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why do people hate video game music?
Because only Tyrone music is real music
System Of A Down - Shame
Video game music is better than non-video game music.
The thing about the music industry, is it's just as much about crafting images, as it is about actual music.
Video game music is just music. It's produced by craftsmen, and it's supposed to sound good. There's no idolatry or dream of stardom associated with it though, which is what makes it "uncool", if you're someone who is fully plugged into the product that is the music industry.
I didn't think it was possible but reddit and twitter somehow manage to produce worse takes than 4chan
>not interested in this post
>show fewer posts from "annoyingfaggots"
The only way to use twitter
that guy looks like he dates high-school sophomores because they're really mature for their age.
Most of the time it's just that subtle anti-Japan racism a lot of smug liberals have but that they dress up as something else. Because every time I see someone shit on "video game music" it's almost always from a JRPG or an action game from Japan. The rest of the time it's just retards who consume media to look more intelligent than they actually are. Video games don't have that tangential effect of making you look more worldly or intelligent so they shit on it just because there's nothing to be gained by praising it and clout to be gained by laughing at it. I assure you if you had them blind listen to a track and lied to them about where the track came from they would give you a different response.
oh no
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its simply seethe
video game music is pretty good when u aint got a bitch in ya hear telling you its nasty
Part associating it with toys so it can't be good.
Part knowing that the history of vidya music is riddled with actual stolen riffs and beats.

It puts a negative light onto the whole medium when it shouldn't.
Blazin' Squad -- Crossroads
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Jokes on you, I do listen to vidya OSTs and also have a girlfriend.
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Man it's gotta suck to be a loser faggot who has to worry about what women think about his preferences.
In my case it's out of jealousy over how happy OST enjoyers are.
I've never heard any of them ever dislike anything. They listen to the most generic thing and call it amazing. Should be illegal.
Because they're absolute niggers
ah yes, rap and video game music, the only two genres
Soundtracks shouldn't be judged the same way as albums. A good album is like a continuous musical journey. Soundtracks in a vaccum are like listening to a playlist.
These days, pretty much.
I literally fucked my ex on Godot's theme from trials and tribulations last month. We're both AA fans and we met at a con
kek this, if this isnt your only takeaway from that NPCs tweet, then youre ngmi
>retard posts a retarded opinion on twitter
you don't listen to music
Brads really are just asshole variants of Chads huh.
>music is no longer music if its a video game because i said so, please listen to more nigger babble
Who hates video game music? Even my mom liked hearing Rayman Origins' OST as I played.
If you are past the age of 20+ and still care what people think or want to be liked, you are still a kid.
It's like being a grown man who only eats tendies because you grew up on them as a child and refusing to eat anything else because you know it's "icky" despite having never tried another meal.
What's some good contemporary pop music, that isn't just niggerbeats?
>you've "never tried" listening to other music
How do you figure that works? It's literally everywhere. Even games have tonnes of licensed music in them (which isn't as good as the SA2 soundtrack).
>It's not made as a bland beat to club to
But it is made as a bland beat to play the game to.
Pretty much. Petty cunts like in OP are too busy posing as a normalfg, huffing the fumes up their own ass, to even really appreciate the art and enjoyment of music in itself.
I personally think that we should stop valuing opinions based on how women see people with those opinions.
Modern music is just artificial made in a DAW with no soul (hate to use this word but it's literally true) don't listen to anyone shitting on vidya music as if mainstream music is some great thing
Often its the exact opposite.
Far more albums then not don't really have a designed flow from song to song.
You're limiting yourself. there's far greater scope to music than things attached to 4 year videogame projects. it's sort of like only reading movie novelizations.
Oh look it's the guy who has literal family killed by Hamas and still bent over backwards for palestine fags on twitter because he dared to post a picture of him with h3h3
They are insecure and blame videogames for their failings
Thinking you won't get bitches for doing something is exactly how you get no bitches.
Anyone who listens to a 4 hour album is a faggot
Strawman. Who is *only* listening to video game music? No one said that but you.

It's the "real music"fags, who are ignorant and close-minded.
I like video game music that isn't actually in any video game. It's just the combination of the style and the fact it doesn't need to be subdued, loopable background music, you know?
Who said people don't listen to both?
Weird wannabe snobbing.
i also have anime ost in my playlist
I like anime and videogame music
Nothing else
>getting bitches
This is a mindset of a high schooler and this is a grown ass man
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NTA but I like gezabelle gaburgably
I love video game music and can play all of your fav FF or Zelda songs on classical guitar. BUT if I meet someone who only listens to/likes VG oats, yeah I'll think you're a bitch for sure. Not sure why. VG music is nice, but there's way more than that and it shows you're super casual about music in general (you're also super casual imo if you say "I hate genre x").
>muh women
>muh sex
You're right. He forgot sad dream pop and post-ironic zoomer hyperpop.
>pretending it hasn't always been like this
I don't see how soundcloud shit is "real music", desu.
You're not making the argument you think you're making.
You're retarded. I listen to music if it sounds good.
Being desperate for bitches is a sad existence
>A good album is like a continuous musical journey.
Found the dadrockfag.
Do you like Nobuo Uematsu? I've been a big Uematsu fan ever since the release of his 2006 video game, Blue Dragon. Before that, I really didn't understand any of his work. Too progressive-rock, too intellectual. It was on Blue Dragon where Uematsu's presence became more apparent. I think Mysterious Village was the game's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three tracks. Listen to the brilliant ensemble playing of Horns, Percussion and Keys. You can practically hear every nuance of every instrument. In terms of lyrical craftsmanship, the sheer songwriting, this album hits a new peak of professionalism. Take the lyrics to Happy Birthday. In this song, Uematsu addresses the problems of abusive political authority. Watashi no Mizu to Sora is the most moving video game track of the 2000s, about monogamy and commitment. The song is extremely uplifting. Their lyrics are as positive and affirmative as anything I've heard in fantasy video game soundtracks. Uematsu's prior career seems to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying, in a narrower way. Especially songs like Dancing Mad and One Winged Angel. But I also think Uematsu works best outside the confines of Squaresoft, than composing for Final Fantasy, and I stress the word Squaresoft. This is Eternity, a great, great song, a personal favorite.
Because people hate "being out of the loop" with music. So it's easier to just dismiss it rather than listen to it. Like music has to be the absolute most smug and elitest thing out there. More than games or movies
for me, it's 90's/early 2000's dnb/jungle ost's
It depends on the genre and type of music. For example most rhythm game tracks are fun mainly while playing the game because they are made for short bursts and go with the gameplay.
On the other hand some tracks are made as regular songs with longer sections and build ups.

jesus christ the guy from deep purple sang this
Because it shows a lack of care. There is a genuine unfathomable amount of music across genres that have been made over hundreds of years and if all you listen to is things you heard from a product then you have no soul.
How is an album not a product?
What, like albums? Everything is a product. Songs are products. You're a faggot.
>he's not secretly recording terrible open-mics and replaying them over HAM radio for a dedicated cult following
you'll never know real music
The thing about "getting into music", is you have to talk to people who are "into music", and those people are inevitably shitheads.
If you rate an OST but have only listened while NOT playing the game, you didn't experience the original intent of the piece and are therefore discredited.
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Some Sonic games OST can easily pass as regular songs.

