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can't be too careful you know what I'm saying
based, the only way to beat pheonix wright without having a stroke
you didnt beat the game
i went down a nostalgia trip in resident evil 2 on PS1 emulator and i realized save states extremely diminished my enjoyment after i had completed it
I have no idea what you're saying.
I'm trans btw.
Pheonix Wright would be better if instead of having a health bar it had a point system with infinite life. Sometimes it's fun and funny to select the wrong option just to see the outcome. In a point system you could just be punished by having a worse score but still being able to proceed. Players that cared about getting a high score would play well. Players that want to see everything wouldn't have to save scum.
You didn't by any stretch of the imagination beat the game
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Why are people talking about Pheonix Wright with a pic of save states!?
As a PC gamer I've bean saving on every reload since the 90s and seeing consoletards lose their shit because of it is funny
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save stating to save progress is okay
save stating as means to savescum is not
unlimited quicksaves were one of the worst things that happened to gaming
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I don't give a shit what some failed eceleb streamer thinks.

I used save states, Gameshark codes, Game Genie codes, Action Replay codes, Cheat Engine, RAM hacking, slow-down, speed-up, frame advance, and in-game cheat codes. I beat the game.
I put savestate buttons on my keyboard just to make sure I don't accidentally press them
and I always space them apart, like F2 for save and F5 for load
the latter half of all 3 phoenix wright original trilogy games will make you start from the beginning of the trial when you fail, which is retarded, especially when later trials will penalize you for PRESSing the wrong statement
I will play any game as I want
Who the fuck is going to stop me?
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so much chad energy in this post that it colorized the image
>i play games on easy but i am le chad now worship me
>noooo you must play the way streamer ecelebs say is correct!!!
virgin energy
Mike Matei is enroute to your house to sodomize you with a baseball bat
virgin energy is posting a picture of another man you want to impersonate while admitting you take advantage of external things that make games easier
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Savestates make the experience better every single time
>You can satisfy your curiosity ("I wonder if there's a hidden area if I jump down this hole?") without losing lives and without needing to replay the level
>Game Over'ing because of horrible RNG luck? Not a problem, just loadstate and do something different for better RNG
>Difficult or punishing game is "mediocre" or "only decent", but you want to finish it? Don't waste your time "getting gud" at it and just use savestates inbetween boss' attacks to get through it quicker.
>Bad game design ruins the experience? Overcome bad game design with savestates.
>Want to see the dialogue for every reply option? Not a problem with savestates.
>Game is giving you a choice, but you're not sure what to choose? Not a problem with savestates.
And many more situations you'll surely come across when playing with savestates.
I dont generally agree with savestates, but if the game is actively trying to trap the player like plutonia or Sigil shit Im all for savestates. Even when Dark Souls 2s ganksquads dont get you, it comes across as dickish and mean spirited anyway.
>watch streamers play
Fuck off zoomer, this is a problem only for faggots
Is there a way to link my gdrive account with my pcsx2 so it synchs the save states and memory card folders and updates them automatically or whenever I choose to do so?
Not only are you bad at the game and didn't beat it, but you also do not have the understanding or right to judge its quality, nor to talk about the topic of video games with any sort of authority.

