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No religion talk itt
Made for BRC (Big Raidou Cock)
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>UI render is also Bald Frost
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This upsets me
the way shiva gives a little glance into the camera as he uses tandava makes me feel uncomfortable
he wants you
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Why do you think that even after all this years, nocturne, and the ps2 smt games in general, are still the best looking games in the franchise? Even though smtv is technically superior, somehow nocturne's art direction and general vibes are better. Why do you suppose that is? in my opinion, those games just have the perfect blend of technical limitations and models that makes them look great even all these years later
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They look outdated
that's the shitty hd remaster, i'm talking the original ps2 version
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Visible ribs and flat chest erotic
>perfect blend of limitations
It's just Doi's porcelain doll artstyle being very unique. Nothing wrong with that.
Vengeance is not only the best looking SMT game but the best looking Atlus game
What the fuck does she have to be smug about? She's not even that good, just a stepping stone to Alice.
t. Failure as a human
it doesn't have the same vibes. Enviroments in nocturne feel creepy and hostile, I never got that same feeling in smtv
I've been waiting for the Murakumo husk to respawn for about 6 hours now
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Nocturne is a chaos game about a young man becoming a demon, Demifiend is a character who gets obscured by the darkness until all you see is his tatoos. Vengeance is a law game about a young man becoming a god, the game has similarly dark environments but uses an ultra high contrast which emphasis young man like a beacon in the dark. It's all in theme
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The Shakan Dungeon was somehow worse than Demon King's Castle.
I'm not sure if Shinjuku was better than Chiyoda. I didn't really like either of them.
The story in Vengeance is better, but probably because of the eye candy. I didn't think creation was that bad.
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Shinjuku is overwhelmingly the best area not just in V, but in the series in general.

Shakan was fun, the puzzles were interesting and disorienting, I just wish the boss was something more interesting than just Abdiel, especially with how cool the final showdown with Lilith in Shinjuku was.
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Where is the Cirronup in Shinjuku?
Why are SMT MCs so asexual?
>Posted from a car
sex is for fags
When you ride the rail up to the island with the Government Buildint, there's a ledge behind one of the buildings that lets you go around, facing the street you just came from below.
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I love the way she flaps her wings when her turn comes up in your party, always a joy to have her around
not arguing against smtv, i really like that game too. Maybe it's only a matter of taste, but to me several enviroments and models in smtv felt like assets in a videogame rather than actual demons in the underworld, which really broke my inmersion. The way some models turn aroun or move in general is very stiff, this is specially apparent in those missions where you control a demon companion. Of course, the cinematics look fantastic. But in nocturne i feel like the game really sucks you in to its setting, and everything from the player model, to the lighting, demons, sound design and even UI, helps to sell the feeling that you are in a post apocalyptic, hostile world
Where is Muu Shuwuu’s beak supposed to be
her ass
so how's the game
been pondering about getting it since I like persona but the price tag is kinda steep (and I'm cheap)
If you like the RPG gameplay side of persona (the demons and fusions and team building and skill setups etc) then you'd like it
if you hate open world exploration stuff then you might not like it though
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i defeated all 4 beasts at level 34 and i didn't know she had secret dialogues every time i defeat a god beast.
remember to ONLY use aramasa and critical
remember that aramasa is shit
WTF, I never knew this. Her icon on the map doesn't update, does it?
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What team should I be using end game?
Just hit 99 and currently using
>Beelzebub for max power Debilitate with Biondetta passive, his damage is shit though with Ice Age/Death Flies
>Zeus, actually has good damage/crits with Keraunos
>Sakuya for buffing/heals, her damage is also somewhat disappointing with Zanbarion
Meanwhile my MC is literally FULL VIT and all I do is spam either the auto miss spell or the one that passes my turn for free
Basically I feel like I'm lacking damage since my MC just tanks anyways
I did beat Shiva without any issues but kinda worried about Demifiend/Satan
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Shakan was pathetically short and way too simple, it barely took me 15-20 mins. Shinjuku is fantastic, hits a nice middle ground of being big enough and having a decent challenge before the game drops you in Ueno. In the base game Ueno was a huge level shift, it feels more natural in CoV thanks to shinjuku
yeah, weird, is it a feature or a bug? SOMEONE SHOULD CALL ATLUS
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>Why do you think that even after all this years, nocturne, and the ps2 smt games in general, are still the best looking games in the franchise?
Because it isn't and you need to take your meds.
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My friend's wife
Speaking of bugs, I noticed Koshimizu will still use some of his dialogue from CoC when you exhaust his dialogue in Act 3 before going to Shinjuku
Cellshading is timeless and the art direction of Nocturne and DDS were absolute 10/10.
The Raidou games do show their age a bit more simply because the environments are higher res and more realistic though.
use your favourites
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I don't know what skills to add then for better damage
I don’t know how to build Beeno (mid Shinjuku, just defeated Agrat)
I have him as a sort of generalist right now, stuck some Dracostrike skills on him to exploit elemental weaknesses, Wrath Tempest for Omagatoki Critical turns, his unique Media skill, the one that boosts Magatsuhi meter, and Sakanagi for saving MP with a strong hit. Most of my level ups go into Strength and Vit (70ish Strength right now)
I’m not struggling yet, but I feel like he could clearly be more effective.
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Shinjuku hands typed these
pay a modder to make a unique model of her with bikini
Based Mermaid bros.
I recommend experimenting if you are unhappy.
You won't lose any of the extra stats from Balms or Bench conversations and so on if you respec, so there's literally no reason not to fuck around a bit and try things for yourself instead of asking for what's the most busted build in the game and following it.
Any news on ps4 mods?
can you farm respecs or is there a limit to them?
reality of beano building is that no matter how well or poorly you make him your demons can bail you out of any situation but as the usual case in rpgs being a generalist is rarely the optimal way, if you're str based you should focus on phys skill and leave supporting to someone else
it's not an open world turn base jrpg game, it's linear but slightly more open than previous smt entries like smt3 and previous smt1 besides smt4 and apocalypse they were the biggest ones
Specialize your demons, their jobs is to do one thing and nothing else so you want 1-2 attack of a single elements and the rest should be passive that either boost damage or help with survivability.
The only times where you don't do that are for cheese strats where you built demons in a specific that would be inefficient otherwise.
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think you only get three per newgame plus
Is there a point to Death Flies on Beelze then?
Feels like everything just resists DARK after a point and it doesn't even pierce + AoE means if ONE enemy alone null/drain/repels it you're toast
>I never got that same feeling in smtv
You were never supposed to, you're a god nigga
thanks yukiko
You want a good dark attack for demifiend. The game really encourages you to specialize demons and switch them in and out.
Gotta rely on the good ol' Impaler's Animus.
Beezlebub needs safeguard for that reason
They already tweaked the level scaling shit so the +10 level jump walking into the last area isn't a surprise cockslap either way anymore
Is there an easy way of grinding Grimoire/Incense at endgame or should I just give it and turn the cheat mitama DLC on?
Already at 99 anyways but man I want my uber favorite demons that are too low level at the moment
wait. can you still crit if you get nulled?
>buy Vengeance as my first SMT game
>looked up beginner tips beforehand, got hammered with different people saying to not get attached to demons because they WILL fall off and they’re NOT your friends
>about to face off with the Quadistu in Shinjuku and still carrying around my friendly Lilim because the game gives you more than enough grimoires + Haunt stat boosts + essences to let her not only keep up, but actually be useful
Was vanilla V that much more punishing even with grimoires/essences? I know Grimoires didn’t exist before V, so I’m pretty happy those let me use demons I like.
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I will play Vengeance now.
can't wait for Sabaoth, Elohim and Shaddai, at LONG LAST I won't have to subject myself to gachashit for cool boomer demons
Level scaling fucked you over harder and you didn't get as many grimoires dumped onto your lap
I've had to use some on my team not because they need the level boost but because I was almost carrying x99 of them, and I'm not even using the mitama cheat DLC
from my experience playing both vanilla and vengeance in vengeance you get at least 2x as many grimoires without dlcs
You can try to keep it and build him around that skill, you can kiss it goodbye and play around his innate with Debilitate or you can keep both at the cost of one less passive.
Finished SMTV the other day and stupidly went t with canon of creation, got bored on 2nd daat of vengeance ng+ and now playing persona 5 for first time. Shout out to the drooling retard anti persona poster who shits up these threads for making me decide to check it out. Some phantom niggas gonna steal your heart soon.
I'll keep it and add Dark Pleromas + Safeguard then.
Hate removing a demon's unique skill especially someone as cool as Beelze.
Although his ice skill DID help me just now vs Shiva even though the damage was subpar
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Vanilla V had level scaling, less quests, and no demon haunt to give them bonus stats
Your level had a MUCH bigger impact in Vanilla.
Even just being 2 or 3 levels below a boss made fights incredibly difficult since everything you did was scaled down while you took obscene amounts of extra damage, so since demons level much slower than your Beaner you were kind of forced to replace them much more regularly if you didn't want to make things ball crushingly difficult or spend hours grinding.
I'm still waiting for Masakado Calvo, Schierke, and Nekomata A.
Just make a dedicated Ice demon then?
mom and daughter
I kept my favorite demons to 99 in vanilla too.
>playing persona 5
hope you enjoy mediocre anime
I don't have the Ice essence anymores and grinding them seems rather painful late game due to high level demons needing to be leveled AND the innate RNG of it
I kept Idun all the way to the ending in the original but I had to give her literally every Vitality Incense I had collected along the way before the final areas
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Vanilla V didn't have level scaling, it level based damage calculations which ironically made it easier to keep demons relevant so long as you kept them up to level.
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dunno im not in that part of the game, im taking my time and doing everything slowly also stubborn at times. notice how after completing huang loongs quest, her dialogue bubble actually updates after completing his quests. I think it's part quest game issue where you're in mid quest, half way through, dialogue bubbles don't update but npc has dialogue only after completing quests entirely new dialogue updates along with the speech bubble
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Based Atlus enjoyer, we welcome you to the brotherhood.
call it however you want but in vanilla level was just about the only number that mattered
This sidequest was cool.
And it was great.
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When are the rest of the jelly boys coming back
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the cheat DLC is this?
I now know why Raidou always has blue lipstick all over his face, chest and pants every morning
did you know that you can just kill albion over and over again and he grants 1k experience per kill? it's an easy way to grind up to 20k xp
Thanks. I actually bought Nocturne as a kid but got filtered like 1/3 into the game. As a FF fag it kicked my ass and felt like a lonely desolate world, but these days the atmosphere of SMT is much more appealing.
Well I haven't touched CoC yet so I wouldn't know. I'm just happy they got rid of the hard level scaling making bosses basically impossible if underleveled, that was legitimately the worst part of the original.
Level was overturned in original V but I think it was blown way out of proportion and used as an excuse by shitters to not have to care about stats or builds. It doesn't matter anymore, Vengeance makes it much more balanced between level and stats. That said, V was always the game where you could keep whatever demons you wanted all game long, anyone saying otherwise is taking the piss.
It mattered less when you had good moves later, I walked into the Zeus fight blind like 12 levels below him and pulled a win out of my ass since I had a few demons with Null Elec and could just barely survive his physical attacks.
But now the level gap doesn't actively fuck you over just gives you an idea of what you're dealing with
Mitamas are only cheating if you use them before Metatron on your first playthrough otherwise who the fuck cares
lighting and framing of the scenes. VV does it better than base V but it's still not close to Nocturne
it's still a pretty game tho.
>12 levels below him
in vanilla that was more or less instant death but in vengeance you can be 20 levels lower than boss and you can still win, I've killed huang long at level 50 and I think he's like level 78
The framing in V is pretty fantastic. Also does action scenes much better than Nocturne which is really static.
>but I think it was blown way out of proportion
Anon, if you were like 6 levels below an enemy they would hit you for 4-digits while you would only do 2-digits at most. It's not blown out of proportion at all, it actively punished you for not grinding levels. It also killed low level strategies completely.
In the quest he's level 70. Also you could absolutely fight enemies 15 levels above you in OG V, you just had to use buffs and think about your strategy.
for an example look at the scene before mastema's fight, how he's just spinning around moving too much and the camera never focuses on anything
I really liked stuff like summoning tehom or the scene where Aogami pushes V kun away. it's not starving for nice cinematic scenes but nocturne is more consistent and hits higher highs.
>Anon, if you were like 6 levels below an enemy they would hit you for 4-digits while you would only do 2-digits at most

