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Sekiro was always better, i can't believe they went back to souls combat system after doing Sekiro. Imagine if Elden Ring had Sekiro's combat system
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Elden Ring's world and exploration coupled with Sekiro's combat, dream come true
>just links the same video with audio instead of linking a new video.
Perfect parry sound is important
Sekiro’s main lead isn’t Miyazaki I believe
Can i perfect parry the entire waterfowl dance?
Basically. There's one attack in the 2nd fowl that goes past it for some reason.
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Is there a stamina requirement? I mean even perfect parry still takes some stamina
Pretty insane this game is actually real
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Eh, a little. It's noticeable if you try doing it after exhausting your stamina attacking.
How much does it last btw, the physick thing?
And is there a way to extend it?
Why can’t we have Malenia’s 2nd phase armor?
How come that’s the only armor in the game we can’t get?
She's just naked in phase 2, there is no armor.
5 minutes, and no.
cool pixels. if you wanna praise the game's environments at least do it some justice and make a proper webm
Thank you genius
Not my webm
She got nearly all of her health back that the person did in that webm. I'm not sure if that's a viable strategy.
You'll wanna just deflect the first flurry then roll the next. Deflecting the rest of her moveset is definitely great, too. You break her stance every 10 seconds or so, if that.
why don't you mod it?

oh that's right, elden ring is an inferior version of Skyrim
>anime skill
yeah compelling gameplay
Elden ring is pretty moddable. I'm surprised no one's just given you a permenant deflection tear effect yet.
they put it in the DLC (stuck on a hardtear for five minutes of course)
surprise surprise it's way better
>spin spin spin spin spin
this looks horrible. seriously.
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>Imagine if Elden Ring had trash QTE combat for the mentally challenged
We get it, you're incapable of doing anything that isn't R1 spam and you need mommy to tell you what to do every two seconds, but people with functioning brains exist and should not be brought down to your level
>easymode tear
Sekiro's combat has issues though. Go play Lies of P what you're asking for, it's great
Parry fishers ((read:zoomers)) have always been the cancer of the community
no wonder its all been down hill
Sekiro has garbage combat on par with fucking Arkham games. Just stand in place and time pressing 2 buttons. You don't need to like Souls combat, but it objectively has a hundred times more depth than that shit.
yet another thread of sekirotards seething that they need to press more than 1 button to beat a game
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I desire to sit behind a fingerprint stone shield and poke these sperg bosses to death. What is the best weapon to do so? Lance?
I just want to be done with this game at this point.
Souls slop is what puts food on the table. They have their B-team churn these out while the A-team makes unique titles like AC6 and Sekiro.
Lance, Mohg Trident, Sword Lance, and Antspur Rapier.
Antspur Rapier is good. Swordlance is also good but you don't get that until after Gayus.
Thanks bros.
I've beaten Gaius so I have the Sword Lance. Only have Bayle and Radahn left.
>i can't believe they went back to souls combat system after doing Sekiro
It's because ER was planned before Sekiro was finished. Maybe they'll go back to Sekiro stuff or something else entirely after this, who knows.
Its clear they're taking stuff from sekiro and putting it into their games now. The DLC alone had a couple of sekiro like mechanics. It's coming. The fact deflect trivializes Malenia says enough
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>Roofie Priestess for no in-lore reason than the lols and disgrace her
>Immediately makes you her lord instead
This read like an ntr hentai.
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>wanting to fuck THAT
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>>wanting to fuck THAT
Is the ash/spell worth it? I know she gives you her literal heart and a greathammer if you don't drug her. What's the better choice for a STR/FAI build?
>No indication you can do anything with her unless you just check her every step of the way on the climb up
My least favorite Souls quest. The one that's so easy to fuck up and has nothing showing that it's even there. Her reward isn't too good, but damnit I still wanted it.
The Spell is Golden vow without the damage increase. The Ash is okay, she uses the same spell.

I'm fairly certain you always get the heart and hammer no matter what you do.
>I'm fairly certain you always get the heart and hammer no matter what you do.
I thought it was only one or the other. I guess I haven't checked the altar since she spirited away into my inventory so I guess I should.
Yeah Sekiro really needed hours of horseback riding in-between encounters.
cool webm but image quality is too poor.
>if Elden Ring had trash QTE combat
Elden Rings "exploration" fucking sucked. Keep that shit away from Sekiro.
Adding open world or tons of areas doesn't really add anything to Sekiro. You don't get armor, or new weapons, and most of the prosthetics are in obvious paths.Anything to stretch out Sekiro is just padding, at its core is just a boss rush game.
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>This is what is considered a human form
>This is what Vyke and Godwyn wanted to fuck
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I want to do a katana build but your character looks extraordinarily retarded while running with them equipped.
so when Messmer does the giant snake spam move that just means you lost the RNG huh?
I just blocked it and had enough stamina left to punish him safely with to hits after he pops out of it.
ive been back to that spot multiple times since i beat that quest and got her as an ash the heart and hammer are not there
I think you can just roll toward the snek attack, then backstep the next, and block the rest if you're unlocked
You might not get the hammer if you go that route? I genuinely don't know.
you dont you dont get her heart or the hammer if you get the ash and spell. but there is another heart you can get later that buffs the dragon spells you get at the altars for hearts like the dragon breaths. the one she gives you if you dont drug her buffs the spells like adula moonblade or lansseaxs glaive
well to be honest so is Elden Ring
There was also a roll
I like ER and Sekiro. One beef with ER is it's impossible to know what attacks can even be parried.
you can only parry smaller humanoid type enemies. Typically, nothing larger than a crucible knight

fun fact, in dark souls 1 you could at the very least "partial parry" any attack in the game, thats where you still take some damage but its almost like you partially blocked the attack. i forget how it works. but it worked vs ranged attacks too
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>Turned an ARPG about movement, animation committment and hitbox centered emergent playstyle into a dogshit "SPAM L1 TO WIN" bland crap that every single shitty chink action game does.
That fucking sucks OP
Good, scalie bitch knows her place
just stop playing the game at this point lil bro
Lies of P does it better without making the dodge trash like sekiro. Soulsborne + kiro is the ideal combat blueprint so far and I hope they took notes from LoP
>0 runes
you farmed this mob for this clip...
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>ERtrannies and Sekirotrannies arguing which one of their garbage fake action game is better
Ah yes, spamming L1. A dream come true
>I want to stand in place and block
>No I will not use shields and committ to a playstyle and pay attention to backstepping from the heaviest attacks
Sekiro is fucking trash
it's also impossible to know which attacks can be dodged, jumped or must be outrun
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No I didn't
the open world is rubbish. its just crabs and lobsters and bears. Even the snow area is padded with lobsters except they are slightly blue.

