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the fuck are those dimensions?
Is that supposed to be young link or adult link? either way the body proportions are FUCKED.
DO NOT hire This Man.
This meme officially stopped being funny when Sega went "Hey, let's actually do that.".
Looks better than the Link's Awakening Remake
It only made it funnier.
That looks like shit
Adult link in the ugly artstyle of the gamboy remake and zelda as a main character spin-off
Legit doesn't look too bad

Looks like some early model, it looks more like WW in the video
Complete opposite, that made it even better. I love laughing at Sega's incompetence.
Why isnt this Italian faggot who kept making this game for a DECADE with patreon bux arrested yet or C&D?
why is Nintendo not giving a fuck about his insane project?
They can't do shit unless he releases something.
More like
skimmed through your video.

I have to agree with >>681517883

it seems like this guys only real contributions are the models which all look like absolute dogshit and don't follow the design philosophies of WW in the slightest.
that was a Nintendo "hire this man" moment
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>Young Link
I have no idea what this is but I agree anyway
He's been paywalling that shit for YEARS my dude, and getting constant money from Patreon retards.
It's better than releasing shit for him, he's in a win/win situation that sleazy asshat
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You had my curiosity. Now you have my attention.
Saria is FAT
Is that because sages do nothing all day?
huh so this is just a romhack of windwaker to look like ocarina of time?
He's remaking OoT in WW's engine
What a fucking waste of time.. just make a brand new game ffs.
There's already the OoT remake on 3ds and you can even play it in full 3d with a Quest 3 if you must in higher resolution
Hey, these actually look pretty good.
>implying harem mechanics
I'm listening.
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It's not just pre-made assets slapped into Unreal 4/5 so it could be worse
This. Why go through all that effort for something you'll never be able to profit from. You put in the work, get paid. You could absolute get not-OoT kickstarted.

>removing the cartoony aesthetic in favor of "realism"
Excuse me while I fucking vomit blood all over the walls and floor.
I fucking hate these untalented attention whores, none woud give a shit about them if they just create their indieslop without stealing assets
that adult link with short legs looks bad
Yeah. Pass on that adult Link, looks off
>everything should be motivated by profit first
there's already an adult link model in WW with the hero of time statue idk why he wouldn't just edit that into a player model.
They would rather sue him instead.
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That's the Wind Waker style, the HoT statue has Lanky Kong arms and short legs. But the statue's hair style is nothing like OoT Link's.
I know you're most likely a sad NEET , but like they say "time is money".
So yeah why do you think tons of modders these days are paywalling their crap and going to Patreon/kofi and the likes? it's sad but doing something great for free is also quite dumb.
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Someone already did that and it just looks off.
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I think something based off this concept art probably wouldn't look too bad.
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Agreed. The same modder did something similar for Skyward Sword but I'd rather see Chad ALTTP Link (artwork) be in a game instead of the shitty Funky Pop aesthetic.
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Profit over passion will never not be depressing to me. Life shouldn't be about soulless toil like a slave, or some endless hustle to collect cash, it should be about dreams. It's all miserable compromise and I despise it, and I hate that so few people are able to escape it to be actually free, instead falling into an endless soul sucking cycle of drudgery or begging for approval or both. This person is doing this out of passion, and it'll be chewed up and left to rot forgotten like every other such project due to legal bullshit and drama. It's like watching a flower trying its best to bloom in poisoned soil, only to wither and die.
I second this. I couldn't care less if one's project doesn't fully align with my personal tastes. When you can tell they do it out of love and care in such a soulless and corporate world we live in, then that gives me faith that not everyone on this space rock we suffer on has given up. I'd rather die poor knowing I did what I loved than to sell my soul for some years of earthly pleasures.
Unironically this entire mindset is encouraged by shit like copyright
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Hear hear, anon. But hopefully we won't have to fall into the gears. I hope this person keeps pursuing what they love and have passion for, but I also hope they're doing okay in a world that doesn't care very much and frankly has no reason to. Let's all do what we have to to make it, without losing that light inside us.
It's just the awful WW artstyle
Why is Nintendo afraid of doing a game like this?
I don't just mean the art style, but the way the past games in the series moved and controlled. It's been a decline since Skyward Sword and even the top-down games don't hold a candle to how great ALTTP felt to control.
I'm sure it's not the fault of any one person. The teams and direction they've had lately just aren't like the old team for better or worse.
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Looks fine to me.
cool self post I guess but your models and textures are fucking shit and no amount of coping will ever change that
but he's not even trying to emulate the style.
this guy's models are just the OOT models with shittier textures and le wacky stubby legs
Look at the head models from this mod and tell me they fit in WW.

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