That's blatantly not true, I beat almost every boss on hard 10 levels below them. The calculations are additive and for the Vit calculation a big disparity in level meant a big damage reduction or not enough but you have to get seriously out of range for your damage to go down to double digits (i.e. the level 99 demon scrubs battle)
You really couldn’t anon
Everyone fucking uses buffs it’s not the early 2000s, the only way you were beating something 15 levels above you was if you spent hours and had your entire team null/reflect it’s element
So, does having truly super high VIT even matter for Demifiend & Satan?
>you could absolutely fight enemies 15 levels above you
I don't know if we were playing the same game anon but I recall doing single digit damage to yamata orochis in taito when I was over 10 levels lower, it would take like 100 turns of attacking it to bring it down not to say it would kill your entire party in one hit even with resist phys
but sure you've beat everything 15 levels lower than you, sounds legit
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It only took 4 tries.
And no, the Arioch wasn't abusing a dead stock strat, although he probably should have
>muh buffs
Nigga defend this shit
Because Orochi is a tanky motherfucker with a stupid high VIT. So his high VIT and High Level combine. I hate fighting them on even on Vengeance for that reason
Even the Vanilla speedrun spends over half its run time grinding exp for level ups anon.
Yes, there's obviously shit you can do to skew things in your favor and if you are fighting a boss and Null everything it has access to you aren't going to lose, but your level matters an absolutely metric fuckton to the point that it's absolutely unrealistic to fight bosses when they are that far above you.
It could be nice to not die in one Megiddo ark if you’re not planning on dodge spamming but it won’t help with demifiend
The effects of level are also much more prominent at lower levels when your stats are low on top of it. This in particular reminds me of the meme Mot video, you have to go way out of your way to enter this situation.
You get her evangelion form
Lunar Hurricane or Paraselene Blur?
Blur + the auto miss spell since it's broken good vs the superbosses and anything really anyways
How much is the damage increase for gestalt passive users?
I just want to ride Mara's chariot...
1% per potential in your party
including their own?
It's like 2% extra damage per potential bonus in the party so it's not huge
You can test it with the magatsuhi skill that gives everyone +9 to everything for a turn
I saw Amanozako being chased by a tengu in Shinjuku, but can’t find her again and don’t see a map icon. Will I run into her in the future or do I have to go find her?
should be, at least the skill calculator says
>Phys Gestalt Phys dmg dealt +1% x total deployed ally matching skill potential
So how did you beat hydra 15 levels below him? He's only level 15 so you'd have to skip a hell of a lot to accomplish that, hell this video is only 10 levels lower and the max they could do with a dyne level spell is 5 damage on his weakness.

Please, oh master, share with us your wisdom. Or just shut the fuck up because you know you're wrong
Keep going for now. You should eventually come across an Angel in the region that gives you a quest to deal with that.
So it's roughly an extra high pleroma if everyone is at +9. Really needs an Enhancer backing them up
Sub-quest later, don't worry about it
I didn't beat Hydra 10 levels below him because you have to literally skip the entire first area to fight him at level 5.
What is the level 54 herald demon needed to fuse M? I don’t think I recognize the silhouette and it’s not in my fuse list
Who the fuck is M?
He deals 5 damage because combined his Vit and Level is over 30 and at level 5 the player Mag probably isn't even 10
The Angel of cold hands
I think the "more [element] damage based on hitcount so far this round" is less cumbersome to use.
go back to the ananita lake, anon
Does that have a cap or do I want to use Artemis to set up a meaty hitcount?
I really liked how low level autismos had to be level 11 to beat hydra on hard when hydra was level 15 meanwhile in nocturne it was possible to beat matador by level 8 when he was level 30
really makes me think
nocturne is way easier because kaja spells hit the whole party
Nocturne is simply an easier game. I have trouble with V Matador at the same level
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Breeding Bino bussy
Doesn't tell me anything. Well, keep being cryptic.
All I can say is that level 53 herald has eyes.
There's probably a limit but I've had teams with Wrath Tempest and other multihits and still seen the damage boost go up on the 2nd lap through my attacks so I'm not sure what the cap is.
I kind of sped through vengeance on NG+ is that in the 3rd area?
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The mountain in the first map, there's a sidequest there and it continues in the third map.
>max out potentials to help gestalt
>thicc as fuark VIT
>spam evergreen and other support shit
Bean is nothing more than a buffslut.
Why did Agomi fuse with the smallest and weakest boy from the school? He literally looks more frail than the girls
There should be no cap but the only demon with that effect and phys is level 72
It's where the mermaid wanted you to go
cool ass fucking skull
>art direction and general vibes
All smt have better art direction and vibes because they were trying to make a great game.

