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Adol speaks now, haha....
they are re releasing this again?
Voices sound bad, new drawings look like shit. Typical xSneed slop.
>cutscenes are still in the old artstyle
Think this will come as a free update for PC?
what is the point
looks like it, I honestly got no clue on what's going on
It's a remake not a port
>Adol speaks now, haha....
he talked in Ys 8 already
It's a new version Falcom made for Switch last year.
>looks the same as the older one
looks like a port of the PSP game because it has the boost mechanic
>Turbo mode
>Double the speed
Excuse me what the fuck?
I want to play that shit, now!
Falcom LUDO is back on the menu.
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I literally have no idea which is which
XSNEED still having Oath confirms they've been sitting on CS I/II when they could've localized their existing Switch ports.
Left is the old art (read: itself already a remake).
How are the modern Ys games anyway? Any good?
Right looks soulless so it has to be that.
Sure, but you're not gonna get obsessed with them. Still fun though.
the fuck are these dudes smoking
i literally just finished Lacrimosa of Dana, amazing fucking game
don't know about Monstrum Nox yet and Celceta is eh, if you still count that as modern
which one looks like generic modern rpg shit? that's the new one
Any Ys game from Seven onwards is modern.
If you liked 8 there are many things to like about 9. You're also probably gonna hate a lot of things.
i hate the premise already
but i will get it somewhere down the line
40% is not enough of a discount for me, might as well pirate it
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I played like half of Ys 1 (the remake one) and a bit of this Ys Felghana and i just DONT get the fucking appeal.
It's soooo fucking basic and just mashing buttons and jumping shit, with trashy stories.
Sell me on this series, when does it get good ffs?? cause it feels like mindless hack n slash and dodge
Why try so hard to like it?
The premise isn't the worse thing about it imo but it certainly doesn't make things easy. The game is a tiny bit more enjoyable the more previous games you've played because it incorporates some callbacks into the story. It's the last game in the timeline but they clearly meant for you to play it with 8 still fresh on your mind.
>Why try so hard to like it?
Because almost every fuckface out there is shilling the Ys series like it's some masterpiece... where it feels like some 5 or 6/10 at best that a 10 year old would enjoy
You made your opinion for it, stick with it.
>Adol speaks now, haha....
Well, into the trash it goes
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Ys 1 is shit and so is every game with bump combat.
Oath, however is excellent. Not because the combat is deep or anything, as you saw it was rather basic. But when you get to the bosses and their patterns that will have you dying again and again, you'll see the appeal. And the normal sections are great too because of that godlike power rock ost.
Its just fun vidya gaems, mate.
I still had fun with IX, but it's a downgrade compared to VIII in most respects. VIII has great variety and keeps changing things up and evolving as the game goes on while IX is very repetitive and rigid.
Soultards toddlers don't know about Felghana on nightmare
Thanks for your honest response anon, i'll give it anon go later, hopefully it just "clicks" eventually. And yeah i agree with what you said about Ys 1...that gameplay was archaic.
Celceta is TRASH
fine, fine i will give it a shot
Ys1 and ys2 are unironically kino
Oath in felghana is legitimately really good. Though sometimes it was quite hard.
Bloated. The games should never have went past >15 hours average completion time.
They will never get it because they can't escape "the clunkyness" boogeyman. But it's ok, not everyone has to share the same taste i guess.
dunno why you replied to me, but i agree
Felghana is absolutely amazing
It's exactly the same game wtf did they remake
The font color is slightly different, that'll be 40 bucks + tip + tax :^)
You can play the game in speed x2
If you're a nostalgiafag boomer, sure.
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Perhaps, but they play like shit. Bump combat is not fun and the bosses are terribly designed.
>Ark over Oath
explain yourself right now
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>Adol grunts every time he jumps
if they don't have an option to turn that shit off, this """"""""""""remaster""""""""""" will get slam dunked into the trash with the force of a meteor
megaman x4 came out over 25 years ago and there are still fucktards who haven't learned from it and its constant HOO HAH HOH bullshit
Comfier setting, like the characters and story more
First time playing a game where the MC constantly grunts and it's always the same two or three voices?
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Into the trash it goes
Filtered by bump combat
no but i wish it was the fucking last, especially when they're taking an already existing game and adding some shit-ass voice acting it doesn't need