You buy an album to listen to the music.
You do not buy a game to listen to the music.
These are fundamentally different and you are a retard if you can't see it.
Wouldn't that make the video game music less of a cynical product? It's not composed solely to sell copies, because it's mostly screeshots of the game that will be doing that.
>You do not buy a game to listen to the music.
Says who? If the game has good music, I'm more likely to buy it, and continue listening to the soundtrack after I beat it.
Because video games rely on them, so it feels like paying $60 for an album. Subconsciously, this is what I imagine.
Lookin' at you, Squaresoft. Remove the music from any title, even FFVII, and who the fuck's playing/watching it? Jerking off to Tifa while listening to Whitney Houston, sure, but the game itself? Eat my ass.
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>talk about licensed games tied to a movie or show
>people discuss licensed games casually, judge them objectively like any other game, and admit when a licensed game is good
>talk about soundtrack music tied to a game, movie or show
How bizarre. What explains this phenomenon?
Bitches love Mushroom Hill Zone
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>noise sound good
>I listen to it
>noise sound bad
>I don't listen to it
Just so happens that most normalfag music nowadays is either bix nood negro noises or some roastie singing about the cock carousel, so it lands squarely in the second case.
>y'all ain een get no bitches on yall dick n shieeet...muhfugga...i be gettin dem bitches on muh dick like dem muhfuggin rappas n shieet....shieeet...i bees one fly ass white boy....shieeeeeet.....i bees just like a real ass nigga....
The bleeding of ebonics negro gutter talk into the greater English language is repulsive and if you talk like this you actually do deserve to die.
You are avoiding the point. Not taking care to find any music you might like other than what you heard while doing something else despite the unfathomable amount of bredth to the medium is soulless. While this doesn't exclude OSTs from being good, it's the same for movies. If someone only listens to John Williams because it's what he heard in star wars and doesn't once try to expand their tastes I'm going to think he's soulless too.
I buy video game ost cds.
musicfags are insufferable?
It upsets and bothers people that Nintendo music is far more iconic and culturally relevant than Taylor Swift slop.
I never said I only listen to video game music.
I'm listening to this right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHwrkEDM6I4
Haven't decided if it's good yet
>Not taking care to find any music you might like
But I do, fucking dumbass. I seek out music by the composers' inspirations, or their non-video game work if they have that. Don't you do the same? Of course not, because you're a retard.
>why do people hate video game music?
Cause people call it "video game music" That's not a fucking genre. It only applies if you are listening to chiptune/8 bit stuff
Zelda? Orchestral
Jet set radio? Funk/soul
Ape escape? Electronic
You can't just say I like video game music. That's like saying "I like the raido"
Music has the absolute lowest barrier-of-entry for art, thus people feel entitled to be elitists about it.
I think you're right. The above scenario can be extended to concept art from movies and games and artfags still judge it like any other art. Musicfags are just mentally ill for some reason.
I never said either of you do, I was articulating a reason why anon >>681529682 thinks it but isn't sure why.
This is a retarded opinion.
OSTs are literally designed to fit with whatever is happening on the game/movie/show and sinergize/amplify whatever emotion the game is trying to evoke. Rating them as an """""album""""" is something only pretentious fart sniffers do to try and justify how l-l-l-le video game music is LE REAL MUSIC! when you should just listen to whatever the fuck you want.
Legit no one fucking does that and if you have really suffered this first hand, you have the most elitist snobby friends ever
But gaming is based while clubbing is highkey big cringe, thoughever.
I like feeling certain emotions I feel in a segment of a game while not playing said game
VG OST sucks by itself 90% of the time. If you think they are amazing on their own, you're just a basic, tasteless retard.
only if you play westoid slop
I agree. That's why I like listening to vidya OSTs of games I like.
People think you're not allowed to listen to video game soundtracks because a meme started about people who ONLY listen to video game soundtracks. I still listen to the Half-Life 2 and Crysis 2 soundtracks regularly along with more traditional stuff.
I thought people love vidya music now.
why does /v/ have some kind of inferiority complex over liking vidya?
Nobody listen to cinema scores unless it’s performed by well known singer. Who the fuck listen to lotr soundtrack casually
>twitter screencap thread
>Who the fuck listen to lotr soundtrack casually
>a continuous musical journey
If you (think you) engage with music in this way you're a pretentious fuck.
"Think" because you're just trying to ascribe your own paradigms and worldview onto something that likely was not made with that in mind.
>Who hates video game music
nigger worshipers and kikes(they are the same thing)
What’s your fav track anon?
Autistic people. I had one retard at work who loved pirates of the caribbeans and he would play the whole soundtrack.
it sucked so much ass.
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Been listening to Macbeth (2015) and Loki recently.
Name 3 vidya music that most people would/should know.
It's happening in this very thread.
exquisite bait
If anybody says Doom (2016 or Eternal), they should immediately jump of the nearest bridge.
It's people parroting a meme they don't understand. Any time people are spreading a nonsense argument it's because they haven't taken the time to understand it and just repeat what e-celeb said.
Depends on the mood, the tracks aren't really that long that I focus on a single one. The more relaxed tracks are great for working.
SMB Level 1-1
Tetris theme
>I just use it as background noise.

The music industry is just propaganda, so people preferring to listen to video game music is a legit threat to the political establishment.
video games are not art because they make pussies dry
video game music is not real music because it makes pussies dry
worship the vagina. don't take it by force. struggle for it and concede to it instead
>The music industry is just propaganda, so people preferring to listen to video game music is a legit threat to the political establishment.
You're more retarded than flat earthers
>BFG Division
>The Only Thing They Fear Is You
>uhhhh i dunno dovahkiin dovahkiin sake of skyrim
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>caring about the opinion of react retards
Those are relegated to jingles. Megalovania is the only game music that people unironically jam
>BFG Division
>The Only Thing They Fear Is Yo
Refer to >>681533652 you fucking mongoloid
What is Taylor Swift in the news for?

"Fuck the patriarchy."

You're delusional if you don't see it.
Entirely wrong assumption, I can't actually work with music blaring in my ears so I don't do both at the same time. However when tracks are a few minutes at most, it's very easy to take switch between work and listening frequently.
Bro is NOT happy someone named a song they like
This guy is ugly on the thumbnail. I will ignore his opinions, because he most likely gets no sex, which is the key criterium to judging anything and everything.
>moving the goalposts
>What is Taylor Swift in the news for?
Don't know, don't care. Move on and don't give a fuck. Nobody is forcing you to listen to her.
He never wanted credit for it, but Michael Jackson produced music for a Sonic game. Eat a dick, music elitists. Video game music is produced by real musicians, therefore video game music is real music. Anyone who claims otherwise is ignorant and talking out their ass. To truly appreciate music, you have to appreciate video game music. No, your nigger babble is not good music and I will never acknowledge it as good. Hoyoverse is taking steps forward with this because they already use real musicians to produce their special boss soundtracks and if it's good they release the music like you would release an album. The best part is it's free by default on their youtube channel. They produce music because it's sounds good. Not because they are directly selling it for money. It's to enhance the experience of the game so people that will be brought into it with the predatory gacha system anyway get a fanstastic soundtrack on top of it.
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Who the fuck cares?
>someone named a song they like
Faggot doesn't deserve a cookie for having the most basic bitch taste
Live and Learn
Open your Heart
I am.. all of me
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These kinds of posts get mocked at in /mu/ humor threads
Just like the ones you like, I like fat 2d bitches, occasionally artists do repost their cuck/nigger fetishes and I have to block it, but that's it. The more you like the content you like, the more you will get it.
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too many linebreaks go back to grifting on twitter
The entire point of an album is to be listened to in one sitting, from beginning to end, in order, without skipping a song. Radio and streaming/playlistfags will never understand this.
top USA charts in order right now:
1. bogged disney alumni
2. Jamal
3. same bogged disney alumni
4. crack head and cletus
5. bpd and hair dye
>inb4 eurofaggotry
don't care didn't ask
how is he wrong
Anon the "tetris song" is a russian folk song named Korobeiniki that predates tetris by 100 years.
People who act like reading a book just made them smarter than people around them. A brainlet pretending to be a sophisticated nobleman.
She's right though, music is a mid tier art form
All country charts are full of the most generic, overplayed shit in existance, manufactured by the pop industry.
Just don't listen to radio stations and top hits on any streaming platform.
you know "real" music is shit when you can make a shit post prompt and ai will generate a better and more catchy song than the majority of modern music
for me it's
>you can't like a score unless you listened to it on it's own
what? who ever said this
you could do the same with video games
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Can you?
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Looking at /mu/ for any sign of actual expert opinion, even something of a hobbyist opinion when all they do is rage-bait post and actively do nothing but post the same 2010 memes over and over again is a fool's game. There's maybe 30 people at most who give 2 fucks about music and they're not the ones making posts shitting all over video game OSTs or video game music as a whole.
They're by far one of the worst boards on this site. They'd be /mlp/-tier speed as a board if it weren't for the KPOP barely SFW waifufagging threads that have been left to run rampant because the board has no moderation.
There are whole music-focused groups from /a/ and /v/ and other areas that hate /mu/. When people say "/v/ discusses every other board topic better than it does the actual board topic" it's usually overstated and not true, but it IS true for /mu/. Any board could discuss music better.
Thank you for being so obvious, glownigger-kun
no idea
it's true. And /v/ can't talk about video games for shit either, because everything devolves into rage bait.
Made for BAC (big arab cock)
I love the /mu/ seethe
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My boys are:
>Michael Giacchino
>Jeremy Soule
>Paul Romero
>Jesper Kyd
>Hans Zimmer
>Cris Velasco
A ton of music in the vidya industry is literal high art.
Shame that most people are herd animals, so they flock to herd animal music obviously, stigmatizing anything outside that (such as vidya osts), no matter if said herd slop is simply bad. That is their level of quality and that is what they can associate and resonate with. This is definitive answer to OP's question.
We don't have to care about the opinions of such lesser beings, let them bathe in their mud and filth like the pigs they are.
That said, there is objectively garbage video game music too. Those pieces can be rightfully shunned, such as chiptunes and tinkly winkly moe idol shit.
It lacks big celebrities and constant promotion in real life. People are more instructed on what to like than ever before.
Unironically, this mod for Sonic Robo Blast 2 has some of the best music I've heard lately. I think most of it is stolen from other games tho
>Hans Zimmer
Overrated shit
Les go my game made the list
>writing is twitter

