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>massively improves your online gaming experience
Stop using wifi
Why the fuck would you use this over ethernet? It's wifi tier nowadays.
why does he/she/it make the D= face
that's literally about as good as wifi these days, anon
power cables are not good for ethernet transfer
MoCA adapters will usually perform better.
Those are junk, you're better off with a moca adapter instead. Assuming you don't have cable
>Why the fuck would you use this over ethernet?
No ugly cable running through your house
Yeah OP is retarded if he uses that. Ethernet > WiFi > Powerline
Latency on powerline is insane.
I have gigabit internet but these things only give me at best 70-90mb in the rooms I have them in.
>He isn't hardwired into the router with ethernet
"But the router isn't anywhere near where I game?"
>He didn't wire the ethernet through the wall using superior manly DIY skills
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You can't be fucking serious.
Maybe WiFi is better if it's WiFi6 but only very recent shit will actually make use of that
I feel like the people saying "dude just put cables all over your house" must live in small houses made of thin walls in America or something. I like in a big concrete house in Europe and putting cables all around the house would be insane and not remotely realistic.
nta but I need to drill a few holes just to connect the modem (ground floor) to the main pc (1st floor), it's a pain of the ass and that is the only available solution for the time being.
What about a bridged wifi router?
what is that and how does it improve anything?
Yeah I use a powerline and it's shit, drops out 2-3 times a day for no reason
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>OP actually thought he was smart for doing this
see >>681525219
put some fucking effort in m8.
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Then fucking do it and stop groaning about it. Do it right and it'll look like you never did it at all.
Fish the cable down the wall, it's not hard.
she likes getting her mouth plugged but the eyes are a bit much
>lust provoking image
>irrelevant time-wasting question
Give me money then, those holes are not free.
What if I make a Wifi-mesh network and get the cable from one of the routers?
I have no idea how the fuck these work, but it helped when I still lived at home and would have to run a cable through the whole house to get to the router
>Maybe WiFi is better if it's WiFi6
My understanding is that Wifi 6 has higher throughput, but shorter range because it uses uncongested channels on a higher frequency. Higher frequency radio waves have a harder time penetrating walls and obstacles than lower frequency waves, so you might still be better off using 2.4ghz over 6hz or even 5ghz.
What, was your house built by a fucking jew?
>gibs me dat
third world mentality
>alright i need a wire ran and i'm an adult male, who cares if i fuck up literally every single thing I do in the physical world at least once, this is an easy task and there's no reason i can't perform it, who cares about the ugly wire
>mark location of desired wire hole on one side of the wall
>use longest drill head i have for my power drill
>doesn't reach through wall
>match measurements for desired location of hole on both sides
>use a common element on both sides to ensure the measurements line up
>drill hole on other side
>off by way more than any margin of error could ever account for
>get a long, metal object and jam it through the first hole until it breaks through enough to indicate where i should drill
>my measurements were over 6 inches off
>now i have two holes on one side of the wall along with the ugly wire running along it

the idea of being mentored by a proper father figure is a complete fantasy for me. All I do is bang my head against shit other people find easy, and learn over and over again how inept and shitty I am.
>his computer isn't directly connected to the router

>t. raised by a single mother
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you couldn't use the fucking studs in your wall as a base?
I'm supposed to put all that unsightly shit going up the stairs and along the walls?
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>turn on kettle
>powerline loses connection
it's your job to not make it unsightly. skill issue if you can't.
You have access to the internet and youtube. No excuses
Nope. My parents have been married since their early 20s and are in their mid 60s now. But I did spend more time around my mother while my older brother worked with my father in his manual labour shit. I was too delicate and nerdy for that sort of hands on stuff.
my house is a shitshack built by a deluded boomer in the 60's.
nothing in it's construction makes a whole lot of sense and the wall i was drilling through appears to be mostly vestigial.

This is exactly it. I struggle because my situation differs from the norm and it's always my fucking fault somehow.
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OP clearly still lives with mommy and cant drill holes cause she will bitch at him
yeah sure bro just follow the instructions online, every house is the same, everyone has the specific tools being used in the video, anyone who is a perpetual fuckup is actually lazy and doesn't try hard enough
I know I shouldn't stick my dick in there..... but......
Marble + heated floor. If you think that creating a hole is enough then you don't know anything about how a house is built.
wtf do you think I am? I'm not some council estate tradesman. I work in a white-collar job for big pharma. I can't even use a drill.
>anyone who is a perpetual fuckup is actually lazy and doesn't try hard enough
why the fuck is your house made of marble? Are you Saddam Hussein?