The castles and cities are fine but the rest sucks
There should be a middle ground. Maybe 5 distinct weapons/styles with shields, dodges and deflects all viable, just enough for playstyle variety but not so much that enemy movesets have to be homogenized.
>worse movement than DS3
>Medium roll is dogshit and jumping has nearly double the I-frames
>Dead angling through guard is common
>talks about animation commitment while using one of the fastest weapons in the game

Get a load of this fraud
>hitbox centered emergent playstyle
what is this stupid nigger even blabbering about
how is this better than Elden Ring? ImThe enemy is spinning and doing kicks clearly meant to knock playera, and you are doing the literal meme
>L1 L1 L1 L1
Can someone answer something for me. Have they nerfed any enemy or bosses in the DLC yet?
kek xhes buzzwording about getting lucky with the enemy AI and hitboxes missing his troon because he uses low recovery weapons and some of which have a built-in duck making their hurtbox smaller (not universal) but its satisfying when it happens
Yes you did.
You didn't just do this first try. I know you.
No but they buffed your character's scadu some, but it's mostly just noticeable in the 1-10 range.
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>>worse movement than DS3
>>Medium roll is dogshit and jumping has nearly double the I-frames
jumpong has no iframes
>>Dead angling through guard is common
skill issue
>>talks about animation commitment while using one of the fastest weapons in the game
It doesn't matter what weapon you use. The best part of Elden Ring is that it still forces players to find openings in various ways beyond "epic" deflects into low committment attack spam rinse and repeat Sekiro does. It quite literally inventivizes using your brain and being aware of the actual enemy movement. Even if you take a safe route and dodge correctly with right timing and positioning, then you still lower heavily your windoe to retaliate
Deflect hardtear quite literally downgrades the gameplay into "press L1 when boo-boo about to happen, press R2 when not" which by itself is cadualized shield gameplay without the committment of stamina and so without gear checks, or the player having to discern which attack he can take and which he should avoid.
Lies if P is already DarkSouls + Sekiro.
>blocking attacks with your sword taking 0 damage
That's just Nioh
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No I didn't, there's no runes on the ground. I'm queing for PVP you fucking retard
>queing for pvp
it takes 1 second to get into pvp.
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>Sekiro was always better, i can't believe they went back to souls combat system after doing Sekiro. Imagine if Elden Ring had Sekiro's combat system
what the actual fuck is this OP?
>Gets his own "Sekiro" playstyle
>Still cries Elden Ring is now a Sekiro copy but its own game
Honestly kill yourself
Well it fucking sucks. Can't believe people were hyping it as the first good non-From 3d soulslike.
Are there any good strength weapons in the DLC? I went through it with dex, and bosses are so quick in it I can't imagine slow weapons being any good. Maybe for vanilla.
Black Knights have a new strength hammer that has a special attack on a guard counter. The DLC seems to really obsess over guard counters, theres a lot of fast enemies in the DLC that can be easily blocked.
>how is this better than Elden Ring?
that is elden ring
It objectively is, intentionally slower. Worse spacing across the board, and a worse backstab situation they had to patch to make it actually viable. In fact, all of the balance patches have made It closer to DS3. Talk about concession to DS3kings.
>>jumping has no iframes
jumping makes it so your legs and most of your torso are invincible and the frames start quicker and last longer than the roll, how is that not i-frames you pseud?
>>skill issue
skill issue on the developer's part, correct.
>>deluded wordslop that I'm not reading
Based on your previous retarded statements I'm going to TL;DR that last part and just say Lies of P shits on ERs combat except in the AoW customization department.
>Elden Ring's world and exploration
That's the worst part of Elden Ring.
retard spammer vs retard spammer (rune arc'd)
>Barricade Shield
You didn't beat the game
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Sekiro was still bad because you could just spam parry. People have even beaten the game blindfolded because of that. They just spam the parry and dial some hits in after they hear the boss finish the string. FROM cannot into action games and their games are better as adventure RPGs.
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>It objectively is, intentionally slower. Worse spacing across the board, and a worse backstab situation they had to patch to make it actually viable. In fact, all of the balance patches have made It closer to DS3. Talk about concession to DS3kings.
Yes, especially the changes to attack speed hyperarmor are good. What's your point now you absolute imbecile? You waste of oxygen. You are talking release Elden Ring to have any kind of argument? retard...
>how is that not i-frames you pseud?
Because that's not what iframes mean. Sekiro has jump iframes, because they cover the whole body and start on jump frame 0, iframing through any sweep attack. Elden Ring jumps just shrink your hurtbox
>skill issue
yes, your skill issue. if your shield get dead angles you should stop pushing your model into your target.
>>>deluded wordslop
No, it's the simple truth, no matter how much it makes you seethe. Deflect hardtear has far much more shallow implocations and applications than Elden Ring block system. The limitations of Elden Ring block and parry systens tie with the large variety in enemy design and are what makes fighting fun.
You can have a character that must avoid certain sources of elemental damage but block and counter other hits, a character dedicated entirely to blocking, a character centered around dodging pr parrying and so on.
If Souls games had a by the numbers simply universal parry on block system there wouldn't be any inventive to building characters around playstyles such as trading hita with warcry/roar type attacks or endure. Deflect is and will always be complete garbage.
It will always trump any other playstyle because it has the benefit of blocking (standing in place ready to counter) without its downsides (hefty stamina cost and/or gear requirements) and dodging (completely avoid damage, universal viability) without its downsides (you have a recovery animation and a weaker or delayed follow up attack, you may get hit by a follow up/AoE).
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fucking kek this is truly EldenKiro
honestly, I was disappointed by that crystal tear. Deflects by themselves are kinda braindead when its otherwise the same souls+jump combat.
It's a shame that you have to beat the game at least once in order to get the option that makes it where spamming L1 is actually very dangerous, as blocks that don't deflect will have chip damage.
deflects are always braindead
I agree, almost anywhere deflect can be used, you would be better parrying except the few cases of unparryable attacks, which is good, not every playstyle should clear every enemy with the same ease. I thought the tear was amazing at first, but I realized it really did suck the fun and variety out of combat. recently after playing with the fine crucible feather talisman, I have come to the conclusion that rather than a deflect, a future game would benefit from more dodge options. it opens up even more combat options when you mix it with rolls, jumps etc. and its especially powerful on weapons with good backstep followups.

