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Whatever happened to jolly coop? It's all
>you didn't beat the game
this and
>playing on easy mode
I remember a time when people were happy to play these games with others. Even invaders must advocate since online play items that allow for summoning also enable invasions.
>Whatever happened to jolly coop?
normies flooded the souls genre thanks to bloodborne and think doing streamer runs is the true way to play From games
normies have also hijacked "get gud" when you criticise and From game
its over. we're never getting another demons or dark souls
Only redditors like this faggot character
Current state of the internet in general
Everything is designed to make you angry at everyone else over nothing and the retards on this website all fall for it constantly
i think we can blame this one on zoomers
I remember the week ER released. There were so many players summoning and being summoned you had to click the sign the nanosecond it appeared or you'd get beat out by someone else. The fucking caves next to Ellah had like 30 signs at a time.
Fuck the haters. Coop is fun, cool, hot, and based
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I like fighting co-opers throughout levels in invasions. I can pull some nasty ambush tactics, and the difficulty of the level is restored for them.
I just don't understand wanting to summon in to babysit a host through a level. The games are almost exclusively designed for one player, besides those zones in the DS2 DLCs.
In the words of James Hetfield: sad but true
Jolly co-operation ended when Fromsoft introduced a mechanic to summon assistance for a boss at any time you want that doesn't inflate the boss's HP to compensate. It lead to players lazily letting the AI win battles instead. Jolly co-operation is at least a social aspect together with other people.
This is the spirit of these games. I'm happy to play through levels with people I actually know but not randos. Getting invaded used to be a fun condition adding to the experience instead of exclusively a tryhard cumfest.
Only some bosses have npcs though. I do agree that they shouldn't have taken the boss health buff away in those situations though.
I remember summoning Mildred and it being cheeky to enter the fog before she fully existed to trick the game into giving Qelaag less health. Good times.
No, I don't mean NPC allies, I mean summon spirits. A boosted mimic tear can solo bosses for you, no involvement required.
Get gud
Oh, right. Yeah those are pretty lame. I can see it maybe for duo bosses like gargs or godskin bros but otherwise they're unnecessary. 90% of them aren't even good summons.
I wish dark souls still had players. I remember having a blast getting end game gear at level 10 or 15 and one shotting havel and taurus for newbies.
>Whatever happened to jolly coop?
How many viglets can you see dying the second they cross the piss fog before giving up? Random coop is like playing competitive games with no matchmaking.
It's one thing when only genre fans play the game, a whole other when it's cultural phenom and every retard wants to be carried through it.
>[normalfaggots] think doing streamer runs is the true way to play From games
Huh, I hadn't thought about it. I guess It's like how people suck off nuzzlocke when it's the worst way to play the game..
don't mind invaders either, 5 out of 6 times you win against them because it's still a 3v1 and that one time they do win well they deserve a bone occasionally
It's kind of funny, really. I'm sure there's someone who's beaten ER blindfolded with no hands underwater using a ddr dance pad from 2007 with the left direction broken.
Why isn't that the standard for "beating the game"
This is actually the first good critique of summoning I've ever seen on this board. Thanks for not being retarded.
Where can I buy gud? I'm looking online and can't find it.
Internet happened unironically. Its no longer about having fun playing a game, you have to be a part of the dick measuring contest. And dont forget about hating everything and everyone
Fuck you faggot
I'm sorry. I started this thread and appreciate your participation
We aren't the target audience anymore bro.
The online features that made the games unique have slowly been phased out or homogenized, ER exists to generate react content by rage baiting streamers with shitty boss rushes and nothing else.
Covenants are gone and invasions are going to be next, and normalfags will cheer as yet another franchise is destroyed to cater to them.
yeah it's disappointing how many losers they are just using pure minmax builds. one out of every 3 invaders now is just some faggot spamming the ancient ore sword weapon art.
>developers put the ability to summon
>but they never consider it when designing enemies or levels because.........i said so
If it isn't immediately evident to you how every single enemy is trivialized by having another target to focus on, I don't know what to say.
I only did jolly coop after beating a boss though
>feature to make fights more manageable makes them more manageable
That's fine. Same here on my first playthrough of most of the games. Any favorites?
>merely pretending to be retarded
It's not surprising. When covenants existed I could justify it. Getting 30 blueberry items or invasion rewards can be a pain. There's no reason to give a shit in ER except to win as fast as possible.
You? Yes.
That's why they put stupid overworld bosses in. Even the rat demon things in ds3 were designed for multiple players especially considering the areas they're in.
Now kiss
ITT you post the boss that you've fought a million times as a phantom to the point you could do it in your sleep.
For me it's Midir and Dragonslayer Armor
I miss covenants so much it's unreal. Ranking up as a Spear of the Church was probably my favorite thing to do in a souls game ever.
I've been using the blue cipher ring to be summoned as a hunter
Whenever I'm summoned to help the host, if I see that the host already has friend, and they're both rushing the invader down. I do nothing. And if the invader manages to win the 2v1, I run over to the dying host and throw stalk dung pies
I'm an asshole yes but I have been pointed down and dung pied by host/summon/hunter groups too many times. It's a nice break while I'm running through zones.

