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I didn't realize souls combat is this epic
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Seethebait thread number 6 gorrilion and 1, respond and give OP all the attention he needs to grow up big and strong.
Thanks I needed to see that after years of pure fucking garbage cord puller webms whining about this or that or bragging about being garbage. I dont think Ive seen a skilled player video since DS3.
That’s some anime faggotry right there. Wasn’t the whole appeal of the souls genre that it was muh knight with a shield and you had to outfight a similarly restricted enemy?
How do you do these videos? I remember the Sekiro ones, somehow they look more natural.
These were low level campaigns, now your main goal is defeating semigods.
Always has been.
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Why is Saber fat?
Skill isn't a factor in ds3 considering how I-frames and stamina management work in ds3.
Ok, that does look admittedly cool.
That looks terrible due to all of the "gamey" animations like swapping items and parrying a huge sword with a dainty shield.
The similar Sekiro ones look infinitely better.
nah, anime faggotry has more unnecissary flips and flashy nonsense. while here you can see the wind ups, counters, gives and takes.
Yeah it looks kind of ass
Imagine if instead of rolling the game let you sidestep
I love how the video had to be slowed down so much because if it wasn't rellana would look like she was zooming around the arena (which she is)
No? Where the fuck did you get that idea?
looked cool until the retarded stationary roll into the enemy lmao
>all these epic staredowns while she holds her sword aloft
>put its down and rolls
What a joke.
Wow so the idealized form of dark souls combat is kingdom of amalur
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It's okay, just admit it looks cool and you can be on your way.
Looks like one of those Indian videos right before the train hits them
The indian joker of dark souls videos
Kino crazy tf2 kill montage vibes
Fucking sent the boss to the forgive me phase.
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Don't care, but as soon as I found Milady tips fedora I knew I had to use it.
>Milady wasn't a great katana
Missed opportunity
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Sekiro and TLOU2 are better
>golden parry

Doesn't count.
>word is clearly pronounced and written with two "l" and one "r"
>write it the other way around
Why are english speakers completely incapable of parsing their own language? This happens all the time, I've lost count of how many people I've seen spelling "dissapoint".
Does anyone have that webm of the guy getting fucked up by the gravity goblin by the academy elevator?
Where are all the niohtrannies, dmcucks, ninjeetgayden fags??
Fromgods is number 1
King of mogger
Zack Snyder and his consequences have been disastrous for the action scene race
>the useless wing stance R2s that could've been jumps
>golden parry
>actual panic rolls
>indian tik tok editing
what poor soul wasted time making this thinking it looked cool?
Please add some nigger rap to
For me? It’s ocuppy
People who speak a language natively don't give a shit about perfection in spelling as much as second language speakers trying their best to be fluent and blend in with the first worlders. Here's a protip for you though rajesh for when you move to the first world; Nobody irl is going to care about your spelling. It's not going to impress anyone or win you a white girlfriend or whatever you are fantasizing about. As long as you can ditch the hideous accent then you might have a better chance though.
That would be a relevant improvement yeah
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>this makes zoomers cum in their diapers for hours
Damn this little girl has massacred a lot of people.
Snyder might dip into Pajeet territory but his action scenes still have more testosterone than the entire MCU which is just "CGI dudes street brawling". Faora ripping through a bunch of soldiers conveys superhuman combat better than any other live action.
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Anons, pls what camera mod is this? i like the angle and lower view than normal
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>no one cares about spelling
I’m the kind of guy who immediately finds it to be a turn off when people use things like “your” and “you’re” incorrectly. I get very big headed and assume the person is a moron that I can easily manipulate.
is this the new zoomer wojak?
This is true but we're talking about speed ramping which is the most obnoxious shit in the universe
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It’s okay, just admit that you’re a lonely attention seeking fuck
it was but now it's anime faggotry with very strict timings that you have to stumble through repeatedly to memorize, which will allow you to maybe look cool if you manage to avoid all incoming damage and attack in between said timings like an anime character.

fuck bayle and his bitch ass fire attack. it's like some tom and jerry shit, only tom is this incredibly powerful foe who can flick you away without any effort, and you as jerry have to outwit him by dancing around his bullshit long enough to bop him on the nose. midir was the same, but at least midir gave you more openings to attack, and he only had one fuck you laser attack that could be avoided entirely if you anticipated it.
post the crucible knight one. it was more kino than this
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why did elder ring flopped?
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So true! Now, check this ebin fight out
Not popular with casuals
>guy who scams 70 year old first worlders from his call center loves manipulating people
oh boy, big surprise there.
Yep! Cope or Kill Yourself
>Record footage after hours spent memorizing the fight, moveset, etc.
>Record it done once more or less correctly after practice
>Fool everyone into thinking your that good naturally

dumb shit
>Double Jump into Crucible:Wings.