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Yes? You're supposed to paint it the same color as your walls. If you're that worried, you can just run the cable hider along the floor. Many shops that sell cable hiders also sell 90º pieces and pieces to lead around corners.
You made a mistake. Learn from it, don't beat yourself up. Here, I'll tell you about a few mistakes you made
>drill bit doesn't reach through wall (then get a longer one, i've seen 24 inch long drill bits at hardware stores
>match measurements on both sides (this isn't as easy as you think and there's a reason why people don't try to do it if they can help it)
>using force and just jamming a fucking metal rod through (you're just worsening the problem because you got angry)
here's what you can do to fix it and start over
>buy some cement, mix it up and fill the hole, let it dry then sand it down, let it cure, then paint it the same color as your wall

you can do it, mang
>what is that
Powerline ethernet, it does LAN all around your house through power outlets.
>and how does it improve anything?
It doesn't, it's just as shit as wifi.
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your fucking floor tiles are made out of marble and the heated floor is a fucking wire in the ground
That'd be a lot more stable than simply connecting to a faraway access point through wifi.
thank you fot helping him sergei
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Then why can’t your faggot father show you how to run a a cable? Go get some of these, a drywall saw, a box with wings for filling the hole, and a plate to make it look professional? But now that I think about it you also need a drill and that fag household of yours is probably terrified of tools.
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I have brown wooden stairs. So how do I make cables going up the stair not look like shit?
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like I said, use the fucking cable hider and paint it either the same OR a complimentary color
white goes well with darker browns
Based retard having anon cement over drywall and then fucking sand it
okay so what is the undisputed best way to connect yourself to the web?
fiber from outside > ethernet on the inside ?
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oh right, I forgot american houses are made out of paper and sticks
my house is built with bricks, mortar and cement
>fag household of yours is probably terrified of tools.
My father literally worked a manual labour job. He has a shed full of tools. I just was never manual labour as I'm too delicate and nerdy and feminine. I'd rather just pay a grug tradesman to do it for me.
Coax works well enough as well, but definetly ethernet on the inside
I literally just drilled a hole through my brick wall and ran a cable down the side of my house, took about an hour and 30 bucks in materials.
Yeah brother I hate it too and envy you and no thats not sarcasm. Either way it's cool you're trying to help some of these guys.
Pretty much this.
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if you are going to do something at least put a little bit of effort into it cunt
fuck you
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i pity you people
at the same time, drywall's very easy to work with
yet, it's very easy to fuck up :(
i appreciate it though, i just want anons to feel more confident about themselves. just because they are fatherless doesn't mean they shouldn't have someone being some part of a father figure!
>I can't even use a drill.
What's pathetic is that you consider yourself a man when you can't use something this basic. Did you not have basic woodworking lessons in school? Can you not use a fucking hand saw either? Is sanding a bridge too far?
zoomers fear the wifi cable
I prefer his version because he wasn't edgy and all up in your face like you
>spelling a word right is edgy
I failed Woodwork in school. I got high grades in things like Maths and English and Science and History. I failed any subject that had heavy practical elements like Woodwork or art or music.
Damn these two are blacked only?
no, spelling nigger right isn't edgy. but only removing the parts that are there instead of adding something completely new is unnecessary. you'd only do it if you want to be edgy
how old are you?

see what you caused retard >>681528689
>needing some gay adapter
I plug Ethernet straight into the router.
so his adapters really like the country Niger?
Quit being a bitch a learn how to do something. There are women who will do this stuff.
how shit is your wiring?
Can someone explain to me what the fuck a switch does ? I've always wondered
I don't care if you failed it, I don't understand how you look at a drill and go "oh no I can't do it!". It's like looking at a screwdriver and going "yeah, this is impossible, how is anyone supposed to remember righty tighty, lefty loosey?"
it plays nintendo games on the go
It turns off invasions in dank souls.
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I got a shitty old house with knob wiring and these suck this old wiring like this. I just bought good wifi gear instead.
Ok Nigger
Do you own the house? If so I’d consider requiring that shit.
im with
that could be a fire hazard and you could have Ethernet ran while you are doing it
there's this really tiny guy in there doing traffing on every data packet that goes through it
that's why it can turn a 4-port router into something like 20 ports
That pic is just and example of old knob tube wiring that used from the 1880 to the 1940.
Some of the old wiring has been replaced at my house but not the second floor.
I've seen powerline adapters be worse than wifi in performance and stability. Really depends on how your house is wired. Not to say that wifi is acceptable for any kind of gaming. Use ethernet you fucking niggers.
