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The Steam Deck will be obsolete once the Switch 2 comes out
wait, will the switch 2 actually have games to its name?
>Switch 2 will have DLSS
the Deck was already obsolete at launch by modern desktop standards
>play game for 4 hours
>plug in and keep going
>thousands of emulator games, and my entire steam library
>haven't found a game that doesn't work yet. (though, I'm a Linux user on my desktop too, so that gives me an advantage)
>start using the touch pads to type while browsing the web
>actually pretty kino, especially compared to using smartphone.
>Helps me continue to play MMOs with my mom when I come over to visit.
The only problem is that I bought mine about three months before the OLED model was announced.
But you got to play on the Deck for three more months.
Anon, the Switch 2 will be obsolete when the Switch 2 comes out.
I haven't touched my Switch in months.
Why would you play on the Shitch if you have a handheld PC that already does that + a million more things?
It already is. I'd rather just use my laptop for portability. This thing sucks and is my biggest buyers remorse.
I have the OLED Deck and Switch. One is an emulation and digital powerhouse, and the other plays all my physical games
Stop being poor.
why did you crop out the poster name and their trans flag?
In 2020 I decided to open a savings account specifically for the switch 2 putting a little money into it each month for the console and games. It's got a little shy of 7k at this point. If Switch 2 doesn't release by Christmas I'm buying a PS5 and games. I'll still have enough left over to buy the new switch
Yeah, so is every piece of technology to ever come out. The second you hit "purchase" on any tech, it's already obsolete.
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>tendies talking about obsolete technology
>If Switch 2 doesn't release by Christmas
>He doesn't know
>tendies thinking that DLSS is a magic wand for better graphics
Those idiots fall for everything
I've been without internet in a national park for close to two weeks
Steam Brick was already obsolete at launch
I think popular speculation is Xenoblade will probably be a launch title.
No bro didn't you know? DLSS works great at lower resolutions
but what happens when the steam deck 2 comes out running an emulator that plays switch 2 games?
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Nintendo Switch is the best place to play games right now.
> Valve bad
> Switch 2 good
Literal shill copying phrases from a literal checklist.
gimmick tech for techlet retards
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>green texting on twitter
Can't wait to play at upscaled 144p.
everyone’s doing it anon
very hip with the kids
switch 2 wont have backwards compatability
Can't wait for Deck 2
It's a consoletard thing, not a Nintendo thing. Remember when a PS5 SSD was also supposed to be a magic wand for better graphics and performance?
Yeah except Steam has 179,934 games on it and The Switch 2 will have like 10.
Tears of the Kingdom has FSR and it looks and runs like SHIT
hardest part is figuring out which games are best played on it. it's a cute device. it's good for when i'm at my boyfriend's house and he's busy.
console retards and techlets love this shit, same way they love talking about shit in FLOPS. Real niggas dont give a shit about FLOPS, they want to see what it means in a real performance sense.
>unfortunately every game is locked to 30fps unless you play in performance mode 240p at a rocksolid bespoke 49fps with dips
Why would you make this thread when we're struggling to keep the other one alive?
>switch 2 wont have backwards compatability
Nintendo would be shooting themselves in the foot, they already have a near stranglehold on indie games in the console space, the majority of which are bought digitally on their e-shop. If they actually wipe people's libraries away, then it'd just push gamers towards Steams ecosystem when it comes to third party.
>theyd be shooting themselves in the foot
so you can play eshop 3ds and wiiu games on switch?
the switch 1 uses an NVIDIA chip. it's not too unlikely that switch 2 would have ray tracing and frame generation and dlss if Nintendo sticks to NVIDIA
is the OLED really such a big deal?
Gay as hell
>he doesn't 'ick on 'eck..
what a normalfag
Battery life is better, screen is better, 90hz, and somehow lighter. It's worth more than the LCD for sure