I'll never understand that. Summoning for a boss I get, but sometimes I'd invade and land in the middle of limgrave, suddenly 3 end game using players are destroying my ass. The host clearly looking decked out enough to tackle the dlc. Why the fuck would you summon 1 let alone 2 people for open world. What big fucker is in limgrave to warrant you summoning
That's devilish. Point down and poo have done a lot to ruin multiplayer. I got pointed down by a coop phantom for dying during a boss fight. My literal ally being a dick.
>own summon points down at you
holy shit kek
Technically we were both summons for someone else but still. I blame Rellana
I usually don't summon for help the first time I try to beat a boss, but after that I like to put my summoning sign down and help people with hard boss fights I enjoyed so I can help people and fight them again
Last time I helped other people was DS2 but only briefly because of retarded soul memory.
Never used help from other players.
can a nigga whom has never played a souls game get a quick run down on the controversy? much apreciated
It's the "you didn't beat the game" meme, but actually real because people will summon players into their game to wipe all of the enemies in each zone
series got sperg rushed
no more joy
only autism
The consequence of the mainstream.
People in a group are retarded even if you could exclude all the spergs it brings with it, which you can't. It's never coming back bro, you understand a little better the depth of what the old man said: "You had to be there."

the most zoomer opinion of all
The community used to be a lot more supportive of each other than it is now. They acknowledged the game as the enemy rather than each other and it brought people together. OP laments that the cooperative spirit that Solaire(the guy in the pic) embodied is gone now. It has been for a long time, honestly.
it's just the knock on effect of streamers and speed runners and challenge runners. souls has become some weird badge of honour if you can beat it by yourself and handicapping yourself. it's not about having fun but proving something and the culture surrounding the games is just bizarre. and it doesn't really help that devs accidentally cater to this culture by removing the fun online systems
theres also the fact that the game uses host's skibidi level for summons too. so you have a good chance to get summoned to an unbeatable boss because the host has been neglecting scadu
Faggots need to compensate to help them cope that they enjoy the warm cum of their betters
PC gamers got a port of Dark Souls and everything changed
This is what originally turned me off the games. I wanted to be proud of my achievement but a million people had already done it.
Once I started playing though I realized they're just fun games and grew to love them.
Couldn't of said it any better. The best days are behind us.
Fuck soul memory.
I actually was one of them, I even messaged steam support when it came to steam and people on the windows live blacklist still couldn't buy it and it popped up in like a week.
It wasn't the PC players that ruined it, that came later. PC was only the method.
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I feel they knew this when making 3. Hell Miyazaki probably felt it before 2 was made, considering he wanted to focus on other stuff. In either case by the time 3 was out it was clear, what ever magic they managed to catch in a bottle for those couple of years, it was gone. All that was left was to lament its passing.
Time to find a Dark Souls somewhere new, somewhere fresh, if we should be so lucky again.
Jolly coop doesn't exist anymore. Coop is a death sentence on Elden Ring. People die way too fast

The real answer to your question is that /v/ still thinks you have to play Elden Ring like they did dark souls by only rolling and R1ing
random players or like friends? and the game doesnt ups its difficulty accordingly?

oh, i see but i think that happens to all games/series that becomes too popular, insular/small communities are usualy much better than huge ones

btw if i want to get into souls games, should i buy DS1 remaster or demon souls? or elden ring?
My biggest problem is shitty netcode where every time I try and summon other people I get

