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Attack of the Clones
next you'll tell me they rehashed a lot of red/green horsemen
they're all nopan btw
palla > catria > est
I wish I was a pegasus...
Shiida>>>All three
Fire Emblem girl babymaking sex!
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For me, it's Tana
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FE archetypes should be distinct and not just clones of each other

Next FE game(non remake) should continue the trend started with these 3
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Marriage with Marianne!
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SixtyBuzzer's wife
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Post funny combat screenshots
Someone do this with Rosado
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Why can’t natural blue and green hair girls be real?
Ball stomping action
Too powerful for this world. Would succeed where Hitler failed and populate the world in their image.
Threesome with Hilda and Marianne!
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Based SixtyBuzzer
>FE: old franchise built on medieval europe low fantasy and wizardy
>FE3H: literally has an archer dressed like a zoomer
This franchise has been dead since Awakening, bucko.
Cynthia's thighs and boots!
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I fixed her
Canon phat ass
Chrom!Cynthia is the one I marry when I want to make a 3rd generation Morgan. Helps that she has pigtails like Lissa.
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Correct and true
Based, blue haired Cynthia is the best.
Needs bush, but I know why you didn’t post that.
>hate Sumia
>like Cynthia
All gingers need freckles!
She works best as Lucina’s sister.
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I love Sakura from Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright and Revelations
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*crawls into the thread*
IS has wanted FE to be a sci-fi/modern series since Awakening so yeah
Imagine how powerful having Byleth and Shez twins would be
They're all nopan and basically you just know.
Then either commit to the bit or fuck off lol
Like what they're doing now feels so disingenuous. I would rather them just make a straight up future scifi game and call it FE than keep presenting this abomination of a current franchise with the slop they've been pumping out.

Uh Kent bros, seems like Jap artists don't really care for our ship and prefer drawing Fiora with Eliwood!
Our response?
I’m tired of the half measures, between the Agarthan tech and whatever was going on with Engage. I’d wish they just commit.
how would a natural blue or green hair pygment look like? with painted hair it's always obviously unnatural, but maybe that's not the color itself just the way it's being applied and if you could somehow make the hair itself naturally blue it would look better
Honestly, probably a dark blue like Chrom/Lucina.
It IS odd that fish and birds have blue and green feathers/scales, but mammals never evolved those pigments to hide from predators. Like, none. There is no natural blue or green hair anywhere. The closest is moss growing on a sloth, but that's just a plant
desu I thought the opposite, that blues and greens and pinks would look like blonde/ginger hair. But that's probably just because those cosplay wigs always look nicer when they're light desaturated pastel-y colors.
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It looks unnatural because it is
In a hypothetical world where it natural you wouldn't view it as unnatural
It's more of just a mental thing
Disagree, less freckles around the farthest part of her cheeks, concentrate fire around her nose.
revenge of the SHIT
Aka Jug demake
>this is what the modders are keeping from you
and this is just 1/8 of everything they’ve hidden, not including engage. (It’s even more)
Personally I think FE should always look like that
idk I feel like hair with paint slapped on top probably catches the light differently
plus the paints are made of some chemical slop instead of some natural pigment
obviously it's always going to look unnatural cause you know it's not but maybe it doesn't have to look so fucking bad too
The 3DS Fire Emblem games deserved to be remastered by Tantalus Media or Forever Entertainment.
moonling is such a spiteful little caricature of a basement dwelling discord tranny
seeing them pathetically try to appease their superiority complex and fail every time… it’s so amusing
the uncensored patch really did mindrape them
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You're telling me a holy woman can dress like this in fodlan?
>It doesn't take IS Dev time
>Fags will still say their existence justifies no new FE in a long time
Did we acquire a new schizo? What is this
Nam was in a discord for probably about 20 minutes and screencaped a few things
>h-he said the n word almost 10 years ago that’ll show him
You just have shitty sensibilities.
these threads decline in quality is poetic
back to /vg/, the lot of you
tbf mangs is actually retarded
Cynthia plapping here big booty against my pelvis!