Kek the absolute state of this site.
Concerning Hobbits
Art and music fags are trash, typically either bum neets, or the few who actually make money do it through industry corruption and knowing the right people rather than talent.
With AI they will soon cease to be a problem.
Don't get me wrong, /v/'s bad but you can get discussion about a niche series from time to time (even if half the thread devolves into waifuspamming or something). It's about the same as /a/ but instead of rage-bait derail or straight-borderline NSFW it's more saturation of discussion with increasingly distantly related topics. /mu/ feels like you'll only ever get a basic sentence response of indifference or death. You REALLY have to pander to the braindead memespamming-base to get a thread beyond 20 posts.
Even recommendation threads or shit like "best of [insert year] so far" threads barely even archive. The secret being that most people on /mu/ do not actively listen to much music and are only there for the "greatest hits" of /mu/ memes and usual talking points.
On /v/ I could actually talk about a new game release, maybe even ones which are relatively obscure. Someone might even ask me about it if they've never played it, or I could make a general thread about a genre.
On /mu/, I really can't do it. And it's not even like I'm talking about obscure shit because music is massively saturated. You can barely EVER talk about electronic music on /mu/. If it isn't DP then no one is going to come to the thread or act relatively interested. It's like the board's posters are just programmed to like what /mu/ likes already.
You could spend 1 month just listening to music via everynoise or rym or anything and just seeing what's out there and you'd have a deeper understanding than 90% of /mu/.

At least /v/ fucking PLAYS video games that come out that year. /v/ actually has events and shit that vote on it. They make the effort to try and coordinate some kind of community effort or they share and discuss for multiple threads.
No one does that. On a fucking music board, that has more history and accessibly than fucking video games.
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Modern lyrics are garbage, they have no meaning and tell no stories like older music, as boomer as that sounds. It's just non-sense meant to rhyme and every song feels like some retard incoherent rambling to me
I don't mind some of the rhythms of modern rap or pop, so ill usually just look up the instrumentals if it's got a good beat to it
As I type this though I'm listening to this

Long story short- Instrumentals and vidya music good. Shit lyrics bad
In a similar case, Roundabout is 10 BILLION TIMES more well known as the jojo's bizarre adventure ending than the Yes prog rock song from 1971, therefore does being mostly associated with another form of art makes Roundabout any less valuable as standalone music ? What about Stanley Kubrick using mainly classical musical throughout his entire filmography, can the Trio op100 from Schubert be considered real music if it has become simply the Barry Lyndon theme. If tomorrow I make a rythm game only using Pink Floyd's the wall or Kanye's college dropout, can these albums be considered "real music". Simple to say, /mu/fags are absolutely fucking retarded, music is music doesn't matter the fuck it comes from so soundtrack is music, the same way abstract is still art as it involves a process of craftsmanship.
I wonder how heavily "walk like an egyptian" is associated with jojo now
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The biggest problem with vidya music is that it can never compete with the greats especially when it's classical. You cannot ever convince me that a looping game track can compare with something like https://youtu.be/YzJrg66FwO0?feature=shared&t=291 or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W63NK_ZrJnk or one of the countless amounts of timeless classical literature. Like it's just not close. I don't dislike video game music either and will listen to it on its own from time to time but come on now.
>abstract is still art
No, abstract shit is bullshit and not art
What a ridiculous cacophony of music and environmental sounds that don't go together. The constant sound of Sonic stopping is also horrible.

You have shit taste.
Mainstream music is all the same recycled shit beat for normie fags to dance, twerk, and whoop to.

Video game music at least sometimes tries to do new things. For example this music is from a techno scifi series but uses a non-existent language created specifically for this series and a didgeridoo.
you need soul to get it
I hate abstract art as well but it if involves a process of craftsmanship or creativy through an activity with clear rules, it is art. Jackson Pollock is art as it's still painting, sticking a banana to a wall is not art as it has no rules.
These charts are probably fake as fuck and bought to artificially make people popular. So who even cares.
>abstract art
>an activity with clear rules
Always has been
Why the fuck should you care what women think about music?
Literally copying zeuhl music lol
Yes you fucking retard. Taping a banana is not abstract art.
Makes sense consideeing Japan is one of the few places Zeuhl actually took off. Still neat hearing it in a vidya ost.
Painting is, you lack reading comprehension.
Jackson pollock is an absract painter.
Putting a shitter in a museum isn't art.
Because artists hate competition
Why do you post Twitter on 4chan?
Because people are dumbass niggers and so are you
Hope that clears it up :^)
>music is x, because... because... it just is ok???
Uh huh
Depends on the context, motives, and execution
>vidya music just sounds good and doesn't need some underlying message or something
This. More artists need to understand that idea. So much awful music gets a pass because the lyrics talk about "muh feelings" and it tricks people into thinking it's good. Vidya music avoids that completely and you can truly measure its worth.
You could put this on a speaker, say it's from an obscure 90s eurodance group and no one would bat an eye.
Music snobs are the worst
>Goy you gotta buy our new album. You can't just listen to music from games that isn't what they were sold to you for.
>You need to buy so Jamal can turn his life around and buy a mansion with bling and bitches.

No I don't think I will.

