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how wuk are wuk we wuk enjoying wuk?
it is her story. no other character is relevant ever.
the Jar Jar Binks of Final Fantasy
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Fuck Wuk Lamat
There was no way to up or even match the stakes of the previous xpac, they blowed their load too early with that one, the endsinger was THE final boss of XIV, that said, they could have made this xpac about some fun low stakes adventure with friends instead of centering it around some dogshit furry
That's literally all anyone was asking for. The exact content could have been done, but without wuk and it would have been far better.
Does Kirle fight? Is she a trust partner yet?
oh my god they said "hear, feel, think" again!!!!!!!!
I wuk it
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How could this happen?
Its funny to me that Wuk doesn't even have character arc despite being the focus for 80% of the cutscenes
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>turning off terminals is supposed to be sad
>but I've been in this area for 5 minutes beelining from cutscene to cutscene because you didn't remember to leave any exploring in the game
WoWchads won...
People are really too dumb to understand a mentorship story?
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She does it's just weak. (le incompetent compared to her brothers -> I actually only care about my father's peace! stuff)
But her character isn't really the major issue with the expansion (unless you're retarded enough to play EN-dubbed), it's how they've written every interaction to be about her or in interaction with her. (along with other unrelated writing issues like the pacing of zones and build-up)
So even if it's you the WoL driving things 90% of MSQ NPCs will still only talk through Wuk. Even when she isn't present. The major exceptions to this are Sphene and the Scions.
And mind you I was thinking "eh there's NG+ now anyways" and then remembered you have to go through 40 hours of Wuk Lamat to get back to this part.
I'm going to chase you down, drag you out of your lala burrow with a crook, and shave your side hair things.
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The amount of effort that goes into updating random NPC dialogue in assfuck towns about the current state of the main questline is admirable and I love how absolutely no one will ever see it.

>Different dialogue pre-dawnservant
>Dawnservant but before attack
>Dawnservant but after attack
>Post dragon-help
Etc etc, I'm talking tens of NPCs with updating dialogue.

It's both incredibly soulful and very weird because who the fuck is going to take a break from the main quest just to check every NPC for no reason except to see some new text? There's no reward for this, and some world-state differences are like two main quests apart (dawnservant pre and post attack for example).
The last trial is so much fun and the music and visuals are so good. The second phase and Wuk Lamat just ruin it though. Man, what a waste.
>She does it's just weak. (le incompetent compared to her brothers -> I actually only care about my father's peace! stuff)
thats more like a switch is flipped and her ilv is made higher than her brothers. Her mindset, manorisms and outlook stay exactly the same from the moment you meet her. Nothing challenges her ideals, nothing changes her outlook, she just sorta retards her way into power.
I wonder what kind of ugly troon made this image
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Why is there a texture seam in the water lmao
Wuk? Oh you mean
Ots not just wuk, the scions brush off things they shouldnt (people using souls as fuel/currency), the whole deal with krile being swept under the rug, and a bunch of other stuff.
it's crazy in general how many people ignore named npcs
fuck, most people don't even talk to the scions if they don't have quest markers above their heads
Be gentle, please
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>scions don't even bantz each other despite being heckin' "at odds" with your group
>hag cat doesn't even sass anyone
Also Y'shtola sounds like she recorded her lines from a toilet, what the FUCK is this shit
ill seam your textures, rabbit slut
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It's good that they're still doing that. Shame I still don't care about Tural's citizens enough to talk to them. Maybe it'll be different after i've done some sidequests.
For all the talk of tribal diversity they have got to be the most boring least culturally unique area out of all just from the MSQ perspective.
>we have food! clothing!
Meanwhile you walk around Uldah, Limsa, Ishgard, the Azim Steppe, Radz and even Alexandria in this very expansion and they all show just how different they are.
It's like the devs wanted to showcase just how shit diversity and multiculturalism really is.
That's purposeful since she is supposed to be a contrast of Gulool Ja Ja's heart and power (which she grows into), where Zolaal Ja is a contrast of Gulool Ja Ja's power and intellect but not his heart, and Koana is a contrast of Gulool Ja Ja's intellect but not his tact (which he grows into) or power.
>didn't even get to throw down with Thancred
>scions are "at odds"
>except they work together the entire expansion
>and you never fight them
>and you're forced onto one side
>and the scions on the other side as well as their leader just immediately concede
>and the one scion we were promised to have a larger role got sidelined save for 2 cutscenes

More Yoship lies.
Is that run-off from Azys Lla? I wouldn't want to walk in that, your toes might turn into Lalafells or something.
She does not grow into anything.
She is the exact same character as you meet her as she is when she becomes Wukage.
>get told how fun ziplines are
>can't actually ride them, just get teleported by an NPC
What is with this spaghetti ass game
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>She does not grow into anything.
Then there's nothing to say to you because you won't engage with the story at all but you will take pot-shots at it.
The entire script is incredibly boring, like an AI wrote it.
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>which she grows into
?????????????? when did wuk ever change or was at odds with gulool?
Every character in this image can be safely removed from the story without consequences. That includes (You).
What did they mean by this?
Crazy how this shit it's so bad it's making Lyse and SB look good.
>reading comprehension
She has Gulool Ja Ja's compassion but it's untempered by her never really leaving the capital except for festivals, and she doesn't have his strength.
Probably the VA
>*learns about them*
>*repeat 7+ times*

I'd prefer the story engage with me at this point they wrote this one scene and repeated it like 2000000 times
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Pretty much all of their actual interesting shit and nuance is hidden behind sidequests.
>Pelu slavery, giant genocide
>Cenotaph gravesites, deep-cave monsters.
>Artist kidnapping/banditry

I mean, they're not all interesting (I don't give a FUCK about the Ok-zundu wundu wambo wumbu birds no matter how much you push them Yoshi fuck em since HW) but most of them are actually way more than just the trite MQ "Dude TACOS".

It's a fucking crime how the actual setting is shafted too by the Wuk retardation.
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I always loved you 5ever Lyse.
Now put the mask and turban back on.
Dawntrail is the "tell dont show" expansion
>and she doesn't have his strength.
But she does, do you remember the solo duty? Did you even play the game?
No, just because DT is worse doesn't mean SB wasn't bad
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If I were enough of a drone that /v/ could change my opinion on something, I'd probably be swallowed up into an IRL cult instead of falling in with a bunch of dumb shitposters and MMO turds.
Because case scenario is that the reception from Japan actually gets to them and they set her up to die in post-DT while her brother takes over. Maybe if that happened YoshiP would demote Kate and her ilk so we could finally get some proper waifus for a change.
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Reminder that the scions art for Dawntrail has half the cast doing extremely unnatural anti-male megalia symbols with their fingers.
She gets that later.
>reading comprehension
Our story is over. Time to let underrepresented, marginalized, and oppressed voices have a turn. Sit down and listen.
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>Tataru wasn't even in dawntrail
If you don't like Wuktrail, you are a transphobe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dsmf4oMHoEI
Fuck man, I just did a sidequest where one of the Mamool ja fathers is desperately trying to go to the graveyard after the abolishment of the "blessed siblings" tradition because he's hallucinating his dead babies begging for him to help them, and you snap him out of it by telling him to "seek the sun", as that's the phrase the Mamool ja have for 'have some hope in your life' because hope for them is the sun above the forest canopy that they're desperately trying to get to.

This is INFINITELY more engaging than anything Wuk has ever done and it took me two minutes.
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I enjoyed DT. People crying are tranny obsessed retards who literally can't get through a day without thinking about trannies.
>half the cast
It's literally just Wuk?

It's a filler expansion
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>Fantasy game
>just crowbar in modern Tokyo and call it a day
Retarded. Go fuck yourself Hiroi.
did we not get ANY new emotes in the msq?
Why the fuck do the Endless suddenly switch from being fully aware of their situation to larping the past
>If I keep screaming these words he'll agree with me
Nah. You're an idiot.
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>tfw no ohokaliy
This should have been more of a focus but since WoL needs to be any job then I guess they figured it'd be weird for her to be trained by a healer WoL. Or I guess anyway. Really felt like she needed a training arc to beat Bakool rather than doing so because she just could.
Yes, and?
I wish we had more colonization in Wuktrail.
I like to check with the granny at the Steepe once in a while
Alphinaud doesn't give a speech about hope, Alisaie isnt thirsting for WoL snatch/cock, Uriangier doesn't betray you,
>10 years
>blew their load too early
why not just accept that every story ends eventually and step away from the game
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A story with Bakool Ja Ja as the villian turned sympathetic ally revealing the origin of Blessed Siblings turning to a civil war about the practice would have been more engaging than the Wukadventure of Wuk Lamat staring Wuk Lamat.

