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No one wants postwall Max
doesnt she hate cock tho?
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why is it so hard to find lesbian corruption into straightdom doujins?
More like correction
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>doesnt she hate cock tho?
"I like skater boys, it's too bad they don't like me."
Literally one of Max's first lines in the intro sequence when you get to explore the school with her. She loves cock. She just isn't down bad for Warren's because he's a beta fag, but when he finally snaps and attempts murder on Nathan during that one cutscene and beats him like a savage gorilla, you can almost visibly see her pussy get wet for him.
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So in what chapter will we meet Chloe? Like the second? Second to last?
I looked at the thumbnail and thought she had an absolutely insane amount of cheeto dust on her fingers.
this game makes me really sad
i wanted to get another game like life is strange 1 with cute girls set in a high school expermenting with drungs and love or a true continuation of max story
but this sequel has a competely diffrent look to it compared to the first and max looks and acts so diffrently now she is almost a competely new person.
also once again no good white male bf option which was my biggest problem with the first game. the entire cast being none white also doesn't help
its more like warren starts to grow up over the course of the game and max sees that he is someone she can rely on.
he even got all the first aid kits to help the people in the town that is why she opens up to him and why there is an option to kiss him by the end.
>i could eat all the cheetos for myself, or, i could rewind time and let everyone else have some
Funny thing is I bet they're going to make her more ugly on release because everyone was talking about how pretty she is.
After he beats the fuck out of Nathan, Chloe goes "that guy is so in love with you." And Max replies with a bit of a stammer, "I know." It was 100% that moment when she starts to see him as an attractive male. Because he stopped being a faggy bitch asking girls to see decades old movies with him and asserted himself.
from what I have heard players can chose if Chole died or not at the beginning of the game.
the one thing I wonder is how they are gonna intreduce her if you chose the "let her life" ending.
The choice where she dies is easy. Max goes to a diffrent universe where she didn't chose to let her die.
But in a universe where Max let her life it is weird that Chole wouldn't be in the game form the get go and then just show up randomely at some point.
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I do
>Max without bangs
Absolutely disgusting.
that game was so fucking rushed it hurts. should have been doulbe the lenght explaining how Max got her powers and giving an option to do more with Warren as well.
The ending is so bad with Max just explaing the basic plot to him and Warren just accepts it and gives the "chaos theorie" explenation for while Chole not dying let to the Storm.
Also such a fucking sad ending with Rachel dying.
Would have loved an option where Max goes even further back in the past and saves Rachel as well without there being any bad consequenes for it.
Like Max saves Rachel and also Chole but she loses her powers as a result.
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Too old.
originally they were gonna do alot more with the prescotts, have them tied into the supernatural aspect, nathan was gonna have the same storm visions as max. thats why they spend the first few episodes building them up as the big spooky rich family
but they dropped it. coz their gay.
It was rushed. It's why I don't take the ending seriously.
Although bae is still the objective superior ending.
We don't need to be explained where the fucking powers came from, stop asking to be spoon fed like a marvel-brained faggot
shame, it was such a lighting in the bottle moment that they can't seem to recreate or don't want to recreate, so it sucks especially that the on half way decent game still has it major flaws.
totally, the entire game is about how Chole is destined to die anyway with Max constantly having to save her, why would that change even if bay gets destroyed or not?
also in before the strom they literally have a bonus episode all about max saying goodbye to chole its clear that this is the chosen ending.
>Like Max saves Rachel and also Chole but she loses her powers as a result.
bruh, even though she still has the power the lesson is outright "dont use the power, accept life as it is, choices will always have consequences".
Its all about that mentality of thinking "what if?", people usually make a perfect version of the events in their "what if?" and the game shows that there is no perfect version.
That perfect ending you are talking about would be the lamest cop out they could have pulled off, stakes were needed.
small tits = still perky at age 28
Honestly can't tell if it's people memeing or if people actually believe she isn't attractive.
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d9 slop yummy, feel free to seethe
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she's cute but she's such a beloved character that everyones gonna have their own idea about how she should look in her 30s
they probably shouldnt have done a modern day sequel. 2013 was a paradise compared to now
i kneel
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disdain for plebs
sometimes i think about putting my penis in a vagina then i remember no
Brother, if people think that that is a bad look for a 30 year old they have some severe autism going on. She is better looking than most 30 year olds I don't know what idea people have, but I assume it comes from being online too much.
No bangs is seriously one of the worst Western brainrots.
they just think she doesn't look "right" as in close enough to the original, rather than too old or whatever
She looks shockingly similar for a decade or more passing. My 10 year reunion I couldn't recognize half the people because children ripped their soul out and it manifested psychically. Probably why she doesn't look much different.
I wept like a bitch during the timeline where Chloe became a veggie with no friends
Reading Chloe's messages to Max, who just ignores her for months until she eventually ghosts her was soulcrushing
Max is just a shitty friend and the entire "must save Chloe" was just her way of coping with that and the ending was great
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yes, i'm sure your demented anti natalism affected decknines design choices
None of the games explain how each character got their powers and they don't need to.
Won't be long before they're in again
It's one of the fastest fashion circulations
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LIS has the most perfect cast of qt's I've seen in a video game. Literally ticks most of the tropes I like in girls and it packs them in comfy high school drama
>artsy introvert shy qt
>rebellious punk chick with daddy issues who's into tattoos, rock music and weed
>quiet shy nice christian girl who deep down is a slut
>10/10 alpha chick who is perfect at everything but has self crippling depression
>snobby tsundere rich chick who just wants to be hatefucked by older men
It has everything
I think she's pretty
do they ever explain why max ghosted her?
why does it have to take 10 years later and feature almost zero of the old cast?
wanted to get a sequel set right after the first game.
this max is basically a new character and the new cast looks ugly and or woke
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holy fuck I love teen pussy
She won't appear
Rachel farts from there
based taste, shame it's not more popular
how pungent my dear
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Also almost all of them are white.
LiS was secretly based.
Would you marry a Victoria?
she dead mang
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goth max
How do I get a Max gf I've been watching Spirits Within and I can only watch it 10 minutes at a time
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human cock, yes.
i jerked off to one with NTR but the cuck was a woman in a lesbian relationship but i forgot the name lol
She'd fit right in here with her contrarian taste
For me, it's Dana
should i write a story about max having a crush on a skater boy which at first really upsets chole and with her being really angry and defensive but as she starts to get to know the guy she realizes that she isn’t a lesbian and instead just has trust issues with men as a result of her dad dying and her not having any other good male friends or family members?
I think this is the plot to Lust is Stranger
This doesn't appear anywhere on usual sites, what's its sauce?
sounds nice
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You faggots don't actually like this girly game, right?
No Chloe... no buy...
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I would if she was with Chloe
I ONLY like post wall women so yes
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I do. LiS1 is Chudcore
Victoria Chase needs to have her rich white brat pussy fucked by a dirty poor peasant (me).
she hot tho
are you buying the cat content,sisters!?
She was a popular girl in that timeline, was friend with victoria and presumably she was also in the vortex club.
>FFVII costumes
Fucking HUH!? This if weirder than NIKKE having a collab with fucking Dave the Diver later this week.
>extras are completely useless and just there if you want to support the devs some more
Absolutely mindbroken by kikes
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What would anons ideal outfit pack be?
I'm thinking microbikini
That ain't Max.