Okay, that was pretty cool.
is this… the tv show? because I sleep
That's fair, I really wish he didn't use speed ramping either.
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>Yep! Cope or Kill Yourself
Poignant, faggots destroyed
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Holy FUCK elden ring looks like that??
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Reddit moment
I keep getting tempted to make a female character because I like so many of the female character armors like Loretta but then how am I supposed to impregnate Ranni and Marika?
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The youngest zoomer can post on 4chan
I Cheat Engine'd him back alive just to try out all the broken shit people used to beat him like this one. It was more satisfying him than beating him "legit" because I could just kick his retarded ass without breaking a sweat. What a terrible boss.
>iphone image
poojeets can too, sadly
>overedited "skillful" gameplay video
I can hear the 2000s stadium rock
>with a shield
Didn't beat the game
Eh, the MHW slowdown webms looked more impressive to me. If anyone has them post them plz.
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Anything Else?
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ITT: butthurt faggots bitch at an objectively cool webm because muh contrarianism
Dark Souls is literally just Berzerk the Videogame you retard. Its always been anime.
>objectively cool
Yes, just like your room objectively smells like old cum
You see, it's kino because it has no HUD, has slow-mo and is letterboxed
>now your main goal is defeating semigods
t. fag pretending he played das1
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dmcfags never recovered from the holy fromsoft+teamninja alliance
Ita not cool because of this >>681519158

Spontaneous skill is cool and fun. Smashing your face against a wall for hours recording over and over to get a one off isn't.
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>what would the average person think of this? Ok now I just say opposite of that to show I'm interesting(unlike them)!
I used to always get a laugh out of the video like this in Sekiro that used to get spammed all the time where Wolf crouches to dodge an attack but it just looks silly instead of cool because the crouch animation doesn't actually look like he's dodging and just like he's crouching with no awareness of his surroundings. It's like somebody bending over to pick up a coin and incidentally avoiding someone trying to punch them but it's put in slow motion in attempt to make it out to be epic.
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I’ll do this too. I want to kill the bosses again but I don’t want to level another character or enter NG+
Reddit is less cucked by groupthink than this board
This board is r****t
Ninja Gaiden easily looks the best of the bunch there
>this is the boss people cry over
it’s going to be the exact same thing as the main game.
at first, people complain it’s far too hard for weeks, then meta cheese slop emerges and ultimately people will say the game is too easy
reddit reposts, yes. /v/ doesn’t come up with OC
It's like those FPS webms where the player is deliberatly moving the mouse erratically to make it seem more actiony.
this is some lesbian power fantasy right here, she's rambo but with ovaries.
>the reticule for the molotov appears for a split second, so you know the player didn't even aim that shit and it was auto aimed at the target
why do these niggers all just stand around and let their people get taken out one by one?
Would have been cooler if he had a non fatty armor. Loretta's armor legitimately looks terrible (funny enough Rellana's is basically superior in every way, aesthetically). Also having to switch weapons for that finish but honestly that's not the guy's fault. From making the wings an ash of war instead of an incant is peak retard.
that isn't where that fight starts. how are you in the middle of the arena?
>Doesn't appreciate baroque armor
Trog opinion. Get some class
?? Where the fuck did you get that idea from lol

