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Would you take these cute potatoes as your wife?
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My heart belongs to another
>chokes you before you could headpat her
Not a good investment
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Reminds me of pic rel, forgot her name.
>Reminds me of pic rel, forgot her name.
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It was a stressful situation for her, please understand
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Would you look at that, they got married.
I thought polygamy was illegal.
this game needs to be expanded on
Well anon, you're in luck!
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200 buckaronies.
Will you buy it?
Reminder, the Princess is NOT an eldritch abomination, she is a whole, separate individual created to be used as a vessel by such.
If it had a prisoner statue, maybe. Not shilling it out for s*ifty
i'll buy the switch version. but theres no knifey or adversary statue with upskirts
Boy she's really disliked, isn't she.
Genuinely wonder why.
>shill the princess
thread: HIDDEN
You: obsessed
This shit is the most industry plant trash I have ever seen.
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Without love, it cannot be seen
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The only thing I'm taking is that pristine blade and not letting her end the world.
The Echo was pretty much wrong about everything.
didn't expect to find umikino.
Also I played this and I thought I got the true ending with the princess of multiple heads but apparently this game has dozens of hours worth of unique endings and routes. I got the fight ending, anime I wuv u ending, ghost ending, ending where you abandon her and the ending where u never go into the place. I eventually got what i beleived was the true ending with the multi headed goddess. Is that it or have I missed stuff?
Piss off, tranny
There are final endings and endings of individual "chapters", I think you're talking about the latter.
That is a lot of goodies...
I do want the statue but i don't have a console
And the rest of the things are ok, but not worth the investment
I don't know why they went with the Shifty statue
It kinda makes sense
if they just added the damsel or the prisoner or the razor to name some
Those might not be the player's favorite one
Shifting mound is every princess, and her "true form" so its the safest bet
The statue is the reason I don't want it. I love my wife SM, but that statue is too anime moe blob for me. I don't feel like it captures the artist's style well enough, yet it's the centerpiece of the box.
>and her "true form"
That's debatable, imo.
The safer choice would have been the generic princess.
Shut up Narrator.
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Sell it? if you want the rest?, In amazon or something
her face is a bit wider, and i guess making it in the pencil drawing style would had been even more expensive to make
I would had preferred if she was like a wide piece standing and surrounded in the base made of herself
But then again, i must assume price and logistics for that
Maybe someone will make a 3D model of her to print one day
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Even the "basic" one
The first you meet
Can be one of 2, since she gets a bit more on the edge if you go with the blade the design is subtle but its still not quite the same
Not him, but it's hardly debatable. Shifting Mound is her original form after Narrator split the cycle. He then cut off her and your divinity, making you both mortal. The game is about returning to your divine forms, so SM is both her original form and final form, which is the best fit for "true form." Chapter 1 Princess is her only fully mortal form. Although you and her can choose to sever your divinities again and leave as mortals, it is something that has been modified from your original forms. I don't consider that "true." It's like if a vampire chooses to rip out his fangs. A fangless vampire isn't his true form, even if he chose it. It's a modification from.
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Presented without comment.
Game would be 10/10 if there was a route where I cuck the Princess with the Echo
Wait a second. That's Witch to the viewer's right. And Damsel to the left. And Razor left of Damsel. And Nightmare right of Witch. Shit, that's actually a really cool touch.
I want a full size lenticular mirror, so I can YIIK out in it.
There is no original form, since both got created by splitting one entity into two.
Long Quiet and Shifting Mound are the original forms of the two gods made by splitting the Cycle of Life and Death apart. There was no entity before that; only a metaphorical concept. It is your original form and her original form, as far as your respective consciousnesses were birthed. Uniting together in Wild can kind of feel right because its roughly recreating the thing you were made of, but as both Narrator and Shifting Mound tell you, it doesn't work like that. Once LQ and SM were birthed after the split, you can be mortal or divine or anywhere in between, and all of that is still you. But you started divine - the split gave birth to Long Quiet and Shifting Mound, as Narrator tells you. That is the original form of you two, and the final form you both return to.
Why is she so smug?
she knows shes best girl due to being able to shapeshift to anything you desire
Holy shit they hit the wall hard. Probably from all the stress living like that.
>"please leave with me, we don't have to fight, I don't want to be a god"
She was pretty narcissistic
I thought this game was woke lgbtwtfbbq shit?
>Overbearing deity who demands you agree with her and won't take no for an answer
It should've really been the original Princess.
while true being a god is like doing anything you want. would you give that up to suffer as a mortal being?
No it isn't, what the fuck are you smoking?
I dunno, When the game first came out I saw some tranny like jimbo sterling talking about how progressive it was
In all seriousness, why are pretending that being mortal is suffering and being immortal is a blessing? the LQ pretty much admits that being without her as a god would be really lonely and the princess admits that she doesn't really want to be a god.
1. why the hell are you listening to tranny jimbo sterlings?
2. there's nothing progressive in the game, it tells a story.
A *piece* of the Princess admits that.
then why she doesnt want to become a mortal with the lq then? maybe shes scared to lose her position of power idk?
That "piece" is a full-fledged human being.
She wants both godhood and the LQ. It was made clear that she doesn't want to give up her power and it's implied that she doesn't want to let you go either.
I always felt like Shifty was blinded by power, while the LQ was more objective.
1) Why wouldn't she be smug?
2) If you were smart, you'd be smug too.
.....what the fuck is that guys problem?
>I always felt like Shifty was blinded by power
The narrative certainly supports that ("can't get through all that divine confidence"), but I find it funny that her ultimate antagonistic goal with all that divine power is "I need to return the natural order to the universe that the Narrator broke, and I want you with me."
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>If you were smart, you'd be smug too.
That's where you're wrong, bucko
She's not really an antagonist, just a narcissist. She's 100% certain LQ would be happy if he became a god, while he himself is having doubts about it (rightfully so).
I wasnt, the art style looked like a porn game to me, so I looked on metacritic to see if it was in the mainstream or just reviewed by coomers, and then i saw trannies praising it.
I take it back, wasnt metacritic, perhaps it was a leddit post, since those now show up top of search results because we live in the worst timeline.
The game is entirely heterosexual. The only girl in the game is the Princess, and she IS a girl, entirely female. And the player character is a male, and the game is a love story between the two of them.
There's no transsexuality, politics, or anything of that sort.
Anyone who's praising it as "progressive" is retarded and just wants to make it seem more socially relevant than it needs to be. It's just a good, relatively short, choose-your-own-adventure VN with a wealth of routes, dialogue choices, a charming (though inconsistent) art style, inventive but not-too-intense gore, and is fully voice acted. It's not some world-shattering experience that will rock you to your core, but it is a very novel experience and makes creative use of the genre.
What the hell?
How come none of you fucks told me this shitty indie game has my exact fetish in it???
Slay the Princess caters to a lot of tastes.
Muscle babe, or muscle mommy? Got em.
Kudere? Got it, one of the best.
Braindead bimbo with big boobs? Yep.
Gremlin bitch that stinks good that'll actually just fucking kill you? Got it.
Multihead? It's in there.
Giantess? What the fuck do you think, of course it's there.
Just an actual fucking animal? Good news, it's got that too.
Yes, absolutely.
I might check it out, I did note the massive art inconsistency in the steam images, which was a little annoying, but I might pick it up on sale after I finish the new ace attorney trilogy
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we had threads for months where were you?
It's crazy how right he was. Even in the endings where you convince her to not destroy the world by doing something else, it's clear she doesn't actually care about saving the world. To her no one out there matters. She's completely bereft of empathy and morality.

