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Now: Chibi-Robo!
Next: Katamari Forever
Later: Blazing Chrome

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick
Schedule: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48

Previous: >>681513985
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migging out of this tranny game :3
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she cue
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2 minutes and already awful
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I'm in.
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I've migrated
holy miggers
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Hey guys what if the gameplay only covered 30% of the screen
kek, taking the piss
how do you fuck that up
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about time
It's calling the they/them a he
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They mentioned Pikmin!
Is Kobazco a real woman? I can't tell with the mask
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i migged!
get help
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migged and comfy
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>Shovelclaws commentary
>EST 1:10:00
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why are americans like this?
I love these runs where the game takes up the least amount of screenspace.
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I can't tell either
chibi robo can cuck the husband.
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my sides
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Just a Mr. Game & Shout reference
What is foid?
Kino incoming?
Didn't that fag run something during agdq and was an obnoxious shit the whole run?
for me it's monster
pacific punch in particular
Nigga looks like an offensive lineman
what the fuck is this real??
>they forgot to introduce the tranny
Someone will cry about it.
this one got me good
needed to sleep anyway
bye miggers
Phone watchers holding a magnifying glass right now.
Yes, I was there
sunset riders should be light blue
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I migged at my leisure. .
He's a scrawny squeaky twerp that never shuts up
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>start stream
>see pic related

Man I can't handle energy drinks
Give me water or give me nothing
or chocolate milk, that works too
I figured we wouldn't have Cormano since the pistols are faster DPS but I still wanted to see my sombrero man
These runners seem miserable.
He was part of an eight man Sonic Adventure run and was absolutely insufferable any time he was near a headset.
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Chibi robo
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>bingo race
>don't have the bingo card updating
this fucking sucks
That's a shitpost right?
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you can't make me enjoy myself
>Let's go marriage!!!
This is a children's cartoon.
>that IG filter
Go drink tea.
what the fuck is up with these chad phenotypes trooning out.
this game suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkks
>woke up for chibi-robo because jaxler is based and I love cheebo
>bingo so jaxler isn't allowed to talk
>shovelclaws and a tranny on commentary
wasnt the point of my image...
more like chibi homo lmao
hey this run fucking sucks
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What are your genuine thoughts on Shovelclaws?
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How the fuck is there a bingo category for a game like Chibi robo? Like is it even a super popular speedrun game that people have resorted to inventing niche categories because the regular categories are too saturated?
I guess now's a good time to catch up on fishtank
norwood status?
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drink the decaf coffee anon
it tastes like shite for 3 days then you get accustomed to it and its just normal coffee
Yep this is F from me