>pass as regular songs
What makes a song "regular" or not?
Music sloppas are just as bad
Kpoppers get bored waiting for (you)s in their general and start bleeding into other threads
If you only listen to video game music, you have dogshit taste.
It's like if your taste in video games was just licensed tie-in games based on movies you enjoy watching.
You're a hylic with no soul
I hear video game music and like it so I track down an mp4 so I can listen to it again.
I hear mainstream music and have absolutely no desire to ever hear it again.
Not all game music is looping.
this nigga is not a chad but a growing lolcow. he broke down and cried on stream after a donation message triggered a memory of a bad trip he had with weed. He also took a picture with jews and then apologized like a cuck on twitter because muh palastine (even though those jews support palestine too), and now this bitch is crying on twitter about how mean people are being to him...
I guess he never figured out that you can log off of social media
If you only listen to american pop music you also have absolute dogshit taste, several hundred times more than someone that would listen to Nier or Zelda's OST on a daily basis.
The only genre of music which isn't deserving of getting clowned on if you only listen to it is classical music, has it objectively the peak of music has an art form. Don't try to run away like the bitch you are rockfags, because only listening to alt rock or emo is also dogshit taste and everyone will find you as weird as metalheads or kpop fags.
>wa oh wa oh ah oh ah oh
>Nier OST
fucking horrible actually
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Part of my job involves me getting into people's cars and I've noticed that normies literally don't have any taste in music. I don't mean "haha what they listen to is bad", it is, but that's beside the point. I mean they literally treat music as background noise and don't enjoy music for what it is. They just put whatever is popular on the radio on and leave it at that. Very few people seemingly have music on because they genuinely like it.
Forgot the best part. He had family members killed by Hamas but the moral posturing is more important to him so he bends the knee
I think you can tell the difference between a Castlevania song vs a Kendrick lamar song
Nier's OST is great in-game but it's so heavy on emi evans' voice for like every track and just blurs together with a few exceptions. Doesn't help that since you play the game like 4 times doing monotonous tasks that the music just becomes white noise too. I could not tell you what wretched automotons sounds like despite spending so much time in that mine.
Both are shit, but one is niggershit
You make use of terms which you do not comprehend.
>Nier's OST is great in-game
Loved the game, hated the OST. I wanted to pour lead into my ears just to stop suffering from that terrible screeching
You can find this exact same style of music with the same amount of length in vidya you retarded pseud
I put on the looping NOAA robot weather station since I'd rather listen to that for 30 minutes driving to work than whatever else is on the radio.
>get no bitches
As if women have good taste in music.
>come on goyim, enjoy what is real music
>that ? oh no that is only a bunch of noises put together, it is no more valuable than a fire alarm
It's actually why like 90% of Japanese games in the 90s rip off classical music and jazz fusion
This guy gives a good look at vidya composers.
I like Waterfall from Koudelka, and the live versions are good but Waterfall is butchered but still good in it's own way.
i like how video games are so completely mainstream now, but this same old stigma about vidya music still remains
>whatever is on the radio.
What is spotify
based bait ngl
>cherry picking literal shit thinking it will prove a point
kys retard
I have nothing to contribute to the current argument, I just thought this song was underappreciated despite how well regarded the game is.
Spacing your lines out to separate paragraphs isn't Twitter or reddit, people have done it for many years, it's normal. This image however is indeed overkill, the person is spacing way too much for such little text
>you can tell the difference
You can say that about any two songs from different genres though
Multiple game osts mentioned and posted but music fags only offer contradiction and won't post any of this better mainstream music because they know it will be shit on.
>Trust me bruh the shit I listen too is way better than all of that.
Wow so thats Despacito?
It's such a basic song but I've heard it mentioned hundreds of times.
It's literally what you'd hear on any Reggaeton/Tejano/Cumbia station
>better mainstream music
Mainstream music is shit because it aims at the lowest common demonitor.
Still you're a faggot thinking there is only mainstream music that is playing on the radio.
Like there is nothing else in existance.
>Music is more valid when it's created to be manufactured, packaged, and sold to the lowest common denominator
Miyazaki? I knew you posted on /v/.
Who's defending mainstream music? I think most will agree that mainstream music has been bad for nearly (or over) two decades now. People who genuinely love music have to actively seek it out, whether it's through the internet or soundtracks or other enthusiasts.
Isn't despacito the most poplar song of all time? how is that cherry picking?
You're allowed to listen to it outside the game once you've listened to it inside the game
Why do vidya OST listeners think that only mainstream music exists?

Also in the OST/soundtrack sphere, vidya music is unironically some of the lowest.
>Mainstream music is shit because it aims at the lowest common demonitor.
learn to read retard
bitch ass nigger if there is one game you couldn't even bait it has bad soundtracks it's the Nier franchise, now give me argument why it's bad without buzzwords but because you're some /v/ troglodyte you probably cannot. I'm waiting for your favorite game sountrack to open's the Olympics fucking faggot
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Twitter screencap threads need to be a permabannable offense.
I've often wondered how the 8-Bit Big Band people got a Grammy for just playing Iwadare's Brawl arrangement.
I never cared about music so I only ever listen to videogame music.
Some tracks will sound better than others and more fitting to the visuals on screen but overall it's mostly nice sounding stuff.
The big advantage of vidya OST is not having lyrics.
This game sucked ass but it's soundtrack was great, and then it got a sequel that was also really shit but improved in some ways but the soundtrack was the same but with more tracks.

God you are salty.
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Better question, why do people get weird about video game music one way or the other? Music is music, genres are genres. Who gives a shit about the source of it in any extreme way?
>The big advantage of vidya OST is not having lyrics.
>not having lyrics.
>I only ever listen to videogame music.
brainlet exhibit A.
>Isn't despacito the most poplar song of all time
Damn that's the most popular song of all time, I thought it was just mexican slop. Grim.
>The big advantage of vidya OST is not having lyrics.
Classical, jazz, and instrumental music exist but i'm not going to force them on you.
Guile's Theme
Super Mario Bros 1-1
Tetris Theme

Thank you Anthony Fantano, very cool.
nobody said they only listened to American pop music you autistic ESL retard
Notice the people bitching about game music absolutely refuse to post any of the stuff they listen to despite it's apparently obvious goodness.
norms cant into genetic heroic spirit and primordial masculinity
Usually country/metal/jazz for me but lately I've really been pounding Depeche Modes first two albums and Flock of Seagulls self titled
My favorite vidya soundtrack is probably System Shock going by volume
>I don't like this, and I don't like that either.
Compelling argument.
If you can only find mainstream shit and VG OSTs then you're just mentally challenged.
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The fact that so many nerd(like you guys) only listen to videogame osts is why people hate videogame osts. Because anytime people say, 'Post some good music bros', you fucking nerds just barge in with your videogame and anime music.
If there is one thing I hate more than anything is complete failures who never created anything worth of value in their entire miserable life who dare to pose themselves as some sorts of intellectuals and devaluate some forms of art by the basis of arbituary opinions and tastes trying to define what is "high art" and what is "low art".
Spoiler you complete piece of shit, every fucking alternative rock albums from the 70s you adore like the faggot you are were considered complete dogshit unhearable noises during their time, the best jazz songs ever from the likes of Miles David were quite literally NIGGER music at some point and no better than a dog barking. Every single form of art at some point was denied and criticized by so-called "specialists and elitists" during their birth, the video game music you think is dogshit right now will be considered for some tracks to be the greatest music to ever be created in a couple dozen of years.
Just fucking wait and watch me be right and seethe like the entitled faggots that you all are, as life itself knows I am right and you are wrong.
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>The music I like is so obviously better than what other people listen to that I can't even say what it is and can only bitch about everyone else.
I definitely believe you. WAhhhAhhOhhh
The first one is the only right option because albums tracks are made and ordered to make sense in the context of the album, soundtracks are made to make sense in the context of the game/movie/show so it's the correct way to enjoy them.
Gamers aren't allowed to enjoy anything
If that's the first question you ask then it's your fault that you don't know good music.
Here's an example of shit, i'd much rather listen to rap and whooping.
Isnt this the jewish guy cooning for palestine and hamas after the later raped and killed family members of his in pissrael?

Why would ye take anything a søylennial jew says seriously? Much less a cuck one
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listening to this rn
>Back in high school
>I remember I made fun of some kid who only listened to vidya OST's
>He fucking snaps at me and says, "I DON'T FUCKING HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR VIDEO GAMES? OK???"
That's very funny, if real. Why not pirate?
because some fanbases are obnoxious and conceited about their music.
Persona being the biggest offenders.
>mocked at in /mu/ humor threads
Oh no anything but that
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I don't listen to pop. Pop is trash.

