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>Japan copying from China
We have truly come full circle
They already did that with Kanji
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Japan was the china before china xd

Man chinks really have no idea how to make appealing characters do they.
>The similarity to the Carl Zeiss AG brand "ikon", would cause some early problems in Germany as Zeiss complained that Nikon violated its trademarked camera. From 1963 to 1968 the Nikon F in particular was therefore labeled 'Nikkor'.
i guess its just asian genetics
even korea is like this
you can stop being a contrarian
What games are these? Action RPGs with AI controlled teammates are usually fun.
>PMMM game
>no papery backgrounds for the Witch's labyrinth
You had one fucking job
Top looks a thousand times better
>Madoka RPG
>mobile game autobattler
What the fuck
nigga they been copying china for thousands of years with a brief window of originality between the late 60s - early 2000s.
Which is which
Uhh ain't it just 5 niggas in a row
Both are turn based, anon...
Top is Japanese, Madoka new game, bottom is Chinese, Star Rail
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>Could had been a fun turn-based Madoko JRPG exploring the worlds.
>G A C H A
>brief window of originality between the late 60s - early 2000s
At that time they just stopped copying China and focused more on copying America and Europe
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damn this dude is so fucking cool it's like mini Lancelot Albion
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I swear ive seen ten year old games like this from Jap Devs already
Dead ip
The mihomo fanbase is one the most retarded and cancerous fanbases. They think their games are original.
rebellion sequel next year
trust the plan
Heaven Burns Red
absolute trash
story is nice though and fully voiced.
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oh nononononono
>4 niggas on a row was invented by china
>China invented Persona 4
Oh, you're right that thing on the left is a turn order.
Well, turn based RPGs can be fun too.
>Madoka Magica Magia Exadra
It's not out, but on Steam they say it's a gacha?
Gacha like Xenoblade 2 or Gacha as in "Give us your money to gamble"?
>Star Rail
This is one of them evil gachas, right? Fuck that.
Madoka is also a gacha, sorry anon. Yes though, it's from Mihoyo, which you might know (maybe) for making Genshin Impact, the BotW clone.
Oh. Fuck all of that then.
I'll just play the FATE samurai game instead.
how is this copying?
this shit has all been the same since early final fantasy
It's a girl.
Also the best girl.
USA was know as the cheap product maker that copied from europe, but then surpassed it in a few years. Japan was know as the cheap product maker that copied USA, but surpassed it. Chona was know as the cheap product maker that copied both japan and USA, and it is getting better than both of then. It's the eternal cicle of progress.
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China has been known as the cheap dogshit copycat for many decades though and its reputation has only gotten worse.
It will eventually get better as the west keep moving their prodution there. And it's false that the reputation is getting worse, it is way way better than it was 10 years ago.
so its still a turn based RPG Gacha... at least they are using fullsize models instead of SDs.
I was just listening to the Madoka OST the other day, thinking what a great anime it was, probably the last great one.
boomer anime
>a copy of Star Rail
>But with Madoka Magica characters

So a better game than the original. Sign me in.
>china invented basic UI layouts
come on
If you can't see that it's the exact same (even the elements and break bar) you're a contrarian retard who should be dropped in the middle of africa naked desu
>star rail invented turn based combat
more proof that mihoyofags are all underage faggots
stop being disingenuous
Bro she's your girlfriend
It's funny how exactly the same the UI looks at least
Don't tell me Madoka also borrows the dogshit artifact system
I will play madoka over Honkai and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
it does
They both suck, Magia Record a real RPG died for this?!?!
If this were a decade ago, I would be excited at the idea of a Madoka game, but then I remember that it's one of the dozens of Japanese franchises that's been diluted to fucking hell with gachashit. I hate Japan.

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