waiting for the inevitable trans rights dono comment to bump it to Z
groomed by discord before 14. tragic
Is that the "I would really prefer if you'd be quiet" guy?
Informative but they really need to learn to shut the fuck up sometimes.
if chibi robo werent cute nobody would care about the games
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niggas paying $200 to play chibi robo instead of downloading an ISO
hes got them stretch armstrong noodle arms
>This run is automatically bad because "it's not a speedrun"
>Anons still overrate any run that goes over estimate
Fuckin hypocrites
never heard of him before this. he cant be serious with it/its right?
who are they all
But that's the point, being a cute robot who explores a house as a cute little guy
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its a ftm
That thing is an obnoxious faggot
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the game is good but we are cursed with the small child pretending to be a grown man doing most of the commentary
niggas paying $200 to OWN chibi robo, actually
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In the end Caveman still won
>wearing a mask on stream to appear more feminine
Who's the cute blonde?
are you poor?
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is chibi robo really that bad? it's autistically intriguing to me to be a small robot - not a common thing for me but unmistakable
shoutouts to the tech trannies
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I’m up next guys, wish me luck!
>bingo is a really hard thing to get working
maybe if youre a fucking retard?
Anon... I....
DON'T look at his Twitter
>ninja gaiden
what happened
why do these scrawny ass nerds always wear shirts that are like 50 sizes bigger than they are? honest question.
>It's REALLY hard to add an X to a bingo stream layout
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I was hoping to bait replies that included robo art
Pre-op? If so, I'll fuck the gay out of it
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I'm right after you! I'm doing a ten hour run of Fate/Grand Order!
im sure its a great game but bingo is such a shit format if you have no idea about the game. at least with a race you can generally see who's up ahead.
>this isn't a speedrun, ZZZ
>runner goes overestimate, repeatedly chokes, refuses to explain the run at all, treats it like amateur night at the comedy club
It would help getting more into the run if those bingo card would be updated, like how the hell I can root for someone not knowing shit what is happening and who is leading?
>see these threads while working
>oh cool I guess I'll check the stream later
>do this for the whole event until now
it seems I truly don't care about this anymore
talking about a "tech crew" that uses 12 alternative streams for different cameras and just splices them into a main stream
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CavemanDCJ return this Friday is the only thing tht can save SGDQ 20024
bogpills, activate
you mean to tell me that thing has a vagina?
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yep :)
The game is pretty good. The run is not a speedrun
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lydl is a bit of a freak
It's comfy, you wouldn't get it
this dude could unironically be a chad why do they troon out?
Hate him, one of the worst they've got at GDQ.
>they're deleting the image along with the post now
Truly buttblasted.
>that hairline
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>lip noises
>posts about trans
you don't have to tell me what happened, but you have to eat all the eggs
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Kaguya my beloved
>Fuck something extremely basic up
I'm really, really tired of this.
Really, all of these GDQ-isms are hitting the breaking point now, screaming HYPE, the per-event forced memes, SHOUTOUTS, template donations, TRANS RIGHTS, everything.
It's been the same shit since like 2016, no wonder the viewership has dropped off a fucking cliff.
It's cute and fun.
the gameplay is too small i can't see shit
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>nearly a quarter into the run and the bingo is still fucked
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i honestly think its just a lack of a father figure growing up
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sad, sad tits
I would like to twist him into a pretzel, then roll him in salt and finish by throwing him into the garbage where he belongs.
>Bingo event scheduled from the start of the event
>Don't test that the Bingo set up works even once during the past 3 days
>janny deleting charts for some reason
There goes the schizo theory that the chartfag is a janny. Can someone repost the chart, I missed it.
for me it's aussie lemonade
mango loco is great too but that shit is like 40g of sugar per can
looks fine on my 65". you're not watching on a phone, are you?
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Sorry anon, we need the designated Doritos corner to take up a quarter of the screen.
Mournful tits. Like two suicide notes stuffed into a bra.
It's different when it's the best Ninja Gaiden player in the world choking for 20 minutes
What's wrong with this?
>that side profile
Would be considered an ugly virgin if male
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can we get a bingo hypeeeeee
the leftie faggots are either freaking about the chevron defense being struck down, or that trumps cases were deferred back to lower courts
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i fucking dare you to tell me it isnt the same energy.
He was slightly down and someone on discord said it must be dysphoria
At least that motherfucker clearly put the effort in.
He got the female mannerisms, speech patterns, and cadence down to a t.
desktop, faggot
what are they doing and who is winning?
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she's gorgeous
>>This run is automatically bad because "it's not a speedrun"
gimmick stuff is fine if it's fun.
this isn't.
I remember that thread. Good times.
nobody fucking knows
normalfags eat that shit up tho
70 percent of the screen is not-game and the remaining 30 is split between two games making 15 percent actually visible. This shit is for ants.
That's not that northern guitar-tuber?
has game and shout marked his board?
>what are they doing
no idea
>who is winning?
me, because chibi robo made it to gdq
alright everybody, when tech crew fucks up something basic, we shout them out! ready?
The only people who even know what's going on are other chibi robo speed runners. Bingo categories suck ass
What is it with Sonic games and trannies?
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>divorce square
Can't believe they're making fun of Mr. Game and Shout like that. How rude.
Who's idea was it to make the 2/3rds of the stream layout filler non-game bullshit
They truly fear the next election.
>working bingo layout
>working bingo layout
>non-functional bingo layout that makes this shit impossible to follow, cultists chant TRANS RIGHTS, LET'S GO BINGO, and SHOUT OUTS TO THE TECH CREW
What the fuck is wrong with GDQ?
Yeah, we would never be that lucky.
how have these fucking retards not fixed the board, this is the entire point of this run and its been 20 minutes.
do these fuck monkeys test a single thing before they go live
why does she wear the mask?
Legit cannot tell if Shovelclaws is a FtM tranny or not. He's too skinny and high-pitched, not even Michael Reeves is so low test.
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Shovelclaws is no longer skinny!
I'm looking at all the information on the screen and I can safely say I have no idea what the fuck is happening
its funny because we saw how decent tech crew was for ludwigs fast 50 was and that was their very first outing. They also did a working bingo for an elden ring lockout
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Nevermind I grabbed it from the archive.
No but anon, she's got drain frog ring
Probably something about the Project 2025 thing.
That's very clearly a male's voice, squeaky as it is.
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To hide (her) chiselled linebacker jaw line.
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i didnt even realize they were making progress...
>they fixed it
Didn't the dude just have twins or some shit? Bizarre I guess.
He's like the token example of FtM manlets
This is my worst Chibi-Robo experience since Ziplash.
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If you go to her twitter most of her selfies are covering her face
YAY, they finally did their job!
Good job! Woo! Everyone give them a hand!
you can wear clothes that fit you and still have it be comfy.
you just dont know how to dress yourself because of years of relying on your mom to do it. lol
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>tuned in
>nothing interesting for the rest of the day
Guess I'll go play video games
I've seen guys as noodly as him before.
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I fucking hate bingo 'runs' so much it's unreal
the crimson chin makes them feel bad
I imagine it's harder than it seems overall, but not as hard as their performance makes it out to be
>but you can't actually bingo, you just try to paint more tiles than the other guy
Am I the only one this triggers? Just make it a list instead at this point.
I dont know what the fuck is going on, what is this game about? holy shit.
>I keep missing the highly rated runs
It's over.
As someone who has played elderly people Bingo, there's more to the game than completing a straight line now
fun fact, the feet always give them away
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I like them, I like the idea of on the fly decision making in a race
>Unzips dick
>Bumps head while trying to fix it
>Ass crack showing
Literally HOW does this man get into such whacky situations?
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who's the red one and who's the blue one
I don't get it, what THE FUCK is going on?
Friendly reminder that the only S rated runs of this event so far were rated that high because of the thread and not the quality of the run itself.
now kiss
yes, and?
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How come so many cute girls are suddenly attending gdq? What happened?
>transparent skirt