America is a big place, the styles of houses and choice of building materials vary depending on where you are. East coast has a lot of old brick and cement style houses similar to what euros are used to. Southern style homes are huge with large porches and columns fucking everywhere. Midwest homes don't have a defining trait that comes to mind except that they typically have basements, and of course that they're cheap because lol flyover. Southwestern homes copy a lot of stylistic elements from Mexican homes, basements are rare, and stucco siding is very popular choice because it's suitable for arid environments. In the northwest everyone lives in pods.
>connecting his computer directly motherboard to a power socket
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>not having rj45 sockets in every room
Fiber to the basement, well equipped patch panel with 2-4 RJ45 sockets per room plus a couple extra for roof mounted access points, all wiring done with CAT7. Good for 10 Gbit connections to every device you own and doesn't require the media converter autism of pulling fiber everywhere.
You're not a nice person, Anon. You should know that. God bless you though.
> Mini USB
Oh cmon.
I really hate to say it but there should not be men like this in this era. You need to go take a workshop class or something. If you have even a modicum of interest in creating things with your own hands then it's very worth it, fun and you feel cool when you can actually pull basic shit off like drilling holes in walls without somehow fucking it all up by the end of it. I don't like to be racist but not knowing how to do stuff like that is literally nigger tier, as in niggers cannot into that no matter how many workshop classes they attend. You are not a nigger, you can. I believe in you.
Looking more at it, perhaps it's suppised to be hdmi.
>If you have even a modicum of interest in creating things with your own hands
I dont.
I use an ethernet cable. Fuck wi-fi.
>I've always wondered
Why haven't you ever looked it up? Serious question. If you're interested in something, don't you just look it up and learn about it?
I don't disagree with this (except for the CAT7 part) but you only really see that in the homes of richfags. Not that it's out of reach for the average house in reality but most people don't want to invest in getting the wires run or paying 1k+ for a small rack and the networking equipment to link everything together (nor do they have the knowledge to configure the gear). Normalfags don't see the benefits of having a properly networked house and women especially fucking hate seeing ANYTHING like an access point for properly distributed wifi or RJ45 keystones in their house.
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this man is in no way rich and he has that setup
I can guarantee you wifi is worse
Not by too much mind you but there's a definite improvement in latency and pocket loss reduction
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it is HDMI
I'm forced to use Ethernet because the guy who built my PC didn't add in whatever makes your PC able to connect to your modem without a cable.
It was annoying as fuck for a year or so but then I drilled a hole in the wall that connected my modem and just put the cable through it instead of having the cable go through my entire house.
I don't know why my download/upload speed when I actually download shit is still capped at 10MB/s usually when I'm supposed to have 100 MB/s and it shows at 100 MB/s when I use a speed tester, though.
I only super rarely see downloads done instantly because they go at my max speed.
Nigga not only is it pretty simple to install a wifi card into your PC directly, you can get a usb wifi adapter for like $10
You're better off having an ethernet connection like you do but if not being able to use wifi was annoying to you there were far easier solutions than running cables through walls
I don't understand this faggotry.
I dunno who the fuck this is. Like I said though, normalfags never see the benefit. If this is some big streamer or something, I can almost guarantee he has someone he goes to for support with OBS and shit who suggested that kind of setup. Another thing I forgot about is people renting. Of course you can just do some ghetto networking shit and make everything look fairly innocuous or presentable at least. I'm unfortunate enough to be a renter but I just take the handoff from my local switch downstairs where the router is and anchor the wire up the stairs then slip it under the wall moulding of my second floor till it reaches the local switch there. There's always options even when you can't drill, get a trunk of wires to a home run, or install a patch bay.
This, except the 2nd anon is wrong. MoCA can absolutely co-exist with cable tv/internet. It CANNOT coexist with satellite though.
>that's literally about as good as wifi these days, anon
>Why the fuck would you use this over ethernet?
you wouldnt be using it if ethernet was an option, dumbass
>niggas still think you need to drill holes to run cables through your house
You can get a 200 foot ethernet cable from Walmart for like, 30 dollars. That's enough to run it from the router, along the corners of rooms, and along doorframe to get it where it needs to be without any holes.
T. Rentoid
as someone who used wifi and a powerline adapter, it is fucking night and day, dont listen to the retards saying otherwise.
it has less speed obviously, but insanely better latency and stability. theres no random drops or anything like with wifi, so if you play fighting games, its a game changer if you dont have access to actual ethernet because your landlord wont let you drill holes or whatever
These things are unreliable. I constantly had disconnections with them.
Maybe you should do some more reading, speed is always around 100mbps = 12.5MB/s , take heed of the letters.