SMTVV falls fails hard because they wanted to make a product so it ends up looking like trash, the story is all over the place, the dialogue is worse than persona, the characters are horrendous and the music also lacks direction

It's a souless product for a souless era. Nocturne is fantastic.
His dad's reincarnation could also pass for a girl. Must run in the family.
did anyone else make it all the way through the story of P5R and then just instantly lose interest when Royal started? I got bored and stopped, but it's been actual months and I still feel zero inclination to go back to it.
It might have something to do with P5 telling a complete story and Royal being a tacked on second ending with a worse final boss injected halfway through the original ending ruing the pacing and catharsis of having all your confidants work together to get you out of jail.
I never started P5 to begin with
No P5R for me was
>finally the new shit is starting
>what the fuck it's already over?
the new content is pretty good but putting most of it at the very end of the game was a cruel joke
Opposite for me. The main chunk of 5's story is a slog to get through, and Royal's content is where I feel glad to be at again. Most characters unfortunately get a backseat due to this being Pancake-kun's time to shine, but the plot's pacing is far superior to the rest of the game outside of the first arc.
You don't need to use the same kind of hits to boost a move
I've added a lot of damage to Loup Garou's Souflee with other multihits
Royal is a warcrime against pacing
>It's a souless product for a souless era. Nocturne is fantastic.
I want to preface what I'm about to say by stating that I'm glad you like Nocturne. But Nocturne was super fucking boring to me. The only thing good about it is the demon fusion, which is cool and genuinely engaging, but even that is made painful by the rng skill shit. The story is practically nonexistent, the characters aren't interesting, and the world is literally just one ugly desert wasteland spotted with some even uglier modern buildings and the occasional demon obelisk. Again, I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I can see good qualities about the game, but so much of it is utter dogshit.
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SMT VV is story about nothing. Literally nothing happened after last boss. and before last boss too.

Main thing in SMT vv is how and why has beed Great Demon War, and how Lucifer killed yahveh and taken world to himself, and what he did after this. like "TRANSCENDED TO WHOLE DIFFERENT WORLDS WHERE HE CHILLED OUT", but we havent seen this. but we seen some schoolers and nahobino that killed everyone

still, very good game. better than lots of other games, lotf of skils, lots of builds. Taito location is 99/100 coolness.
>SMTVV falls fails hard because they wanted to make a product so it ends up looking like trash, the story is all over the place, the dialogue is worse than persona, the characters are horrendous and the music also lacks direction
You don't have to try this hard to say you like something else
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>But Nocturne was super fucking boring to me
didn't ask your opinion
>The story is practically nonexistent
>the characters aren't interesting
>and the world is literally just one ugly desert wasteland spotted with some even uglier modern buildings and the occasional demon obelisk
So Da'at but good? count me in
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big giant toilet demon
Still not going to play Nocturne.
it looks super fucking boring, just walking in corridors talking to ugly characters like pic.
Shinjuku was great, only good thing about Chiyoda/Ginza was the music.

Shakan was a tad disappointing though, as soon as I saw the running retards I knew it was just CoV's demon castle
He literally confirmed that he didn't play Nocturne in another thread. Stop arguing with this retard
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He's never played Nocturne and thought pic related was a Doi demon, don't bother
The story is tame and lame for the persona fag era, shittiest smt game design, shittiest characters and HORRENDOUS DIALOGUE

it has no vibe, no style, no anything. They just went "random modern bullshit GO" and tried to patch it with AI.

The music is the same, it's all over the fucking place, it has no theme, no direction, no nothing, just a bunch of fanservice and shitty "Quality of life"
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big giant toilet paper demon
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nocturne's pretty cool but let's not pretend it's the only good game in this series
mad as fuck
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I still wanna play SMT I and II at some point
I know you are, you don't need to tell me.
>the plot's pacing is far superior to the rest of the game outside of the first arc.
I hope that's true, I faded out super early in, so it'd be nice if the rest of it was actually decent. To clarify my thoughts on the game proper, I think the first three dungeons were great, both storywise and mechanically, and everything after that felt like a failure to live up to the highs of the early game. The Shido fight was the only cool thing about the final arc imo, and even that was diminished by how dogshit his palace was.
you think you do but you don't
Is he mandatory? literally every single person uses him.
I stopped using him in combat way before the end but he makes a good MP sharing battery
Yeah I noticed it with sily and incubus' dialogue after they hook up.
No you could use sarasvati, lakshmi or lachesis as replacement but they're all far less convenient than daisoujou, he's OP as fuck and there's a good reason why everyone uses him
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>that hellish otherworldly background
Nocturne and old SMT are a trip, the good kind. Amazing games.

You are going to feel right at home with SMT I and II, after you hit rock bottom with SMTVV, the only way to go is up
I dunno about other people, but whenever I play, I do my best to create a pure waifu team, regardless of optimal strategy.
Where did Demi-fiend’s demons go when he joins you
>The music is the same, it's all over the fucking place, it has no theme, no direction, no nothing, just a bunch of fanservice and shitty "Quality of life"
actually smt VV has lots of music. like Nocturne had too. and some of it very good.
no it's for shitters. i had like 250 hours of Nocturne of ps2, on normal and hard, and never used him.
what's better about daisoujou? If it's a skill, then couldn't I just rng it off of him?
more like

lol dumb weebs
get owned
No you don't understand. VV music is amazing but it has no direction, just like the main game has no direction. It has Nocturne rock vibes, SMTV vibes, SMTIV vibes it even has SMT II/I vibes at times.

It's trying to appeal to everyone that it ends up losing it's meaning.

Worst part is that troglodytes are just going to slurp it up.
>Looks like a blue ballsack from behind
Ok then
Either way, I wouldn't go back to 5R if you're not feeling it. No point forcing yourself to play a vidya you have no interest in.
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His signature skill is meditation, a pretty strong hp/mp drain that scales well into endgame and he learns prayer natively which is a party full heal+status heal. You could also fuse any buffs and debuffs or makatora to mp share onto him without needing to care about his mp at all. keep in mind you get him way earlier than most other dedicated healers in the game with him being the 2nd fiend you fight
I dunno why people hype up what a pain in the ass they are, even if you don't do any emulation speedup they're only like 25 hours long AND you get an estoma that completely shuts off all encounters
I heard I was really rough, but II was pretty fine
I like trying new demons but I have a tendency to rely on old favorites. I'm mid 60s right now and Fenrir and Azazel have been absolute bros
>even if you don't do any emulation speedup

