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For me, it's Panam
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>Game.GetQuestsSystem():SetFactStr("judy_romanceable", 1)
I'm having a much better view over here.
Dead games
Dead studio
Dead IP
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>For me, it's Panam
judy looks like she carries several diseases
at least post something good
these dont work
>tfw no panam wife in rl..instead i just have a chubby jeluous latina
wat gaem
Imagine being named after a plane company.
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the witcher 3
post MORE Panam fgt!
Based. A romance marred by tragedy is a true cyberpunk romance. Panam's is too perfect in comparison.
>Offers to ride and die with you
>Calls you 57 times when you're in a coma
>Finally try to find her
>"Umm listen Panam JUST managed to get over you, can you disappear from her life forever? Thanks."
Dude, fuck you. I'm tracking her down.
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I agree.
panam's is a genuinely happy love story hopelessly cut short by V's incurable turbo brain cancer. her ending is depressing as shit
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post more panam assholes
dont let this thread die
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Yeah I'm not sure what that anon is going on about, I'd argue Panam's romance is the most tragic in the CDPR Cyberpunk universe simply because it's always doomed no matter what you to do. Sure the Arasaka raid can be successful, but the V Panam fell in love with died the second he jacked into Mikoshi, afterwards he's just an engram that will shut down in V's decaying body in a matter of months anyway. On the surface it looks like a happy ending, but it really isn't, V is dead, replaced by an engram of himself and Panam is desperately clinging onto his copy in the hopes it can be saved which it won't. The only other endings that see V not become an engram is one where he shoots himself and one where he's in a coma for 2 years and it's implied Panam might've killed herself as a result of his sudden disappearance.
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it's not fair
Okay, but this also applies to Judy
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>you will never have a shotgun wedding with panam and run away into the desert...
>died the second he jacked into Mikoshi, afterwards he's just an engram that will shut down in V's decaying body
your fanfic sucks
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>"i will always be by your side"
What did she mean by that?
woman moment
You forgot The Devil. They get the chip out, V is still the same person and can return to Earth. Maybe he dies in a similar time frame as engram V, maybe not. Arasaka's claim that the surgery failed doesn't make any sense, biologically, and I suspect they were lying to try to get V into a mental state where they could take a willing engram which they could then use for their own V clone supersoldiers.
rate my V guys...
>Cyberpunk is supposed to take place in a degenerate world where life changing surgery is as common as changing your clothes
>but only one character in this game has a nice ass that you can't even see outside of her jeans and no one has tits bigger than an A cup
>characters from past CDPR games are objectively more attractive because the company got taken over my American developers with a man-face fetish
>All the background female NPCs look like meth addicted, upscaled Second Life models

>captcha = DRAW
The cards from misty seems to be accurate everytime and in the end she predict happy end for V.
This should have naturally been part of the hangouts
did panam and saul fug?
No, he just says "FUCK, PANAM!" That one time when he sees the basilisk
Alt literally spells it out for you
Cute and built for BRC (Big River Cock)
Imagine Panam getting grouped like this
>Literally the only option
What were they actually thinking? They should have made any of the 4 fuckable by any gender.
be me, V, chilling in my Night City apartment after a long day of merc work
hear the ancient ring of my landline - who even uses those anymore?
pick up the phone, expecting some bored corpo trying to sell me overpriced cyberware
heavy Indian accent crackles through the receiver
"Hello, this is Panam Palmer from Customer Cyber Support. Are you experiencing glitches in your braindance interface?"
my internal alarms blare - Panam wouldn't be caught dead with a customer service job
"Uh, wrong number, choom." I try to hang up
"Wait, V! We have detected unusual activity in your cranialware. It seems you have a MALWARE infection!"
I scoff. Like I wouldn't recognize Relic malfunctioning a mile away
"Listen, lady, I can handle my own glitches."
"But V, this malware is very dangerous! It could steal your precious psycho mantis blades!"
I nearly choke. Psycho mantis blades? This scammer has zero clue who they're calling
"Those aren't even real, and who is this?!"
"Panam Palmer, like I said. Now, to fix this malware, we just need you to do the needful."
"The needful? What in the corpo hell does that even mean?"
"Standard procedure, V. You must give me your bank account details and social security number to verify your identity."
Laughter erupts from me. This is the worst scam attempt ever
"Honey, the only thing I'm giving you is a swift boot straight to your orbital socket if you call back."
I hang up, yank the landline out of the wall for good measure
Judy pokes her head in, smirking "Who was that on the phone? Sounds like you pissed off Regina again."
"Nope, just some wacko scammer who thinks I'm gullible enough to fall for their BS."
Judy raises an eyebrow. "A scammer? In Night City? Color me surprised."
name of mod friend?

posting more of my V while i wait...
that's one of my favourite haircuts in the game. good choice, though I would probably go for some kind of bright or neon haircolour in a cyberpunk setting.
my character isn't a tranny or liberal
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>not playing as cover art/cinematic/E3 V

literally playing the game wrong, like playing Mass Effect as custom Shepard tier bad
The reason you play as default Shep is because ME's character creator is shit. 2077's is not.
If anything, Cyberpunk taught me that women ain't shit. Both Panam & Judy leave you so quickly
Reminder the space casino ending ends with Arasaka killing you by sabotaging your suit
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Close to mine. Asian V with those buns is top tier
Hotscenes addon
>poop eyes
>not bad

I went for the Asian Latin mix since she was a street kid.
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ty anon...gonna drop alotta seed to this one lol
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I am very surprised at how accurate the girlfriend simulator is for Panam.
That rotten whore abandons you to die retard
>t. devil ending lesbian completionist
I should play cyberpunk
for me, it's the RL version of Panam
I knew the moment I was rubbing the sweaty feet of a woman I couldn't even romance (I was playing a chick) that the devs intended her to be the only real option.
This was confirmed when I witnessed the final cutscene for the nomad ending (the best one by all accounts). It has you chilling with Panam while you ride away from the city, even if you haven't romanced her. Who makes it through a suicide mission and runs away free for the first time in their life and then tells their lover "see you on the other side I'm gonna coast into the sunset cuddled up to my bestie". It stinks of shit not being done, so just make the most likely romance option get the ending scene and we'll call it there.
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Looks like she fuck white men in dark alleys.
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but V is white
The random npcs are so detailed and sexy in this game I like to stalk them and look up their skirts
Wew, good thing me and my V are actually black, or I might have taken offense to those.
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>55 missed calls
Hot girls get more attention than old roasties and shaved hair blue hair tattooed freaks?
Liam would never do that
Looks like a crack whore
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>sample_ 6 results
need brown tomboy wife
Would Panam be down for rimjobs
yes but only on strangers and through a gloryhole
Cheekbones sharper than a katana.

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