I have been using it with the beast claws as well, and they are even more fun. the backstep L1 hits like 3 roll distances away. I dont understand people who say the combat in ER is shallow, there is BY FAR the most variety of any of their games. but since I have literally never seen anyone mention using this talisman, the problem is really that players REFUSE to use any of the cool stuff they are given, and instead rollspam or turtle. but this is somehow the games fault.
Nah I paid for it I must beat it.
why does nobody talk about how empty the dlc is? in the base game every corner or hidden place that you need to platform to had something bosses, catacombs, items, in the dlc there's entire areas with absolutely nothing like the giant fingers area hidden locations that leads to absolutely nothing or fucking cookbooks
you hope your bell summon was last to hit him and takes the brunt of the tracking snake attacks
There's not a single game with a universal deflection system that has good combat. Including Sekiro, Wo Long, Ronin, etc...
Difference is Sekiro at least was built around it's use. As easy as it is in most cases, its kinda necessary in many fights.
In Elden Ring, the crystal tear is basically all the benefits of using a shield without having to equip one, in a combat system where you dont even need to block at all to win any fight.
deflect is fun.
posting dishonest webms won't change that.
Thanks for sharing your opinion, anon.
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>elden ring: you can randomly parry some attack and some not, it doesn't really make sense you just guess and die over and over again to whatever aleatory bullshit
>nine souls: the game tells you what you can parry and what you cannot. Or you can just dodge to play safer but you miss dps
Yeah I know what game is better
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>animation committment
Polite way of saying slow and non-interactive
Game-speed, combat-speed is very important for a good combat system, one of the primary things that makes a combat engaging.
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with beast claws instead
>inb4 bleed
dont care, it looks cool.
I think it might be a little OP when you chain them, but you are not really any more invincible than rollspamming, and lingering attacks will still screw you over. dunno how it is in PVP, but I dont understand why ive never seen anyone mention it before. just another thing ds2 got right fuck the 4mb file limit BTW

its definitely annoying to learn ill give it that, killed this attempt (though this was to practice and record, not to beat him) messmer is a fun fight, well phase 1 is, 2 sucks ass. still having fun learning the fight though.
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That wasn't a deflect, i took damage and massive stamina hit. In Sekiro if you spammed l1 the window would become much shorter. Sekiro filtered most of the population for a reason. The same is true with parrying here it seems like, i feel my window is wider when i tap a single time.
The deflect in Elden Ring is more fun than the deflect in Sekiro because you still need to pay attention to the enemy moveset to find gaps for guard counters to fit in and there are moves you're better off not deflecting, and while Sekiro is like that as well, in Sekiro they indicate moves like that with a big icon to say it's a perilous attack, while in Elden Ring you'll generally consider not deflecting an attack if it knocks you back on block, so the decision to deflect or not feels much more organic than if the game had just prompted you to dodge. An example of that is Radahn's two slashes into his cross slash, the first two slashes can be deflected normally while the third knocks you back, so as you learn to fight him with deflect you should come to the point of realizing you should deflect the first two hits and dodge the third so you can get a punish. It's a lot more satisfying than just reacting to the Perilous Attack icon.
You could already do this with a shield, but the deflect is still cool in general.
I'm tired of rollspam. I'm tired of huge enemies with infinite combos and spazzing camera. I'm tired of lasers and meteors and ground AoE spam along with infinite flailing AND bad camera. I have rollslop fatigue. I hope they make a new one-off game soon with brand new combat completely and extremely far away from souls shit or elden meme. Armored Core was very fun and felt like a game that was what it was supposed to be. Elden Ring feels like a souls game trying to also be a bullet hell game and it fucking sucks. Just make a fucking bullet hell game, miyazaki. Stop adding orbs and lasers and AoE to everything, just start a small project for a fromsoft bullet hell game you fucking hack nigger.
Fuck yeah I want all games to play like Arkham!
>getting rid of PA icon
its a downgrade that turns parry into guesswork
Sekiro is still king BAYBEEEE!
There are permanent physicks effect mods.
The problem with that talisman and the reason people generally don't even seem to want to try it is that you take 15% more damage as long as it's on, and from what I've seen, most people think that's too harsh a penalty.
>Sekiro filtered most of the population for a reason.
Stupid subhuman nigger argument that braindead sekiroshitters use.
I can say Elden Ring and Shadow of the Erdtree filtered most of the population for a reason too. There's nothing good about deflection, and Sekiro is not a good game
How is it guesswork? The only thing you might be guessing is whether or not the move will push you back, you still can deflect everything aside from grabs, which have very clear animations to indicate that they're grabs and not strikes.
>doesn't bring up Sekiro
Sounds like someone got filtered
There are moves In Sekiro that you should optimally dodge and not parry that are not perilous attacks, perilous attacks such as sweeps and true grabs you simply cannot deflect. While the attacks i am talking about hit your poise even when perfectly deflected and do not allow for punishment. An example of such an attack is the last hit of the spinning combo that Corrupted monk has, you shouldn't deflect that, you should dodge and punish. Plenty of attacks like that in the game.

I dunno, both are probably among these

>I can say Elden Ring and Shadow of the Erdtree filtered most of the population for a reason too
No, you cannot really, when the game has summons that allow even 3 year old kids to beat the game.
>One parriable attack
Yeah, what guess work
Sekiro was just a huge upgrade
stay filtered
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>Pretty insane this game is actually real
For me it's the blood spear from the DLC or the serpent Slayer for strengthmaxxing and swapping to 2H when I really want a bitch dead
Kill yourself.
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>No, you cannot really, when the game has summons that allow even 3 year old kids to beat the game.
That's irrelevant and a dishonest argument. If Sekiro had summons, they would also trivialize the game. The fact is that Sekiro combat mechanics are objectively streamlined to barebones timing checks with rock-paper-scissor interactions and Elden Ring will be an infinitely worse game if it was desifned around deflections.
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If you can target a giant enemy's head, then the head is a weak spot. This shouldn't need to be said but I've seen so many people try to fight the flower by going around its weak spot
well people are retarded. Im wearing mid tier armor, and the talisman (specifically the fine crucible feather) is actually only a loss of 6-8% damage negation IDK where the 15% number comes from but at least in the DLC it is not so. with full solitude on, its more like 4-5% Im only at skibidi 16, and IDK how that factors in. but as far as, in the DLC with a normal amount of skibidis its literally nothing, its only a point or two more than using a scorpion charm, which literally every elemental build uses. I stand thjat unless you are going from getting 3 to 2 shot or 2 to 1 shot, a few points of damage negation literally dont matter.

the issue is partly that its not adding to your damage, and moreso that people are too fucking afraid to change their playstyle AT ALL. every time I see people complaining about shit being too hard or this and that, they are stuck because they refuse to adapt. the whole new thing ER brings to the table is giving you a million different options on how to deal with shit.
I didn't know there were moves like that in Sekiro, and I don't doubt there are plenty of others like that, but I think there's a reason I found moves like that playing with deflect in ER and never found that in Sekiro. In part it may be because I'm used to dodging in ER so I'm more prone to looking for opportunities to do so, but I think another part of it is that it was difficult enough that taking advantage of every opportunity the game was giving me felt like something that made a meaningful difference in my progress through a fight. I didn't know I was missing opportunities to optimize the Corrupted Monk fight, but I really didn't need to know because just pressing deflect and light attack alone was so strong.