The real reason his type loved masking up
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I can't imagine living such a sanitized life that this would be upsetting to read online when it's clearly not even serious
that nigga in the back really rocking an old DS in 2024
Thanks for the reminder, still dont care enough about ratings to give a shit though
i hate this commentator so fucking much bros
the size of those hands
That's like drinking water without water, man.
Twitch stopped casting to my TV for some reason...
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>both are red
I really would like to see that tiny robot holding a schuko plug over its head.
I wish sensitive people didn't exist on the internet.
That annoying fuck was MARRIED? Is he at this event? Power list of worst staff

1. Kiez
2. Spike
3. Argick
4. Kungfu
5. Game and Scream
haven't been in a gdq thread in years, who's 'ickposter?
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Tell me about ninja gaiden?
You didn't donate so you don't get to watch
Helix was literally groomed into becoming trans. He was a cute femboy for like three years then he suddenly went non-binary, now he's basically a troon. Shit sucks.
He looks like he wouldn't survive to adulthood if it wasn't for modern medicine.
Wow Kobe is fucking wrecking Jaxlers shit
Roundup Ready and microplastics.
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Chibi-Robo is carried by the character design.
The game sucks.
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blessed schedule
Why is Jaxler even alive?
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Some people are just destined to be like that. He probably thought things would be different in Japan but if you're a walking embarrassment in America, you'll probably also be everywhere else
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I don't know what it is but I absolutely cannot fucking stand this guy's voice
is there any game in history with more SOVL than chibi-robo?
Multiple chokes at the end. Kept dying
QRD on Balatro trainwreck?
Favorite dono message? Gotta be the classic “Long time viewer, first time donator!” for me
Choke kino pretty much
vid capture additions are supported for it, at least haven't seen it done for the other variants
probably better for some input methods as well
>Penus shirt
what the fuck is the red one doing? how is he losing this badly?
kiez is probably in this thread right now
fuck you kiez and fuck your shit pokemon runs
dyslexiabros get to cope for a bit longer
Which games do you want to see at GDQ?
Triple choke, it was baaaad
its EI not IE
god gives his silliest battles to his funniest clowns
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Was it funny?
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I think she's pretty content with her life choices, it's not a shame it's the opposite
>lets go bingoooOOOOHHHH