i first played felghana on PC well over a decade ago and not for a fucking millionth of an attosecond did i think "man it would be so epic if this game was voiced heehee hoohoo"
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couldn't be me
NOBODY is getting filtered by bump combat, lil bud. It just sucks ass as a system.
>he doesn't love the cacophony of zero's hu hah huh and more
No, seriously, do you have any experience with japanese games at all? Fighting games, even?
Double boost ruins the difficulty.
VA sucks.
Not gonna double dip.
It's not a remake, it's a port with new art
Ys2 bosses are much better due to it becoming a pseudo schmup but also much easier since they're just not designed poorly.
Dark Fact alone is peak kino bump combat in Ys1 tho
>a ton of japanese games do this stupid shit so it's ok to add it to a game that didn't originally have it, let alone need it
eat shit
Holy shit taste.
Left has soul so that's classic.
If someone rates Ark higher than Oath or Origin, it's almost always because "muh comfy setting" even though gameplay wise it's a lot worse than those two.
Too many out of the way invisible chests for my liking...
>especially when they're taking an already existing game and adding some shit-ass voice acting it doesn't need
Hahahahah you should see the PSP version of Felghana.
I understood the reference.
i had no idea the psp version added this shit, glad i never touched it
I ask you to explain why you like it. I've seen an anon on this thread saying it's overrated or whatever, i played the 1st and i think i sincerely don't get it. Up until the tower it was just a mediocre RPG, the shrine dungeon and the mines are essentially the same to me. At least the tower changed it up a bit with the mirror rooms and the transition rooms. I really liked how they made it so that when you get on the higher floors, the background actually changes instead of just being lazy and copy pasting it. I need to play origins since i think that one is 100% in the tower so maybe i'll like it.
The VA was added as a free update years ago with additional soundtracks from the previous versions. I don't think they'll do anything else with it.
I hate it.
You should see the different localization script. PC version is something more elegant while the PSP is your 00s anime dub cringe
>play oath in felghana
>download japanese voice files
yep, it's adventurin' time
generic budget jrpgs where you press flash guard and spam your abilities
>remake of a remake
How void of creativity is the video game industry?
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Dana won btw.
If you liked the gameplay of Felghana you'll love Origin.
Ys I has genuinely clunky bosses but honestly I deeply enjoyed it and II because I expected a simple cheap game and got a simple cheap game. You have to remember that despite being remakes, these games are among the one of the first generations of JRPGs with a semblance of plot. I remember getting a bit annoyed at the lava caves of 2 but overall the low-effort gameplay can be soothing for some people.
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These games cost like 100k to produce
See >>681520587
I didn't play Felghana yet, only the very first one and i am still not sure if i'll go through the 2nd book.
>I expected a simple cheap game and got a simple cheap game
Maybe that's the problem. I always see people posting 3x3 with ys 1 and 2 on it, and talking about how good they are. I didn't expect a simple cheap game, i expected a solid RPG about a dude that wanted to go on an adventure and just felt cheated. I was fine with the combat, since just wanted to feel like i was seeing new places and making use of items i found, since that's what an adventure is in my head. But it all just kinda melded together, sadly.
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I like the setting and the mystery of the land's history, how the game wastes 0 time and you're always moving forward, how it makes you feel like a badass that manages to beat beings above you with pure mc guffin collecting and sword skills. The bump system is preferable to the turn based system many jrpgs from the 80s had and makes grinding fast and painless. The visuals, artwork and presentation are very nice and the music is godly and sets the mood perfectly. It's a short and sweet game that you can still appreciate today. If not, too bad, who cares. I never said i preferred bump combat to later iterations or other action games but the game is a product of its time. If they somehow could remake it in 3D with an infinite budget and without losing any of the soul in the process it would be extremely cool. And even then i will still be able to appreciate the original.
bump combat is fun and the bosses are a great exploration of how to give depth to the simplest of systems.
and skipped.
>pleasant to the eyes art = souless
>ugly abomination and dated art = soul
do tasteless retards really? lol
remaketard with no taste, many such cases
>game about Dogi's hometown
>only seen for a split second in the trailer

