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>repeats the same joke ten times
I love Japanese games
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love ACKchually
it has been extremely funny watching average thread impressions climb in positivity as more people actually complete the MSQ
>still has the 6.55 headdress
Needs to be updated
For me it's more so been as I've done the dungeons and trials and found those good, the MSQ is still shit but in the first day or so I was playing that's all I had to go on.
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Dev 1: "Remember how the blue mages are basically native americans in FF14?
Dev 2: "Yes? But blue mages will have to at least wait for the next expansion because they would need to be..."
Dev 1: "No no, I have a better idea. Remember that they can learn the flying sardin spell?"
Dev 2: "Err.... where are you getting at?"
Dev 1: "Well, what if there's a blue mage that can only learn flying sardine AND is able to turn that spell into Flying Shark or Flying Manta Ray, AND we use that as the fishing questline ?!!!"
Dev 2: "This is so dumb.... LET'S FUCKING GOOOO!"
>we end with a shard jump artifact
>next expansion is probably visiting the rest of the shards
>the FFXI collab is probably one of them

I honestly forgot blue mage was a """job""" lol. yoshi has done irreparable damage to the final fantasy brand that blue mage will probably never be a job again.
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this is powerful..........
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Koji died for our sins, now it's becoming infested with troon agendas
i do not care about other shards

>Will Yoshi P do something about the writers?
No. He’s in on it.
four more years. trust the plan.
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I now remember what the main city theme reminds me of
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idk why this place think people ios going to quit the game just because of the story when everything else is great

We finall got good dungeons and trials again. Cant wait for the raids
jesus christ
Are you FUCKING kidding me? This troon shit is so blatant at this point..
Powerfvl.. my dilator popped right out of my neovagina when I read that.. thank you Yoshi-P
What's even left? Mercurial is more or less the only meaningful place left.
>there’s no valid story reason for us to be visiting other shards
>the story justification for the Void expansion will actually be two hrothgars basedfacing and saying ITS DA VOID EXPANSION!!!!
>the story justification for the FFXI alliance raid will be “Somehow, the Shadow Lord returned”
They are all the same as always. I still cannot believe I let you faggots grift me into it, I actually believed you all for a couple of hours.
Oh no, when you quit you won't be missed.
ENfags deserve this
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It begins.
I'm holding out till 7.2 to give my judgement. I couldnt care less about the story since EW DESU and I for one am glad I can skip every cutscene and not feel like I missed out.
when will people finally admit femhroths are a failure
their faces look like shit and have fridge bodies
fujo game. we're never getting attractive female characters again, I hope you're ready to fanta miqote into aura into viera for all eternity
Cope. The west and western media stands for trans rights.
Bullshit, look at rhe bosses from Deadwalk (especially that bitch of a first boss) and tell me it's on the same level as EW exfremes.
Yoshida on suicide watch?
I know, which is why I am playing Japanese shit to get away from it you low effort bait posting faggot...
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Post Wukie tits again
Dawntrail shows that you should never let Westerners have a hand in the development of your projects
Wuk Evu is one of the few tolerable characters in Dawntrail.
DT is still mile better than STB and post-EW
Wait, another troon?????
Japan is pretty much the west at this point. If you don't like it go to Russia, China, or Brazil.
Why is this soiboi gassing up wuk mutt as if people like her
I was reminded of this
Imagine being WoL in this expansion and having to be all like "damn, Wuk Lamat, you're fuckin' awesome, all fun and carefree with your 12 year old blonde anime character attitude and horrific androgynous tranny voice. I would totally adventure with you, both my Ascian self and the fractured me." when all he really wants to do is turn more collectibles in to M'Naago. Like seriously imagine having to be WoL and not only travel across a continent while Wuk Lamat flaunts her disgusting furry body in front of you, her words and actions grating on every inch of your grey matter, and just stand there, cutscene after cutscene, hour after hour, while she and the people around you prattle on about shit you don't care about. Having to tolerate her awfully-written personality as everyone in the party tells her she's FIT FOR THE THRONE and DAMN, WUK LAMAT FIGHTS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who killed primals single-handedly, now having to stand there and watch her stupid cat face contort into types of hellish expressions you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of Viera and Miqo'te and later alleged Loporrit rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Gridania. You've never even dealt with anyone this fucking exhausting before, and now you find yourself swearing that you wish you could go back to Lyse and the Ala Mhiggers, as daunting as they were, while Wuk Lamat is smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to go on an adventure with the spic mutt and revel in her "Dawnservantly (for that is what she calls herself)" presence. And then the game calls for another cutscene, and you know you could kill every single person in this party before the surrounding lizardpeople could put you down, but you stand there and endure, because you're the fucking Warrior of Light. You're not going to lose out on any future adventuring over this. Just bear it. Nod your head and bear it.
Baiting replies
I just finished it today and I think I enjoyed it more than EW, the characters were great apart from Wuk who had too much spotlight and was a bit too much of a mary sue. I actually didn't mind her in the middle of expansion, but it just continued and WoL was sidelined more and more. I was incredibly happy when we could fight the trial alone, trusts were a mistake.
1 crysta has been deposited in your mogstation account
>guy wants to conquer the world
>army gets destroyed by a single dragon
What was he thinking, his tech tree wasn't upgraded enough to deal with eorzean bullshit
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Everyone complains about wuk lamat and they are completely right. But no one mentions how absolute dogshit the second half of the expansion also was.
>Another problem about souls
>Ridiculously technologicallly advanced society is somehow now permanent residents on the planet
>We are just going to let it stilde that they are using souls as a resource even though every charater agrees how bad that is
Also at the start of the zone
>Fucked up souls as a resource system
>No one cares
>They even talk to the queen and say it's actually okay because it's your "le culture"
>Otis talks about it
>Everyone now instantly disturbed by it
>Still let it all slide and function as it is
What the fuck were they smoking
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About that...
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it's a surprise tool that will help us later :^)
>We've never seen this before
-WoL who HAS in fact seen this before
Wuk has comically too much spotlight. It's extremely jarring.
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is there a mod to turn the last area back to normal yet
He's the better Wuk. I would have preferred him over Lamat.
>all these amazing voices
>and also Wuk Lamat
>seethe and shit your diaper endlessly when someone posts funny jp forum images more than once
>then proceed to spam your cope every thread
the hypocrisy is real
>last area is kino
>beat the game
>whole area dies

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Has anyone had problems logging in ever since Dawntrail dropped? Not talking about queues or congestion since there's none to speak of, but even during dead hours I get frequent 2002s or 90002s just trying to log in. Sometimes I get in but immediately disconnect seconds later. Once I actually get in and manage to stay connected for more than 5 seconds it's smooth sailing, but getting that far is a diceroll.
I come to laugh at the people who think theyre better than any other MMO
When there's smoke, there's fire.
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wish i could hang with the bros.....
The whole area dying is the reason it is kino, in fact it might be the only actually good part of the MSQ. You need to let go, anon.
>Pleasant english voices
But we are
>but the story
we have better content than any other MMO
You need to let go anon.
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He's still here
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>random guy comes up
>"Wuk the moblin leader has something for you!"
>everyone stands there and lets her run off
>WoL just watches and doesn't say anything or accompany her after 5 expansions of experiencing this event
>this is 5 minutes after her dad just told us to look out for her
It's the writing in general, I hope they fire this guy
>One guy seething about "ESL" and nothing else.

Goddamn. Why can't XIV fans take any form of critcism without going nuclear?
... god, this gets more and more retarded the more you think about it. Our entire reason to go with Wuk was that if her brother won there would be war with Eorzea. And then he gets an army of super futuristic cyber soldiers and airships and he gets his shit shoven in by a single dragon and his brood. No one gave that script to an editor.
Based Wuk Lamat filtering retards
oof ouch yikies
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>we are infiltrating and try to sneak in garbage hoping that nobody will notice so we can better subvert you later
>if you call us out you are a racist nazi
They leaned well from their master
Nah, if the Koreans stopped making dogshit P2W games they'd sweep the entire industry.
Lost Ark would be such a good game if it wasn't such Korean dogshit. Incredible encounter design.
ayo are you the twitter nigga?
She can't stand being left out.
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This fucking shit pissed me off so much. All the preachy twitter dialog before this was bad but this was beyond the pale. It's the most egregious example of trannylator agenda pushing I have ever seen. There have been some gross nonbinary characters in games lately and they could have gone that route. Instead they took a male character and just gave it a female voice for the english dub, knowing that nobody can say shit about it if they don't want to be seen as bigoted.