why did they sperg over this?
The fact that it's straight through his nose without any use of a mouth?
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Looks like the purple guy is winning pretty handily
Best Ninja Gaiden runner in the world choked on the final boss 4 times, went 10 minutes over his already generous estimate
for me it's
how much lgbtq+ propaganda this year?
wr holder kept choking
worlds worst balatro player chokes multiple times. it was bad.
Spent more time dying in the last level over and over than he did in the rest of the game combined.
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im ending it
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Post things you've saved from the marathon so far.
What was the moms problem?
My cute frog wife Ginnie!
i don't get it
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If you are here Keiz I want you to know that outside of the GDQ hugbox EVERYONE hates you and you are fucking terrible at speed running. Literally do anything else with your life
Why does she wear the frog hat /v/?
What the fuck is this goynigger of a game? Is this from the era of cheep chinese "original console" games ot something?
all i know is that /v/ is probably worse at games compared to bloo
I'd post a webm from Killing Time but I don't want a 3 day vacation for gore
that's the most jewish face i ever seen

free palestine
Shoutouts to Mr Game and Shout's divorce!
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The absolute state of this man's life. I wonder how much of it was his own doing.
>crowd starts chanting DIVORCE
ok this is kinda funny. the run got a lot better once the bingo tracker actually fucking started working.
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Why does Kuroba still not support sound posts...
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I don't get why they're celebrating? Are video game characters getting divorced really that amusing?
how do i know there isn't a chibi robo running around my house?
>no sound
>no subtitles
yea that is one great donation!
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the additional tags are getting kind of ridiculous
so blue just needs "all chips" and then its over?
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reposting the creepshot of keiz some anon at gdq took yesterday
not really. still giving it a Z.
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If Kobe gets "give mort a gift" and anything on the second row, then Jaxler literally cannot win
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my one clip
You know what they say about girls with a fivehead.
Needs meds, but gets the wrong meds.
Will speedrun youth and turn terminally bitter well before 30.
You are clinically retarded
no its a lockout bingo, he needs 13 to win
here, just cause I like you guys
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Based sneaky anon
Do a flip.
>no sound
thanks babe
Fuck what a based runner
Him and RuffledBricks should link up
i've saved my time from the marathon when there was trans nonsense by doing other things
Game and Shout is going to go fucking postal.
It's what usually happens in these bingo runs. The guy a bit ahead beats the other one to all the goals by just a bit and gets like 80% of the board

Imagine if your regular race had a "checkpoint" board that painted it one colour or another by who got there first. It's like that.
Doesn't help that they don't let the runners watch each other's screens.
should i emulate this game on my GC
KEK I hope Keiz is staring right at the anon and it doesn't just look that way.