Whats the point when you can just get the deck 2 then?
Better battery life, 90hz, HDR in games that have it, and the off pixels blend in with the bezel for games that only support 720p. I wouldn't rush out to get one if you already have an LCD though.
My dad has a sitting job and so hates sitting in front of a PC more than he has to. He only plays vidya that is playabe on deck
Hope u enjoyed my blogpost
I'm 90% sure that you would need to buy BotW and TotK again to play it on Switch 2.
The steam deck was worth it for me just because I can use to get the games I want for free. I've probably saved like €600 worth of games just by getting repacks instead.
If you don't already have one then yeah, only go for LCD if you can't afford it. If you already own one? Wait for the "Steam Deck 2" or if you break yours.
for me its always been about frame of mind. At my old administrative job I would always change into casual clothes before leaving. My coworkers would always give me shit for it but it was an important routine for me to disengage from work mode
Obviously I do that on PC too but I meant as in the general convenience of a handheld+cracked games.
It's because having all the flops in the world doesn't mean shit of you're bottlenecked by memory fetch and store operations, that and there's also several different types of flops too. So a single ambiguous "flops" measurement really does mean jack shit.
The steam deck is already obsolete because it's too bulky to bother buying at all. Make it modular so people can customize it and make it smaller and I will buy one
>(though, I'm a Linux user on my desktop too, so that gives me an advantage)
KeK cope
>(though, I'm a Linux user on my desktop too, so that gives me an advantage)
Fucking C O P E
>Switch 2
oh boy, I can't wait for 720p 25fps ports of 720p 25fps ports of wii-u games.
It's backwards compatible with Switch games.
The cartridge situation is just like how it was with the 3DS
I play my deck daily. Don't buy technology if you don't understand tech life cycles and have a good use case that makes it a good value proposition.
OLED response times are great and make 30 fps not even that bad.
The problem with 30 fps is when you play on an LCD that has shitty response times.
Example being I hate playing my OLED Switch in docked since my TV has dogshit response times.
I want a 4tb ssd or 2tb sd card.
handhelds in general are just pointless, the only reason they existed in the first place was to be a cheap option for parents to get their kids as a christmas present.
why use a tiny shit screen when you can just use your comp, do you REALLY need to play poe on the commute to work?
I meant exclusives. Like games that aren't also on PC.
They really need to lower prices for the deck. I'm just going to say it. This thing needs to meet or be lower than the switch price point full stop or it'll never break 10 million units. Literally all it offers is a little convenience while the switch offers award winning exclusive games, portable local co-op, and seamless instant transition to the big screen. They're just not even comparable unless you're a graphicsfag who also happens to have a sizeable steam library. They really have an opportunity to corner the market here because nintendo is likely raising NSO prices with the switch 2. So if they make the steam deck smaller, drop the price, and really emphasize that "NO PAID ONLINE" aspect then it'll sell. Maybe cut a deal with some devs and have the deck launch with like 2 or 3 free indie games.
>while the switch offers award winning exclusive games
I can just emultate those games??
I'll never be able to own one without thinking of 'ick on 'eck
Wat gaem.
Most mmos I play get scrunked by Linux and easy anticheat.
Steam Deck:
>has tons of games, many of which are cheap from places like steam or gog
>can be used as a full desktop computer
>bing bing wahoo machine
>each game is like $60
i want this for piracy and emulation but it has mandatory updates and i dont trust valve to not fuck it up lol
As a long time (about 20 years) idort, I find the deck to be a strange thing. One of my favorite things about PC gaming is the overall experience of sitting at a desk, high quality monitor with high refresh rates, using a mouse and keyboard, a good set of headphones, maybe having something on the other monitor if you're playing a low intensity game or you've got a playlist of tunes on the other screen coming out the speakers while you have the game audio piped into the headphones.

