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>Want to play as buff muscled up STR Chad
>Want to be able to fast roll while using Giant-Crusher
>Forced to wear le awful, awful horrible backless Deathbed Dress
I hate the Deathbed Dress. It's freezy, it looks embarrassing freezing, other players keep mistaking me for a girl and the enemies keep bullying me for wearing it.
What cruel sardistic bastard at Fromsoft even came up with this?
Meanwhile all the stupid Dexfags and Intfags can fast roll around wearing all the badass knight armors.
Why couldn't they design a badass looking knight suit that only weighs 3.2 so STR chads could look cool too?
It's just not fair. Why does Fromsoft hate heavy weapon users?

>Just settle with the mid roll.
The mid roll is slower and has less I-frames than the fast roll and in a heated bossfight or PVP battle, every nano second could make the difference between glorious victory or awful defeat, so no, mid rolling is not an option for me.
You gotta either accept the mid roll or juice up endurance to ungodly levels and wear the equip load reducing talismans
there are pretty good armor options for light roll in both the base game and the DLC, also don't forget to equip the talisman you get from the big jar in Caelid to increase your equip load
But I need every single point in Strenght and Vigor I can get and the Stamina gain from Endurance caps at LV 30, so any more points would be a waste.
Skill issue.
I know your pain but its not gonna work going full heavy like this. Your best bet is to mid roll and focus on damage reduction with your talismans and physic flask.
But can you fastroll?
I just wish they added a cool badass knight suit for STR users that just weighs 3.2 .
That would only be fair.
That or make up for the stamina soft cap with better equip load increases.
They cut DS2 tranny ring from the game unfortunately, would be perfect for the look you going
This is a fetish thread
Or just get rid of that pesky encombrance system and allow everyone to wear what he wants while fast rolling.
you could just wear nothing, or settle for a medium-weight weapon
>any more points would be a waste.
clearly not if you want to fast roll with a giant crusher
>Just go into battle butt naked
Yeah, great advice anon. Really productive.
How do you avoid damage then?
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>This is a fetish thread
Use the crucible talismans to give you extra i-frames
Yes I know.
But I need to get all the I frames I can get.
fast rolling doesn't give extra i-frames, it just increases the roll distance
That's still a life or death difference.
Leveling Str should give equip load. As it is now, dexfags get the heavier armor because their weapons weigh 1.2. Meanwhile strfags have to be naked to lift their 20 weight weapon.

Everyone expects a guy with a dagger to be wearing light armor and the guy with a mace to be wearing plate, but it ends up backwards in souls games because Str is separate from equip load. It's dissonant.
This is what they should do.
It's only fair.
Then Dexfags and Intfags would be stuck with the horrible backless Deathbed Dress while I will fast roll around in my full suit of plate.

Fromsoft, hire this man!
>Leveling Str should give equip load.
That was the case during the server test 1 month before the release, but they changed it at the last minute.
Why did they do this?
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At base endurance a Hero would be overburdened trying to wear the knight set and use a giant-crusher, but a bandit could medium roll using a nagakiba.

A 'hero' with 60 str couldnt lift a heavy str weapon and platemail armor, but a 'bandit' with 18 str could easily lift a heavy dex weapon with platemail armor. It makes no sense.
doesn't light roll only increase the roll distance
quick step is the best ash of war
get used to using it instead of rolling
it's a "thread for screenshotting and posting on twitter" thread
Literally this

But Roll distance is still a life and death difference in a heated battle.
>But Roll distance is still a life and death difference in a heated battle.
I've never used light roll and never had a problem, rolling distance is much less valuable than i-frames. You jump over or roll through shit far more often than getting out of the way.
>be str punch bro
>weapons weigh nothing but hit fucking hard
>can wear any armor and always light roll
ungabros when will you embrace enlightened chadmonk build?
i am now wearing the fat man armor because I could not stand looking at my dorky dude in dresses and robes. I am just laying down and accepting the stupid mid roll, it sucks :(
This. I was pretty excited for ER when I learned this. Then they pussied out and made it like modern DS, adding onto this list of retarded balance decisions in this game.
What a useless thread
I just like Int/Fth. I'll wear my fancy robes, accept dying in 2-3 hits, and mess around with a wide variety of spells.
what do you keep in your off hand? How often do you switch between the "one-handed" and "two-handed" movesets?
>Int/Fth fag
>Weapons weigh practically nothing
>Can wear the heaviest armor and still fastrolls
>Still settles for "robes" AKA somewhat less revealing dresses
Get that anon to the mental asylum! Now!
all punch builds operate the same. "two hand" for maximum damage and stagger with heavy hits. you still need a shield if you want to parry
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IT does feel kinda nice to feel pretty though, doesn't it?
INT/FTH has to dump their stats into INT, FTH, VIG and MND, possibly with some ARC too to properly build. END comes later.
I didn't even know there was a difference between fast-roll and mid-roll. Kek, dex faggots really do play on easy mode.
Hell no!
It's freezy and the enemies and PvP players are laughing at me and bullying me for it.

