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does anyone else think the frank west redesign kinda looks like a hybrid between mr bean and vegeta?
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Frank has looked different in every single fucking game he’s been in, and even then he looked different in the promotional material. I don’t know why Capcom didn’t settle right the potato faced look from his actual in game model.
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Franks best design was this concept art
It finally all makes sense.
STOP the dragonball spics will kill this thread you dont know what your doing
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A toast ! To Dead Rising (2006) !
>STOP the dragonball spics will [HEADCANON]
FRAUDjita, bet you never played Dead Rising
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Shitty design, downgrade just like every single other one in this demake.
I think her and Isabella are both still hot
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>does anyone else think the frank west redesign kinda looks like a hybrid between mr bean and vegeta?
Looks like Artie to me.
Still would
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What went wrong?
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Most of my playtime was on the 360, but I finished it a couple of times when it was ported to PC.
Frank with a high top would have been kino.
>The little girl from the main menu cutscene was originally going to be part of the story
Weird to think Dead Rising could have been The Last of Us before The Last of Us. Wonder if the remake is gonna tweak the story at all to be more in line with the original narrative.
interesting they eventually did bring katie into the fold with 2, though obviously they had tossed development onto an entire other team at that point. I wonder if DRDRDD (Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Digital Deluxe edition) does well enough we'll get to see what the japanese's take on a new dead rising would be
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>I wonder if DRDRDD (Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Digital Deluxe edition) does well enough we'll get to see what the japanese's take on a new dead rising would be
I imagine if this game does well enough they plan on doing another deluxe remaster for 2 and then making new original games afterwards.
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They very well could, there's rumors they're remaking RE1 for the second time.
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>there's rumors they're remaking RE1 for the second time.
That sounds retarded as hell so I believe it
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personally I think he resembles the transformation scene of Jack Nicholson at the conclusion of the 1987 feature film The Witches Of Eastwick
Please no. Dead Rising 2 was the beginning of the end. Meme crafting system to try to attract the Minecraft kids, too much emphasis on making stupid smoothies (to attract the same kids), and the controls were trash. Not to mention the dog shit protagonist.
All the effort should go into making a real sequel to the 1st dead rising.
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Sorry but the Chuck costume confirms Capcom still approves of him and to a certain extent 2, 2 is canon and you gotta deal with it!
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I hope he doesn't just look like Larry, but also acts like him.
Dead Rising 2 was better and more influential than Dead Rising 1. Cope with it
No, you're wrong
I dont know about more influential, but DR2 was better mechanically and the survivors were basically a kill squad if you had a bunch. Chuck was also a good protag.

That said, DR1 just has its own special charm in comparison between the story, atmosphere, and the location
Bullshit. Dead Rising 1s cultural impact far exceeds the 2nds. You're like one of those weirdos that thinks Better Call Saul had a bigger impact than Breaking Bad.
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>That said, DR1 just has its own special charm in comparison between the story, atmosphere, and the location
Yeah, well it's going down the toilet in this demake, lmao
I hope the better survivor AI was worth
Cope, nobody cares what you think Stipo
Stipo is /ourautist/ and I look forward to him breaking down and analyzing every minor and insignificant change/addition.
He's a discord nigger that's been bought out by Capcom. I don't believe for a moment this is genuine, he sounds just like that sphere tranny when he tries marketing something.
>Wonder if the remake is gonna tweak the story at all to be more in line with the original narrative.
If there is one thing I wouldn't mind being able to at least save Jessie somehow. As a character, I don't think her survival would be a hindrance to the overarching plot. It'd just be one cool change that they could potentially make.
>more influential
Since when?
lol Jessie died in the tunnels instead of Brad in the og plot
kinda feels like Brad may have died earlier in the story instead of getting shot but surviving
Friendly reminder that all crossover games confirm that the canon story ends after Dead Rising 1 with no more outbreaks happening and with Frank cured offscreen.
>Crossover games
>Sorry but the Chuck costume confirms Capcom still approves of him and to a certain extent 2, 2 is canon and you gotta deal with it!