calling it right now,episode 2 ends with a huge chloe plot twist and that shit is going to be spammed everywhere,everyone who doenst play the early access on time is going to be completely spoiled
Stuck in a vicious cycle of not knowing what to say, then feeling guilty for not saying anything, then worrying Chloe hates her. The anxiety of it all just paralysed Max after a while.
No, she's still a skinny white girl.
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>tfw you will never have tons of hot horny teenage girls to groom as a popular celebrity teacher
If Jefferson wasn't a creep who kidnapped girls at his Josef Fritzl rape dungeon, he'd be set for life for some prime teen pussy.
He could blackmail principal about his alcoholism and daddy Prescott about how his son is a psychotic drug addict and he'd be fucking Victoria's and Rachel's till retirement.
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If you aren’t atleast over 28 I don’t want you.

victoria was so horny for that dick,what a dumbass
We all want to see Max and Chloe be lesbians
No Pricefield, no buy
Whats wrong with her? Id fuck her until she breaks.
nta I understand the concept but it's still silly if not handled well, by that measure Kate should also die because it's not possible to get to her without using the powers and her surviving should be a catalyst for a catastrophe, and what about people who originally didnt die but now die in a different future? The story is very selective about which consequences should be accepted, and it delivers them in a way that also tells you "none of what you did in the game ever mattered".
Published by SE, remember that LiS1 also had Max gush about Spirits Within.
The opposite of something being wrong with her. I just like the old looking chicks a lot more women who look in their 20’s
She's also autistic
Lesbians love cock
Shows how much experience you faggots have
She might be a skinny white girl but she's MY skinny white girl and I love her
When Nathan shoots Chloe, no one gives a shit about Kate anymore, she's still suicidal but gets over it
Thats my headcanon anyway
That was a great FB page btw
what are you guys theories btw iv seen some people say that max is going to be end up being the killer somehow
I hope we get official Max nudes
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Max sacrifices herself to save her group of friends
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u gay
>it is weird that Chole wouldn't be in the game form the get go
Yeah, because you totally stay friends with all your highschool buddies and no one ever drifts apart.