It's still nice that there are opportunities to get a better punish by thinking outside the box in there, but I think the basic strategy of just deflecting, countering perilous attacks and doing light attacks is so strong and so easy that there's nothing there to invite me to do anything more if I'm just trying to win, which is not the case for the deflect in ER and it makes for a more engaging experience.
If Sekiro was an actually good action game, you wouldn't feel the need to defend it by shitting on other games or pointing out you can have NPCs play Elden Ring fir you. Elden Ring chads don't care, they enjoy the game mechanics. I think the fact Fromsoftware felt the need to add easy mode actually speaks volumes about the fact that Elden Ring has several layers of mastery and a skill ceiling beyond timing correct counters to boss actions
Summons are a core elden ring mechanic and I know your webms rarely prove anything you're trying to say but this one is especially bad.
because just like the dragons, hitting the head is so unreliable because its always moving and garbage hitboxes so better to just stay in its legs and attack there while it cant do shit, thats just how shit designed the games are
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>Summons are a core elden ring mechanic and I know your webms rarely prove anything you're trying to say but this one is especially bad.
I agree about dragons and I imagine people might be trained to avoid the head on Scadutree Avatar based on that, but the Avatar's head is much easier to hit. He also isn't constantly moving forward with all his moves and putting you under his body while you try to stand in front of him.
Subhuman redditards who soiface over colorful pixes like you should kill themselves
Man fuck Sekiro, I'm busy playing Bloodborne and bloodhound stepping everything.
I don't use them but considering they are both dungeon rewards and get their own upgrade system in both the base game and dlc they clearly a core feature of the game.
No they aren't, learn what core feature means
romina completely melts with burn o flame and black flame tornado, didn't even bother fighting her properly
Zero arguments detected
not being able to roll in sekiro was annoying. not being able to jump in souls games is just as bad though
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>If Sekiro had summons, they would also trivialize the game
Yeah... they would... Are you okay bro? Do you think you're making an argument in favor of the point you're trying to make?

Defend it? I'm not defending it. There is no need, bunch of apes throwing shit all around does not constitute an attack.
Also, i like ER very much, it just has outdated combat that isn't good in 2024, neither was it good in 2022. The game is still very good, for other reasons, bosses are still fun for plenty of reasons, but they're fun to fight against in spite of ER's combat system, not thanks to it.

It's usually big heavy hits that knock you back when you deflect them, even perfectly. That was supposed to communicate you that you're supposed to try something else, and it's those attacks that you can specifically dodge. Like literally when monk does the final hit, you just dodge forward and it's as if you go through his attack with i-frames, meaning they are specifically designed with that counterplay in mind. I'm sure if you think and you will remember bunch of attacks that would knock you back on deflect.
Is the black steel greathammer farmable off black knights?
I have 2 black steel greatshields and i dont know how to get the hammer
>Flashing sign: Someone in the X group defeated a shardbearer!
>Ghost doing whatever the fuck
how do people play like this
only the legacy dungeons were good
the open world was shit
some of the spectacles off in the distance were pretty to look at
everything else was bland and uninspired
i respect fromsoft for experimenting with open world, but i believe it was poorly executed
linear world design will always be superior
I got the hammer from my first kill in the little church. You looking for a second one? I think it's a once per run through thing.
Pull out your dick you coward.

The barely veiled seething from DS3 retards are the best part of these threads.
Nice flask on a fucking trash mob. Wonder what you'll do in 5 minutes against another.
The hammer didnt drop from him at the church only the shield did. I have 2 of them now
I dont have the hammer
Are you an idiot?
there are secret passages in the shadow keep, right? but I haven't found any hints anywhere
I've heard about people getting them from later mobs.

It sounds like it's farmable then. That or From did some weird shit and made the Shield and Hammer drops switch randomly per playthrough, because I got the shield a lot later from a different mob.
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>Do you think you're making an argument in favor of the point you're trying to make?
Do YOU think you are making an argument to Sekiro combat not being an extremely simplistic and barebones piece of shit, by claiming it deflected a mass of normalfaggots?
You think said people instead could clear Elden Ring without using summons? Or do you think that the fact that normalfags can't deflect changes that Sekiro deflection is casual as fuck?
>it just has outdated combat that isn't good in 2024
It doesn't have "outdated" combat, and your argument that it would be less "outdated" if you could have an universal counter to everything the enemy does which also kills said enemy is pure retardation. Elden Ring combat is interesting for the limitations it puts on the player. What you call clunky is game design. The default dodge that puts distance and had iframes but doesn't open to good offensive is game design. The slower healing and item usage is game design. The tradeoff of choosing to take chip damage on a block is game design. The choice of weapon for their damage, stagger, various animation and skills to use is game design. The choice of skills and attacks that take long but carry significant stagger resistance and impact is game design. The choice of which attack should be blocked and which attack you can walk or backstep away from is game design. The choice of armor is game design. The choice to combine casting spells in the timeframe the enemy closes a gap is game design. And you want to turn that game design in a streamlined minigame reliant on the timing of your block, maybe some telegraphed dodge opportunities, jump when the boss says jump and whatever left arm gimmick the enemy is designed around.
That's not "modern" combat, that's a bland turd. Lucky you, you can play Sekiro anytime and fuck off fron the Souls series.
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>Or do you think that the fact that normalfags can't deflect changes that Sekiro deflection is casual as fuck?
Yes. If casuals can’t do something, then it’s not casual.
It’s a simple definition.
You should try to write less but say more. Sperging out like that does not make you look good, especially when what you’re writing is misguided.
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The open world is fucking stupid, especially in Shadow because everythinf you find is worthless except scadu fragments. Search a forest and find a grease. Climb a hill and find an outdated weapon stone. Parkour some rooves and find some fire arrows. So rewarding!
>Yes. If casuals can’t do something, then it’s not casual
it's very casual and braindead though
>no actual rebuttal to anything
yeah I think we are done, faggot
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>backhand blade
>What you call clunky is game design. The default dodge that puts distance and had iframes but doesn't open to good offensive is game design. The slower healing and item usage is game design
Yes, it is a bad game design. And yes, it is clunky.
If it is intentionally clunky, then that makes it worse.

