will just drive the (((money guys))) to move development to 3rd world countries. haven't read replues but i bet entitled anons have the attitude that devs deserve nothing but pennies and slavery
Yes, because when a game developer is happier, they produce better games such as...
Yes, because they will help kill the bloated, sick, diseased corpse of an industry that is vidya. The sooner it crashes the sooner we can return to normalcy.
Only if they're trad, as in economic reductionists. That is impossible in California.
The only good thing about unions was it was a union in Italy that inspired fascism.

America right now has the biggest medical union in the world and it's massively fucking up their healthcare.
Big fetal alcohol syndrome energy.
Kind of crazy that game devs have no union or guild. They're just disposable like retail workers. But I guess it's a relic from the time pre 2010 before everybody heard about programmers six figure salaries and learned to code so only the autismos were doing the jobs back then
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No. Unions are really only necessary for large organizations and no game studio should have more than 8-15 people working in it.
Unions in America are parasites and harm industries. We can't be like European ones for whatever reason that actually do good for union members and the industry, the Union is just another mechanism to extract money from the employer and the employees.
It's because if they actually had any skills as a developer, they can get more money working in corporate America
It's like the Internet. Individual rights were obliterated in ways they couldn't IRL.
Unions are like anything else. Some are good, some aren't.
The unions who stick to their brief of collective bargaining to be in a strong bargaining position for their members: good.
The unions that decide they're going to try and be a universal political force to change society for everyone: bad.
Unfortunately the issue of poor wages is down to outsourcing and immigration, even the good unions are a bandaid since the value of labour is going to lower no matter what they do
>more liberal
that's happening regardless sorry to disappoint you chud
>no game company should
In that case everyone Sony, Microsoft, etc turn it in. You're over capacity. Anon-sama said so and he obviously knows a lot more about it than we do
Yeah but the first example just doesn't exist in America anymore. Our Unions are all basically parasite corporations. The old ones are too corrupt to root out or change and newer ones always strong arm their way in before any real employee beneficial unions can take root. It's an industry all itself and the Union bosses always give their members scraps and the industries that have part timers like the grocery/super market Unions abuse the ever living fuck out of them. Not a single Union seems to think that unlimited immigration is a problem either, so they're exclusively aligned with big business in that regard.
Unions only work in labor intensive trades because the guys who work those trades arent huge fags. Gamedev unions always want dumb shit like 4 hour work days and 3 day work weeks, one of those 3 days is mandatory work party.
The only thing unions really get right is making sure youre not getting completely fucked by mexicand taking your jobs and healthcare.
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Not only this but a majority of vidya devs already work on a contract basis.
Contracts are not a shield from rape if you have no leverage to negotiate its just a worse job and you're locked in
You don't work in a union. Nor have you been paying attention to unionization efforts. The mere fact that many high profile companies like Starbucks and Amazon are doing their damndest to crack down on Unions should tell you everything you need to know. Critical thinking skills aren't your strong suit though. It's okay anon. Let the big boys do the thinking for you while you parrot ancient economic ideals like trickle down effect
This guy is a massive woke soi cunt.
I wish, trannies and sois are leftists not liberals
made my blood boil seeing this white guy with an all white team making his youtube videos complaining that Valve was too white
Its always fucking people from either California or London doing this shit.
unions will save the industry by making a giant list of 'never hires' for companies
rich kids
HR already does that
>You don't work in a union.
Wrong, I used to be a part timer in a grocery store union. That's why it was my fucking example, because I see first hand how they work. You get benefits at a year and a half, conveniently beyond turnover period, dogshit benefits below what the full timers get, and only 25cent raises guaranteed. The full timers didn't get much either from what my coworkers told me. You're a union bootlicker making your jew union boss wealthy while he is jewing your company's jew boss.
>unironic seethe into reganomics memes no one actually believes