That shit was legitimately interesting and fucked up, and its the shit I like XIV for and want more of it.
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Holy shit the average IQ of this thread is amazing.
it's a literal theme park
and Otis is just really hype about being a knight, okay?
You need to turn on EN voices, or you are a tranny hater.
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That stove texture
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i won
Cope and seethe, faggot. I'm gonna talk shit all I fucking want.
She'll be in the post MSQ storyline where she realizes how much more marketable Wuk is compared to the WoL and you have to go across all the previous expansions' areas to hawk Wuk Lamat t-shirts.
Including the Coid in a non-interactive cutscene where you praise her to Golbez and Zero.
Are you people retarded
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SB was always good
Half of these cutscenes I could only think about how easy Zenos could mop the floor with these clowns.
Yeah I didn't care for her domination of the story. I could have used a bit less of her in the second half.
O well, hope the patches are better.
it's called emotional manipulation anon, the writer thought they were a clever faggot by trying to get people invested in these dead people that have been reduced to data
I remember the very first pitch for the expansion was "a new adventure that will see the Scions divided".

My fucking ass dude, even within the context of taking advantage of the race to just have a friendly competition for fun it was disappointing. I can't believe Urianger just going "Ho, this might be exciting" is basically where it starts and ends.
"Screaming", lol.
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This is a new zone, right? Wasn't the entire point the graphical update?
Why dioes it look like the textures in an early expansion prop?
Beast tribe reward
JP seems to hate it and they don't even have this to fall back on.
Also I hate all the woketards using transgenderism to defend this shit character.
gee i wonder what part of dawntrail it was made your butthole swell up the most
Except he's not the first one bitch
No, if only because I'm convinced a big part of why she got so much hate is just her being attractive. I've noticed near every attractive adult female who isn't a lala gets a lot of hate in this game, though some more than others.
thumbnail looks like you have a boner
>The whole expansion could genuinely just have been a "Meanwhile, in Tural..." cutscene
>Except we had to see it in person for some fucking reason.
They improved the two things people will look the most at - the characters and the lighting. Nobody cares about random can on a random stove.
>Also I hate all the woketards using transgenderism
You're getting trolled by native /v/irgins.
melty da
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I enjoyed it as well anon, but honestly some of the points people have made about the story's flaws just made me really think about the overall quality of it. Still though, hopefully post patches are better overall, like Stormblood's were, I know the content is gonna be pretty fun as well, specially with frens.

Sorry, playing Wuktrail had me chew my fingers off in frystation so it's hard to ty;e
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It was more like "Thancred and Urianger specifically will work for another person for like 15 minutes but still basically be your allies"
I'm now on the "kill the scions" side now.
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Nah pic related.
If you've seen megalia symbols you'd notice they often do this arched hand shit even when it doesn't make much sense.
Probably some shit freelance korean artist sabotaging JP productions.
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my femhroths doesn't have a boner because women don't have cocks
Some of the points people made about this game made me wonder if they were subject to a fucking lobotomy.
I played through SB recently, I don't think she's bad, she just doesn't do like, a ton regarding bringing freedom to Ala Mhigo.
If anything SB felt like It was ablut saving Doma and Ala Mhigo was kinda just there too, most of the interesting stuff in the MSQ happens in Doma, it has the entire underwater thing and the Steppe, you learn about their culture and meet the people, while you get to Ala Mhigo, fuck off for a while, and then return to finish the job
None of the attractive women in this game have interesting stories, except Venat.
It’s namae does she hate men or something? Weird.
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>get to final zone
>it's just a gayer and lamer Penacony
Alphinaud's lowered hand is just in a relaxed position, you're stretching it there.
And Y'shtola is LITERALLY just holding her staff, the fuck are you doing.
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>korean is back
yucky people
knockoff japanese
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woah.....The Golden City....
>that eggless womb
Anon you have to understand that people here are just as stupid, if not more, than the twitter guys they seem to hate that much
We're just used to this brand of idiocy
You need meds and qualified assistance
Ironic post
wuk honestly makes me so sad please recast this fucking travesty it's honestly bad and not in an endearing way. This sounds like esteban winsmore levels of voice acting.
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They literally told us this was a vacation expansion
They told us multiple times

Why are you surprised about it being nothing but filler???
Taking a break from 4chan for a week or two and coming back to it is a great way to get a reality check on how this website really behaves.
If it was one or two that's believable but in the context of the picture lolno.
Alphinaud and Wuk are both odd as fuck.
How many times are you going to make this pathetic cope post
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Stormblood had a lot more solo duties where you're doing stuff too. Especially the last part was a gauntlet of them leading up to the last dungeon.
That said, the two Gulool Ja fights were cool, full mechanics and everything. I guess it's a give/take when it came to them.
But I feel like one of those "multiple cutscenes in progress" could've been something you play in.
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>attractive women
Do your vacations consist of standing around listening to some retard nepo authority figure spout empty platitudes all day because that sounds like work
I never really thought Lyse was bad in SB during the "gotta get allies" part as the fact she's dumb and naive was tempered by the people around her telling her she's too dumb and naive regarding getting people to stand with the liberation army.
The part where Conrad names her as the new leader was when it started getting dumb as she's not leader material and never really becomes it even by the end of SB.

Wuk on the other hand just has everybody be her cheerleader and she steals credit for things the WoL does.
So which part of it was a vacation exactly?
They also said that this was the meatiest expansion ever anon
Go back to Twitter
I just noticed Alisaie has been sitting down for all three expansion group artworks.

Stand up you lazy bitch.
>he never went on a vacation with his parents
there was a time where statistics wouldn't be taken seriously until the methodology behind them was clear
>study by the ADL
>The only thing that happened was Thancred Double Downing a boulder on your path in Zormor
I'm thinking they really wanted to use ascians again but decided against it at the last second
what? you don’t trust the adl?
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
We did already though. We did some exploring in the god realm and then we got a vacation island courtesy of Tataru.
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>Anti-Defamation League
I did for a week or two but with how many goddamned checkmarks regurgitate dumb bullshit from /v/ and /tv/ and /pol/, it really didn't change a lot.
>how was gaming with your friends, honey
>wierd. someone named "herschel" from the "ADL" asked me if i was being harassed in the game and I said "yeah, by some faggot named herschel" and he thanked me
I almost feel that is why they hired a tranny, so they could use them as a shield.
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I don't understand how FF9 fits in any of this outside of some of the buildings vaguely looking like they're from the game
>no no there's some autistic plot parallels that only fart sniffers would consider
>and there's a knight... uh... lizard... robot!
Maybe you should auto-block them like your idol does.
>"study" by jewish supremacist pedophiles
that's what they'd want you to believe, yes.
>nobody ever lived a good life, faggot, stop whining
Doomers lost. Misogynists lost. Transphobes lost.

DT > EW > ShB > SB > HW > ARR

And it's not up for debate.
people liked memberberries back when they were smartly integrated so now they're just bludgeoning them in
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>that fuck knew that the crops were dying because the float was broken and not being used properly and just sat on that information and was completely willing to just let the hanu starve to death just so that revelation could be part of this stupid royal vanity contest to pick the next leader.
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I've met zero players around my age in this game what makes the ADL think 10-17 year olds play this shit.
Maybe try Reddit or Neogaf where everything non-woke is censored.
Doomers won. Misogynists won. Transphobes won.

ARR > HW > SB > ShB > EW > DT

And it's up for debate.
It's more of an FFX expansion with the last area being similar to Dream Zanarkand
I just remembered at some point they also said they were gonna use this expansion to give Thancred a new focus of some sort since ever since he managed to get forgiveness from Minfilia and raise Ryne he's just been kinda empty.

Well what can I saw, at the VERY LEAST he did have the one and only cool moment any Scions had this expansion, when he surprise attacks with WoL's perfect coordination.
maybe try it yourself so you can get new posts to put on endless repeat
Imagine building your entire personality around recency bias
Why, do you think he could just culturxplain the Hanu their own tradition!? The gall of that.. He'd have to smash his head on a rock!
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>taps the sign
It’s all intentional to not let them overshadow the heckin diverse culture
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You know the last time we actually went places that weren't destroyed before we got there was ARR and I'm being generous considering ARR's gimmick was everything got shitfucked at the end of el classico
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For people who is done with it and actually want to share a good opinion

Post your tier list. Just base game no mid patch story

I don't what the fuck you're talking about but I'm starting to regret promising my friends I'd resub and play the new expansion with them...
sound like qualified experts in harassing children
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Member Alexandria?
Member Lindblum?
I'm just trying to help you find a safespace, no hostilities needed
Does she still drop hints on future shit?
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>tfw the expansion didn't overhaul every single aspect of the game to cater to my wild fantasies as to what a low-stakes adventure entails
I can't believe Dawntrail is the same as Endwalker, Shadowbringers, Stormblood, Heavensward and ARR..... bros....