Why would you do that, just watch a youtube play trough, nothing like wasting 30 minutes every time you want to fuse a monster, it's fucking kino of the highest quality.
He starts with meditation which is strongest MP draining skill in the game and learns prayer at level 37, the next demon that learns prayer is titania at like level 58. And prayer is mandatory for lucifer fight unless your entire team nulls all ailments which it probably does not. Daisoujou is also the only demon in the entire game that drains ailmeents which means if you have him out during random encounters, any aoe ailment instantly ends enemy turn and daisoujou has means to clear all ailments with prayer. Me patra in nocturne does not clear all ailments, only the temporary ones it will not clear poison stun or mute. And on top of all of that daisoujou repels instant death so daisojou + endure means mamudoon/mahamaon will never result in a game over.
He's also one of two fiends that can be used in sacrificial fusion so you can give him fuckton of levels.
I could go on, he's just an awesome demon on all fronts with pretty much no weaknesses.
delete this shit, aizoomerjeet
>looks like a vampire vagina from the front
well whole SMT VV or V is kinda SMT 4, that creates a little of his own, but parasites a lot on previous games

especially on nocturne
Post your Costco membership card.
enemies in this game have a limited amount of MP so Daisoujou can just suck them dry and they wont be able to do anything, he's really op.
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So charge is a useless skill since its not 2.5x anymore right, unless you want to set up a crit magatsuhi i guess
>literally admits to not playing it, or any of the games he jacks off
It's fine for some strategies with charge omagatsuhi and charge demon passives.
There many weird ways to play now.
Oh shit, yeah. Man he fucking sucks lmao
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I only say it because /vr/ type people have a weird hangup about it, I personally play every game that doesn't break at 900 average FPS if possible.
>SEAtard is still at it hours later
>he has played none of these games still
holy fucking kek
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SMTIV A but....souless

Soul Hackers but............. souless

SMTV but......... gay as fuck, giga soicore tranny vibes from this one

SMT IV but ....... souless

SMT I/II but fucking gay

SMT III but fucking gay

Entire game IS a copycat of far greater games, it's so souless it hurts to play it. think ive eveb heard a persona 5 piano sample in Da'at 3
i have never played royal but for me persona 5 when to hell after haru join your party,altrought the casino level is amazing and the best one in the game
the music doesn't need direction.
Level scaling in anyway shape or form is dog shit and has no place in video games. Fuck you Todd.
wtf aizoomerjeet!
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anyone got the SMT Meme of this tweet?
Might as well ask where did all his HP go, or why was only he resistant to everything as a boss but becomes immune to everything but Almighty as a party member. He probably just keeps them in his stock because he's not against another teen who has his own team of demons. Pixie pops out to speak on his behalf when in Demon Haunts for instance.
For a shitty souless game for a shitty souless generation? You are right it doesn't. Nothing about video games require direction

While you are at it , keep killing what made SMT good. I love to see another IP get raped
Should I be making all my demons into specialists who either attack, heal, status, or afflict? Or can I spread a Tarunda/Diarama around here and there so I don’t have to waste turns in every fight to exploit weaknesses and shit?
you fundamentally misunderstand the intent in both nocturne and V.
if that was the case in SMTV maybe energy drain would actually be useful. It's still pretty nice for long fights though.
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I wish Astaroth came back, too, so we could get all three SMT1 Cathedral Chaos boys in the same game, but I'm really glad to see Arioch again. Dude needs more love.
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every time you post these images i get second hand embarrassment, dont you have any shame?.
Early game it's fine. late game everything is so expensive manawise, you pretty much have t specialize with demons that have positive skill affinity.
Don't bother, he's the schizo who's been shitting up the threads for a while already because he has a gate boner against VV for some reason despite having never played the other games himself.
the purpose of every demon is to make your MC's max damage bigger. Doesn't matter if it took 10 turns of prep time, biggest ejaculate number at the end
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V intent was good, it honestly was a good try, kinda shit compared to SMTIV and Nocturne and SJ and Devil Saga an... well you get the point but it was a good try

VV intent is trying to make a product by trying to cater to everyone.
You will eat za slop and you will be happy
Charge/Concentrate is 1.8x so it's mostly only good for conserving MP. Strategies involving innate skills that in some way preserve the Charge status even after use make these two more useful in practice than you would think. Impaler's meanwhile got fucked for giving damage boosts, so it's really only worthwhile to get past resists instead of rendering Charge/Concentrate obsolete entirely.
>stockings as Nuwa
>no stockings
One fucking job
nocturne was a different time, meditation can succ entire mp bar back in 1 cast, in smt5 mp drains are hard capped at 50mp stolen so they're never better than a chakra drop with exception of soul drain but who wants to spend bar on that
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too lore accurate for my taste
>but who wants to spend bar on that
Supports during their downtime
I know, but he's right that the music doesn't have direction, the composer for the most part wasn't given much direction he just had the scenes and development material and made what he felt was right for the scene
it has no direction as in directorial supervision in the creation process but it has intent and that's a valid approach to making a game's soundtrack. IV has that more than V but both games have charming soundtracks in their own way.
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you didnt fire your mermaid right anon? right??
His mom won't let him buy the game and he can't emulate it either since his computer is shit. Or he did buy vanilla and is experiencing buyer's remorse, but that doesn't make sense considering the dumb shit he said about God never being brought up in vanilla. Either way he makes fucking dolls for a living and spends his vacation days jacking off games he has never played past the first boss. Probably fantasizes about having a Costco membership since they don't have that in his country.
this is a contender for one of the worst posts ive ever seen on /v/. Holy fuck i hate you.
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I might be crazy but I'm always right

i just used Panty and Stocking Style and the thing schizoed out.
broken clock is right twice a day.
>responding to someone who knows he's a nuisance and freely admits to being a nuisance
don't do that
>western Mermaid
Amazing how they manage to make everything look bad.
But to answer your question, no, I kept her close to me.
I made use of Soul Drain when I was dealing with the Yamata-no-Orochi miniboss with Onyankopon in my party. Made the Tetrakarn and King of Tales strategy I was using have a bit more longetivity.
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I had to fuse her into Anahita, but I at least kept her as my navigator.
Nocturne is timeless
it ages like fine wine. obviously it won't look up to date, but it looks perfectly fine.

SMT V looks great, but it doesn't hold a candle to Nocturne/DDS art direction. Every single JRPG wishing to set good immersion and atmosphere (and blend good art with good gameplay) should study these two as excellent executions.
I turned my tutorial Pixie into my first Mermaid and she hasn’t left my team since
Somehow she has the highest magic on my whole squad now at level 50 despite never using any incense on her, I think she got lucky with Haunt boosts even though I didn’t savescum those.
she's kinda shit as a navi
>VV intent is trying to make a product by trying to cater to everyone.
I can see this, but i dont think it hurt the experience at all. SMTVV is just large level, collecting miman and jumping around for collectibles while fighting turn based battles: THE GAME. But even with all the new changes added in VV, i dont think its identity gets overshadowed by the rerelease taking stuff that worked from prior SMT games and putting them onto VV. I wish i cared more for certain characters like Yuzuru, Miyazu, etc. But the gameplay alone is too fun for me to not label this game as my favorite SMT.
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She's the cutest navi and that's all that matter.
"that skinny bastard"
Demifiend I think.
Do demons ever fuse in the wild or do things like King Frost just rarely spawn naturally?
sure but she kept giving me useless stuff like life stones, I wonder if it was like this for everyone else
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Are the quests you pick up after the three keys in Taito where end-game/decision-y quests start? Like the Khonsu one?
Also is there a list of character quests like Idun, Cumhaill, etc.
Critical Aura is better for damage for phys shit but Charge and Concentrate conserve MP if you're spamming something expensive
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>SMT Eric keeps on seething
>Mentions that she eats human brains with her beak
>She doesn't have a beak
Where's she hiding it?
ok maybe you weebs are onto something
Pretty much. Just do as many quests as you can before you fight Metatron at the Empyrean.
Idun, Mr. Cum, Moirae sisters, and Yoshitsune (Creation-only) will give you quests.
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Fair enough. I think it absolutely does, from the characters, the horrible dialogue and the story.