Its a vibe, as the zoomers say. While playing the deck on the shitter or in bed for a while is a really nice and novel experience its not really the same. I don't think you can compress or dilute the PC gaming experience without losing something essential.

I don't think the deck is obsolete, it is its own thing. I just marketing it as, or thinking of it as, a PC on the go is a blunder. There's no such thing as a PC on the go.
glad your having fun anon
t. endie
that's you
the average player doesn't care about emulation and would rather buy a port/remake. that's just how things are
the 'eck is great value for money if you're a commuting wagie. it manages to let me enjoy games for at least 2 hours outside of the house before I get home from work to play on my pc.
You are talking about game specific upgrades for switch 2, 100% sure Nintedo will charge for them if they do that. But backwards compatibily is most likely to happen, you will be playing those games in switch mode with no upgrades at a tho
>Games I want to play on it are incompatible
Why would you get a Steam Deck for Fortnite without researching that shit for 15 minutes?
99% of people buying a steam deck aren't modifying it at all. So yes, most people are paying 70$ per game on steam and sticking with a shitty portable with 64gb of space.
OLED panels are overhyped to hell but the OLED version has a bunch of improvements aside from that
and yet pc fags still beg for nintendo to release their games on steam.
you stink irl
Lord GaBeN please bring The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom to Steam so I can pay to play it again when I've already played it for free at 4k 90fps
you don’t need to modify anything to buy a game on sale or buy a key you dumb faggot, and the 64gb LCD model can’t even be purchased anymore
Yes. Tsukihime Remake when?

Switch 2 is already announced to be released WITHOUT OLED model at launch.

Switch 2 is backwards compatable with Switch 1 games so you can use the Mig Switch cart = it's cracked on Day 1.

Any vulnerabilities / exploits in the Switch 2 will spread 100x faster than the switch 1, due to the fact that you can use a Mig Switch cart and download the exact game required for said exploit/vulnerabilities and there are ALWAYS day 1 exploits.


Switch 2 will be cracked on day 1.
Switch 2 will have a worse lcd screen compared to the Switch OLED,
Switch 2 will have 10~ unique games on launch.

Skip it unless it's cheaper than a Switch 1 OLED, and you don't already have one.
Maybe. If it's powerful enough then it will actually have third party games.
I'm the opposite, my day job involves focusing on a screen while I create digital artwork so I don't want to come home and sit back down infront of a computer to game, chilling on steam deck and playing whatever the hell i want in a 2 terabyte library of games is a god send, would probably have quit gaymen by now if not for it
Valve likes to undersell its products. The OLED version is essentially a Pro version since it actually has better hardware and optimization.
you know they make memory cards right?
switch 2? you mean the sequel to the console that is so emulatable that I can play the games they release for free and early AND at much higher fidelity and potential for mods? ok
LCD rigtht now is a really good deal for it. I would get that one, but if you had the money get the OLED model since its better in every way.
>Games I want to play on it are incompatible
name 5 worth playing
Tendies and enthusiast were the demographic for the deck but whe. The switch 2 comes out e wey pirates going to buy it day one in the hopes it can be modded and for dumping games and deckards will buy it to make videos about it to cope about being rampant consumers. Your platform of choice doesn't matter at all
switch 2 wont have a OLED model until a few years after it releases.
Kinda figuring prime 4 is going to be the cross gen release. Im sure botw and totk will get enhanced releases or maybe even some with all the dlc added. They definitely love to resell us the same shit as often as possible but they usually add SOMETHING although its never worth it unless you just never played the game before.
>Games I want to play on it are incompatible
It really depends on launch titles. There are 2 or 3 titles I'll buy the switch 2 on launch for but everything else I'll be waiting for an OLED model
That would be stupid when even Microsoft and Sony are doing it and Nintendo always had some kind of backward compatibility
How is the switch 2 supposed to be better than any PC or the Deck? The only thing it has to its name is its games which nintendo keeps for itself and thats it. Why would i purposefully jew myself out of options and how do people buying consoles not feel like they are fucking retards? If the switch were open like a PC or an Android then yes it could make for a nice portable computer but sadly its not. It feels incredibly cheap and is uncomfortable compared to the deck, and yes i used both.
>They really need to lower prices for the deck
Is already $300
>The only thing it has to its name is its games
are you serious? that's literally the only thing that matters
what about my 300 other games that only run on my pc? Why would i buy and console that costs more than my computer but runs worse and has less freedom. Consoles are just computers so its retarded for them to be locked down like they are.
Samefag, there's no cops on his comment, you're just a Microsaar
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Name a single game made for the Steam Deck.
indies and RPGs? who gives a shit about those?
>Switch 2 is already announced to be released WITHOUT OLED model at launch.
where source? and itd be really dumb if they do
none because its not ment to be a solidary console like a switch. its supposed to play pc games in general if any of these developers care for it to be verified on deck to work.
>Retard makes irresponsible purchase and blames the product for it
Guaranteed this same type of person will buy a switch and not use it. So many people buy a steam deck not actually realizing what it is... a handheld computer, nigga. Of course you won't use it when you have a computer at home and never leave the house.
that pic was me but with the switch
my deck gets used for 4-5 hours a day
>>bing bing wahoo machine
>>each game is like $60
It will probably have a day0 hardware flaw like the Switch, and Nintendo will be too retarded to do a recall to prevent all their shit from being pirated.
>t. the sloppiest of the sloppy cattle
Who cares about games for children? Man up and spend that money towards an actual computer and do useful things or play games that were not made for children.
It's also literally your fault if you buy a product without researching what you can actually play with it.
>Who cares about games for children
a lot of people apparently the switch is on track to be the bestselling console of all time soon it just needs to sell 10 million more units
Aperture Desk Job
get fucked kiddo
So Nintendo Switch has exclusive games and the Deck has ZERO?