Are we retarded?
ShB > HW > EW > power gap > SB = DT > ARR
How many times are you gonna post this, retard?
They know these companies are awful
They have to bend the knee or they'll get fucked by the cabal
Japan is finished, the kikes are already weaponizing payment processors against them
Did zoraal ja even do the bird crop trial at all?
ShB > HW > EW > SB > DT = ARR
Is there a place where I can see the new housing shit?
shb >> hw > arr >> ew >>>>> sb >> dt
>People are really too dumb to understand a mentorship story?
Blade and Soul did a mentorship story far better than this
Shut the fuck up retard
You mean like >>681546921 ?
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no really i insist you'll fit right in with all the other chromosome swallowers on reddit that think they're in a biker gang just because they say "based" a lot all day
I crave Eorzea, I hope it gets attacked or something by some nation that had a shard get infused and linked them or something.
Reddit has been pushing this "shounen protag" meme for awhile now.
SB > HW > ARR >>>>>>>>>>>> SHB > EW > DT
I am of the genuine, sincere, no bullshit opinion that ARR was better than this and the Titan quest everyone always keeps shitposting about would have been a more adequate and well thought out way to do the low stakes vacation-style adventure to restart the plot of the game and start easing back later into high stakes.
Who cares. Shut up and focus on Wuk, incel.
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>interdimensional fusion
>Really cool
>Shonen protag
Pick one, nigger.
Thancred doesnt try to kill himself, Yshtola doesnt actually kill herself, Estinien fuck knows he just left
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>filters casters
>filters pinglets
>filters brainlets
best dungeon
Why would that be a good thing even
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Why do Hrothgar women desire Hyur men?
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We will never get the second half of the asia expansion.
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I think people that played arr when it actually came out rate it higher than those that started around stormblood/shb
No and it's not stated if he even got a keystone for it. It's not the first one that actually has a failure condition either, the cooking competition theoretically would screw him and Bakool out of the contest permanently. He also got his seer's help with the alpaca hunting too which was expressly forbidden to Wuk so it's not exactly like all the electors are impartial.
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didn't they add female Hrothgar this expansion? i haven't seen a single player walk around as one
actually, the only NPC i've seen as a fem hrothgar is wuk lamat
looks like someone needs to get their noggin on
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Wuk Lamat is cute while you're a ghoulish man who will hit the wall harder than a meteorite. Your ploy to claim the character because of the diversity hire EN voice actor is obvious and laughable, just like your crude attempt at being a woman.
I started in ShB (yes, you may proceed to call me a baby). I still hold that opinion. ARR wasn't THAT bad.
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>Dawntroons are positioning themselves to shit on ShB/EW in order to deflect from how much of a disaster DT has been
Fun times ahead
Because reddit obsesses over shitty modern shounen anime like JJK or Boruto
That's me, i'm based
No sane player wanted them, its a tiny minority of freaks, like Vulpera on WoW
It was. ARR gets a lot of shit but it has some high moments that set the bar for this series which passed the baton very well into heavensward. It wasn't perfect by any means, but it achieved what it needed to and set the groundwork for the world quite well.

ARR is better than Dawntrail
ShB > HW > EW > DT > SB > ARR
I thought even shounen retards didn't actually like shounen protagonists most of the time either that's why they all tard out over Sasuke and Vegeta
tfw no hrothgar wife
I've never met anyone who liked shb the most who cared about eorzea
see >>681547479
hey buddy, I wouldn’t gatekeep this shit game. I actually kind of miss the arr msq roulette dungeons being 8 man tho
I fucking hate recency bias cucks.
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No but seriously this is a worse Penacony

Except there's no Firefly to latch on your nuts
are you a male hyur?
It's so fucked reading these threads weeping with the credits in the background having just finished it

The amount of relentless shitting of every aspect of Dawntrail is fucking shameful for a xiv thread. Imagine investing thousands of hours into creating a product and having everyone call it the worst thing ever because their WoL can't just genocide their problems away

Name ONE reasonable negative thing about wuk lamat that isnt "le tranny"
>you don't care about le fictional world!
Grow up
Plenty of people like shounen protags.
That said I wouldn't say Boruto and JJK qualifies as the kind of standard shounen that has mainstream appeal.
they are also calling anyone who liked ShB/EW a ''wowfag"
not really a fair comparison, arr only really picked up towards the end of the patch cycle (other then coil) which dawntrail doesn't have yet.
Sphene is just a worse Emet Selch
Wuk is Firefly except she only latches on to the plot's nuts rather than (You)rs. I hate them both.
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No Sporkle either...
try posting without crying and then I'll answer
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I miss the non-important Scions..
You know, the old elezen grandpa guy, Hoaring boulder, coultenet, the twins and so on...

Hell, I even miss that wheelchair retard.
>cyberpunk bioshock ghost city of the future!!!!!!!!!

>still has range stoves and frying pans


It's kind of weird when people talk about ARR being a slog when it has so many dungeons and shit, and yeah they all suck fucking shit now because of skill purging and level sync power creep but they didn't back then.
I liked ShB most (though it's a close matchup with HW) and I still honestly like Eorzea more than Norvrandt. I mean, Norvrandt is literally just a smaller Eorzea with worse maps, less characters, and all of them repeating the same "We're depressed and need to get rallied against the sin eaters" plot.
But we did just genocide our problems away
What's your point, tranny?
mary sue, though I suppose it is more correct to call him a gary stu. sick is this dumb nigger cat facing no real adversity and everyone sucking his damn cock like he’s royalty and getting showered with immediate praise for doing nothing. if your biggest character arc is “wow I didn’t realise that X was Y because I wasn’t woke enough” it’s pretty shit
Does Amazon sell the Mtn Dew bottles with the exclusive points to get the Mountain Zu mount? If so, which one?
>Name ONE reasonable negative thing about wuk lamat that isnt "le tranny"
I didn't play in EN dub so that isn't an issue.
All the interactions of the MSQ, except for some parts with Sphene, going through her with you not even needing to be there is shit.
So is the need to bring her up constantly even when she's elsewhere like when you finally leave her behind for a while to go to Shaaloani.
>Name ONE reasonable negative thing about wuk lamat that isnt "le tranny"
this has been done multiple times in the past 72 hours
So what exactly was this guy's problem?

Like seriously, the Saturday Morning cartoon race supremacist gets a redemption arc, and this guy is a a trial boss and voiced by Daisuke Ono in the JP dub but gets no actual development or background?
daddy didn't love him as much as the adopted kids
Only incels browse these threads for 72 hours straight
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Hilariously enough this was the perfect time to turn Hoary Boulder/Coultenet/Aenor into bigger characters but NOPE SCION REHASH ONLY WITH NO SOUL
Daisuke ono is fucking expensive man, they needed to get rid of him ASAP.
some autist needs to go through the quest log and count how many times "talk to wuk lamatt" shows up
all me baby
thousand maws was a shit dungeon, and so was aurum vale, none of the the arr dungeons were really fun and the only notable thing I can think of was stone vigil ice sprites heart surprisingly hard.
What the fuck is a fucking "filler story" you retard?
HW was a good story, well written, with defined well made characters.
>mass replytard can't even click the right posts
Daddy issues and racism
Yes, but you have to contact them and speak with Wuk Lamat
sigh... here we go again
let me explain it in brainlet terms for you
>dad is the perfect king loved by everyone
>be his sole heir
>born without his distinct strength of having two heads
>have to compete with your adopted siblings
>develop daddy issues where zarool ja has to constantly prove himself
>ends up projecting that malice onto his son