Did you even play the game? First boss is literally a big fuckoff demon with the mace the size of a house
How come parries aren't set up by holding the button and then releasing it/pressing attack exactly when you want to parry, as opposed to giving it a windup animation that serves no purpose beyond making the timing more awkward?
You're a trog and also gay! Take that!
there's nothing cool about pajeet tiktoks
You can literally do stuff like this with any game. Just look up, [game epic/brutal] combat
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So apparantly jump dodges all shockwaves because it gives you 60 frames of lower body invincibility
Which sword is that?
Because they want to have different kinds of parries that have different timings for more variety and balance, which only ended up making it so that most players just use the one with the easiest timing because nobody wants to deal with that shit.
This has been known for two years now.
I have a cooler one but it doesn’t finish the boss off.
On mobile so don’t have the clip.
>Wasn’t the whole appeal of the souls genre that it was muh knight with a shield and you had to outfight a similarly restricted enemy?
>a windup animation that serves no purpose beyond making the timing more awkward?
the timing is supposed to be awkward to differentiate it from rolling and blocking
Not all shockwaves. Some of Nu-Radahn’s, GDS, and Radagon’s don’t work. Also Messmer’s spear AoE at the end of his combo has an orb hitbox so it won’t work. Jumping is good but you gotta trial and error a lot of swipes from enemies since, you’d THINK you could jump over them but a lot actually track your vertical position which, normally, makes them look jumpable because every boss towers over you.
what camera mod is this guys??
It's extremely random and depends on whether you're 2 handing your weapon
Jumping the 3rd hit of the sword beams was sick ngl.
cringe as fuck
I did, I just ignored the story.
literally me but male and bloodhound fang
Eat AIDS infected shit, sunhilegend. You fucking street shitter. Your gifs are trash.
I always saw parrying as an extension of guarding, while the extension of rolling would be sidestepping. In fact, I'd argue those two functions should have been accessible as part of your regular moveset instead of just being ashes of war.
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Elden Ring reigns supreme.
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There are only 2 good bosses in the DLC. This one and Midra.
The rest are just a fight against the camera. Sanic Hippo must be the worst of all the games.
sort of? both guarding and parrying work differently on different attacks. both rolling and side step will always completely prevent damage from any source.
parrying is supposed to be in the middle, though. it's timed and has recovery frames, like a roll.
i think parrying and side stepping are ashes because they're very strong. also because L2 is the ash button and they want L2 parry
it would be even epicer if dodging was a low/no iframe quickstep instead of a roll
it does if you use backsteps and the quickstep ability
How come when these kind webms get posted, the bosses are never doing their 15-hit strings?
How can it do its 15-hit string it gets parried out of it you fucking RETARD
The few times they don't parry, the boss just chooses to stop the string
I don't think the slow motion ever looks good in these videos. I remember first seeing it in Sekiro (and Sekiro is my favorite).
Thank god she understood after killing everyone but her target that revenge is bad
It isn't and this game will be disgusting to play if you miss any combo.
I just think Parry should be R2 while guarding.
Achievable natty?
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>turn back towards 2 enemies
>doesnt get attacked
truly cinema
>literally just a bunch of parries and the same 1 ash of war
souls combat could be cool very easily, if from stopped being retarded and let us use multiple ashes at the same time.
i just fought him yesterday, expecting cancer and he's legit the only boss in the DLC that posed 0 challenge in any way or form
no combos, not hard to dodge, easy to hit, doesn't constantly run away
killed him in like 3 tries