I only listen to videogayme music for inspiration whilst writing or something, maybe some somber and quiet stuff if I'm trying to focus on schoolwork.
Good, gatekeep the normalfags out
I actually really like this





kek, no, you guys and your terrible tastesare the ones that need to be gatekept
Having dogshit taste is not gatekeeping. That's just seething.
Holy fucking shit this is god damn awful.
So you get fed whatever music plays in a game, you stick to that, then get annoyed when the music you get fed trough mainstream media is shit and limit your taste to videogame stuff? Listening to vidya OSTs is completely fine, but why wouldn't you explore genres and the artists that inspired the music you like instead of being such a passive consoomer?
Yeah this would mean something if people like Uematsu were still active. If you like something like the NieR OST, it's not like you can just go and find modern orchestral compositions anywhere and honestly I'd rather tell people I listen to bideogame music than ever tell someone I listen to fucking classical. You wanna sound like a massive autist? Tell someone you listen to classical and come back, tell me how they reacted.
>You wanna sound like a massive autist? Tell someone you listen to classical and come back, tell me how they reacted.
Can confirm, I used to tell people this so they'd leave me alone and it worked.
Is there a reason people here are so desperate to have a persecution complex?
Listening to vidya music is the most normalfag thing next to listening to pop music
lmao you listen to shit based on what you're proud to tell people you listen to? You're fucking sad
>it's not like you can just go and find modern orchestral compositions anywhere
Have you tried?
I love how these threads are just seething at rap music every single time.
I put the score to the End of Evangelion at work sometimes and nobody says anything. I usually put electronic music, so I guess they don't hate it when I put orchestral or jazz music.
Post what you consider non-normalfag music then faggot
Are we sharing OSTs?
It is foreign to most people, and it can even get cringe listening to vdya ost's within a group of nerds.
Short story
>Friend gets his ass kicked
>I go over to his house
>He puts on the BOTW soundtrack
>He sits there with tears in his eyes trying to cover his quivering lip
He was a cliche.
They don't play video games
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Patrician here AMA.
Im drained as hell today too, anon

Because the vast majority of it is the equivalent of a commercial jingle, meant to be short, catchy, and highly repeatable. Actually good video game music is usually licensed out to actual musical acts that create tracks for the game, or the rare composer who is capable of making quality, memorable, music.

Even the "classic" soundtracks from the retro era for games like Mario and Sonic ripped their music off of people like Michael Jackson. Koji Kondo is also a notorious plagiarizer.
>Have you tried?
Modern orchestral is complete asshole and is just as sloppy as other genres like pop that the entire thread has been shitting on. Most VG music is better by the sole fact it is often composed with intention, most of modern orchestral is aping already over-utilized works, in combination with the freedom most VG composers are given on influence and genre that is never expressed in modern orchestral. You might as well go and listen to your average Hollywood film score, because that is essentially what modern orchestral is. If you like orchestral in (((current year))), your objectively best outlet is VG music for the sole fact that the rest of the equivalent genre has been overtaken by passionless hacks like Really Slow Motion.
>lmao you listen to shit based on what you're proud to tell people you listen to?
I was speaking in reference to the social implications of listening to VG music that the OP image and the rest of the thread has been discussing this entire time. Nice try though.
>why do people hate video game music?
Because it evokes feeling like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYZ9n-cOnp0
I like pretty much anything from the Ar series. Too bad most people don't know it exists.

based and tinnitus pilled
Whatever helps you cope.

Here's a free music lesson:
>modern music
>created to brainwash you into being a degenerate

>vidya music
>created to immerse you in a fantasy world using only your sense of hearing
I do listen to other genres of music fucking retard.
My favorite genre of music is japanese noise rock from the early 2000s like Sheena Ringo or Tricot, I also love 90s french rap because of insane lyricist like MC Solaar and listens to a lot of bebop and swing.
YOU on the other hand fucking faggot, ONLY LISTEN to what you consider GOOD MUSIC to your faggot elistist ears. The fact video game music could be considered GOOD doesn't even grasp your reptilian brain and you probably haven't even clicked any link posted in this thread, something which I did for every link (thanks the guy who posted that Wild arms op) because UNLIKE YOU I explore other genres and artists and do not have any preleminary opinions on music because of where it comes from.
Suck my dick on LAN you have no argument.
Consider that the image isn't saying "don't separate paragraphs" but instead saying "don't isolate half a sentence between linebreaks"
ugh modern music sucks, am I ight my fellow 18 year old boomers?
Zoomer music is just awful
Says who?
Damn you're really defensive! I didn't even shit on videogame music, why do you seethe so much?
Sounds like you're shit at looking for good music... or you just listen to shit genres
There's some zoomer music that's decent, it's just that the stuff that's popular among them is absolute fucking dogshit.
Actually there is some non-vidya/anime normie music I like, for example:



>Sounds like you're shit at looking for good music... or you just listen to shit genres
Not an argument, nice try though.
taylor sis
Sounds like fucking trash.
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Kek my guy
Guilty Gear music is just a regular metal album thoughever?
Im a millennial you lil brat
There's no argument to be had if you describe what's essentially a you problem, search harder
hey alright
Sounds like late oughts power metal.
I made several significant points about the genre, you are just genuinely retarded. I accept your concession.

Damn your old.
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I dunno about you all but I'm so fucking glad that I'm seeing one of my recent favorite artists being asked to contribute to video game soundtracks. It genuinely feels like she's now a go-to for anything Japanese Biwa related. She's so good at it too.
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Uh, zoomerbros? We've been... dethroned.
Zoomers think millennials are 50.

Maybe you should listen to Pop. Because all of the songs you posted are absolute dog shit.
None of those points matter if your whole point about the genre is
Search harder!

>meme trash


I'm honestly not surprised you mostly listen to vidya/anime music if these are your non-vidya choices, jesus christ.
I was like 12 in the 2010
Thanks for proving that not only are you genuinely retarded, but you can't even read.
game music is basically muzak 2.0
>maybe you should listen to pop
If you like a single song by Iggy Azalea, Bruno Mars, Beyonce, Harry Styles, Rihanna, Ed Sheeran, Dua Lipa, Sam Smith, Doja Cat, Lorde, or Melanie Martinez, I take your reply with a fucking badge of honor forged of molten sun metal.
This one fucking schizo needs to shut up
If your main argument for opposing music to video game music is saying people who listens to video game do not look further to expand their taste you have be proven wrong twice already in this thread and it is the most baffling statement ever thought because you base it on absolute nothing whatsoever. Now give us a real argument that "real good music" has over both pop music and/or video game music which isn't "just go look for it and if you cant its your fault".
It's hilarious that people here think mainstream matters at all. It's never been easier to find niche music on the internet.
It's butt rock
I don't. So now what? Your taste is still shit.
I'm not a music guy, but I've always found that the best vidya scores always evoke more sense of wonder and adventure than actually playing the game. The best boss battle tracks are more exciting than actually fighting the boss. The best anime OPs are better than any scene in that anime.
Therefore I can only conclude that music is actually the truest art form. It's the only medium where even if you have 0 context, a good work of music can still elicit an emotional response. Literature, movies, and games require you to have additional context like reading the whole story to get to a moving scene. Music doesn't even need words to make you feel.
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>turns up boomer music
>doesn't give a fukk

yeah, there's no excuse to not know at least the surface level stuff of most thing. it used to be hard to get copies of early Butthole Surfer records or Aphex Twin Selected Ambient Work 85-92, but now it's all available for free on youtube or on streaming services or torrent trackers you use.
>i don't

>Your taste is still shit
The first song I posted is better than everything you've ever listened to in your entire mental discography, since Muse has more talent than any nigger-dogshit talentless zoomerfags you listen to.

Blessed post that will remain forever in the annals of 4channels. I was there
Probably didn't have enough money for a console or even a PC.
Muse is Rock POP you dumb faggot.
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>that tfw when
>Imagine Dragons

Is that some kind of Indie band?
Muse is alt-rock/prog-rock, you dumb fucking retarded zoomer faggot, holy shit, just kill yourself, you know absolutely nothing about music. Thank god your shit taste hasn't infected actually good genres yet. Stick to your trashcore.
christ that piano sucks
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Would be nice to have a decent combination of those two. hahaha-OH WAIT! WHAT'S THIS?