Wuk Lamerda
>Final Solution 9
Why did Bakool Ja Ja, the rival that did EVERYTHING IN IS POWER TO IMPEDE WOL AND THE OTHERS...get the goddamn best character arc?
The story is the "uhm... human sacrifice and torture are just our le culture so take your ignorant christian god and values someplace else mmmkay?" shitpost but played straight.

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>new expansion come out
>people would rather Meteionpost and talk about XI
That bad, huh?
There was always a possibility of electric nuke happening if left alone for too long.
The rope in this image isn't even taut. This cat is merely pretending to commit suicide.
Hildibrand Adventures in Tural will be better than DT base MSQ

Had some random lag spikes where other players randomly freezes for a split second when they are running/walking in between mob packs at dungeons/alliance raids on my client but haven't get any other error yet.
you keep posting this and it keeps not being true, bait aside I think opinions are actually getting worse as time goes on
That's what happens when you give the furry community an inch in your game.
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>>WoL just watches and doesn't say anything or accompany her after 5 expansions of experiencing this event
>WoL: This is so fucking obvious.. but I'm not gonna say shit. It'll be a learning experience for the little retard.
Ever since an anon brought it up I can't get over this:
>first dungeon has us on the boat
>boat gets stopped so we go by foot
>at the end of the dungeon we get picked up by the boat that Erenville repaired
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1 character took a big poopy on the MSQ
This 1 character will either make you like or dislike the expansion since literally everything is about what she does, thinks, feels, or reacts or whatever
We will never get another low stakes, chill expansion because this faggot fucking writer couldn't write to save his life even though it's his job to. FUCK
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>SPHEEEEE*voice crack*EEENE
>forced 2 pack into wall
>good dungeons

Bring back multiple pathing
Optional rooms
Environmental interaction
Boss to boss pulls

Totorak? Dzemael? Qarn? Now that's a dungeon
Dont ask questions just consume product and then get excited for next product
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5 days retard, we had 5 days of threads talking about the MSQ. Now that most of us have seen it there's nothing much else to post about beyond the shitty quality of the story moving forward.
Wait wait wait... So the Solution 9 fuckers literally use souls as currency? And the Scions just let them after finding out? Despite knowing what happens to souls that don't get to go to the aetherial sea?

5 Ultimates that are all based on recycling previous savage raids, alliance raids that are all mostly recycling past FF games and colaborations, almost zero original content.

"we have better content than any other MMO"

Damn, no wonder the entire genre is dying.
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Imagine Wuk Lamat, Chen & Li Li Stormstout
Considering the wowniggers only played endwalker they have nothing else to talk about. Then you have retarded english dub users who cry about the tranny which affects nobody else as only those retarded niggers are hearing him to begin with. I will give them the meter though that if you don't like the energetic cat, you will not enjoy a big chunk of the msq since you are working together with her to get her on the throne for at least half of it.
Yes. Krile, G'raha and Alisaie are incredibly chill as this is revealed.
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Ah yes, the WoL will instead let her be in danger instead accompanying her and educating her with his/her past experiences
Y'know, with words, like Wuk wants to do with others?
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tranny lamat is heckin valid you chuds
>woke lemutt
I kind of feel sorry for Sphene, the first guy to open the gate was retarded lizard with daddy issues.
Hilarious how voice is the ultimate exposer of troons
They can hide everything else but can't hide voice
Better question.. how the fuck did the boat get up the waterfall?
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That's because when XI introduced characters in each expansion, they didn't take the spotlight and every side character developed.
i'd be willing to wager most the people here haven't cleared the MSQ
Why are you so racist? Dawntrail is an anti-racism expansion.
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It's symbolic for ff14 as a whole.
Too complex for XIVtroons, the moment someone goes the wrong way, one guy will sperg at them, and the other two will get pissy at the first and enforce their toxic positivity
Both suck and are the exclusive domain or furries.
>That hairline
Yep. Let her learn like he did.
Dzemael is the worst dungeon in the game THOUGH
>you WILL hit the crystal
>"I'll talk if you're willing to liste-"
>*skips cutscene*
not my problem
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>they didn't take the spotlight and every side charac-
Such a fucking shame this pure kino track is wasted on such a dogshit character
>Wants to show people fear so they strive for peace
>No actually I'm just tsundere sorry for cutting you off
>No actually I'm compassionate just autistic I will help you with valigarmanda
>Now I'm actually evil and insecure and will attack the mamool ja trial guy
>Now I want to kill my dad so I can achieve my peace through fear plot
>Now I actually just want to rule over the world and will kill everyone living in it to take it over
Genuinely not a single piece of good writing in this expansion.
Imagine instead of this horseshit it was just an actual alien invasion and pure good vs evil kino. Would be a much better use of this track.
But nooooo everything just has to tie into some bigger nonsense contrived story and can't just be pure adventure.
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E-excuse me, it's not male pattern baldness, it's alopecia!
He looks like a 50 year old republican woman
The most baffling part is that we have already previously completely dismantled and rebuilt Ishgard and Eulmore for being rotten at the core. How the fuck does Everkeep get a free pass when it's so much worse than either of them?
you’re right, as we know everyone who completed the story loves the MSQ, so that must mean everyone who hates the story hasn’t even cleared it yet.
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Holy cope
Calm down, tranny
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My brother in christ everyone who had early access finished the MSQ.
omega dogshit expansion :
>10 hours of world building where WoL literally says nothing
>"adventure" means collect rocks, go look for literal bird shit to setup a fire, talk to distressed people 3 times ... twice
>people shilled this "low stakes adventure" forever only for it to end up as another end of the world calamity
this expansion is at least three times worse than StB because at least it had some good characters, DT has none.
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So despite knowing these souls will eventually burn out and fade away, this preventing them from reincarnating permanently... Something which is especially bad with the souls they took during the attack on the city.. they aren't gonna do shit because it's 'their culture'?
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so is this what other people see when they see lalas?
>Wuk Lamat fucks off and stays in the castle while Rabbit Man and (You) go to West World
>story instantly improves
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>mfw transphobic chuds are in my vicinity
So do we know what the fuck was that key
...why is he so fucking hideous? It's beyond parody at this point.

At least the official forums and the japs are shitting on him nonstop, but still.
I didn't. I just reached Heritage Found and I've been no lifing it.
>Blaming WoW

Nigga is mindbroken
What happens if she dies because of the "lesson"?
It's asinine
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My favorite part is when he calls a poster who made a 100% grammatically correct post an ESL because he doesn't feel like responding to the argument posed.
No? People have lives.
>charismatic actors trained in classical theater
then that "thing" shows up
Bravo Kate
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No they see this
WoW lives rent free in his head, he kneels before the superior MMO
you okay?
dzemael and aurum vale were actually my favorite dungeon to tank back in arr-sb. very fast actually if you know what you're doing compared to all the post ARR dungeons with roadblocks.
You either didn't play through early access or you're lying, we had niggas who speedran the msq and finished it day 1 spoilers and everything.
>We left the key to the gate with you so you could return to us, Krile
>Then why did we need someone else to open it, mom?