The hate for Dogi even extends to the game's publishers.
I find noses pleasant thank you very much
cry more, grandpa.
>his name is Dark Fact

That is the dumbest name I've ever heard for a villain. It's like calling the Ice Cream man "Cone".
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That was an artstyle choice.
Shitty shading to make the nose's shape. It's not bad if it's all we had but the alternative is better so...pointless.
>his name is Adolf Christian
Want to see a worse name?

Dark Fukt
That's why Falcom games are godlike, pure videogame kino with no pretensions of being something else.
nordics was so trash that falcom just had to re-release good games
Its an "RPG" as an arcade game. They're very video-gamey games.
Its not about depth so much is it about simple but fast challenging gameplay.
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>It's soooo fucking basic and just mashing buttons and jumping shit
you can say that about any fucking game ever released dude
I think they were made as an answer to how complex jrpgs like dragon slayer and xanadu were filtering many people. So they tried to come up with a recipe that would streamline many aspects. Ys tries to fill a very specific role. Complaining that it feels like a mindless hack and slash is missing the point.
So wait, is that a port of that Switch version to other consoles or what?
>end splash screen has switch
So no, its another version, after we just got a "new" version?
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Thoughts on Sean Chiplock, the VA of Rean Schwarzer from the hit series Trails of Cold Steel, being a groomer?
No idea but the other person saying that they are triggered makes me lose all respect immediately.
>dub VA
i know i definitely don't because i find cold steel extremely boring, but who the fuck cares?
Oof, what was bad about it?
Is it possible? Karja seems so cute and has a nice ass.
this is the closest falcom will ever come to making a new game with no flash guard

its funny, they put so much work into boss patterns but none of it matters cus lol flashguard
I could not care less but apologizing like that is kind of cringe.
They really should never have allowed you to have iframes after a flash maneuver, let alone being able to stack them. Also put unblockable attacks in or attacks you have to jump etc. That said, the games are kinda balanced around the fact that you're able to do all that so it's not horrible, just a bit of a waste.
Haha... Guess he didn't hold back...
Because its one of the best ys games due to its short length.
Memories of celceta is the worst game in the series after origin
wut? 20 hours isnt really short
its one of the best ys games cause its one of 3 games that arent bump or party shit, and 1 of those 3 games isn't done all that well
I keep forgetting consolebabs don't have access to all of the Ys games, glad they're finally getting this one, it's a great game
Oath is like 8 hours tops.
>add voice acting
Wow, good job ruining it.
memories of celceta is the only average game in the series
rest are great or masterpieces
maybe on baby mode... heh

And in 9 (Venom Adol still counts)
Tasteless retards really do. They think that everyone should wade in shit because they waded in shit first.
Literally every dub union VA is a sexpest, their cabal swept it up for a paedophile that has publicly called a teenage boy "jailbait" and started throwing around suicide bait and legal threats the moment the kid tried to talk about what he did to him. Daman Mills was the guy's name, look it up.
>Leftoid creature getting outed for being a groomer
I'm not surprised.
I fucking loved Origins so I'll get this day 1
Anon, you can grind difficulty away on all Ys games but Ys 1.
Technically Adol had voice since Ys 7, he had voice clips for attacks in Japanese version. In Memories of Celceta they added those dumb pointless "select what to say next" so he had "dialogue". In 9 they added voice for Crimson King and 10 has full on voice acting for Adol.
Shits fucked.
>Anon, you can grind difficulty away on all Ys games but Ys 1.
And tell me how long that takes on nightmare
>after origin
what are you talking about? Origin is GOATed
for what it's worth, i didn't hate my time with Celceta, i guess you could say it is the worst of the series but given how good the other games are that is not much of an insult
Dunno, after beating Ark on Nightmare I swore to never play Ys games on Nightmare again. Or specifically on highest difficulty since they introduced shitload of new, "higher" difficulties in modern games so Nightmare became basically Hard.
origin as toal on nightmare raped me, i had to watch the ending on youtube before collecting myself and forcing myself to grind some levels and try again
I kinda started playing the series in a weird order and haven't touched the ark engine games yet. Do you get to pause and heal hp like in the party based games? Because nightmare means nothing there, people can spam items all day even reviving party members. The only people that do it legit also no damage it.
No mid battle healing.
you can heal mid battle in ark only
ok thank god
In Ark you can get up to 3 healing items that are used automatically if you play the default mode. Other mode (don't remember the name), Oath and Origin offer no midboss healing, you only heal from getting herb drops off enemies.
Fact is the name of one of the 6 clans of Ys Priests.