Many games have costumes referencing non-canon games. And your point is null anyway because there are also costumes from other series, which are in no way canon to the dead rising story.
Of course they're not canon. But they pretty much confirm that capcom completely considers the story of the sequels non-canon, since they are always ignored in the japanese-made games.
You're reaching there, Stipo. Nobody cares what some non-canon crossover title says happened, Dead Rising 4's story matters more than these games and nobody cares about that either.
Dead Rising 2 happened, Dead Rising 3 is the end of the canonical story and there is nothing you can do about it. Oh, and Chuck/Nick are better protagonists than Frank and did more in the long run, cope with it Stipo.
>second time
re1 has been remade 4 times already, I'm not even joking
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>He thinks Dead Rising 3 is still canon
If they don't add Nick's name to the list of infected orphans it will be confirmed non canon
The canonical story is DR1-DR2-DR3(and the Xbox Live games). Nobody cares what crapcom considers canon, now that everything is a remake(or rather a demake), they will change their minds and repeat the cycle in a few years anyways.
This is the original timeline, aka the one that matters, the demake doesn't exist and neither do any of the crossover games or DR4. Simple as.
>You're reaching there, Stipo
Don't compare me with that fucking hoarder.
>Nobody cares what some non-canon crossover title says happened
Crossovers can still have hints about things that happen in canon.
>Dead Rising 4's story matters more than these games and nobody cares about that either.
>Dead Rising 2 happened, Dead Rising 3 is the end of the canonical story and there is nothing you can do about it. Oh, and Chuck/Nick are better protagonists than Frank and did more in the long run
Outsorced games will never matter more than in-house made games. Even tatsunoko vs capcom matters more than that trash.
>The canonical story is DR1-DR2-DR3(and the Xbox Live games). Nobody cares what crapcom considers canon, now that everything is a remake(or rather a demake), they will change their minds and repeat the cycle in a few years anyways.
The canonical story is what the original creators were involved with. Which is only DR1.
>This is the original timeline
Yes. DR1 is the only in the original timeline. And Isabella likely cures frank offscreen like she promised him in the game and no more outbreaks happen, since in the true ending they seem to avoid the ones that happens in the other endings.
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Thank you Stipo, your opinion has been discared. Go suck on Chuck's massive balls, since he is more relevant than Frank.
Fanfiction: The post
Get off 4chan and go back to discord, Stipo. Nobody cares.
Oh, and release some of your hoard to the public already, you fucking scumbag.
Kek. Keep seething faggot.
Your western fanfiction will never be canon.
Capcom Vancouver were "in house". You don't have to like them, but pretending "oh it wasn't REALLY made by Capcom" is a straight up lie. It weakens your point, it doesn't strengthen it. I don't know why you fucking autistic retards care so much about the lore for a series that has never had a particularly compelling story. Do you also whine and bitch about the fucking lunacy of the resident evil canon?
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Stipo, my dude, you can keep seething all you want but Dead Rising 2 happened and it's canon, same with Dead Rising 3. Nobody cares about your fanfiction.
Just be glad that crapcom threw a bone for retards like your with OTR, a game superior to the original and pretty much the best game in the franchise.
They should fix the ports they released on last gen before releasing a "remaster"
Fuck capcom
I don't care. This game is not very good to begin with.
The only fun dead rising game is the third one.
Glad I'm not the only one who mained this outfit. Give him the black fedora and the sunglasses and Frank really does look like a pimp
>clearly made her thiccer

you're not my nigga.
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are they gonna keep /ourguy/?
so much of the humor of this game came from the absolute insanity of the characters
because it was originally just a japanese take on american b movies
so the crazy characters, bat shit insane dialogue, all that cool stuff made sense
now its gotta be 'realistic'
gotta satisfy the video essayist deboonkers
They were just a subsidiary and were not even that when they made Dead Rising 2 (back then they were their own company called blue castle games) and they were not made by the main and japanese branch of capcom. So they still count as outsorced.
>Do you also whine and bitch about the fucking lunacy of the resident evil canon?