>you're fighting the camera
yeah but this is the case in literally every single boss that's not humanoid size. It's fucking cancer. How hard is it to just make the camera zoom out a bit based on the size of the enemy, and clip through walls?
Or at least don't be retarded and don't put giant bosses in small rooms where you're going to be up against walls
Give us the link to the original video
I'm surprised his oilcep didn't fucking explode
>golden parry
this webm only confirms my belief that ER was made as streamerbait and youtubeslop format videos.
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Get with the times gramps
carian parry is better
not that it matters since sekiro bubble makes parry worthless now
What set is that? I've been looking for something like that to compliment Milady.
Westernoid trannies wish their AAA games featuring trannies had animations as good as fromsoft's games.
i think its the one from the carian knight in the haligtree
>le move as little as possible
>le staredowns
>le slow walk
>use every fancy animation you have at the perfect moment
>perfect time literally everything
>use everything you have in your kit instead of spamming jump attacks
>parries and ripostes
>using jumps to dodge enemy attacks
>even with all the gay fancy techniques elden ring enemies have, it's still not enough for the PLAYER CHARACTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Enjoying things is so reddit am I not right my fellow MIGAchud election tourist incels?
Found it, its Royal Knight set, bought after defeating Loretta.
Only boss with a shit camera is bayle the biggest nigger in all of fromsoft's titles rushing at you one second after you entered the arena to trap you between his fat ass and the door as you fumble to try and summon igon.
Why is everyone launching ds3 again? There was a promotion?
It's just that good.
It spawns you there the very first time you enter.
that would be a good thing if they were successful
but you still have the gay magic somersault even though the bloodborne dash from 10 years ago looks much better
It's not the carian set from base game, I don't recognize the cape, carian chest armor has a cape divided into two thinner and longer capes.
So what armor is this?? Something dropping when fighting elite soldiers at castle ensis?
You can do this with the death knight in catacombs jumping over so much of his stuff its amazing.
This is some Pajeet shit right here. Please dont tell me you are serious.
I wish the game actually played like this, looks better in slow motion where you can actually see what is happening on screen.
Webm is how Demon's Souls feels to play.
>Elden ring flopped!
>Proves it by showing it lower than the free to play flavor of the month slop
Horrible bait, try harder next time
elden cring

Lot of Xir transisters seething and coping right now because Fromsoft is casting a big shadow on their tranny/nigger friendly globohomo games.
>invited director: zack snyder
Utterly grim

This is why Sekiro mogs
It's trannyless
What ashes/stances allow you to extend your sword on your right like that? Where do you find this?????

I know the new longswords like the milady do that move in one of the attacks but how do you keep that stance without immediately attacking?
>Faora ripping through a bunch of soldiers conveys superhuman combat better than any other live action.
It's extremely poorly choregraphed
It's Wing Stance.
Being able to roll while wearing plate armour is the cringiest of things.
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>Loretta's armor legitimately looks terrible
What, its easily one of the best looking armor sets in the game, only looks good on females though obviously.
You don't even need golden parry/carian retaliation for Rellana, I did it on reaction with a parrying dagger, her parry timings are super lenient unless you're using one of the super nerfed parry tools like the fists. I truly believe these two arts maxing out your parry frames no matter what shield was a mistake.
You don't, but the range on the golden parry helps with spacing.
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time to go HONK
The best part of this video isn't the visual flair, it's that it clearly shows the openings after every attack that everyone was bitching about not existing.
You mean when you parry everything? yeah everyone knows
I can hear the eggwoll
It kind of doesn't. He just parries her. People who play without shields are not learning anything from it
From like 0:33 to 1:10 or so is nothing but Renalla doing her attacks freely, and you can clearly see she has massive openings after them. Even ignoring that you can attack her while she's doing those attacks too. Then there's all the jump dodges if you want to use that stuff too.
People are just stupid and refuse to learn the game, even though they'd do fine if they just tried a little.
These games desperately need some form of side step/short roll. The rolls are so fucking goofy.
yes exactly, thats the one
From 33 to 1:10
>double swings
goes unpunished
>carian sovereignty
wow you're telling me the slowest move the boss has is punishable?
>cross slash
punished like shit just to pretend the game has guard counters
>phase transition
completely unpunished
actually punished
it's mostly that tards all try and use giant weapons with huge windups because muh damage unga bunga
yeah no shit you barely get opportunities to swing with that against a fast boss

i have no idea why colossal weapons are so popular, literally 90% of people you see playing this game use them, they're so fucking boring to use.
You could do backflips in full plate armor in Dark Souls 1
when people say you get "no punish" they mean off of rolls. the AI just attacks forever until you do something else
>From like 0:33 to 1:10
almost that entire time frame is rolling and never once getting a rolling attack punish. you can maybe argue dodging the projectiles led to a punish, much later and via an ash of war in this case. the rest was off of blocking and parrying.
I've wished for that, yea. Dodging in Bloodborne is kino for that reason, sidestepping or dashing looks better than throwing yourself on the ground.
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>No Skill
>modded armor
So trve, anons just want to be mad all the time.
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Looks like Final Fantasy garbage.
>*falls onto a backpack filled with lit molotov cocktails*
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God of War 2018 is cooler
it is cooler but spamming axe throw is not the cool part

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