It's starting to seem that people who defend this combat system in 2024 have a reaction speed of a senile old man, so they desperately resist everything that demands any kind of reaction speed from them.
The irony is that From is still making the series faster and faster, the bosses are pretty fast, it's just you aren't.
Giant bosses feeling faster than you, yeah, great game design.
>if the game was easier it would be easier
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>Also If you didn't get filtered, y-you are a senile old man
what game were you playing? I literally felt the exact opposite. there were only like 2 instances of getting shit like smithing stones in a corner where I was annoyed. otherwise there has been good stuff hidden constantly. there are specifically awesome unique and +3 talismans in basically every zone for example. If you missed them I could understand, but almost all of them are in the open world, and its miles better than the base game was about it. not to mention nearly all of the areas in the world have a dungeon and multiple bosses. Ill concede the base game definitely dropped the ball on this in a lot of cases, but I felt like they improved it so much it was a non issue. even places like the finger areas (which I see complaints about alot, and are admittedly huge) have top tier talismans, a unique summon that heals, and unlock one of the best bosses in the game, at least assuming you find the quest to go to them.
Sekiro's combat system is only better because it's simpler, and that focus allows it to nail what it's going for pretty well
Souls gameplay inherently revolves around a wider range of player expression, which Sekiro's gameplay can't fit
The actual problem with it is that From outright refuses to innovate except in miniscule steps of one or two new little mechanics per game, and few changes to existing mechanics
I just chimed in to explain to you how retarded you are, and that you cannot grasp even simple definitions. You don’t even understand what the word casual means.
You can by all means keep sperging out though. None of my business.
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>This series is too fast!
>Also you have bad reaction speed.
Yeah don't try a career in politics pal, debating isn't your jam
That's not what he said though. He said you are disingenuous pieces of shit and summons don't affects how the combat plays in solo, as the game is intended, and that Sekiro combat is very simple so the only defense Sekiro fags have is muh summons
Use the mushroom set
trading hits isn't a good look for a point of deep gameplay.
You need to now project, assume realities, in order to desperately try to cling to your delusions.
But alas, i did not find the dlc difficult. Which makes sense given i no level up finished the base game playing just fundamentals.
I like difficulty. The only way for this game to be difficult to me however is for me to be underleveled and not use 90% of what the game gives me. And that just feels like i'm kind of making the game as good as it can be, at least to me, but it's still not very good, at least the combat. In Sekiro i didn't need go out of my way, specifically trying not to use 90% of what the game gives me to find it fun.
>The actual problem with it is that From outright refuses to innovate except in miniscule steps of one or two new little mechanics per game
Ashes of War are completely reworked, stance breaking is completely reworked, jumps added a series of different interactions and attacks, and yet when somebody says From "refuses to innovate" always proposes some dogshit change that would bastardize and simplify the game and this is why we get a dozen of shitty Souls-likes a year all inferior to the real deal.
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>Yeah don't try a career in politics pal, debating isn't your jam
It might be. But reading, and comprehending what you read is definitely not your jam.
Sign of stupidity, i must add.

>as the game is intended
>Remove B-B-B-B-B... B
>Add L1-L1-L1-L1-L1... L1
Wow, what a MASSIVE difference it would make, we get to press a WHOLE OTHER BUTTON!
Elden Rings Level design was shit though? Legacy dungeons included. They all follow the DS3 formula of a linear hallway with bonfires around every corner and redundant shortcuts from one bonfire to another.

DS1 level design wqs GOATed, hell even DeS and DS2 had better level design.
You seem assblasted. Gosh, the only thing you’re half-decent at in your life after spending years on it isn’t very good itself. I’m sorry, it just is what it is. Some people are just not born to be anything at all.
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Everyone has bad reaction speed in ER because it's like playing fighting game on 2 bar connection.
It is
No you are sad piece of shit that is also full of it
>Yes, it is a bad game design. And yes, it is clunky.
>If it is intentionally clunky, then that makes it worse.
What the actual fuck does it mean? Why can't you actually fly off the arena then? Why doesn't every attack come out in 0.2 ms and can be cancelled in frame 0? Hurr durr clunky artificial difficulty much????
>It's starting to seem that people who defend this combat system in 2024 have a reaction speed of a senile old man, so they desperately resist everything that demands any kind of reaction speed from them.
What kind of reaction speed would Sekiro require that Elden Ring doesn't?
>The irony is that From is still making the series faster and faster, the bosses are pretty fast, it's just you aren't.
>Giant bosses feeling faster than you, yeah, great game design.
The player already has all the tools you need. This argument that the bosses are "faster" than the player means absolutely fucking nothing. You can put distance between most bosses. All of them give openings between attacks if you can use movement or blocking to your advantage, which is the actual skill gap that deflection does not present. The fact that you believe combat should be uniquely centered around timing and timing should be the skill ceiling with no regards to movement speaks volumes about your brainrot-tier concept of what an action game is.
Ultimately the player in Elden Ring is too powerful, so if anything it's the opposite, a bunch of bleed and/or high stagger weapons and shields could use a nerf.
imagine not having a controller with extra buttons so you can bind sprint to something else and leave b as an instant release b macro. blame fucking console manufacturers for having shitty controllers, its not a problem for PC players with a brain.
>Dodge happens right on button release
Why did you post evidence that you are wrong?
The ADHD ipad generation zoomer simply cannot get satisfaction out of games unless they come with in-built GTA 5 tricks at the bottom of their screen when exploring.
>uh actually chuddie, they innovate all the time, such as with these natural extensions and streamlining of systems they already had
Fascinating, call me when they actually come up with a system to replace the dodge roll that isn't just a different animation with tweaked iframes and recovery that you have to sacrifice part of your build to use
You're complaining about rewards retard that has nothing to do with the open world, absolute spastic.
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It's not just that. There's inbuilt delay too. And when you combine both of them ending up with 10 frames of delay is not unheard of, especially on bad players who keep B pressed on for longer.

After getting back into the DLC I could immediatelly feel that something was off. I ran to Bayle very early on and there I just felt like I was going crazy, like in my head I reacted on time but I just kept getting hit. So I started recording my gameplay and guess what. I wasn't reacting in late. The game just takes that long to do a roll. And that's with the roll, jumps, blocks and parries are even worse. It takes some real adjustment to get used to the game and basically you need to teach yourself to not to be good with timings, instead just press buttons too early and then find yourself missing every just frame in fighting games or royal guard in DMC because those games don't have built in delay in their actions.
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>Every single hard boss in Shadow of the Erdtree can be parried to death.
>Sekirofags still filtered
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No, i am not full of it. I have previously even posted videos when the game released in here, defending Malenia, my favorite boss, and the dance-like fight against her. I have also posted showing how to counter several of her moves.
And no, i'm not a piece of shit. Your favorite game just has issues, not matter how emotional you get around it.

>What the actual fuck does it mean?
I think it is clear what it means. And you're either an idiot, or pretending to be an idiot. I said it in my very first post >>681584950

>What kind of reaction speed would Sekiro require that Elden Ring doesn't?
In Elden ring your character's speed is far lower than in Sekiro, allowing far less proactivity. Reacting and cancelling moves, even if you seemingly don't like that, still demands reaction speed. While ER with it's committal attacks is more about patience and just walking around doing nothing, waiting for the boss to do something that you can punish. But it's not as much about demanding reaction speed, as enjoying the continual actions in fast speed. Senile old man reactions was more about - do you get nauseous from speed, do you dislike it? People complain about them speeding up the bosses compared to og souls all the time, i don't complain about, i complain that you weren't sped up. I want proactivity.