>The subhuman is posting d*scord screenshots again
Earn your wages for once, jannies
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Fir is better than Rutger, she has an actual luck stat after all
Based Leonie haters.
(It was hard)
Leo has a cute tomboy tush though
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Tasty Tomboy Tits!
True. But that's not a trait exclusive to her.
I’ve officially done it, bros. I have finally grinded out every single support in both Awakening and Fates. I am free now.
pls s support me i want a baby please
I wish men were real
Even the spotpass nigguhs?
Even the spotpass nigguhs. I wanted to make sure Aversa was my last support I grinded out so she would be my actual wife in game when I was done.
Actually based
Actually trash
If you look at her model in the character viewer her tits literally flop up and down as her pegasus flaps in the air. It’s actually pretty based.
Is anyone watching Imported Cheese FE6 run?
Guy only has had 1 death and now is in Arcadia. Seems like most just suck at FE6.
Fire Emblem?
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Tomboy pits!
Her design is so good, it’s a shame her support with Byleth was so shit. She literally should have just been someone Byleth new for a month on a mercenary job Jeralt took on for her village.
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Leonie playing volleyball and she's fully naked but unabashed!
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Is Galeforce overrated?
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Deer girl summer!
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Edelgard would've been better as a cute brownie
I married Lyn, Jill, Cordelia, Velouria, Dorothea, Yunaka.
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>All above-average-at-worst breasts
>Except Cordie
Lethe, Miriel, Azama, nobody (I was not going to walk around the monastery for supports), Yunaka
Celine facesitting Chloe while Louis watches, then he and Chloe switch
sweaty booba
wanna talk about it? you gay?
>nobody (I was not going to walk around the monastery for supports)
But you can trivially A Support every unit with Byleth just by playing the game?
he probably didn't know about visiting the grave in the final chapter to select his partner or never even picked up the ring
>People can play 3 Houses without ever picking up the marriage ring
hahahaha no way. do zoomers really have ADHD and reading problems?
That's an idle thought I had during my second playthrough. "I wonder if someone actually missed the ring and locked themselves out of S Support"
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Durandal was stolen
How the fuck is Rutger gonna kill all those Manaketes now
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so these are 3H's detractors
I hate Lysithea like you wouldn’t fucking believe
t. Claude after Felix added her to his cunny harem
Quick rundown on Celica, Jill, Cordelia, Yunaka?
Cute redheads
>neck fastened
>rest of the jacket unzipped
The more I look at Edelgard's outfit the more nonsensical it becomes.
Ginger women run Fire Emblem.
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>princess of the slut nation that’s in love with the prince or the klingon nation because they knew each other for two months as kids and then they get married

>racist jailbait that turns a new leaf and realizes subhumans are people too before marrying her dad’s friend who is twice her age

>overrated mary sue that’s loved because she has a modicum of interesting character having unrequited love for robin’s rapist and having a touching relationship with her real true love, her daughter severa

>zoomer redditor incarnate that’s actually a super vicious seeeeekret assassin that changed her name and attitude to hid from her past
Stupid cunt
Now how will Eliwood kill Ninian without repercussion for his evil plan?
Lucky for you there are many "and Lysithea fucking drops dead" ending supports.
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>You can do supports in the menu
>He obviously missed the ring
Oh no no no no
He's based
Female Corrin design is too good
I wasn't interested in supports because I had to walk around to start the conversations.
I did pick it up, I just didn't care about any of the cast.
I thought all Byleth's supports had to be done by walking around? I must have not paid enough attention.
>Doing an Awakening replay
>Last I played was around release
Only made it past 2nd level because I lucked out and 2 ~20% ally attacks came through
Cath will pay for her crimes
I like Fire Emblem.
Sommie based
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Diamant x Ivy (I'm literally Ivy)
We need Fallout x Fire Emblem.