There could be a million reasons why Chloe wouldn't be there, even if she was alive.
>because you totally stay friends with all your highschool buddies
My closest friends today are friends I made in middle school almost 15 years ago though...
LiS is like the perfect example of why media built around shipping is disastrous. Pricefield cultists are literally mindbroken by the new game.
They're Teenagers.
good for you
I went to my 10 year high school reunion once and it was the most awkward 2 hours of my life
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out of 19
most tards online only like seeing men humiliated idk man
She still has the eyes, the mousy disposition and the buck teeth. She's still my wife.
Nigger you sacrificed an entire town for her
someone needs to edit in a slice of cheese for MouseMax
No I didn't. What are you talking about, retard?
Stop making fun of her
Like every episode of season 1, Chloe dies or is in a bad situation where she practically wish for death, and has to be saved with time travel. You'd think even the most dense idiot would pick up on a theme...
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Max of course got the uglification and chipmunkification treatment. So much so, that she isn't even recognizable anymore.

In my head cannon she grew up to be a hot babe and not turn into a random 5/10 dyke. Hard pass.

>humiliating a woman in a hentai
In any hentai the guy cucking a lesbian couple would be fucking and correcting both of the women, not just one.
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>chipmunkification treatment
She always had that and she's not ugly. My beautiful chipmunk wife then, still my beautiful chipmunk wife now.
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>postwall Max
only because of the blue haired dyke she hangs out with.
as soon as she's able to live life without that influence, she's right back to riding dick.
Max coming back is the best thing that could have happened to this franchise
>heh, i cant believe you're not alone and bitter like me!
ever thought that maybe it was the reunion that made them look lifeless?
>ugly Max will save Life is Strange
How do you lose track of a 2 post conversation you dumb nigger?
What the fuck are you own about, faggot? Stop replying to me, you braindead babboon.
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>no Pricefield
>saving LiS
Let me help you out, dumb nigger.

>But in a universe where Max let her life it is weird that Chole wouldn't be in the game form the get go and then just show up randomely at some point.

>Yeah, because you totally stay friends with all your highschool buddies and no one ever drifts apart. There could be a million reasons why Chloe wouldn't be there, even if she was alive.

>Nigger you sacrificed an entire town for her
fags acting like teen max looked good lol
New Max looks too different from old Max. And no, it's not because the graphics are better, and no, it's not because she aged. The structure of her face is actually different. She doesn't look like Max anymore.
I'm still going to play the game. But I'm not going to stop complaining about how different her face looks unless they fix it. But I doubt they will this late in development.
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I only watched about 30 seconds of the trailer. 40 year old Max and the lolbert nigger instantly turned me off.
That's not helping, useless asshole. Just KYS already.

There could be a million reasons why Chloe wouldn't be there, even if she was alive.
There you go, dumb nigger, now you're trying to engage with what I said. Unfortunately your nigger brain wasn't capable of following the 2 post conversation without my help so there is no point in continuing the conversation. Your concession has been accepted and you are dismissed.
>there is no point in continuing the conversation
Thank God, because not even a talking monkey like you can entertain me longer.

Now go die in a hole.
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Do you think Max still likes Final Fantasy?
>tranny upset max is hot now
I lol'd when Warren recommended Max to watch Cannibal Holocaust
I expected him to burst out something akin to I Spit on Your Grave at any moment
which made me think of him as a suspect
meanwhile he's completely forgotten now and how max could romance him and kiss him in the first game
which is a shame because he's actually based and earned Chad points for beating the shit out of Nathan
surprised how true this is when I saw her face in VR
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So canon LIS ending is Arcadia Bay was saved by sacrificing Chloe?
Punk tummy...
Was the storm that destroyed Arcadia Bay a Rachel thing or what? I know Rachel had weather powers but I also didn't play a LiS past the first one and everyone has told me not to
Portland could have been a nice city instead of the garbage dump it has been for over 15 years now.
it's never actually confirmed but it's likely it was her rage directed at the town after she was murdered
play BTS because it has angsty teen Chloe who is trying to come to terms with being a lesbian
Before the Storm is worth a shot
It's only ever teased in the ending of episode one of Before the Storm that Rachel has some sort of power. People speculate she was a banshee of sorts. But that scene is *it* and it never goes further.

