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Happy month, /v/! <3<3<3
With love, Bungie.
>comments have been disabled
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What a stupid idea.
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God, faggots are reprehensible.
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I get why disabled people can't compete in the regular Olympics.. but why on Earth can't they partake in the regular pride month?
Why can't disabled gays have pride at the same time as others? That seems a bit ableist to me.
Yeah I'm so happy the fact that my hands are fucked up that I can't hold a pen anymore
I NEED that representation that I'm a fucking freak
It's so hilarious how the Master Chief collection posts constantly and only ever for these types of holidays. Pride month, juneteeneth, black history month, women month, disability month (does anyone even care about that one)
I regret buying this game so fucking much it just floods my feed
you're fucking retarded they get two months
>Halo is a universe where anyone can be a hero!
I'm at the point where I need other people to roll dice for me when I play board games but I'm sure people like us could head to war and kill aliens!
I feel so proud of myself!
>everyone gets a month but me
When do I get Small Penis Humiliation Month?
It's Microsoft/343. But Bungie isn't far behind with Destiny. They might even be ahead.
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I'm autistic and i hate faggotry like this.
a month for controller users
>right click
>see less content
Are you even trying or just want to feel angry?
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No one cares abour what you think.
Then why reply if you don't care dawg.
so true 2husister!
This scene never fails to crack me up.

Wait, I don't understand.

Is Disability Pride Month for LGBTQWTF people with disabilities to get their own month?

OR is it a month for people with disabilities to take pride in the fact they are disabled?
>6 months of different flavored Pride
Pride is a sin
Its pride padding, theyre building a calendar that will take every month (sans february) and make them all pride months
so June is regular
July is disabled
August will be Latinx
September will be Asian
October will be bipoc
November will be trans visibility
December will be poly
January will be muslim
March will be women
April will be Asexual or ACE
May will be nonbinary
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>it's another chuds cry about a .jpg thread
>April will be Asexual or ACE
Lol, not even the biggest supporters of LGBT like asexuals.
I guess it's just kind of at odds with all their degeneracy

its real, what the fuck? why would anyone support muslim anything?
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>disability pride month
This isn't real, they just made it all up.
nice joke
...right? this has to be a joke.... please
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too bad retard, i adorn you with the pride banner
Its not real muslim, its like lesbian college girl muslim, where they wear their cute accessorized hijabs and shit and somehow arent aware of how much of a colossal failure schizo Muhammad was
>Jesus: be very careful of people who claim to be prophets, they need to speak 1:1 within my teachings
>quran: yeah so the bible is 100% accurate, but [literally the opposite]
>muhammad: the jews will immediately know of my greatness and join us
>gets laughed out of 3 major jewish cities as noone joins him
>muhammad: did I say that? I meant kill them all
>muhammad: Those who join me are blessed by God, those who do not join me are in danger, from me.
Islam at its core is just a more retarded arab version of JW or Mormonism
Lmao this is some April Fools tier meme
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>disability pride
i can see why 343 would be personally invested in something retarded like this.
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>proud to be retarded and gay
>april fools where posts get random pride flags with meme ones thrown in
Fucking fund it.
It's all of the same
>Black month
>Women's month
>Gay pride month
>Disability month
>Hispanic month

