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>fell for the scam
So what were you expecting? There has not been a single Early Access game I regret buying including Zomboid.
>you can't criticize the game you barely have any time played!
>you have so many hours played you clearly enjoyed it so you can't complain!
>waaah the updates are too slow waaah
anyone with half a brain knows not to rush gems like this,look at cdda,caves of qud and dwarf fortress
>announced that they "fixed" performance in b42
>don't push said performance fixes onto live already
i just want to drive a car with like 20 mods without having it shit the bed
The actual game is literally dog shit and the modding nerds are the only reason its remotely playable.
The game fucking sucks, all you do is the same monotonous shit until you eventually get bored. It's too easy to set up a good base and it's too boring to want to maintain it for an extended period of time.
I still find it laughable how the game keeps pushing a "this is how you... le died!" message when it's easy to survive.
stockholm syndrome is strong in this one
Sandy vagina?
Why does this faggot keep comparing his almost 15 year old still pre alpha game to Rimworld, which was fully released within 4 years of its announcement and has had several full sized expansions since? It's like comparing a cake to a spoonful of flour, what the fuck is taking them so goddamn long?

Same shit, horribly balanced, devs are discord literal tranny chasers and has had ZERO meaningful development in several years now.
Ah yes, the game that I can't play with my friends, is turn based, and is only mentioned in zomboid threads. Surely it must be good.
Its at least a lot better than Zomboid, not a huge accomplishment but it must be said
>he has friends
Get out normalfaggot.
>build 42
correct me if I'm wrong and I'll apologize, but I played this game four years ago when St Floyd died and I'm pretty sure it was on build 42 then.

What has this guy been doing for four years??
Project Zomboid is unironically one of the best games ever made already. I don't care what they do as long as they don't cuck and add fagshit in (since NPCs will take another 20 years, I'm sure this won't be an issue for me)
Literally, not figuratively but literally, whining and crying on Discord and Reddit about how hard game dev is and how unappreciated he is.
Build 41 released in late 2021, you mongs
>unironically one of the best games ever made already
It's a top 20 game for me, and thanks a great deal to modders. I somehow dumped over 500 hours into a solid server with a great community
After learning how to play the game the only times I died were because I got so bored I'd do anything to make the game not boring anymore.
It's too easy to get settled in and once you are settled zombies are pretty much a non threat..... which makes the game boring.
They want to sell you a cake but their flour is coke and they keep inhaling all of it.
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dont worry, the devs have heard your feedback and are adding this into B42
Who the fuck wants to become a caveman in PZ. Dumb.
>Put ammo/gun loot settings on low
>Turn on sprinters
Sounds fun
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Games only good for dressup and ERP, no idea how it manages to stay at 28k people playing on an average though.
Maybe not releasing the NPC update and getting people to actively make communities and connections instead of having fun offline worked well for them.
Kids who grew up on minecraft. "Crafting" is an essential gameplay element to them.
Slowly going from a crazy stasher with bajillion guns to a caveman fighting with primitive weapons to conserve resources sounds kino as fuck, but the problem is that they're delivering these mechanics way too early without having a solid foundation. We need NPCs, we need the game to be dynamic and generate drama and fun that isn't just the player picking on the challenge. There's not enough shit.
My version is 41.78.16
Until they make NPCs, I'm NOT using a newer one.
Cavemen didn’t use bows, mongoloid. I know the average Kentucky resident acts like one, but most have the skills of at least a medieval soldier with the brain power of a tulip
Reminder that when the game was on desura the devs would tell MP faggots to fuck themselves and told them it was never coming because it would destroy their hard work making a single player zombie game.
Reminder that they added splitscreen in as a joke over a weekend, prompting MP fags to then descended upon the game and the developers, looking for an easy out after removing npcs from RC1.2(I think, forget exactly which one), decided to do exactly that.
Reminder this happened over 10 years ago. And that this was before multiple, unnecessary, animation and rendering reworks.
Thank you third world Brazilians with potatoes complaining the game wouldn't run on their 2004 laptops, making the devs break up the game into active and inactive cells instead of having the entire game world simulated properly using in game rules. Thank you MP shitters for setting npcs back a literal decade. Thank you indiestone cock riders for ensuring the devs will never actually do anything.
And thank you Mashedpotatoe for sucking off the entire indiestone team at the meet up in Brighton in 2012. My apologies to enigmagrey for missing out on those mean dick sucking skills. You are a big part of keeping the team morale up, but I think Lemmy might need a little fluffing after the last few weeks, if you know what I mean.
>he doesn't exclusively play versions with the Kate and Baldspot tutorial
Couldn't be me.
if zomboid is so bad then why hasn't anyone else made an actual good clone of it
even the playerbase is fed up with the speed of it yet there's still tens of thousands playing every day