I only consider the first game canon, since both the creator (Tokuro Fujiwara) and the main writer (Kenichi Iwao) weren't involved in any of the sequels and the following games are full of contradictions and retcons and are a fucking mess.
Stipo likes dead rising 2 you stupid fuck. Don't you dare sully his good name. I know dumb fucks like you always need a "Barry" to blame for everything but seriously fuck off.
He's in but his new VA sounds weak from what little we heard. I'm willing to wait to see the full scene though
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> The only fun dead rising game is the third one.
Ah i see. It was never released on playstation. That's why it has negative reputation here.

So i played all of them and i can safely say that DR3 is THE BEST in franchise by a mile. Best combat, best vehicles handling, best gore and physics, best everything.
Anything that wasn't made by the original creator is fanfiction.
>Just be glad that crapcom threw a bone for retards like your with OTR, a game superior to the original and pretty much the best game in the franchise.
That game is literally fanfiction of the fanfiction that was DR2.
> still talking about Stipo
With how much he's cocksucking and shilling for the "remaster" i thought he did the same for the western games.
>best everything
The psychopaths, story, atmosphere, and protag were weaker. Not to say that Nick was a bad protag, but Frank and Chuck were better
>His good name
lol, you're about to find out the hard way why you shouldn't get in a parasocial relationship with a youtuber when he's gonna start slurping that slop like Sphere Tranny does with all the other crapcom games
This is getting sad, Stipo. Stop crying, Chuck is real and canonical no matter how much you wish he wasn't.

1 > 2:OtR > 2 > 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4
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This is Fallout. That's right, THE Fallout, only this one and Fallout 2 exist, no others are canonical because these were the only ones that Tim Cain, the series creators, worked on. Fallout Tactics? New Vegas? What are those? No Tim, no play!
What's that, there is a load of Bethesda made titles? Bethesda branded fanfiction you mean, lmao!
> The psychopaths, story, atmosphere, and protag were weaker.
Nope. It was series peak.
Looks good
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>Meanwhile, an actual set of crapcom "influencers" in 2024...
looks like Dan Aykroyd tbch.
This but unironically.
Though Tim Cain didn't have that much involvement with 2 and he had never wanted to work on a Fallout 2, as he envisioned Fallout as a standalone with no sequel in mind. So i wouldn't really consider that one canon to his true vision.
That's nice... but what does this have to do with Dead Rising?
Well, Inafune DID work on Dead Rising 2, even tho the work was done by Canadians, so...
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Niko let's go bowling!
Inafune didn't create Dead Rising.
It was Yoshinori Kawano.
>Hey Gar... I can't make it to Williamnette today... *cough*
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what are the lore implications of this scene?
And being "executive producer" in a game is pretty much the same as not being involved.
It's Inafune's name all over the place, including an anagram for it on Chuck's jacket, anon. Nobody who played Dead Rising cares or knows who Yoshinori Kawano is, other than (You)
Just like nobody but (You) and that hack Stipo think that only Dead Rising 1 is canon. You're not the minority, you're just a schizo rambling about shit nobody cares about.
Pure SOVL that crapcom japan will NOT be able to capture in Dead Rising Demake!
What's the melt down gonna look like when this game has a larger player base and higher reception than the OG?
It was a different time.
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Same one(from the crap-cuck fanboys) when RE4: Demake released and people shit on it, then forgot about it after 2 weeks. This is the destiny of this shitty demake as well.
I still can't believe they just slapped Guru Larry into the game, lmao
Pure SOVL, meanwhile the Demake replaced Larry(from the game) with Cooking with Ja/ck/, a deadbrain stroke victim who nobody cared about for over a decade. WEAK!
>It's Inafune's name all over the place, including an anagram for it on Chuck's jacket
Because he's the public face and the one who takes the credit of others like he did with megaman and like Neil Cuckman does.
>Nobody who played Dead Rising cares or knows who Yoshinori Kawano is, other than (You)
>Just like nobody but (You) and that hack Stipo think that only Dead Rising 1 is canon. You're not the minority, you're just a schizo rambling about shit nobody cares about.