It bugged me that G'raha didn't even ask what happens to the souls that are consumed, or how the fuck they sustain themselves, because it's supposed to be the twist that every player should have figured out themselves right then and there anyway.
Then boo hoo. She was the retard who insisted she could go alone.
Damn, moot looks like THAT?
I noticed you framed this to make it seem like that is what has actually been happening when it has not, in fact, been happening.
You missed when he got exposed as a newfag tourist last thread
Despite being an empath, Krile is a complete emotional vacuum.
>learns that she is from another shard (but not really)
No reaction
>learns that her Grandpa chilled with king lizard
No reaction
>Finds her parents
Oh huh!
>Talks with her parents
Barely talks with them, needs G'raha to break the ice
>has to switch her parents off
Just kinda does it, Erenville actually has an arc with his mom instead
>completely invisible for the rest of the expansion, fucking yshtola has more or an impact than her
Cool second female lead guys. Just as cool as the was in Eureka.
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>Krile has a HUGE fucking reveal about how she's a baby from another shard
>She just reveals it and they instantly move on, doesn't even have the time to react to it despite being a pretty fucking huge piece of information
Why do the writers hate her so much? What's the point of giving focus on Krile if you're just gonna treat her like this? I'm actually annoyed.
no i didnt.......
You should hear them sing
I still find it hilarious that people play jrpg with dub. Dubfags deserve it for gloating about their supposed superior experience before.
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same thing really

lalas are now the most important race in the MSQ. you better be nice or you don't get to use azem's key and go to a non-wuk reflection
Our shart of cope
He trances on the street
Oh lower
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How can you blame everyone else but the people that served you this hot plate of liquid shit?
They most likely skipped a lot of the cutscenes.
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because he was hired by this nigger, along with a bunch of west coast libcuck VAs replacing the london cast
lmao based Emmanellain
No way they could have finished it day 1 without skipping
>if I spam it enough times, it will magically become true
The expansion would've improved significantly
It'll probably be handled in the patch ones. But if people want to willingly recycle there souls it's not a big issuee right now
funny thing is every other new VA was fantastic. the train conductor bro, catboy sheriff, tobli and gulool ja ja himself stand out
>World of Warcraft out of nowhere
90% of DT threads are spam on both sides
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One of the biggest memes in the first 2 days was that you could skip certain cutscenes with no narrative consequence. Which you would know if you were actually in the threads during EA
I leveled VPR to 90 and THEN started MSQ, took some breaks and still was done by Sunday.
Something tells me that this expac was originally supposed to have a greater focus on Krile, but a certain pink haired menace insisted Wuk Lemat got the spotlight fit obvious reasons. You can see this with all the reveals involving Krile getting swept under the rug immediately despite them being pretty fucking important
The only thing climbing is your body temperature. You must be steaming right now
This first 60% of the story is objective dogshit but the last 40% is decent. Has a great finale and ending.
I'll take an expansion of troon over countless years of painful shrieking and generic anime voices.
Very cute Broccoli, I like the outfit
>wowbuck scraping the archives
see you at blizzcon!
Not to mention raid is going to be soul related
Kek, you made the discord raiders mad.
>Then why did we need someone else to open it, mom?

Bexuae Jaja changed the control settings illiterate fuck
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>absolute pavement ape
He doesn't believe that, he's posting it for (You)s
The fuck is the point in speedrunning the MSQ if there is no end game content for two or four weeks.
Why the fuck I would in these threads while playing considering the spoilers
even from dataminers
it has been extremely funny watching average thread impressions climb in positivity as more people actually complete the MSQ
Link the post so I can check it out on the archive. I believe you either way though
>Heavy emphasis on pre-Columbian style zones.
>Annoying furry shit.
>Meandering story with no direction.
>Writer blatantly simping over a female character.
>Story is a poor follow-up to a huge finale in the previous expansion.
>Initial premise ends up barely mattering.
Dawntrail is BfA.
god she even has that annoying little kid expression
To farm hunts.
I am actually glad the encounter design improved a bit. If the dungeons and trials were shit tier the game would be completely fucked.
who is this sexo
crafting and gathering. also if you want to be the first to publish things like say, hunt mark maps or dungeon guides
Damn, he is actually mind-broken. I hope you chuds are satisfied.
To shitpost with niggas while playing the MSQ obviously. That's what everyone was doing
Crafting and gathering is not relevant until savage patch
If you are doing day 1 savage you want to be leveling every job in your role and have maxed crafters and materials ASAP.
Its like BfA then jumps to shadowlands for how batshit retarded the writing and setting got
How did they decide which cutscenes to voice? Some that you'd expect to have voice acting are read only while random shit is suddenly voiced.
Kill yourself
This is true
As far as BFA goes I thought that the alliance questline in Kul Tiras was fun.
It has been extremely funny watching average thread impressions climb in negativity as more people actually complete the MSQ
enjoy it while it lasts (for 3 hours) before you're forced back into slavery for our lord and savior wuk lamat
full crafting sets are going for 5m on crystal. and you better believe people are buying
>% of positive reviews on Steam rising
There's 1 month until it and day 1 savage raiders don't craft shit themselves
Hunt trains are a big point because materia is worth a shitton of gil right now.
>non stop coping, from 8 am to 8 pm
An entire shift and then some! For free too
Isnt that the plot of ff7? Burning souls as Mako energy?
Under 50% by Sunday, screencap this.
No wonder people are so negative
Reviews everywhere are getting better. XIV won.
Yoshida really had to fucking buy bot farms to damage control this expansion KEK
>who is this sexo
Arcelia from XI's last expansion Seeker's of Adoulin
Doomchads... we lost... Dawntrail is the best FFXIV expansion ever and we refused to see it because the Zodiark trancer propaganda blinded us...
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Justify this character.
amazing, you can use this post to check when the discord raiders arrive
Spehene is a hemres shard. Krile is an Azem shard
I skipped everything past trial 2 and I feel like I didn't miss a thing narratively. Which is pretty fucking shit considering I went through hours of dialogue and cutscenes in 40 minutes
Wuk Lamat but you can actually fuck her this time.
Dawntrail is the greatest expansion of all time, my name is Elena Law from Spriggan and I challenge anyone to visit me in game and contest this fact.
he's the primary antagonist of dawntrail
And when you kill yourself everyone in your life will cheer.
>average negative review
>5 to 6 paragraphs long explaining in detail what the issues are
>average positive review
>big fat tacos xD
Is Wuk safe horny bros?
More interactive environments is the only thing there I agree with.
hey /v/ if the back half of my turd was studded with corn, would you eat it? if the answer is no, then dawntrail is not good
>average positive review
>people who can actually understand the game
>average negative review
>manchildren filtered by low stakes adventure
Wuk is an Azem shard.
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I didn't ask you for his narrative role, I asked you to justify his character. Why is he like this?
I think Dawntrail is great.
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I cleared it expecting it to get better at some point and the writing got even more loose and retarded. Final Zone felt like they really wanted to emulate what EW did so well at the end and just assumed they did adequate buildup to get someone invested when they more or less spent the rest of the plot hitting key story beats from previous expansions.
wuk lamat is epic taco sauce
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>living memory
penacony did it better
>wasted potential: the character
atleast he made the AI his waifu
he's hot
the english dub (and script for that matter) has always sucked; one tranny didn't make it go from good to bad, but bad to worse
should've done your reps
Watching the page like a hawk
Dawntrail is the greatest expansion of all time, my name is Elena Law from Spriggan and I challenge anyone to visit me in game and argue this fact.
Daddy issues, couldn't live with himself because dad was so much superior than him. Imagine not being able to beat dad who is at half power without magic power up.
He's the biggest loser of expansion.
If you think thats bad, there was another damage control fag who kept spamming the same sequence of 4 posts for 3 days straight before he was finally called out on his bullshit, and trying to re-hash his reaction images to avoid archive scraping.
Looks cool, Trail theme is a banger, thats about it
>Bring back multiple pathing
you mean, faster path by 1 second or votekick?
It has been extremely funny watching average thread users climb Mount Everest as more people actually complete the Sherpa training
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Thats not even true
Daddy issues made him chimp out and uhhhhhhh
Well done lol
Krile got done so unbelievably fucking dirty
You could unironically remove her entirely from the MSQ and maybe 2 scenes of importance would be impacted in the grand scheme of things
Wut Lamat? moar liek wu-the fuck wrote this shit
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ah I see the resemblance
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>Whole set up for potentially going to Tural started with Krile finding the letter
>Secondary reason was Wuk Lemat asking for help
>Story was clearly supposed to focus on Wuk in the first half and Krile in the second
>Krile gets a hand full of quests involved her stuff while 98% of the rest is all Wuk
What pisses me off us that this is clearly another Garlemald situation. They had this entire storyline planned out but scrapped 90% of it and mixed it with another. It's especially obvious because when they were first talking about DT, they made emphasis on Krile's role.. but then suddenly stopped.
Which sadly is still better than she's gotten at any point previous to this
Kate hates lalafell and wanted Will Lamar to upend Krile's role
Viper GCDs are too long
because the burden of being the golden child of a great king and his inferiority complex combined to create a massively unstable individual who happened to be given great power. he was just smart enough to get rid of the advisor dude before he got stabbed in the back himself