seriously... media literacy is dead
Massive inferiority complex over being born as a miracle-birth to another miracle-birth and doing whatever it takes to prove he's as good as his father and failing that his siblings.
It's pretty spelled out in his fight and subsequent scene even if it was vague up to that point.
too many zones in arr, too much running, and going around unlocking the primals was super fucking tedious
the negativity in these threads seriously makes me nauseous. this fanbase has gotten so rotten and disgusting
Totorak is the one that is actually crap but don't be talking shit about Aurum Vale bitch ass nigga
>HW is literally a filler story
It contains Estinien's story who will later be a Scion, it directly leads into Ilberd acquiring Nidhogg's eyes and starting the war with Garlemald, it has you rescuing the lost Scions, it has Lahabrea's final death, it introduces Varis, and fuck you, Dragonsong was amazing.
Reddit repost bot.
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The ability of FF14 players to want better representation and a better handling of cultures shown in Dawntrail's setting while also complaining because it inevitably takes *time* to do so in a way that feel respectful and genuine is fascinating.
Other expansions managed.
Estinien is literally a filler character though. He has no impact on the overarching narrative other than "looking cool"
If they wanted to be "respectful" they wouldn't have forced a ball and chain on you the entire time
I'm the one asking for lizards and giant dudes to be in my party, faggot.
Looking cool already makes you a lot better than most.
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>other than "looking cool"
to be fair thats literally a dragoons only job
Holy fuck, the marketing for this expansion is a HUGE scam.
Literally no other expansion had this "problem", as they showed the story and the culture of the zones you were in by simply being there, instead of force feeding it to you in an unnatural way.
This is not hard to understand, idiot.
Estinien literally saved us from the black rose that was gonna kill EVERYONE.
This faggot is literally just reposting twitter posts
Uhh, where's Wuk?
>Name ONE reasonable negative thing about wuk lamat that isnt "le tranny"

>She overshadows Krile and Erenville who basically only get 3 cutscenes each for the entire expansion
>Despite taking so much screentime, she doesn't really have a character arc, nothing about her really changes. Her progression is quite weak and feels like instead of grow as a person or character, she just sorta made us do everything and took the credit
>She's very Hildebrand-esque in that she feels like a gag character, XIV humor is a mixed bag. Food Humor, Sea Sick Humor, she's just generally kinda a retard
>She's very childish, when you see how much weight is put on previous ruling characters like Aymeric, Nanamo, Crystal Exarch, fuck literally anyone, she seems to just think its all "PEACE LOVE" and nothing else. I'm glad they were forced to stick Kana in as president as well because her doing anything other than her Wukisms of "PEACE LOVE LET ME GET TO KNOW U" basically doesn't even fit the character.
>Despite this narrow world view, she's rewarded for it and is made leader with very, very little resistance from just about anyone.

tl;dr: she's loud, childish, annoying, takes up air time and doesn't actually contribute to the story all that much. The standout characters were the lizards, it would have been a better story without wuk
Zeno did, technically
I'm sorry... I said I didn't want allagans or ascians but I apologize. I'll take them, I swear I'll take them again
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I will talk all the shit about it I want, it was long, people pulled the patrolling mobs on accident. When people were pullings the mobs to the boss door and getting someone else to pull so they got locked outside you know you have a shit dungeon.
I know you ate fruits at 2 on the first fruit boss and 3 at the second because you could run out of timing, I know that you get way more exp if you let the morbal pods hatch for some reason. I was there when it was fresh and it's always sucked.
isnt that what most threads here are anyway? the internet is just one group of people pretending to be separate groups while bots fill the rest.
>marketing two characters who were barely in the expansion
what did Wukshi P mean by this?
it’s so fucking grim that the dawntrail apologists don’t have enough media literacy to realize they’re being spoken to like a 5 year old by the writing
oh. my. science!
why did the new character get more screentime than already established characters we've been wanking for the last then years!
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tranny rights are men's rights, you bigot
Please don't compare her to Hildebrand, he's a fucking legend and gets things done on his own.
The expansion is not THAT bad. The problem is 100% Wuk but once you get to level 93 or so the rest of the crew can carry the plot and she gets a bit less annoying.
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she is a mary sue, they keep mentioning that she has all these flaws but we never see those flaws hold her back and her becoming stronger to over come them, everyone loves her, despite "being the weakest" she with no training overcomes all opponents, despite being "the dumbest" all of her ideas work and is shown to be more understanding of her people than the other "smarter" people.
I just wanted to wander the land and discover new things in a simple adventure like promised but i had to babysit a cat instead and listen to exposition about why being nice to people is good and cultures with different values should get along, wow what deep thought such good writing.
the fact that you are ignoring this means you are a fucking retard that is emotionally invested in this because "MY HECKING WHOLESOME TRANNY CAT" you and other like you who fail to understand basic writing principles should not comment on story when you lack all critical thinking skill,
TL:DR you should kill yourself now.
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>the spics eat tacos
>the whites eat steak with ketchup
>10 years

>fetal alcohol syndrome is the fountain of youth
wuk never goes away thoughbeit
t. Republican eternally seething some random tranny on twitter made fun of his cult
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This is a valid woman chud!!!!
The issue isn't Wuk aside from dubfags.
It's almost every other character basically ignoring you in favor of Wuk at all times.
She goes away in Shaoolani.
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Why is this board so obsessed with transsexuals?
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Anything lacking Sparkle is confirmed bad.
>Adventure awaits
Oh yeah, that fucking "inferiority complex" that she completely gets over with after a talk and then suddenly she's stronger than someone that was able to almost break her axe with just one blow.
The defence force get extremely fucking mad if you call her a Mary Sue, seen a steam review get sperged at for using the term
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WHAT the fuck was his problem?
>random tranny
That is literally Wuk Lamat's VA
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fuck!!! dawntrail bros??
Which is the shortest arc in the MSQ, then it's right back to being handcuffed to Wuk for the rest of the expansion
Except she keeps coming back to be the main character after the 4th map.
If she had fucked off after the first half it would have been salvageable.
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Until she fucking killsteals on the final trial. That shit was horrid, you think it's finally your turn to be main character again and pull out the Azem crystal and then poochie shows up at the last second.
Basically WoW storytelling, then.
usually the terms they sperg the hardest at are the most accurate ones
>can’t have a period
>can’t bear a child
>can’t breastfeed
>can’t have a vagina
>can’t be a woman
>can’t live to be 50
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This dumbass take explains a lot.
Kill yourself
Kill yourself schizo.
jotaro had mad daddy issues
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I don't play FF XIV I just want to fuck this cat
It was an Estinien/Gaius/Zenos team effort.
Well, surprise team on Zenos' side.
>Metacritic scores up soon
>First two are up

We’re going yellow this time
it hasn’t been 24 hours and you’ve already replaced final solution nine with a new boogeyman

not him, but i'm a lefty and i think putting this troon in as the main character is absurd. his voice is worse than jar jar, at least jar jar was funny
>must... fight in the culture war! must... DEFEND DAWNTRAIL AT ALL COSTS!!!
Sadly they take every chance to sideline the rest and you stick with her. IF she and the catboy had switched later and she was the resolve to defend the city while he went to learn as the head of reason that alone would have been a great break from her.
Yeah pretty much.
Sphene still recognizes you so the end of the expansion is better about it but prior to Alexandria it's all Wuk all the time and the only ones who even register you as taking part in the story are Wuk, the Scions and Bakool Ja Ja.
Grummz is not exactly a "new" thing, nor is he a boogeyman.
same. especially if shes as retarded as people claim.
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Talk to Wuk Lamat? Why, yes. I'd love to chat with my wife again.