Even if you hate Stellar Blade gotta admit its first level is an eargasm
Absolutely weakest bait ever posted in /v/'s history as we both know the same people who doesn't consider video game soundtracks to be real music wouldn't even THINK anime music is even considerable music at all.
Anime and video game enjoyers are in the same boat of arguing with /mu/ retards of what real music is, now can the resident anti-vg music fag here can also argue this is bad ?
Normgroid slop

Emotionally-stunted-25-year-old-who-hasn't-matured-past-16 slop
>says he should listen to more pop
>then says Muse is pop

Can't tell if retarded or seething
This is correct, the soundtrack to Sonic R is a pretty standard 90s dance pop album
Brad does the zoomie head bob while listening to garbage trap and stuff like 100 gecs. More like BAD taste in music.
Sounds like generic 2010's anime-slop.
Are anons in this thread so disingenuous as to pretend you can't listen to anything not on the radio?
Yeah your options are between despacito and fucking nier automata music, sure.
I'm gonna blow all your retarded minds now with this https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhqQblXS9-ERn779BtyMZ1NLbDKl2LcBb
literally just go back to your shithole subhuman buzzword nigger
Good point but video game music is made to accompany gameplay or story while regular music is made to be listened to and also not all music is made by super famous artists worshipped by millions so your argument doesn't hold water beyond the normies of pop songs
Not him but there's a large contingency of /mu/ fags that are open to anime music actually, because anime soundtracks and video game soundtracks aren't composed with the same purpose. There's generally more artistic value to be found in a movie or television score than in a video game score, and that translates to both live-action stuff and anime as well.

Fucking anime soundtrack from 1982 runs circles around the entire video game industry.

tu qoque
Despacito is unironically more artistic than 90% of the trash posted ITT so far.
I would not concern yourself with the music opinion of that basic bitch
How in the fuck is Muse prog-rock?
>play Nier music for a girl
>she doesn't even know it's from a video game and just thinks it's cool latin
I think that's the first game soundtrack I listened to without playing first either, it's always been the other way around normally.
So are twitter screencaps allowed now? Or do the jannies just not care anymore?
post vidya tracks you could play in normie circles without them thinking it's a vidya game
They've never been not allowed
music elitists essentially have based their entire personality on being a fan of music so when someone has a "shallower" appreciation for music it offends them
video games especially because for video games, the music is subordinate to the gameplay while for music fags, its all about loving the fake history and personality of musicians
Simulation Theory by Muse is an all time great album, you guys. Totally not a boring ass faggot bad for boring ass faggots.

Anime and video game music are basically the same if you play jrpgs.


Asking what kind of music you like is some weird kind of 'catch' or normie judge of character. I have an older brother who's addicted to drugs and has ruined his body and got married way too early (and with potentially the wrong woman), but he always tries to catch me with this question.

I am not sure why they put so much weight on it as an assessment of character or overall taste. At worst it's somewhat immature, or short-reaching in terms of taste I guess.
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This was practically almost /mu/core a decade ago when /mu/ was even snobbier and more hipster than they are today lol
>Not playing war music especially Serbian war music when showing up to a date.
Try actually listening to them, fag.

Here's why it's useful as a judge of character >>681551485
>girl doesn't want to geek out about video game OST
Then she's obviously not a good fit and lying to get pussy isn't going to make you happy.
Hey, I'm looking for approximately 300 people who can't take a joke. I thought I'd be searching a while but then I saw this thread!
No it sounds like Kpop
A lot of video game music only really works in context.
Even if you're listening to it outside of the game after the fact you're still remembering that context.
Wait until you learn that criticism and jokes aren't mutually exclusive.
>if you do listen to a 4 hour soundtrack outside the game, you get no bitches
I mean thats very true
>t. Phone is filled with game music and when a girl asks what I listen to I either tell the truth or try to ignore the question with "stuff" with both resulting her being turned off
Serious answer
Lying to get pussy makes me happy because I get pussy. I don't care about her thoughts or "opinions".
>A lot of video game music only really works in context.

Essentially all music works in context, the biggest one being what period in your life you're in, or what events have transpired recently.
She's fucking a football player, that's about as patriarchal as you can get.
>literally fucking the patriarchy
It's true, I think I really started to notice this when listening to video game OSTs other people shared with me and realizing that I found it was mostly boring unless it was from a game I had played before.
I'm more into music that goes beep beep boop bop
>xitter said what
>xitter thread
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>Do this activity to get bitches
>Like these things to get bitches
>blah blah blah get bitches
In the end, it's all about sex. I personally don't get it. I play games for my entertainment. Listen to music for my entertainment.
>b-but then you have to have sex and marry and reproduce and
I have to? What they're gonna do if I don't?
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The biggest issue is any relationship developed on these superfluous elements is more than likely going to fall apart anyway.
First could be an 80s hair/glam metal song
Second one is too jazzie for me to like but you can see the effort putting on it
>from one of the highest rated albums of the 2000's, often considered the "best" rock album of the entire decade
>tastelet hates it

It's like pottery, it rhymes. Thanks for clarifying yourself for everyone, kek.
You're thinking far deeper about their use of language than they are. They literally just parrot each other.
What about this is progressive? It's just your standard 4/4 verse-chorus pop structure.
Anyone who listens to music to get women is a complete fucking shell of a person and an NPC loser.
>hates muse

You have to be 18 to post on 4chan.
>What about this is progressive?
Define the intricacies of progressive rock, and its features counter to the other genres of music theory and its divergence. You have the floor.
Muse is for zoom zooms who listen to alt rock past its golden age in the 90s
You'd think moments like that would cause one to reassess their entire worldview and what they consider 'progressive'.
>muh ratings
>muh groupthink
If fucking MUSE released your favorite rock album of the 2000s you're fucking retarded
>rap, modern pop
real music
>everything else
incel music
You didn't answer >>681552794

What about it is progressive?
>highest rated albums of 2000's
So was Dangerously in Love by Beyonce dip shit.
>"best" rock album of the entire decade
Oh, the decade when Rock died and replaced by Pop Rock, Pop Punk, Hip Hop and R&B?

I was alive before Muse became a thing and I though they were dog shit even then.
Post a better 2000s rock album.
>tries to act contrarian because he's embarrassed of his own taste in music
>gets called out like the retarded underage faggot he is
>gets butthurt and now throws around meme phrases as a defense

It's fucking glorious. You could have just kept your stupid trap shut, and now I'm laughing my ass off at your tears. These threads are always great for farming zoomer seethe.
>YouTube occasionally recommends Japanese albums from the 70s/80s

Hopefully this can bless your algorithm to be similar to mine
There's literally hundreds

>green text
>you're both retards stop acting arrogant
Liking Muse is a greater self-own than any insult you think you can throw at me you musically illiterate faggot.
Songs for the Deaf by Queens of the Stone Age
The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
Elephant by White Stripes
Fuck even From Under the Cork Tree by Fall Out Boy blows the shit out of Muse.
Moving away from the same copy/pasted made-for-radio 3-5 minute song structure that most early rock/pop music followed is a pretty important first step. Have more than two sections repeated over and over again, play around with rhythm a bit, do literally fucking anything other than the same trite formula we've all heard before.
>verse-chorus pop structure

You mean "song" structure, you musiclet? It's the basic fundamental structure of blues and rock, you fucking idiot.
yeh nothing more real than being a thirty-year-old man listening to rap lmao
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>Post a better 2000s rock album.
pic related
I'm fine with being a casual in music, videogames is my thing and is the only way I bother to find music I like. Which is fast tempo instrumental stuff.
I love video game music, it's the best background music while doing work that involves thinking. No lyrics means it's not distracting the words part of my brain, and on top of that, unlike a lot of other lyricless music, vidya music is designed to keep you alert, active, and focused.
I know it's especially good music when it's music from a game I've never played but I still want to regularly relisten to it anyway.
He called Muse prog rock. Prog rock deviates heavily from the verse-chorus pop structure you dumbass.