>The player already has all the tools you need
Need for what? To beat all the bosses? Sure. To enjoy controlling your own character? Hardly.

Also, the input buffer in this game is SO TERRIBLE, it's laughable.
Man, i'm going to sleep.
>There's inbuilt delay too.
There isn't, crapsoles have stutter issues like they had on base game release when people bitched about the same thing.
So it's not delay it's just engine issue? It's still delay. And it has been in every Souls game.
Deflections would have been fine if they were a build option from the start by adding it as a crucible talisman in the early-game.

All it needs is some balancing:
>remove the damage buff
>make window a bit "loose" but add two levels of success to it (perfect and acceptable)
>perfect reduces stamina cost by 75% and damage taken by 50%
>acceptable reduces stamina cost by 50% and damage taken by 25%
>perfect deflect makes the shield/weapon gain +1 hardness (attack bounce determined by shield/weqpon type)
>perfect deflect makes the enemy take stagger damage based on what you blocked with
>make a successful deflect obvious by adding a specific audio and visual queue to it
>Add parry to almost all weapon types in the game by making the keybind L1+L2, keep the unique animations for buckler, daggers, etc
>defending Malenia, my favorite boss, and the dance-like fight against her
>>animation committment
>Polite way of saying slow and non-interactive
A fight like Malenia wouldn't work if the player wasn't limited like it is. All you are having is a meltdown over the newest hard boss
>In Elden ring your character's speed is far lower than in Sekiro, allowing far less proactivity. Reacting and cancelling moves, even if you seemingly don't like that, still demands reaction speed.
No, it doesn't, if anything it allows recklessness and rewards less reaction speed. If you like Malenia, you surely know she punishes brainless attacking with her hyperarmored counters but rewards thoughtful aggression to the point that even her dodge attacks cam be staggered
>While ER with it's committal attacks is more about patience and just walking around doing nothing
This has never been true
>People complain about them speeding up the bosses compared to og souls all the time, i don't complain about, i complain that you weren't sped up. I want proactivity.
Elden Ring offers more practivity than previous games, mainly due to how hyperarmor, initiative, stance breaking work, as well as several other mechanics like chain casting, endure casting, low prpfile attacks, the introduction of jumpable attacks to counter and so on
>Need for what? To beat all the bosses? Sure. To enjoy controlling your own character? Hardly.
That's subjective. because again
>Malenia, my favorite boss, and the dance-like fight against her.
would never work with deflection implemented and in a game without animation committment
filters out those with taste
Melania hardly works. She implements several system-breaking abilities to ensure that you cannot trivialize her, and some of them are glaring. She is all in all just another fight where you roll her combos until you can punish her safely, she's just been utterly upstaged in difficulty by the DLC.
>She implements several system-breaking abilities to ensure that you cannot trivialize her, and some of them are glaring.
No she doesn't. You can be as much aggressive with her as you want if you can properly react to her answers to it, which includes telegraphing counters and reaction. Which is what makes the whole argument that Elden Ring isn't about reaction speed so ironic. There's quite literally nothing that fucks you up for having poor reaction speed as Malenia
>All you are having is a meltdown over the newest hard boss

>A fight like Malenia wouldn't work if the player wasn't limited like it is
One of the primary reasons the fight against Malenia is cool is because you can be more proactive against her, pressing to interrupt her attacks, stagger her in the middle of her performing an attack. Something you cannot do against most bosses, who will just tank and hit you, and given that you cannot cancel your attack, you're fucked. Which results is a passive gameplay in which you just wait for them to do something and punish it.

>No, it doesn't, if anything it allows recklessness and rewards less reaction speed.
Yes it does, you need to be in the moment at all times, and instantly if need be cancel your attack to block theirs. "Brainlessly" is just your projection, you have to know what you're doing. Proactivity doesn't mean braindead or brainless.

>This has never been true
It always has. You're delusional.

>Elden Ring offers more practivity than previous games
Not Sekiro.

>That's subjective. because again
Game-speed, proactive gameplay vs reactive gameplay, all that can be objectively decided. Now whether you like it or not is subjective.