We need classic Zelda z Fire Emblem
3H was the BOTW of Fire Emblem
We need xenoblade x fe
Kek based
We need more girls like her in Fire Emblem
Engage? Twilight Princess of FE.
>The bet one
For me it's sexy young blondes like Merrin
I wish I could fuck every single fire emblem woman
I will NOT sexualize the characters.
That was 3H. Engage is the Skyward Sword of Fire Emblem.
>That was 3H.
That's BOTW.
>mandatory dog sections between the fun parts
makes sense
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We love Wolf Link and we love Sommie.
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When you think about it Fire Emblem really is representative of its own series reusing the same characters and designs, imagine being so creatively bankrupt
This but man
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Cool Sommie
I hate Sommie so fucking much
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>I hate Sommie so fucking much
Fire Emblem ruined my life
Imagine the Blue or Green pubes too heheh
Stop posting, Goosaphone
Beating Fire Emblem on maddening reinvigorated my sex life.
Stop posting, Mangs
>mangs betrayed the very series that made him relevant for no gain whatsoever
Why would you do something like this?
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They’re probably scared they might accidentally kill the series again
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We already have modern warfare
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>E celeb trash
Guess I’ll add this to my Lyn folder stash :)
Kek he's retarded
He just has Engage Derangement Syndrome
The game was great, he could've made money shilling it
What Jugga remake lmao? That dumbass leak FEtards were following for years? Kek
Fire Emblem made me a 30 year old virgin
Kinda looks like female shitleth

No let them stay stuck on the handheld they already had their time in the spotlight, let them rot away like the trash they are
It'll be announced in the September 2024 direct!
Tick tock, anon! Any day now! You’ll see!
Stop posting, Excel
S for Sex with Anon! :D

Was never good
The fate of every hardcore shipper fag and Alcrystfag
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But it would look too much like XBX Elma like DiarRHEA looking like Palutena
Fire Emblem made me an overweight alcoholic
Honestly don’t get the hype around these nobody side characters, people really try to force the popularity
Fire Emblem made me into a mentally ill chronic mastubater shut in with no life prospects
Rhea is hotter wtf you on
Nta but
I rather knock up Merrin's 19 year old pussy
Fags just latch onto nobodies and try to incorporate them into their personality because they think it makes them unique snowflakes
Don’t care plus didn’t ask
Based Cutesithea still making contrarian snowflakes SEETHE
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Something off about this Edelgard
When’s you bottom surgery?
Stop posting, me
She IS from a while 'nother planet
No peace looking at the sky
So we stay quick with the guns and cannons
Marth, Ike, and Robin are the only ones that should be in Smash
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mah waife
Kek Marth isnt necessary anymore since Lucina is more popular anyway
But I guess she can show up in Alear's final smash kek
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Me? Is that you?
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*walks in*
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SMASHing my lil' sis's cunny!
>i’m totally not seething and pissing and shidding my pants right now guys, I promise
Veyle was literally made to be devirginized
He's so heckin based. How does he do it?
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>How does he do it?
He doesn't pay his taxes.
Fire Emblem """"Archetypes""" everyone.
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Just me or Merrin is starting to get popular?
I see more art of her regularly.
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WHY aren't you FILLING her tiny little body up with Divine Seed RIGHT. NOW.??????
I'm female
If you're talking about like on Danbooru, uploadfags could upload older art there at any time.
It's still kinda time for Engage characters to own co up on popularity though since it has been still less than two years
Pls be in Elyos
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Just meant I got more Merrin art this last 2 weeks than the entire year.
Post IRL Merrin's buttplug tail
I married Saphir
Which fire emblem girl would have the biggest feet?
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Read any good FE fanfics lately anon?
Should the next FE game brought back weather?
Oh I see.
Well some of these based on the tags say they're commissions
Seems to be Jimm kek
Seems he moved from Nina to Bride Lapis to Merrin now
He's one of those commissionfags that always got a miscellaneous mix aside from his main Nina, but looks like he's leaning harder on Engage these days
I want to continue writing my smut of Hapi x Ashe, but it's been in the can for months now.