unready and unwise kings are a staple of fiction. his fucking second form has a spot for a head of reason but its missing. you can't nail it any harder than that
It's funny how quickly (nigh instantly) the term "media literacy" just came to mean "if you don't like my favorite media you're too stupid to get it"
I miss boss rooms not being squares/circles
And in between rooms having unique mechanics as part of them like the Aurum poison pools and Dzemael key things you had to stand in
Aurum/Dzemael were effectively straight lines, but they at least had shit going on between bosses
I haven't checked but I'm sure they've been yassified for trusts now
Mihoyo hasn't consulted SBI yet
The game will eventually get decent reviews because XIV is extremely reliant on a super positive community (or appearance of one) at all times. But the fact that it is so low at launch is telling.
There are 3 trannies in dawntrail actually :)
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>miHoYo fag
they're not msq dungeons so there's no trusts for them anon
That's the only way woketards know how to argue
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I went viera but I'm probably going back to cat. Cats are just allrounders.
>Can only manage to get 85 on JV.com of all places
Grim. Dire, even.
Tfw a group already killed the World Boss FATE last zone on 2nd day of Early Access
Had to be French
>Low stakes adventure
Sorry sweaty she is too white
Trusts were the biggest mistake, now you have characters hanging around who contribute absolutely nothing to the story and makes you wonder why are they even there.
Please save us, Sunday...
yes. despite their ubiquity both miqote are pretty well animated and designed
Who’s the critic? Find his Twitter and check for pronouns and flags.
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My wife Maya is cute!
expectation of a the biological son of a king, a king that shoul not be possible for him to have offspring. the nation putting him in a pedestal for being a miracle. then watching your 2 adopted siblings doing what you could not do.
that shit would fuck anyone
Reminder that if you own the game on Steam you have a duty to leave a bad review. Cultfags are dropping single sentence positive reviews and if they're allowed to win the game is never going to improve.
>graphical updates as biggest positive
>Dawntrail is an expansion that continues in the right direction by Naoki Yoshida and his teams for over a decade. Hoping that the course is maintained inthe next updates and expansions
ok pedo
>Please, someone invalidate this review for the love of god
What ever direction they were going in ARR died with yoshi taking the helm and turning into wotlk.
There's a lot of love and care in the base races for obvious reasons, though, femra come close
>literally entire blurb is positive except for the slow story start
How do they come up with their numbers
Bitch she's older than you.
>Make great looking final zone
>Destroy it
Yeah I get the point of letting go, but still, what a waste.
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sides launched to the moon
I skipped the fuck out of them because the game is nice enough to have Wuk Lmao tell us everything over and over and over that the game should show us. The only solid piece of environmental storytelling was in the last fifth of the game when it lets you look out over that bridge and recognize different areas that got merged into our shard.

You like dating women that look like toddlers? Ok pedo.
steamsissies are so embarrassing with their gay charts.
no one intelligent hides behind this phrase in lieu of a rational argument. in fact, I find it to be a concession of defeat
I don't get this meme about dungeons being especially good. They're as sloppy as ever and the only marginal intensity comes from the fact that people are doing the same as they always do at the start of a new expansion; go in with shite gear and get wiped to obvious mechanics because they're dumb.
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>my WoL 30 minutes into the expansion
This is extremely accurate. IMO DT is fine and Wuk grows enough as a person to not be awful but either way the story is literally written to be her story so if you don't warm up to her it's gonna be a bad time, especially since it's not a stellar story in the first place.
I got my plot hook for the future though and that was the most important part.
I enjoyed last boss bombarding you with everything
Dalamud working yet?
>FFag14 adds an actual tranny voice acted fag character that is the center of the entire story
U-uh....this is great bros! The MSQ was so hecking kino haha!
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>shadowbringer launch
>threads full of people posting a screenshot of their WoL hushing during the ending before the cut to black
>everyone satisfied

>Endwalker launch
>threads full of people posting a screenshot of the "That I can't deny" WoL dialogue option
>everyone satisfied

>Dawntrail launch
>Vritra out of nowhere to save the day
What an asspull
I get to play the game without being gated by shit content.
absolute character vacuum, couldn't even hold a scene in her own expansion
How is /v/ going to cope when the expansion gets decent critic reviews and loses very few subscribers despite being dog shit?
does this expansion finally make Middies real?
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>Search for Distressed Citizens
>Search for More Distressed Citizens
>Speak with Wuk Lamat
>everyone satisfied
Fuck no
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There's nothing positive here Canary bro, it's totally fucked.
probably jerk off to 'shtola
Y'know the worst part about Wuk Lemat? It's that every time she shows the slightest fucking smidge of character development.. it gets ruined by her doing something retarded or the game forcing WoL to praise her
There was no reason for the Twins to have been in DT
The ending is completely hijacked by the troon cat making everything about her, and made people feel empty inside, so theres nothing to post
>Endwalker was good
>Dawntrail is good as well
How they do it?
>Footfalls starts playing
You remember the better expansions, right g-guys?
Trusts lmao
Sorry, player choice is bigoted and takes agency away from more deserving minorities. Be humble for once in your life, bigot!
>Twitch drop food
>one whole extra percent EXP bonus
6.0 had a satisfying ending. Everything that came after retroactivity fucked it.
the expansion is all about WUK LEMUT you CHUD
>who the fuck needs some dumb lala who pretty much sets up the entire expansion with a major plotpoint like that
God the writing is fucking awful
My FUARKING HEROES... and Bejita.
The first metacritic score gave it a 60 and you know perfectly well critic reviews are mostly a follow the leader thing.
Literally me. I held off of coming to these threads to avoid spoilers and now that I'm done with the game I wish I started mashing escape faster and sooner. I'd rank the MSQ as sandwiched between ARR and HW, my bottom two.
I burst out laughing when that happened. It was so random and artificial with the music and everything, I couldn't believe it.
It did not have satisfying ending, what the fuck are you talking about
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At least she's pure distilled boner nitrate for me and a decent trust
I just wanted literally anyone else to have some time, especially Krile
Way ahead of you anon, I let go before Dawntrail released and am now just appreciating the drama from the inevitable shitshow.

How anyone kept going after 6.x is a mystery to me.
um sweaty did you not like wuk lamat going bankai and saving your sorry ass?
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extremes are great this time
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Adventuring with Krile in Eureka is still the most fun we've got to have with her.

That was a real adventure. Actual new and exciting vistas with tons of variety, scary overworld mobs that WILL fuck you up and force you to god forbid, party up with other players in an MMO, finding treasure, playing around with Logos actions to do cool shit. Bonding with Krile and seeing her personal character growth. All that climaxing in Baldesion Arsenal.