>all these divorce jokes while Game and Shout is in the middle of a divorce at GDQ
do you need to ask?
who is even ahead
>Mr. Game and Shout watching this run
v has no sound on webms newfriend!
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I'm starting to wonder if the "yay divorce" meme was ironic or not
blue :)
I want to sweep his legs and watch him smash his skull on that floor
yet another boring "race" where the winner is far ahead
Moai statue.
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>me watching this run
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Imagine being fucking Jaxler right now
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>he doesn't know
>if you set up right then you can get a lot done
but has he set up right?
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>he doesn't know
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40 more minutes of this
i have to walk the skyway during my lunch, hate passing these freaks everyday
nta but i dont know either and it bugs me, how do i enable audio
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>not he knows
mr g&s vs tbcr.. who will win
yeah why not
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What if you had a chibi robo running around your house?
Great game. Boring run
I would scream
he would be traumatized
man, if only they busted out an accordion and started singing
>wake up
>Haru next
it's time
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alright, but only because I like you a lot
he'd get a lot of happy points from picking up cumrags
Cute fleshlight
Chibi robo seems like a cool game but everyone around/a fan of it appears to be an absolute faggot
haha well memed but you cant trick me when i know im am correct
>glorifying divorce
If this couldn't get more degenerate.
I'm the guy who took the photo. First night getting to the hotel I drove on 4th Avenue and saw a pride painted bench with several non passing trannies on it. It was a harbinger for things to come
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I'd make the little dude play co-op games with me
Take that robot outside
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Open up my gaping asshole so he could crawl inside
tell him to stop watching me masturbate
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No one's gonna tell you
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go back to /pol/ you pearl-clutching fag
It's a GameCube game so naturally GameCube kiddies grew up with it
GameCube kiddies are just insufferable
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Looks like Sven the League of Legends pro
Mourn him. He would die the moment he attempts to plug to 220W.
He's good to Give Mort a Gift and has been for a while, and Divorce (which he finished a few seconds too late) is a part of "Squirt Honey/Nectar on Sunshine". Divorce was a crucial blow.
Pray my dog doesn't eat him and choke to death
tell me theres no sound on v? i already know that!
I was a Gamecube kiddie, I still find these faggots insufferable
Just listen to it speak and your question disappears.
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but is he still #MadAtMort?
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Classic phoneposter, doesn't even tampermonkey
I like my job downtown well enough. But I hate pride month with a passion. Constantly accousted downtown, then this gdq shit clogs the skyway by the hotel. Some of their volunteers are power hungry fags who try to impose their rules on the general public walking near them.
It's OK, your parents still wouldn't love you even if they stayed together.
>Jaxler can only win one way
Don't like RPGs that much but I've been playing Strange Journey and this game is really fun
Are there are any other RPGs like this one? Ignoring the rest of the SMT series of course
Money laundering scheme that has lost all its soul and original crew.
Jaxler has only one option for a bingo.
I like how apparently he's the only person in the world who is having a divorce
Uh. It's interesting what you can discover once they plant an idea in your head. I'm tripping balls right now.
Actual cute girls used to attend 5 years ago but they got scared off by all the nerds and BO
My friend posited this idea to me once but instead of Chibi Robo it was a little Dark Souls guy who would set up a bonfire and try to fight your pets and other Dark Souls-esque tasks.
Are we ready for Harutomo making some anons really uncomfortable during the upcoming katamari run?
That's great, sport.
*makes the call to tbcr*
There's an extension that plays sound on non-sound boards. I forgot what it was called though.
im posting on my laptop using firefox albeit
Cute frog
needs to be in
you're the one crying about divorce jokes big guy, most obvious projection I've ever seen
I'm already uncomfortable
>money laundering
harutomo a cute
>Free Palestine from Hamas
why that robit a frog
I was wondering if there was something like that. I just found the option on KurobaEx.
does he have a new avatar? the last one was a downgrade
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I'm ready for this lil nigga.
Looks like whoever's the red player is fucked.
id pirate it
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Etrian Odyssey is another dungeon crawler series by atlus, that goes more in-depth with combat mechanics, but your characters are a bit static. I'd recommend starting with 4 on 3ds if that's an option.
Did she just pause at the dono name "King JO"?
Mr. Game and Shout crying in the back hearing the divorce chanting
Mr Game & Shout is in shambles!
Why are americlaps chanting for divorce?
fuck yeah time for uncanny digital infantlization simulator
i'm not a furry
i'm not gay
i'm not a furry
i'm not gay
i'm not a furry
i'm not gay
i'm not a furry
i'm not gay
i'm not a furry
i'm not gay
but I don't have a chibi robo in my house
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Has anyone here ever watched that Harutomo guy outside GDQ's?
Whatever you say, walking proof of increased mental problems chances among children of divorced parents.
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>last updated 2015
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What are you guys playing?
I'm currently bored to tears with this infinite since eruption is my only damage in the loop
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>I'd recommend starting with 4 on 3ds if that's an option
That sounds good
Thanks anon.
GameAndShout probably sobbing off screen as the crowd chants "let's go divorce"
Have you met women?
I hate driving downtown, I'm lucky to live in the south metro and work outside of the metro but yet not lucky enough to wfh. It's aight. If I had to drive downtown everyday I would not work there
but what if
They were told to at the beginning of the run and the programming will last until instructed otherwise by an authority figure.
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Harutomo is definitely going to make me feel uncomfortable IF you know what I mean
yes i have his streams playing in the background pretty often
it is to make people with divirced parents remember that the world is an unkind place when they're just trying to watch something for a bit of fun
Yeah. He also runs some Japanese motorway game that's comfy to watch and he was doing Dragon Quest V (PS2) a couple months back which was also comfy
Playing Spark the Electric Jester 2. Was playing Super Bernie World but I beat it because its like a 30 minute game.
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what is jaxler even doing?
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Why would I watch a tranny vtuber?
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what's a woman?
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I tried playing Slay the Spire and I got filtered by the second zone
How the fuck do you get good at that game? I have no IDEA what I'm doing
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Yeah. If you see the [sound=... in the file name it can play sound
Weird that you keep self-reporting. My parents are (semi) happily married :)
Hey long time viewer first time watcher here just wanted to let you guys know that this GDQ has finally given me the courage to divorce my fat nagging bitch of a wife. LETS GO BINGO
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this faggy projection is why you'll always be a virgin btw
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it takes a lot of time and learning from qualified people helps too
the beginning is always rough for new players, then like 200 hours later they'll try ascension 0-1 again and realize how far they;'ve come
I just starting Against the Storm and it's fun but I'm wondering if I'm too small brain for it on higher difficulties
(semi) Good then :)
Guys.. what is the next segment about?
Just checked Game and Cries twitter. He already has a girlfriend while going through a divorce and 2 kids? Is he speedrunning life bros?
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Look at how much fun they're having.
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Imagine if Gameandshout had to be the dono reader for this
fishing is comfy
everyone here is dunking on him but clearly the mans a chad
ditches his wife and has a new hoe before the divorce papers are even finalised
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>theres a ds9 snes game
>Keizaron interview before Katamari
I'm not gonna make it bros
Hold up, KEx has a sound player option? Where?
why is that an issue? is he relevant
I can tell you without ego, this is my finest mirroring
he ruined his avatar
A virgin can always have sex. Your parents will never re-marry each other...
If it thinks it is an object, it doesn't have human rights, so we have the right to do to it as we please
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What's up with the doritos shower?
and race over
The reasoning behind the divorce is starting to reveal itself it seems.
this >>681526769
but runecrafting
cute hat
what happens if no one can get a bingo, draw?
Geoff Keighly is sponsoring the event.
He's apparently on hosting duty this evening too, for the Outer Wilds and Undertale Yellow runs.