Yes but have different people have different attributes in different weather, a la AW
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Based and they'd be perpetually dirty too
I guess they're decently big yeah but I wouldn't say the biggest. She is one of the foot fetish bait characters in fire emblem so that's pretty based even though I don't really care for her design
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Post more
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Lo-Fi FE beats to relax/Study to
Their lack of commitment to it is precisely why FE is still successful. Sci-fi JRPGs do notoriously bad in sales. They've actually struck the perfect balance in keeping a general audience by keeping the fantasy setting but always slightly adding in some unfitting element (Japanese aesthetic in Fates, Agarthan shit in 3H, sentai/zoomer clothes in Engage, all the wacky shit every new book of FEH introduces). It's enough to not veer into straight sci-fi or modern but also not going back to the strictly medieval style of the old games. It frustrates the hell out of veteran fans but the casual audience loves it.
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Going too much into sci-fi might make it harder to justify things like a sword-lance-axe weapon triangle when the level of technology would make it obviously obsolete. FE can use small splashes of sci-fi to shake things up visually or mechanically without sacrificing its identity.
They can do things to spice it up so it's not always the same exact medieval setting every single time. Birthright was a good way to do it. But I agree with them that shit like Agarthan nukes or Engage characters doing super sentai transformations gives off the impression that they don't want to bother with the medieval stuff period anymore.
Why do FE romhacks love giving everyone a fucking Prf
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Did you play Project Ember or something? I feel that's the most egregious offender of that.
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Bless his spending habits.
That and broken ass skills.
More often than not its a lazy way to make a character unique.
That one by Mezio is not a commission THOUGH
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I see. Well someone else is doing Merrins then!
Thicc legs made for plapping. Nintendo approved!
If I was a lesbianon, I definitely would let Merrin claim me
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fell dragon legs...
Damn straight!
But she is white like Edel!
Brown robot Elma > White alien Elma
mating press forced creampie
>not amazon press forced creampie
c'mon dude
>Not wanting to just fuck Merrin as a man
Yurifag to transbian pipeline is real
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For me is full nelson double peace sign
Veyle is a Dwagon, show some fucking respect
All dwagons deserve to get fucked and impregnated! That's the only respect they deserve!
Why does she still wear the collar and bindings on her legs?
I NEED sex
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Can't force on her what she already wants
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It contains her draconic impulses, which I assume (if she's anything like Nowi), makes her a dick-crazed, semen-starved breeding sow who won't allow her brother's cock to go limp. If she takes them off, Alear no longer gets to sleep - they just fuck 24/7, even when Veyle is pregnant.
they should mod the pose via the clothes menu as well
Oh no, how horrible!
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engageGODs always wins
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t. feh shareholder
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obligatory sommie dance
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>FEfags don't recognize Rayearth
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i saw it in yesterday when i was broswing twitter. i just dont know if fetards are into that.
Why do remake girls like Katarina and Faye only get two supports?
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Faggot Emblem
Because she canonically is.
Then she can fill you.
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If FE4 is getting a remake how should it handle FE5's relevancy? Add the campaign as DLC?
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>If FE4 is getting a remake
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>feh having another engage meltdown
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Is Lucina really as relevant nowadays?
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Super Smash Sis's
Anyone else only attracted to strong characters
In games with romantic supports I'll only marry the most useful female because it makes her hotter to me
Jill is the sexiest woman in Fire Emblem history. She's killed millions (with a hand-axe on enemy phase)
It shouldn't mention it
Thracia and FE4 need to be separate. In FE4, Leif loses his whole army before joining Seliph. In Thracia, Ced's father is canonized as Lewyn while in 4 it can be whoever (and often isn't Lewyn because he's better off giving Forseti to Arthur)
FE4 doesn't really need a remake
It doesn't have the clunk of some older games like FE1-3, they kinda ironed out the engine by this point.