SMTVV is not an experience, it's just another game, it's also extremely lenient, you end up with 4 turbo niggers in a row that melt everything after Da'at 2. My alice had a +9 darkness proficiency, die for me was killing demons with half darkness resist, that's not good combat design, i don't think they tested it at all. Killing the same demons 20 times in a row is also not fun at all, i'd rather have random battles.
>frogtranny smugs
>good immersion
The immersion is broken once you realize your retarded classmates could somehow cross the Vortex World without the aid of demons for most of the game. Other games made an effort to show that the Demon Summoning Program or other demonic abilities are borderline necessary to survive. Isamu being able to just sneak out of the hospital past Forneus when demons can sniff out humans is retarded. Chiaki losing her arm and being able to cross the Vortex World even still when you're being jumped left and right is retarded. Maniax content further breaks the immersion by having cross-promotion content. But you only care about ~aesthetics~ and not the actual story if you couldn't name Hikawa or the Amala Drums, so you wouldn't know any of these. You spout kino and other such buzzwords, but you frankly don't know a damn thing about the games if you suggested someone just watch a playthrough of SMT II instead of "wasting time" with fusing "monsters", or you think Strange Journey is absolutely ATLUS's best game. Because it looks cool, since that's all you know. Music links, box art, maps you looked up on GameFAGs. All easily searchable to jack off to, but never any talk about gameplay or even story. Fucking poser. Go back to /vg/.
In the artist's defense, she's crying really hard so she's not supposed to have a pretty face.
Why doesn’t Bino ever smile? :(
Nocturne's lack of voice acting contributes a lot to the atmosphere too. No human voices can be heard, only weird animalistic sounds. Mouths move but no human voices sounds come out. Adds to that feeling of isolation.
>mfw Aogami comes back
Makes sense I guess but I still don’t like it. The MC happy as hell to see him again while Tsukuyomi is dying feels all wrong. I think the latter half of VV falls off story wise and I wished it stuck with MC and Tsukuyomi to the end. It sucks that with all the improvements in the first half, which I thought was decent in the base game before I played VV, they couldn’t find a way to improve the second half which was what REALLY needed to be improved. I think Tao and Yoko are great from beginning to end though which I guess is something.
I did the final Qadistu fight and just got all 4 of their essences. My MC is mag build what skills would you recommend taking from them? I saw Lillith had Luster Candy and I feel like I should be putting that on a healer/buffer. Just making sure I chose right because I assume you only get their essences once?
If you were surrounded by hot and sexy female demons who clearly crave your dick but for some reasons you cannot lay a hand on them, you would never smile either.
You can fuse them again and get their essences it's just RNG/grindy/savescummy
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All the SMTs after Nocturne have voice acting and it never hurt the feeling or atmosphere of SMT.

Admit it chump, SMT VV is a combat simulator were they give the player literally everything, it's not a real SMT game.

God i hate Yoko and Taro so fucking much, worst addition to any SMT ever. Even worse than P4 Marie
oh nvm then I did them all, thanks anon.
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Genuinely it might be because he's the type of student who reads Japanese poetry books for fun. That is, he's just naturally gloomy like that. I think he smirks a bit when using certain unique skills though.
>only weird animalistic sounds
What the fuck kind of "animalistic sound" is Engrish? Don't answer that. Also that may not be an intentional design decision and instead a matter of not wanting to bother with it. Many other Megaten games around that era did not give the humans voice acting but did give the demons plenty of chatter during battle. Raidou is like this as well where some of them say identifiable phrases. I think vanilla Strange Journey may have also been like that but it took until Redux to give them anymore than HEH! or Uhuhuhu! sound effects. Meanwhile Devil Survivor Overclocked did give the humans full voice acting but all the demons go mmmmMMMMmmmmm.
Whore Naamah out for her Resists to MC, you just need to slap a Resist Phys on you for close to Resist ALL, and Resist Phys is definitely available by now
Honestly Nocturne never really immersed me much. 4 was where I was most immersed. The city being fucked beyond repair so you have to take long detours to get around, humanity having to live underground and scavenge for scraps, demons running wild in the streets, everyone having to walk around with weapons because things are that bad, etc etc. People complained about how annoying the overworld was to traverse but I think that really drove in the experience to me because it SHOULDN'T be easy to traverse a post-apocalyptic city. God damn if 5 was trying to be Nocturne 2 then I hope 6 is 4 3.0.
You look like shit abdiel. Literally like someone dipped you in shit and gave you a toothpick for a sword.
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>All the SMTs after Nocturne have voice acting
>Strange Journey had voice acting
Don't pretend that Redux counts for this argument.
Does CoC show how Abdiel fell?
Because that felt completely out of nowhere on Vengeance
Having to run Impaler's Animus is very annoying so Murakumo
I don't need all the music in a 60-hour-long RPG to sound similar. In fact, having a song like this https://youtu.be/W0RO-_bGASc?si=ZbrzxHalrW_SZhTu can help a one-off quest feel a lot more memorable.
>Does CoC show how Abdiel fell?
Yes, it's got a whole cutscene and everything
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V was trying to be Nocturne
VV is trying to be everything and ends up being nothing, the barrel in nahobino room just makes me laugh, it's so fucking sad that they even do shit like that.

Can't move forward, can't move back.

Yeah Redux, i never played the original one.
Yoko and Tao tightness...
Fugg only demons that have resist phys are level 60 and up and I'm level 55. Definitely something I'll do in the future though good idea
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Konohana Sakuya pantsu
She also blocks some ailments which is extra nice
As a matter of fact, the closest essence for such amazing affinities is Metatron which is way later
There should definitely be a Resist Phys essence from a chest in the area you're about to do/4th area
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None of the 50* hour long RPGs sound similar, they simply have something called direction, soul, and passion.

Mad GAS company theme is great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0vnlFS1_9o
for that very reason
Tao? Yes.
Yoko? Lmao, that cunt is probably roastie tier from all the furious hateful masturbation or mara dildos she shoved there already
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Yes, you actually see the process too. And she gets outright radicalized and corrupted by Ichiro, which was a strange subversion of what happens to human reps in general starting with Nocturne or so.
>Yeah Redux, i never played the original one.
And you jerk off the original one anyway as ATLUS's best and try to post maps of Eridanus as if that meant anything when you only (supposedly) played the version that made Eridanus easier to traverse? Jesus Christ.
Amala Drum. At least pretend you paid enough attention to the Nocturne LP you watched to know what it's even called. It's not something you can just miss since it's the save point.
>never played the original Strange Journey
Checks out.
This is why CoC should be played first, you also get to see the whole thing with the Demon King which is only referenced in CoV
Why are you guys arguing with a shitposting ESL retard who has admitted to not having played the games?
>Reduxbab acts like he knows shit about anything for tone, or themes, or art, or difficult dungeon crawling
In this case is the complete of Todd's, smt v level scaling is actually reverse level scaling.
>gay as fuck, giga soicore tranny vibes from this one
What does that even mean?
because we are also shitposting ESL retards who haven't played the game
Yoko has that quiet elegance about her, but I bet Tao fucks like a tiger.
SJ conversation suddenly make a lot of sense... Why would anyone play the original over the one with my wife Alex on the cover
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Small demon wives
I'm really just making fun of him, and it's an excuse to actually talk about the games in both gameplay and narrative on a level deeper than "look how cool this artstyle is".
Explain further how it's reversed. You mean like how you have to catch up or you're not going to do jack shit, as opposed to enemies playing catch up in Todd's "magnum opus"? I guess in that sense it would be reversed.
You can have mermaid as a navigator? What the fuck, really?
Yes, complete mermaid quest(2 quests) in first area
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Because the weebsite knows i'm real and i only speak the truth, even the ones that liked SMTVV, deep inside they know that it's a bad SMT.
V/VV has its moments, Going to fairy village and seeing how ethereal everything became once you exit Borderline red sand hell was really cool.
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Yes, you need to do both of her quests and wait for Amanozako to fuck off once you've advanced the story enough.
By far the cutest but also slowest navi.
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For the love of god please bring random encounters back in the next game. Theres a reason why the dungeons are so barren and devoid of any interesting mechanics or difficulty. They're so barren that you can't hide the fact the "puzzles" are a simple as switches and offer no interesting demon encounters. Youre just running down hallways doing nothing. I just did the new dungeon in 20 minutes literally what the fuck is this shit. Did the people at Atlus forgot how to make cool dungeons?
>please bring random encounters back
>please bring random encounters back
Kill yourself
In bethesda case enemies get automatically stronger the higher level you are thus making the whole leveling mechanic feel useless and unimportant.
Now for og smt v the level matter a lot as damage calculations use it, in practice it means a 5 or so level difference will make a battle a one sided stomp.
Her involvement in general is pretty hamfisted and poorly paced, even if you go through the Womb of Grief. She's both intrusive and destructive to the brutal extremism the game's endings can be but also absent and for the most part ignorable. Offered a cooler alternate Neutral ending than just sweeping the Schwarzwelt problem under the rug though I guess.
Dungeons were clearly a sidejob in V/VV despite how cool shakan looked. i think i wouldve liked the game more if they decided to just ditch them entirely for V/VV as they felt like a low point when compared to da’at.
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You just did the tower didn't you? Finally realized how bad SMTVV world design and encounters are huh? You tried to avoid it by playing it like a regular SMT until the game forced you to farm 50 nue.