Yea, truckfighters are pretty good babby's-first-stoner-rock, but if you think that's better than Origin of Symmetry, you're out of your fucking mind.
You're so fucking stupid. The original name for "progressive rock" was "progressive pop". Stop talking and posting shitty music.
>The original name for "progressive rock" was "progressive pop"
Progressive rock and progressive pop are two distinct genres, the latter growing from the former you fucking idiot. Progressive rock emerged from progressive pop with the intention of splitting off from rock's former pop influences since rock was considered lowbrow pop music in the 1960s by jazz and classical snobs and people wanted to prove that rock could be held to a higher standard.

Where the fuck do you people even come from?

This is progressive pop.
>but listening to regular music without the music video is fine
Why are normies like this
Pop comes from blues and rock, no shit they share the same structure. But blues and rock aren't the only families of music and pop isn't the only descendant of them.
They come form the MUSE fan club.
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Whenever I feel like listening to music I can always rely on listening to the Arknights soundtrack regardless of what I feel like listening to, they pretty much got something for every mood
>muse fans will tell you that muse is the same genre (prog rock) as this
I'm listening to FF4 soundtrack and its pretty cool.
ear /fa/
>calls me musically illiterate
>doesn't even know what prog-rock is or how it started
>posts boring shit he googled to quickly try and own me

The world keeps on spinning, and you keep on making me laugh. What's next, going to post some Manthra Dei, Mars Red Sky, Shabutie, Wo Fat, Monomyth, and Tuber? Oh, oh, or maybe you'll try and be even more niche and "hardcore" and post some laughable shit like CARIBOU or Black Mountain Transmitter?
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This is genuinely one of the saddest and "look at me" posts I've read in a long time
>two spastic cacophonies
At least post good music lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVlavl2s1jw
>Progressive rock and progressive pop are two distinct genres
Prog-rock evolved literally directly from prog-pop, you dumbass. They were synonymous.

>The Nice, the Moody Blues, Procol Harum and Pink Floyd all contained elements of what is now called progressive rock, but none represented as complete an example of the genre as several bands that formed soon after.

Jesus christ you're projecting. How about you stop listening to dog food and googling bands and you get some actual taste?
>Name 3 vidya music that most people would
Undertale's soundtrack, especially Memelovania
Nier Automata's soundtrack is beyond niche popular I think,
every fucking zoomer to millenial will recognize GTA SA theme and only californian subhumans will cringe at it due to the game being "racist now"
I don't think you're in any place to say other people don't know what prog is when you're calling fucking Muse of all things prog.
To be fair
They make the music first and then video second
Only in specific cases will the music come first before the video game like maybe skating games
>Prog-rock evolved literally directly from prog-pop, you dumbass
The first sentence of my post literally says this. Is English not your first language? Is reading English hard for you?
>i like how video games are so completely mainstream now, but this same old stigma about vidya music still remains
AAA games have the shitiest music of all games with a handful of exceptions so it still applies that normies don't play games with good music.
>progressive pop and progressive rock are two distinct genres
No, they literally aren't you brainlet retard. It's like saying trap and rap are two distinct genres. They're insanely similar genres.
/v/ related
/a/ related
>I don't think you're in any position to say what prog is when you name one of the most notable and successful prog-rock bands of all time

Just keep embarrassing yourself. Go post on /mu/ and have everyone laugh at your stupid ass, please. Go over there and start a thread and say that Muse isn't prog-rock. Don't worry, I'll even join you, lmao. So you won't be in the comfort zone of other musically illiterate trash that listens to Persona soundtracks and garbage anime opening music.
I realized the typo in my post (I mixed prog rock and prog pop when saying former and latter) and I know I'll get shat on for mocking your English when I fucked up myself
But my point still stands that progressive rock GREW from progressive pop. They're not the same genre. They're not remotely same the genre, in the same way that heavy metal is not heavy psych even though heavy metal grew out of heavy psych.

The entire point of progressive rock was taking inspiration from progressive pop but removing the pop structures altogether because musicians wanted to prove that rock music had potential as a "serious" genre, since up to that point rock music hardly had any mainstream "art music" compared to jazz music, electronic music and classical music and the like.
You should go back to your Muse hugbox on Reddit.
Buckethead is very much /v/ related.

There's good modern orchestral music out there.
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Here you go. I asked for you. I guarantee nobody in /prog/ considers fucking Muse progressive rock

>muse hugbox
Bitch, they aren't even my favorite band, I barely listen to them at all, lol. The fact you think I'm some Muse superfan says more about you than it does me.

I mostly listen to metal/punk/aggrotech.

People shit on people who only listen to Vidya OSTs because people who proudly proclaim this are all the fat neckbeard in the cargo shorts and Zelda shirt. Seriously you have people unironically saying non-vidya music is shit because the music that is played on the radio or their friends and family listen to are bad and they act like this is somehow a genius take or a serious critique of a medium. All good video game music is made by people inspired and ripping off actual musical artists so it pisses people off when people only listen to vidya music because it just shows ignorance willful or not. All the JRPG soundtracks you love are just ripping off prog rock and jazz fusion. Doom was ripping off speed and thrash metal. You can like these but it's the equivalent of liking a song because it was used in a pepsi commercial.
inb4 samefagging
Oh no this will draw the trash here
progressive pop doesnt exist and thats a post-hoc genre people made decades later. everyone at the time considered procol harum progressive music.
>music is a low effort medium that goes in the background
No wonder "real" music has been reduced to rap and bland idol shit.
Video game music is the only good music.
iirc Toby Fox claims to write his music first and then design locations and scenarios to fit it.
this is normie rym mu core tier bullshit fuck you
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What the fuck is this thread and what are you people on about?
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i'm amazed at how shit music discussion is where ever i go
>all those posts
>that quickly
>on /mu/

Holy samefag batman
>video game music
It's very hard to articulate but to me most video game music sounds so caged in and uninspired. I mean what the fuck else are they going to do but adapt the music to fit the other themes and design of the game but it's that reason that the "soul" in video game music is missing to me. Theres just too many other forms of art that need to come together to make a game. Music needs to be the focus or it just doesn't hit right.
>anything i don't like is le samefag
>everybody I disagree with is the same person waaaaa
>having a phone ready to samefag within less than a minute
>anything I don't like
/mu/ is a slow board, retard. The average time between posts is fucking 13.5 minutes. You're samefagging hard and it's so obvious lmao. Boy, I must have really made you butthurt on this thread.

>The average time between posts is fucking 13.5 minutes.
Meanwhile in reality on the front page of /mu/ in bump order, multiple new posts are made every minute.
>it's obvious because... it just is, okay????
grow up
The average time for posts in a minute* is 13.5
My favourite album is Jeff Wayne’s war of the worlds.
That's "posts per minute", you smoothbrain
>average muse fan
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>makes a comment in a thread on another board where 3 posts immediately agree with him
>in a thread where the average response time is 19 minutes
>doesn't think this looks suspicious

you got btfo hard man, jus saying
>video game """music"""
lmao every time
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My favorite progressive rock bands? Muse... Radiohead... Coldplay... Foo Fighters... Imagine Dragons... The list goes on.
>all people who disagree with me must be the same person!
grow up, i know this is a vidya board but stop living in fiction
Calling Muse progressive rock is such a really bizarre hill to die on.
Muse is still making music? lol. Not gonna listen to it, but I thought those guys retired after The Resistance
Why the fuck should I care if someone on twitter or /mu/ thinks vidya music isn't "real" music? I'll just tell them to kys and have nothing to do with them.
>grow up
The sheer fucking irony of this statement, coming from a manchild beta who samefags, cross-posts twice pretending to be a different anon, then calls me a superfan after getting BTFO, then BTFO's himself with his own stupid statements. Jesus dude, I bet you're a kissless virgin to boot and blame it all on women being vapid whores instead of being a retarded autist like what you actually are. But sure, have fun listening to your screaming guitar-farts from Sound Chaser, lmao.
Bro! You are missing out on some of the greatest prog rock!
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>muse is prog rock
>this butthurt because i'm not allowing him to live in his own reality that he decides to project onto some boogeyman
You're the one that started autistically samefag shitposting about Muse, because I said it was better than anything you listened to, then you called it pop, then I corrected you and stated it was prog, which started this whole autistic meltdown from you, because you listen to bad music and are very insecure. You can call my music shit all you like, it doesn't stop you from being an idiot though. And it won't improve your god awful tastes either.
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>mocked at /mu/ humour threads
>in the board where the avg testosterone level is 200 ng/dl, 90% of the traffic comes from a fucking kpop general (LOLMAO), the average age is probably 15, and people listen to radio garbage and niggerrap
their opinions are hot dogshit, more half the board can't even play instruments, it's only music based, but primarily that shit is a gossip board