Take me back bros. Take me back.
I don't expect people that enjoy live service games to have good taste in gaming, specially when they play shit like Honkai Shite Rail
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>SpHeNE LiStEnN !
>penis music starts playing
You just know they rewrote the story when they hired the tranny. Seriously, just look at all the times the try to keep Krile as far away from the story beats as possible.. or when they just have her praise Wuk Lemat for doing shit she's seen WoL do as if it's a completely unique thing.
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...for me to poop on.
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This is the graphics update? Looks like the same shit to me
>Didn't get to have comfy adventures with Venat
>Didn't get to watch power couple hijinks
>Didn't get cute inn room events
I feel so fucking robbed.
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I agree, we need to let go of the past and look forward to the future, set a new standard for the next generation. Anyway, here's our last dungeon : an antique technologically advanced city with an ancient civilization clinging to life, with the tragic morally ambiguous villain narrating its history as you progress.
Of course it's going to get good critic reviews, westerns critics aren't allowed to say anything negative about troons or anything vaguely related to them.
If the community didn't bully the Zodiark trancers away we would have had enough people to force them to retcon this expansion.
Sadly. BA is borderline undoable these days.
>looks the same
See an optometrist, brother.
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Will Yoshida now smash the "Dating System" emergency button since no one enjoyed the fucking MSQ?
FFXIV is a live service game so that checks out
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I've never been less interested in playing through the MSQ
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>Sunders your chud game
>Does that
>Only options are Wuk Lemat and G'raha
you actually have defective eyes
Dawntrail is the greatest expansion of all time, my name is Elena Law from Spriggan and I challenge anyone to visit me in game and contest this fact.
>posting this troon's forced self insert
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you didn’t find the overt exposition and severe lack of adversity against wuk lamat to be a bit insulting? I would consider this fine for a game targeted at 10-15 year olds, not adults
bruh it's like 99999x better
VII expansion next
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>end trial wait time 26min
The monkey paw curls again...
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>Most players will remain subscribed because FFXIV players are incapable of voting with their wallets
Fuck them. I'm sick of ancient shit and I can stomach the shit cat for an expansion
ryne and gaia daughterwives canon
Wuk Lamat is the only option, u rike?
Isn't the key a bit too powerful for something that's not in ascian hands?
Scions broke up, I got my amazing final fight with Zenos, Ascian main story closed.
I was satisfied. Everything after these things ruins everything, but these closed story points and build up was satisfying, for me. I would have been happy if the game eos'd right there, if I knew that DT was the future.
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For all the FF fans that have played the first 10 games in the series at least, don't you guys think it's fucked how much this hack steals ideas, concepts, names from previous FF games and recycles like over 50% of the entire MMO?
>Braindead complaint with no substance
>Just repeats it
Brother why do you think anyone is going to care about your opinion when you barely even have one and are less eloquent than a toddler at expressing it?
Trancers had retarded reasons for it but they saw where the game was headed.
You're not supposed to be positive, kinda killing the vibe desu
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You rike? This is revenge for calling me a fujo and shitting on Raha, fucking baka gaijin.
Lol they always look like this, every single fucking time
My house man... I have such a good plot.
thankfully there's enough outlash over the quality of the msq that even the most diehard cocksuckers cant drown it out, hopefully they can find a good writer moving forward or strong-arm ishikawa back into the role
It's entire existence is a fucking retcon. Because how the FUCK didn't they know about it?
>not in ascian hands
Considering it was given to the Milalla by a previous incarnation of Azem, it *was* in "ascian" hands. Look at the middle of it, that's clearly ancient tech.
it is unusual for a game series these days to not be ashamed of its past, true
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>Koana's grand plan to lure out the bandit king is to walk around saying HA HA HA I HAVE LOTS OF MONEY AND NO BODYGUARD and hope he doesn't recognise either the Second Promise or mighty hero he spoke to not five minutes earlier standing next to the person he just abducted
>it fucking works
How ironic that Graha was better in this expansion than in EW
>ever making a good decision to right a wrong
It's just gonna be mismanagement after mismanagement
SoP was a fluke
he cute though
BRDbros how are we feeling with the job?
Casting HYDAELYN SLICE on smug lizards with daddy issues and hebes is fun

Copy pasting is shame and shows how much of a hack he is.
Him wanting to surpass his father is fine but the entire sequence of events doesn't work or make sense because he turns into a maniac hell bent on killing everything all because of a weird relationship with his father that we never see or have any indication of, we have no clue that he's suffering from expectations because the only thing we get about him is that he's fucking strong, which he is, and that he's well respected as the captain of the Landsguard, which is a positon we're told he had to earn.

The miracle shit comes out of nowhere and in every interaction where people support Zuraal's claim to the throne nobody treats him any differently than any of the other claimants beyond supporting his desire for war for economical reasons or because they respect his strength

Him becoming the genocidal ruler of Alexandria is extra confusing because while wanting more power makes sense his original goal was just to unite the world through war for the purpose of having a legacy because his REAL motivation was actually believing that his dad hated him for some unknown reason which is why he tells his son that he was left nothing
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no idea what you mean bro
Was this written by a bot or google translate? What the fuck are those bullet points? Jesus fucking christ do not do the needful.
yes anon. crazy people don't act rationally. i'm glad you figured this out
>Ishikawa gets her gondola ride shipping event with G'Raha
This means that she'll save us from Hiroi, right?
emet selch is the best written character in the entire final fantasy series
Google TL, I'm guessing, since it's a french review.
>penis music starts playing
I just could not believe how fucking bad this song was when it started playing
Gatherbros Revisit is the most busted shit they've ever added to gathering, wouldn't surprise me if it gets nerfed at some point.
>Koana: Remember WoL. Follow him, but don't get seen
>WoL: Why can't I just beat his ass?
>Koana: Story reasons.. no go do a shitty stealth section that nobody likes
>WoL: *punches fist sadly*
face 3 is pure sex and when the
sex hair is added to the game I can finally make a character I want to fuck.
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I too loved walking from spot to spot to swarm down some random mobs waiting for a random fate to spawn and then mindlessly delete it in seconds, only to repeat this process for hours, days on end.

So peak!
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>the company will feel bad about their decision because....we kept giving them money while posting negative responses on 4chan
No because I stand up and clap when I see thing I recognize from 20 years ago and I say this completely without irony.
No they didn't. Nothing they complained about was in dawntrail. Their just a bunch of furry homos who came from eow
Gondala ride was actually good, imagine something like that happening in EW and how would Graha act then. You would probably have onlookers commenting how we must be on a date.
when otis and lil nigga were around I was happy. when wuk opened her fat fucking gob I was sad.
Google translate best it could possibly do
>Main shaman lalafell wanted an ascian mask room built
It's ascian, they just lost it
She did nothing there and she did even less in DT. Sorry bro, her turn came and passed and she blew it.
>The level 100 final boss was a villain who gives zero fucks about the WoL and we get the spotlight stolen from us at the last moment.
The fates did not burn down in seconds on release
>Attaching casting and light adventure that takes off in 2nd part
>A dusty first part
>A sawtooth adventure with less exciting passage
Imagine if WoL was the first one to open the gate, maybe she would have had a happier future.
How did a funo make better female characters then whoever is on now (ysyale, ryne ect)
The fuck are you on about? That's just V'kebbe isn't it?
Fuck you, G'raha is still an insufferable character
its everywhere not just here
lyse got quietly written out, and the writer for sb replaced for less
The eugenics cult was a pretty cool plot point imo.

I'd prefer if the thing I recognize from 20 years ago wouldn't be recycled in such a disrespectful way, it looks like Alexandria from Wish.com.

It also speaks about how XIV doesn't have its own identity when over 50% of the game is just copy pasting.
Given that Azem seemed to have some kind of precognition powers.. I'd say he made it.
>absolutely all player character fem vieras get shat on in terms of looks by a milf with a 30+ years old son
How will they ever recover?
now post the Alpacas pog xD updoot or the "im only leaving a thumbs up because others left a negative review"
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Would actually make me return to this game
Just give me noclippy back not being able to double weave in mch is hell
g'raha derangement syndrome
Well hey, good news is Wuk should be getting punted immediately based on the feedback.
what makes you think he gives a flying fuck about the people of alexandria?
If the song was like 20 minutes long I could see it, but they try to fit so much into like three minutes that it just sounds confused. You've got like some skoonga goona grungy shit, the dawntrail motif, a fucking orchestra section and some kind of hard rock break down. It's just a fucking mess
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Even the music took a massive quality drop. This almost feels intentional. Maybe they're trying to get subs to drop so they can back out of that "10 years of service" promise and work on a new mmo.
Who is the little gajool jajas mother? Sphene?