and the Fact clan is full of dicks.

all assholes in some way
>Thank you very much for saving me
UGh, why do non-union VA talent have so much SOUL! One of the things that have undeniably improved since the Troy/Laura/Liam O'Brien shit era of americafag VA.
cant they just release ys 'classic' collection with all the titles prior to 8? they've all been ported and work flawlessly on pc, so porting these to controls and adding some menus wouldn't hurt it. honestly i still haven't played origins myself, and i forgot to finish 7.
They also voice loli characters waaay better now. It used to be the number 1 spot to look for cringe
He tried to fix a young woman in danger of cutting her breasts off. He did nothing wrong.
>Dunno, after beating Ark on Nightmare I swore to never play Ys games on Nightmare again
Fake fans. Ys was made to be played on nightmare.
dont care
might do it later
Why are they announcing this before Ys X English release? Just give us the fucking date
man i really hope durante pulls up with 2 player co-op for X, should be even better with only a 2-player party
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I didn't feel anything.
Good thing it's getting a physical release
napishtim requires grinding because the damage formula makes you do literally 0 damage if you're too low level
bump combat is great
the song itself is great and emotional, but the character is whatever lol
ys story only started becoming impactful with 7 and peaked with 8
He really is /ourguy/
I beat both a few months ago. It's short, it looks nice, sounds great, is fairly challenging, and the bump combat is simple and satisfying. It's a video game at its core.
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I just played through the game on normal and it took 10 hours.
So what's the "lore" order of the series
the timeline is
Oath of Felghana (3)
Memories of Celceta (4)
Ark of Naphastiam (6)
the lore was abandoned 20 years ago its not like it matters anymore
This game is not worth the 40 dollars they'll inevitably charge dor it.
yea im aware baby mode is shorter
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nothing matters anymore
Old race of technologically advanced humans left for the heavens after humans got too greedy with learning their technology. World changing artifacts from that era are still left on the earth and can cause trouble at any time (they do).
It's just a re-release of the same game but with new art. Adol is narrating the trailer. Otherwise the voice acting heard is the same as the old version.

The question is, why? Do "modern consoles" not have this game already?
Oh order. You'd have to jump around because ancient events that Adol involves himself later on happened at different order than when he visited them or even at the same time.
The timeline is just Adol's age, not the lore order.
Why are they wasting ~100 bucks sprucing up Felghana when they could be working on a Ys 5 Sands of Kefin definitive Falcom canon remake? Hopefully that's next after Nordics.
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I raise you fairy butt
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>Adol, remember to leave a trail of disappointed, horny bitches wherever you go adventuring.
Will she ever return?
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Good fairies.
No. Dana finally won.
See >>681525924
I hope not, i like the bittersweetness
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Tomato, tomato, potato. Adol, do you wanna bang *this* tragic blue-haired goddess lady, the *other* tragic blue-haired goddess lady, or the *other other* tragic blue-haired goddess lady?

Man's got a type at least I guess.
They are a bit different. For example Reah strikes you as a bitch. Maybe it's just me.
Bumplet detected
I feel like him talking is weird, but I guess it had to happen eventually.
>Ys will never be this sovlful again
It is. It didn't
I don't hate it though. Ok the voices are bad. But hey remember when Ys had openings?
I don't remember Rhea being anything except Feena's more musically inclined twin sister.

