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You didn't beat it.
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Cry about it
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delayed attack delayed attack
screen wide aoe aftershock
delayed attack (version 2)
magic explosion
delayed attack

Its a memorization game.
you just know that the people that make these threads are just self hating because they used those exact tools ;)
Does any single one of those diqualify you from beating the game? Does that mean upgrading your summons without actually summoning means you didn't beat the game? Fuck.
Bait, no one sane of mind would say that using the scadu fragments is not beating the game lol
>level over 120
>colossal weapons
>+10 or +25 weapon
You didn't beat the game.
Yes, if you finish the game and at any point you used one of these a message pops up and instead of entering ng+ it tells you "you didn't beat the game" and makes you play the game again from scratch
Is the dueling shield that good?
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Why would I want to beat one of the dullest adventure games in the history of adventure games?
It's kino. And it's guard pokes are possibly bugged so it takes less stamina than just blocking normally.
from the outside, fromdrones seem to really hate the games they're given if they're squabbling over in-game items
>program in 1000 fun and different ways to defeat bosses
>998 of them are deemed by reddit to be way too strong so you're not allowed to use them
>OP serves his reddit overlords for free by reposting this thread hourly
>You didn't beat it.
I couldn't care less
Don't ever talk to me or my mimic tear ever again.
>playing without breaking your own hands
you didnt beat the game
Is the Disgraceful DooDoo Devourer really that strong? Never used it
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yea I did look I got the remembrance n shiet
>he doesn't devote at least two (2) hours of his playtime on any given day to putting down his summon sign and helping randos
Nevermind you didn't beat it, you don't deserve to play it.
>Rolling sparks
>Fingerprint shield

A bit overkill no?
I didnt have all the items to make the rolling sparks build op af so it was still a challenge. but now I beat the game and can breath freeeee.
Dueling shields are good? They look cool but I feel like I don't see people talk about them.
Whats broken about duel shield? They dont have even 100% damage reduction just better ofensive reach than dual wielding finger shield
>that shield
what's the deal with it? got both and never used them because i thought they were useless
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Fake fan thread
seems to be mega broken
Honestly, summoning is a waste of time in the DLC. Bosses get so much extra HP that it's rarely worth it compared to the zero extra HP they get if you use a spirit ash.
>played without a lobotomy

You didn't beat the game
What's easy mode about the dueling shield? I wanted to try them out, but was disappointed they didn't have 100% physical block.
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I beat the game.
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how do i perfumemaxx? damage felt low here
you need the armor set that increases damage dished out and received
also flame grant me strength is only for fire and physical damage, use the other blessing
whats the top right one?
Is that a perfume as a weapon? I finished the fucking game, picked up a bunch of those, and didn't even check because I never used items
is there another body buff that increases lightning dmg at all?
yup, and theres 2 perfume-only ash of war. the other one is an aoe for pvp
>Game is insanely weighted to make people want to dodge roll and jump attacks
>Malenia was literally given life steal to punish people who use shield builds
>"Learn to roll and get good scrub" to shield fans for years
>DLC comes out
>Final boss is one of the few bosses where using a shield is actually good against it
>"Whaaaa, you didnt really beat the game because you used a shield"

Shield Chads get the last laugh and roll chuds can seethe more.
The shadow tree fragment system also fucks over people wanting to help other players, because you get summoned by scrubs that didnt collect any shadow levels and now your shadow levels are nerfed down and your damage is now way worse and the boss has way more health.
wait what's with the dueling shield?
they seem mid
I had to use a +10 weapon. Master Heugg had a final request I had to fulfill. use his God slaying weapon to kill Marika
You take almost no stamina damage if you block while attacking. Usually it's the opposite.
Are you insinuating that Elden Ring being a game of pattern recognition and muscle memory is a bad thing? Genuine question. I see people say this a lot as if it's a negative, but the gameplay is extremely fun.
>implying the From devs don't want you to use the full breath of the mechanics
The only people that get angry at this are the newfag tryhards that started the series with ER or maybe at most DS3 and define their self worth by "beating the super hardcore game!"
i just beat it, in about half an hour your mom is gonna come here and beat it again and im gonna shoot the entire load into her mouth
>He screenshots his own irrelevant opinions and spams them all over the board
You belong in a jar, anon.
i used one hit trainer against bosses and beat it
You're wrong actually, I also have the steam achievements to prove it. I just merely used all the items and abilities that the game offered to me.

Here's a motto for your retarded ass.
>"Work smarter, not harder"
I had all that and I can assure you, with proof, that I did beat the game.

Even the credits played.

So tell me why you are being so stupid?
Has anyone here actually beat the DLC with no fragments? Wouldn't you be getting 1 shot by every Radahn attack at that point?
point blank point at ground
you could just watch a single video of someone actually using it properly lol
You didn't beat it on lvl 1 and you suck at the game bitch
you have to aim at the ground to make it do it's real damage. otherrwise perfume is just the equivalent of spiral helix spell where its strong because it multihits large targets. the broken part is when you hit a wall or floor. never lock on, aim directly down under the enemy.
I did that so much for the double crucible knight fights. I fucking love cooping in that fight. but doing the dlc bosses? fuck that
do you think there will ever be a west cuck game with an aesthetic like this?
This game is garbage not even worth pirating, let alone buying, of course I didn't beat it.
>Delayed attacks
Act skill issue. Stop role spamming
gen alpha post
>stop roll spamming
>actually look at attacks
>every fight gets 100% more kino
>look at attacks
>when the entire screen is covered in particles and the camera is pointing at the fucking moon
>no fingerprint
>no chicken wing
>no throwing shield
I don't care
>A bit overkill no?
enemies have no mercy, neither should you
sparks kills him in 3 activations without any items >>681515874
add bleed to the picture. I used a bleed weapon for the first time and it's like everything has manageable levels of HP without skibidis.
get your eyes check mate
you didn't beat 4chan
The chip damage is whatever. You've got a ton of time to find an opportunity to heal chip damage, like when any other player would finally get their chance to hit once. What makes or breaks blocking is guard boost. Dueling shield has an advantage over a lot of stuff there because two-handing it gives both defensive and offensive bonuses simultaneously. I've heard the really broken thing is that they don't lose stamina from getting hit while guard poking allowing them to spam poke with a full strength weapon and only really care about managing their offensive stamina usage.