It's all the same. It's all just anit-white pro liberal celebration month. Soon all 12 months will be some slightly different flavor of some gay shit and we have to wave some gay flag year round, unless your a Nazi which you aren't, right?
nothing says "YOU CAN BE A HERO JUST LIKE THEM" like CIAniggers abducting children and putting them through experimental bio-augmentations to turn them into super soldiers for the sole purpose of killing backwater insurgent militias.
I maintain its pretty fucked up (and deliberate) that Pride month is the same month fathers day falls under. I cant enjoy my one singular day of the year without being completely inundated with fag shit
a dad?
post buldge or gtfo
April is Confederate Pride Month
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I was gonna say we latinaeoxs stand with bungie but lately I feel vocals and the x don't resonate with who I am... with the person inside me. I don't know... I don't feel latinaeox anymore.
Every mexican I know hates "Latinx" Why didnt they opt for "Latine" in the first place as it doesnt ascribe masculine or feminine
"latinx" doesnt even pronounce cleanly in spanish, its "lat een eck ees"
God dammit now I can't log in for a whole month
It's funny because it makes them seethe harder than any slur ever could.
It's still funny to me how Bungie has made a public statement about so many things but there hasn't been a peep about Israel and Palestine.
It's latinAEIOUx, bigot
John madden and shit mayng
quebecers trying to steal mexican minority status
asexuals are about the only LGBT people i can stand, specifically because they are at odds with the rest of the pack's degeneracy. well except this year, there was apparently a pride parade led by an asexual woman but the asexual women was strutting around in a string bikini. kinda based of them if this actually happened.
Pro israel people show up in some strange places, I was going to say I bet all of Bungie is very pro palestine but after thinking about it I wouldnt be surprised if they were very pro jewish.
those same girls also aren't aware of how islam views women and gays, which is really fuckin funny and would severely bite them in the butt if an actual muslim pride month took off.
My guess is most of the workers are probably super pro Palestine but the money people and the bosses are pro Israel. So they won't allow them to post anything pro Palestine but don't wanna out themselves by coming out with anything pro Israel.
it makes more sense when you peel back the curtain and realize that "LGBT" and "Pride" is a new-age cult that's meant to collect victimbux by supporting whatever group they can as "oppressed victims."
it's why they've reoriented so heavily towards trannies and other genderspecials despite tranny rhetoric being in direct conflict with the biological reality that dictates sexual attraction, both gay and straight. seriously, tranny logic is almost a spiritual belief that dictates that the "soul" is "gendered" in spite of the body, which is diametrically opposed to sexual attraction based on physical characteristics, which is how both gay and straight people experience their sexualities.
i'm a fag and i'm just a guy who likes dick and ass, it's not anything special to me. i despise Pride and the LGBT for focusing so much on tranny nonsense, and only ever supporting the most degenerate and disgusting actors who are narcissistically obsessed how often they fuck and how gay they are.
pride is was and forever will be "Self worship" which is why every major religion says to turn away from it. Im not here to proselytize you away from being homosexual (though I do disagree with it) but pride when looked at objectively is easily a cult that brainwashes the masses into self worship, and it runs directly counter to what makes a healthy society, which is why despite the "peace love and tolerance" shit that they spew, society is more antisocial than ever before as "my belief structure is now the end all be all for if a person deserves basic dignity"
>"my belief structure is now the end all be all for if a person deserves basic dignity"
as if any other religion is different. Pride as a religion is only different because its spiritualist elements are about the inner self and not an external diety.
i simply reject the labels given to me by religious organizations that claim they know my true identity. the reason i reject christianity, judiasm, and islam is the same reason i reject the new-age spiritual beliefs and moral dogma of leftist groups like the LGBT, communism, and transgenderism. they cannot prove the spiritual basis for their systems of morality and subsequently use that as a cudgel to browbeat anyone who questions or falls outside their moral systems.
finding immorality in something that can only ever exist as an individuals conception of their self and their attractions is as ridiculous as making treating people as immoral for not playing along with the dress-up LARP of mentally ill fetishists. you must find a spiritual to justify both, as unlike other acts that occur in nature like rape or murder, sexual attraction only involves how an individual sees their own thoughts, and doesn't require the rest of society around them to agree or form some kind of opinion on it.
>as if any other religion is different
they differ in that they have an objective claim over morality, the slippery slope of LGpeepeepoopoo is only so slippery because Godless subjective morality cant make or defend the claim that having a consentual relationship with a child or a dog is wrong, so it has to borrow the bits of the bible they do like and casually ignore the parts they dont.
Bungie also does shit like this so its not farfetched. I think this is a month that is worth recognizing as disability gets downplayed a lot in society if they aren't in a wheelchair.