Enjoy your giga shit slop world and encounters, we are never coming back from costco level design.
>Youre just running down hallways
>Did the new dungeon in 20 minutes
I know what you are.
I'm going to play Redux instead of thr original!!
>please bring random encounters back
kek,you are joking right?
Oh my fuck, I did the quest and got Anahita or however you spell that, didn't know there was more.

Am I really going to bench muu shuwuu, damn
I benched everyone for Alice
The quest-giving Mermaid did say that you should drop by sometime if you're in the area where she and her friends are after you clear out the curse. Another one that might be a little obscure to get as a navigator is Amabie, since you have to reload the area after taking her to Shinjuku to finish Macabre's quest, and then go talk to her since she'll be done with her performance.
You're 11 years late to complain.
the dungeons were always barren. Random encounters filled it up.

Much healthier option is to look at games like Paper Mario TTYD or Mario & Luigi which make actual crafted experiences for each dungeon, on top of also giving you unique enemy encounters for each to enjoy. + points if terrain or dungeon affect playstyle.
Alice can be a navigator too? Ok, is there a list somewhere
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Why don't you go back to Persona instead of latching to an IP you obviously don't like? Dungeon Crawling and SMT go hand in hand
I didn't use Mitama DLC I've just been doing a shit load of siquests and now my character can basically mog any demon encounter. I was level 54 and didn't run into any issues in there.

Give me one reason why it would be bad.
>Avoids mobs
You make no sense, random encounters suck ass, you want fights do so, you want to just get through an area, do so
SMT dungeons have been shit since SMT IV friend
The fact that your solution to a 'shit dungeon' is being forced to fight enemies(that you previously skipped on your own) as opposed to actual interesting design says enough
The only ones that matter:
Mermaid, Alice, Muh Shuvuu, Amanozako, Hua Po.
No one mentioned dungeon crawling you tranny, Random encounters are just fucking aids.
Please stop feeding the troll.
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>All the personababs crying about random encounters

That's hilarious.

Literally hate the IP but they can't help to be here anyways, raping it
Fuck no. The random encounters was the worst thing that happened in the previous games.
I love Muu Shuwuu's voice lines in english, this is gonna be a tough one
>Leaving out detective Pixie
That's crazy because to me , the people crying about random encounters ARE the trolls

They obviously missed the memo that every single other SMT had them and we loved them.

God i hate fucking zoomers and journalists so much, fucking pencil necked faggots made to be bashed with a fucking bat
My nigga Ippon-Datara needs some respect anon
>bring random encounters back in the next game
Why? Estoma was borderline mandatory so you don't get jumped by encounters 10 or 20 levels below you while you're just going from point A to point B. I can understand wanting the tension of ambushes again, but with how aggressive demons can be and also the navigator search points, you can get punished for being greedy or not paying attention to surroundings, instead of punished for just walking around in areas way below your level.
does anyone have the numbers for level scaling in OG V?
>post SMT1, a game where most people would just spam Estoma to avoid random encounters
Blue lipstick
>forgetting Jack o Lantern
You fucking hee hoe

I liked how they kept her detective theme as a navigator
Hey stupid faggots

How about you ask for a Fate/Stay without servants

Or a Mario without bing bing wahoo

Why do you have to be here crying about encounters and dungeons on a SMT?

God i fucking hate this place and the literal mouth breathers low IQ RETARDS that browse 4chins these day
Sorry, forgot about her.

They're not cute girls and are irrelevant in my eyes.
2 minutes without a reply so he tries again. What a sad existence
that one room in shakan were you had to avoid the appearing nue and tun from the kin-ki’s was the best moment in all the 3 dungeons SMTVV had.
But you know, now it makes sense how fucking stupid these threads are.
Legitimately how is this low-IQ third-worlder not banned yet? What the fuck are mods doing?
It is kinda funny this time since he went
>ask for a thing that already exists
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I'm right and you are low iq

low IQ retard with dogshit reflexes, why even avoid them
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>he says as he posts an image from SMT IV's manga, and everyone knows IV did not have traditional dungeon crawling
>and after admitting he didn't even play the original SJ and instead played Redux with its casualized dungeon crawling elements
Random encountere is so fucking aids and is nothing but padding in dog shit easy difficulties. the random encounters in SH made the game MISERABLY boring to me.

>run around dungeon
>see Orobas running around like a retard from time to time
>want to proceed through dungeon
>"haha theres a nue blocking your way bro kill it"
>"haha theres another nue blocking you kill it too"

Where are the interest dungeon mechanics? Room swaps, transporters, misfunctioning elevators, chase segments, demon side quests/conversations within the dungeons etc etc. It was literally just flip this switch once and keep going. How in the ever loving fuck is that interesting?

I'm not trolling retard, SMT has been fundamentally known as a DUNGEON CRAWLER. The fact so many people here are against it is perplexing

>Dungeon Crawling and SMT go hand in hand
>posts an image related to a game that did NOT have dungeon crawling

Pokemon my shit up faggot

Persona it

Kill it and rape it cause you don't want random encounters
You disengenious Nigger, no one is complaining about dungeons. Random encounters often turns to shit as its just fucking filler when you’re fighting low-level demons
So you want random encounters because 5% of the game will occasionally block something you're after with a wall of mobs, you're a dumb mother fucker or a troll, either way, last (You) from me
avatarfagging with ai shit should be punishable by death
you're actually the most blackest of monkeys, its insane how fucking black you are. kill yourself.
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>>posts an image related to a game that did NOT have dungeon crawling

it did. Remember this chapter? it was a classic SMT dungeon
I Traport to the Terminal
>Even just being 2 or 3 levels below a boss made fights incredibly difficult since everything you did was scaled down while you took obscene amounts of extra damage
I remember getting assraped multiple times because of this in SMT V
Why did you reply to that?
It was really fun dodging them. I loved thst area.
SMT IV has dungeon crawling, same as 3, 2, and 1. Even MT2 had the same style.
The only pure dungeon crawler metaten game is the very first which takes place entirely in a dungeon.
Overworld area was added as soon as the second game in the series.
Oh shit it's Nahobina with her magical TP powers
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Now AI scares me more and more. I was chatting with a girl in an anonymous chat, and it turned out that she was some kind of AI model for communication or something, I didn't really understand, but now I'm scared. She communicates like a real person
It would definitely hide this games lack of variety, fighting Nue and Orobas 20 fucking times in a row is a little boring
so by your logic old final fanatsy,tales of and basically every jrpge in ps1 is a dungeon crawler
Shin Megami Tensei?
moe birb sex???? where can i get?
Gladys Labola or whatever you use to fuse Naamah has resist phys, does the essence have it?
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Why dodge them? You can't really dodge all of them, might as well just farm them with your 4 turbo niggers that shit on kin-ki and Nue for the TRVE souless Costco SMTVV experience.

>feels proud for dodging them when Nahobina is faster than the mobs

Hey, good job buddy, real proud of ya sport.
>SMT IV has dungeon crawling
Too bad the dungeons are shit lol. SJ might unironically be the last time the SMT team made a good dungeon
>it was a classic SMT dungeon
You can't be fucking serious.
It’s weird how a lot of demons keep going “you smell like human” when Tao and Yoko are canonically with you for most of the game and can’t hide in the Demon Stock (with their switch animation just being running offscreen)
I'm tired of every thread going from a good time to a single retard shitting it up
I am. It's literally a SMT I / Nocturne Dungeon. Stairs and rooms
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At least this isn't a porn ERP thread or some gacha trash. Those make up half the catalog at all times.
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>"wah wah I don't like people having differing opinions on my favorite game I need my hug box!!"