Keep sucking liberal cock you direction-brained moron. Both parties are for unlimited immigration to undercut your wages under judeo-capitalism
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C'mon anon, why join a union? Surely you can trust your boss to look out for you? Say, rather than paying union dues why don't you treat yourself? Go buy an Xbox or something, eh? That's much better than being a rabble-rousing commie, isn't it?
Guess who is going to get the union kobs? Woke college liberal devs. The only good it would do is getting rid of the parents, except no it wouldn't do that either because they are outsourced. Who thought unions are a good idea?
Jobs. Pajeets. Fucking autocorrect.
No because the american industry is already inundated with people who don't belong there.
Wether they'll have a union or not is immaterial to the end-result.
>join union
>union uses dues to lobby for abortion and lgbtq rights
>buy ps5
>pay for pride flag theme.
Because the relevant people they can't easily replace, graphics programmers, aren't every likely to join one either way.
They've tried these a couple of times but when it's the union of useless QA, "community liasions" (read: handles their twitter accounts) and assorted faggots who don't work on the actual game yet gets very mad when you point out they're not a "dev" like they claim then the only real leverage they have is just how unwilling the execs are to do their job, fire everyone and get new hires.
trade unions worked because the mob had ownership of its educational systems and was able to coerce everyone to use unions, and somehow the union goon mobsters that run the teamsters are less greedy than the retards who try to form new unions.
Nowdays if you want to start a union
A. it puts a target on your back, you and the entire union may be let go if you arent strong enough
B. Whoever you put in charge of the union will take all of your money and give you nothing to show for it
Theres a very strict requirement to get in on the ground floor. You cant really make a voice actors union or a gamedev union when the degrees and licenses you could otherwise earn are useless anyways and most companies arent required to have any sort of relationship with these unions
The joke is neo-commie politics destroy the possibility of collective bargaining. No one loves woke more than multinational corporations
comically burger outlook. in europe unions have little to do with the mob. (except in italy, obviously.)
>here in Europe
Europe has 0 cultural relevence today, retardo. Noone gives a shit about the "Lorry unions" and the only guys making any video games on your half of the world are polish and french.
Unions only work in industries that that require mass scale functionality to exist. This why UPS has a good union because you need hard working people in all positions to maintain a global shipping network that provides services worth the cost. USPS union sucks and it's members are entitled retards with shit attitudes so you get terrible service but because mail boxes exist they don't have to worry about going out business. Games dont have to exist and can be built by one talented person so why would they want to unionize with USPS tier dipshits who just didn't want a real job?
For real though. And the French inly make shit these days
unions would be a good idea at companies like ea and microsoft. if they are ran well they could offer more job security to employees. if they are ran poorly they could hopefully put the companies out of business. seems like a win-win.
unions at companies like nintendo would be a bad idea. if something is already working well there is no reason to mess with it.
Unions aren’t necessary in an economy where businesses are privately owned and operated. Unions are a bandaid for a larger problem which is corporatism
Unions are ideal for skilled blue collar trades. School teachers and glorified assembly-line monkeys give unions a bad name

>load sixteen tons
>what do you get
>another day older and your deeper in dept
>muh company store
hows that boot tasting
yeah, there is a difference between trade unions and general/industrial unions also
When have unions improved the quality of something? they can at help the members, at least at first before they become corrupt, but they give no benefit to the customer, the opposite actually.
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This. Believe it or not, there was a time when the average trip to Detroit WASN'T action-packed
>gig economy brain rot
Little did anon know, he was playing into jewish hands anyway
Maybe. They won't kill the industry.
No, Game devs hate gamers just as much as the journalists and executives do. Sure in one to two cases devs having more control will lead to less stupid shit like Rocksteady(primarily known for single player games) making an always online live service, but everything else will largely remain the same. The battlepasses, season passes, ultimate/deluxe editions, 70$, long dev cycles.
Nah, the people that work in those unions give back to the community by spending their money at other local business and supporting the local infrastructure.

The unions are the other side of the coin of corporations and both are prone to corruption.
Modern game developers don't deserve unions
Oh I'm not a corpo shill, they also suck, but while unions can be good for the workers and the area they operate in during the good parts of the cycle that benefit impact the customer, I don't think we are going to be getting less slop just because of a union.
Eh. You should rely on either for quality entertainment. It all comes down to what are you most comfortable with: Being ripped off so hundreds to thousands of people get more money or be ripped off so dozens of people get way more money.
I've come to only really take interest in either indies or smaller studios that are AA at most, the most recent AAA game I played was Elden Ring, not much else from that sphere seems to be worth the amount they ask for.
fuck you bezos
pay your people more
even henry ford knew to pay his employees better so they could afford to buy a ford car
unironically yes
all they make now is live service turds
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Just goes to show being able to speak is not some incredible talent as they like to pretend.
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>On Jennifer Heplerburg reactions in his ME3 video
It will help the workers. Unions make sense in industries where workers are easily replaceable because it gives too much leverage to management to abuse their workers. Normally being easily replaced means your job is low skill, but in the games industry it's because the jobs are very rare and lucrative that even high skill workers are competing for them.
Who's Jennifer and what's ME3
go back to watching the wire, liberal faggot
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She said she wished there was a way to remove all combat from games, because it's always in the way of just having the writing.
>Someone made a Reddit thread calling her the "Cancer that is killing vidya"
She reacted by tweeting
>You're just jealous that I'm a developer and that I have a vagina.
Then she claimed to be bullied and left the company in protest, and then Kotaku picked up the slack.
10 years later, the Creative Director of Dragon Age Deadname decided impromptu to tweet about this girl's incident as "Proto-GamerGate"
>The PeopleMakeGames goy is giving the middle finger to (YOU)
In a sense I respect people who want to try to make vidya not solely violent.
On the other hand, these same people have no fun alternative to killing people. People like Jon Blow will play call of duty 23 hours a day because they like violent vidya more than I do, and host a devtalk where he bitches about vidya only being about "killing dudes" and his only answer to this is walking sim with line puzzles.
Is this the guy that gave the guys who stole disco elysium from the guys who made it a veritable blowjob because the guys who made it were mean in the interview and the guys who stole it were nice?
>your deeper in
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speaking of shitty game related youtubers
>game maker's toolkit
>talks in authority about what makes games good and shit
>this is his game
>a fucking 2D puzzle platformer in development hell
why are they like this
I always confuse this guy with the guy who made actual games like the snes/genesis Toy Story games
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8 billion people alive on Earth and not enough of them want AAA slop for the industry to survive as is. Nothing is going to save this industry. The studios that need dying are going to die and that's it.

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