>would never work with deflection implemented and in a game without animation committment
It would work in another way, like Isshin worked. It doesn't need to specifically work and achieve what it does in one specific way. You can achieve same philosophy with different mechanics.
Anon she has posture reset gates, hitstun-reactive disengages, and literally heals by hitting you. Malenia does things no other boss in the game has the ability to do that all exist outside the standard systems.
But whatever, i'm going to sleep, it's been overdue.
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Sekiro was right all along
>a boss in the DLC staggered
fake as fuck
They're hard to stagger because they all have Malenia stagger regen while also having attacks that last for fifty years. If you attack them several times in a row they stagger pretty easily.
>One of the primary reasons the fight against Malenia is cool is because you can be more proactive against her, pressing to interrupt her attacks, stagger her in the middle of her performing an attack. Something you cannot do against most bosses
And that's what you don't understand. All bosses are centered around the stagger system. It's quite literally the tool the player is meant to use to tame boss aggression and dictate the flow of combat, something you cab't do in Sekiro, a game centered aroubd purely countering bosses
>who will just tank and hit you, and given that you cannot cancel your attack, you're fucked. Which results is a passive gameplay
How do you explain counters staggering literal dragons then?
>Proactivity doesn't mean braindead or brainless.
Again, you clain that you can't be proactive in Elden Ring which is not true
>It always has.
No. To push the player to be proactive; you first need an enemy design that incentivizes the enemy for that playstyle. Elden Ring bosses and enemies are as aggressive as the player lets them be, and that's where the emergent gameplay create by various builds and weapons shines.
>Not Sekiro.
At no point in Sekiro you are required or even incentivized to be proactive. The entire game is centered about reacting and parrying.
>all that can be objectively decided
What are you talking about? You clained that you don't find Elden Ring enjoyable, and that's your subjective taste. You knwo what is objevtive? Malenia is built around Elden Ring mechanics, and wouldn't work in a game where you can universally parry her
>It would work in another way, like Isshin worked
nuh uh. Isshin has nothing to do with Malenia, and the core gameplay of Isshin is deflecting long as fuck combo and then running around his machine gun and anime slash attacks. So much for proactive gameplay
>Anon she has posture reset gates, hitstun-reactive disengages, and literally heals by hitting you.
Wow, so mechanics other bosses in other games also had
>Malenia does things no other boss in the game has the ability to do that all exist outside the standard systems.
Wrong, her stagger reset is straight up taken by Friede and something shitters also complained about back then
You say that as if Elden Ring doesn't appeal to the people you try your hardest to describe or demean. In-built tricks and tips have been replaced with external websites that serve the functions the game should've had in the first place. No map markers but there you go, a dedicated website that shows every single quest, dungeon, enemy and item, used by just about everyone who plays it.
People will complain about eventless open-worlds but then forget about them the moment their attention span is divided between the neverending fields of ER and their second monitor that shows them where to go next for their bleed build.
Friede is allergic to hyper armor and her dodge still gets her hit. Malenia's dodge also has block frames. Malenia has the most aggressive stance regen in the game previous to the DLC bosses and also some of the longest striongs before the DLC bosses. Malenia's design feeds directly into the design of the DLC bosses, and now she's just the easiest of that kind of fight in the game.
>other games
Given stance doesn't exist outside of Elden Ring and also given that I can't think of a single boss that heals when they hit you, care to elaborate there?
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>People will complain about eventless open-worlds
Nobody ever complained about that. The main complaint of open world was the level design and how most of the action is small piecemeal shitty sidequests consisting of talking to NPCs, following tracks, and so on rather than actual gameplay leading to areas with level design.
Elden Ring doesn't suffer from this
>i believe it was poorly executed
welp, this retard believes it was poorly executed. time to pack it up hackazaki
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>random ass enemy
>10 hit combo
If you're not staggering every boss at least once before the phase change you need a bigger sword
>Friede is allergic to hyper armor and her dodge still gets her hit. Malenia's dodge also has block frames.
No, she has hyperarmor, exactly like Friede, unless you mean the block move she does with her sword. Considering Dark Souls hadenemies with dodge iframes, Malenia's dodge is far more honest too
>Malenia has the most aggressive stance regen in the game previous to the DLC bosses and also some of the longest striongs before the DLC bosses. Malenia's design feeds directly into the design of the DLC bosses, and now she's just the easiest of that kind of fight in the game.
I would need
>>other games
>Given stance doesn't exist outside of Elden Ring and also given that I can't think of a single boss that heals when they hit you, care to elaborate there?
Stance is the evolution of lrevious games stagger system. Dark Souls 3 already had it in its infancy and had a riposte system for bosses hit enough times. It just wasn't anywhere as prominent or strong
>Sekiro filtered most of the population for a reason.
Sekiro didn't filter shit. It's the second most mainstream From game after ER.
>rune arc'd
Wait a minute. Just yesterday someone not being arc'd was a sign of them being a shitter. Everyone knows that if you see someone with 60 vig and double rivers of blood with an unactivated rune, what you're witnessing is a tryhard faggot who can't actually practice what he preaches and should just swallow his pride and use a greatshield in the obvious absence of skill.
I think the problem with that talisman is that backsteps are not intuitive to execute at all. Not only do you need to let go of all directional input, it also seems like there has to be a slight delay between letting go of input and attempting a backstep, otherwise it just executes a directional dodge, and trying to do a backstep attack from that just does a regular attack instead, which can really screw you over if you're powerstancing. Many weapons have good backstep attack moves, but they're almost unusable because of how annoying it is to use backstep.
I think backwards dodge when targeting an enemy should always execute a backstep instead.
LMAO called the fuck out.
I have used backstep in DS3 and ER even without iframes just fine and it worked well
>Mobile game tells you everything and points an idiot with finger asking him to tap there
How this garbage even makes it into Elden Ring thread?
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Combat in Elden Ring is the worst in the series

It's just gimped Souls gameplay. You're still some rolling retard but enemies are vastly more evolved, more agile and they make you watch their flashy +10 hits combos
The entire combat is developed with souls experience in mind.
Some hits in combos are delayed so it would only catch people off guard if they played Souls.
Player animations (eg. recovery) are purposely gimped just so you'd have a harder time. This only affects melee but magic/ranged is a lot better. Magic was always stronger in Souls but the gap in ER got even broader.
Sekiro only has the combat going for it and location designs.
I think that's what most people like about Souls games in the first place, you explore a world and nobody tells you what to do.
>Here's the game, retard. Go play

It's just some retard at Fromsoft is trying to convince the others that people only like their games because they're "difficult". It's the sentiment that led to DaS2
>Nobody ever complained about that.
But that's obviously wrong, open world became a way to dilute the content instead of introducing more of it. Now, I'm not going to pretend that I know why games like BOTW are successful. I don't. But the facts are simple, Elden Ring suffers from the same issues as any other open world game.
I'd take Elden Rings variety over Sekiros L1 spam any day, parrys would be awful in pvp as well.
Cope eldenfags
>But that's obviously wrong
>*proceeds to prove me right*
>Elden Ring suffers from the same issues as any other open world game.
No, it doesn't. Elden Ring has a clear fovus on level design, exploration and the evolution of the Souls gameplay. It's exactly because it is not diluited by shitty gimmicks and design sensibilities from other open world games, that open world fans hate it and Souls fans love it. The fact that you hear even detractors say "I don't like open world games but I live Elden Ring" or even "I like Elden Ring in spite of its open world" shows that.
I don't enjoy Sekiro either, but
>feel the need to defend it by shitting on other games
Elden Ring webms are almost invariably accompanied by this sort of thing
I dont think its THAT bad. it requires a little bit of reworking muscle memory but if you do it with intention I personally dont find it hard to go between rolling and backstepping. it would be better if there was a direct input for it though I agree. I have B bound as an instant release macro so I dont have any issues with delays, I just use a back grip button for sprint (bonus camera control while sprinting). honestly with my setup, I found it even easier to dodge stuff with the backstep as the iframes seem to start almost instantly, which makes it very intuitive. I also have not had TOO much of an issue with not getting backstep attacks, though I have been using mostly weapons with long r1s (sword spear and beast claws) so it mattered a lot less if I missed one.

on another note, im now at radman and the twink, and the backsteps + talisman seem to work fine on him, on both phases. the phase 1 combo with 2 stomps gets like 3-4 free hits, ive not had too much practice on phase 2 where it has beams but it was easy to dodge with backstepping.
Only if you replace elden bing shit ost with actually good tracks

>the evolution of the Souls gameplay
More like its complete degeneration. The exploration in ER is not as unrewarding as uneven, there's always an implied path that will give you better items, at some point the dungeons lose their purpose.
The first area of the game constantly tells you to go back and get better, the later areas seem to retain the caves for the sake of keeping the only scraps of content you will find in the open world intact. Not that they are meant to be completed, nobody will bother with them on their second or third or fourth run. They're just there and you know they're there so it's all good and not empty at all.
Souls fans seem to love everything, even if it's not Souls related at all. Look at Armored Core. It's just brand fanatism at this point.
>People love the fight with the npcs where they talk to each other and you
I beg you reddit, fucking play AC6.
>please play my autistic robot game
I'm having trouble consistently hitting bayle's head and I'm using the biggest weapon I know, Prelate's Inferno. Is there a weapon with better hitbox/move set for this particular boss?
For all the fanfare and spectacle, hes a normal dragon. Hug his legs and hit it. Bleed works well there. The dragonslayer great katana was also made specifically for Bayle.
For me its nioh2 combat combined with fromsoft worldbuilding
Sekiro was fun but felt to easy and simple
I never found a single melee weapon that can hit him. Every punish opportunity comes with a punish dodge that leads to the enemy executing a counter-punish attack. So I just gave up and upgraded the smith script spear.
I jump-attacked him to death with dual grave scythes.
I've seen some go for his stub of a leg instead.
You have to watch out for his attack where he breathes fire downward though.
Why the Fingerprint specifically? I'm using the Erdtree shield, Dragon Towershield, and Cuckoo shields interchangeably on my current run.
You're suppose to use the dragon hunter's great katana it was made specifically for him. Like the spear for snake guy.