I bought this game but ended up with what I would considered the "neutral" ending on my very first playthrough, where the game is waiting for me to turn it back on and play again.

But wouldnt it be better if I didnt turn it back on? I would probably make the exact same choices, even quicker now than I did before, knowing what it is now. I would not choose to erase my memory and help this twisted, reality warping goddess to regain her sense of self, who the fuck knows what it might do. I feel like I should just refund the game. What a dumb purchase.
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she cute
i bet she can make a mean slushy drink
>she doesn't actually care about saving the world
She cares about that there is no stagnation. She just wants to do her job like she used to when she and TLQ were one. The game begins when the universe is on its last gasps. The universe is already 99% dead, why do you want to freeze a corpse in time? Also she's the concept of change without her, the universe can't work properly. No more death. No more new universes. No more new life.
>who the fuck knows what it might do
HOLY RETARD She literally says what she wants to do. How do you even play games with a monkey IQ like that? How the fuck can you not understand what's going on in the game? Please tell me you're just pretending.
>The universe is already 99% dead
Yet still supports trillions of people according to Narrator.
>without her, the universe can't work properly.
Things worked just fine in any route where you killed her. Literally no difference besides you getting trapped in the cabin. Everything still worked as expected, you were still able to talk to the voices in your head, kill yourself, and so on. Things will be just as fine even after you kill her permanently.
Im not kidding. Shes literally a being that wants me to forget she just caused the end of reality and help her out.

I dont recall if I missed anything, but I was pissed the fuck off at the absolute gall of that bitch to kill me FUCKING TWICE and then turn around an "help me please, or not and rot for eternity." Nah, I can chill.
>But wouldnt it be better if I didnt turn it back on? I would probably make the exact same choices
Based determinist Chad
they have kids now, and two husbands.
him banging an ogre magi is more normal than some foot fetish freak.
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>Things worked just fine
I'll say it again. She is the concept of CHANGE, not just death. Without her, the universe will not restart. Without her, there is no new life. Without her, basic physical and chemical processes will not work properly. Did you get a "happy ending"? That's the kind of world you get when you slay her. An unchanging boring piece of shit.
>Shes literally a being that wants me to forget she just caused the end of reality and help her
She's literally your former half, retard. Who do you think the other ever-empty shackle is for?
>kill me FUCKING TWICE and then turn around an "help me please, or not and rot for eternity."
How can you get through the game and say such nonsense? You really don't understand what's going on in the game, do you? Try fucking reading slower or something.
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hmm... I think..NO! :3

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