If you are 100% sure you are supposed to be getting 100MB/s though you need to check your port compatibility and cables, perhaps you are also capped at the router level as well.
Hmm... I guess I'll double check next time.
Those only operate at 10% of the speed advertised on the box. Be prepared to pay a ton for the best pair you can afford. Signal integrity is also highly dependent on the wiring of your home.
Honestly, many people are better off spending a few hundred on a good wireless router. The real problem is that most people buy crappy routers designed for small apartments.
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>he lives in a muttmerican wood house
>constantly afraid of bugs eating his home
>too poor to afford bricks
couldnt be me, i spent $30 on a top end ethernet 20meter cable, and 100 wall cable-clips with stickypads, and ran the ethernet cable to my pc for peanuts, blistering speeds and 0 packet loss, feels good.
either you mean ceramic (in which case you should be able to drill it yourself if you are not retarded) or you have enough money to afford hiring someone to do it for you
moca is so fucking based, gigabit (you can even get 2 gig) speeds over an existing 30 year old coaxial cable is like magic
The wiring in my house is nearly 100 years old and yet Powerline never disconnects or faces serious latency for me. It's not as good as Ethernet, which I have for my PC and upstairs Switch dock, but the Powerline works well for my downstairs Switch dock.
I have those and average latency is 2ms and no lost packets. Even have a fan running through it.
Seems most of you haven’t actually used them as expected.
but why bother with one when i can run an Ethernet cable?
You a very well designed electrical network for them to work on top of not having any heavy equipment running.
I tried them out in my home and I'd get massive jitters every 3 seconds, probably because of all the fridge in my garage on top of washing machine and stuff.
Returned them and drilled some walls to run some 10gig ethernet cables all around my house.
Because they're an option for it you can't run an Ethernet cable?
Weird, two freezers two refrigerators and two 12000 btu ac units were running here when I ran my test, on top of normal electronics.
80s house here so you must have some really shitty wiring
Those are shit and cost more than a 10 gigabit Ethernet cable
Isn't your gripe with WiFi its proneness to interference? Because that's what you get with those
>Powerline goes like 5mb/s max download
>Wifi goes up to ~30mb/s but also drops every device multiple times a day
I hate living in the south so goddamned much
>Drilling into my house is not an option because every new hole is a potential mouse or insect hiding spot regardless of size
Fuck southern Clapistan to death with knives.
>Wifi goes up to ~30mb/s but also drops every device multiple times a day
But that shouldn't happen albeitsoever
Get a better setup
Do you have coaxial cables in your walls? If so use moca adapters
There's a tradeoff between what one ought to do and one is willing to do.
it may as well be magic
3.0 can even go up to 10gbit
Those things suck though.
Anon why do you walk into these things? Why go on that blogpost about how much you love your mommy and your dad neglected you thinking that was anything but a denigration of your father?
I used them with moonlight for gaming at a constant 150Mbps. WiFi is shit for that literally 40+ networks around me
What is this and how do I do it?
>wall coax to moca thing
>moca to router
>router Ethernet to console/laptop?
Do I have that right?
>be me, wired
>matchmaking puts me against a wifi user
>wired connection stolen
Connie ToT
>use keyhole saw to cut measured hole into wall
>run cat 6 cable through attic and down wall using a fish tape
>cut cable at both ends
>use CGBs mount cut-in boxes secured with F-clips
>use RJ45 male connector at end near modem
>use RJ45 female keystone at new hole
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I don't love my mother at all. I dislike her.
I'm plugged into 1 right now. Tell me what site to use to check latency.
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I did this but through the floor and ran the cable along the ceiling in the basement.
feels good man
worked well for me
just make sure you plug it in to the same powerline as your router
otherwise it'll underperform
I don’t game online
2.4Ghz usually gets faster with every generation, as well, even given the same channel width.
You can still drill if you're renting, just patch it up after.
You were already going to patch up all the holes in the wall from all the family photos you have hung up, right anon?
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what the hell, they're pushing higher speeds than ethernet whilst only using 2 actual copper connections, how the fuck
The entire tablet generation is going to be like OP but even worse, recoiling from anything physical, repulsed by what isn't displayed on a screen.
>doesn't know how to fill in holes
my walls are plastered brick, you insensitive clod
My only two coax ports are to the living room and where the router is though.
You're best off getting a more powerful wifi6 router then, or if you can, running a flat ethernet cable along the corner of the rooms
I do actually, I filled in you're mom's hole last night
I have Ethernet cable from my router to my switcher to my wall socket and it's connect to my PC.
is your pic one of those internet over powerline ? I think it's not that good.

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