Perfectly illustrates the problem with the exploration. There's no actual difference in traversing different environments. It's just different colours and backgrounds for flat rectangular spaces.
All the praise for Sekiro's combat is fucking astounding to me when all it really does is replace rolling with "parrying"(blocking).
Part of the gimmick with the deflect is that it also repeatedly strengthens the next guard counter. I think it stacks up to five times but I could be remembering that wrong.
>backstep has actual iframes
How did I never notice this? I feel so embarrassed.
>perfect parrying does no stance damage
Yeah great it's useless
The only retards using it are the one trying to flex how good they can deflect attacks kek
Just keep rollin'
But it does buff the stance damage of your next guard counter
which is why >>681591768 this guy can stance break Gaius with just two guard counters
>contrarians and discord trannies seething at this
based based based
The next game will be exactly this, trust the plan.
Just use finger print at that point
>muh l1 spam
why are fromniggers so averse to having more options?
You don't have to deflect everything, you can use it in tandem with your dodging, jumping, and backstepping
thats not even L1 spam, its just holding down L1 and its auto-parrying like in Sekiro
its basically a shield with no downsides and this is what sekirocasuals want in souls shit
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>its just holding down L1
did you get filtered by the first furnace golem?
that's not at all how it works
>She got nearly all of her health back
she got 1/10th of her health back why are you fucking so autistic when it comes to the roll slopa
sekiro 2 should have extremely complicated metroidvania level design that lets you sequence break by not using shinobi tools meant to open the pathways. like if you need the shuriken to go into an area (can throw at a bell that opens the door idk), but you can find an alternate path guarded by a boss, and then when you are in the post-shuriken area without the shurikens, it's full of enemies meant to be fought with the shuriken so you get a more difficult experience for optional rewards
Im still mad they put deflect in the meme potion
it's more complicated than that but you would have to beat sekiro first to understand
The fact that you can't explain how proves that it's really not.
Sekiro was utter garbage
>you can only parry smaller humanoid type enemies
SotE has a wayyyy better open world simply because it's actually difficult to navigate. I spent the entire game thinking about how to get to different areas on the map, in base elden ring you basically just walked everywhere it was stupid as fuck

i agree that they could include more rewards but I'd rather have good world design with little rewards than a lot of rewards with bad world design
this bitch was easy as fuck if you were good at the game and jumped up the waterfall so you can get to scadu altus early and get 20 more scadutree fragments before fighting her
Were "spontaneous guards" always in the base game?
Can you "spontaneous guard" without the deflecting hardtear?
No and no. It's basically just enhancing the block with a temporary buff.
based and correct
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I hate stormveil so much. What legacy dungeon do you think was good and why? I liked the smaller set pieces way more while exploring.
based webm. contrarians malding
>An example of that is Radahn's two slashes into his cross slash, the first two slashes can be deflected normally while the third knocks you back, so as you learn to fight him with deflect you should come to the point of realizing you should deflect the first two hits and dodge the third so you can get a punish.
Wrong, you deflect the third point blank and mash out a counter. You roll into his attacks that create rock aoes because they're buggy and you can eat a shit ton of chip from being pushed into them.
My weapon didn't have the range to get out a counter at the distance he pushes you back.
Sekiro's world was better than ER's though?
>blogpost about why sekiro deflects are bad
>webm's clearly showing how sick deflects are
based i guess?
Now that the effect of the deflecting hardtear exists, it should be relatively simple to make a mod that makes its effect permanent right?
Two handed weapon with that tear is like the one way to make Elden Ring combat actually fun
Last I checked, Sekiro didn't have a single weapon that wasn't the katana.
Fucking retard. The person in that webm literally shows you the variety being used. Jumps, rolls, weapon art to get behind, AND a deflect. It's got fucking everything but silly shield shenanigans or just plain hyper armoring thru attacks.
>It's got fucking everything but silly shield shenanigans
Dueling shield says high.
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I haven't gotten to the DLC yet lads as I was on a 2 week vacation when it released.

I have a few questions.

>how is it overall? I heard some people didn't like it due to difficulty?
>is it really as big as some people claim? (heard some say it's basically a full game with 30+ hours of content, like Blood & Wine for Witcher 3)
>do any of the endings impact the DLC and on the back of this, can I do the DLC after beating the main game?

Also, side question. I fucked up Rogiers questline (can't speak to him about the shadow assassin fucks even though I discovered the curse thingy that shows the conspiracy. Fia already killed D ages ago in my save. Does this matter? I'm currently doing rannis quest)
>listen here retard
>here's how i agree with you
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>just more of the base game, great level design and fun weapons, enemies are anywhere from fair and memorable to unfair AOE spam screen vomit
>it's at least as big as the base game's lower half of the map, took me about 20 hours exploring everything
>I beat it after beating the base game and staying on NG, none of the quests mean anything in the DLC
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I dreaded facing Messmer due to some people claiming he is bullshit.

Turned out to be the easiest bonk yet in the course of the DLC.
>go to a merchant
>"please buy something. I'm so hungry"
>look at his wares
>sells raw meat
>alredy has a bonfire near him
no and thats how it works, you don't have to time the L1 or anything just stand and hold it
it took me 40 hours to complete, and the overworld design is so much better because it's actually puzzling how to get to different areas, i even had to give up and google a clue on how to get to the shittiest zone in the game what the fuck was that miyazaki?

also they don't throw map fragments at you 30 seconds from walking into the zone, sometimes you can go through 80% of the zone without finding the map
Sekiro is easier and has less gameplay than ER. Still a great game.
The merchants are jews anon
People who praise Sekiro as the height of from games are the same as people who used to praise Bloodborne similarly. That is, faggot retards who did not play the game, but want to complain about souls being too hard without just saying "this game is too hard :("
>every combo ends in an ebin heavy thrust that throws my guy back when deflecting so my character is out of range to guard counter
Please tell me it's only messmer that does this

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