Best they could do is simplified battle forecasts, maybe make love points more transparent in some way, and if you want to get real radical add a rescue command to make infantry more usable. Other than that it's fine as is.
What if instead of turnwheel they brought back unlimited battle saves like FE4 and 10
Would be basically the same thing but feel a lot less cheaty
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I like Shez
Sakura doesn't have boobs
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After you put a kid in her she will ^_^
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anon thats not a Lyn! Its an impostor.
Sakura is too pure and innocent for marriage and motherhood. I genuinely feel bad pairing her up with anyone because she’s just so precious.
No fucking way this is real
Just started playing Echoes and holy shit this is boring as fuck. Does it get better? Also the UI is genuinely awful.
Sakura is for Leo and his fantasies of holding hands.
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Me when I play FE6 and use Rutger, Milady, Perceval, Shanna, Clarine, Lugh, Lalum, Gonzalez, Shin, Saul, and Niime again
>not Lilina
Get out.
Why does no one ever reply to anyone in these threads? What’s the point of a daily general when you autists refuse to do anything other than dump images and be terminally autistic?
I like doubling
No, not really, just watch the cutscenes on youtube or something
And you especially like not killing anyting
im waiting for more qol mod improvements for engage
>Attack of the Clones
don't tell him about the enemy units of each game
>Just started playing Echoes
I'm sorry
>holy shit this is boring as fuck.
>Does it get better?
>Also the UI is genuinely awful.
Complete trash

Its only redeeming feature is character design which is 10/10, outstanding
What happens when you pull that cloth off
You go to hell you fucking degenerate
All as the Emblems foretold
Well that’s disappointing. The presentation is phenomenal and I do appreciate some of the weird adventure game segments and the 3rd person dungeon crawling segments despite being half baked. Also Silque is pretty cute.
I’m surprised there aren’t more considering it’s and unreal engine game
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Fucking forgot to check speed
Stupid slow horseniggers
That butt cloth is pretty strange now that I think about it.
>I fixed her
You killed her, do the right thing and kys too.

garbo opinions ; echoes is a nearly flawless game
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When your divine duty is to repopulate your dying race with your moms vessel, then yes all bets are off.
Nah, you just have shit taste
I'm still waiting a native 60fps hack maybe thru cobalt. the current 60fps is janky
>foldan hitters and niggers
How could anyone unironically believe this? There’s no way someone can like Echoes in any other way but despite its flaws, not because of them (i.e. a guilty pleasure)
I dont know about echoes but I enjoyed gaiden despite the clunky mechanics.
I don't like Three Houses and that game is better than Echoes in every way.
thoughts on fates + engage?
Okay, can you say its “nearly flawless” or better than that other games in the series just because you enjoyed it for whatever personal reason or idiosyncrasy?
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Built to be impregnated
Really liked her in Three Houses
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True, this little sis exists to be upgraded into a mom.
The Adrestrian Empire is thunderstruck…
You will learn to scream into the void too.
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That Yunaka!
Zappy plappy
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hortensia is begging for it
Ivy's body literally begs for procreation in this pic.
People did reply in that one thread that said it was specifically for gameplay discussion
The lesson here is that you need to do that every time and offer no quarter for waifufags
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>i thought we already have new chapters today
darn it.
i wonder will manga alear beat past alear without going emburem etanity?
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god, i love the author for "enhancing" the engage experience.
Much better.
boobs too big
im gay btw
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Ivy sexo
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if i dress and act like griss, will i get a serika?
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It's a me
Literally who?
No such a thing as nearly flawless but as for gaiden it is a good game and certainly better than fe1 and 3
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What would his class be?
You just know revolverwing will make a Celica NTR pic whenever she appears in a game.
Fighter > Warrior
>More like Anal Day!
>Anon it's been 10 years since awakening, please....
Did I miss something from the lore or is it just her getting meme'd out of nowhere?