Like i give a shit. Even if nobody knows who he is he's still the original creator whether you like it or not. Stop sucking vancouver and Inafune's cock.
Just checked right now and the reception for the RE4 remake is much higher on steam than the OG and there's thousands more still playing it over the OG. RIP to OG troons.
Only 11 years ago
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>Stipo360 melting down in this thread
Yikes, this hoarder troon is gonna have a bad time when he finds out that there is going to be a DR2 remake as well
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Steam bydlo will gobble up anything. Both star wars games have unplayable ports on pc yet the first one has VERY POSITIVE reviews lmao. And the second one are mixed. IT'S FUCKING UNPLAYABLE. LITERALLY. IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK CORRECTLY.
Nobody is talking about the game anymore, where as people OG RE4(the only one that matters) has become part of gaming culture and has been for nearly 20 years. What crapcom fanboys have been trying to shill(and failed) doesn't matter
There are like 3 different versions of the game on PC alone, and only one of them is visible on Steam...not to mention that the game has been ported to quite literally almost every single console of all time since Gen 6, that includes mobile phones and even a really weird port to a brazilian console nobody has ever heard of.
Where as nu-RE4(one that nobody cares about and nobody but casuals play) only released, let's see...on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X...ooof!
How can one shitty hoarder mindbreak a "person" so much.
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How big is Jherrii’s clit?
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literally soul vs soulless(just like Dead Rising Demake)
He likes them all. The faggot in this thread calling everyone Stip0 must have some sort of autistic fixation on him. Stip0 is iterally the chillest fucker on YouTube.
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RE4 remake plays like shit AND looks like shit. Even sound and music are worse. This shit is just terrible on all fronts.
>bought out
Explain how how opinion on anything matters when he thinks
looks better? How many hours in the original game does this faggot have, again?
Also, he's been privating videos for no reason, real chill, lmfao. Get off his e-celeb dick.
Yup, that's why shilling was so bad when this piece of shit dropped...and everybody forgot about it less than a month in, since you can buy the original for cheaper and it's better.
>Interrupts her set
>insults her
>kills her
>mocks her death after
out of all the "Probably could have been avoided" Psycho fights, that one in particular stood out as being fucked
Still saner than the fag who thinks only DR1 exists because some literally who from Japan worked on it. Dead Rising is a Canadian franchise since that's where most of the games came from, those are just facts.
Anyone else feel like Dead Rising 1 was way scarier than Resident Evil?
The way the psychopaths were designed and portrayed fucked with me so hard when the game came out. Getting your head chopped off in RE4 was always unnerving but something about the twisted feel about DR1 always unnerved me way more.
he will come back for dead rising remake, dead rising 1 is one of his favorites
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Larry bros...
They will completely ruin that in Dead Rising Demake, calling it now. Crapcom ruined Demake 4 and that was way easier to duplicate than lightning in bottle that Dead Rising was
Oh, he will come back...as a paid Crapcom influencer. Some people are in for a rude awakening, lmfao!
>magically becomes white
>magically gets perfect teeth
All Stipo does is making Dead Rising videos analyzing and digging up information about it. Why the fuck do you have such a hateboner for someone you probably don't even know? You're a fucking idiot.
This is just funny.
>One of the psychopaths can't be Asian, that's racist!
this is literally nintendo hire this man level of graphics.
Honestly I still think he's Asian, just less chinky looking
I liked REmake 4, but I like the original infinitely more. Is this a remake where they rebuild the entire game, or a remaster where it’s the same game with updated visuals?
they managed to get the "regular folk driven to extremes" pretty well, like with Cletus, the nam vet or Paul (you can't tell me an incel that tries to rape a woman then fucks up and sets himself on fire isn't 100% accurate to an autist on here)
now this is 100% "Please don't be mad at us, China." that Monster Hunter Movie thing must've scared them good.
I wouldn’t go so far as call them regular people, but the insane aspect is great, and the way the cutscenes are directed really drive it home. The bosses all feel like villains from different horror tropes other than zombie but put into the mall because it just works. My favorite one was always the crazed grocery store clerk.