Leave woke lemutt to me.
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I cared about Meffrid more than anyone in DT
Yiff in hell, furfaggot
I want to impregnate the retard
>nor is he a boogeyman
he is when you bring him up constantly rent free
>linking twittershit
Mcfucking kill yourself.
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>Next Live letter Yoshida rolls out the crocodile tears
>Wuk is immediately sidelined in the post story for Erenville adventures with the cup leading to the next expansion, which involves the void and Zero again in Shadow Italy
>Wuk is never seen again
Owari da. https://www.metacritic.com/game/final-fantasy-xiv-dawntrail/
Grummz the Grifter
>so long as people remember they're never really gone
>nobody remembers because of memory management
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I didn't spend money on a bad expansion
>kate defense force has ran out turf to astro so now they are just posting porn to derail the thread
Mah man.
I'll be honest, Krile got so fucked over I was certain that when she couldn't use the earring, it would be Wuk who could either use it, or got access to the last zone making the earring pointless. That's how badly any character that wasn't Wuk was given anything to do.
Who cares if its filler, is it good filler or not?
HW is literally as good as the story gets, it was all downhill after, nigger
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Now that the dust has settled, how do we feel about viper?
Do you enjoy it?
Do you feel it was worth the inclusion?
Are you content that it was viper and not corsair as everyone originally believed?
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Fragmentlayer's main use is compiling other dipshits like AminnSouheil, bluedragonda3rd and Duckydapper because he keeps retweeting them.
>grummz is not publically shit talking the game
>now people are going to use him as a example of people who are unhappy with the game
The strawmans and gaslighting is going to be rough for a few months huh
Dogshit job, should have been Corsair.
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I just want to fuck the cat there's nothing deeper than that
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Erenville is an overrated character whose intrigue was carried by him being cool and mysterious
But Dawntrail showed it to be him just being autistic and having no life experience outside sorting through literal animal feces

He has nothing more to show as a character. Nothing in his backstory, nothing of interest to note. He's a walking zoologist that's so autistic he can barely talk
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A real guy who I can point to is not a boogeyman.
Remember when Azys Lla was actually relevant to anything that happened after the expansion and not a dead zone the second you were done the original MSQ there
It's shit, I will play ninja forever
He's just popular with the nip women because his VA is Kirito.
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when you call people ADHD retards for not being able to follow Stormblood or DT this is who you're being mean to btw
>Omg dawntrail is so boring this expansion is just filler nothing really matters
I had fun with Dawntrail, heh :)
stupid frog you don't get it, he's going to be a main character next expansion when a new job gets revealed and it turns out he's been practicing and pulls out the new weapons.
It's not a nipple so it's fine
The Sahagin child delivers a better line read after the 99 trial than Wuk Lamat does throughout the entire game. It actually got some emotion outta me
Judgebro status?
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Wasn't Ishikawa supposed to be supervising

This is a colossal fuckup
Damn, can't wait to see him take a bigger role, Krile was so good in DT's MSQ!
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the final ACK was upon us
>golden city is just the 12th floor of a tower
Famous oxymorons
>dry water
>honest politician
>legitimate Dawntrail criticism
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>Wukkie cucked me out of the best part of this expansion
I will never recover from this one.
Fast as fuck, fun as fuck. MNK and NIN fags in the shed
>washed up nobody with no story or character arcs left
so he's perfect for the scions
I assume you're playing with the shit-tier ameridub.
Because Wuk really isn't badly VA:d in Japanese.
Been dead since Law's Order armor.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure both she and Oda show up as supervisors or some similar title in the credits
why was he the narrator again
5.3 was August 2020 and was the last time we had a story that was universally enjoyed, almost four years to the day
What the fuck was everything post 6.0?
I’ve been bored for a year. Two more years of this? No thanks migga
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every single ffxiv player is a tranny cuck anyway so no harm done
I don't know where people keep taking that Raubahn is made the head. There is no scene where Raubahn is made head of anything. The scene where she decides to stay in Ala Mhigo happens completely separate of all the other leaders, it's just Nanamo in there with him in that scene where they both cry, and afterwards Lyse just says he's a general. A general is not a head of state (at least in most democratic states).
Wuk Lamat will join the Scions
AOV proves you wrong on that second point. Maybe change it to honest white poltician sis
do you think hiroi thought about it for more than 5 minutes?
It's the Kirito class NIN haters wanted. Too bad it has no damage or raid utility.
>english dub
Yes, random tranny.
Wait that's a woman?
Pretty good, yeah. Needs some potency buff, but it's not bad.
I think she actually got a pretty decent bit in the final zone, shit pacing aside. she deserves a big I fucking told you so moment when her requests about the golden city get repeatedly sidelined until it fucked everything over.
I've heard people say it was low on damage, and in one of my roulettes I saw a bard outdamage it while the bard was undergeared. The viper was probably a shit player, but it needs a buff.
worst job they have ever added. Only other new job I've actively disliked as much as it was RDM
Yes she is voiced by a Japanese woman
>volcano region is a combat area
>I already know we aren't actually going to do any fighting there though
Hey guys check out my expansion idea
>The final zone is a long lost civilization memorialized by the main antagonist
>The final dungeon is further memories of that civilization narrated by the main antagonist
>The final trial features an axe-wielding ally barging in to help you out at the last minute
>The antagonist's final words are about remembering them and their people
>The final scene shows the sun rising over the now destroyed ancient civilization
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Honestly Hoyo should swoop in now that XIV is fucking up and release an MMO. They've proven themselves with Genshin and HSR, they're more than capable of running an MMORPG.
Ninja is the coolest job with sick animations, vipers are kinda lame honestly. Also fuck you for turning our tome gear into stupid leather coats.
Its flashy but RPR does what it does better to me
When's the next live letter or whatever?
krile got so fucked over bros. They should just make Erenville a beastmaster and shove him in limited job sidequest purgatory
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A mistake almost as bad as wuk itself
the job is incredibly boring and it's just NIN but soulless
it's braindead unga bunga under the pretense of being "fast" but it's just doing brainless shit, like a clicking game being "fast"
it will cater to a very small sector of people that are basically tasteless
I really wanted to like it, I truly did, I even collected scouting gear in preparation for it but they dropped the ball extremely hard and I regret leveling it

Imagine if we had what looked like Corsair in the trailer, a reverse red mage that is both melee and ranged with a saber and a gun
>Zepla is the top XIV streamer rn with 12K viewers
B-b-b-but she played the wizard game! Forum trannies, what happened???
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>Thank you for joining us, Vow Wuk Lamat! I understand the responsabilities. I understand it's hard to rule people, but rulers (Pause) should protect their citizens at all costs (Close-up). I would do anything to protect them, and their memories.
>What was t-
>Nothing! How about we go see the hot-dog stand?
Hmmm... I feel like this character might not be that well intentionned...
Even the VAs for female characters had meat
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This is just making me think of how awful the lava in LotA looks now, can they at least make it this bright
i dont know what any of that shit means
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>final arc to face the big bad and save le world
I'm fucking floored, this shit has to be deliberately malicious
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The job has literally nothing going for it for theming. It's... dual swords and a twinblade, I guess. It's themed around snakes, supposedly, but that only comes through in snake scale particles on some moves and the LB3, and the snake fang imagery of its job crystal and icon, and that's pretty much it. Viper's artifact armor isn't anything of ancestral significance to the profession, it's literally just a set the guy commissioned from the Weaver's guild because he needed new threads. I very much doubt it was supposed to be a Tural job, at first. Hell, for all of that I don't think it was even supposed to be a snake job. It has the feel of something that didn't have a strong central idea, which is especially weird because it's most likely a Zidane reference in its choice of weaponry; I'm not sure why they didn't just make it a Zidane job and put in Scoop Art, Meo Twister, etc., it occupies the same armor slot as Ninja (which starts as Rogue, AKA Thief) for a reason.