OMG it's a mystery why this price of shit flopped so hard
I don't have a Steam Deck but want one. Give me your Steam Deck then if you hate it so much. Free of charge. Send it to my castle in Atlantis.
>always had some kind
porting your wiiu games to switch and charging 60 bucks for it isn't backwards compatability
I've never had sex
I had sex once.
It is an overrated experience.
>higher number = better!
go play whatever shit game journalists shill or these critic sites advertise.
EA and Ubisoft also have higher numbers, does that mean that they make good games? Fuck no.
No, the switch's games are also on PC. Why are you pretending to be more retarded than you actually are?
Lmao I've barely touched my switch since getting a steam deck and I probably won't pick up the Switch 2 until like a year after it releases and actually has some games worth playing.
why yes higher number does mean better in terms of sales
Nintendo had no BC for the SNES, N64, GC, and Switch.
That anon sounds depressed
You are forgetting the NES and SNES compatibility, the Advance and Gameboy, DS and Advance, Wii and Gamecube, 3DS and DS and Wii U and Wii.
I had sex a few times and it is the most overrated shit ever. Fuck simps for fooling me into believing women=happiness
It depends on what they actually get though, while rumours suggest an absolute power house that's more powerful than a Series S reality always bites back with something disappointing, and then there's all the Steam Deck fanboys who insist that Nvidia are physically incapable of releasing an APU that's able to match the Steam Deck.
>worse lcd screen
It doesn't matter, 90% of the time my Switch is docked.
I would trade my steam deck for sex
>apparently the switch is on track to be the bestselling console of all time soon it just needs to sell 10 million more units
>Apple has sold over 2.3 billion units of the iPhone and has over 1.5 billion active users
didn't know nintendo sold 2.29 billion switches lmao, I thought the marketing division would've made a bigger deal when they surpassed the ps2 numbers.
>Switch 2 with dlss coming out
It's funny to think that the Deck will be out for a full 3 years minimum before we get Nintendo's redundant pozzed shitbrick KEK.
So's the fuckin switch and switch 2 fucking retard
Switch 2 was obsolete the moment it was announced lmao
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>the switch's games are also on PC

No they are not. Playing illegal pirated imitations on Switch games is not an actual consumer product you dumb fucking retarded baby.

Like every 4chan troon, you think your poorfag 3rd world degenerate lifestyle is reflective of reality. It's not.

Hence the Switch has sold 140 million and it hasn't even had a price drop.