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I love Serra
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bandits love serra too
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Jokes on you Im into that
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well you picked the right girl. A commoner pretending to be a noble lady that loves to get her holes filled
omg just like me
Sorry that my holes (plural) are better than yours (singular)
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Engage with a LITERAL child!
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pre awakening anna was 10x better
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Ingrid would never
and that's a bad thing.
Shut up Jake
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Memes. Since Celica is the Lord of her route, she must've recruited them with sex like my NTR doujins say. Which is doubly weird considering Celica is canonically a rape baby.
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>21 hours has passed
>no one has called out that the updated 'est' is Marcia, not Est.
I'm surrounded by fake fans.
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nobody cares about est or marcia
Palla is next to Erynis and Catria is next to Thea
Which one to plap first?
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Which FE girl would be the biggest bombshell if real? My money is on Brigid or Dorothea - I would say Rhea or Camilla but maybe the unnatural hair colors would turn some people off.
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catria right in front of her sisters. Until palla breaks and begs you to take her too. Est a shit so she is just forced to watch her sisters become my wives
Babymaking sex with Ingrid!
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hard to say, there are so many absolutely gorgeous women
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Did you ask her girlfriend for permission?
Because it's far easier to give the Daybreak's Edge to the edgy memedon than it is to give him stats that make him feel good to use
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Camilla is the obvious choice, her purple hair would probably look a lot more natural in real life because hair dyes never look right
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You just reminded me I still need to finish Sacred Stones. Why did you have to remind me of Sacred Stones?
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do you really think it was a good idea to give your heart to toothpaste-chan?
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engageGODs WON
d-did I what?
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>Which FE girl would be the biggest bombshell if real?
Brigid, without a shadow of a doubt, she's so unbelievably gorgeous
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the divine dragons are actively targeting anons away from good 3h discussion
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Just accept rhea in your heart
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>malnourish womanlet chud or hotest fire emblem
Why did my dick tingle
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Which one will pee first?
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est, is that even a question?
The killing Fire Emblem competition
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Big tiddied and hipped dragon dommy mommy!
they were always just a one night stand
Marry me...
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Do manaketes transform into dragons during sex?

Would my pathetic human penis be able to satisfy Tiki after centuries of getting plowed by massive dragon dicks?
I hope Rhea feels proud the reincarnation of her mother is a bug eyed bimbo
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You say that like it’s a bad thing
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Pick 3 girls and 3 boys in pic related.
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>lgbt emblem
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notice how it's always from 3Hfags
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>me rule foldan?
You were saying?
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Goldmary and Etie is cute yuri drawn by based jap artists
3H pairings are ugly dykes drawn by western trannies
Me but doing that to myself
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And im sure those western dykes have raided ISIS and forced them to put lesbian endings in
Sakura will get Xander'd and she'll like it. we already know penetrating lolis is Xander's main character trait.
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I really wanted to see Celine's full bikini. God dammit Diamant, don't you have a cousin to fuck or something?
Diamant and Alcryst, get the fuck out of the picture, you're blocking my view of Celine.
why did the spears become halberds
isn't blue extremely rare in animals and the few that have it aren't actual pigments but the way they reflect light makes them seem blue?
I married Cordelia, Yunaka, Velouria, Dorothea.
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Celica has a very doujin-bait story what with her traveling separate from Alm in the company of a lot of mercenary men, getting into a fight and storming off when she and Alm DO meet, then going off and "surrendering" to Jedah".
obviously nothing bad happens to her in canon, but it's just like how Est is probably still considered a pure virgin in canon despite being captured by bandits on the regular, none of the fans actually buy that line.
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my villainess-wife sonia. (she didnt mean it that way to nino shes not a bad person)
>Three houses fans when there hasn't been a new fire emblem game in 4 years and the last was Three houses
>this is fine
>Three houses fans when there hasn't been a new fire emblem game in four days but the last was engage
So did FE7 rip off FMA or did FMA rip off FE7?
