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how do we cope, pc bros?
By waiting 2 years and a half of course.
Enjoy your beta testing
by writing a petition
bombing the review scores on other rockshart games
>I-I'm not the cuck for enjoying used goods... you are!
lmao pathetic
that game would have a bodycount of millions before you even touch it lmao
more like enjoying the game, discussing it and rating it with bros while all you can do is to write spiteful and angry ass 4chan posts KEK
Why would I cope? Grand theft auto has never been a good game series. It has always been "Le edgy do crimes game" for kids
Cinematic TND simulators are peak maturity.
I'm sure that anon was being sarcastic
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Baiting and shitposting aside

Why would Rockstar not release it on every platform at the same time? It's literally free money since pretty much everyone will buy it.

Seems unwise to just ignore a sizeable amount of consumers and solely release it on console
letting console beta test and then getting the full PC edition with the same perks that GTAO had on its PC release to get ahead.
I personally am immune to FOMO so I'll just get the game on my desired platform when it's available for a price that I find acceptable.
That might be several years from now considering that I still haven't bought GTA V.
Gta V was one of the most overhyped pieces of shit I've ever played
I wouldn't even waste the disk space on 6 if it was free
Because they now desperate people will buy it on console, then buy it again when it releases on PC.
I'm more into realitic flight and nautical simulators. Console peasants don't have those.
i'll post "thanks for beta testing" later
Never ever
>Stellar blade?
Never ever
>Shadow of the colossus?
Never ever
Good to see PSpigs will never stop being worthless shit posters at every chance.
Stellar Blade will definitely get a PC release. Just wait like 2 years for it.
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it's going to be the worst gta yet and will make 5 look like a master piece by comparison.
>how do we cope, pc bros?
I don't take anybody that isn't at least a partial idort seriously.
By all means buy what you want, but if you're going to spend time posting on an online video game enthusiasm board, you had better not be some poorfag who doesn't own at LEAST two means of playing modern AAA games when you know in 2024 you can't experience it all through one machine.
if leaks are anything to go by, we ain't missing much.
I don’t really care, I think I am one of the twenty faggots living in the first world who had never bought 5 on any platform.

That’s because I thought 4 was shit way back when.
I have yet to even play GTAV yet. Modern Rockstar slop is just uninteresting to me
from a business standpoint, what is the advantage of not releasing the biggest game of all time on pc?
>being hyped for a new rockstar game
seems like there's already more than enough cope to go around
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By talking nothing but shit about it for X period of time, then whining that you dont have it yet, then when you get it you try to spin it as a massive humiliation of whatever console, then we get a wave of blogposters years after a game is irrelevant posting like its new when no one cares, then they will come full circle and say its console slop.
See Ghost of Tsushima for the most recent example. This is the exact same pattern that repeats every time.
"PC gamers" are young non whites in third world countries so this is the type of behavior you are going to get anytime PC is involved in a discussion.
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Anon, it's a game, not a woman. Take your cuckshit elsewhere.
If I were to guess, releasing it first on consoles takes away from the first wave of people trying to pirate your game, and PC gamers will generally wait and buy the game when it becomes available anyway.
>smallest market
>overwhelming majority of installs are from third world thieves
>leak and mod and butcher every every bit of data
I dont know it makes no sense.
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>releasing on consoles takes away the people that dont pay money period
PC cope is absolutely batshit insane, this is derangement.
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what a weird cope...
Because Rockstar LOVES money and know anons here will double dip.
Like PCfags always do: beg beg and more beg for years and years
Retards will double or even triple dip. If their willing to "upgrade" by buying a whole new console and buy the same exact games that barely improve from their previous gen version then they sure as fuck will buy the PC version as well once its out.
The only Rockstar game not on PC is RDR1, right? Every GTA has been on PC and VI will arrive as well.
I haven't even played 5 yet. I can wait a few years
Use some common sense here.
>PS5 Pro
>Likely an updated Xbox
>GTA 6 won't be on past gen
>A lot of people still are playing games on the past generation
>GTA 6 will be the catalyst to make the vast majority of those people playing past gen to move to the current gen
>PC players will also likely buy a next gen console because waiting a year or two sucks
Microsoft and Sony benefit heavily off it, it 100% isn't going to PC day one for that reason. Consoles sales will spike massively and people will have a reason to get those updated consoles whereas right now there is little reason to do it.
Ps5 always wins. It will outsell the ps2 once gta6 releases.
it's such a weird move, but i really don't care enough for gta 6 when i haven't even finished 5
if you release it on pc alongside the console versions you will have ready 1 to 1 comparisons from the get go of what the game is capable of looking like and what the game needs to look like in order to run on a gamebrick
after all these years its a very low chance that most console players will notice when they watch their eceleb footage and wonder why their game doesn't look that good but its still a chance companies aren't willing to take
the manufacturers will generally pay a decent amount for even just limited not on pc exclusivity anyway so its a win win
I got GTA 5 for free thanks to Timmy, and still haven't played GTA 4 or 5. lol
RDR1 works like a charm on Xenia emulator though
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Just use your emulatroons , oh wait...., i guess you need to emulate money you poorfags
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>Enjoy your beta testing
Enjoy owning a Steam account that's all digital.
Last good GTA game was San Andreas, which you can emulate on a phone.
>Enjoy your beta testing
I'm a PCfag but shit like "enjoy your beta testing" is such a fucking cope it's not even funny.

GTA 5 and RDR2 were completely playable on console, GTA 5 on PC wasn't enhanced enough to justify the 2 year wait, while RDR2 is just a straight up port and not even a great one.

The game is probably going to be not that good anyway since pretty much everyone important in R* left the company a long time ago.
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damn, the consolewar faggotry really ramped up again this year
>muh graphics
Mental illness. Go outside.
best post in the thread
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Just PC fanboy warrior (Reddit PC Master Race) like you has ramped up. Not really console warriors.
about what?
gta5 was shit
RDR1+2 were shit
I'll play it on Switch 2!
>share account and password
thanks for beta testing bro
it already went up massively among twittertards when shartfield released
faggots will defend literal dogshit as long as other people don't get it, it's honestly pathetic
Strange, RDR used to be in this list...
This lol there are no console wars, there are brown teenagers playing "i am a less dark shade of brown than you" with each other because theres only 2 pcs in their village but a dozen shitty old consoles.
They're all jumping here from Twitter and Reddit and Discord to take screencaps back for internet clout. Massive PC fanboy zealots lead the PC and console platform wars.
GTA has been shit after San Andreas.
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>latest AAA slop
Oh no, how will I survive?
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>There are still "people" hyped for a GTA without the devs that made the franchise good
Niktek, is that you?
Childlike opinion made by “intelligent adult”.
By not being 12 or brown
ncaa college football 25 is the real seller of those systems.
Go say something mildly bad in leddit or EX about anything Nintendo has ever done and return with results.
>since san andreas
I'm not dumb enough to fall for peer pressure to buy shitty systems for one game much less peer pressure on an anonymous basket weaving forum.
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I look forward to a new generation of cope posting
crime simulators became boring at the exact moment the GTA 4 released. this is like taunting me for not being able to play the next cowadooty
By the sheer fact that SA was the last good GTA.
t. started GTA with 1, unlike you filth.
Does he know?
What the fuck was valve's problem? The dad clearly explained that numbers is innocent.

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