While the Steaming Shit Kek has sold worse than the Nokia N-Gage.
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I just bought all of this for 63 eurodollars.
$60 on the switch gets me Bing Bing Wahoo 2D #28.
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we love our steam deck
Wow it's almost like massive differences in architecture, game design, and sdf caused problems. Anyways steam is just going to make nintendo stronger. Any relevance they gain in Japan is going to put nintendo on their toes going forward
>4 good games
looks like you got scammed
Both Switch and Deck have slots for SD cards that can be like 1TB you fag
And sales don't correlate to quality but you already know this Snoyvy.
It isn't if those games are overhyped shit. I'll be skipping Switch 2 this time around. There were less than 5 Switch exclusives worth playing.
Except it won't.
Steam Deck is wonderful platform for portable gaming. I can play most of my old games I have hoarded for past 10 years on it without problems. Meanwhile Switch can't do that, and it won't.
what has to happen in someone's life to become like this poster? childhood neglect?
>You didn't play the game
>But I literally did?
>It doesn't count because... IT JUST DOESN'T OKAY?
What a weird hill to die on
They're all decent games and I'll be playing them for the first time on my oled deck.
When I finish them I'll buy another 25 good games for $60.
If it has linux, then yes, if it's a closed system
>99% of people buying a steam deck aren't modifying it at all
Source: your mental retardation. Every Deck owner in their mom uses Decky, emudeck, and probably even Cryoutilities.
>No they are not.
Yes they are. Not gonna read the rest of your post since you've already proven yourself to spout nonsense.
>at least 10 great games and more for $65 dollars
looks like you got scammed, heh....
Since you sound like you have some reason in your head can you explain to me how people buy consoles just to play the exclusives? For me a console,computer or just a smartphone are *my* hardware and i expect do to whatever i want to do with it. But exclusives dont allow you that freedom and restrict what you can do with them which begs the question why do people buy products which actively resist the user? I can buy any pc or laptop from any brand and they all allow me to do the same things across them.
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>No they are not. Playing illegal pirated imitations on Switch games is not an actual consumer product you dumb fucking retarded baby.
>I'm just going to say it.
this isn't twitter you fucking autistic nigger zoomer. and that's a good thing.
this. The switch is based but I want to play other games too
>>4 good games
4 good games for $60? Not bad if you ask me. Nintendo is selling pic related for $60 and it's really gay.
thank you for putting into words the reason why i never play my steam deck.
also: too bulky for casual/indie games and too underpowered for AAA/modern games.
All the seething replies.

LMFAO based as fuck
>whoa that game looks incredible bro... ugh but it's only on the diapertab.... uuuuuugh alright I'll buy one
For the Switch it wasn't even a specific game for me, it was my friend convincing me to buy Tr4.5h Ultimate. I figured since it was smash it'd be a fun game to play with friends but it feels like hot laggy ass. Exclusives are usually never worth buying a whole console, as pc users buying snoy ports are finding out.
>pseud larping like he knows shit
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>And he's samefagging
Have you no shame snoyvy? You were clearly having a meltie there.
Is pic related really worth $60, ninpedophiles? Get a grip.
Looks like shit. The only nintendo games i played are on the wii and ds and the shit you posted looks nothing like that. I dont mean the graphics but the style. Is nintendo just leeching off fat retards using nostalgia or what.
>Switch 2 has DLSS
Nintendo paid out the ass for an overrated proprietary upscaler.
>Switch 2 has no DLSS
They didn’t pay Nvidia’s bribe, and can add an in-house approved upscaler later.
The least embarrassing outcome.
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>You were clearly having a meltie there.

Yeah he's having a meltdown over the Switch being the best selling console of all time while the Deck is a fucking footnote in a column of failed dogshit.