Neck yourself
Demons in negotiation are and always have been retarded. They'll only notice that you have one of their own in your party if you talk to them, even if they attacked it just moments before.
mods would be actually doing their job if it was.
What are you people smoking.

Dungeons in SMT games are always garbage tier and either labyrinths full of teleport shit or simple corridors with nothing in them.

If anything this is a step in the right direction since it has some verticality to it finally, but not much.
Kaneko was the one who worked on 3 Doi started on 4 and onwards.
The people replying to it as if it's an actual human capable of thought are the real issue. Genuinely baffling that mods do nothing, though.
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I refuse to believe this is a real person.
What group of Discord trannies did these threads piss off? Come on, own up to it.
I think they don't give a single shit about Tao or Yoko(beyond killing them) but find you interesting because you aren't human but is at the same time
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>"stairs and rooms" are all it takes to have a traditional dungeon crawling experience
Guess VV is a traditional dungeon crawler because Shakan has both of those things.
Anon, /v/ and /vg/ have several schizos like him, he's not even a rare occurence.
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I really should get back to playing P1.
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This isn't even the worst of /v/
There is a problem with the fact that you can just sprint through a dungeon with no fights. I played VV like a bosh rush game. The only reason I fought randoms was for my completionist autism. Matador + loa made random encounters even more pointless because you can just auto kil everyone with 90% efficiency.
i should emulate it or wait for the cracked release?
I'd much rather take 200 posts with zero replies over 200 replies and another 200 responses to those in every single thread about a game I like.
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Nah, demons in negotiation are just retarded, fickle, and have insane tunnel vision. Always have been. And I hope they always will be, because that's a good part of the charm of the franchise. Yes, do ask for Life Stones only to thank me with a Life Stone. Do leave me if I give in to your demands. Converse with me even while I'm playing dead. Give me "no right answer" questions, and automatically join me because you think I'm ballsy for calling you ugly to your face. Reference this being a video game at all. Attack your own kind, only to leave me alone if I talk to you because you notice that your buddy is with me. Ask me to dance for you. Challenge me to an arm wrestle when you have no arms. Kick up a fuss only to calm down once I scold you. Beg for your life only to act like we're buddies once I spare you.
If a demon does not act like a schizo at any point and is completely reasonable, it's hardly a demon negotiation at that point.
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And done. Lucifer does feel a little limp at the end, but I don't think I could've sat through another long boss. Overall fantastic, though the last leg of the game does stick out in having so little that's new. Once it got back on track with the story again though I enjoyed it. Cheesy ass Aogami return and all. Its probably the most all around solid SMT, there is a certain something of the older games it doesn't quite capture but makes up for it by having two reps I was tempted by.

I really want to see the devs make a completely new game now. One where they have a concept from the start and stick to it rather than V's rocky development.
So, what's the best new nav for Incense/Sutra farming and also best area/spot?
What about money?
Mandrake and Sandman have funny death screams
>We are going to pretend SMT IV exists and released a decade ago.
Money maker might be Sukuna-Hikona in Shinjuku. Growth items might be Muu Shuwuu or Alice, not sure.
>Lucifer does feel a little limp at the end
Is that a Vengeance thing? Lucy was a rough fight for me in Creation. Three stages and those fucking stars he'd summon completely drained me of resources.
It actually freaks me out when they join right after hitting talk, a queen medb did that yesterday for me, hit talk, she said I look like I'm in trouble and just joined

Other times, they'll take everything you give and fuck off anyway, it's funny
Pixie seems to find more sutras/incenses, but Alice finds them less frequently, but finds a lot of gems which can be traded for incenses. Not really sure which ends up being better.
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Has anyone tried out this mod yet? Seems interesting for a NG+ playthrough, just wondering if it's stable since its updated so often
And i'd rather have my favorite IP not raped by Journalist and zoomers but hey, here we are.

Care to tell me how poogers the combat is when everything is given to the player?
It's deca, the starfish dude. He has bonus spots with good drops and his gem drops are basically a free incense each time you get it. The best spot is Odaiba which you unlock from a sidequest in the 4th area. Best for money is the DLC but if you don't have that, get a high encounter rate guy like ippon-daturwhatever the one-legged earrape guy and go to Odaiba, you'll see tons of mitama spawns, including some of the gold ones.
Tehom is a serious endurance test so you have to be beefy going in. By comparison Lucy goes down a lot faster.
lol he got no dick
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Waiting for Tom to finish translating Megami Ibunroku Persona. Unironically the game I’m looking forward to the most atm.
Yeah, the stability's what I'm worried about. Since info's baked into saves, at worst, you could potentially perma-brick the save if something in the mod goes wrong. More likely, if the mod author decides to move shit around later to better organize the demon list or for some future mod that adds extra demon slots, it'd completely fuck up your roster. The garbage leftover data could potentially cause issues.
Maybe it's just fearmongering, but Skyrim's taught me to be careful.
Why not just take the PSP translation and put it into the PS1 version?
>shitphone user

yup, average SMTVV poster
You don't own a phone? I can't be at my personal PC all the time.
But why? it has random encounters, you can't avoid battles and destroy clutters of monsters because fuck level design. It doesn't even have the persona music, bruh that's cringe breh
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At least from what I saw he hasn't changed demon listing but apparently him changing fusions hasn't broken anything yet, once I finish CoV I might as well slap it on to have more variety, at the pace he's going I'll probably have a fair bit to toy around with at least

I wonder if they actually have unique attack animations though
Don't really like how the demons are direct Dx2 imports in the stat department too since there's some serious power creep.
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Some of them seem fine like Morrigan and Maaya at least, I was never going to actually use some like Helel anyways
Should I level my MC and demons to 150 before starting a Godborn playthrough or is 99 doable?
From the previews, Maya and Helel do. I only played with Helel briefly, but some of the visual effects are a bit borked, but it does mostly work. It'd be hard to give all the demons entirely new, unique animations considering dx2 usually just uses generic attack animations just with fancy visual effects, and those may not be easy to port over.
Maya is actually stronger here than in Dx2, she's really bad there.
I don’t know, but the translation is probably going to be more accurate than the PSP version’s so I’m fine with it.
>copy save before beating the final boss
>try godborn on that save
>if it's okay at lv 99, great
>if not, grind on the other save, beat the final boss again, and do godborn on 150
Why the fuck does this look like she was supposed to be in the game the entire time. A lot of the DX2 models this dude imported fit in really well.
i have post notifs for him and i hate when he keeps teasing that hes working on it every couple of months. So annoying…
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do these ported demons have animations for their attacks?
I prefer that to radio silence. At least I know he’s still enthusiastic about it.
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I couldn't tell you how he does it but that's why I want it, they mostly seem fine

In this video Marici has unique animations at least
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Megami Tensei: Demon Fucker when? eraMegaten isn't cutting it.
Godborne is not hard I went in at level 99 and am slaughtering everything still
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>pick DDS back up at Coordinate 136
>ends every random encounter with barely any health
grinding here will be fun...
Did they fix the portrait mod not working on enemies? That's what made me drop it
Would have been neat to get Uber Pixie as a second guest
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that was way easier than satan wtf I remember this fight being hard as fuck when I fought him in vanilla
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>God i hate Yoko and Taro so fucking much
The PSP translation is on par with the rest of the series but SMT fans pretending to be hardcore super-fans get confused and mix up the awful original PS1 translation with the PSP version. They also love to pretend there's a version of the game that makes it good, and it's always the untranslated one. This happened with If... where people wanted it for a decade and when it finally happened, they found out the game is really bad. So they pivoted to OH WE NEED THE PS1 VERSION BRO. This was true with smt2 though, since it translated the first version of the SNES version, which had bugs like stat overflow with buffs making you do 1 damage and armor resistances flat-out not working so you were vulnerable to mudo for the entire game.