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Same game updated visuals, some QOL features, voice acting for all lines of dialogue in the game, and some restored cut content like the RPG and being able to use Carlitos sniper rifle.
Is this even lower effort than Yakuza Kiwami?
What are you, his discord buddy? He keeps shilling a platform mostly used by pedophiles and trannies so you can "talk about Dead Rising" with him. Pretty sketchy!
>Making videos
His last video was a year ago and it was about Dead Rising 2. They probably hired him on now and he will be a Dead Rising influencer, cope with it.
This and removal of TJ means they're willing to change anything and everything. This alone means that it's not worth playing.
Don't care, adding sprinkles onto a piece of shit doesn't make it any better. If you want more weapons and QOL features then go play Dead Rising 2
Cool thanks, the announcement had completely flown under my radar.
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>If you want more weapons and QOL features then go play Dead Rising 2
But I wanna play Dead Rising 1 but with those things as well.
No problem, the game overall does look good but has some issues like noticeable clipping and Franks new VA (they didn't bring back his original voice actor TJ) being bad.
>updated visuals
>voice acting
and im not quoting german the nor dnd niggas
I hope Gone Guru is still in.
How did Capcom get away with that?
And don't forget Justified.
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Who wants to tell him?
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What? Everything I said was true, they've updated the graphics to be "modern" and all spoken lines of dialogue in the game will be voice acted now.
I hope all the psycho themes stay in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WdDEZW5_x4
>This and removal of TJ means they're willing to change anything and everything. This alone means that it's not worth playing.
If mods can restore the fuck out of it, maybe worth picking up after it's like 30 bux. DR was a pretty janky game, curious how well this remaster plays.
Worked so well for Starfield, huh?
It's a piece of shit, mods won't save it anymore than they did for Demaked Evil 4.
This blind cope sounds exactly like the kind of shit Stipo would write(which is why he's being memed on, I guess)
Your images are garbage, so I will just assume you're shilling the game and trying to fit. That, or your're some twitter immigrant and that's just as bad.
>If mods can restore the fuck out of it,
Unfortunatley it seems all dialogues with npcs will be voiced, which would include frank. So there will be dialogues that don't exist with frank's original voice.
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DR3 had soul.
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>Y-You're using images me no likey
Cry about it nigger
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Looks a lil undercooked
The best solution for that would to be disabling the NPC voices.
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Wow, using the big N word there, you're such a badass!
Does the ESG owned company known as crapcom know you're using such bad language? You could be fired!
Always a good day when the original games get shit on by the remakes. Guess Capcom actually has talent now to fix their old games.
>>That said, DR1 just has its own special charm in comparison between the story, atmosphere, and the location
That is probably because Dead Rising was made by purely Japanese developers and seeing the Japanese take on America is always amusing. DR2 was a bunch of Canadians trying to do a take on America.
why did they give him a comically jewish nose?
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>you can actually see your own reflection
What sort of space age technology is this?! Not even cyberpunk 2077™ can do this!
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>If you don't call every game that comes out now le hecking troon nigger pozzedslop you're a shill
I hate retards like you so much it's unreal, nearly fucking impossible to talk about vidya on this board
I didn't read a word of that, Stipo. Try writing in something else other than retartd twitter/discord speak, you tourist.
Game is gonna suck and nobody is gonna play it after a couple of weeks, we've seen that happen with Sloppy Evil 4 Demake. You're wasting your time, I hope you're getting paid for this at least.
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>It's gonna be good, bro!
Even the first footage you showed us was worse than the equivalent in a game released in 2006.
It's over, you only have one chance at your first impression and you blew it. It will just go downhill from the-
>It has Denuvo
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Of course it does, Anon. Don't you see how hard their AI worked on those textures?! Don't they deserve fair compensation for their efforts?!
You're basically saying that anyone with a receding hair-line looks like Vegeta.
Too bad they didn't use AI generated TJ Rotolo lines, think how many people would have bought the game then!
As is, it's a no buy. Not even worth a pirate, it will be a piece of shit that nobody will care about when you have the original.