that's right, it's all cope
he's right and it's a really good game
I just like to download hundreds of mods. I have more fun on that than playing it nowdays.
zomboid is a clone of cdda, a superior game
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>You can't criticize the game if you haven't played it enough
>Why did you spend so many hours in a game that you didn't like?
It's always one or the other.
Everything about B42 still seems like shit.
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Oh boy...

Once you build a boxwall around your apartment, you can relax all year round.
You need to go looking for a fight, even when you set the zombies to "they are billions" mode
>Cavemen didn’t use bows,
they literally did
There's nothing fun about sprinters.
>Aggroing more than two sprinters leads to a guaranteed death in melee combat
>be zomboid devs
>be absolutely retarded
>make updating your demo an absolute chore
>pirates make a better installer that is also an updater
>because you host the game in a retarded way, and it was fucking retarded to track down updates, pirates just tie the update button into the actual download servers for the game, and actual paying customers start using the updater too
>pressing the update button used their Amazon bandwidth
>they were retarded and had a very basic deal with high costs for bandwidth overages
>end up losing every penny you have made on the game to pay off amazon
>fake a burglary to collect insurance on "damages" resulting from an alleged failure to backup for 7 months
>this actually works
>grift again for half a decade
>fake a flood
>collect even more insurance from damages resulting from a failure to back up
A much better game already exists and it also has NPCs capable of finding shelter, trading and forming groups, its called Rogue Survivor, ironically its development stopped before Project Zomboid was even a thing.
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>singlehandedly defeats your apocalypse
No mention of animal npcs makes me think those aren't even coming.
Not heard of this checking this out now.
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Too easy
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fishing for winter
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>Cabbage for food/bait
>Rabbits/Fish for proteins
>Hardcore server
Everyone else died before winter.
Or you could just loot an entire food market and won't run out of canned food before getting bored of the game because there's fuck all to do after establishing your goon cave in whatever location you prefer.
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There were 10 of us.
there was very scarce loot.
Almost all of the towns are stripped bare.

Me and one other guy survived for a damn long time, he eventually got bitten, so went and killed himself with alcohol and sleeping pills in the back of a trailer, beside two other people who had done the same.

My gooncave was quite comfy, so I spent a lot of the itme in winter squatmaxxing and levelling skills.
>non-tetris inventory
i have no idea how people play it like this
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me on the left, this anon on the right
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>friend gifts me this game to play with him
>after a couple of hours of gathering items and building a base, I ask him what was the endgame or the condition to win
>he told me the condition was to survive
I don't really have the heart to tell him this shit is boring and having nothing else to do but reading books and looting places gets old fast.
I never played Cataclysm for the same reason and I love roguelikes.
What should I do to not break his poor heart?
still not gonna subscribe to your patreon
Do increasingly stupid shit and survive it while telling him there's no challenge to it.
Tell him to play CDDA
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It's pretty comfy
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Fully plumbed in
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Porn and my wife in the goon room
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Spend all winter drinking and exercising
The alcohol numbs the pain, allowing me to squat more.
Valheim is nice.
Valheim was more buggy and boring that Zomboid.
That was absolutely shit tier.
Nah you're wrong. You should stop playing video games for a bit and then realize that they're fun.
They used an atlatl you RETARD. Take a fucking history class instead of watching ancient aliens all day
I played enough of Valheim to know that it was trash, the map was trash, the bosses was trash, the basebuilding was trash, the environments were repetitive.
it's absolutel tedium.
<arrowheads were found in Grotte Mandrin, a cave occupied by early modern humans and Neanderthals. The earliest clear evidence of the use of a bow and arrow is in South Africa 64,000 years ago