I want Giten Megami Tensei translated, rather than retranslating shit that's already got a good translation you could just jam in there. Some light novel translator is the one working on it, very slowly. But then all the fanfare is for *another* shitty If... translation which they think will magically make World of Sloth not suck.
was this on hard? he's pushing my shit in, and I beat him in Vanilla, I no longer can skip his full heal with seal QQ
Telling Tao I’ll side with her only if she never shaves her pubes again and having Tao permanently look at me with disgust from then on but putting up with it for the sake of a World of Law.
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This was closer than I would have liked.
If… is great though?
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oh great yet another thread where people endlessly took the bait, surely now he will fuck off and we totally won't repeat the same fucking cycle next thread, WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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Diamond Realm DLC when...
smtvv fans are hopeless
yes, he just plain does less damage than satan, although his demons are a bit more annoying
I personally just skipped over his mid fight heal, got him to almost 50% then impalers glory +omagatoki charge+paraselene blur easily did over half his hp bar in a turn
Yeah once you actually play it instead of jerking off the cover art though, it sucks. Every part of it sucks.
>guardian system is hacked together and actively works against the MC since it will rob points to put into fucking int which does nothing
>no control over spells your companion learns, plus they also can skip entire tiers of spells if you skip ranks which can cause you to miss important spells like estoma
>worst dungeons in the franchise like world of sloth which you will not be able to tell me why it's bad because you're a fake fan. The first two are basically go up and down stairs.
>no story until the final dungeon and only on Reiko's route. Yes, the secret story is bad too.
>sword fusion is bloated for no reason
>guns are nerfed by making you buy ammo, but then it doesn't even refresh ammo from your inventory so if you want to use it you'd have to manually equip the stacks each time which nobody will bother with
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Fine i'll stop truthposting.......for now
no you won't you dopamine starved brown failure of an existence
Literally me.
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You're a stupid fucking nigger.
>I no longer can skip his full heal with seal QQ
Yes you can. Use Omagatoki:Hit and use a seal skill.
I personally think the only bad dungeon was Sloth which can easily be skipped. In spite of everything you point out I love the game. I love the professor that keeps coming back as a boss, I like that the game has a secret route with an entertaining partner that’s obtuse to even start. Like most megaten games it has a bunch of small inconspicuous details that add personality to it. I think it’s easy to like a heavily flawed game if you can tell the people working on it had a fun time.
I hate gays
That is all
Yoko would never
I used all of my somas against Demi-Fiend. Where do I get more to fight Satan?
So you think the first two where you just walk up and down some stairs is cool? Envy is cool I guess if you like running around in the dark with no map for 5 floors. Greed has a cool gimmick for the boss fight and I like the final dungeon (not the memory one, that one sucks). That and the asset recycling makes it an easy choice for me as the worst SMT game by a mile and I'm kind of tired of people jerking it off because a youtuber was fishing for content so he hyped it up as this legendary game. Like I know this dude >>681545691 has definitely never touched it. We both know he hasn't.

>hold up guys the game doesn't suck if you skip the dungeon with this secret speedrun strat
You're also not using a speedrun strat in a honest run of the game. You can figure out a safe spot by running through the tunnel you help dig out.
>I think the idea of sloth is cool
Yeah a 3-hour (if you play as intended) troll that they want you to go through in every route except Akira is soooooo cooool. I'll put it in my video essay about ludonarrative harmony.

No, SMT2 came out months before that game and it's this epic cyberpunk/apocalyptic adventure and then If... is you running back and forth in a tunnel with no story and 100% recycled bullshit.
i've hit a wall and there's nothing i can do. i give up
You come off as really bitter which I guess I don’t blame you for? I dunno I still think it’s a great time. I just think the idea of a school shooter sending his entire school to the expanse is a fun idea and I like how it uses a route system to show you how certain characters would act in a situation. I understand most people not being as into that premise and tolerant of it’s flaws as me which is alright. I also like how Persona 1 does it again as a neat throwback but with a more entertaining set of background characters.
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pussy ass bitch
What was Raydou doing during ww2?
Isn't protecting Tokyo from nukes his job?
Was he commiting warcrimes in China with Moh Shuvuu

They did a pretty great job with art direction desu
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The direction in cutscenes is consistently pretty amazing, and I often found myself just staring off at the crazy areas. At worst I'd say much is just cool rocks without much meaning. though Nocturne is pretty guilty of that too.
>murakumo cheese
You didn’t beat him
Vengeance has so many actual strategies that Murakumo is far from optimal and maybe even soulful.
It's not 2022 anymore grandpa
Murakumo is now the retarded step child in VV.
I used paraselene blur cheese thank you very much
I will breed Alice till she's pregnant with triplets.
Mmm, blue cheese...
right before the final boss and i'm assuming "powerful" vs "extremely powerful" is picking between regular and true lucifer?
true lucifer is still easy as shit so might as well
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i am hehos worst enemy
My ass is powerful. They shouldn't even be giving you an option because extremely powerful should have been how his fight was in base. Imagine making Shiva a prerequisite to fighting Lucy and then making him weaker. The people making Base V were sniffing paint making that game and VV only makes that even more true.
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Yet you take part in it, curious
nah I prefer the new look. most demons and characters back then looked like fugly porcelain dolls
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Chaos is for morons and Law is for cowards! Humanity is the true path!
Tao, you speak one more time to me out of line, I will put you in the monkey prison alongside Isabeau and Masao. I am this close to siding with the mega-autist that is Yoko.
i want to have sex with Yoko while Tao masturbates from the cuck chair.
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I'm almost at the end of vengeance and I absolutely prefer the original story over this garbage. instead of fixing tao she's even more of a retard all the way up until the 4th area. shakan is too simple and short, plus nothing is really accomplished there. the qadistu weren't as prominent as I expected and simply peter out. lastly I can't believe all we get for this re-release is 2 new endings. I'd have preferred new endings for the creation side on top of new or fixed cutscenes.
SMT 1's neutral ending leads to SMT 2 where literally NOTHING changed. The only thing it did was fuck up Aleph's life for probably all eternity.
>Instead of humiliating her in front of all of bethel, your revenge is to leave her alive
>1 turn
>when it clearly takes 2
>androids are le bad
I don't give a shit about your Neutral bullshit! Human nature is progress! Wipe Chaos from existence! Overthrow Law by its nature!
Dumb cocksleeve to the Great Will. Needs rape corruption.
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sex with a cute teacher in a postapocalyptic world on a hospital rooftop
sex with a cute teacher in a postapocalyptic world on a hospital rooftop
sex with a cute teacher in a postapocalyptic world on a hospital rooftop
sex with a cute teacher in a postapocalyptic world on a hospital rooftop
sex with a cute teacher in a postapocalyptic world on a hospital rooftop
sex with a cute teacher in a postapocalyptic world on a hospital rooftop
What the fuck is with the fox's weird dance.
my demifiend build was
MC with murakumo crit build str repel phys
all demons / MC with end soul / abyssal mask and weak resistances covered
amon with megido flame / fire pleromas, greater life spring tank
masakado w/ crit build tank
demeter boon boost ex plus abs phys luster candy
baal repel phys, all severe AOE w/ safeguard and previously mentioned skills
nuwa w/ safeguard, drain phys boon boost ex and luster candy
amon ra same as nua
danu w/ same build as demeter
and any avian for sealing demi-fiend at 50% hp w/ magatsuhi avian ability
golden apple bitch and dlc bitch are really good too
>shit trap demons that look good but aren't for demi-fiend
beelzebub is kinda shit, same with metatron. mostly used for support / essenses / fusions
shiva doesn't have the mana / dmg output required, but can be good for debuffing with tandava
>good demons that i didn't mention
safeguard mother harlot w/ severe lightning aoe spam
konohana sakuya
probably any of the post-game unlocks such as michael, abdiel, maria and innana
odin pure gungnir crit build
zeus crit build
amanozako (passive)

fight's fucking hard and you need to abuse repel/abs phys and know how DF's ai works but it's a fun fight
The original PS2 version looks even worse.
Lower internal resolution and lower texture resolution too.
Even if you emulate it, it looks worse than th remaster.

t. Played through the translated Maniax Chronicles Edition on PCSX2 before buying the remaster
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>sex is for fags
This but unironically.
Sex is ephemeral.
Travelling a post-apocalyptic world with your bros, demons or humans, sticks with you until death.
>multiple level 99 demons including ones with innate low levels
You didn't beat the endgame and postgame, and you did use Mitama DLC
>you didn't...ACK!
fuck off back to your Elden Ring thread, underaged retard

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