Dorothea gives birth in the Japanese translation with male Byleth.
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excellent taste. Was she your niece or your cousin's daughter when married her?
Dorothea is a dyke whore but she'd make a great pump and dump
I made Carmilla her mother.
Niece then, nice. For me i made Azura fuck all the dogs in the army until she gave birth to Velouria.
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FMA started in 2001 and FE7 released in 2003. I dont want to bother looking up when lust was introduced in FMA. The design is pretty generic though, dark hair and big tits on an evil woman is pretty standard. See the dark queen in battletoads
nah, all her dykeness is just her coping because she really wants to get FERDINAND VON AEGIR'd but she's too much of an autist to admit that to herself.
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I love my wife, Annette.
Freckles are cute, but she's perfect the way she is.
For me, it’s Tharja, Camilla, Marianne, and Ivy.
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The manga fixes the plot whole at the end of the church chapter. Lumera comes in and sacrifices herself, making sure the others escape.
why do you enjoy mentally ill women?
All of them are insane except for Ivy.

Ignore the Annette fag, she's the least popular girl from 3Houses. He overcompensates.
Lissa, Felicia, Marianne, and Ivy for me
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It's not just Sonia. There's also the whole plot of Nergal being an ancient old man who has lived for thousands of years and performs inhumane acts in the pursuit of knowledge and creates homunculi to do his bidding and uproot the country behind the scenes.
Lust was introduced in like chapter 2 of the manga so it is possible they were referencing her, not really anything new for Fire Emblem to make anime references considering the shit they did with Camus.
for me it was Tharja, Velouria (CQ), Oboro (BR), Lysithea, Yunaka.
Shirt for Fraldarius heirs only
Pray for the girls who never become popular like Say'ri and the old woman from Engage.
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>he doesnt want to share his wife with others
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>wife so shit even aceman is shitting on her
Those are the best girls since they don't get a legion of autistic fans behind them
If they wanted people to like them they should've given them more than one support. all the Robin/Corrinsexuals have less development than a Radiant Dawn exclusive character.
Oh yes she would
>Fighting wars
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nothing wrong with experimentation
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>not only is she a Corrinsexual and a barren womb but she doesn't even get to live in the true canon route
Has any other girl been done this dirty?
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My first love
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I didnt know dorotha posted here
Deidre i guess. getting mind controlled and raped and then having an internet full of fujos who love your rapist seems pretty rough.
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Weird how they made Yunaka a main character in the manga
She loved Arvis and even told her son to forgive him in the afterlife lmao
not that weird, she's one of the canon emblem bearers after all.
You could say the same about Rosado though and I doubt the mangaka will give him any special treatment.
Jesus, i was shitposting because i haven't actually played FE4, but if that's true Sigurd is an even bigger cuck than i thought. how the fuck could Deidre ever love Arvis after Arvis paraded her in front of Sigurd right before murdering him?
Corrin even been a half human can change parts of her body at will.
What's stopping Alear from doing the same?
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>White cock only
>Implying the canon route has any other waifu options other than pic related.
don't know why you think they won't. Japan loves their Astolfo type characters. If Rosado gets less attention than Yunaka it'll just be because he joins so fucking late. kind of hard to treat someone like a main character when they're only in the last like third of the story.
Alear's dragon transformation powers were sealed in a dragonstone, and then the stone broke. she doesn't have any transformation ability left.
mind control is a bitch
>Come into FE thread expecting FE discussion
>It's just a waifu image dump thread
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>get fought over by men, have one of the men paradise you in front of the other like a treasure, and then see the weakling get killed
and youre surprised women lap it up?
No, girls engaging with each other is wrong. The only time it's okay is when both Whorothea and Ingrid are part of the harem of my totally not self insert Chadleth character. Only then it's okay.
>Corrin x Azura
>two of the biggest retards in FE history
how stupid will their babies be? Oh wait, Kana already exists and makes it pretty clear the retardation did NOT skip a generation.
