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What the FUCK happened?
FOTM wore off and Palworld just got an expansion.
Palworld is more enjoyable long term than Onions Divers
game is extremely boring
and a lot of people dropped it when they did that playstation account thing never to return even after they reversed that
it was an early access game and people ran out of content
Outrage moved the sheep to the next field to graze
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It was 100% FOTM, and we told you this for months.
And you can't scapegoat with
>lol steam numbers
because Snoys have moved on too.
Pic related is the most played PS5 games last month.
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Another game shilled by /v/ for months turns out to be an epic fotm flop. It just keeps happening.
>Jap game that isn't Nintendo or Capcom
Armored Core was never going to be relevant, just like Stellar Blade, just like Death Stranding, etc. etc.
And yet marketers here keep threads about them up all the time
No meaningful content updates, they need to introduce the illumanids
Not marketers, weeb neets who have no social life outside of their obsession with Japan.
Palworld maintained a solid player count even months after release despite being a singleplayer EA jankfest with limited content, and it jumping to the hundred thousands after the update shows that there’s sustained interest in the product as it slowly grows to completion.
Helldivers II is a live service shooty shooter that was never as popular as Palworld and which requires constant engagement from their players to remain profitable and relevant. The game has gotten worse after updates, the incident with snoy’s meddling resulted in terrible publicity and it continues bleeding players.
With all that said, if Palworld proves to be FOTM then that’s fine, Pocket Pair already got their money and have an insane injection of capital to invest in future products, and it isn’t meant to be a forever game anyway. If HD2 turns out to be FOTM then it is a colossal disappointment as snoy is dependent on successful live service games to justify their retarded business strategy of the past several years, and running their one real success into the ground before it can become a stable source of income would be tremendously embarrassing.
they'll just make Helldivers 3
You've experienced everything there is to do in Helldivers in 20 hours. Illuminate is never fucking ever tier.
B-but the "ritual poster" said the game sold 4284209842098 copies digitally in Japan!
>With all that said, if Palworld proves to be FOTM then that’s fine
Palworld proved to be a FOTM literally after a month. It lost like 80% of its players in that time period. This revisionism is ridiculous.
Yeah, grinding for new primaries or stratagems feels worthless when 90% of them suck ass anyway
it's a single player game
HD2 ran out of content. It's been months since any stratagems or enemies have been added.
Literal unironic skill issue
Palworld is back up to 6 figure player counts
>mature rollslop
>advertise it as Armored Core
Yeah, not really surprising
>muh content
A good game is good.
It has a core gameplay loop that encouraged replayability and hits the dopamine receptors just right.
If a game is dying because of a lack of "content", then it was never good to begin with.
>if Palworld proves to be FOTM
Nigger it was fotm what the fuck are you on about?
Helldivers 2 suffered from a playerbase that fucking sucked at the game and Sony's greed.
Armored Snore was such a miss opportunity for From to update the mechas to suit modern tastes. No one wants garbage can turret bots or junker golems. The people want sleek humanoid designs like in Evangelion and Eureka 7.
Oh well, maybe they'll realize their mistake in another 11 years.
helldivers, more like he'll dive amirite
Is Mario 3 flavor of the month? I haven't sat down and played it in years. A game losing most of its players after they play it doesn't mean it's flavor of the month, it means it's normal. Unless your game is a game as a service game that's designed to keep players paying and playing indefinitely, then it's expected to lose players.
Do you think this means it will go on sale soon for PS5
Blatant samefag
What is the player count for the latest pokemon game?
Palworld is made by copying things the author likes. He likes video games.
Helldivers was made by keeping it simple stupid copying popular trends. He is a businessman.

One promotes game play the other nerfs it very jewishly if you begin to enjoy the content. We know which of the two has a clipped dick and can't enjoy sex and has to make money for someone else instead of themselves.
You mean the game that is still a raging mess of crashes, unable to rejoin dropped matches and a broken in game friend system? No wonder it fucking burned
Agree. At least one of the reasons is this. Because that was one of the reasons for popularity too. I personally noticed the game when 'oh no, now machines are attacking we were not ready for that anons!' threads appeared on /v/, before that it was just another coop shooter but with some bugs whatever. Big happenings in game that shocked players made waves by making players talking about such experience. But when no big happenings, players wont talk, and lose interest.
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cmon man
it's not like that
Pokemon lost.
People may be willing to put up with the same shit if the weapons weren't all nerfed trash. Trying suboptimal builds would be fun if they weren't complete trash
HellDivers 2 is unironically empty
>only a few mission types
>of these few mission types they only have at most 3 'visually distinct' modules that they copy&paste EVERY MAP NO MATTER THE TERRAIN
>you constantly go back and forth between the same planets making everything blend together, especially the 'rocky with scarce vegetation' planets
>doing the same missions over and over at the same POI's on the same maps
literally less than 20 hours of content, you just end up repeating all of it over and over until you inevitably get bored
>steam charts thread
God I wish that was true.
Um, bros, I thought Pocketpair stole the money and ran away just like they did with Craftopia?
Seethe. Dragon's Slopma 2 is on track to sell more than Armored Snore in less time if it hasn't already. You know From fucked up when Capcom's slop outsells it.
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>What the FUCK happened?
They never recovered from the controversy, it's really that simple, they backtracked but the damage had been already done and everyone already had left for better pastures.
bruv are you even seeing that OP pic? jesus /v/ is clinically insane.
if only
As much as Genshin did faggot
They never stopped updating Craftopia.
arrogant devs keep destroying weapons/balance on purpose. balance guys don't even play above difficulty 4/5. tranny "community managers" continually make the community about themselves and their sick fetishes and ban all the normal people who protest, devs remain radio silent and refuse to step in.

i uninstalled after the PSN thing and haven't reinstalled because most of the people i know who played have stopped and the few times they do play it's always negative because more weapons get nerfed or the retard devs add more bugs/issues into the game. i also refuse to support devs that allow psycopath fetishists control the community and ban normal people who just want to play the game for not wanting to play along with some tranny's delusions..
fag capes
balance =/= fun
nerfing everything to the ground made the game less fun.
Yes, you, the NPC, get triggered by "slop" because your programming says it is a word flagged by your handlers.
Isn't Armored Core a single player game? Why are people pretending it should still have 100k players almost a year after release?
Yes, you, the NPC, love to learn and retain buzzwords because your programming won't allow for original thought.
In your programming; cope, seethe, cringe, dilate, slopenjoyer, ze bugs etc.
Idk what happened with Redditdivers but I am still playing Chadworld and sleeping with my Chillet plush.
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Old-Man Revenge?!
>no u
Concession accepted.
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Even "concession accepted" is prompted meta-posting, nothing about you is human anymore, you bot.
>no u
forgot the trollface you 9gag adult.
Armored core has an excuse of being a ok SP game whit a shitty Online.
The other 2 are designed to be forever games.
The PSN shit pissed off a lot of people and they took too long to fix it so people either haven't forgiven them, are cynical enough to assume they'll try it again later or are one of the countries without PSN access that are still banned
Even if people forgave them enough to keep playing, a lot of the goodwill that makes people stick around is gone, nevermind the shitty endgame
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FUCK you got me
Kek what a fucking flop
both 20k and 100k are pretty good numbers though
At what point a SINGLEPLAYER focused game not having very high player counts became "proof it flopped" even after say game sold MILLIONS?

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