He's not going to be talking. This is the same Oath of Felghana as before with the same voice acting as before except with updated art, just so it can exist on PS5. They just had the actor that normally does the "HYA! HAH!" stuff come in to say one sentence of dialogue for the trailer.
ricottas a nigger
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That's because I went straight to inferno.
no you didn't
Is it just Fe;ghana with new art? Who fucking cares?
I don't even remember if Inferno is available from the start in Felghana. It might be. I don't remember.
Dana > X > Monstrum
Still better than any cutscene in CS1 and CS2.
Memories of Celceta sucked, though. It was boring as hell.
Bump combat is fun. Ys 1's bosses are hot fucking shit though. They're either stupidly easy or insanely fucking hard. FUCK dark FAG and his gay fireballs. Ys 2 is top tier and has far better bosses. The soundtrack isn't as good a the first games
Aw shit, I read Memoire and thought of the wrong game. My bad.
When’s Nordics getting localized?
Very influenced by Rean's games it seems.
It was a culture shock for me because I hadn't played Haha man's games at the time and now all of a sudden my boy Adol gets slapped from innocently walking in on a tsundere randomly skinny-dipping in monster infested forests. (Lacrimosa of Dana)

I still like Ys but it's not the same series it was when I started playing.
Flashslop. Still more fun than rollslop
>Feena gets denied that CHADOL dick
What the fuck is Falcom's problem!?
all we know is that it's Fall 2024
Fall 2024
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lol I like this douchebag
She got turned into a statue. If anything Adol is literally wearing a chastity belt since Ys 1&2 because he's so in love with her and none of the bimbos he meets after can compare to her.

(Danafags, don't even with me.)
He had to learn how to flash move first so he can reach the frequencies of bump combat that a godess needs.
Feena is prime virgin pussy waiting in stasis so my man can have his adventures first. Top tier waifu.
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>best boy has a rivalry with brown tomboy.
It's too bad she dies but at least she dies in his arms.
not canon
A literal goddess is fitting for a man of such chad levels as Adol
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Oh right, I forgot that Toal Fact the Hedgehog is the canon playthrough. Nevermind. Good for Hugo.
God he’s LITERALLY me
>she dies
Not really
Yes I know. >>681552896
Ys I & II has the BEST ending in the entire series (Lacrimosa is a close second)
>The only versions of Book I & II on Switch are those untranslated EGG Console versions
Monkey's paw.
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Why would you put a negative feature on your advertising?
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Well, /v/?
I believe this is a complete lie. The game is entirely the same as before but with new art. There's really not any room for Adol talking. In the original there's even a voiced narrator that chimes in with "Adol nodded" and so on. Maybe they're changing that to Adol speaking instead, or something??