But hey, maybe? I dunno.
what is this kind of body called
I dunno. The first game made Rachel out to be some sort of angel Laura Palmer type character who's only supposed to exist in the memories of the characters. Actually seeing her might retroactively make LiS1 worse
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>Chloe had a boyfriend
>a single uncanon kiss means Chloe is a lesbian
>the entire DLC is about this
Yuri sexo
NTA but I only remember that he was a stalker and self-proclaimed boyfriend that Chloe thought was annoying and creepy. I think you have the option to call the cops on him in the last episode.
She banged him and he became an obsessed loser
She's clearly gay for Max
This is what sex with women does to a man.
Never even once.
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who cares? max likes guys too
afterwards they had to make every game be about lesbians and gays and trannies
doesn't chloe call mr jefferson sexy or something like that
she expresses attraction to men
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The third game's heroine can choose cock.
Chloe expressed a ton of interest in me in my dreams so she does like men
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Are the second and third game even worth playing? I tried getting into the second game but I got real bored and didn't bother continuing.
So does Max.
At the start she comments on one of the skater guys at school and how hot he is
They're straight until they meet up again
when her chest looks like that then you know you about to fuck some grade A milf
The LiS porn Renaissance will be amazing.
She's only lesbian in one ending, a bad ending no less where she selfishly lets a bunch of innocent people die. Trannies ran with it and it and the game became they dyke game.
Chloe is literally "daddy issues the character". Of course she'd unfortunately be attracted to Mr. Hello I Am Obviously A Serial Rapist.

Honestly big no to both but I guess LiS3 at least has a somewhat comfy setting (literally South Park mountain town) while at the same being the most retarded in the entire series. The most retarded "superpower" and the most retarded plot.
but do they identify as queer/xylophone and want xim/xiroine to put it in the their butt?
if not I'm not interested, not that I actually play games, I just like to complain about woke issues I see
I'm something of a heroine myself, you see
It's hot to think about a man-hating punk lesbian (like Chloe) having her first time with a man and liking it so much that she ditches her girlfriend and forgetting about all girls to become a straight slut.
i played that captain spirit game cause it was free
it was alright
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Every girl that I'm interested in ends up being a lesbian. It's not fair. It should be ME, not her!

>They're just telling you that they're a lesbian so you fuck off
Well at least two girls I liked married their girlfriends, so they're really going that extra mile. And I don't actually care that much.
Will be interested to see if Max is going to have to carry it all by herself this time or if the new characters will be at least on par with Chloe, Rachel, Victoria and Kate.
So memes and shitposting aside, we all agree nuMax is really fucking cute, right?
yes, the amount of porn generated of with the new look will be beautiful
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They wouldn't be making this sequel if the other games were good.
She is so fucking adorable. I would absolutely cum inside her while locking our hands together.
I thought this series was more of an anthology than anything. They REALLY wanna milk the first games success, huh?
She farts in her sleep btw
I love a girl with a working bowel system.
And thank goodness for it because these games are nothing more than a vehicle for porn.
Max was never the queen of LiS porn that was always Chloe
I think it's funny they're making an entire game around the unexplained and forgotten phenomenon of two moons from that one episode of LiS.
Well yes, that's what going to be interesting to see, if it's just going to be more Chloe.
Makes sense because literally no one gives a fuck about S2 and S3
Objective ranking, you may not like this, but it's the truth.

Didn't the other games bomb in sales? I remember hearing about life is strange 2 being a failure, don't know much about the third one.
In terms of what? Porn popularity? Because you're crazy putting Chloe and Rachel that low
Nobody cared about the second one and rightfully so. Game had bad characters and writing.
The second game's first episode was streamed pretty much everywhere and the entire internet turned out to laugh. It was DOA.
* The first game was successful because it was cute girls doing cute things (solving a murder mystery with time travel).
* The second game was unsuccessful because it was now about a guy and his bratty little kid brother with autism and x-men superpowers.
* It was so unsuccessful the devs lost the rights to their own franchise and some former Telltale devs came in to make Before the Storm, which was yet again about cute girls doing cute things.
* Season 3 was about a grown woman with the superpower of "empathy" who moves to a sleepy little mountain town. She gets involved in a conspiracy when her brother dies in a accident and performs The Violent Femmes' hit song Blister In The Sun at a town festival.
I've tried to come up with a ranking that makes sense for this and I can't.
Porn popularity can be objectively measured but if I had to rank the girls by how much I liked them
Who? Is she the pregnant cheerleader?
Nah she was one of Victoria's goons. I just picked a random girl so I could push Rachel further down
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LIS made me want a videogame adaptation of 11.22.63.
Featuring Sarah Gadon.
Still think she looks like Valkyrieaurora
>they probably shouldnt have done a modern day sequel. 2013 was a paradise compared to now
man if you could capture that same comfy high school atmosphere the first game had and combine it with 80s or 90s nostalgia baiting you'd have a hit on your hands.
This honestly sounds like a psuedo adaptation of the comic sequel they did. Max jumps in and out of timelines and finds one where both chloe and racheal survived. 100% chance they tie chloe and racheal into this.
Forgetting Dana is pathetic
Dana is the cheerleader and she is made for Juliet

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