Gameplay wise it's a pretty cool take on ideas from both Gunbreaker and Reaper, with a small dash of Samurai. It's very interesting to get a job that actually, specifically *wants* you to double-weave and has a slightly slower GCD speed on skills that prompt it to make it easier on higher latencies. It feels like a response for people that bitched about Reaper being slow before it gets Enshroud, and a love-letter to people that wanted a DPS spec for Gunbreaker or just wanted it to be a red job.
They never develop this in cutscenes to any capacity
You just have to assume it
The development is literally a toothpick's worth. What am I playing, Elden Ring? Let me read 5 minutes of no voiced cutscene text like everything else in this game
It's fucking stupid? Zenos in Stormblood wasn't even this bad either. At least his singular dimension was SOMETHING
>Gachaslop MMO
>The AF gear sets have hard pity at 100 pulls
>$20 per 10 pulls
>dyes and glamour prisms are $5 in packs of 5
>Trust NPCs are rolled for
>To level them you need duplicates
I can already see it.
it's simple, but fairly fast. I like it, but potency-wise wise it's kind of fucked at the moment.
I really like Pictomancer. But it might be a bit overtuned
did they really finish kriles arc? didnt she want to find out about her grandpa did they really finish that in 15 mins worth of focus?
Even as the star of DT she's still female, and they know who their target audience is.
Based! Give 'em hell, Grummzyboy!
Kirito JP VA is voicing Hermes/Fandaniel, not Erenville
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>dawntrail haters are hoyofags
you should genshit yourself
It's poopy. Picto on the other hand is fantastic
Get to know the people you are going to delete from existence, because fuck you we want to waste your time.
I genuinely would've rather spent the MSQ leapfrogging between 30 different near one-off npc's like swaths of early and mid ARR doing busy work but still learning about the world in bite size pieces, and then occasionally being called upon by the scions to do main plot scenarios for whatever reason in dungeons/ trials, than having to babysit Wuk for the entirety of my "adventure"
fuck it im down, at this stage ill take gacha level writing
WoL fucking knew something was up but didn't do anything.
If they bring Zero back its just further proof they have learned nothing. She was a dogshit character and one of the worst in all of FFXIV. At least with SB they managed to somewhat correct course and airdrop Raubahn in to fix the narrative mess of having someone with absolutely no leadership ability somehow be in charge of a newly liberated country. How do you even fix Wuk going forward?
>uhmm why didnt my WoL just murder her at the slightest hint of suspicion
based zenos pilled retard
>gacha mmo where you have to swipe for gear and items
oh wait that's literally just black desert online, why are gacha fags so retarded their entire basis on playing these games is purely on their addiction to gambling.
people watching the required 6 hours they need for the new mount
lol he's just reposting everything that gets posted here
hey grummz, i know you're browsing this thread
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COR would've saved the expansion
Her entire story arc is boring and unimaginative with her being just a generic as fuck shounen protag down to her insatiable need for food. On top of that she's a naive retard and devoid of any actual character development because her shtick of muh friendship and harmony conveniently works out every time so there's not even a need for her to grow. She also takes precious screentime away from Krile and even Erenville, who have been with us longer and deserve some proper characterization considering their lack of it so far.
i'm only glad Krilefags got shit on again, they're annoying
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>do all the actual work
>Poochie shows up and gets in the last hit
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Not seeing a lot of fantasy in this shitass modern city themepark.
grummz is a fat asian loser and a failure of a man with no girlfriend or wife
What server? Exodus has a good number of them.
sis your italian buildings?
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>Alternatively, you can do content for primogems
Yup, I think Hoyo would win MASSIVELY if they invested in MMOcoin.
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My wife Maya deserved her expansion and it was stolen by wuk
>the Saturday Morning cartoon race supremacist gets a redemption arc
Bakuul never believed in it, he merely pretended for his people. Zoraal fully believed he was as good as people wanked him to be and got mind broken when he got shat on by the two other children.
they genuinely need to remake the last trial cutscene i'm not even joking, just remove her involvement from the trial entirely.
BTFO by pictomancer.
At last corsair is probably coming out next expansion unless they want to make another OC dogshit job.
But that remind me, did they give lalas their bellybutton back?
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>do the most soul sucking mundane non content dailies for 5 pimogems and have to save up for weeks to do get 1 (one) think you want
>She's not THE leader
>She's A leader!
>It's TOTALLY different and means everything you said is now invalid!
Can't believe all the dooming about Kate and the trannycat turned out even worse in reality
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>Dubfags have such terrible taste that they would actually like the expansion if Wuk was voiced by a British woman.
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Koana going "btw Wuk intends to offer you a job in her new kingdom :)" devil triggered me
Check out my expansion idea

>WoL goes on vacation to a recently founded golden saucer style resort
>You shoot the shit with the scions and arrive
>1st dungeon is a event run with caught animals and challengers because your the fucking warrior of light and they want you to have fun
>2nd dungeon is pissed off pirates or something that want to plunder the area with a questline introduces some new pirate lord
>trial could be a primal or age old enemy that wants to flood the coast due to to pirate bullshit or something so you need to save the resort.
>bring in characters form limsa or those guys from the jade sea and have some pirate vs pirate stuff going on for some duties
but that's enough fanfiction for now
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>Role Waiting List: After 50
put her in the banished from ever being relevant shed
she also outdpses your party
god i want her skull to get fucking caved in
meant for >>681547884
>no healer friend
You fucked up anon
I miss the trancer discourse
This expansion had a ton of work put into it as a whole. Virtually every aspect is a step up except for the writing of the MSQ, which I'd describe as unfettered garbage outside of a handful of moments.
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>He doesn't have abyss
>He doesn't have IT
>He doesn't fish
Oh know know know know!
>the co-sovereign of a nation that attacked you and was present herself as they slaughtered elderly and children in your capital city, with attacks deliberately aimed at civilians in general
So what is the actual threshold for kill/capture a target if this isn't it?
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>arent you le sad when ppl die :(
Gee I wonder why Hiroi's theater gig went bust
>FFXIV players skip over good story while defending dog shit like DT.
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Oh noooooooo
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>senior story designer
Ishikawa and Oda didn't supervise shit
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There's some Japanese cast members that they keep adding characters so they have a role in nearly every expansion like Sayaka Ohara, and then there's Eri Kitamura who I'm pretty sure they killed off Papalymo just to get rid of
when I was a kid it used to be 100% in every game, and it was better that way.
Please stop making stupid people famous
Always the fucking hroth players. Gatekeep furries before literally anything else.
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I'm so confused on how to keybind it that I pretty much just slam buttons in my tribe quests. I haven't even completed the job quest that "teaches" you the job.

Holy fuck I cannot into a job that has combos where 75% of the attacks cannot be assigned to the hotbars. I'm sure I'll be fine when I make a concentrated effort but I'm Pictomancer 100 and I had that job mostly locked down right after I picked it up.
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>I skipped it lol
Typical SB hater, or reddit npc as I call them
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Honestly, pornposting is a lot better than seeing the same posts over and over. Kate trannies and doomers can all go seethe and dilate alongside trancers and the venat schizo.
heres my expansion idea
>b team scion expansion
>go to vietnam and have fun with grandpa elf and arianne
>arrianne trying to become a better scion while grandpa getting ready to retire
>meet atori nagae who has a horrible eorzean accent have fun with that
>wol tags along to get a report from arriane
>shit happens
>wol and arriane and grandpa and atori do stuff.

>do this with the other bteam scions as well
>hoary and elf in corvois but with no graha tia
>aenor and roe and clemence focusing on teh sisters and aenors horniness
>riol in merycydia
>bartender in garlemalder
>the two roes in teh viking roe island do some sort of epic viking quest wol kiills an even bigger wolf or odin equivalent.

there thats my expansion.
I love Lyse, it only took Wuktrail to open my eyes.
>Anti Defamation League

what do they actually even do?
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If you didn't pick the mean option for every single dialogue choice involving wookie (especially if you played english) you didn't beat Dawntrail.
>tfw no samurai gf to give you quickdraw handjobs
That rope is not taut. This cat is merely pretending to commit suicide. Possibly for attention.
>Game is practically the only thing keeping Square out of the red when their AAAs are floundering and their gachas can't fool any whales
>Still cutting corners by poaching talent for boondoggles and replacing them with retards who write like they're still 16
I do expect them to make it better long-term with patch storylines.
Still doesn't change that around 70% of the expansion MSQ felt extremely weak. Neither good enough as a storyline on it's own nor great as an area-introduction like in ARR. (except arguably for Alexandria)
Never been a big fan of "here's why you should like the villains and now you have to kill them there's nothing you can do about it" shit. Hopefully in this case we actually see some sphene patch content.
>league not mentioned
obviously bought out
>Your only options are murder or nothing
You should really work on growing a second braincell before trying to call people names, retard.
if you take a look at my screenshot folder you'd know how much I love lyse
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>It gets good at lvl93
>It gets good at lvl95
>It gets good at lvl97
>It gets good at lvl99
>It gets good post-MSQ
>it gets good in 7.X
>it gets good in 8.0
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I've never disliked Lyse that much t b h, the worst character in SB was Hien
Nigger it introduces the warriors of darkness you fucking fag
>players under 25 playing a subscription based MMO
Kek good one
Just got to Arizona
It's safe to just skip cutscenes from this point on right
dungeon bosses are unironically the highlight of 7.0
welcome to the WoW cope cycle, now in XIV flavor
No, what's with you fucking retards.
I need to say this but everyone i've ever seen complain about having to read too much in Dawntrail is american
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Holy RATIO’d lmao
>Shadowfetus literally cannot comprehend a story if it doesn't prominently feature ascians.
Arizona is one of the better parts.
Hiroi beheading at next live letter
this was always the cope for xiv though lol
that's because you're playing on NA servers you fucking donkey
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>Krile saying "our" Dawnservants
I have yee'd my last haw
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Seriously what is with these fucking up outlines around water
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correct. Lyse actuallly has people that like her, no one gives a shit about Hien. And while we're on the subject of NPCs getting elevated above the player where's all the uprorar about Aymeric? Dude does nothing the whole story, gets kidnapped getting horsefart killed, then made president of the catholics after you kill the pope
we did do gencoide to the endless
>Go everywhere in America except Canada
I see how it is eh
The character needs to stand proud in the middle of a preferably large area, do a /smirk emote and proudly announce their evil plans to the characters. Preferably, one of the protagonists should yell "Why, you...!" and have the Warrior of Light do a ( 。 •̀ ᴖ •́ 。) expression to clearly show his distress over the situation. *Then* you're allowed to actually attack, assuming you've done the 10 quests or so of preparation beforehand, obviously.
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this character was my last hope for DT and apparently she's evil and dies
yeah, I'm thinking it's filler
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Updated Trueblood Mail looks great. Can't wait for the rest of the AF sets to get the same treatment.
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Everyone is rightfully shitting on Hiroi but I'm very curious to see how much of this retarded bullshit is Oda's fault.

