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Is it actually worth going back and playing the classics or have they just aged too poorly and are clunky by modern standards?
All games should be judged in the context of their release date.
If you can't do that, stop playing games.

I was able to do this as a 4 year old going back to play shitty 2D NES games after coming back from my friend's house with his N64.
>All games should be judged in the context of their release date.
That makes no sense, because we aren't at their release date and have way more options and way better tech
>Pong is the greatest game of all time and we shouldcall be playing it
mgs3 sucked cock even when it released, but don't tell that to zoomers.
3 is the worst of the first 4 games and I am tired of pretending otherwise.
>Plot is absolute fucking hokum even for a Metal Gear game
>Almost every single plot hook setup in 3 by Hideo was immediately walked back by Kojima, for example bothering to explain that Ocelot was actually the son of a man who could commune with the dead to explain why a dead man's arm could talk through him got immediately changed to "lol self hypnosis"
>Gameplay for the initial release was alright but overly ambitious, the idea of changing your camo was great until you realize it means to play the way the game wants you to means endless menu jockeying
>Same for the medical viewer mini game
>The "enhanced" version of the game that seemingly more people have played than the original is actually worse, the entire game is broken by the 3rd person follow camera because it breaks the illusion that the camera angles the original meticulously used to give a greater impression of scale and size to the areas is gone and the game is rendered almost trivial because you would have to be braindead to ever go anywhere near an enemy soldier without clapping them with a tranq dart from 40 paces out
>Naked Snake is a fucking retard
>Remember the Alamo
Pongs still good
Wrong on every way
Yes, but if you can't adapt to non homogenized control schemes you won't enjoy it.

Pong with a proper potentiometer controller and a real life friend to play with is leagues better then you give it credit.
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Don't let 4 being shit retroactively hurt 3, anon. That's just being silly
>menu jockeying
Is a very real thing, but mitigated by not constantly changing camo like you're playing 4. Just pick 1 for an area unless you suddenly get red number. Guards are stupid for a reason
>Naked Snake is a fucking retard
Bibo being a massive autist is why we love him, he's literally me
Play the subsistence version.
>Gear game
>>Almost every single plot hook setup in 3 by Hideo was immediately walked back by Kojima, for example bothering to explain that Ocelot was actually the son of a man who could commune with the dead to explain why a dead man's arm could talk through him got immediately changed to "lol self hypnosis"
3 has the only halfway decent plot in the whole series and it's really the only one worth playing anyways. If you do play the others, just view their stories as non-canon convoluted nonsense
>Gameplay for the initial release was alright but overly ambitious, the idea of changing your camo was great until you realize it means to play the way the game wants you to means endless menu jockeying
another thread, another retard who played the game changing his camo literally every time he crawls onto a new surface and then complains about it
mgs3 is still the best game of its kind so that's irrelevant
they also added modern tps controls later for zoomies who can't comprehend fixed camera angles
It's clunky by modern standards but also hasn't aged too poorly.