I thought black midi was midi music with a ton of notes
>I'm 19 and I'm going to fucking decide what is and isn't part of this genre that I'm deeply invested in because it defines my personality
You seem really confused, because, right now you're arguing with two completely different people (me and someone else), and two, I joined this argument here >>681553242
can agree, I heard this played in a coffee shop once
It is
Nah. I was the anon that started off by calling your taste shit. Then you threw a hissy fit and a different anon joined in.
>Only place I'm getting fresh classical compositions are movie and game OSTs because that's where the fucking money is
I will continue to enjoy the works of classically trained composers like Hamauzu, I couldn't give a fuck what this retard thinks.
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damn, that IS pretty good. sounds like something straight out of SotN despite being on the SNES.
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>mass reply with a character description full of bullshit that doesn't even fit me
okay man
Nice projection there, meat automaton.
Clearly a samefag. Only a samefag would make such a disgustingly laughable strawman argument, implying that because I pointed out how retarded he was for thinking one of the highest rated rock albums of the 2000's that he thinks is "trash" shows how worthless his taste is, that it "MUST" be my favorite. I'm not a Black Sabbath fan, but I will wholly admit that Paranoid is one of the top 10 albums of the 70's, and pretending it's shit by posting reactionary images is just obtuse and childish.
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Lemme hit you with the most bizarre bullshit I've ever heard
I came from /prog/, just to say that I was one of the people who disagreed with Muse being prog. I have no idea if the other posts were samefags but I keep that tab open at all times.
I don't know what you faggots are arguing about and why you brought it over here anyways.
>but I will wholly admit that Paranoid is one of the top 10 albums of the 70's
It isn't. Not even close to being to 10, or even top 25.
Still a great album, unlike anything Muse's ever done.

>Clearly a samefag
Explain the numerous fucking times me and the other anon have responded to you within a minute of eachother.
Why are musicfags the most pretentious group of people exactly?
>Copied the fucking ad link
I'm too drunk for this shit today
>It isn't. Not even close to being to 10, or even top 25.
It is, whether you like it or not.

>still a great album
Of course it is.

>unlike Muse's ever done
Doesn't really matter what you think or say, now does it?
There's no singer/ego to latch onto. Just pure sounds.
>I don't know what you faggots are arguing about and why you brought it over here anyways.
Some fag was trying to start a raid for teh lulz.
because music is primarily emotional and thus it attracts pussies
>just pure sounds
rip all electronic and instrumental music
It is because a rating board said so
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Music is the lowest art form, so it causes them to need to compensate for it socially.
post your 70s top 10
Unlike other artforms music is almost entirely abstract and there is no objective way to measure how good a piece of music is, which means all forms of fart sniffing are not only fair game but expected in any musical discussion.
>Loses in one argument
>Quickly lets jump into a different one
Totally not ass blasted
>All these ratings
>popular opinions
>major music-theorists
>other musicians both modern and from the era
>are all wrong....It's ME that is correct

Whatever you say. I bet your favorite band is also supremely underrated and totally better than the beatles too, right?
>thinks everyone in the thread is me
kek, very much assblasted you are, keep coping and seething
Beatles suck. lol
You posted that one comment from your phone!
Oh wait, that was your excuse about the /prog/ posts.
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He doesn't know 70's music well enough to post 5 albums from the era, let alone 10.
It's a shit "career" for lazy burnouts who don't want to get real skills or do real work and want to smoke pot in their room all day. That's why it's the most popular career among blacks aside from being a gangsta.
They only succeed in the rare case where they suck the right California jew's dick. Then when they fail they bring their sob stories
>boohoo, AI fucked me, I can't grift suckers for low quality half-ass shit anymore
Just like streamers, professional gamers, poets and painters.
Anybody who considers it more than a hobby and thinks they're some authority worthy of respect is a faggot.
There are still performers with instrumental music that you can latch on to. Electronic music kind of has producers you can latch on to, but I feel like they're going to be among the first to be made irrelevant by AI soon.
Tryhard hipster shit
You posted 2 good albums. Yikes mate.

>that was your excuse
Not my post. Lmao, obsessed loser.
retarded statement honestly
if you listen to an album with the lyrics then you're not rating it on the music as an album so it doesn't count
same kind of statement.
music is not entirely about the sound all the time, the scene, characters, setting or lyrics it's attached to do play a reasonable role in its quality
these secondary things will heighten the music or in cases make you actually listen to something you would have otherwise disregarded
personal example i can think of is the hounds from protomen act 2, a song i think is decent but which without the context of the overall story they're telling i would not have given a fuck about because that particular music that song goes for is not my jam
secondly you cannot un-associate things
it doesn't matter if you play a game then listen to the ost on cd by itself, your brain is still associating the songs with whatever was happening at the time you first heard them, it's unavoidable
and that applies to all music ever. i can create an exact image in my head of when i first heard blue by eiffel whoever the fuck all those years ago, the songs enjoyment is very much affected by the scenario it was heard in video game or otherwise
Good. Then I don't have to wait for Kisewa to drop more tracks and I can have AI make me some more.
Oh, wow. You sure got me there, bud. Guess I should be more observant and keep track of which anonymous poster is which.
Question: Do you listen to music just to seek approval from other people, or do you not even listen to music and just look for the most pretentious picks as possible?
What are those albums 'pretending' to be?
>you're also super casual imo if you say "I hate genre x"
if you don't hate rap you're a genuine musiclet with broken ears
Please tell me you're meming. These aren't your actual choices, are they? Because if so, you're limited as fuck.
Plenty of game music does have singers though i'll admit having less of them is one of the reasons I prefer it along with anime music.
I don't like English lyrics most of the time, especially modern shit about Millennial problems, relationships, partying, and being a thug, it makes me cringe to the point of distraction.
Jap shit I can't understand so it might as well be noise to me.

Some older English shit I like
>dude 20 minute songs lmao
"Good", for starters.
lmao what the fuck is this shit
That's not even the most autistic sounding shit in that image.

If my life reached a point where I'd care about that retard's opinion I'd kill myself
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lmao what the fuck
>this is the type of person who hates Muse
>what if we wrote a song that constantly sounded like it was on the verge of actually being a song
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>autistic musefag gets vindicated because the other poster just completely shits the bed with his top 10

Ironic, but I like it.
The only band I've heard of in here is Tangerine Dream, and I don't recognize any of these albums.
I don't get being elitist about music. You aren't even involved in it. You're just fanboying. At least a vidya elitist would have to be good at playing the game and have some kind of skill. /mu/ is just a joke I bet none of them can even play an instrument.
That's only 9....Where's the 10th album?
I'm not elitist about music, but if someone comes up to you and says, "Hey dude, I got this sick new album, wanna take a listen?" And this is the first track:

How would you honestly respond? It would be pretty god damn hard not to ask him "What the fuck is that?"
Topsters doesn't do 10 but the 10th would be Comus - First Utterance

Evergrace's OST is genuinely great avant-folk.
I just searched "avant-folk" and the literal first track I found blows it out of the fucking water.


So I have a hard time believing you when you say it's "good" even for the genre you say it supposedly fits into.

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