Ishikawa should also be put on trial for rubberstamping this horseshit. Time for a fucking reckoning.
Yes then you can start posting uninformed takes on the msq like everyone else in here
Hmmm interesting. Jarvis, why aren't Ryne, Yshtola, Alisaie, Gaia, Ysayle, or Yugiri in this image?
That's exactly why I dropped it after 6.0, and every time I check in these threads from time to time they're always full of complaints about how awful the latest story is.
>why was he the narrator again
He's the local so it was either him or Wuk or else DEI cult would've had Yoshi's balls
I slay gods nigga I killed Ifrit at level 16 nigga I don't play second fiddle to some fugly cat NIGGA
ShB>HW>EW>SB>=ARR>powergap>B-Tier JRPG>DT
that was already posted you grifting twitter retard
Why would it be Oda's fault?
glad I dropped this finally at the end of EW, I just cared about zenos anyways by that point
I do gotta wonder how big are the filesizes now with the new expansion? it was already getting too annoying to put it in my SSD
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>get viper player in VEX
>the biggest shitter eating every mechanic
this is going to be a constant, isn't it
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his character archetype is a classic but I think they forgot to make flashback scenes for him being jealous of wuk/koana growing up
nooooo fuckkkkkk. Can this nigger just kill himself already
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>you won't engage with the story at all but you will take pot-shots at it
Welcome to what it's been like to be an Engage fan for the last year and a half.
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>You know how the majority of the job quests we ever wrote were boring, forgettable shit that completely waste the potential behind their concepts?
>Let's have the writers of those stories do the MSQ now.
oh 100% this explains where all of these fucking idiots in threads recently are coming from
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2 more weeks
trust in the plan
>lv 92 axe looks better than anything else in the expansion
skip until wuk comes back, then skip straight to end credits
I still can't quite get over how absurd his whole death was
>We can't fight it, I have to an hero myself to contain it!
>It breaks out nearly instantly anyway
>Omega just randomly bonks it and fucks off
>At the end Zenos who has been beating your ass throughout the expansion fuses with it and goes down like a bitch
Most worthless heroic sacrifice I've ever seen.
>textools back (and updated to be better)
>xivcombo back
>artisan back
>noclippy back
>ReAction back
>Chat Bubbles back
>Most mods just work outright

time for dawntrail to REALLY begin
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Straight men aren't this game's target audience unfortunately.
I am so goddamned mad about Samurai's changes, it got a wonderful 92 sword.
>new Manafont
I have only played BLM once since the update but Jesus fuck what a stupid button
oh fuck no I'm not gonna defend DT and Wuk anymore if it means I have to be allied with Engagers
methinks the /tv/ monkey doth protest too much
>where's all the uprorar about Aymeric? Dude does nothing the whole story
He's the one that welcomes you into Ishgard, who facilitates you, Alphinaud and Estinien leaving without making a fuss, who goes speak with Vidofnir and Hraesvelgr on behalf of all ishgardians, the one who confronts Thordan (his father) about the secrets and the primal plan, and in last instance the one who remodels ishgard's government once the church is no longer allowed to be in charge.

Yeah no, dude actually earned his fucking bread.
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yeah because DT was perfect and there was zero negativity before this dumbass tweeth
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I miss the ascians
This. First, it's discord raiders, and now they have the alt-right twitter army attacking Dawntrail too? The WoWfugees are getting REALLY desperate.
No but she's unsaveable unless we get some patch follow-ups.
yea aymerics trash. i was hoping the ew rolequest on ishgard would focus on artoriel a bit more.
Oh, Dalamud is back up?
>xivcombo back
No tf it isnt.
you will never fit in
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completely insufferable and plain irritating. Finally get a passport to cross the bridge to Texas and it fucking slaps until Lemutt shows up again.
It already was incredibly tiresome to watch a cutscene after beating the snake bird
Great, this grifting culture war retard and his subhuman goblin followers are going to completely poison the well on criticism of Dawntrail. Really fucking conductive to getting the changes we want to the game.
It's not like the xpack is a huge pile of shit, no it's the twitter guy sent his sycophants, that must be it!
hes retarded and doesnt know how to rule his own city. post hw is dogshit.
Don't forget Venat, the one who gets the biggest amount of pointless hate from a bunch of actually self-declared mysoginists.
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>transphobia defense already started
We can only hope
It's a GREAT button now, new changes mean we spend only two GCDs minimum in ice phase now.
It doesn't matter because Yoshitpiss only listens to JP players (and they don't like Wuk)
It gets worse!
people were tired of wuk latroon days before grummz and his retarded minions got wind of it (which was like an hour ago, check the catty, there are like 4 threads at least)
Anon, you're telling me people are buying the game, giving the ""wokist SE"" money, just to downvote it on steam?

How delusional are you nigger?
The closest thing we got to Leaf in the expansion is Tobli, and they killed that in the English script.
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>It's the WoW players
>It's the Discord raiders
>It's the Trancers
>It's the altright chuds
>It's the zoophiles
>It's the indians
>It's the ShBabies
>All of them are a single guy
Anything else to keep track of?
After all, Grummz has never been known for having a surging crowd of flying monkeys doing his bidding.
It's me.
tranny post.
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>>All of them are a single guy
That guy? It was me.
What do you mean?
Me when I literally cannot read a post before replying to it.
works on my machine

beta leaked
It's this guy
You will never be a real Ascian, trancefag.
another tranny post.
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I apologize WoWchads.
I'm so sorry
If you don't like Dawntrail you're a Trotskyist.
I had this in mind with Fordola, i dont even mind if they bring the gay nigga rabbit
What's the beta leak? Gimme gimme gimme.
keep crying
I kinda fell asleep at one point
is fountainjane gay?
>add a self insert oc
>make her the focus of the whole xpack
>Make an atrocious post
>Get called out
>Y-you didn't read! Here's this reddit image format to show how dumb you are!
Mom said it's my turn to vaguepost
In the JP script, he ends all his sentences with EEH?
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You forgot Doomers or Doomies.
she dies thanking Wuk
The story is trash, but the dungeons and trials have me hopeful that the fights will be more fun than the past couple of expansions. That's about the extent of my nuanced opinion right now because I've spent about 70 percent of my time playing crafting and gathering.
Why isn't /wowg/ shitting on us? Their general is nothing but on topic when they could be taking revenge for 2021.
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>love genki tomboys
>like Wuk Lamat
>hate how she gets written in the story
>hate trannies
>trannies try to claim Wuk because of a nepo hire

