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i want to make a game

>no art
ok, il just do it myself
>as it turns out, i actually despise making art even though it looks decent enough for a shitty indie game
>try to force myself to do it anyways
>every day is ruined by it because it takes 5+ hours sometimes, rarely even get to do what i enjoy which is programming
>literally cannot stop seething about how much i hate making art
>premade assets are a no go since they usually clash against eachother or just never match my oddly specific needs
>cant pay for an artist either
>steam banned ai art stuff, not like it would help much anyways since i need animations and whatnot

uhhhh what now?
do i REALLY have to keep doing what i hate?
this is actually ruining me mentally, i dont want to give up on making games but i might have to
Somebody knows which tutorials or book did PewDiePie follow?
This happened to me too, either suck it up and suffer or get help from artist & split profits
If you just draw every day, you'll get better. Works with many things.
the issue isnt that i suck, the issue is that i hate making art
i despise it with every fiber of my being, it has nothing to do with me needing to get better
why not use wip assets then hire someone/do the final stuff yourself? if you just enjoy programming then there's no point making yourself miserable trying to make the game look good while you're actively developing it
Have you made a game before, anon? I mean, finish one, with your own assets, or is this your first attempt?
yea but i cant get help from an artist, im broke and i dont even know any artists anyways

i need animations/models now since i need to make combat actually functional and etc
art is dead. don't waste your time
I didn't work before, pal
ive made a game before, it has a playable alpha build but i never finished it. i spent 8 months on it and all the assets and code had been done entirely by myself. i stopped working on it because i just lost interest in the idea
isn't there ways to procedually generate rough animations from key art? i know i've seen a few videos about the subject on youtube, both 2d pixelart (no idea if it works on a nonpixelated enviroment) and 3d work
That's good! You know how they tell people to start small and then work their way up to more complicated things when talking about game development? Asset creation is also part of that scope. I understand you're happy with the kind of results you're getting, but if it's that grueling for you, maybe try kicking it a notch down and go for more simple things.
I can't guarantee you're gonna start loving art, but if you're not putting as much time and thought into it, at least it's not gonna be that taxing to you. And who knows, once it's not that difficult, you might get into it.
Well if you are working, you have less time. But if you don't get familiar with a pen, the techniques are not going to help much.
im already doing super simple stuff. for my other project it was low-res pixel art and my current one is sorta like minecraft dungeons or battlebit in terms of graphics.

already super simple stuff but i just cant stand it, i hate devoting entire days to this and not being able to do any actual work on the game!
Even if you think you art deep down you really dont. You want to make games and they are an amalgamation of different art forms together thus meaning that even if just a little, you like art. I also struggle with the exact same thing where i like the coding but drawing makes me feel miserable but thinking this way is changing that for the better.

> not being able to do any actual work on the game!
Making assets IS working on the game. People like to think that simply writing code creates a game but there is much more behind it.
I wanted to say "It didn't work..."
>Even if you think you art deep down you really dont
Even if you think you hate art deep down you really dont
i guess youre right both things, but i still dont know what to do for art. even if i force myself it just makes me feel miserable, and i dont know what to do about it because if i dont force myself then i simply just wont do it
>>steam banned ai art stuff,
no they didn't
As the other anons said, creating your assets *is* part of your game and gamemaking is itself an art form. Of course, you don't have to be well versed in it, but you'll have to accept that it's an integral part of it if you decide to keep working alone.
What part of it is difficult for you?
making art isnt difficult, i just really dont like doing it. something about wasting an entire day to a single animation or model just upsets me, and i dont enjoy the act of making art even slightly so it just really sucks that i have to devote so much time towards it.
maybe it would be a good idea to also draw things not related to your project? I draw random stuff even if it does not fit my project but while i still dont like it and often cross over it and draw something else, it still fills me with a sense of satisfaction that firstly i *did* draw something and secondly i *will* do better tomorrow. And if you still feel like your art is not up to spec, remember that there are games which look absolutely basic (like that one 2d platformer where you change gravity) and still a lot of appeal. If i am honest i am not even sure if i want to make a game anymore. Scripting QoL stuff is also fun and i can also do the drawing stuff without worrying about quotas or expectations.
i already make unrelated art every now and then just for practice and it still sucks, i dont enjoy it at all
>every now and then
Then make it "most of the time"? Draw some story line you wish to present in your game or just some gameplay moments. You are unsatisfied that you spend the while day drawing and do nothing else but what about aiming exactly for that? Or change mediums? Or reduce the scope of the pixel art to something extremely simple that does only take a short time to make. Look at dwarf fortress, the game had basically no graphics but still has a loyal community.
iirc the only one he mentioned by name was chommang drawing
Didn't you say you were spending hours on it on single things? If it's easy to do, why would you spend that long on it? It's fine if you're having problems with it, it's part of learning and getting comfortable with it.
I'm sort of in the same position, anon. I'm working on a shitty little dungeon crawler and I can't draw, so I'm forced to use clashing premade assets. I'm thinking of just biting the bullet and finishing the game while it looks like poop, and then reusing the same engine to make a "sequel", but putting more of my focus on art during that time while also improving things from the first game.

Like many anons have said here, art is a part of the game dev process. By going solo you're taking on many jobs at once and there really isn't any secret way to get the art you want in your game, you'll either have to draw it or get someone else to help you. I know you don't like it but what else can anyone tell you?
i suppose i can try that, i hope it helps
thanks for the advice anon
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Then just make a traditional roguelike with ascii/tileset graphics and stop bitching. You said you like programming then this is for you, because you can write the whole game yourself.
i spend hours on them because im a perfectionist. i have troubles leaving things at 'good enough' so il often make several iterations of the same thing

yeah, youre not wrong. another anon suggested i try to make art all the time and mabye it would help me like it more? not too sure but il see if it helps
i actually did this once, it was pretty fun but not really something i can sell
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>i spend hours on them because im a perfectionist.
So you know that mindset also plagues me and destroys my art but you can power through it. Picrel is what i used in my proof of concept and well it worked out. Making *A* game is better than making none at all. Why knows maybe you will find a style that suits your game better than what you thing is best right now.
>I'm a perfectionist
See, so you're not exactly making it simpler and easy to do on your end. Learning to draw and picturemaking in general tends to be difficult for people like that, where you *need* to take it slower and learn from your mistakes.
Going at art like this is a problem because you only need to use it for something and you're not creating it for the sake of creating. What the other anon suggested is a good idea, which is to draw and create more frequently to get you in the right mindset for it.
At the end of the day, it really is a matter of just doing it more and it'll eventually become easier and more enjoyable to do
>>steam banned ai art stuff
They reversed this a little while ago. You just need a disclaimer and verification that your AI model wasn't trained on copyright material.

>i need animations
Look up ComfyUI video 2 video workflows. You can absolutely make pixel art animations with AI nowadays.
Can I learn to draw with a mouse?
Pyw fag or gtfo
If you can find the right theme you can sell it.
Might as well make the prettiest looking roguelike, you'll make good moeny if you can sell it

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