Game is so shit it needs plugins to properly function
V'kebbe has red hair. That cat is a known futa OC that is often depicted with Y'shtola.
As far as I am concerned he is the only good Wuk.
>zoomer filtered
eureka truly is based
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>The *leader* of the healer strike is a literal tranny
But who is even surprised really
Absolute retard smelling his own farts who genuinely believed in his superiority because of his birth and how people were seeing him, got mindbroken when he got shat on.
He's pretty much the opposite of Bakool JaJa who, despite being touted as a blessed child and such, never believed in his superiority over others but had to pretend for the sacrifice of all the others to not have been in vain, to the extend that he was often retreating to the cenote, crying, when the pressure of pretending to be that sort of ubermensch was too much for him. Also why he had to rely on dirty tricks to get ahead: he knew he wasn't the god the others were saying but no better than the others.
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Mogged by the leader of council of evil you mean
the main character is a troon, it's haram among "critics" to shit on one of their own
Wasn't the rogue guild cat white?
I miss Tataru :(
Why don't you faggots play gacha games instead of having your cancer everywhere you dumb self insert fuck
I don't recall this ever being stated, if it was then it would actually fix the problems with that part. All that was said, to my remembrance, is that the authority was automatically transferred to the new king, not that Zoraal Ja added the necessity. Krile was left with a key that requires someone that shouldn't even be in her world to use.
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Can I get a sensible explanation as to why Sundowner doesn't nuke the capital city after trying to nuke the capital city
Like I get the whole "urhghgrehg i need to prove i'm stronger than you wuk" thing
Why doesn't he want to prove it now
use xivalexander instead of relying on the tranny plugin to update
It was working 5 minutes into the expansion
It changes instruments every 20 seconds, its an actual clusterfuck of noise with no harmony, except for a few seconds of bridge.
Should have just kept wanking retro FF and had a cover of a FF9 song at that point
Eww... the shill youtuber...

Get a real job maybe?
She ruined the lore forever with her faggots ikemen, she can die too
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>i love my furry wife wuk lamat
>wuk lamat please get the fuck away from me you clingy bitch, please pleas please fuck off
explain living memory, solution 9 and heritage found to me
By saying that the FATEs burned down in seconds you've exposed yourself as having first joined the game during Shadowbringers.
No way, that looks like a random ERP troon I'd see on the streets. Meanwhile look at the pic related fertile chocolate goodness.
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Man.... How I wish fiddies were real
Daddy issues like everyone else in the expansion
He doesn't hence why I said he wants to kill everything...despite this being at odds with his desire for a legacy to pass down.
Same outfit down to the necklace and only the haircolor is different. If this is really an OC it's gotta be the laziest I've seen, and I styled my character after the bard in ARR's opening cutscene.
i would, but i skipped every cutscene with wuk lamat so i have no idea
>they make a deal out of every race having a Turali name
>never referred to it
>don't even know what the Turali name for Au Ra is
>run away from the evil machine because it wants to dissect your daughter
>leave her and the magic key it needs to destroy the world with some random tribal savages and hope for the best instead of staying outside and sealing the stargate
Krile's parents really came and clutched the dumbest motherfuckers of the patch award last minute
Please tell me they didn't butcher 'I want to be your Canary'... Please?
Honestly I think it would have been nice seeing bakool jaja adopt gajool and being the good father he never had. It would have given him more developmet
>the average pc player
Is this sexo? Post sexo
Hello? Sexo
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>spheeene listen to me
It doesn't ruin the fight for me, but holy shit dude.

I was sick of her by the time I got to the jungle
Welcome back to the Light, brother
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luv me bun
Nah. It was this way in SB, you revisionist niggers can go sit on a pike. The only exception was the actual boss fates you needed to grind for the end-zone drops.
Au Ra were cancelled for not being woke friendly
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I kneel, lionel-sama...
Zenos and zarool ja should have switched dads...
Au Ra aren't native to Tural.
Anon, its even more retarded:
>give their daughter the key earring
>it only works when the ruler is using
>the rulers lineage is on the other side of the door
Yeah, they wasted bakool jaja
>stop debunking my Shitobungers boogieman
why are xiv troons mad? they get to play the game alongside one of them
>nasty side cut
how about no
Au Ra are /pol/cels so they don't belong in the paradise of diversity, Turilolal.
Plugins when

Fuck sake its been 5 days
Why are they using so many male viera side NPCs now? I don't think I have seen a single female miqo in all of this.
>Obvious lies are now 'debunking'
Lmao. Pathetic.
Literally the only ones that died quickly were the lower level ones.
>Even Wuk Lamat double pulls packs of mobs
how will roulette heroes ever recover?
there are cute cats in the role quests
Better question. How does a shard have future tech when they are supposed to be inferior to the source?
where the FUCK is estinien
>Emet mentioned the golden city
>which means he knows what kind of fuckery has been going on in that shard
>the sundered souls of his friends, families, and loved ones cannot be returned to the lifestream and be rejoined with the source because it is being used as a fuel source and currency
>Lahabrea and Elidibus just let this slide as well
What did they mean by this?
Your brain, turn it off.
heterochromia = trash tier
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I just want to thank you guys
I was a little unsure if I was missing out on fun by not getting DT, but now I know 100% I don't need it, 90 BLU won't even need it anyways
But watching all the shitposting in these threads the past couple days has been hilarious
he want conquest, of course he needed to attack tuliyollal
Plugin devs are too busy sperging out on twitter over 'le evil hackin troonphobes hating their kwueen' to actually update their code
can I have a horn like Kimahri?
>tranny cat
>"""""""""male"""""" viera
you tell me
Expansion is so bad most mod developers gave up.
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>our future main party:
> zero
>zenos returned
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Bro you're going to have to sit through that shit every time you get it in roulette
Please understand, we can't have good writing since the plot of Dawntrail was decided about 6 months ago.
>xaela supposedly visited the entire world
>not a single 1
>but there are miqotes who came from australia
He wasn't going to conquer the city, he was going to kill everyone.
post one example
>inferior to the source
No? It was never about tech
Do i need to progress MSQ until the end to finish the role quest?
weight painting is hard bro
technically we had crazy future tech like 3000 years ago with the allagans, we're just living in a post-multi-apocalypse
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You are most welcome anon; I finished it 2 nights ago and have been getting great catharsis from shitposting here
You forgot my nigga Bakool
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No escape only Lameass 'Tea
They discovered magic "does everything" lightning rocks that they eventually nuked themselves with and ruined everything.
Maybe an Ascian planted the tech there or something who knows, the story certainly didn't give any time to dwell on it by cramming it all into the last few hours.
>They are supposed to be inferior
That has always been lorelet cutscene skipper cope, this idea that the shards are somehow weaker/worse than the source was always complete nonsense and completely disproven by the fact that Ardbert and his crew curbstomp shit all over the source when they show up during HW.
If Zenos returned I demand Venat as well. Zero can stay in the void or whatever, I don't care.
They have super strong magic ore. That shouldn't exist in a shard and yet it somehow does.
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Apparently that WoL is part of the rogues guild, hence the same outfit. Been some time since I checked that comic.
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I've seen this one a lot.
actually true
>Erenville finding out WoL is now his dad
Spehen was such a nothing burger worse then the mutt. You guys are just pedos
Alexandria built itself a dome during 'the storm surge' when the shard was being umbral calamitied of lightning. this dome is the big tower thats in heritage found. we don't know if this shard was rejoined ala a calamity or if it was one of the other 5 existing shards we don't know the status of

They hunkered down and just focused on tech for several hundred years

Eventually they found out how to use a key some lalas found to join worlds. still couldn't figure it out though

then zalool ja finds the golden city (the gate to the alexandrian shard) and sphene makes him king in exchange for the souls they'd succ out of the source

the lightning dome that appeared over erenville's hometown was them grafting MOST of alexandria onto the source. this took 30 years for sphere and zoraal ja to figure out how to do. that zone then became Heritage Found, which is a mix of ereville's hometown and the outskirts of alexandria

there's a big ass tower in heritage found. inside that tower is solution 9, the largest ring on top. it physically exists in the world and isn't interdimensional

living memory is the 12th and final floor of that same tower, but its still back in the alexandrian shard
they're 100% bringing her back though
And yet they were afraid of getting curb stomped by WoL so hard that they needed ambush him.
Did that place get rejoined or just fucked up
Why it shouldn't exist? Most of the technological advancements happened because source niggas traveled to that shard in the first place.
Didn't want to be in the same video as that thing
Calm down Brandon, her model is that of an adult fiddie.
1 source day is 10 years in the shard, along with whatever ascian fuckery Emet was most likely doing
nothing they say or do can make me go back to another Ancients storyline
Swap Zero for Ilberd and i'm in
its not
its the rift between them itself that causes the time dilation
we don't know. the tipping of the shard towards lightning hints at the ascians but there's no reason they couldn't use lightning for calamity twice
We don't know
Twelfth shard got wrecked in a lightning calamity but there's more shards than there are elements so there would have to be repeats somewhere
>all good voices are european
>the devil's spawn is american
really makes you think
Please god no she is such a shit character with stupid hair straight out of late season pokemon
I want to be your Canary is a line in an Aether Current quest that you give to a loli as part of her riddles.