What did I do to deserve this suffering?
Grummz is on our side for this one, based
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grummz is an industry plant as a scapegoat to make genuine criticism look like its just /pol/ shit to normalfags
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DalamudBetaKind "apiX"
DalamudBetaKey "empanadas"
But I am.
One guy who says "the threads are full of retards" vs. five guys that say "Oh, so you think nobody hates the game, huh?"
This. He's the well-poisoning king.
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Isn't that sloth combo? I wanna condense the combos not let the game play itself...
"DalamudBetaKey": "burrito",
"DalamudBetaKind": "stg",
both at %appdata%\XIVLauncher\ in dalamudConfig.json
sorry bro stuck in role quest hell.
we're busy playing other games that aren't wow or xiv
leave them alone anon. I felt really bad seeing all the people raiding their threads (even though the memes were fucking hilarious)
Gotta test this to make sure it doesn't make mustard gas.
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Now this post is comedy
>One guy
That was you faggot, come on now.
And no, he's implying that this twitter post is WHY the thread is negative which is completely retarded.
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remember... remembird we once lived...
Both games are on a shituation who cares at this point, guild wars 2 migration might be soon
>roulette speeds magically increase
How many of you retards are using this shit. It's a day and night difference to yesterday. Gone from barely faster than trusts to altogether mechanic skipping.
The xpack sucks donkey dick, SB is better.
Grummz being an industry plant would imply he's been a part of any industry since 2005.
Too risky
Could potentially blow up back at them if WW also ends up bad
Now if WW ends up having a good plot (doubtful but who knows) things are really gonna get grim
Both work just try your luck anon.
>leveling trusts
Mine are stuck in ShB, I'm in a trust dungeon right now and it's fucking painful.
Everyone on PC cheats to some degree, and streamers encourage it
Nobody plays WoW for the story though.
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>600 replies
to think we started off as heavenshills we are now dawntrash
Everybody. One. Person.
>And no, he's implying that this twitter post is WHY the thread is negative which is completely retarded.
No, he's implying that Grummz asskissers are why the thread is bad. Which is still stupid to specifically pin blame on one thing.
It is, but you can use it to condense the combos without condensing everything, its fairly customizable. You can program it to do just what base xivcombo does.
I use it to collapse tank 123s/ aoes
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yup, they will swear it's the 'far right chuds' that hate the tranny and the game is actually a masterpiece
>play lalafell for the meme
>every other race feels wrong
>eventually go femlala
>cant switch off only switch to girlier lalafell
Anon leveling them doesn't affect that..
Death is not the end!
Don't forget about cactbot. That's the best one.
I played beta, the plot is fine. It does not treat you like a retard like DT so it will be seen as better
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strongest race in the game
It's not necessarily that DT's story is horrid it's just more that others were better.
Anon, the entire Warcraft universe is utterly fucked in terms of narrative and writing. It is functionally impossible to create a remotely decent story in the setting anymore. FFXIV's writing has been pretty bad for the last year or so. WoW's downward slide in writing is old enough to drive.
I see. Thank you.
I just want Y'Shtola in a swimsuit...
This but femra, neither too short or too tall
Give that to me. That thing. Your source...
I can't believe you people actually believe this
>Ilberd has been completely dead since the end of Heavensward.
>Ilberdposting has survived all this time even with the majority of current players joining in Shadowbringers.
>Even newfags come to love Ilberdposting.
It's not that large of a focus point but the shitposting was still about comparing the stories (see Shadowbringers vs Shadowlands)
It makes sense a "revenge" scenario would have WoW's plot be good to oppose it to DT

I'll take your word for it, idk how far the betas actually go in terms of plot though
>Bakuul Ja Ja
>Zuraal Ja
Who else should be on the based retard list?
ARR Gaius
It's easy when you do literally nothing wrong
ARR was horrible, I liked the more casual vibe to how the game started.
It also got better after the rework.
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He's that powerful.
Do we have a corsair Ilberd?
microsoft paint
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Beta goes through everything but the post-raid questline of launch. Launch is all about deposing an evil queen servant of the Void and liberating some robots. Nothing crazy. Next patch is probably about the famous Goblin megacity underground which is funny because it will line up perfectly with the Lala patch.
HW Pope.
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I am not asking.
What the fuck was this guy's problem?
I miss Fordola, she could be finding a cure for Arenvald and it wouldve been kino
Not enough milk
ran out of milk
Help me... I just put a pink bow on...
Inversion of Gaius
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Why only ARR Gaius?
same but Im doing it because i want to fuck femras
Because he stopped being retarded after ARR
Japanese humor! OHHH OHHHH YOOOOO! Raise the roof!
My lodestone portrait will never update
Pre-revamp ARR > DT unironically. The world building and plot were immensely better and you got to kill stuff between errands way more often.
im sorry
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How would you feel if DT relics are tome dump garbage again?
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As a milk appreciator myself, I'll tell you what it wasn't. Milk.

How can I tell, you ask? Because milk is literally boob juice and that's why I drink so much of it. Seeing as he was a pedo, attracted to flat chests, we can only conclude that the milk wasn't it, and it fact it was probably his own body's subconscious fight to turn him back to good and righteousness.
>hire GoT actor to voice him
>never use him again and write him out of the garlean story of endwalker
I mean the garlean empire made sense back then.
You're this super advanced civilization while these tribes are constantly meddling with fucked up demi gods that can destroy the world on a whim if anything goes wrong, why would you gamble your existence on them doing the right job and containing these things?
inferiority complex
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the wuk lamat instance is kinda based. Feels like a musou mowing guys down
>mexico vacation ruined for shitty rehash cyberpunk ghost story #4
she was supposed to be on close to zenos in power and the wol and now she just pushes around arenvald
I only judge a work on its own merits devoid of anything else the writer has done or said
were getting field expeditions back so there not gonna be
Validated I guess? I expect DT to be a complete and utter dumpsterfire and so far I've been correct.
Thank you for your valuable input
>Twitch won't accept my secondary e-mail for some reason and fuck giving them my main
>fuck giving them my phone number

Guess no poop mount for me.
I would play it, Mihoyo makes enough money to not sell out to Blackrock.
And a dress with a short skirt... oh no...
Yeah but he was making deals with an obviously evil space lich. He was a retard.
she ate some tacos and learned the power of friendship
explains a lot actually
>Oh no, bees have stingers and they can sting me
>Let's go ahead and poke this beehive
I never want to see her again unless it's using her soul to power arenvald's robot legs. Our boy got crippled for that cunt's character development and I will not stand for it.
I read this in her voice.
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I'd rather just play Reaper
At least it shares gear with Dragoon too, I love Dragoon
I love Ninja but Viper just ain't it
ARR MSQ had a different philosophy when it was current. You'd get gatekept by levels very often in the MSQ, forcing you to go and find other ways to gain experience, with FATEs being the best way at launch. This stopped the MSQ from being nothing but constant cutscenes, but the problem was that non-MSQ sources of experience were repetitive or had poor gameplay.
Instead of figuring out how to make FATEs and sidequests fun they decided to eventually just switch to the MSQ giving you all the exp you need, resulting in the modern VN-like experience with close to no combat.
That's cool
He was probably some pity/nepo hire
Don't get mad just because they sidelined your favorite character so we could have Wuktrail, you aren't a transphobe, are you anon?
He warned us about the slop...
I will never stop seething over retards hyping that shit up as 'handicap representation'. Like hell people want to be confronted with their handicaps, no one, not a single genuinely handicapped person wants to be confronted with MORE of their handicap. Fuck that. Fuck you. Fuck this shitty condition and anything that reminds me of it. He's on a fucking wheelchair instead of a magitech walker IN THE FUCKING DESERT.
say what you will about the story but its fantastic that they can make a zone feel "nostalgic" with the music alone
The actual main story quests have never had so little gameplay as DT, it's a regular occurrence in this expansion you literally watch a cutscene and then just click on Wuk Lamat again to start another cutscene in the same location.
You did Fates, dungeons broke up the pace by doing crafting leves (which had their own storyline and leveling them was much more dynamic because each class had different skills) and doing sidequests was very relevant, which ended up teaching you more about the world and the people in it, so you had things to care about when shit went tits up in the MSQ.
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holy rent free, you're replying to a post about fordola. Not Wuk
>Worthless cutscene.
>Machinations starts playing.
thanks anoncito
>it's a Fracture cutscene>>681554169
The grummz brain rot is settling in already
Will the elephant beast tribes help from 90 to 91
Honestly I think it was flawed, but I much preferred it over the modern padded visual novel shit. There's so many fucking filler quests with zero combat and no meaningful story in modern FFXIV MSQs I would genuinely rather just remove those quests and have to grind FATEs.
The problem is that FATEs haven't been improved at all since ARR, and combat leves, which could have been improved, were completely removed from the game.
People really have forgotten how much ARR tried to actually be an MMO compared to modern expansions. It's why I will always defend it, even if I acknowledge its flaws.
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As much as i respect Hoyo and their craft, I do not think i want to play a MMO from them with how consumer friendly FFXIV is. A paid mmo is stronger than a free one that has to find other sources of revenue that can often cause more frustrations.
they helped me out
I was pointing out that arenvald got sidelined so someone could add their self insert oc to the game. Get bent you whiney cunt.
I don't think female Hrothgar work as main characters. They have to make all these human facial expressions to show emotions, but they have the face of a housecat. Housecats don't smile! It would look fucking weird!
>seven vaganias
Wish they went back to a 1.0 style where the MSQ was maybe 10~15 hours but you were hard gated by EXP.
Catching up was speedy and the game was varied since you have a variety of ways to gain exp.
Instead pretty much every sauce of EXP aside of the MSQ is pointless aside leveling alt jobs, there was a time people recommended avoiding side quests to save them for alt. classes
Side quests not serve as nothing more than something to clog up your map

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