You can still savestate if that makes it a fun experience for you, but keep the above in mind.
>watch people play games
>get angry
Stop watching people play games gaylord.
>Anon describes how you experience everything without getting salty
>You experienced nothing!!!
Aren't you too old to be a tryhard?
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>I dont generally agree with savestates
No argument why? I gave a list of solid arguments why savestates can make the experience better. All you did is "I disagree". Pathetic.
It's not that difficult to google "sync folder with google drive", retard.
the real argument against save states is that youre a shitter who is bad at games and coping. I even agreed with you partially that some instances with bad checkpointing are retarded but you wrote a book of fake reasons to justify why you needed save states to beat Mario Bros.
I unbind the hotkeys for save states and don't even think about them.
you didn't beat it
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>Not only are you bad at the game
No point getting gud at games I don't enjoy. It's smarter to let go of your "gamer ego" and go through the game with savestates to save time, but still experience everything it has to offer.
>and didn't beat it
Subjective opinion, and therefore discarded.
>but you also do not have the understanding or right to judge its quality
Do you?
>nor to talk about the topic of video games with any sort of authority
Notice how he didn't actually address any of my points from my previous post about "why savestates make the experience better". Because he can't, and therefore is searching for any excuse to discredit my whole being. Pathetic.
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>you know what I'm saying
Yeah I know what you're saying
Look, you can play however you want, but you clearly want to also be taken seriously when talking about games. You cant have both.
If you want to save state after every jump, go ahead. Nobody is saying you cant. Hell, nobody is sayinf you SHOULDNT. We're saying you are a retard and your opinion is meaningless. If thatmakes you mad, then im sorry. No amount of points or justifications will make people who play games care about the takes of people who rely on savestates.
You know you can save anytime and just resume your save, right? You don't need to start over if you get a game over.
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>youre a shitter who is bad at games and coping
But I'm not though.
>Near G o D rank in Tekken 8
>P rank everything in Ultrakill so far
>Did the Overdrill in Payday 2 AND 1
>full-combo more than half of Guitar Hero WoR expert, sometimes have to turn on hyperspeed to make it even playable
>Silver double S ranks in Osu
>have all cheevos in HOI4 and DLC
>Big Boss ranks in all mainline MGS games, 100%'d Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain
Despite that, I cheat engine'd Death Stranding because lol inf running is much better than the base shit standard.
I use save states in Mega Man because I intend to learn over cheap deaths but rather not start over from the top.
And it makes rolling for good stats in M&L SuperStar Saga just that much simpler.
They allow me to have fun on my terms, I love a good old self-imposed challenge or priding my ego rare feats and cheevos but I'm playing a game at the end of the day.
I don't intend on defiling my principles to suit the petty arguments of others over SINGLE PLAYER GAMES.
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Since you mentioned Super Mario Bros, here's good reasons as to why savestates make the experience better.
>No buffered jumps lead to frustrating deaths
Good platformers give the player a few frame window to execute a jump after you walk off a ledge, or if you press the jump button 1-3 frames before touching the ground (SMB doesn't do that). This leeway is perfectly acceptable and makes platformers more fun.
>Replaying whole game while you're trying to gid gud at the final few hardest levels
Example of bad game design that gets nullified with savestates. Old games did that often on purpose to hide the fact that the games were very short and had little content. Also to scam the parents to rent out the game multiple times.
>Accidentally walk into a warp area, skipping some levels
Another bad game design moment. Fixable with savestates and rewind.

But all you can do is throw insults and call me a "shitter" because you can't refute any of my arguments. Typical behavior for low IQ inbreads like you.
Im not fuckin reading all that
Im not fuckin reading all that either
Its fun to read meltdown posts though. Hes gonna start posting gore any second now
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>can't even read text
nah, it's cool. we're better than you
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>accidentally load save state and have to redo hours of work
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>but you clearly want to also be taken seriously when talking about games
I gave very good reasons why using savestates is universally good. Only people who won't take me seriously are teenagers and manchildren who have nothing going on in their lives and take pride in beating video games "the hard way". Why would I care about being taken seriously by those types of people? My logic is infallible.
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>We're saying you are a retard and your opinion is meaningles
So you have no actual arguments and you resort to ad hominem and cliched insults. Which is very typical for retards like you who have no emotional intelligence. Oh and BTW, I'm intellectually allowed to call you a retard because I also explained why you are one. You didn't.
I did and i will continue to say i did regardless of what faggots like you say

cray about it fag
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>I can't read
>I can't read AND I'm fucking stupid
>>accidentally load save state and have to redo hours of work
Not an issue if you're playing on Bizhawk (have TAStudio open while you play, and you can use the "undo loadstate" button to fix accidental loadstate). Bizhawk emulates almost all pre-PS2 consoles.
Why do you want to get through a game you don't enjoy?
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>Why do you want to get through a game you don't enjoy?
1. Curiosity
2. Since I already invested X hours into it, might keep going until the end
3. Leaving a game unfinished leaves a bad taste on my palate
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And notice how those people are incapable of addressing any arguments. All they do is throw ad hominem. They're like childish brats who need correction.
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Autism, I say.
I knew someone like anon IRL where he'd say you didn't complete Bloodborne because you used the pizza cutter.
I am having fun, I got the credits, and now I'm back to casually ripping through russians with my Patriot in MGS3 on a normal run.
As for cheat engine and save states, more power to us players, I say.
>Miku image
salutations, my nigger
>No point getting gud at games I don't enjoy. It's smarter to let go of your "gamer ego" and go through the game with savestates to save time, but still experience everything it has to offer.
I agree that you can still enjoy the game however you want. You're not experiencing what the game has to offer though, because you're not doing it as envisioned by who made the game.
>Subjective opinion, and therefore discarded.
It's not subjective. You didn't beat the game. Why? Because you didn't play it. You played your own baby-fied version.
>Do you?
I do. When I see what might be a trap, I pay attention to any details. I notice something very subtle and realize it's a trap. I realize they did something clever and find the game rewarding and great as a result. You jump in blindly and then go "Ah shit game idiot developers I know how to make your game better I use save states!!!". Speaking of gamer ego, huh?