Nice PS2 graphics
They wouldnt after they made such a big deal about the endless taking up so much life to live. It would spit in the fave of krile and erenville
Canonically by that point the WoL was already crazy powerful, as established by how badly you fuck up the pope shortly after curbstomping two major Ascians.
bro did you miss the post credit scene
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>motherfucker doesn't sound right even when not acting
Holy fucking shit, take the hack out of there. He just had to be in the fucking video and ruin it omfg.
All male hroths need is straight backs and they will become extremely powerful
Sphene tells you that someone developed a calamitous weapon with electrowhatever and destroyed an entire continent
Now, if an Ascian was involved? We don't know yet
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I want to use the AF for the level 100 duties out of respect but I also really don't like it.
Swap Spleen and Lemutt's roles, people would be singing DT's praises
which job
How did you get her coming back from that? It's most likely a hint to the preserver organization
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>no effort put into appearance
>pulls the typical "stand next to books to seem smart and cultured" move that news station faggots do
God if only. I'm tired of all my armor folding on me. Why did they think it was a good idea?
>find a hat I like
>doesnt have ear pokets for Miqos just removed them
into the trash it goes... I'd rather let them clip the ears desu..
Both Samurai and Gunbreaker honestly. Samurai would be okay (albeit the worst Samurai AF) except for the undyeable outer jacket thing looking like ass from the back, plus both have clipping collars.
Both should be killed
Anon characters spending their 'life force' to do shit in anime has NEVER had consequences even a single time. I can only recall one single instance in media where this shit had some genuine pay off and it was in a meme hentai game called Big Bang Beat, where a joke character who is an anime protag parody explains his most powerful attack shaves years off his life and after using it a couple times in battle he does actually just fucking die.

Remember how Yshtola was burning her life force to 'see'? Never comes up again. Nobody is helping her with her handicap so she can go around without needing to burn her life force or anything either, it's just not a factor at all anymore.
I didn't even start it because each trailer gave me less and less hype.
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>this is who smeared shit all over (Your) XIV expansion
Say something nice about him, /v/.
So story skipping all the way to 100 then going back and doing yellow quests is the closest we will get to a holiday expansion
You mean her still getting all the attention would go over well with the fanbase? It would be a repeat of lyse
Male roes look very good, I wouldn't play as them but I don't dislike seeing them when they are not being memes
happens a lot. if I can't see the ear wiggle when my catboy /joys, then it's going straight to the trash
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Umm... My wife shows up during this expansion, right...?
Her crown was a regulator, which was still pulsing with activity
it was already shown when a person is dead dead, the regulator stops entirely
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He's dead as fuck though, you double killed him in EW
their backs are bent because they are exclusively played by faggots
I guess theres a reason hroths and mostly naked all the time, you wont have stretched armor textures
This is why largely self-contained stories are the way to go, it just needs to not be centered around one character. The tighter you weave expansion stories together, the more the fraying threads are made apparent. The sooner people forget about the ancients the less painful future stories will be because if not you're going to constantly be like "That nigger Emet really knew about this and let it happen? What a dipshit."
He won at having the worst voice acting in the game
It's not life force its literal souls they suck up using there guns....
at least he'll be dead soon
The Y'shtola life force thing is literally just a mistranslation by the English team.

Didn't she die in an accident?
I'm waiting for plugins to come back, so I can replace my Chocobo with my wife. That way I can imagine us doing the exploring together...
His voice acting is garbage but let's not pretend he is the biggest or only problem.
during role quests
Did you check what's on the bookshelves? lmao
Then male viera, au ra and miqo'te should be L shaped
Dude read Hellsing and still chose to become a ghoul...
Endless don't have regulators....
Could one of you autists go count how many of DTs MSQ don't have Wuk Lamat in it?
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The one thing that really fucking upset me with the expansion was with the paralyzed kid unable to move at all because his aether has too much lightning inside of it.
It's literally the same problem has the the people having too much light inside them in ShB.

And no one.
Fucking mention.
The fucking cure we found.

Literally one of the biggest plot point of post ShB.
And we just ignore it.
And it's never mentioned ever again.

What the fuck?
I wanted to pull down her dress and suck her tiny robot tits (yes, I know she is a hologram)
If a shard was rejoined could you still travel to it? Thats the logic that basically denies it being the lightning shard that got norted

Unless they change how shard travel is logically supposed to work.
they literally mention in a fucking cutscene that she has a special made regulator just for her which is the crown, you speed reading dipshit
The new writer didn't play ShB nor read the script for it.
I can't blame them
heyyy stop being mean

People seem to forget that Emett was actually out of commission for a good amount of time before SB. Not to mention ShB establishes that time flows differently between shards. There is no actual continuity issue here whatsoever. There is a potential one if they never address the incongruity and confirming that stuff but so far it's all accounted for.
Even the MSQs that don't have her directly are still about her. I think the ONLY MSQ I've played so far that wasn't about Wuk Lamat was the fucking ShB Trolley redux.
Dubfags need to stop pretending the tranny VA is the main problem. The story is fucking bad. Hiroi is a genuinely awful writer. The job designers are hacks. The 2 dye system is a scam. The music is mediocre. The graphics upgrade is underwhelming and unfinished.
The expansion is bad even if you've never once played with the English dub.
>dye channel 2 on GNB AF changes the white collar and not the red
I'm unsurprised but still annoyed
Shards that get Rejoined cease to exist entirely, so you shouldn't be able to.
sorry Wuk doesnt know it exists so it doesnt matter :)
I was fully expecting us to bring it up but nope
guess WoL was probably thinking "damn, being fucking dead at the edge of the universe seems kind of appealing now"
No they didnt
I wonder what he was thinking of through the entire sequence. G'raha's motivations weren't that different from Sphene's but he got away with it because of advanced enough technology.
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There's nothing gay about playing male viera!
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Yes, they did, that's literally why the crown was shown at all retard
imagine taking a hammer to her fucking disgusting animal skull, just bashing it into mush
Then why do they always have dick sucking lips
Prove it
Let's go back. Together
Not even Arciela giving you her bra was that fucking shameless, jesus christ.
I just can't deal with their k-pop idol look
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People don't find this kitty cute?
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He did talk about that he might have acted the same in different circumstances, if only we explored more of that instead of focusing on the wuk
I can't believe they had the balls to do that and directly flash back to it
Are there any elite gamers?
I need to ask a question
How many of you exclusively move using your two mouse buttons in raids/content/etc, and how often do you use wasd
I'm trying to figure out keybindings and I'm considering using shift+wasd but I leave my finger pressed on shift too long by accident when I go to move a bit using wasd. Talk to me anons
I really liked sphene otis lil lizard and zoraal. Wuk is the main problem.
Yea learning who the writer was going to be this expansion has been one of the major reasons for me not even getting it. The other being the lack of anything interesting being done with jobs, especially healers, despite the 2 minute meta being utter trash for years now.
I guess there's the whole philosophical question of what is the value of a soul thoroughly scrubbed of memory. I always felt memory was a fairly integral part of what made me "me".
Can AI Voice Mods fix this?
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Silence wench
I'm sorry I complained about collecting bear asses and rat tails, just stop this MMO devs
Lahabrea fucked around too much and got shit derailed when it should have been a done deal after Bahamut
when it showed up at my fucking inn room door I was actually nauseous. I could not have skipped that cutscene any faster if I tried
I think characters on average were very good.
Sorry sweety but if Wuk doesn't know it doesn't exist
Surprised I haven't seen this image getting posted more
People haven't done the MSQ to be able to screenshot that part lmao
God imagine if this was actually written well, like we play as auron during yunas pilgrimage, offering advice and slapping the shit out of anyone that looks at wuk funny. Take wuk out of the main character role and it could have been good to be a bodyguard for a change
god why didn't he just cut her throat? why didn't he fucking save us?
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DT has been great for shots
>tfw forays are eons away
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>monkey paw curls
Would feel more like a full on slap though. Or a finger up the ass.
they probably just skip anything with her in it by default
There were multiple times I assumed we would step in during a situation and just sat there like an idiot instead
I guess I'm racist against cat people because I just feel kind of revulsed at the notion of being physically intimate in any form with something that furry. Not even taking into account voice or personality or anything, I just see a large bipedal cat and it is offputting. Why do Hroth exist?
nice expansion, 9cucks
Kek that's not even deep in, it's like what level 92?
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Take me back
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no way fag
I expect forays to be the same kind of slop they made with Island Sanctuaries (I thought they wouldn't be able to top Ishgard restoration in disappointing content, but EW succeeded)
Because HMOFAchads exist, that's why
>The guildhest will end soon. Speak with the battlewarden immediately, or risk losing your reward.
>A bonus has been added for your party completing the operation without suffering a single KO.
was this a thing before, I never paid attention
long enough to decide to just skip cutscenes, thats the third zone after a dungeon so like 5-8 hours depending how you play it
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7.x will be about learning to use azem's chalice and eventually restoring living memory, as well as sphene, using the power of dynamis
which by the process of doing so, we learn how to use the chalice to open a gate to other shards, that lead to 8.0
8.0 will be yet another split story, one of restoring the 13th but also dealing with whatever other shard we accidentally run into along the way
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the final zone reaches levels of kino unknown to mankind