Isn't the Dragonstone also what keeps dragons from going mad? Looks like everyone's descendants will have to put Alear down in a thousand years. ENGAGE 2 BABY
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cute how she thinks she has a choice in the matter. Her pussy is gonna get licked by dorotha whether she wants it or not
>Expecting discussion
>In a FE thread
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First off you are a retard only on Conquest. Second off Kana is a kid, retard. Third Shigure turned out fine.
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>girls engaging with each other is wrong
If pic related is wrong I don't want to be right.
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>Clearly positioned as Ryomas love interest in the story. Even has a line about Corrin being cool but not as cool as Ryoma.
>But only Corrin can romance her.
I hate avatar wanking so much. Same thing with being able to romance Oboro who was established to have a longstanding unrequited love for Takumi it just doesn't make sense. I dread the inevitable Elibe remake where the avatar character will be able to romance Louise.
Micaiah only engages with young boys.
I love my wife Cordelia because I pumped my dick into her womb and she gave birth twice to Galeforce skilled children who can participate in mid and late game content in Fire Emblem Awakening!
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>I dread the inevitable Elibe remake where the avatar character will be able to romance Louise.
imagine the amount of NTR porn. Imagine louise talking to rebecca about finding love while bouncing on MU's cock
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sorry to say, but those arent yours
Jean: Help me! Emblem-!
*never to be seen again*
I think the Micaiah is a 40 year woman who looks for teenage boys, particular war orphan boys, to groom as her husband is a joke that run its course.
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no, she engages with young girls too. and she makes an exception for Yunaka because Yunaka reminds her of Sothe. although it might just be that Yunaka's so short Micaiah doesn't realize she's an adult.
>making Camilla take the knot
>letting sub-humans into the royal family
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WAAAAY too old. Micaiah starts a bit earlier in the day than that, they don't call her the Priestess of "Dawn" for nothing.
Shut up /u/ dyke, Fire Emblem 3Houses thread is in /vg/ for your fatherless gay lesbian headcanon garbage.
Dumb NTR brain adled
Micaiah having rough and unprotected sex with underage boys thread next please
Emmeryn got it pretty bad
>father is a piece of shit and drags your nations reputation through the mud
>has to become Exalt at the age of 10
>has to do peace negotiations across the continent to fix the shit her father started
>kills self for the greater good
>lives and becomes retarded
>barren womb
>doesn't have supports with her own family
>never fully recovers
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Micaiah canonically puts a little girl inside of her, also i've never been to /u/ and i'm not a fan of engage, so i can't really understand why you're so triggered by this.
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>and i'm not a fan of engage
whoops, meant to say 3H, have no idea why i typed engage there. I am absolutely a fan of engage, i put 250 hours into it.
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Reminder that those tiny black panties are all that stand between Camilla's lady parts and the rotting flesh of the zombie Wyvern she rides all day.
>doesn't have supports with her own family
I forgot about this. Jesus Christ IS.
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Homosexuality is wrong. Post your favorite straight couple
pretty sure that thing has a saddle too.
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My Awakening love
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I have proof that celicia joins them in the royal bedchamber and enjoys playing with lilina's body
Me and Lyn
Me and Cordelia
Me and Velouria
Me and Yunaka
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I think it needs more art
I never pair Roy with Lilina
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Celica jumped universes to be with them? Woaw
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I might've agreed with you if engage didn't double down on it by making it part of her gameplay that she's the best emblem for "raising up" the units that are just starting out.
Cute cousins
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Is it okay for cousing to hold hands
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part of royalty is having to fuck family for political power. I bet lilina and roy wet their pillows every night knowing they have to commit incest for the sake of their newly united kingdom
Reminder that Roy canonically sucked Rebecca's tits.
Unironically the best couple in FE.
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Damn right they do
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poor lilina.
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sadly her mediocre stats rubbed off on him
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>leg locking
Dear god that's hot
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its lady lyndis for you
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