If you dont think its worth 60 dollars then wair for a sale in 10 years when its 49.99
If it’s backwards compatible and it runs games better then it doesn’t need too many good exclusives. I can play games that run right
>award winning exclusive games
Deck has these in the form of games that the Shitch can't even run. BG3 and ER for example.
>portable local co-op
Literally nobody uses this except for embarrassing manchildren. You think playing a handheld in public is bad? Try playing Mario Kart on the shitty little joycons with your fat friend. People will post you to tiktok kek.
>seamless instant transition to the big screen
Deck has this if you buy a Dock. Thing is, switch is a terrible TV console and games always look and run better on its smaller portable screen. The TV mode is an afterthought as it is with the Deck.
>So if they make the steam deck smaller
They can't do this unless they reduce the screen size and reduce the trackpads, both of which would compromise the experience.
>and really emphasize that "NO PAID ONLINE" aspect then it'll sell
It already sells well for a niche product that appeals to people who specifically want a stronger handheld device instead of a laptop which is only sold through Steam in a handful of countries. Valve doesn't care about competing with Nintendo though and anybody with half a brain knows this.
>he posted his samefag image from a decade ago again
kek, this guy
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>Deck is a fucking footnote in a column of failed dogshit.
Deck is a successful product with a confirmed sequel. Shitch has no games and people who still actually play on it scream and cry for new hardware to come in and save them.
>That screencap living in your head rent free all these years
Both are great handhelds, but the Switch has a more limited library which is why I have both.
For all intents and purposes, they aren't. Let's not be a dumb nigger now. I know that's hard for you, but at least try.
Tendie post, I would agree if he thought the switch was equally worthless
I use mine to play old games and stuff. Are people really buying it to play crap like League and Call of Duty?
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Anyone remember the Steam Machine?

Is the Steam Deck just a new Steam Machine?
>For all intents and purposes, they aren't.
They factually are. You saying "please agree with me any my marketing team" doesn't change that.
I guess it's a big favor to ask. Look, retard, Switch games are still SWITCH games. They're not suddenly PC games just because you can emulate them. That's not how this shit works. That's like pretending Dreamcast games are PSP games because you can load them on your PSP with hacking. That's not how that works and you know it, you disingenuous fuck. Be a pirate if you want, but there are people who still buy Nintendo shit. You can be mad about it if you want, but clearly it has no meaningful affect on their sales.
>They're not suddenly PC games just because you can emulate them.
They are. You throwing a temper tantrum doesn't change that.
Yes and anyone who tells you otherwise is coping hard. The steam deck has sold around 2 -3 million units while the switch has sold over 141 million units they're not comparable in the slightest despite what steamfags will tell you.
Unless you can get 512GB LCD for $200 or less it's not worth it. The OLED is that big of an upgrade it's not even funny.
They aren't. You can stay seething though.
>can be used as a full desktop computer
> can't build a decent desktop for under 300
literally a child
are other handhelds that can use windows play cracked games?
because if yes then yea steam deck is not good choice
OLED models have much worse sound quality than LCDs.
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>people are still pushing the "switch 2 is totally gonna have series s tier specs" meme
When will you learn that nintendo is never going to make a system with decent specs relative to the current gen?
whatever helps you sleep at night, ostrich-kun.
the deck actually only sold around 100-200k units and the switch has actually sold 214 million units (141 was a typo)
>thinks I'm someone else
I didn't think pirateniggers were also schizos LOL
>steamfags say this
>tendies say this
Maybe they can all shut the fuck up.
The switch is a succes as console&handheld hybride
The steamdeck is a succes for what steam wanted it to be.
anon what are you talking about?
shut the fuck up you fucking snoy the playstation flopped they should've called it the sold5units station instead

The steam machine TV console is up next. Can't wait to have a pc quality in a console set up experience on my couch hooked up to the 55 inch LG 120hz TV. I'll likely never buy a PlayStation again unless bloodborne 2 comes out as an exclusive l.
they wont because they have two other companies to complete with then. Why would they make top of the line specs for 2024?
based fuck sony
I actually bought one of these because I didnt have room in my parents house to house a pc.
couldn't I just hook my PC up to to the TV?
For a portable PC that lasts longer than 2 hours, it was top of the line 2 years ago
Everyone keeps assuming the Switch 2 is gonna be some massive super upgrade, and nothing will go wrong with it, seemingly completely unaware that people were thinking the same thing back when rumors were going around of a Wii 2. People really need to tone back their expectations.
shut up and consume
This will be the first time we can have plug and play pc gaming. The one thing consoles have over pc is you connect it to a TV and push the disk and your immediately playing it in silky smooth 30fps. With pc even at the best of times there's 30 minutes of fiddling with settings and bug fixes from forums and trying to get it to run well on your specific hardware. Console gaming, while shitter , is essentially entirely hassle free. Gaben is gonna bridge that gap.
'ick on 'eck
They were a compromise for PC gamers that wanted something away from their desk. Portables still suffered from DRM console faggotry that demanded jailbreaking in order to fully utilise. The Steam Deck has none of that shit, which is based as fuck.