>Occupied by men
>ergo; Cavemen
>arrowheads found
>conclusion: Cavement used arrows
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Examples of caveman weaponry
Atlatls also used arrows, so the conclusion is flawed. It’s like finding remnants of a bullet at iwajima and concluding the Japanese used AR15s
>DDA and not BN
then explain the fucking bow, you cock jockey?
What's new with CBN?
What bow? The one some museum made to look “cavemany”? You said they found an arrowhead, there was no mention of a bow in the synopsis (You) gave
Its an actual game compared to DDA's "Realism when it hurts the player". It still has all the sci-fi elements like chicken mechs, bionics being normal or laser weaponry. It doesn't have retarded reasoning and "realism" like with how one of the devs failing to get their flying license as a teenager means no one is capable of learning to operate a helicopter.
Middle stone age evidence of bows and arrows

Indications of bow and stone-tipped arrow use 64 000 years ago in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Antiquity of Bone bow and arrows at the Sibidu cave,
Quartz tipped bows and arrows dated to 61.7±1.5kya

Maybe those fucking bows.
That part confused me too.

>My early access game has more frequent updates than this game that was fully released 4 years ago
Why would he think that is an accomplishment?
I really wish there was a mod that adds a Nemesis/Mr. X type character that will seek you out. Something to discourage basebuilding and encourage nomad lifestyle. The game is most fun when you are on the move with limited resources.
Does BN lets you specify clothing coverage? because that's the only thing I liked about DDA's realism
there's a zombie horde after X days mod
forgot the name
turn off the mods, faggot
it's disrespectful to the vision
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dont care, abiotic factor is the new flavor of the year.
this, this fucking shit right here, fuck those retards. until the tile render problem is fixed the game is not playable at all in any urban area and its dog shit.
>first article
Only talks about bone arrow tips and other bone tools from what I can tell (since it’s paywalled)
>second article
Mentions in abstract (again, paywalled) that only stone artifacts survived and they were making deductions off of what they found. So still no bow since bows aren’t made of stone
>Article 3 and 4
Only arrowheads once again. Not immediately indicative of bows since atlatls also use arrows