TJ says Capcom never even contacted him.
I love it personally
Its going to be my first Dead Rising
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>Big Dead Rising fan excited to play it for the first time!
Kek, at least you faggots are open about it, unlike with the Resident Evil demake shilling.
Its prob going to be on the gamepass right?
I feel like everything after UMVC3, Franks stayed mostly consistent. He was older in 4 so theres that decent change. Ignoring Infinite of course.... and 3 also looked off.
Probably, Microsoft likes Dead Rising given they bought console exclusivity for Case Zero, West, 3, and timed exclusivity for 4.
It's weird because TJ was in RE2 Remake as Birkin, one of the few VAs to reprise a Resident Evil character in the Remake.
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At least it will be better than my first Dead Rising
frank west is my favourite charchter because hes not the most handsome or well built charchter.... hes just like me and you... he's like the george constanza of video games.
did you draw this

oh btw i didn't like dr3
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lol, lmao even
the shilling for this piece of shit gets sadder and sadder the more we see of the actual game in-action
the clothing textures are smoother but she clearly still has big fat puppies. and she never got enough porn so hopefully this fixes it
So, what's your damage here? You're still at it literally a day later saying the exact same things, posting the exact same images like a robot.
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Why does he looks so much older? That's the weirdest part.
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Did you already forget how shit everyone looked in the Demake Evil 4?
Crapcom likes their NPCs ugly so that those ESG bucks can keep flowing in!
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I'm glad this video proved that this faggot was a /v/ermin to many normalfags. I hope it means that his content will get better, but I doubt it.
Discordniggers like him are too easy to spot, but sadly without the IP counter they can samefag even if nobody engages with them. It's a lose-lose situation
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made for necrophilia
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I'm still mad about Dakota's plotline getting cut desu. It could've been kino
tits looks noticably smaller and she lost a bit of weight which is weird since this is the time where people actually want a bit of chub. she also kind of lost her "soft" features and early 2000 aesthetic jagginess because of the new engine and the higher fidelity. on the plus side since this is on RE engine modding should definitely be easier unless they royally fuck something up.
frank wouldnt do that
I dunno, she would definitely not fit the game as it was in the final release. She wouldn't serve a purpose to the plot and I doubt they would have the balls to have her get killed on camera.
Focusing on Carlito and Isabella with the DHS supporting crew was the right call. I bet the cultists were going to be a bigger part of the game as well, but alas, I'm glad they're just kinda there minding their own business.
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game sucks, every game in the series is worse than the previous one.
>Cliff picture
Wait is Dakota Cliff's granddaughter? He wasn't in the car though, how could he have seen her be ripped apart?
I honestly wouldn't hate it if they make her and her mom rescuable survivors in the remake
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>They gave us Leisure Suit Larry Frank
>In a game that will 100% have toned down sex appeal
lol, lmao even
>p v
>e a
>n g
>i i
>s n
> a
Is this really on the original document?
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No, you dummy. It was machine translated from what the Japanese over at their HQ got
Here is another page
Only pedos are interested in younger women, chud
>Look at me, I am Michael DeSanta now
My favorite one is the crazy chick on the motorcycle
Nah, Dead Rising 2 could've been great if the kinks were ironed out, like the combo weapons. DR1 fans would love for OTR to become the canon version, but that one introduces OOC elements to Frank's personality, not to mention lacking Chuck's emotional core in the form of his daughter to spice up the story.
DR3 is shit and shouldn't be considered as canon, it breaks far too many canon characters (Isabella is the biggest offender so far) and isn't even trying to be faithful to the original game like 2.
Gospel of truth, unironically. None of the old staff worked on new Fallouts, and they dramatically missed the point of the original games, just like F2 failed to live up to F1's dense atmosphere and tightly paced story. F3, 4 and 76 are fanfiction that introduce completely retarded plot beats and lore decisions by people who are not interested in making even a slightly believable world, and want to cash in on nostalgia and the brand. Don't get me started on the show, and how it butchers everything.
No I mean what did the original japanese have on it that is being turned into penis and vagina?

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