>he can't swap out the ssd to save his life
it's literally a 30 minute task
there's even a spoonfed IFIXIT tutorial designed for complete imbeciles
t. boughted 64gb, paid for by people buying 512gb models
Are Linux gamers mentally ill?
>physical games
Stop being reddit
>he doesn't know
There isn't a single steam deck owner who's purchase of the steam deck allowed them to play more video games. It's a glorified WiiU tablet.
Wrong? My pc can't run Elden Ring.
My steam deck can.

I imagine we'll have a new 3d mario within the first year of release
Probably some BOTW and TOTK bundle too, possibly with added stuff
Cool, Nintendo will finally have a console as powerful as a PS4. Can't wait to throw my more modern PC out for a PS4 wowee they sure are going to win next gen
>under my bed
enjoy your bed bug infestation bro, they live inside it now
My entire Steam library, the entire libraries of the GB,GBC, and GBA. All the PS1 games I never got to play, and all the 3DS and Switch games I could want.
Yeah man, I didn't get to play anything new, sucks but thats life
I wish I could use it as a Wii U tablet for Cemu. No streaming option provides the same full gyro functionality as SkyNX on Switch.
I don't like playing old/indie games on my desktop because I sit for 12+ hours a day and there are too many distractions on PC. I exclusively play my deck in bed, on a couch or recliner. I also prefer its portability over a gaming laptop and I like the standby feature which doesn't exist on desktops. Sure, you can alt tab on a PC, but it often results in crashes and the games are still being rendered in the background which means heat, fan noise and power usage.
Ironically, you actually can use the Steam Deck as a Wii U gamepad, kek.
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And there isn't a single pc gamer whose Switch purchase allowed them to play more video games. Every argument to buy a Switch back in 2017-2020 went like this
>Only has stale rehashes and ports

Now you can do that but with a much better device. Nincels fell back on "muh exclusives" like Snoys did at the end of 8th gen but your exclusives look like this.
>It depends on what they actually get though, while rumours suggest an absolute power house that's more powerful than a Series S
Is there some new information out there I didn't know about? The rumors are that it's using the T239, which is roughly on par with PS4. The big question is if Nintendo will cheap out on RAM like they did on Switch 1 by giving it a slow 6 or 8GB instead of a faster 12 or 16GB configuration. Also a question is how hard Nintendo downclocks the thing, because Nintendo will downclock every chip they can get their hands on.
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>Games I want to play on it are incompatible
Games such as...?
>Switch 2 with DLSS coming out
Yeah, and? That's not gonna get a number of multiplatforms that the 'eck has access to.

The rest of the points sound like you/whoever wrote that really don't want to use their 'eck at all, which begs the question "why did you/them spend money on a product that they were going to look for excuses not to use?"
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Btw, this led me to an even bigger realization.
OP is a faggot.
So I'm out.
>Games such as...?
Slopstiny and Fortshite, the only shooters underageb& Nincels play.
>Yeah, and? That's not gonna get a number of multiplatforms that the 'eck has access to.