Some of the mechanics feels outdated but the gameplay is good enough that it doesn't feel TOO old
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Why do zoomers act like Snake Eater is unplayable? Is it the same zoomies whining about tank controls?
to be fair, if they are talking about the original release, they have a point with the camera. having to stop and go into first person mode every few steps with those huge wide open areas got old. I still enjoyed the game at the time but I can easily see why it would be a huge problem for MGS3 in particular. It wasn't a big deal in 1 or 2 because they were more well designed for that style of camera.
I'm a MGS boomer and I legitmately didn't like MGS3 until I played the HD colleciton with the Subsistence camera. I never had a problem with the camera in MGS1 and 2 but 3's jungle setting and limited radar makes it a fucking chore to play
same here. the jungle setting is a big downgrade from the big shell
>Anti-Personnel sensor
>Active Sonar
>Motion Detector
>peek around corner/tree
>throw animal/empty mag and listen for "HUH"
You guys just suck and didn't realize the game was not only meant to be slower paced, see The End, but gave you tools to mitigate no Soliton Cheating System ©
all that shit and the only thing they needed to do was add a free camera. which they did. which is why subsistence is clearly the better verison.
Modern games are the most clunky games have ever been.
>half the sneaking systems made irrelevant
Why not 2 with that camera, isn't Twin Snake massively improved with 2's added systems, lets add 5's with no level changes. The sky's the limit when you don't give a shit. The camera is a massive crutch for impatient shitters
>Why not 2 with that camera
because 2's level design is made with that style of camera in mind, already said that.
>isn't Twin Snake massively improved with 2's added systems
no because it's level design isn't made with 2's added systems. 3 has the opposite problem, it had level design made for features they didn't add.
>3 had level design made for features they didn't add
An enemy is off screen, I "see" him on my two sensors and feel the rumble movement detector. So I throw a mag and as he wanders towards it, I scoot on by. All in game systems that work as intended. (you) just 360 the whole room with the camera and see everything. No thinking, only easy mode. the 3rd person camera is one of those "you didn't beat the game" situations.
>Is it actually worth going back and playing the classics or have they just aged too poorly and are clunky by modern standards?
When I think of games I'd be hesitant to recommend to zoomers I think of tomb raider, syphon filter, games where just moving around in the environments is a struggle. mgs1 and mgs2 play like top down 2d games, basic movement is effortless(especially in mgs2 it's smooth as butter). the way aiming works in both games is a touch wonky, but they meet the expectations of the games for the most part(dodging attack patterns then standing in place to fire).
mgs3 is probably the most awkward entry with all its additional systems, and the choice between a primitive early attempt at a modern 3d camera in subsistance and the original overhead angles where enemy line of sight is often greater than the view you have access to. I would absolutely still recommend it.
m8 i beat the game with the gimped camera at launch and the free camera
the game is clearly much less annoying to play with the free camera. having a top down camera works much better in contained indoor environments like in 1 and 2.
ooooooooo its just so clunky
>much less annoying
and TS is much less annoying when you can just obliterate everything in your path unobstructed. 5 is less annoying with the chicken hat. The struggle IS the fucking game anon. You are supposed to use your skills and tools to overcome obstacles. Why fucking bother when you can wallhack though right? In Groznyj Grad there is a soldier walking in a alley you CANNOT see unless you peek around the corner, or use the sensors. The challenge is scouting ahead while also being wary of enemies possibly closing in. All of this is just lost with a 360 camera that can see enemies around a corner without needing to put YOU in a dangerous position.
anon the camera in vanilla MGS3 sucked and the dev team clearly agreed because they fucking fixed it, you're gonna have to cope better
Anon, you're allowed to enjoy cheating. I'm just confused why you're unwilling to say it. Are you coping? Tangent... You ever play DOOM 64 on pc with mouselook? Give it a whirl, its on steam now. Oh sure, mouselook in a fps is amazing, better then console controls. However, the game's was designed around you not having a mouse, and adding one breaks it. I'm shocked you can't understand this.
>>Gameplay for the initial release was alright but overly ambitious, the idea of changing your camo was great until you realize it means to play the way the game wants you to means endless menu jockeying
If you want to play by picking the absolute best camo for your current surface and you feel compelled to change your camo constantly, rather then just picking the best thing for the entire enviroment, that's on you. The 10% difference between the optimal camo for any given surface and one of the more generic ones is inconsequential.
MGS1 is still a masterpiece, good story, awesome boss fights, can be clunky due to its age.

MGS2 plays the best, gameplay is so smooth, good boss fights, good story.

MGS3 is still good, but it's the most mid of them all, gameplay is a step down from 2, boss fights are mostly bad, except Volgin, the Shagohod and The Boss, that is actually one of the best final boss fights ever. Story is ok, Ocelot saves it.

4 is just a movie. Barely any gameplay, boss fights are bad.

MGS4 had a couple good boss fights. Octopus, Wolf, and Ocelot are all good. Raven and Mantis were shit though.
>Bibo being a massive autist is why we love him, he's literally me
Damn son you were in The Special Forces?
Peace Walker actually has some of the best cutscenes in the series
Controls are complete ass.
The level design in MGS3 owns so hard.

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