>Unable to Summon
>Unable to Summon
>Unable to Summon
>Unable to Summon
>Unable to Summon

It's a fucking mess. Resetting my hardware does nothing. Connections and speed tests are fine.
For Elden ring, specifically:
>4 player multiplayer limit
>spirit summons
>open world, sessions ending after bosses (seamless co op being the exception)
>summoning pool (you used to see the ground covered in signs but not anymore)
>no covenants
On top of the usual stuff particular to souls games, like password summons, P2P matchmaking & latency issues. Every facet of multiplayer is frustrating, both as a cooperator and invader. This is easily the worst multiplayer implementation they’ve done
I forgot to add that since multiplayer is determined by level ranges, being able to level indefinitely splits the player base, contributing to less organic interaction.
Normalfags. The warning signs were there for decades starting when they named the Dark Souls PC release "Prepare to Die Edition".
Best way to integrate coop in ER would be seamless coop + seamless invasion honestly. Dark Souls multiplayer just doesn't works well when the game is open world.
what's your deal? that cipher sounds like an insanely petty thing to waste your fucking time on
/v/ fucking hates coop for some reason. I want to say it's been that way for as long as I can remember but maybe there were jolly coop threads for the older games I can't recall. I just know now it's a waste to try to talk about it here unless you just want to read about how much everyone hates it. I try not to dwell on it. As a coopfag who's been dropping summon signs outside boss dogs for hours since Demon's Souls I just don't talk about it here. I hardly talk about it at all really. I guess there isn't much to say "oh guess what I helped strangers outside Maliketh for six hours last night and got wasted it was fun". Great story
>For some reason
Think of how the average interaction between 2 /v/tards would go
i miss being a purplebro
will i fight you?
will i aid you in the boss fight?
will i fight you in the boss fight?
why the fuck did they not put that in, chaos related finger summon would be perfect for it
I miss darkwraith trolling
Because they fucked up. Covenants are exclusively fantastic.
>darkwraith trolling
Meant gravelord trolling, fucking with people and having them join my game just to track me down was great, especially If I got more than 1. And vice versa too, looking for a hiding gravelord with other people whose games were also getting fucked, then finding and chasing the fucker around. I miss it all
Well, those two things and jolly coop aren't mutually exclusive. You can have fun with your friends but you didn't actually beat it. I jolly coop'd after my first run.
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elden ring is the newest hotness and is easy to get into, and definitely the most active, so start with it and then do the trilogy
either that or do ds1 -> ds2 -> ds3 -> er
purple covenant was the greatest shit ever
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That image is actually hilarious, thanks for the laugh anon.
Thats cuz those guys already got summoned, most people use the general summon thing which places their sign wherever they unlocked multiplayer
It's why I try to just shitposting into the void and have a smile.
I don't actually want to make any anons upset. I just want to act like a retard for my own amusement.
I'm fine with coop I just dislike how much invasion, the supposed risk counter mechanic for coop, is getting pushed further and further away in every game.
Why wasn't he in Dark Souls 2 or 3?
there is a unfathomable amount of time between dark souls 1 and 2 and an even larger amount of time between 2 and 3
that makes me ANGRY
Coop is fun and worthwhile, but multiple targets fundamentally breaks the AI. Spirit ashes are broken and don't even require another human.
>designed to make you angry at everyone else over nothing
Wow you're so cool and superior for being above it all and never being passionate about anything.
>normies flooded the souls genre thanks to bloodborne and think doing streamer runs is the true way to play From games
I can only speak for myself, but I don't want help on a boss because it feels like I'm missing out on content I wanted to be able to beat solo. I don't want someone just steamrolling the boss before I even get a chance to learn anything.
If you could rechallenge them it wouldn't be an issue but for some reason From really hates letting you do that.
>OP laments that the cooperative spirit that Solaire(the guy in the pic) embodied is gone now.
Well Solaire is dung eater now or something, so that's very appropriate
Blame spirit ashes
>summon player
>boss gets buffed HP
>boss gets buffed resistances
>results may vary depending on the summon
>lag is introduced

>summon a spirit
>boss doesn't get buffed hp
>boss doesn't get buffed resistances
>ash has a lot of HP
>many different types of ashes that can take advantage of privileges enemies get
>mimic is fully customizable too

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