Anyways this is a Snoyvy falseflag thread. He's a retarded nigger.
well switch has no games so we can expect switch 2 to also be NO GAMES
Ray tracing lol Nintendo is waaaayy to cheap for those two words
90% of videogames are designed for 60fps so I'm not sure what your meme refresh rate does
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>hyping up DLSS of all things
Holy shit are we back to hyping up meaningless shit like "blast processing"?
>a PS5 and games
what games?
>pull out my cum coated and dust sprinkled switch
>boot it up
>10 minutes later the home screen is responsive
>open the e shop to see what new gaymes Nintendo has been cookin up
>get home 2.57 hours after running errands
>it's the same shit I played 3 years ago still at full price
>slide it vertically through my ass crack and start sniffing it
Nintendo is my favorite company.
>start using the touch pads to type while browsing the web
It's one thing I can't get used to. Pressing certain keys is a pain in the ass for some reason, so I'm just using a touch screen.
It's pretty good for a handheld where you're trying to squeeze out every frame. The problem is that DLSS won't save the Switch 2 from having yesteryear's games from running at 30-50 fps (assuming >>681550150
is true) unless you play them at settings that'll make it look obsolete on arrival. Power users hate on the Deck because most recent games need to be ran at 40fps and vitaniggers hate on it because it isn't small enough. The most prominent rumor is that it's releasing with an 8 inch screen so it sounds like they're basically just releasing a Nintendo Deck which nobody wants.
>a magic wand for better graphics
That's not that far removed from reality. It's really impressive tech that costs very little compared to what it gives you.
>too retarded to do a recall to prevent all their shit from being pirated.
>thinks a recall is cheaper than having piracy
>calls others retarded
The deck has actually only sold around 2k units and the switch has actually sold 400 million units in France alone.
DLSS is something that already exists and is proven to work.
I will not pay more than 2k on a switch 2
This is my bottom line
$15 jRPG you can find on steam
My dumps, my right
hahaha ffs
>YOUR meme refresh rate
What do you mean by that? More is betterer. But I'd prefer VRR over 90hz.
About the same for me as well, I hope it's at least 1200 so that we know it's going to be good
Well, it's a really good charger.
I mean that if most games won't even use the refresh rate why even tout it as this big upside? like you said it's better to have VRR for games that have god awful frame pacing issues than to have a hypotetical higher refresh that won't be used 90% of the time
why the hell do you buy this if you never leave your (parents) house?
I just ordered a dock for my deck, is it intuitive to switch the deck to "use external screen only"?
I don't even understand the need for it. I just use a laptop if I ever go outside and play vidya. That or stream to my TV from my PC if I ever want to play a game while laying down.
Deck made me enjoy gaming again, now I *want* to play more video games. I had no idea I'm still able to focus on a game for hours, but playing in a bed feels incredibly comfortable,
More options are better. And games can run at whatever framerate what are you smoking.
I play on my switch and my steam deck almost every day. Sometimes I even play both of them on the same day. Maybe I could even play them at the same time...
Nope, Docking on Deck isn't nearly as nice since you gotta manually change resolution output past 800p.
Switch 2 will have a custom SOC I call it. It'll be a long time before a decent emulator comes out.
Eck' bros, is this real?
i'm thinking about the rog ally x
honestly if could get genshin without issues on the steam deck i would rather take that or the og ally with a better battery.
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>I mean that if most games won't even use the refresh rate
You do know that "refresh rate" and "frame rate" are not synonymous... right?
>And games can run at whatever framerate what are you smoking.
just because they CAN it doesnt mean they SHOULD you fucking retard, more often than not games break when you play at unintended framerates especially when emulated

of course I do you fucking retard but what is the benefit of having a 90hz refresh rate if games can't even be PLAYED at 90fps most of the time? holy shit you are dense like a turd
Everything nintendo made isn't on PC
I know emulation exists, but come on anon, we both know it's more about pride than actually seeing loses for Nintendo, the real issue with the Switch and Piracy is that it uses hardware that people have had access to for years, and also had an unpatchable vulnerability that forced them to do a console revision
I don't know about you but I mostly play games on my deck that it could easily run at 90, and would if the display on my LCD could.
Are you asking if the steam deck has a dock? Yes but it is sold separately.
didn't read past the first false statement
yes 逃げr because i play shit that's not on steam, that's the point
the deck is the better option otherwise
Good. I now will be able to afford a more cheaper steam deck.
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>hyping up DLSS of all things
>540p that looks the same or better than 1080p
of course we are
You can play non steam games in steam.
I am convinced that people that complain about battery life are genuinely retarded and do not know they can play the deck while charging.
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is like magic
i know but from the information i see this one is particularly annoying, that's the problem,
if could install and update genshin without hassle it would be awesome
>playing MMOs with my mom
Based. What MMO

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