>the people are kind and cheerful, living out wonderful days with their loved ones
>you have to fucking kill them all
>you systemically genocide thousands, if not millions of people
>no stupid quips when the deed is done, just a somber walk through the dark and decaying remnant of what was moments before a beautiful zone filled with life
This doesn't answer the main question : which insufferable Poochie will follow us?
>12 minutes for the last dungeon as DPS
Holy shit.
To be fair you get to that point after 30 hours
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>>the sundered souls of his friends, families, and loved ones cannot be returned to the lifestream and be rejoined with the source because it is being used as a fuel source and currency
I don't buy the severity of it. It's made blatantly clear that outright destroying a soul is just about impossible so souls are merely being kept away from soulstream and denied reincarnation in the same way the ones stuck in Zodiark were. Until the job's done, it doesn't make much difference if the souls were in the soulstream being reincarnated into sundered subhumans or used as batteries (which is by itself a retarded concept that runs contrary to what we've learned before because it's everything BUT the soul that's aetherically dense, but that's beside the point)
The whole "woah they are using souls!!!!! be shocked at how callous and horrible they are" angle was jarring to me for that reason too.
Admitedly, I was already mentally checked out at that point so if they actually mentioned that the souls get Venat treatment, I could have missed that.
>Remember how Yshtola was burning her life force to 'see'? Never comes up again. Nobody is helping her with her handicap so she can go around without needing to burn her life force or anything either, it's just not a factor at all anymore.
Yeah because that just turned out to be the localization team being stupid and changing a line so it goes from "it just tires her a bit and diminishes her aether" to "omg she's using her life energy". All that was meant to happen is that Matoya and Y'mhitra ask you to take care of her in case she works herself unconscious.
I finished, the amount of interactive content outside of dungeons and trials is abysmal even by ff14 standards
literally forever
Does she really?
Yes. Since ARR. It's one of those things they could easily update and rework to be good and interesting but never bother.
I hope Speheme dosent come back you fags are so annoying

And if she does she's shipped with someone else right away
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I miss it so much...
its literally just the endwalk again
zero of course
If it wasn't for the most dogshit of cast following you by the hip, I'd have enjoyed that more
Felt like something you should have really been all alone for
It's what ultima thule should have been
I hope the same but the tiara/crown at the ending credits...
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I know this is aislop but
>Ryne wearing that much black
Gaia is a bad influence. I like it.
We have become venat...
Is that really what happens? They were racist chud humies tho, so it doesn't matter. Only beastnigger lives matter.
Why would she, she's doomed to be leader of her realm like Lyse, and those "duties" mean she'll be written out of 99% of the story after her expansion is done.
Yeah i think if it was more somber in mood, with you alone carrying the weight of it all, it would have hit a lot more
>>Felt like something you should have really been all alone for
100% agree, the gang following you around ruins the somber mood
Maybe this last zone is a metaphor for how they're trying to keep this game going forever even though it's a stale amusement park full of dead-eyed zombies, and the real hero simply needs to shut the servers down.
don't forget also traumatizing your own party members by making them the ones responsible of killing each one of their parents
The sad part is that I don't think the 13th will ever be fixed after how badly it was mangled by 6.x writing. It's not like Nanamo's cop-out bullshit where we can kind of understand why they had to do it and it's shit, but whatever and move on.

The void as a concept is just forever broken, fucked up and lost.
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I felt the exact opposite way. it was like walking through a crypt full of ghouls wearing the faces of people. None of that shit was real and I felt somewhat disgusted that everyone was falling for it.
Which. Not will. This implies to choose a selection of Poochies, not that this particular Poochie will follow us.
I think the vast majority of furry as fetish is experienced in a more symbolic way than you register it. I'd bet even most identified furrys would be nearly as repusled as you if an actual cat-woman fusion materialized into the real world and they saw them in the flesh
just as most people would be repulsed if a girl came into the world with eyeballs 4x the normal human size as they do in anime.
Imagine the WoL being competent in the story, seeing the kidnapping coming a mile away, actually showing years of experience of adventuring.
It depends on how effective origenics and theit whole technology actually is in basically industrializing the Lifesteeam process
>Wuk tags along for Hildibrand hijinks
imagine the outrage
What makes you see it this way?
not with interdimensional fusion now in the picture
>the little kid in living memory crying to his parents about how they left him ajd them promising they'll never leave him again
The consequences of Duty Support have been disastrous for Final Fantasy XIV
>sneak into dungeon with 4 friends
>5 seconds later 3 more friends show up so you have enough friends for the 8 man trial
did they really just fucking play the endwalker theme when vitra showed up? I hate the Indian dragon so fucking much.
damm, I actually never noticed it and I've played since ARR
>yfw azem is a dimension hopping time-lord and ends up being the final final boss at the end of the arc
just unlocked the 95 dungeon
>lets go, im ready to complete my journey
Fuck me its impossible to not skip this shit
same, it would have hit more if these were characters we knew before dawntrail or at least more than a few minutes before pulling the plug. The complete lack of resistance outside of Erenville's short lived objection doesn't help either
Anybody got used to using the viper rotation without looking at the guage or skillbar? Most jobs I try to wean my eyes away from them to avoid distraction but I'm still not confident about how the fuck the rotation actually goes without glancing
I would have enjoyed it more if anyone but Erenville noticed how fucked up it was for cahcuia to unilaterally just decide to kill all these people and you entire party goes along with it instead of trying to find a better solution
Duty Support also forces them to keep characters around who aren't contributing to the story at all.
I honestly felt like describing this goofy ass expansion as instead of an exotic vacation you spend the first 5 levels doing tribal bullshit and then a Nu Who episode randomly breaks out.
I mean the void as a concept how it had existed prior to 6.x and the void we experience in 6.x are almost entirely different. The main villains schemes make no fucking sense and the whole mood and setting is incoherent and unintelligent.

We've seen void entities throughout FFXIV all over the place, and they were nothing like the garbage we see in 6.x.
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Azem's dead and sundered, moron. Who do you think you play as? What's actually up in the air is what was Azem up to inbetween resigning from the convocation of fourteen and Eitherys getting sundered.

excuse me chub but that's Society, not tribal
Do you guys think people would be less mad if they hadn't sold it as a vacation expansion so hard? Literally everything in the trailer suggested that it was going to be a super chill expac where you go on a vacation with the scions...
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At this point I'd rather they just dress up some NPCs in whatever local gear like most of the ARR stuff they added duty support to.

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