says the 2hu poster you stupid nigger
I got chills from reading that image
remember how fast studios were to support a random cause like Stop Asian Hate? Suddenly the topic like Isreal v. Palestine is too complicated for them to handle.
It is complicated though
>Jews did warcrimes against brown people
>brown people (some of them good) are therefore oppressed
>oppressed browns have rockets and bombs now
>no option for peace
>ultimate resolution is that one must be killed
>taking either side is to say "I dont mind if [other side] is eradicated"
There is no Palestine is set free and both sides live peacefully option, the moment Israel backs down theyre completely fucked and this whole thing starts right over.
>objective morality
subjective morality LARPing as something greater than it truly is by pretending as if religion is an immovable object and not a product of humanity's psychological need to connect together patterns.
to act as if christian morals in particular have not changed or drifted over the millennia it's existed is to be blind to history. areligious subjective morality has answers to subjects like harm towards children and animals that aren't "because god said so." you just act like it can't because that invalidates the idea that the morality you ascribe as objective is any different than secular beliefs on the topic.
what you believe to be a description of secular morality based on observable reality is actually a description of leftist spiritual morality, since you can only believe that harm towards children and animals isn't really harm if you decouple the "soul" from what you are in reality.
when did this happen?
jesus christ, are you kidding me? we just had endure a whole month of people celebrating their kinks and now july starts and we have to endure the same, only with disabled people? wtf
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Are burn scars a disability?
thats a lot of cute poetic posturing but given your own subjective moral framework I deny your suppositions and my opinion is as valuable as yours in doing so, as your system has no objective value. I therefore raise my system which I claim to be objective and is far less shaken over thousands of years than your faggy system that destroyed the west in 20 years.
It's really not that complicated. But it is highly polarizing issue but not between the left and the right which is why none of these companies ever bring it up.
In short Bungie and others like them are cowards who only bring up issues if they feel like doing so will benefit them.
>thats a lot of cute poetic posturing but given your own subjective moral framework I deny your suppositions and my opinion is as valuable as yours in doing so, as your system has no objective value.
same here, faggot. no moral system has objective value because morality is inherently subjective, dressing it up in religious doctrine does not make it objective. especially considering the multitude of sects and differing belief systems within christianity alone. what makes your specific branch of belief more objective than the other?
i reject the idea that something is moral because something that cannot be proven to exist said so, instead of observing reality as it is and ascribing moral actions based upon it. are you seriously saying that if you didn't have god tell you not to rape dogs you'd be out raping a dog right now, are you seriously implying that human society had no concept of morality until your specific divine leader came down and claimed it to be so? morality from god is morality from observed reality dressed up and presented in religious language.
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I’m glad they are dedicating an entire month to their employees
>those same girls also aren't aware of how islam views women
I always find that hilarious that none of the cunts who preach for Islam ever care about shit like female cashiers in a local muslim store here not being allowed to properly greet you if you don't talk to them first. Fucking hilarious.
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Bungie is definitely ahead.
this is not destiny
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What would you like to drink, mister?
I miss Splitgate
I lost all of my files showing how gay modern bungie is so I posted some random shit, but the evidence is out there. They're pretty gay, in fact bungie is probably the gayest company I've ever seen in my life. It's actually impressive how gay they've become in such a short amount of time.
For me, it's dirty bomb.
February is "black history month" so yeah
I hope these never take off but since the left won the culture war they will, they all will. If you thought hearing about pride month was tiresome wait until you hear about a different flavor of faggotry every month all year round for the rest of your life
I remember there also being trans, latinx and Asian stuff but I couldn't find it.
People are already sick of Pride Month. Everyone sees it for what it is now; a way for corporations to act like your friend so you consume their product. Even big corporations weren't changing their online profile pictures this year. You think people are asking for more?
now that the left won with Biden and weve all seen how shitty everything is, I think most everyone is done giving a shit

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