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Why do they keep doing this? WHY
disabled People of Color: enjoy life to its fullest
OP: pisses and shit himself
who fucking cares
>in halo, everyone can be a hero
If you aren't an 8ft tall walking murder machine or a fucked up alien guy you aren't doing SHIT pal.
If you play Halo in the current year you're literally a disabled niggerfaggot. So I dont know why you're kvetching, you should feel right at home.
>being proud of being a cripple
Come on now, this is getting silly
halo has always been for mentally disabled tards. youre just too young to know that.
only mentally disabled people still play halo so it makes sense.
A good chunk of the Spartans actually were disabled in training; they fucking hated it and were glad to be fixed up so they could participate in the fight.

Really makes you think.

They push more and more to see where it will break.
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>Master Chief Collection News
>Black History Month
>Black June Month
>Gay Pride Month
>Black Month Again
>Gay Month Again
>Disability Month

Video games?
i have a mental disorder. i don't want a fucking month. i don't want a fucking faggot flag. fuck off.
Is disability a sexual orientation now?
I've never met a disable person that wants to be reminded of their disability.
WTF they made pride month sequel, ain't no way...
Somethings gotta give

Decade+ of saying "who fucking cares" brought us to this point. You need to actively fight against it.


Kill yourself bunkernigger
corporations are not your friends
This. I used to work with cripples and shit and they detest special treatment. Just treat them like normal people for fuck sake. They are not some thinskinned about-to-neck-themselves dudes in a dress.
Hey, psst, here's a lil' secret: the creative, intelligent people who work on games are overwhelmingly liberal because our profession involves a lot of thinking.
As a dirty cripple I second this
Unironically it's the main reason why I haven't bought it.
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>who fucking cares
it's f2p

And surgeons are overwhelmingly conservative because they provide an actual service, not just draw "art" on a tablet.

It's also a self-fulfilling prophecy, with people going after anyone that doesn't kowtow into wokism. Just look at what they tried to pull with the Wukong devs, asking 7 million for consulting fees and all that. All the large gaming publications are part of the cabal.
Oops forgot to mention master chef collection. I've been wanting to jump in for a while but every month they give some faggy emblems.
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Here's the actual industry secret.
Programmers and technical people don't give a fuck.
The people in charge of designing and mandating this are marketing and PRfags who don't ever even touch the actual backend of the game.
Hell, they probably never even touch the game in the first place.

You'd think being artists that the designers would be heavily liberal too, but ironically the people who work in "industry" get jaded pretty fast and are tired of this shit too.
No wonder games are shit
What is there to be proud of exactly?
Ain't got no leg, what's to be proud of????
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>Not celebrating Mental Health Awareness & Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month
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Why is everything 343 makes so fucking ugly? What the fuck is that armor? What the fuck are those colors? Are they making up some disability pride shit because whoever made this shit is literally fucking retarded?
>"creative, intelligent, people"
Where? Is that why all of gaming has gone to shit?
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>Disability PRIDE month
>a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements
>a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities.
I get disability awareness, sure. But disability pride? The fuck?
>mfw feeling deep pleasure and satisfaction due to the achievement of having a condition that limits my senses, movement or activity
oh yea fair enough, it was fun back a few years ago but the lobbies are a lot more dead now unless you only wanna play regular slayer
I don't even know if that makes it better or worse. If SPARTAN aptitude is based on genetics but the augmentation can cure several disabilities, then are they proud to no longer be disabled, or are they saying all disabled people can be cured by joining the unsc? Like what even is the message with having not just soldiers, but SUPERsoldiers saying this shit?
I work in a medical company that does the whole Pride song and dance every year. It is literally just something the marketing and law dudes think we should do because everyone else does it and they think doing it is a financial and image net positive.
We never talk about politics, values or shit one way or the other in the work, I got no idea what parties my co-workers vote.
Fitting, those designs look like they were made by someone with disabilities.
>I’m PROUD I had both my legs and cock blow off in a war!
Makes no sense.
Basically, in tech and not a single person outside of the designated office tranny gives a fuck about the constant pride emails we're forcefed.
We're just tired of being forcefed this garbage, so everyone just has rules set up to auto delete this shit.

Which is funny because they tried to slip it into important emails, and when everyone just said it was being auto filtered they quickly stopped doing that.

That said it's just so tiring with vidya.
>decide to give valorant a try again because I'm tired of every game in CS2 being filled with cheaters
>new character
I don't know what I was expecting. And maybe 5 years ago I'd of sucked it up and just ignored it. But at this point it's enough for me to just uninstall the game.
Just tired of this nonsense.
>penis inspection pride month
What having no friends does to a mf
i dont think you really know what that means tard-kun
Fight against what you schizophrenic mongoloid
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This, it's the same retardation as people being proud for being "white". Actually nevermind, these downies need the glow up in their miserable lives lol
Instead of shoving more rainbows in a videogame maybe these fucks could show up to a townhall meeting to talk about how corporations are making electric wheelchairs nearly impossible to repair yourself.
Won't someone please think of the money!
343industries are dog shit
they cant make a good game so they're just using their platform as a virtue signaling platform so that people go easy on them when they dont drop actual halo related news.
God I cant even imagine a retard playing this trash.
They have a disability.
Pride Month is over. Wrath Month starts now.
Disability specialist here. They get fucking PAID to do it. These people are SCAMMERS. You know who's legit in the same fucking company? MS's disabilty controler people. These fuckers are completely shameless. Even the disabled veterans charities which would be a GREAT fit for millitary shooters have more cred than these fuckwits.

But be fair. this is not the dumbest outfit/paint job you've seen this year.

THIS man licks goats.

Some visually impared fire team raven reject can hang off the side of your warthog flattening AR rounds into the dirt of the general vicinity of some plasma shields. That's something I guess.


Trajan center gives NO fucks about what you want, and is getting goverment grants to give what you don't want to you.

I am STEALING this and TROLLING some asians harder than the last Ubisoft trailer

Just roll with the shitposting. And look ahead. We will have future disabled drone operators with neural links dropping kilotons of FREEDOM on people in real life soon enough.

Note the company name DELIBERATELY designed to be confused with the state and federal department of rehab. A strong sign of a scumbag.
Disability pride month?

How bout they check out disability to put my nuts on their chin lol
military veterans eat this shit up since they're both gay and disabled

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