Left but right isn't bad, just more potato-like.
Team Ys > Bump Ys > Mash Jump Ys
Fucking soulless
>perky vs natual sag
can't really decide these days
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>soulless art
>they already have English voices even in the old localization
>giant mobile game UI
>old version already supports high res and infinite framerate and is smooth like butter
>old version already supports Japanese voices (just replace the audio files in the folder)
There's literally no advantage to buying this. Chances are, they will fuck something up.
It's really confusing why they're wasting even a little money on doing this. Literally for what purpose?
Japan never got the features
>Chances are, they will fuck something up.
My nigga in christ, you *just* wrote down some of the things they have fucked up!
is this sorted from shittest to best?
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>no soldier getting his ass whooped off of a motorcycle
>that amount of people just being happy and sharing their experiences with the game in the comments 15 years ago
Today it would be full of whiny little shits "oblivion le bad!!!" or just copypasting normalfag memes
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Yeah he was a prick, but he died honorably. I dunno, maybe I felt more bad for Elena.
At least they give you the option for the older illustrations.
left is stylistic, right is generic
Ys 1 Nightmare is silly, only bat and Dark Fuck are problems, where does the series get shitty and I can jump off?
when does it get good ffs??
From the very first game.
Reminder, Sandy is one of us. https://youtu.be/kFZNpT_INmA?si=eeEYcH0nHMuI7iB7&t=908
I already could before.
I guess now it's native.
jump off at memories of celceta and jump back in for ys 8 right afterwards
>where does the series get shitty
but 5 is also shitty
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I kneel.
Ys is the one of the only game series all of /v/ enjoys. It's a miracle.
This is kinda stupid sounding too when you consider the fact that in the original Wanderers from Ys III, Adol actually spoke. And if memory serve, they never did that again.
Are there jp VA at least? I refuse to hear american VAs in non-american games.
For me one of the most memorable moments was getting literally thrown into hell and then this starts playing:
Oath and Origins are basically top down Mega Man.
*It's Megaman X7 done right
I don't like the new Ys. Mainly 7,8 and 9. The dodging feels flakey and innaccurate. The hurt boxes from enemies linger long after they swing. Oath in Felghanna is still the best game in the series. Attacks are pixel tight. Counters, limited healing so you have to play smart and no long interruptions so allies can tell you their life stories.
Celceta was widely considered one of the worst games in the series and yet 9 is somehow even worse. The only game I've actually never been able to bring myself to finish it's so offensively dull.
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>Whole story is about her and Adol dreaming of each other
>Breaks through time and a world ending event to be with Adol
>Multiple romantic scenes between Adol and Dana
>They don't even kiss, hug or hold hands
>They don't even kiss, hug or hold hands
fixed in the OFFICIAL novelization
oath is the best one but the newer ones intentionally design the attacks that way. it's so when you flash step, the enemy is stuck and you can get to their weak point
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>The only game I've actually never been able to bring myself to finish it's so offensively dull.
It's the next game on my list. Between Steam and GoG, I have 8 of the 9 Ys games and I've taken my sweet time to play them over the last ten years. Oath In Felghanna was the first game in the series I played on /v/'s behest.
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You can see which on the right.
>they don't even hug
missed the true ending, shouldn't have skipped the sidequests bucko
>ones intentionally design the attacks that way.
It feels like Utter ASS. It's like dodging in Breath of the wild or ToTK where the time, space and area where you can trigger the dodging effect is wonky as fuck. I've literal dodged then walked in, only to get hurt by shadow shock waves. It's awful but the game is interesting enough that I can bare it and grind through.
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did 10 suck
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Not him, but to be fair going for 100% is a bitch after 2 in comparison, though I'd just do Nightmare/Survival and SAM the rest. Difficulty cheevos like these really should stacks, other games do.
Thought speaking on only 1, grinding, doing the character/enemy journal mastery (after missing the Doctor NPC) and having to kill each enemy 25 times each to get all their stats.
That shit is fucking annoying, I get it for the time, since the cap is Lv.10 but I wish they could've had rare drops or something.

I did love doing everything I could, because the music, the sprites and the talent were cool to take in. So thank god Normal and Nightmare are all that are asked of you here.
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>You can see which on the right.

I beat it on normal, not that I'm bragging about it, but I have too many games to achievement hunt and I like playing Blind.
Falcom really do shoot themselves in the foot by being obsessed with interconnected games where they can't challenge the status quo.
>missed the true ending, shouldn't have skipped the sidequests bucko
No, I got that True Ending. I looked up the endings after I beat the game I got it. I'm sticking to my story. I don't remember Dana and Adol hugging, holding hands or kissing. Maybe it did happen in a blink and you miss it moment but I would have remembered Adol holding Dana down and giving her what she wanted.
Kind of middling. Not as good as 8, not as bad as 9. But also not really doing anything memorable to set it apart so 10 just ended up forgettable.
>by being obsessed with interconnected games
They're not really connected, the graphics, gameplay, story, setting and team mates change game per game. If the characters in question disappear after each game, does it matter what they do? I'm just staying that Adol could have a harem with all the girls in each game and it wouldn't matter because they just disappear and are never mentioned again after each game.
Yes they're not very connected but they ARE connected which means you can't have Adol having a romance with a character in one game because unless she's going to just tag along into the subsequent titles she's going to be forgotten. The reason Adol is completely asexual is because of the series' interconnectivity. The degree of that connection is irrelevant.
easy $$$$$$$
>unless she's going to just tag along into the subsequent titles
>The degree of that connection is irrelevant.

I very heavily and thoroughly disagree. If past characters are going to be a text line of reference or a picture of a reference, then there's no point on holding back because of continuity's sake. In fact, I feel it might be the opposite. If you heavily interconnect the previous games' story, characters and events, players are more likely to remember the story, stick with the series or go back to previous games. If you're going to play the "interconnected" card go all in. If you're going to play the Restart fresh from a blank canvas, go all in.

All this pussy footing about because of character integrity is boring as fuck.
The only actually good game in this incredibly mediocre franchise.
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Don't care, I'm buying it and the next one after that.

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