That said, the two big boy shields have such high guard boost and take way less chip damage, that I can't imagine a dueling shield being safer. The dueling shield can deal more damage faster with way less equip burden, but guard pokers with bleed don't really have to care that much about the weapon's damage outside of the bleed at the end of the day.
what's so good about the dungeater?
dead, decomposed, desiccated, fossilized meme
>dung eater
what? he strong or something?
He's probably the best spirit ash other than the mimic, at least in the base game. He's very tanky with very high aggro, deals good damage, has a bleed weapon, can hit at range, applies a debuff, etc. Most of the time he's not better than the mimic, but definitely can be depending on your build and how bad the mimic is at using what you're using.
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enter arena
boss immediately starts 8 hit combo
misstime slightly
it takes 90% of your health
get up off the floor
boss goes into 16 hit combo
evade it perfectly
drink juice
boss goes into AoE that fills the entire boss rom
run away, jump 3x
time to chase him
boss starts 32 hit combo
As a caster mimic is pretty gay
>You didn't beat it.
Nigger, I didn't BUY it.
>channels comet azur for 0.5 seconds
>channels spinning weapon on the staff for 5 seconds while 10 feet away from the boss

Thank you, mimic.
Ask me how I know you're an ESL.
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>want to do a STR/INT build
>the only STR/INT scaling weapon that isn't just STR focused with an INT tax is Carian Knight Sword (boring)
>plus I won't get the cast speed benefit unless I also pump DEX or dedicate a talisman slot
Should I just go pure INT caster?
They're too busy killing every single studio making shitty twitter games.
Walking mausoleums in the DLC or you have to use the ones in the Lands Between?

You have to kill her to get her armor right?
No. From's aesthetics can only come from people who truly love the things from which they draw inspiration. Clearly the designers have an interest and appreciation for authentic historical arms and armour, as well as myths and monsters from all over the world. It's not a parody. They understand beauty. So much attention is put into the details of even the items nobody is going to end up using; think of the shields and daggers you've never touched.
Contrast that with the latest Dragon Age game. Pic related. The devs don't give a shit about believability or aesthetic or art style. The only thing they cared about was making the character models attractive or diverse. That's it. The weapons and armour in this promo shot are ridiculous, useless, and have no real coherence in their design. The world looks like shit too. It's all symptomatic of a lack of care and soul.
>Walking mausoleums in the DLC or you have to use the ones in the Lands Between?
There are coffins in the Finger areas you can use. 3 of them, so choose carefully.
>the only STR/INT scaling weapon that isn't just STR focused with an INT tax is Carian Knight Sword
Helphen's Steeple, Meteoric Ore Blade, Royal GS, Clayman's harpoon are all pretty good choices. You don't have to go full caster if you pump INT also.
>full INT
Magic affinity weapons
Cold affinity or unique weapons
Darkmoon GS works on both builds and is one of the best weapons in the game.
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Stuart Little.
nah sure as hell didnt do that much damage for me and I fully upgrades it. maybe because im ng+ 5
Huh, a lot more STR/INT weapons than I thought actually.
Although now that I think more about it I'm tempted to cosplay as one of these lads with a Cold infused Stone Club. Thanks anon.
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why is your mimic a nigger though?
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>Greatshield in left hand
>Thorn incantation in right hand (proc bleed)
>60 vigor
>Fight start, summon mimic tear
Yep, time to game
>using any sort of standard input method
If you played with anything other than the mind flex headset you didn't beat the game.
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I was this for most of the game and only much later did i switch to Wing of Astel and a Cold Scavenger Curved Sword. Swift is better if you don't have the body to trade hits i'm afraid...
Miyazaki has a serious hateboner for wizards, especially muscle because there are very few weapons that scale great with STR as well. I used the Moonlight Sword a lot but i thought it wasn't very good compared to older souls games. Especially the inactivated heavy attack.
Then we move on to the DLC where you get few useful sorceries along convoluted paths in which some of them also use (only) faith or arcane. It's fucked.
I advice you to level either faith or arcane slowly as well because staying faithful to intelligence will hamper your utility and fun.
The cope goes on
>haha im eating shit fuck you guys im so contrarian
No matter how many summons, items, and ashes I used, at the end of it all Rhadan is dead and I'm alive. Victory to the living.
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I noticed the people who ego themselves with their own rules rarely play the game a second time.
The three P's.
Patience, Plunder, and Pattern.
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name seventeen games
>wear two Staff of Loss (or Lusat + staff of loss if only NG)
>Graven Mass, Godfrey icon, holyresist, wildcardslot/whatever
>spam night comet for 2k damage, 2.6k charged

People sleep on that spell. Glinstone Pebble on steroids. carried me through NG+ and NG++ Consort- took me like 5 attempts per.
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you forgot one
where do I find the map for the region that has midra's manse?
i think i found it after going south as soon as i arrived there. there was a hopstile NPC on the route.
Don't even have to use the shield, just drink the new parry tear lmao

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