At least your one has sleeves and isn't backless.
OP is wrong, lightweight roll goes further but it has the same i frames like mid roll
>But I need every single point in Strenght and Vigor I can get and the Stamina gain from Endurance caps at LV 30, so any more points would be a waste.
wait til OP finds out there is no level cap
You using heavy affinity? Which ash's of war?
Medium roll is perfectly fine for PvE even radahn. Just say you like to wear dresses.
Heavy Starfists +25 is the endgame. If you're early game use Fire Spiked Caestus. 56 STR switch to Heavy. Starfists are found in Lleyndall.
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I have actually considered abandoning my Giant-Crusher for a lighter weapon like a Great Club so I can finally put away that horrid Deathbed Dress and put on something decent at least, but the Giant-Crusher is my weaponfu and I am in love with it.
Oh, I thought you were talking about the Dryleaf hand-to-hand arts the whole time. Yeah fist weapons are fun and I used them a bit.
Imagine being that obsessed over making the 100% most meta build that you would willingly put on THIS.
Just deal with the 3 less I-frames.
>Everyone expects a guy with a dagger to be wearing light armor and the guy with a mace to be wearing plate
Nobody expects the plate armored guy to fast roll
If you want to look goofy, you have to commit to the bit
Yeah I meant that a lot of the same builds apply between the two. Looking it up apparently Cold is slightly better than Heavy specifically on Dryleaf Arts? Axe or Rotten Wing Talisman and Shattered Stone Talisman if using Dane Kicks (which you probably should). I use Quickstep Ash of War but it's pretty flexible. I don't think there is any must-haves. Quivering Palm is OK.
Then why can a DEXfag or INTfag fast roll in full plate, but a heavy weapon STRgod has to wear a stupid backless dress?

By your logic, heavy armor would just disable the fast roll on everyone equally.
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What's wrong with midroll?
STR has the biggest head and is the happiest
nothing, light roll actually kind of sucks in this game.
>same amount of i-frames
>have to put up endurance to lightroll
Just get naked lol, the way Michael Zaki intended
It crosses less distance and is slower.

>Just get naked lol
Yeah, just roll around butt naked.
Very intelligent and sensible advice.
why would you need fastroll?
you know you can just not wear a chest piece right nigger?
Make a picture of my arcane nihil spam build, didnt get to use dlc weapons because it was too much fun.
>DS2 tranny ring
the what now?
IIRC it has the same i-frames but goes a shorter distance. Normally not a problem but the DLC bosses in particular show why light roll is an advantage
There is no way light roll makes up for the colossal amount of damage negation you lose.
anon your winged crystal tear?
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yeah seriously. This shit gives you 450% equip load for 3 mins nigga. You don't even have to level end once and can still light roll with the heaviest equip in the game maybe probably
More of an issue in the base game but in the DLC where a huge chunk of your DR comes from the scadutree frags its much more palatable and for the DLC consort has at least 2 attacks that light roll can easily dodge out of just from spamming roll like a monkey
DS2 and DS3 had rings which would change your animations to that of the opposite gender.
You still want as much negation as you can reasonably fit. Even though it only seems like a few percentages at high Skibidi, you'll easily double the amount of damage you take if you go light roll.
Negation has no limit so there's no reason not to stack it as high as you can.
>Replying to this very obvious fetish thread.
You bunch oft idiots!
Not saying its wrong just that I didn't feel it was worth it. For reference under scadu 20, 20 END and with both pearldrake + dragoncrest greatshield talismans
>Crucible tree set(heaviest armor that I still qualify for mid-rolls) - 71-74% physical negations, 66-68 elemental
>Noble set(heaviest full set I qualify for light roll) -65-68% across the board

Around this level I was comfortable with taking the consort on and while I won't pretend 5-10% physical resist isn't substantial I found that I found that I was doing just fine tackling radahn both on my shieldless caster and on my medium shield sword and board character
it increases the roll distance by such a tiny amount it's difficult to see it even side by side. there is nothing in the game that is even remotely impacted by it. op is just retarded.
apparently its very helpful in DLC
This. OP is a midwit and pretends he doesn't like wearing dresses.

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