All your "points" stem from the same place: you're ignorant and bad at video games, but don't want to admit it. You just choose to ignore it.
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>You're not experiencing what the game has to offer though, because you're not doing it as envisioned by who made the game.
If the creative vision was to make the player repeat the whole level upon death, then fuck their envisioning. I will play it my own way and no one has the right to call my playstyle "wrong".
>It's not subjective. You didn't beat the game. Why? Because you didn't play it.
Define beating a game
>You jump in blindly and then go "Ah shit game idiot developers I know how to make your game better I use save states!!!"
Strawman argument
>All your "points" stem from the same place: you're ignorant and bad at video games
Go through all of my points and try to explain why I'm wrong. Saying "you're wrong cuz bad" is not an argument. Again, you're incapable of addressing anything I said in my original post >>681523979
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>Im not fuckin reading all that
So convenient not to read posts that prove you're wrong. How mature.
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>Because you didn't play it. You played your own baby-fied version.
Self-imposed and possibly projecting cope.
Holy shit, anon, it's not like a right of initiation where every G4M3R has to play specifically to a upheld standard.
Most devs don't give a shit about we do once they get their money and we get our game.
BotW devs never intended for people to cheese shines by fucking with the physics and launching themselves to the end goal, yet it validates them by giving them the reward at the end and it makes a super interesting and entertaining clip for everyone on the internet.
I'll entertain your retarded ass one last time. All your points HAVE been addressed, but I guess unless I literally mention them one by one, you won't get it.

>You can satisfy your curiosity ("I wonder if there's a hidden area if I jump down this hole?") without losing lives and without needing to replay the level
You can do that by paying attention to details.
>Game Over'ing because of horrible RNG luck? Not a problem, just loadstate and do something different for better RNG
You can get over "horrible RNG luck" by learning to be prepared, and how to deal with unexpected, even unfavorable situations.
>Difficult or punishing game is "mediocre" or "only decent", but you want to finish it? Don't waste your time "getting gud" at it and just use savestates inbetween boss' attacks to get through it quicker.
It may very well not be "mediocre", just demanding of learning to use mechanics and figuring out tactics, something that someone who relies on instant quickloads at every mistake does not even take into consideration.
>Bad game design ruins the experience? Overcome bad game design with savestates.
Similar point to the above. It may very well be good design, just demanding of more intelligence than you have. In fact, judging your posts, I believe this is most often the case.
>Want to see the dialogue for every reply option? Not a problem with savestates.
If you just want to "see" it, sure. But maybe committing to your choice, not knowing what another would've brought, is something the developer envisioned for the optimal experience.
>Game is giving you a choice, but you're not sure what to choose? Not a problem with savestates.
Same point as above.

As I mentioned, all those points have been addressed before. But you're just not smart enough to understand unless it's spoonfed to you.
yeah, like LA noire did, right?

if you fucked up you get chewed out for being an incompetent fuckwad moron but you still get to continue on and the final result at the end of the level reiterates that you are a fucking retard

if you play like anyone with eyes would you'll get gleaming praise PLUS you'll get to do the crazy lie accusations and back out with a "oh yeah my bad bro lol"
>You can get over
While you can doesn't mean its fun, and anyone can realize that pretty quickly
>who relies on instant quickloads at every mistake does not even take into consideration.
You didn't learned the game, so? if the game doesn't make it interesting to do so, why grind?
>developer envisioned for the optimal experience.
What they want and i want has no relation, i'll do as i'll please
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>You can do that by paying attention to details.
Play Croc 2 or Crash 2 or Crash 3. All 3 of those games have unintuitive secrets hidden in places where you'd ordinarily die, and you wouldn't even consider looking for a secret there.
>You can get over "horrible RNG luck" by learning to be prepared
Wrong. Recently played a game called "Mazes of Fate" where game over'ing to bad RNG is very common. I was using the best equipment at each point of the game, and allocating stats to the right stats (accuracy with the type of weapon I'm using, health, parry chance, etc.). Still most fights were RNG fest where you could miss 10 attacks in a row, and could get KO'd in 1 hit.
Another example is turn-based games with accuracy systems like FFTA. You can easily miss 90-99% accuracy attacks and end up game overing.
>It may very well not be "mediocre", just demanding of learning to use mechanics and figuring out tactic
Plenty of mediocre games that aren't "demanting of learning", and also plenty of mediocre games that don't get elevated beyond mediocrity even if the player masters the mechanics of that game.
>Similar point to the above. It may very well be good design, just demanding of more intelligence
Or it may be bad design, period. Recently played a GBA boxing game called Boxing Fever. The enemies are programmed to enter a "100% counter" state at completely random times, and trying to attack them during that time will always result in getting countered and losing health. There is 0 visual indication that the opponent has entered the counter state.
>But maybe committing to your choice, not knowing what another would've brought, is something the developer envisioned for the optimal experience.
Developers are not always smart. Their envisioned experience is not guaranteed to be good. Some choices could be significantly worse and make the experience worse.
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>nooo you can't just save state, you have to spend 30 more hours of your life redoing tedious shit and bosses!!
dont care, I save state for everything
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Meant to say Croc, not Croc 2

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