Actually read your sources before you prance around with your imaginary 70000 year old bow
was going to say >>681545524
the fun comes from setting dangerous goals
You mean something like the Relentless Hulk in CDDA?
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You have to be low IQ to play a game for under an hour and not immediately grasp what the later game will look like in hundreds or thousands of hours from that moment.
With Project Zomboid, I understood very quickly that the entire game is repetitive, annoying, clunky-ass bullshit, and that the game would be the exact same in 1,000+ hours as it is for me right now, save for having arbitrarily higher stats and more guns or melee weapons or whatever and the game knowledge to survive longer in order to... survive longer... and... subject myself to arbitrarily more convoluted annoying bullshit just to survive longer? What? So where in all of this is the fun?
Well, the only fun from the game comes from its unforgiving nature. Go ahead, I dare you, play it with cheats, see how quick you get bored.
Games that rely on -solely- being unforgiving are gimmicks. I won't put thousands of hours into a fucking gimmick. Some of you need to seriously raise your IQs or your perceptive ability or something, damn. I'm seeing some people in here with hundreds to thousands of hours in this damn game.
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>best game ever
>dev was a lazy retard and didnt add LoD to the tiles so your CPU has to re-draw every single fucking one on screen including all layered objects every single time you move at all which nukes every CPU on earth when you drive a car
neck yourself zoomie. games from the 90s have LoD ranges to prevent this problem. its literally an automatic setting in modern dev tools so even if you are as lazy as TIS you can just press a button and get some sloppy auto LoD ranges that wont fuck poor fags CPUs
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>all hominids developed the same tools at the same time and modern day cavemen (that LITERALLY STILL EXIST) don't use bows and arrows nuh uh they didn't go down that skill tree yet in my delusional view of the world
Uhhh nigger??? nigger nigger nigger.... Nigger... nigger nigger niGGER, niggER, nigGER, NIIIIIGGGGEEEEERRRR NIGGER NIGGER NIGGA NIGGER NIGGA NIGGER NEGRO NIGGA NIGGER NIGGER!!!!
The UI is objectively one of the worst things about this game.
>>modern day cavemen
I do not care for your nigger island, they are not cavemen. Cope and seethe, your Reddit-tier archeologists are just shills trying to get their name slapped in the history books.
Nig and nignigged
Does that thing ever work properly? I always leave them in the dust so I never properly engage with them
You think it being poorly optimized is that big of a deal? If your personal favorite game was less optimized (assuming you can still run it because you're not just mad at a random dev team because you can't afford a computer nice enough to play their game, right?) would you personally like it less? If a hypothetical game ticked everyone's boxes and was universally crowned the "best game of all time forever and ever amen", but it could only run on a 10,000 dollar computer because it needs bouscous gaga hardware, would you be a contrarian and say the game was bad? I don't get it. Complaining about its performance is perfectly fine, it's annoying that I need a nice PC to run it (I happened to upgrade from a cheapo 40 dollar pc to an 800 dollar one a few months after build 41 so got to experience it on both crappy and nice hardware at its peak of popularity) but I enjoyed it greatly both before and after I upgraded my hardware. It's a very strange line in the sand to draw that something that shouldn't effect your experience of the game overall is making you mark it lower than you otherwise would.
This can be accomplished, horde mechanics and proper NPCs mean that your base is never too safe. Hell, add random events with bandits setting fire to your home if they're close enough, or if you had poor defences, have them capture you and rob you blind in a sequence, and if the game is advanced enough, you might get kidnapped to work as a slave for their settlement. A ton of great ideas undermined by retards with awful coding and work ethic.
Until you defeat him he will always stay in your reality bubble, meaning that even if you drive away from him he will teleport to an area nearby you.
If the dev bothered fixing migration to work properly (the mechanics are already there) instead of using this stupid lol zombies spawn where you're not looking crap it would be OK. That and how lights you turn on and off work, instead of seeing the light which is something also already in the system they hear and come to your location from a mile away like light switches are shotguns atm.
>I won't put thousands of hours into a fucking gimmick.
So show some examples of a game you would put thousands of hours into.
Surely it wont have a gimmick.
How many days does it take for him to show up again? I got an electrothermal cannon with his name on it
>your Reddit-tier archeologists are just shills trying to get their name slapped in the history books.
And your retarded faggotry is just trying to get your name and number written in bathroom stalls.
I think he always teleports inside your reality bubble immediately after he exits it, like he is always at max two or three map squares away from you
Something must've gone wrong then (When has it not with this fucking game?) since I haven't seen him for months
Probably a bug of some kind unless he died
If you're stupid enough to put thousands of hours into Project Zomboid I don't want a thing to do with your sophist ass
I do live near a shark infested river now that you mention it....
>dying to getting ganged by NPCs
I am pretty sure the only person immune to this in CDDA is martial arts min-maxer. I remember my first time playing and picking black belt guy because of his description, and was surprised that was clearing entire cities with my bare fists and only a few hours of sleep.
Didn't Kevin nerfed Unarmed to oblivion?
I don't know the way he did it, but the last time I played it I've maxed out physical stats and was undefeatable until I met some crazy alien shit with AoE.
What was your attributes?
based, cant wait for the new ocean content and worldgen updates
>scared to post: the post.
zombie gang bang fuck rape mod where
What are they adding?
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>people with less than 1000 hours can't complain

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