Unless they haven't updated the schedule or something
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I could play it on the NSO VC, but no dpad.
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>nobody is going to win
They re-start
He recently had a divorce
The little cat is his best avatar though.
wh.. whats behind the 'eck..
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>haha yeah guys
>let's go divorce!
>it was mutual haha couldn't be happier
>im a free man now!
>still going to raise the kids together
>oh god my life is falling apart
I think she's cute :(
isn't it just whoever gets 13 tiles first? i didn't think they needed to actually make a row
Doritos are sponsoring the event with their new bbq flavor some shit.
Chat spams a doritos emote and it makes doritos show up on the stream.

The event is a fucking parody of itself.
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longest hour of my life
Dont grab too many cards
Focus on one or 2 strategies per build
Play a lot to recognize good cards

> t. Finished Ascension 20 with all characters
Women superiority proven yet again!
This used to be a video game speedrunning marathon of integrity!
How much do you hate yourself?
are doritos good for you?
Remove, remove, remove.
Remove one block, then one attack, then one block...
Thinner deck, better control (for a newbie).
Main Ironclad, no matter how broken Watcher is.
Once you start berating yourself for the wrong ordering, now you're getting there.
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>Jaxler can't get a bingo
>Koby is probably going to win by default from getting more tasks done total
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Rate this run
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Oh, it's over.
>we're still friends
F, what a nothing run.
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rate this post
B for bingo
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I'm doin' him an F
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It's a D-.
Really boring and confusing run.
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An unfollowable mess
I mean this is over the span of about 6-7 years. Its my go to "got 10-30 minutes to kill" game so it really adds up over time.

It can always be worse.

I woke up for this
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bingo is not a speedrun
I don't see how you could focus on a strategy or build when you're completely at the mercy of RNG to get what you need.
It's not really a game where you can roll with whatever you're given past like Ascension 4.
D for the divorce that has been ten years in the making.
F. No one actually got a bingo.
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Z, it was lets play
Can't believe they never expanded GDQ and kept using a fucking hotel conference room.
Z. Boring ass run. Nothing happened, Bingo shit
>get together with your friends and play a videogame
I hate videogames
D for Dhibi Robo
F for fuck bingo
I would love to hear from anyone that isnt shovelclaws
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I hate bingos
I didnt get it. F
Even in low ascension you can basically always win. Just gotta git gud.
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big decks are good thoughever
and you can't just force a build
the only blanket advice that can be given in this context is "it depends"
t. 30% winrate shitter
that's grim..
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>no one actually got a bingo
God I wish I had a friend group who liked the weird specific games I like.
whoever got told to shill this run is going to get a melty
the bingo shit doesn't work for races, imagine a regular race where the other guy manages a huge comeback and wins at the end, then somebody comes in and says "sorry mate, but it doesn't count when you spent 90% of the run behind"
love her blonde her, i hope she runs again!
>first time I play chibi robbo
It was the coach dude right..not the rune?
next game is in one hour?
Again, how much do you hate yourself?
My 1,5k hours feel like nothing compared to that
I don't even know who won
F for Fuck off, no bingos
Was it too much to ask to have one fucking guy play the game really fast? Jesus Christ...
F for Fell asleep
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oh shit royal rainbow next
We all won, anon :)
W-we're not gonna kick cancer's ass...are we, bros?
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>It isn't over
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Coolio, time to tap out for about 2 hours and dodge all /vt/roon shilling. Seeya!
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shit run for a good game
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no one knows. it is a mystery.
>i am a woman
what the fuck??
holy shit
how did chat react to that shit
I don't get it
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what in gods name are they setting up
its the same game, the same runner
F for impossible to Follow
Big decks are good when you have the tech to cycle quickly.
Is this when the trannies took it over and they started being way too hardcore with the censorship?
We have a segment before the next run
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I think it's israel's ass now anon, we're funding doctors without borders to carry out a retaliatory dronestrike
I don't see that menu anywhere, which version are you on? I tried opening the menu on a webm and it just gave me the download options.
the usual
>your fucking life ends 30 minutes from now
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Left is my knee, right is a cushion.
Oh shit nevermind I found it. Thanks anon! Sneaky menu.
Oh, nice.
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>posted 2 seconds ago
Bro are you fucking screenshotting your own tweets
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Don't worry, anonymous got us covered :)
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ah shit nah not me life!!
First time seeing that guy?
Z for turned off immediately and havent watched
It opens from a video you are watching, rather than the options. 1.3.33 from f-droid.
>SGDQ '17 had the highest viewership
>lowest donation totals at the same time
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how does it feel knowing that Game and Shout is dating AGAIN
and you haven't had a woman be around you on purpose in your life
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Caveman is there?
First time?
Keep it
The Yetee probably didn't exist back then
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>Only like 10k more viewers than Ludwig's event not counting Twitch
>Straight up loses if you factor in his twitch stream
>shirt says I dont have a gender
i think im okay with being single
no corprorate donors.
Why would I care to know some twitter user?
Why the fuck do we need both screens up for this?
You gotta get out and try to find someone, you'd be surprised at what people are willing to play.
I'm a volcel. I'd rather jack off then by around that greasy swamp hag
Don't talk to it
The sheer number of red flags in this image
cute plushie :3
>flashing lights warning
>its not flashing lights
ludwig who? i wanna support him.
wait, chibi robo again?
if tech crew tried to change it, the entire hotel would catch fire
>Doesn't know a staple of the last few GDQ years
You need to go back.
These two are a lot more charismatic than the commentators.
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He's obviously desperately dating as some form of revenge and he's so desperate he's willing to accept anything
the flashing car gave my pitbull a seizure :((
what do you mean anon? this is the only chibi robo run
This changes everything, last I saw on the Github the dev said it was too hard.
Pussy is pussy
just migged home from wagie
what did I miss this morning
>25 year old man hugging plushies and dressing in cute girl outfit
how fucking mentally ill do you have to be? these people belong in insane asylums.
Yeah, just like last time, he's organizing a tournament for attendees. He usually stays away from the stream
What the fuck is this accent? There's like a pseudo-Mexican inflection there.
I honor is sacrifice.
you're so cringe
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>trades in fat wife for fat gf
Is it really that bad in America? Are there no skinny non tattoo'd mental illness women left?
>he can't do it
I like plushies, I want a big Plum plushie.
you're so based
>eggplant man
>he's black
>nooo you can't just do something that makes you happy and isn't hurting yourself or anyone else
He can keep that genderless skeleton, I don't mind.
Doing Dream mentor in OSRS now
he's doing helicopter on live
>sound warning
new thread when, hurry the fuck up I can't breathe.
Ninjas choking and Cowboys singing
Theres supposed to be a guitar in their hands but im at work
it actually was.
small event thrown together poorly by speed runners and all the money went to charity. now its about corporate sell out and getting the worst runners possible with MAYBE 30% going to the charity
Not for a fat gamer guy
>man breaks in tears after getting humiliated by a tranny in a race
Z after that

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